Come on Boyz! We 'Ave 'eads to krump and scrap ta loot! WAAAGH!Name:
Wazzgag da Red
Wozzat? Anuvver one o dem Umie words?
Several centuries
The biggest, fightiest Nob of WAAAGH! Kragot, Wazzgag stands just under Kragot himself in height and is covered in an uncountable number of scars. Strapped to his back is the mighty WAAAGH! Banner along with a salvaged vox caster which he uses to broadcast his war cries over the din of battle.
WAAAAGH! Banner Bearer
Wazzgag's story isn't a complicated one, having burst from the earth ready to fight centuries ago. From that moment on he moved from one fight to the other, killing and looting and stomping until eventually, he found himself as a Nob, an achievement that came with little fanfare as he proceeded with business as usual, albeit with flashier choppas. It wasn't until fairly recently that a fellow Nob usurped the previous Warboss, an ork of proper orky values under the name of Kragot. From then on out the fights got much more interesting, Wazzgag getting dragged around for the biggest fights he's ever seen and loving every second of it.
Power Klaw
Karapace Armour
WAAAGH! Banner
Da Shouty Fing, a kustom vox caster that Wazzgag uses to shout his war cries over the din of battle
Krumpnogginz, a particularly dumb yet tough Boy. Wazzgag is the closest thing an Ork can be to a mentor, teaching the young Boy about the finer bits of Ork Kulture as he tags along the Nobz battles.
Due to his size and long history of combat, many Boyz underneath Wazzgag have begun to belive that
he should be Warboss instead of Kragot. Wazzgag, for his credit, has made efforts to crush those rumors under his boot but it'd be a lie to say the idea hasn't grown on him.