Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Elissa Isley

Location: The Faithful Bride

Elissa listened to Virginia, and nodded once she told them what ship they were looking for. She was really glad that they had some sort of information on what they were doing. She started smiling even bigger when Aravis confirmed that she was travelling with them. Elissa was glad that her friend had decided to start a life out at sea. "Araffis, glad you haffe decided to come vith us" she said to her friend.

She turned to look over at Anastasia, who was mentioning meeting her captain. "ead zee vay Anasdazia, might as vell head out now zat ve're all fixed up," she said to Anastasia, "Ve schould brobably head offer zere as zoon as bozible". She looked back towards Catalina and Virginia, even though she still thought that Virginia was a little strange, she was glad that Catalina had managed to help them.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: The Faithful Bride

Wasn't that just perfect then?

She watched out of the crack in her door as the very friend she needed to talk to enter the room right next to hers. She didn't hear the clicking of a lock or anything blocking it. It was as if fate was saying "Here you go!" It couldn't have been better. She waited to see if the others would leave the room. When she noticed they weren't leaving right away, she straightened her dress out before she made her way out, crept along the hallway, and entered the woman's room.

Obviously, she was expecting panic, but she had her hands up. All for the part. She didn't appear to be dangerous. If only she knew. "Wait, before you panic, I am not here to hurt you. I couldn't help but overhear your plea for help in finding your friend's parents. I'd like to offer my help as well if you would let me. I may not look it, but I have some skills that those other women you were talking to don't have. All I can say is I have a personal stake in this. Could I impose on you to tell me some more information on the missing people? Also, do you know what ship they serve on? I'd like to see if I could join them."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 3:05 PM Local Time

Harlianne James

Location: Near the Bellona - Port of Tortuga Docks

Harlianne tilted her head slightly, before bursting out laughing. They called her Mad Eyes for a reason and there was that glint. "Fuck, yorn't jokin'," Harlianne said, shaking her head slightly. The entire story was outlandish to her and that made it completely brilliant. There had been talk about Alucard's errand and how deadly it was, but this was insane. And Harlianne loved that. It was so absurdly impossible that it energized her. "But wiv the chuffin' kid-I don't want ter 'ave ter deal wiv 'er. So yer eever mind 'er or she stays on the island, got it?" Harlianne then added, with a bit of finality that suggested it was the end of that conversation topic.

"Now Alucard, i'n it?..I don't give a fuck wot 'e's doin'. I care about us completin' this job and gettin' paid, i'n it? We ain't the bleedin' authorities and we ain't gonna be. We'll give that scroll a 'ave a look, figure out 'ow ter save us own necks, and then it's business as usual."

Luisa had started to cry again, clinging closer to Sirena while Harlianne rolled her eyes. She didn't mind having a kid on her ship, but she didn't like small children. She could tolerate Luisa but nothing more than that. They made getting business done a pain and they were greedier than any pirate Harlianne had ever known. If Luisa was out of sight, that'd be the ideal arrangement for Harlianne. "Yer able ter read that scroll yet, then, eh? Wot language h is it in again, French?" However, Harlianne's question was practically forgotten as Isaac came over. Harlianne raised an eyebrow and gave Sirena a look that practically said your problem, mate. Harlianne decided to let Sirena deal with Isaac--he clearly knew her, though Harlianne didn't know if that was good or bad in this situation.

Aravis Zacharia

Location: the Faithful Bride - Port of Tortuga

As Millicent entered the room unannounced, a hatchet flew through the air, impaling itself into the doorframe just inches from Millicent's head. Virginia held another hatchet at the ready, a small one that was easily concealed in the folds of a dress, her countenance the very picture of serenity. She did not panic at all. "That was a warning," Virginia stressed, though she listened to what Millicent had to say. Once Millicent finished, Virginia set down the second hatchet on the nightstand and stood. She crossed the room and paused next to Millicent, before pulling the hatchet from the wall.

"You may impose upon me," Virginia answered softly, inches away from Millicent. "As for the ship they serve on, I do not know," Virginia admitted, before walking across the room. "What business do you have that would concern the Lord and Lady Dywell?" Those names would warrant some recognition from Millicent, tying back to her days with the Monarchs. There are certain families in London who hold considerable power in the underworld. The Crypts are one, possessing the Earldom of Dywell and causing more than a few bodies to turn up. It was rumored that the Dowager Countess' Ladies Companion, Jean Waverly, had slipped arsenic in the Dowager Countess' tea, only to later be killed in revenge by the Dowager Countess' granddaughter, Lady Virginia.

Meanwhile, Aravis nodded at Elissa and Anastasia. It was high time she met the Captain she'd be working for. "Lead the way, then, Anastasia," Aravis said. She figured the boat would be at the docks but that didn't mean the Captain was there, after all.

Édouard Riviere

Location: Twelve Daggers Tavern - Port of Tortuga

Jean checked Alice for a pulse and was grateful to find one was there. However, the young girl wasn't waking up. She looked like Sleeping Beauty as she stayed on the floor of the tavern. Biting her lip, Jean turned to see a man approaching them. "See if the barkeep has some smelling salts," Waverly said, not caring to inquire as to Edgard's position. "It must have been the shock."

Édouard raised an eyebrow and snickered, seeing a little woman talk to Edgard like that. He couldn't wait to see what the famed Baron of Blood and Fire would do. If he was lucky, there'd be more entertainment. Edgard always provided the best violence, one of the reasons he liked the man. It wasn't Edgard's fault that he had poor taste in women and happened to fall in love with Alisanne. Of course, it also didn't seem to register with Édouard that his fiancée had fainted and that he would be expected to help her.

Whoever would approach the barkeep to ask for smelling salts would be fortunate. They just so happened to keep some in the back, just in case anyone needs to be revived quickly. It helps them to tell the difference between the unconscious and the corpses. After barroom brawls, it can be hard to tell the difference, am I right? And they broke their last small mirror ages back, so they can't even check for life that way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: The Faithful Bride

Anastasia smiled and nodded at the two women, as she started to head down the hallway and started to make her way through the tavern portion of the inn, she looked at the people as they had a few drinks and sang some shanties. She was very tempted to just snatch up a drink right then and there just to dull the pain a bit. But she decided against it, as Anastasia started to head out and back onto the streets "De Bellona isn't dat far, we shud be dare pretty soon." Anastasia said.

As she walked Anastasia decided to try and get to know more of her new crewmates. "So since we 'ill be workin' together, waaat wud yer loike ter nu or ask aboyt me, or de captain?" Anastasia asked as she looked down at her stitched up hand, moving it around slightly feeling the skin lightly being tugged at by the stitches. She remembered hearing the gunshot from earlier, and decided to just avoid where that had came from as she continued along the way back towards the docks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: On board the Bellona (Port of Tortuga)

Sirena did not blame Harlianne for laughing. The whole situation was absurd and utterly hard to believe. Hell, she had seen it all firsthand, and yet she still had a hard time believing it. Her brows furrowed, and she looked down at Luisa when Harlianne spoke about her. God, what was she supposed to do? She did not know how to properly take care of a child, let alone how to be a mother. Growing up she did not have a good role model to teach her such things. No, her own mother was anything but a mother. As far as Sirena saw it, the woman was really only a mother in the biological sense of the word. Sure, Sirena was fed, had clothes on her back, and a roof over her head, but to what end? All her mother did was manipulate and use her, and she was put in harm's way time and time again. A mother is suppose to protect her child and to make that child into a better version of herself. Granted, the struggles ultimately had made her into the strong woman she was today. But truth be told, under her cool, alluring exterior, she was broken. How could a broken person possibly care for a fragile little girl? By being better than her demons and not repeating their past mistakes. She couldn't repair the damage that had been dealt to her, but she most certainly could prevent someone else from suffering a similar fate. Perhaps there was still some good left in her after all.

Sirena looked back up at Harlianne, nodding her head in understanding. There was a glint of newfound determination in her blue eyes. She would not let a measly child leave her defeated. No, she would make this work, at least until a better option came along, if it ever did. This child was under her protection for the time being, and anyone who dared try to harm Luisa would meet Sirena's iron fist. She pursed her lips at Harlianne's next statements. She still wanted to figure out what Mr. Alucard was hiding, out of her own stubborn curiosity and vengefulness. However, it seemed that it would have to go on the backburner. Sirena looked down sharply, her eyes widening as Luisa began to cry again. She let out a sigh and rubbed her temple with her fingers as her gaze went back to Harlianne. She was about to reply to her captain's question when an oddly familiar voice spoke up.

Her head whipped to the side to see the culprit. Oh, hell no, she thought as she recognized the man. Isaac was one of the many men who had unsuccessfully tried to charm her. However, he had been particularly persistent, meaning she had to shoot him down a bit more bluntly than most. As far as she was concerned, he was basically another Édouard. He wasn't as naïve, but he certainly was as annoying. Her eyes narrowed slightly as he spoke. Acquaintances? Over my dead body. Does he actually think we are friends? His odd demeanor, the way in which he wouldn't meet her gaze, contradicted his statements. She had power over him. A devilish smirk came to her features at the realization. Her attention was pulled away from Isaac for a moment at the look on Harlianne's face. She gave her a scowl in return, but it was mostly halfhearted.

Sirena's gaze went back to Isaac. Her smirk returned, and there was an indecipherable glint to her eyes. She walked towards him. Moving around was made more difficult and awkward by Luisa, but she still managed to do it. And she did it with notably unfazed confidence. She began to slowly circle him as her fingers lightly grazed his chest, shoulders, and back. "So, you are asking me for help now, huh? Well, you are in luck. Captain Harlianne is in need of a crew," she stated, her voice soft and alluring. She finally stopped back in front him. And just as quickly as she had turned on the charm, her countenance suddenly hardened. Her voice now held an iciness to it. "Let me make one thing clear. If you double-cross us, I will ruin you. Do I make myself clear?"

Location: Twelve Daggers Tavern – Port of Tortuga
Mood Music: "Prey for Me" by Korn

"Do I look like a bloody servant?!" Edgard spat. He quickly closed the distance between them, until his muscular 6'1" form was towering over the comparatively diminutive women. He then knelt down until he was eyelevel with Jean. His eyes were a raging storm of endless blue. "No, I am Lord Edgard Pyrbeest, the Baron of Blood and Fire. I am the fiancé of Alisanne Riviere and the quartermaster of Édouard. I suggest you either show me some respect, or I will make you fear me," he growled in her face. His gaze then moved to take in the practically lifeless form of Alice Blackwood. Unlike Édouard, Edgard liked his women strong. He despised weakness, regardless of what form it came in. Pleasing to the eyes or not, it was all the same to him. Alice Blackwood was no expectation. She was the epitome of weakness. She was certainly a lame excuse for a wife, let alone a leader of La Fraternité du Sang. If Édouard was smart, he would marry the woman, take her title and power, and then dispose of her as quickly as possible. But who was he kidding? Édouard was just as weak. Perhaps that meant that they'd make the perfect couple. There was amusement in Edgard's eyes as he straightened back up to his full height, before looking down at the women once more.

"So this is the Alice Blackwood?" he scoffed, as a sly grin came to his features. "And how does she expect to marry into La Fraternité du Sang when she cannot even handle the sight of a dead body? I actually considered that a rather clean kill. How is she going to handle seeing a man gutted? How is she going to feel at hearing the sounds of men screaming as they are tortured for information? She will surely break." There was a devilish glint to his eyes now. He hoped that even in her unconscious state Alice could hear every single word he said. He hoped it hit her to the core and put fear and doubt into her very essence. He hoped it would break her. Without another word, he spun on his heels and cockily strode over to Édouard. The man likely hadn't understood a word of what his quartermaster had said, and even if he had, Edgard didn't really care. Actually, his words could potentially put doubt into Édouard himself. Perhaps Edgard had picked up a thing or two from Alisanne. She always liked to play mind games, after all.

"Il semblerait que votre fiancée Alice Blackwood s'est évanouie à la vue de mes tueries. Je l'attendais, mais je ne pense pas que ce soit ma place. Elle est tout à vous après tout," he stated as he walked up to Édouard. He then clapped the man on the back as he passed him. "Amusez-vous avec ça.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Taro
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Taro Toxic Root

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Isaac Armistad

Location: Port Of Tortuga

As Sirena began to circle him Isaac felt a small bead of sweat run down his back. She was playing some kind of game with him and he wasn't sure what it was. Sure enough, he felt his stomach do several flips when she turned back on him. Clearly she still harbored some kind of ill will towards him. He tried to steady his voice, and his nerves before he chose to respond. This time, looking her dead in the eye, Isaac smiled. "My dear Sirena, I don't know why you would assume I would betray you. As I recall, we didn't get along too terribly before. Sure we've had a bit of a battle of wits in the past, but the past is all but the past. I would rather we start anew. After all, it appears we're going to be crew-mates." He tried to flash her an honestly friendly smile and felt it as it faltered into a grimace of fear for a moment. She wasn't going to let him off the hook anytime soon, but maybe he had one trick up his sleeve that could still win him some favor with her, and in theory, the rest of the crew.

"Besides, I know of a treasure that is out there that men have killed each other for information on. As long as you're willing to have me aboard, I can get us some more information. This is a group effort after all isn't it?" He smiled again, this time keeping his thoughts on the treasure the witch had mentioned. This could be it. His big score allowing him to retire from being a pirate and spend the rest of his days in the complete lap of luxury. Doing nothing more than conning a few ignorant nobles out of their money and jewels. After all, that's all he wanted out of life. Comfort, and a steady income (even if most weren't aware they were funding his lifestyle). He looked Sirena dead in the eyes, confidence boosted by these thoughts. "I can make us all rich beyond our wildest dreams. I only ask for your help this once." He made sure to make his voice sound even more confident than he was already feeling.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: The Faithful Bride

Millicent let the axe throwing go. As far as she was concerned, she intruded on her space so it was only fair she be nearly beheaded. That being said, it occurred to her that there were multiple people here with amazing, unnatural abilities. The woman at the dock and now an axe throwing lady. What next? She shook it off as the woman spoke.

When she mentioned the names, images flashed in her mind. She had heard of the Dywells before, most notably through The Crypt. Every member of the Monarchs knew of them. She heard the rumors and the stories. If this was the Virginia she heard about, it only proved her point that she needed to be involved in this investigation. Not only would it provide valuable intel for the Monarchs, but she could easily get an in should they return home. Who knows, perhaps the Dywells bit off more than they can chew. Can't kill what you can't see.

"I know of them from reputation mostly, but one does hear things in my line of work. The upstart noble man bragging or the secrets shared among ladies in the dressing room. You've no right to trust me and I certainly don't wish to have another axe thrown at me, but I possess a variety of skills that would be worth having on their ship. I would like to seek passage and I have a feeling I know where their ship might be, even if you do not know the name. Rest assured, my lady, I will do my part to make sure they come home safe and unharmed, or if that not be the case, at least the mystery would be solved. And if there's one thing I love doing the most, it's solving mysteries."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Elissa Isley

Location: The Faithful Bride

Elissa smiled again and gave a little wave to the two women as she followed Anastasia out of the room. She started to wonder just who the Captain of the ship. After all her time at sea, Elissa had learned that each ship Captain was different, and to constantly be prepared to interact with any personality. They each ran their ship using different techniques, some were a lot harsher, while others were more forgiving and could be trusted upon with secrets.

The walk to the docks gave Elissa a chance to talk to Anastasia about it, but she decided to lead into her other questions with a more simple one."How long haffe you zerffed vith zee Cabtain? she asked as they walked out down the street. Thought that she might as well ask that, since some Captains have crews that have been together for years, while others had just formed. Her curiosity was hard to contain, but she managed to keep herself calm as she asked her question.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 3:11 PM Local Time

Harlianne James

Location: Near the Bellona - Port of Tortuga Docks

Harlianne watched with amusement as Sirena put her talents to use. It was a little awkward, however, due to the little girl clinging to Sirena's leg the entire time. Luisa had no family left and Sirena seemed willing to protect her. That was good enough for the little girl. The thought to mention her mother's friends didn't occur to Luisa, as she instead giggled a bit at what Sirena was doing.

"Dejó que mi madre y yo tomáramos un sorbo de un tesoro," Luisa mentioned. "Pero no había una bruja..." Luisa added. That should be enough to cause a chill to run down Sirena's spine. Isaac never said anything about a witch. Everyone else who came into contact with the treasure Mr. Alucard sought was dead, hours after gaining abilities. The logical conclusion...

Well, Sirena won't have to worry about a child for much longer.

"'e didn't say nuffink about a witch," Harlianne observed, raising an eyebrow. She understood Spanish, after all.

Aravis Zacharia

Location: Heading to the Docks - Port of Tortuga

Aravis thought about it as they walked, allowing Elissa to ask the first question. There were several basics that she supposed should be asked, but her mind was still filled with thoughts of the adventure they might have. Sure, some captains were brilliant and others were...well, mutinies happen for a reason. But per the Pirate's Code, any captain was elected to the position. The only exception was a newly formed crew--then, whoever supplied the boat tended to be captain and no one argued until later on, when they'd leave the captain marooned on an island with a single bullet in a revolver.

"What sort of person is your captain?" Aravis asked. She had already made her judgments about Anastasia. The woman was tough but fair, a bit dangerous but kind. She didn't feel a need to ask too many specifics about her. Those stories would come out on their own.

Virginia's hands glided across the hatchet blade. Her touch was light and delicate, almost void of pressure, as to prevent injury. "My father taught me to throw hatchets when I was small. It was in preparation for one day dancing the Mamushka. My mother...They call her unhinged. They married the day he arranged for her release from the asylum. And my brother, sweet little James...He is a promising arsonist, having burned down Whimsley Manor," Virginia said. "Crypts are not so easily killed. You will find them alive." From her tone, it is clear that the conversation is over.

Édouard Riviere

Location: Twelve Daggers Tavern - Port of Tortuga

Jean smirked a bit at Edgard's comments, staring back at him with a similar intensity and fierceness. If Edgard was the Baron of Blood and Fire, Jean might be described as the Lady of Bones and Ice. She had experienced a great deal in her life, despite her young age, and she wasn't easily scared by another peer attempting to through their weight around.

"Fetch some smelling salts," Jean instructed once more. Alice still wasn't coming to, but at least she was breathing. There was no indication as to whether or not Edgard's words reached her. "She does not wish to marry into an organization of murderers and thieves," Jean then added, hardly resisting the temptation to roll her eyes at Edgard's speech.

Édouard paused for a moment, thinking of the words that Edgard said to him. However, instead of inspiring doubt or fear, Édouard simply shrugged. This wasn't a marriage for love or passion, like Edgard and Alisanne. No, this was all about collecting power and wealth. Édouard didn't care for the woman lying on the floor and while Édouard didn't understand Jean's words, Alice didn't care for Édouard either. Irony, no? The couple without love is together, while the couple with love may have just been torn apart by death itself.

"Ça m'est égal," Édouard shrugged, before striding over to his fiancée. He nudged the girl's body with his foot, as if that would somehow help. He then shot a glance back at Edgard that seemed to say well, tried my best. And this was the man who would lead La Fraternité du Sang instead of Edgard and Alisanne...
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: On board the Bellona (Port of Tortuga)

- "Broken Crown" by Sharm (Cover)

There was a dark glint to Sirena's lovely blue eyes as she watched Isaac closely. The corner of her lips tugged up into a sly smirk, which seemed to be a characteristic of hers. She relished in the power she held over him. She was accustomed to the way she could enthrall men, but little did she ever inspire fear in them. How could she? She had a slender 5'6" frame that was more alluring than threatening. Her wit, confidence, and determination were surely the only qualities about her that could inspire such fear. And yet, here this man was with fear in his eyes when she had not even raised a blade at him. She realized there was more going on here than meets the eye, a reason for his reaction. Perhaps he was still butthurt over her shooting him down. But why the fear? She gave him a once over as if that would provide her greater insight.

"I am afraid the past clings to me greater than most. Don't expect different results from the last time I shot you down. We are crewmates, nothing more and nothing less," she finally replied. She then turned on her heels and started to walk off, with Luisa still clinging to her leg. However, she paused midstride at Isaac's last statement. She didn't turn back to face him fully, instead looking at him over her shoulder. "If this is about the cursed flask that a Mr. Alucard is commissioning people to retrieve, we are all well aware. And I have personally already scrounged plenty of information for that journey," she scoffed. She then faced forward once more and made her way over to Harlianne.

As Sirena neared Harlianne, Luisa spoke up out of the blue. However, she wasn't prepared for the words that came from the little girl's mouth. A chill ran down her spine. "You did want now?" Sirena exclaimed, her voice alarmed. She looked over at Harlianne with wide eyes and then back down at Luisa. If the little girl drank from the flask, then her fate was sealed. She was a goner, surely. It explains her mother's disappearance. However, it was peculiar that she had not perished at the same time as her mother. Sirena's brows furrowed, and her hand softly caressed the girl's face. There was nothing she could do to protect her from the curse, and it honestly saddened her. She let out a small shuttering breath as she closed her eyes for a moment. When her eyes opened again, they were mostly devoid of emotion. She then knelt down to get eyelevel with Luisa. "¿Qué bruja?" she inquired, changing the subject.

Location: Twelve Daggers Tavern – Port of Tortuga

- "Ain't No Grave" by Hidden Citizens ft. Adam Christopher

Edgard sent a stormy eyed glare in Jean's direction when she incessantly instructed him to retrieve smelling salts. If she actually thought he would do a servant's job, she was terribly mistaken. He held back an amused smirk at her other statement. So the honorable Alice Blackwood did not wish to marry into La Fraternité du Sang after all? Well, this should prove rather interesting. To break off this arranged marriage, this alliance in the making, was surely a death sentence for her family. It would be their blood on her hands. He highly doubted the diminutive young noblewoman could live with that on her conscience.

He strode over to the spot he had previously occupied. His rum was still there on the table, where it had been left seemingly forgotten. He unceremoniously plopped down into the chair before propping his feet up on the table. He wanted to get comfortable for the "show" that was about to unfold. He reached out and absentmindedly grabbed his mug of rum as he watched Édouard. He had nearly brought the rim of the mug to his lips when he suddenly paused. His thoughts flitted back to how Margot, and nearly Alisanne, was killed with cyanide. A grimace crossed his features, and he promptly set the mug of rum aside. He would need to be more careful from here on out, for who knows if he was the next target.

He looked up as Édouard shot him a glance. His lips twitched up into a small, seemingly amused smirk. However, there was still a dark glint to his eyes. If Margot could so easily be killed by cyanide, which was likely laced in a drink, what's to say that Édouard couldn't as well? A more genuine smirk came to his features at the devilish thought.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: The Faithful Bride

As Anastasia walked along the streets towards the docks she looked over at Elissa as she asked her the first question, closing her eyes for a moment as she started to think about it. She had been with Harlianne for awhile now, since she had been captured by the East India Company that was where she remembered meeting her. "Oi believe oi started workin' wi' 'er, maybe foive or six years ago. We were aboyt ter be 'anged by de east india company, but we managed ter escape together. Ah've been wi' captain 'arley since, an' never looked back." Anastasia answered her as she walked into the docks now, she hadn't ever regretted joining up with Harlianne ever since then.

As Anastasia walked she watched as the various dock hands went about stocking up their ships and getting ready to sail out to wherever their location was going to be. She kept her eyes peeled, in case any trouble did come out she was pretty sure that if those pirates at the Kings Arm might be after her at some point for maiming or killing their friend. "De captain, she's extremely loyal ter 'er cru an' treats us fairly. once she's a friend she's pure loyal an' 'ill alwus 'av yisser back."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: The Faithful Bride -> Docks

Millicent eyed the lady and her feelings were correct: the people in this place were more than met the eye. It would seem she had a mission now. She would find the Crypts. Alive? Well, that would depend on them. Virginia may be confident in their ability to remain alive, but Millicent regarded herself as one who could defy the odds. She left the woman's room without another word. She didn't want another axe thrown at her.

She quickly made her way outside the bar and towards the docks. She would have to gain passage on that ship and if her other feeling was true, it would be manned by the lady Captain she met before. It may take some convincing on her part, but she needed to get on that ship. Either way, she would find her way towards their destination.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Taro
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Taro Toxic Root

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Isaac Armistad

Location: Port Of Tortuga

As Sirena began to move away from him, Isaac chose to ignore her next words. He was still too busy planning his next move, and attempt at getting rich. He was lost in these thoughts, when he caught the end of what Sirena had to say. So she heard about the flask from a man named Alucard? "I'm sorry, I have no idea who this Alucard man is. Although, from what I was able to gather on my last ship, this sounds like the right treasure." He heard the little girl speak up in Spanish. He had no idea what she had said until he heard the ship's captain say something about a witch.

Immediately his mind flashed to the witch he had let escape. He was nervous they wouldn't take him if they knew a witch was involved. He tried to force the suspicion off of himself, if there was any, by asking a deflecting question. "Something your friend Alucard forgot to mention? Does this girl have ties to him?" He didn't want to leave the witch to wander around the port of course, but he didn't want his new crewmates to attempt to abandon him for coming in contact with her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Elissa Isley

Location: The Faithful Bride

Elissa liked hearing about the captain. She sounded like an interesting woman, and this would also be the first time that she had served on a ship with a woman for a captain. She was interested in the idea, and she really wanted to meet the woman. This was an interesting conversation, as Aravis' question was going to be the next one that she asked. The fact that her friend beat her to the punch made her smile a little. Clearly her friend knew what type of questions that she should ask, even though she wasn't used to sailing on a ship.

She smiled as Anastasia answered their questions. Spending several years with the captain made it so that if anyone knew about her, it would be Anastasia. That was the real reason she had asked that question, since she wondered just how much this woman knew about the captain that she worked under. Experience was key in these types of things, if people had worked for a while with one person, they would have a decent idea of who the captain was.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 3:22 PM Local Time

I am afraid to tell you this, but before this story is over, you all will perish. Each and everyone of you has been marked for death, like animals awaiting the slaughter. The question you're likely asking is how? And perhaps for some of you why? But that isn't the question you should be looking for, no. There is nothing to be gained from attempting to apply reason to death. It is without explanation.

The question you should be asking is when. And for all but a few of you, the question is answered before it has left your lips. You died. There's no point in crying about it. There's nothing to be done. As for which ones met their mortal coil, well, let's find out...

Remaining in her room at the Faithful Bride, Virginia sharpened her axe. It was important to keep the blade in good condition, as the tool otherwise lost its purpose. Angling the blade as to allow herself to see her own reflection, Virginia smiled slightly. It was simply another indication of its good quality. However, an immense pain soon gripped her mind, rendering her immobilized. Her hatchet clattered to the ground, narrowly missing her feet, but she couldn't move a muscle. She couldn't breathe. It felt like her head was about to implode and simultaneously explode, but there was nothing to be done.

In the nearby room, Catalina fell to the floor, attempting to scream to express her agony but there was nothing to be done. The vibrational presence that immobilized her grew and grew, until the pressure was simply too much and her head burst, with brain matter spraying onto the walls and clinging to the floor. In the Twelve Daggers Tavern, Alice died in a similar manner, her blood and brain splattering all over Edgard. It was almost a symphony of sorts, as Édouard's head burst, only to be followed by Jean's. Yet Edgard, as well as everyone else in Tortuga, could do nothing but watch as complete and utter agony ripped through them.

In the Twelve Daggers, only Edgard and two members of the crew survived.

In town proper, it wasn't much different. Even the marshes were not safe. The fabled witch's eyes widened with brief understanding as she felt the immense pain within the confines of her hut, before she too was killed. Mr. Alucard did not have such comprehension and understanding in his final moments. They were among thirty five others in the town who perished, blood and brains covering the ground. It would be impossible to walk without stepping on someone's remains at this point.

The pain doesn't stop. The psychic, searing pain does not cease. Near the docks, Aravis, Anastasia, and Elissa were closer to the epicenter of it. Beads of sweat cover Aravis as she attempts to endure the pain and it seems Lady Luck has taken pity on her. While Aravis' brain does not paint the ground, there is a worser fate that awaits her. Anastasia and Elissa both perish, along with Millicent. The Monarchs' training did not prepare her for this.

As for the epicenter, well...

One minute earlier...

"Me duele la cabeza... Sirena, ¡haz que se detenga!" Luisa screamed, ignoring everything that everyone else said. She didn't understand English, so it didn't matter to her much what the other people were saying. Gripping her hands around her head, Luisa screamed in pain as blood flowed out of her eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. The blood flow only increased and increased, as everyone around Luisa collapsed to the ground, feeling compelled by some psychic force.

"¡AYUADAME!" Luisa screeched, as blood began to pour from everyone else's minds. The flask had gifted Luisa with the ability to not just read minds, but to control them. The pain and suffering Luisa felt was inflicted onto everyone else and the little girl couldn't help it. As the seconds went on, the pain only increased. Harlianne gritted her teeth, screaming as a way to work through the pain, as she pulled out her gun and aimed for the girl's head, pulling the trigger.

Only that was when Luisa's control of everyone in Tortuga became complete. The immobilization was underway and Isaac, the poor thing, was the first to die. His blood and brain covered Sirena from head to toe. Harlianne was barely holding on, attempting with all of her might to move her finger and pull the trigger to end Luisa, but she couldn't move. She was powerless and the blood was gushing quickly. One by one, everyone else in the docks was dropping dead.

"¡SIRENA ME AYUDA!" Luisa wailed, as the pain intensified. But it was no use, something that was soon becoming clear to the little girl. A strange calmness overtook her as Luisa looked at Harlianne in the eye. "Mátame," Luisa said. As if someone else was controlling her actions, Harlianne watched herself pull the trigger and send the bullet flying towards Luisa, imbedding itself in her skull.

At the docks, only Harlianne and Sirena survived.

The Devil's Triangle: April 4th, 1719 - 3:22 PM Local Time

You have died. Whether you realize this instantly or are in denial, it doesn't matter. You are no longer a human being. You are a ghost, a spirit. And something draws you to this place. A minute ago, you were alive in Tortuga. And now you find yourself here, on a small piece of land with no name in the midst of the Devil's Triangle--waters that no sailor dared to cross. If you try to leave the Devil's Triangle, it won't work. You will find yourself back where you came from. That's the first rule of the dead, or at least, from your perspective.

You cannot leave the Triangle.

Time continues to move for you, but that is perhaps the only normal thing. One minute, the sand of the shore brushes through you, as if you were not there. And in other moments, you can feel it on your skin. Perhaps you will learn to control it, learn to become tangible when it suits you and intangible when it does not. There are other things you can do. Objects, with enough thought, can move as you desire them to. Distance means nothing to you, as you can teleport across it.

But there is something else on the island with you. You can feel it in your bones--if you still have those. It is a primal craving for you, something calling for you to find it. No matter your confusion, the call will echo in your mind, repeating itself in a language you cannot understand and could not describe if you were asked.

But that is no matter--dead men tell no tales.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: The Faithful Bride

As Anastasia continued to walk along the docks looking between the two of them and gave a towards them, then she stopped and started to hear some screams of pain from the dock workers. Then she started to feel an increased amount of pain in her own head causing Anna to drop down to her knees feeling blood starting to pour out of her nose, ears, eyes and mouth. The pain was getting much worse now as her head continued to ring, then nothing and everything had gone black.

Anastasia slowly opened her eyes and looked around the beach she had found herself now on, she was confused at what had just happened as she slowly walked along the shore. She didn't recognize the island she was now trapped in Anastasia hoped that she could at least find, Serina, Elissa Harlianne or Aravis around. She looked down at the water near the shore, as she could at times feel it rushing over her feet, and then sometimes it just simply phased through them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: On board the Bellona (Port of Tortuga)
Mood Music: "Your World Will Fail" by Les Friction

Sirena practically leapt to her feet as Luisa suddenly began to scream out in pain. Her eyes widened, and she quickly grew frantic. She wanted to do something to help, but she did not know what would help. She gingerly reached out, intent on trying to comfort her, and maybe even to rub her head and neck in hopes of easing some of the pain. However, the movement of her hand paused, hovering merely a few inches from Luisa, when blood began to pour from the girl's eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. Sirena's expression changed to a look of horror and a gasp left her parted lips. She had little time to react further, as pain exploded within her. She was pulled to the ground, as if by some unseen force. She hit the deck of the Bellona with a dull thud, causing pain to radiate throughout her whole body.

There was a nearly deafening ringing noise in her ears, and yet she could hear Luisa's screams clear enough. Her nose was filled with the stench of blood, her own blood she realized as it poured down her face. She struggled to move, feeling completely immobile. She tried to reach out to Luisa, but the attempt was futile. "Luisa, para esto! ¡Solo tu puedes!" she managed to cry out before a scream was ripped from her lungs. The pain was like nothing she had ever experience before and nothing she wished to experience again. It threatened to plunge her world into darkness, but perhaps that would have been a blessing.

Sirena felt something warm spray onto her, covering her in a smelly and sticky mess. To her horror, she figured out that it was Isaac on her, literally. Off not far to her side was the gruesome remains of what had once been a man. She gagged, nearly vomiting in her mouth. Her pain filled gaze went back to Luisa, and she fought even harder than before to get to the little girl and to put a stop to this madness, somehow. A chill went through her at the words Luisa spoke, and then it was all over. The sound of a gun being fired rang out and a bullet promptly imbedded itself into the little girl's skull. A strangled cry left Sirena's lips. She then slumped onto the ground, her strength leaving her and her breaths coming out ruggedly. It was all over now, but at what cost?

Location: Twelve Daggers Tavern – Port of Tortuga

- "Ain't No Grave" by Hidden Citizens ft. Adam Christopher

Suddenly the unexpected happened right before Edgard's eyes. However, it wasn't entirely unenjoyable, for him at least. One need not forget that he was a twisted man after all. A spray of still warm blood and brain matter hit him as Alice's head imploded and subsequently exploded all over the tavern. His eyes widened for a moment, before a wicked gleam came to them. Alice Blackwood was no more. He would remember this moment fondly. His only regret was that he had not been the cause of such a beautifully gruesome death. Unfortunately, he did not get to revel in the moment for long, as a searing pain hit him full force.

He gritted his teeth, barely holding back a scream of pain as he clutched his head. After seeing what had happened to Alice, one should realistically be scared to death, or scared of death. But Edgard could barely even think as the pain in his head was so great. He tried to get out of his chair, but he instead ended up collapsing to the floor. A pain filled yell left his lips before he could stop it, and his own blood mixed with that of Alice's. There was a ringing noise in his ears, and his gaze grew foggy as it turned to the others in the room. He was just in time to witness Édouard's head explode followed by Jean's. "What the hell?! That was supposed to be my kill," he exclaimed but it came out as more of a groan. His balled fist slammed against the floor as he let out another yell. This time he was really just pissed. Who knew a man could be in such pain and yet still be entirely petty?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: Docks -> ???

Millicent made her way to the docks. Just as she was about to get there, she felt a sudden pain. It was unlike anything she experienced before. IT was sharp and came in an instant. She couldn't scream, but she wanted to. She fell to her knees and then...


She woke up however long later. She glanced around her as she laid on the ground. She didn't recognize where she was, but she wasn't at the docks anymore. From the looks of it, she wasn't on the same island. Where the hell was she?

That didn't matter much. She could feel it. It was deep, almost like it was inside of her. This calling of something. Wherever she was, it had what she needed. Desperately.

So she stood up. And began to walk.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Elissa Isley

Location: The Faithful Bride -> Some island

She had no idea what just happened. One minute, she was walking through the port towards Anastasia's ship, the next minute she was on a beach somewhere else. She was confused, and started to try and remember what happened. It was a blur for her, and nothing seemed to be right. When thinking about it, she remembered that she and Aravis were talking with Anastasia about the Captain that they were going to be work with, and then everything muddled together.

Where were Anastasia and Aravis? They had been walking next to each other, so why weren't they standing next to her? She remembered the pain in her head, and a few screams around her, but nothing beyond that. What had happened there? Elissa was confused, and no one was around for her to ask. The fact that she appeared to be alone was a little unsettling, but she could deal with that. She paused for a moment, and felt the presence of something, something filled with power. Elissa started to walk, looking for both any sign of people, or what it was that was that drew her to it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Taro
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Taro Toxic Root

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Isaac Armistad

Location: Port Of Tortuga

When the little girl began to shriek, Isaac had no idea what to expect. He was really only concerned that something was wrong with her and he was going to have to deal with her. Sirena seemed very attached after all; literally. He was about to say something in an attempt to help when a loud ringing began to work its way into his brain. This was an interesting sensation as normally sounds enter your ear...right? He was wondering exactly what was happening when the blood began to pour from his eyes. Of course, from his perspective, he thought he was just crying. Nothing more. Surely that was something one does when a sound is particularly loud after all. He could feel however, a strange wobbling feeling in his skull. It was as though his very head was changing shape. "Sirena, is that girl oka-" He was interrupted as a strange ripping sound began to come from his own head.

The next thing he was aware of, Isaac was on a completely different beach. Things seemed rather dark and gloomy around here, but he figured he'd find his way back eventually. The last memories he had were of a splitting headache, and blacking out s he must have gotten really really drunk the night before. He was supposed to be with Sirena though. That was when it hit him. He had died. It was all that damn girl's fault. He tried desperately to remove himself from the island but he just couldn't get it to work. Then he heard it. The strange calling of something he desired greatly, yet had no idea what it was. Perhaps it was best to follow this instinct. They hadn't been too far off in the past.
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