- Pact Nations (1912-1919)
- Unified Great Bands of Vivia, Grand Chief Julian Pohwati (52)
- Primed for Collapse: Our industry became known as the Salesman of the Dead, as it churned out rifles, bullets and grenades and anything else that could send a man to meet his maker. Without a war on, how much longer can our industry hold up for? [+250% GDP Per Capita Modifier. 1d100 for Total Economic Collapse every Turn, Economic Collapse occurs on 95+. Every Month Roll receives a +1 Modifier.]
- Stolen Victory: We fought on the winning side and yet our grievances for joining the war were ignored. This victory has been a hollow one and the people will not forget. [Begins the game with .5 Fascist Growth/Month.] - Empire of Mille-Sessau, Empress Alexandria Sartre (51)
- The Post War Economy: We gave everything we had. Our nation now suffers from a lack of resources and skilled workers. [-5% GDP Growth/Year. -5% Population Growth.] - Empire of Vornheim, High Emperor Henrich Von Burgghusen (74)
- Civil War: Near the end of the war our regime fell apart, and now our government is fighting for it's life. Brother against brother. [+25% GDP Modifier. Begins the game in Civil War.]
- Neutral Nations
- Socialist Republic of Voskiya, Premier Dominik Luczynski (44)
- An Obsolete Army: The People's Liberation Army is in a fledgling state following the exodus and purges of forces loyal to the old bourgeois system. Our military and their commanders, though not lacking in their passion and loyalty are largely untested in battle. [Military Experience Gain is cut in half until 1929.]
- Lost Territory: Following the war, territory that was rightfully ours was stolen, and let it be known, we will get it back. [Begins the game with claims on Terkovia and Karum.] - Hermasian Kingdom, King Alcides Narváez (32)
- Disarmament: Immediately following the end of the war, our nation voted to disarm and return to a more civilian economy. [-25% Armaments Industry Size, -25% Shipbuilding Industry Size, -25% Aviation Industry Size. +25% Goods Demand.] - Republic of Blaque
- An Experienced Arms Industry: We learned much about conducting warfare and designing newer and more powerful weapons of war. [+25% Armaments Industry Size. +25% Automobile Industry Size. -25% Goods Demand.]
- Defeated Nations (1905-1919)
- Empire of Grenaza, Emperor Matenosen Brezaran de Naza (31)
- A Nation Rebuilding: Before the war, we were among the teetering titans, a Great Power. We stand in the aftermath a beleaguered and battered country, but one with hopes for a better tomorrow. [Begins with +25% Population. +10% Population Growth and +25% Manpower Modifier]
- Colonial Ambitions: During the War, our hopes for an colonial empire were dashed. We, however, have not forgotten. [Begins the game with 2 Claims on 2 Foreign Colonies.] - Republic of Retherfed, President Joseph Friver (38)
- Impending Political Coup: With a rising new political party in our nation poised to take control, our future leaders are poised to take the future by the reigns. [Political Coup in 1d6 Years. +5% GDP Per Capita Growth/Year for 5 Years after Coup. -1% Dissent/Year for 5 Years after Coup.] - Republic of Bretony, President Louis Martel (52), Chancellor Felix Bastille (38)
- Lessons from the War: During the war, we were educated quite handily in how to conduct war and in the next war, we will be the ones on the victorious side. [Begin the game with +50 Military Experience.]

Continent of Centara and Maurania in 1919-1920, following the Most Atrocious War