Avatar of Yamada Zero
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 289 (0.10 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Yamada Zero 5 yrs ago
    2. ███████████ 7 yrs ago
    3. ██████████████ 7 yrs ago
    4. █████ 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
I'm looking at picking up a Tracer jacket and wig. Strongly thinking about trying out a little cosplay. Maybe a pair of aviators too!
5 yrs ago
What is this, CSI...KFC?
1 like
5 yrs ago
If you're looking for something to play this holiday season, check out Sleeping Dogs. Massively underrated, great fun and super cheap. You won't be disappointed.
5 yrs ago
What's so good about it?
5 yrs ago
Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.


Probably the only person who ever owned a Commodore Amiga 1200.

Most Recent Posts

I've never played a Digimon game. Where would I even begin as a new player to the experience?
I picked up the Mooncrash DLC for Prey.

Prey is a great game that I wish more people played.

Apologies for the very short notice, I've decided to withdraw from the RP for time reasons. Thank you for inviting along, and good luck. Hope you guys have fun.
I'm trying to decide between two characters at the moment, seeing which of them I feel the most confident taking on the mantle of.

Was thinking Dedue (or possibly Leonie).

I will make exceptional chefs out of each of you.
Anywho, count me in. I'm interested, Three Houses was my first FE game and it sold me on the rest of the series.

I'm just trying to decide who to be.
<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

I mean sure, you can play Hilda.

Fixed that for you.
<Snipped quote by Yamada Zero>
Capcom Registers New Trademarks, Including ‘Dino Crisis’ and ‘Darkstalkers’

I saw. If they bring back Darkstalkers...sign me up!

Oh shit. Power Stone!
I have temptation.
To become a better person.
So, with the Game Awards tomorrow and the year quickly coming to a close I figure now's a good a time as any for everyone's favorite topic.

Hey, guys, what is your Game of the Year for 2019? If it's too hard to pick one, feel free to make a list. Or make a list anyway. What games from 2019 are the ones you look back on the most fondly?

You already know my thoughts on Ace Combat 7. It really needed to get at least one nomination, maybe for VR or best music. Game of the Year though? I dunno, hard to say. I want to say Fire Emblem: Three Houses, I enjoyed that a lot. Put well over a hundred hours into it. RE2 remake is up there though, and I wanted to like Astral Chain more but for some reason that game kept giving me headaches.

Borderlands 3 gets an honourable mention because it was far better than I was expecting it to be, and it was plenty of fun.

The Division 2...eh, I just couldn't get into that game at all. I really tried, but it just didn't really hook me like the first game did.

Also, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 was a surprise. Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

resident evil 2 and modern warfare are games that i look back upon very fondly when i think of 2019 (out of ones that i've played that were relesed this year)

i felt that resident evil 2 remake was done very, very well and brought the series to the campy ass horror that it's supposed to be. everything about the game was absolutely gorgeous and the presence of mr. x did a good job at scaring the shit out of me.

modern warfare, on the other hand, despite its issues, is a very, very fun game and a welcome return to classic call of duty. it is also the second best campaign i've ever played in an FPS (the first being titanfall 2), and i've put more time into it than i would like to admit.

I will agree with you on the RE2 remake, and I'm glad they didn't make it an exact copy of the original game but instead added new things, gave it a twist on the original. I'm still expecting them to make some sort of Director's Cut. What are your thoughts on RE3 remake? Looking forward to it?
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