Oki, here we go. Now, I know Chloe is incredibly powerful here, mind it's actually planned out.
Chloe's strengths come when she actually gets her fighting spirit as well as support from her Master, but they are by no mwans compatible. In other words, unless her master finds a way to get her in, which is a challenge by far given how Freya prefers solitude as well as his lacking social cues, she'll be as pointless as a NPC!
Character Sheets:
Magi Sheet:
Name: Matthew Frey Meenosson Nicknames: Freya (of Death) Age: 23 Gender: Teeechnically male Master of: Archer Command Seal Location: Atop his right chest, the magical markings of the command seals lay. When all three are intact, they form the vicious face of a wolf, mirroring Freya as well. Origin: Bloodlust Appearance: - Personality: The hunter's spirit lingers with the short, effeminte frame of this male, as if a great thirst for blood boils within his veins. The desire to rob a creature of it's life has always been a thing of interest to him, and the free life of just carrying a rifle in the woods, stalking down prey before remorselessly fire round after round to claim him another trophy that he can revere with great pride. And with his great, obsessive interest with modern weaponry combined with his family's wealth, he has amassed an armory rivaling few for the purpose of ending life. He is, as one could say, a serial killer.
Yet he still maintains his conciousness and empathy. He may not show it very frequently, but when the time comes he may bleed his heart out to ensure the person in question recieves his comfort and care. His heart is also quite the brittle one, and while he may seem like a tough man, personality-wise, he can turn around and enter his favored cabin for the sole purpose of crying out his tears, cursing his own weaknesses, venting out his built up frustrations. He would, however, never show this side of his to anyone unless in very specific situations, instead keeping his cool killer-instincts sharp in battle. But when someone gets under his thick layer of skin, they'll see him as an overly emotional person instead of his cold, harsh and empty exterior.
And just to build on that, deep within his heart of hearts, all he truly seeks is a loving embrace that could cleanse his mind and body of all the built up cruelty and hatred, that could banish his neverending hunting spirit and that could cool his relentless desire for claming lives. A love that could free him from his own twisted, emotional mind. A love that could once again root him to this world, instead of his limbonic state of Beast or Man.
Stumbling in his dialogue is no rarity, for he has been on his own for the most part of his life and thus has learned little of social cues and by extension is what one could consider a lone wolf. This is all in thanks of his feminine looks, his heterochromatic eyes as well as his unique and sometimes creepy, morbid and distasteful interests. But to him, there is few greater joys than puncturing the lungs of a wild beast, carving it's leather off for later use and then slice up the fresh meat for food. Or putting a bullet through the head of a living person. Watching the brainmass splatter onto the ground, only chunks left to linger. He enjoys that feeling, in fact he revels in it, despite his innate fear of what he could become if he succumbs to this passionate, intoxicating lust.
Biography: Born to a high-standing family in Norway, the young Matthew quickly found himself alienated from kids his age. He was an easy target for bullies thanks to his small, frail body, crybaby tendencies, his strange eyes that neither shared color ordinarily, but sometimes even changed colors completely, and his deep interest in life and death. His teachers revered his abilities in philosophy, but feared the very nature of it. They found him to be what Niezsche would be if he held passion and strong emotions, as well as the will to act upon it. And so he fell out with them as well, leaving him to wolf pen that is bullying children, as if trying to toughen him up.
It worked the other way around. During these days, he found great solitude and enjoyment the days he and his father went into the woods, and his desire for blood and vengance for the bullies maternalized and thrived whenever he pictured their faces. And it didn't take long for him to realize his abilities as a marksman rivaled that of trained snipers. Sure, he missed once in a while in his youth, as he could not control his wild emotions and patience. That changed over time.
With every passing year he grew more skilled, synonymously with his falling grades and school attendance, his only savior from the relentless children being that of his guns. And he grew more and more infatuated with them, attaining a large roster of both civillian and military grade weapons through his family's massive wealth. And one fateful evening, he committed a most heinous act.. he placed bullets through his family members.
The result of this tragedy was one youth gone missing, despite the many, many search attempts in his home country. Futile to no avail, for his eyes had brought attraction to him by a certain other people, the magi of Chaldea. Although he declined their offer at frst, claiming a hunt for evil magi is best left to those that actually care for it, but eventually he was persuaded. It would seem a mention of his innate bloodlust is all that's necessary.
He no longer sees the need for his emotions and his brashness, instead now relying fully on his skills. He discarded them, or rather sunk them down into rotten pile within his slowly mentally broken mind and heart. And he eventually came to learn the joy of death, the death of others that fueled his own life. Remorse and selfdeprication also followed, but the moment of pulling the trigger that ends life is what saved him from his haunting guilt. And he contains it by pulling the trigger again. And again. And no one ever know he does it. And that was the birth of Freya of Death. -
Magecraft Section:
School of Magecraft: None
Skills/Spells List: Marksmanship: A+ Few snipers could match his precision with a gun, and he is by no means afraid of using it. His bodycount has reached great levels, and the few intelligence agencies that even knew of him has earmarked him as a massive threat. Mystic Eyes of Death Perception: A Born with the gift to not only feed his bloodlust, but also the ability to see how the killing would unfold and what is the most logical place to end them. A supportive skill that is extremely rare, and a skill many great mages seek to have by their side. It requires no magical mana usage, however extended use leaves him with a highly painful migraine.
Amount of Magecraft Mana: E
Freya has a massive armory of weaponry, as well as several smaller ones lingering about the world. They hold a great collection of military-grade weapons as well.
He suffers from a bodily condition called BMD Deficiency, which renders his skeletal bones prone to fractures.
Skills (Custom ones are allowed Rate A-E): Vampiric Kiss: B Vampiric Kiss allows Archer to siphon magical energy from whomever she kissed into herself, refilling her with prana. A marvelous tool to maintain herself without the need of her Master.
Affections of the Holy Grail: B+ Brought to this world as a key to unlock the grail, the holiness itself holds her in high regard. The grail has seen her love for manipulation and has given her access to a silver tongue beyond any other, allowing her words to either plant a seed or outright warp the minds of others, depending on their magical resistance. But the grail has taken from her the desire to fight, making it all the more harder to let her free spirit actively join in.
Clairvoyance: B When standing at an elevated point, Chloe is capable of scrying a large area around her with great precision.
Class Abilities: Magical Resistance: B Independent Action: B
Base Parameters: (Rate them A-E. Normal Human (or humans that actually existed) Servants will rarely have certain attributes above C unless their history, or tales depict them of being able to use one of them very handily) Strength: (筋力, Kinryoku?): D Endurance: (耐久, Taikyū?): C Agility: (敏捷, Binshō?): A Magical Power: (魔力, Maryoku?): C+ Good luck: (幸運, Kōun?): C Noble Phantasm: (宝具, Hōgu?): B
Noble Phantasms: (typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Noble_Phantasm) Name: Allmight of Einzbern Quote: By the values in the great name of my family, let our paths.finally unite! Rank: C Type: Anti-Unit Range: N/A Description: Think Unlimited Blade Works as if it was Limited. And stuff. I don't feel like describing things right now, but ye. It's not like it'll even see use in a couple hundred posts at least, so I'll have a good amount of time to wrote it, indeed. So, Diet UBW is it for now.
Triple-Linked Crane Wings ( 鶴翼三連かくよくさんれん , Kakuyoku Sanren?) is an "exquisite technique" utilized by EMIYA, the culmination of his usage of the swords and the "true meaning behind Kanshou and Bakuya."[9][10] It is said to be a "fatal attack" used to get him through his numerous battles, relying on the married swords' attraction to one another, consecutive projections, and keeping the basic technique, symbolized by the chanted poem.[10] The user projects three sets of Kanshou and Bakuya, executing an unavoidable combination through throwing and slashing maneuvers.[9] Each blade is lethal and the multiple attacks are meant to prohibit escape or defense.[11] The only ways to defeat it are with an omni-directional defense, or by ignoring the damage to make a suicidal assault on the user.[9]
is there a reason why she has the abilities that she does?
Mainly because I like to go outside of canon. I like to make my own twists to things. Makes it easier for me to visualize the cgaracter in the RP, as well as keeping me from being bored with it. I just don't do canon all that well! That's the only reasons really.
The NP idea was mainly stolen from Chloe in the Prisma show tho.
@KawaiiKyouko I won't allow sharing pain as it is. Though very much conditional it allows her to use things from other servants that would be especially powerful. Case in point Arthur's Mana Burst, or Astolfo's Monster strength. Those are just our own current abilities we can share. If we face Emiya she could potentially use his unlimited blade works against him. If it's reworked so that she gains a small stat boost (+) from fighting along side someone she deeply cares about that I'll allow.
Affections of the Holy Grail doesn't work the way you're portraying it as. Kiritsugu's ability grants him bonuses in luck. If you want to make it so that she gains a rank in charisma when talking to people who aren't under mental pollutant that is fine.
Chloe has not shown any ability to 'teleport' I can't allow that in.
The Noble Phantasm I have issues with because even if Matthew joined in with her I don't really understand how that would unlock extra stuff like Gae Bolg's abilities for example. If you want a watered down version of unlimited blade works that is fine but I can't allow you to basically recreate any noble phantasm on the spot with his help as that cheapens the other heroes.
@vancexentan That doesn't really feel like high risk/high rewardy tho, it's more like high risk/meh reward. I mean, I could remove the NP part from it, instead only utilizing the personal skills. But, well, I didn't actually explain well enough how it would work. There'd be dice rolls and such, meaning we'll have no idea how effective it might be. It might make her extremely broken, I agree, but it might also dohave absolutely nothing. and she herself has no real control of how it works either. Like a curse.
Well, that was kinda what I was trying to say. I just blame my sleepyhead for forgetting the word charisma. But, yeah, it gives her that and removes her fighting will.
Tagged in at the end, read in the wiki she could. I'll remove it then.
Trust thing, idk. I made it with the intention that these two would not get along well at all, so if they did there should be some benefit. But I can remove the unlocking abilities and make it unlimited np works instead.
I guess the easiest way to explain it all is that I had an overarching theme going, and with Chloe the Affections of the Holy Grail's negative side is what, in my mind, allowed her to be on the stronger side. I just like high risk high reward concepts.
Well I can't have the noble phantasm do as it says. Getting your master to help you shouldn't give you the ability to (for example) use Blood Clarent Arthur, Mordred's Phantasm, because it's a literal personification of her rage towards her father not in innate part of Clarent the sword. It doesn't make sense. Archer even states using Excalibur at a similar level inside of unlimited blades works might end up killing him. In her story Chloe summons Excalibur to use against morgan Excalibur but it only manages to draw the battle out. It's arguable if the blast was at it's full potential.
It was probably just a giant prana blast on both ends. If it copies a weapon's design, and allows Chloe to use an approximate ability to the noble phantasm that's fine. Worse comes to it she gets a sword she can swing around like Clarent, or Gae Dearg. Maybe one can use prana slashes like Excalibur, or some sort of minor curse that replicates the original to a lesser degree. But using/copying Galatine shouldn't give the ability to just sit in the sun for a few hours and gain Gawain's boosts.
I'd rather not take the risk all the same. I'm trying to work with you here and get a servant that doesn't render any other character inert because they could potentially just have their skills taken by Chloe if she likes them. It prevents enemies from being effected because Chloe can't possibly rip away say Caesar's incitement if he's trying to kill her. At the same time it basically gives her the chance to steal instinct, and mana burst from Arthur which are two incredibly dangerous skills since Arthur is a top tier servant.
Astolfo less so but the potential is still there. I also intend to bring along other npc servants to aid us from time to time so things like Mind's eye (which she's already giving up just for this skill), or presence concealment can be added to that list. So she could just end up with skills she ditched on top of skills she could gain otherwise.
The trust thing doesn't need to go directly towards her master. It can be Leon, Arthur, Astolfo, or his master. Or any other ally.
Name: Amelia Lowell Nicknames: Mila Age:21 Gender: Female Master of: Rider Command Seal Location: Right hand Origin: Support Appearance:
Personality On the exterior Amelia is a kind-hearted, and cheerful girl. She desires more than anything to help people more than anything and this often shows in her actions, she's willing to put her life on the line for anybody even if the person is a stranger. She's a bit rash when it comes to helping people though and often rushes into the situation head first if someone's life is at stake. She is extremely dedicated to whatever she sets her mind too, and she hardly ever gives up on something. She believes that with enough hard-work and determination a person can accomplish anything. She also loves cute things, little animals, stuffed toys and the like.
On the inside, Amelia is a depressed, troubled girl, her seeming selfless ability to throw herself in harm's way is possible because of her lack of self-worth. She has severe self-esteem issues which stem from people around her comparing her to other members of her family. trying she tries to mask with her cheerful demeanor, she believes that if she mopes she'll bring other people down, and as such she masks her sadness with a happy-go-lucky demeanor. She usually tries to deflect any compliments directed at her either by saying simply "that it was nothing" or by saying someone else was to be thanked. She is also an extremely lonely girl, and her family had never seemed to care for her, if you asked her what her wish for the grail would be she would say "The end to all human in-fighting" but in reality it's a bit more selfish than that, what she really desires is the love and attention of her family.
Biography: Amelia was the 2nd child of a powerful and respected English mage family, both of her parents were respected members of the Clocktower and her older brother was a child prodigy, as such expectations were high for her. However, these expectations and the success of her brother were what lead to her inferiority complex. Her parents were rather cold individuals, instead of focusing on raising their family they focused on their work instead, this attitude was also shared by her brother, So she was never really close with the rest of her family, but she still loved them all the same.
Even if she wasn't set to inherit her family's magic crest she still desired to be a mage like the rest of her family since she didn't want to be left out so she spent a lot of her childhood studying and practicing mage-craft particularly magic focused on the earth element, she never reached the level of the rest of her family in the study of the earth element, but she did manage to become proficient in another field of magecraft.
One day when she was 12 she found a puppy with a broken leg abandoned on the side of a street, being a 12-year-old girl she didn't want to abandon the puppy so she picked it up and carried it back to her house. When she got back to her house most of her family was out so she decided to take matters into her own hands, she went to her family's library and searched for any spell that could help the injured animal she had found on the street. After a bit of searching, she found the spell she was looking for and she successfully healed the puppy. Her father had returned to the house while she was trying to heal the puppy and watched as she studied to find a way to help the poor creature, when she had healed him he placed a hand on her shoulder and told her "Good job".
Though it seems like a rather simple compliment those two simple words meant the world to Amelia as she had never seriously been complimented by her parents before that point. Those two simple words affected Amelia throughout the rest of her life, she stopped focusing most of her studies on the Earth element and instead decided to focus more on healing and power transfer, since neither her father or mother had ever complimented her she realized if she studied healing she could help more people, people who like that puppy were hurt and alone. She studied healing in the clocktower for a few years, and she learned most healing and power rather quickly.
Her family was approached by Chaldea as they were looking to recruit new mages into the organization and since her brother was set to inherit the family as well as the father's position in the clocktower she was asked to join. She was a bit reluctant at first but she realized that if she remained in the Clocktower she'd be forever living in the shadow of her brother who had become a widely respected throughout the Mage's Association, reluctant to stay and let her self-esteem further plummet due to her not being as successful as her brother and since she had always wanted to see more of what the world has to offer she accepted and joined Chaldea. She originally started in the medical wing but she eventually became somewhat of a field medic for the second team.
Magecraft Section: School of Magecraft: Earth and Healing
Skills/Spells List: (I couldn't find a list of spells within the universe so I'm guessing we make our own, if not I'll edit this section after posting) Healing Hands- 8 (A basic healing spell) Mana to Health transfer- 2 Rock Shard Blast- 3
Amount of Magecraft Mana: B
Every team needs its cheery girl! I tried to make her mirror Astolfo in the way that like they're both really cheery but with Amelia she's kind of a troubeled person which she masked by acting cheery and stuff.
Anyways if anything is wrong let me know, I typed this up at like 2 am and I'm still not completely sure about the spells and origin stuff but if theres something wrong I can fix it.
@vancexentan I am sorry but I will have to recant my interest from this. I need to focus on school more, something that becomes even more difficult when juggling multiple RP's at the same time. I hope you fun guys and may we meet again in future endeavors.
Since I'm struggling with creativity right now, I'll just make her NP I Can't Believe It's Not Unlimited Blade Works instead of Diet Gates Of Babylon, as you said was fine.