Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

    Pact Nations (1912-1919)
  • Unified Great Bands of Vivia, Grand Chief Julian Pohwati (52)
    - Primed for Collapse: Our industry became known as the Salesman of the Dead, as it churned out rifles, bullets and grenades and anything else that could send a man to meet his maker. Without a war on, how much longer can our industry hold up for? [+250% GDP Per Capita Modifier. 1d100 for Total Economic Collapse every Turn, Economic Collapse occurs on 95+. Every Month Roll receives a +1 Modifier.]
    - Stolen Victory: We fought on the winning side and yet our grievances for joining the war were ignored. This victory has been a hollow one and the people will not forget. [Begins the game with .5 Fascist Growth/Month.]
  • Empire of Mille-Sessau, Empress Alexandria Sartre (51)
    - The Post War Economy: We gave everything we had. Our nation now suffers from a lack of resources and skilled workers. [-5% GDP Growth/Year. -5% Population Growth.]
  • Empire of Vornheim, High Emperor Henrich Von Burgghusen (74)
    - Civil War: Near the end of the war our regime fell apart, and now our government is fighting for it's life. Brother against brother. [+25% GDP Modifier. Begins the game in Civil War.]

    Neutral Nations
  • Socialist Republic of Voskiya, Premier Dominik Luczynski (44)
    - An Obsolete Army: The People's Liberation Army is in a fledgling state following the exodus and purges of forces loyal to the old bourgeois system. Our military and their commanders, though not lacking in their passion and loyalty are largely untested in battle. [Military Experience Gain is cut in half until 1929.]
    - Lost Territory: Following the war, territory that was rightfully ours was stolen, and let it be known, we will get it back. [Begins the game with claims on Terkovia and Karum.]
  • Hermasian Kingdom, King Alcides Narváez (32)
    - Disarmament: Immediately following the end of the war, our nation voted to disarm and return to a more civilian economy. [-25% Armaments Industry Size, -25% Shipbuilding Industry Size, -25% Aviation Industry Size. +25% Goods Demand.]
  • Republic of Blaque
    - An Experienced Arms Industry: We learned much about conducting warfare and designing newer and more powerful weapons of war. [+25% Armaments Industry Size. +25% Automobile Industry Size. -25% Goods Demand.]

    Defeated Nations (1905-1919)
  • Empire of Grenaza, Emperor Matenosen Brezaran de Naza (31)
    - A Nation Rebuilding: Before the war, we were among the teetering titans, a Great Power. We stand in the aftermath a beleaguered and battered country, but one with hopes for a better tomorrow. [Begins with +25% Population. +10% Population Growth and +25% Manpower Modifier]
    - Colonial Ambitions: During the War, our hopes for an colonial empire were dashed. We, however, have not forgotten. [Begins the game with 2 Claims on 2 Foreign Colonies.]
  • Republic of Retherfed, President Joseph Friver (38)
    - Impending Political Coup: With a rising new political party in our nation poised to take control, our future leaders are poised to take the future by the reigns. [Political Coup in 1d6 Years. +5% GDP Per Capita Growth/Year for 5 Years after Coup. -1% Dissent/Year for 5 Years after Coup.]
  • Republic of Bretony, President Louis Martel (52), Chancellor Felix Bastille (38)
    - Lessons from the War: During the war, we were educated quite handily in how to conduct war and in the next war, we will be the ones on the victorious side. [Begin the game with +50 Military Experience.]

Continent of Centara and Maurania in 1919-1920, following the Most Atrocious War
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nationbuilding - Early 20th Century - Political - Advanced

Finally, the War is over. Called by those who lived it, The Most Atrocious War was the single most devastating conflict humanity has ever seen. Spanning four of the five continents and claiming the lives of nearly seven and a half million men, women and child, the war has ruined economies, nations and cultures. There are few, if any, who were not affected by it's reach. Whether directly or indirectly, the Most Atrocious War has irrevocably altered human history. The armistice arrived just days ago, and now rebuilding the world is at the hands of those leaders who lead their nations to victory. The nations ascribed to the Pact of Unity nearly collapsed in the Winter of 1915, but saw victory rendered on January 2nd, 1919.

In this RP, you will represent a Head of State from either a Pact Nation, a Defeated Power or a Neutral Nation. This is not to say which way your nation will go, but rather it's fate in the Most Atrocious War (1913-1919). Among the relevant game mechanics in this RP will be your nation's functional government, it's military and world economics.

OOC Information

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

1. Nation Name: Union of Socialist Voskiya

2. Head of State: Chairman Dominik Luczynski, 44

3. Political Alignment during the Most Atrocious War: Entered the War a Pact Nation. Ended the War a Neutral Nation following the Winter Revolution of 1915.

4. Culture:
The great experiment, a nation of socialist principle and theory forged within the harsh anvil of war and winter. The butcher's bill of the Most Atrocious War stands tall, amidst the millions of lives claimed by the 6-year war can states and nations be counted, the Voskiyan Commonwealth was one such casualty. Faced with a buckling front and internal unrest, the blizzards of the 1915 winter oversaw more then just to near collapse of the Commonwealth's allies in the Pact of Unity but the utter collapse of the Voskiyan Commonwealth to discontent rebels and parties of the radical left during the Winter Revolution of 1915, and the subsequent formation of the Union of Voskiya from the ashes. Following it's ascension, the new worker's state was quick to end it's involvement in the Atrocious War and instead sought to centralize it's rule while the world continued to turn upon it's axis and tear itself to pieces for a further four years.

The Voskiyan Union has existed for a mere 4 years though in that time the Trade Union Congress has been swift with the implementation of Syndicalist and Socialist theory. The Union of Voskiya is a decentralized state ruled by directly elected regional councils under the jurisdiction of the national Trade Union Congress. Currently the economic ethos of the government is not one of an entirely state directed economy, but instead allows for some economic freedom at the local level backed up by strong workers' rights, welfare support and a democratization of the workplace in the form of co-operatives while the 'commanding heights' of the economy such as the coal industry are nationalized and run by their respective Trade Unions with supervision from the Congress. In 1916 it was also established that Voskiya was to be a secular state, with religion being incompatible with the spirit of scientific materialism following a decree that forbade the public teaching of religion though accepted that citizens may teach and may be taught religion privately.

Culturally the Socialist Union is distinct. A state of socialism and secularism in an age of monarchs and capitalists. The worker's state enjoys an age of relative freedom and experimentation as the new Union seeks to discover it's own unique culture and society. As encouraged by the central government, a variety of trends, be it in art or literature, in numerous schools, some traditional and others radically experimental have proliferated under the new government, with an extensive interest by the state in the burgeoning film industry as a means to communicate with the masses.

Such is life in the young Union of Voskiya as it seeks to forge it's own identity and power in the post-war world.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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Ascendant No One In Particular

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

1. Nation Name: The Unified Great Bands of Vivia

2. Head of State: Grand Chief Julian Pohwati, 52

3. Political Alignment during the Most Atrocious War: Pact Nation

4. Culture: Vivia is a land of a multitude of peoples and immigrants, whose roots begin centuries ago as a colony. Despite having first essentially purged most of the rebellious natives combined with the spread of smallpox, these natives were in fact integrated deeply into society in what became an overall rejection of those across the ocean to the East. More immigrants flooded into the individual colonies of Vivia, seeking wealth, prosperity, enlightenment, or reprieve from oppression. Blood eventually mixed with blood, ethnic groups with ethnic groups, resulting in the hodgepodge of peoples that is known as a "Vivian."

Of course, there are always those that are opposed to racial mixing, but the primary population is distinctly Vivian in culture, though there are of course different geographical flavors of Vivian. Easterners are often seen as enterprising, hard-working folk accustomed to factory labor and inventions, while Westerners are perhaps the artists of the nation, devising new songs, dances, and all other artwork. Midwestern and Southerners are renowned for their ability to grow crops and jury-rig solutions to problems.

Eventually though, Vivia decided to unify and break away from its mother country, deciding to adopt a moniker more befitting of the native blood that runs through it.

(In OOC terms, Vivia is essentially a blend of many Native American cultures with North European culture as well as some southern European culture, modeled on the United States of our world. Its government too should essentially be a Federal Republic.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Oak7ree
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Oak7ree Mr. Rock n' Roller

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nation Name: The Republic of Bretony

Head of State & Age: Chancellor Felix Bastille, 38 years.

Political Alignment during the Most Atrocious War: Defeated nation, and a military dictatorship, surrendered on December 24 after the Christmas Revolt, which put Chancellor Felix Bastille into power.

Culture and recent history: A former kingdom, Bretony was turned into a republic about a century ago in a revolution of the masses after years of plummeting economy and skyrocketing food prices. A president is the head of state, but the chancellor holds the real power, acting as the prime minister. Bretony has a parliament composed of 350 MEPs (members of parliament), and about twenty ministries handling the matters of state.

Bretony has been the home for many writers and philosophers, but it hasn’t been idle on the military front. It’s army has long and proud traditions and many famous campaigns under its belt, although it was defeated in the War.

The Breton culture stretches centuries into history, although the modern nation-state is quite recent. Three or four centuries ago a unified state of Bretony was only a dream, as there were several Breton principalities, duchies and counties of differing sizes. The Kingdom of Bretony was born, when Prince Charles Ludovico of Guillaume annexed most of the modern-day Breton lands under his rule either by conquest or by political marriages and was named as the king of Bretony. During the next century and half, the kings of Bretony centralized power into their own hands and their bureaucrats. In 1801, a revolution began, which led to the cessation of monarchy and the creation of democracy a few years later after a Revolutionary War. When Bretony became a republic, a wave of nationalism swept across the nation, and the national identity strengthened during the course of the century. The government sponsored many artists, authors and composers, and the arts and sciences boomed. Also, industrialization hit Bretony during the century, which led to economic growth, although a depression hit Bretony quite hard in 1902, lasting until 1906.

On 26th of February, 1904, a military coup d’état took place in the capital city of Guillaume, when a cadre of officers and many soldiers, opposing the neutral stance of the country’s government on the continent and plummeting economy, Bretony was turned into a military dictatorship run by a council of generals. The generals were ousted from power on December 24th in the Christmas Revolt, as the population had grown tired of the losing war, dwindling resources and naval blockade. The same day, Chancellor Felix Bastille delivered a speech to the people and an unconditional surrender to the Pact of Unity.

(So, a mix between France and Germany.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Idk, if we should repost them but sure here. Also I think all defeated nations are now taken.

1. Nation Name: The Kingdom of Retherfed (After the war forced Republic of Retherfed

2. Head of State & Age: King Lukas Gate(43) (Fled) (President Joseph Friver) (38)

3. Political Alignment during the Most Atrocious War: Your may will have been a Pact Nation, a Defeated Power or a Neutral Nation.
- A Defeated Nation lost terribly during the war, beginning with very little Prestige but is at the top of the Defeated Nation Draft. [0/3 Nations Total]

4. Culture: Before the Atrocious War, Ratherfed was a center of culture, finance and unity. Their unity which was all rooted in the idea that every Retheren was superior to that of their neighbors. The Kingdom of Ratherfed, which was once made up of multiple states that each vied for power eventually over the years through diplomacy and military campaigns became unified under the Gate’s family.

Unification was officially recognized in 1885 after the last minor country agreed to join the union, however due to the internal hostilities before the unification, the kingdom was never able to obtain colonies. What they instead focused on was a powerful military base and economy if sorely lacking in navy. Their centralization on the mainland continent was key and made is easy to become a large center of trade which was used to expand the ever growing military-industry complex that the Gate’s family had always longed for.

Eventually at the onset of the atrocious war the Kingdom had high hopes, their military was prepared, their command structure was key and their allies strong. However due to new technologies, and old tactics. As well as prior nobility taking point rather than on-field and competent officers leading, lead it into a long stalemate. Eventually, after years of fighting, the front seemed ready to push and win but due to internal conflicts and weakened allies the Kingdom fell and soon became a Republic, while many soldiers see this new government as weak and traitors and EVERY Retheren sees those apart of the pact as traitors, only time will tell how long this peace lasts.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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Ascendant No One In Particular

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

You still haven't picked a Political Alignment in that app, Zell.

You've got unnecessary information that threw me off.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

If your nation has been accepted, please post it in the Characters sheet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

1. Nation Name: Socialist Republic of Voskiya

2. Head of State: Premier Dominik Luczynski, 44

3. Political Alignment during the Most Atrocious War: Entered the War a Pact Nation. Ended the War a Neutral Nation following the Winter Revolution of 1915.

4. Culture:
The great experiment, a nation of socialist principle and theory forged within the harsh anvil of war and winter. The butcher's bill of the Most Atrocious War stands tall, amidst the millions of lives claimed by the 6-year war can states and nations be counted, the Voskiyan Commonwealth was one such casualty. Faced with a buckling front and internal unrest, the blizzards of the 1915 winter oversaw more then just to near collapse of the Commonwealth's allies in the Pact of Unity but the utter collapse of the Voskiyan Commonwealth to discontent rebels and parties of the radical left during the Winter Revolution of 1915, and the subsequent formation of the Socialist Republic of Voskiya from the ashes. Following it's ascension, the new worker's state was quick to end it's involvement in the Atrocious War and instead sought to centralize it's rule while the world continued to turn upon it's axis and tear itself to pieces for a further four years.

The Voskiyan Republic has existed for a mere 4 years though in that time the new government has been swift with the implementation of Socialist theory. The first nation to adopt a planned economy, the production and distribution of goods were centralized and to be directed by the new government on the behalf of the people with the nationalization of industry, the collectivization of agriculture and the elimination of free trade and private enterprise. In 1916 it was also established that Voskiya was to be a secular state, with religion being incompatible with the spirit of scientific materialism following a decree that forbade the public teaching of religion though accepted that citizens may teach and may be taught religion privately.

Culturally the Socialist Republic is distinct. A state of socialism and secularism in an age of monarchs and capitalists. The worker's state enjoys an age of relative freedom and experimentation as the new Socialist Republic seeks to discover it's own unique culture and society. As encouraged by the central government, a variety of trends, be it in art or literature, in numerous schools, some traditional and others radically experimental have proliferated under the new government, with an extensive interest by the state in the burgeoning film industry as a means to communicate with the masses.

Such is life in the young Socialist Republic of Voskiya as it seeks to forge it's own identity and power in the post-war world.


Please PM me your round 1 draft picks from the Pact Nation list. Since you are not first, send me three in order of priority. Thank you.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nation Name: The Republic of Bretony

Head of State & Age: Chancellor Felix Bastille, 38 years.

Political Alignment during the Most Atrocious War: Defeated nation, and a military dictatorship, surrendered on December 24 after the Christmas Revolt, which put Chancellor Felix Bastille into power.

Culture and recent history: A former kingdom, Bretony was turned into a republic about a century ago in a revolution of the masses after years of plummeting economy and skyrocketing food prices. A president is the head of state, but the chancellor holds the real power, acting as the prime minister. Bretony has a parliament composed of 350 MEPs (members of parliament), and about twenty ministries handling the matters of state.

Bretony has been the home for many writers and philosophers, but it hasn’t been idle on the military front. It’s army has long and proud traditions and many famous campaigns under its belt, although it was defeated in the War.

The Breton culture stretches centuries into history, although the modern nation-state is quite recent. Three or four centuries ago a unified state of Bretony was only a dream, as there were several Breton principalities, duchies and counties of differing sizes. The Kingdom of Bretony was born, when Prince Charles Ludovico of Guillaume annexed most of the modern-day Breton lands under his rule either by conquest or by political marriages and was named as the king of Bretony. During the next century and half, the kings of Bretony centralized power into their own hands and their bureaucrats. In 1801, a revolution began, which led to the cessation of monarchy and the creation of democracy a few years later after a Revolutionary War. When Bretony became a republic, a wave of nationalism swept across the nation, and the national identity strengthened during the course of the century. The government sponsored many artists, authors and composers, and the arts and sciences boomed. Also, industrialization hit Bretony during the century, which led to economic growth, although a depression hit Bretony quite hard in 1902, lasting until 1906.

On 26th of February, 1904, a military coup d’état took place in the capital city of Guillaume, when a cadre of officers and many soldiers, opposing the neutral stance of the country’s government on the continent and plummeting economy, Bretony was turned into a military dictatorship run by a council of generals. The generals were ousted from power on December 24th in the Christmas Revolt, as the population had grown tired of the losing war, dwindling resources and naval blockade. The same day, Chancellor Felix Bastille delivered a speech to the people and an unconditional surrender to the Pact of Unity.

(So, a mix between France and Germany.)

Accepted. Please PM me your Round 1 Trait pick from the Defeated Nation Historical Draft. Since you are not the first to choose, send me three picks in order of preference. Thank you.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

In the 0th Post I have added the nations that have been accepted via:
1. Completing an application.
2. PM'ing me their desired choice.

Nations that have been accepted will receive a dossier via PM. This information is secretive, so best not let it get out.

NOTE: If you have been accepted, feel free to make any posts that occur before January 2nd, 1919. Any of the history--besides whether or not your nation lost/won/was involved--is yours to make up and collaborate with others. A world map is hereby incoming.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nation Name: The Republic of Blaque

Head of State & Age: President Raul Fernadino (46)

Political Alignment during the Most Atrocious War: Neutral Nation

Culture: The Republic of Blaque has long since held the ideals of neutrality and the freedom of the individual above all else. Ideologies challenged throughout the events of the atrocious war to the point in which the nation seemed almost primed for collapse, split between varying factions supporting both the now defeated powers and the pact nations. Ultimately, for better or for worse, the nation remained neutral. Playing to both sides of the conflict, giving to their demands where necessary and remaining stern to what they believed in where they could. Caught between the conflict of two major factions.

Once a nation welcoming to all people and cultures, the shadow of the bloody war has left a lasting mark upon the people of Blaque. Despite having never spilt a drop of blood fighting for either side, the infighting, foreign meddling, and persistent referendums have left the population jaded and isolationist ideals now remain at the forefront of current politics.

Before the great war and the slow shift towards isolationism, the Republic was at the forefront of liberal and progressive ideology. Accepting of all people and cultures, proposing the ideas that it was not the heritage of the man but the character. Though a large portion of the country continues to hold these beliefs, it is questionable just how long they will remain influential to the nation moving forward.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Just so everybody knows, we've set up a Discord server for this RP: Discord Link

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nation Name: The Republic of Blaque

Head of State & Age: President Raul Fernadino (46)

Political Alignment during the Most Atrocious War: Neutral Nation

Culture: The Republic of Blaque has long since held the ideals of neutrality and the freedom of the individual above all else. Ideologies challenged throughout the events of the atrocious war to the point in which the nation seemed almost primed for collapse, split between varying factions supporting both the now defeated powers and the pact nations. Ultimately, for better or for worse, the nation remained neutral. Playing to both sides of the conflict, giving to their demands where necessary and remaining stern to what they believed in where they could. Caught between the conflict of two major factions.

Once a nation welcoming to all people and cultures, the shadow of the bloody war has left a lasting mark upon the people of Blaque. Despite having never spilt a drop of blood fighting for either side, the infighting, foreign meddling, and persistent referendums have left the population jaded and isolationist ideals now remain at the forefront of current politics.

Before the great war and the slow shift towards isolationism, the Republic was at the forefront of liberal and progressive ideology. Accepting of all people and cultures, proposing the ideas that it was not the heritage of the man but the character. Though a large portion of the country continues to hold these beliefs, it is questionable just how long they will remain influential to the nation moving forward.

Accepted. Please send me your Round 1 Draft picks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dogematix
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Looks like I'm too late but just in case. Is this still open to people looking to join?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Looks like I'm too late but just in case. Is this still open to people looking to join?

Yes, we still need pact nations and being a neutral nation is always on the table.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Ascendant, please PM me your Round 2 Draft Pick. Thank you.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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Ascendant No One In Particular

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Ascendant, please PM me your Round 2 Draft Pick. Thank you.

What's left?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Theodorable>

What's left?

You can see which traits have already been picked at the top of the OOC.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@CypherRahl Hey why don't you join us in the discord to talk about stuff discord.gg/4y533q
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vinsanity

Vinsanity Gunbladeslingin' Mad Man

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

1. Nation Name: Naftal or Naftali

2. Head of State & Age: Prime Minister Semira Solomon Neorah

3. Political Alignment during the Most Atrocious War: Pact

4. Brief History:
The new Republic of Naftal was built swiftly after the fall of its former self, the Birlikte Empire. During the Atrocious War, the Birlikte Empire supported the defeated nations and found itself in a civil war right after the war ended. A new ideology rose up from a female voice who was a veteran in the Atrocious War. This female is now known as, Prime Minister Semira Neorah. An honored veteran and prestigious diplomat who found herself rising in influence when she began speaking out against the Birlikte Empire. She was trained in the unit Karagoz, the unit practiced espionage, counter intelligence, and sabotage. It was her who organized a strong campaign against the current monarchy and razed to the ground.

In place, her followers and a majority of the country entrusted her with their future. Prime Minister Semira Neorah began her mission to make amends with the Pact Nations and in turn joined their side. Although struggling with internal conflict, the new Republic of Naftal was born, and as a Pact Nation.

5. Culture:

Naftal is bustling with trade and is quite diverse when referring to its demographic. There are all different types of people who are accepted here, no matter their, ethnicity, religion, color, gender, etc. Freedom of expression is encouraged as the last ruling power kept this suppressed. It is not uncommon to spot traditionally conservative attire, and risqué. Most fabrics are very vibrant in color, and the food spicy. All men and women at the age of 16 are enlisted into a two year minimum service with the military, and then as a reservist for an additional two years. Naftal operates on a direct election by popular vote for their Prime Minister, this process is how Prime Minister Semira Neorah into power.

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