Name: Adept William Cornilious Species: human(mechanicum) Gender: Male Age: 10 millennia, he has been around since the horus heresy. Appearance: bipedal legs, red and black robe, 4 dendrites on back, one crane, 3 dendrites on left arm as well as many tools, no visible flesh, red orb like eyes. odd white and black pendant around neck Bio: Cornilious has lived since the horus heresy, being only a magos with great talents at the Time. He apprenticed under the adept of the once proud magma city of mars, Korel Zeth. She taught him and trusted him, so he was sent to terra to deal with her affairs. This is when Horus Luprecal corrupted the red planet, leaving Zeth the final forge before she destroyed it before the dark mechanicum could have it. After news reached him, he was outraged. He was so angry that when earth was attacked, he took a astartes' bolter and ran towards the fight. It took 3 marines to stop him, because he was the current high ranking mechanicum member. After the rebelling stopped, he went back to the red planet to rebuild with what was left of the mechanicum. He became an adept then, mourning the loss of his friend and mentor. He tried to take the pain away with everything, only succeeding by forgetting it entirely, almost entirely that is. He learned many skills over the decades, such as astartes tactics and weapon training, as well as piloting titans. He claims it is for the pure knowledge gained, but everyone knows he likes getting his hands dirty. His forge, Ares Gamma, is a great sight. Lately, he has been helping with the colonization, and now defense of the Giroth system. Equipment: A modified bolter, his tools, his body which is high composite armor similar to a dreadnought plate. His pendent goes with him every where. Rank: High Adept Npc's: His apprentice, Magos Geera and his skiitari protecter, Ty-wen 46 Other: His pendent glows sometimes according to certain people, swearing it looks like a familiar symbol, but they can't place it.
NPC leaders for factions. These will eventually be crossed out as I decide on people to lead the respective faction. The mechanicum is excluded from this. This list will include future factions as well.
Ork's warboss: Kragot metal-jaw Garock da' Big Mek (neogreggory)
Eldar main farseers: Kindeles of ulthwe, Orthodal of Saim-hann, Tiroth of Iyanden
Chaos Daemon prince: Tearogoth the skull basher
Imperium commanders: Inquisitor Yoven, Chapter master Incarses, and Adept Cornilous(me)
Come on Boyz! We 'Ave 'eads to krump and scrap ta loot! WAAAGH!
Name: Wazzgag da Red
Species: Ork
Gender: Wozzat? Anuvver one o dem Umie words?
Age: Several centuries
Appearance: The biggest, fightiest Nob of WAAAGH! Kragot, Wazzgag stands just under Kragot himself in height and is covered in an uncountable number of scars. Strapped to his back is the mighty WAAAGH! Banner along with a salvaged vox caster which he uses to broadcast his war cries over the din of battle.
Rank: WAAAAGH! Banner Bearer
Bio: Wazzgag's story isn't a complicated one, having burst from the earth ready to fight centuries ago. From that moment on he moved from one fight to the other, killing and looting and stomping until eventually, he found himself as a Nob, an achievement that came with little fanfare as he proceeded with business as usual, albeit with flashier choppas. It wasn't until fairly recently that a fellow Nob usurped the previous Warboss, an ork of proper orky values under the name of Kragot. From then on out the fights got much more interesting, Wazzgag getting dragged around for the biggest fights he's ever seen and loving every second of it.
Equipment: Power Klaw Shoota-Skorcha Karapace Armour WAAAGH! Banner Da Shouty Fing, a kustom vox caster that Wazzgag uses to shout his war cries over the din of battle
Npc's: Krumpnogginz, a particularly dumb yet tough Boy. Wazzgag is the closest thing an Ork can be to a mentor, teaching the young Boy about the finer bits of Ork Kulture as he tags along the Nobz battles.
Other: Due to his size and long history of combat, many Boyz underneath Wazzgag have begun to belive that he should be Warboss instead of Kragot. Wazzgag, for his credit, has made efforts to crush those rumors under his boot but it'd be a lie to say the idea hasn't grown on him.
Name: Tazakion Species: Eldar Gender: Male Age:450(alive)520(dead) Appearance: Bio: Tazakion was a powerful eldar warrior of the biel-tan he was a high warrior with great strategic planning he died fighting until the end against an overwhelming force of orcs. Equipment: A warp sword, void cannon Rank: wraithlord Npc's: wraithseer(zender) Other: He is very quick to anger when harm comes to other eldar or those he sees as friends. his warp energy seems to rise exponentially to emotions which to much energy could tear apart his wraithlord body.
Name: R'lyeh Kanus Species:Chaos marine (formally human) Gender:Male Age: 10 millennia (Born sometime before the Hersey) Appearance(Picture or description will do): he never takes off his armor. Bio: R'lyeh was born in the city of Tizca on the planet Prospero, little is known about his actions prior to the thousand sons betrayal, but what is known about him is the following. R'lyeh was recruited about 50 years before the end of the great crusade, like many of his fellow marines he was found to have psychic promise. While it is known he fought and participated during the crusade there is little to no record of him prior to the heresy of him. It was during the Hersey where R'lyeh became noticed. He had been at the burning of Prospero, Battle of Yarant and the siege of Terra. After Horus was defeated he disappeared. He reappeared a number of times after the Hersey, often times providing support for cultist rebellion. It was found he used these uprisings to mask his own agenda. Over his long journey he has made enemies of the Tau,eldar, in his unending search for greater and greater power and the pursuit of his own twisted goals. He has since allied himself with tearogoth as part of a deal of which only the two know the payment. Equipment:Power armor,bolt pistol, force sword and ancient Tome. Rank:sorcerer Npc's(false characters you interact with): rubric marines x9 Kuzan: favored Aspiring Sorcerer Other(this includes a dirty secret of your character should you want one that only people who figure it out can apply to there character's knowledge): "WAAAARGH!"
Name: Garock Species: Ork Gender: What's one of 'does? Age: 29 Appearance: Garock stands at about six and a half feet. His skin is a median green, his eyes a crimson red. He wears heavy leather overalls, with further armor provided by a few metal plates welded onto them. Garock also wears a pair of goggles to shield his eyes from sparks and amplify his vison while he tinkers. On his back Garock also has his kustom force field generator, kondensed so that it doesn't catch on anything while he walks about inside his vehicle. While smaller than most, his force field generator is still a mess of tesla coils and tubes sparking erratically, granting Garock an almost sinister blue glow when in darker environments, such as the interior of his beloved war machine. Rank: Big Mek Bio: Garock was 'born' into a feral klan of Snakebites. The jungle planet upon which he spent his first years was under the utter control of a nasty git known as Wazzag 'Ead Spika. Near on a century before Wazzag had konquered the planet, burning down the 'umie cities and despoiling the land, all without a bit of tech. In his hundred year reign Wazzag had forbidding any technology from entering the ranks of his host, to the point that even scrap metal was considered unorky, instead the tribe's choppas being made of bone and sinew. Much like any ork Garock spent his early years fighting and just having a good time with his savage brothers. Then one day however Garock was struck with the worst of curses, an idea! Using a pile of wooden refuge and squig innards the ork managed to build a small lobber, perfect for launching rocks into walls or charging nobs. While at first his fellows celebrated Garock and his invention, they quickly became worried over the number of ideas he was having. Before long Wazzag caught wind of what was happening, and with grace and subtlety directly assaulted the camp Garock lived in with his biggest nobs and fastest boars. While the camp burned and Wazzag's power reestablished Garock barely got away, and sought to leave the savage planet. It was with great fortune that he happened upon some Freebooterz who were on the planet collecting scrap from some ancient humie ruins. Hitching a ride with them in exchange for some of his ideas soon Garock learned just how big the kosmos was. Since that time Garocks has been travelling between various tribes, building both his knowledge and his personal war machine, Da Fortrezz, a mighty battlewagon he started building soon after leaving his savage home, and has been constantly repairing and improving since. Recently Garocks has joined on with Kragot Metal-Jaw, his interest piqued by the thought of a really big weapon. Equipment:
Garock's pride and joy, his personal vehicle, a massive battlewagon coated in weapons and armor. The complete list of weapons and other features are as follows...
-1 Kannon -2 Stickkbomb Chukkaz -2 Mounted Big Shootas -1 Deff Rolla -1 Reinforced Ram The Wagon also has a 'Ard Case as well as extra armor plates, to compensate Da Fortrezz has a much larger engine, which doesn't help when it comes to passenger space. The number of occupants is also hampered by the fact that the second story of Da Fortrezz houses Garock's private workshop. While nowhere near as large or well equipped as a proper foundry the space does allow Garock a great deal of privacy, easy access to tools and scrap in case he needs to do repairs on the road, a fairly safe place to catch a nap, and good thick walls to hide behind just in case one of his gretchins crosses the wrong wires. In his private workshop Garock also keeps his favorite Oily Squig in a nice safe cage suspended from the ceiling. On account of the extra large engine Da Fortrezz only has room for twelve passengers, who ride along in the lowest and rear most part of the craft. Directly above them is Garocks workshop, in fact between the workshop and holding area is a hole in which Garock or one of his gretchen assistants can drop kustom weapons or other pieces of kit for the boyz below. The cockpit houses the controls for the vehicle, a mess of levers, buttons and knobs. Cigar smoke and metal shavings choke the air in the cockpit, as a small light bulb swinging from a metal chain gives off a minor amount of light, as do the various windows, all of which are too thin to allow overmuch smoke to escape.
As far as personal wargear goes Garock rides into battle with his kustom twinlinked shoota, a few stikkbombs, his kustom force field, and of course a selection of his favorite tools and bits of scrap. Npc's: There is of course the entire krew of Da Fortrezz, though there are two more notable members. Gids: Garocks personal assistant, Gids is a particularly clever gretchen that helps Garock in building weapons and armor, as well as repairing Da Fortrezz, cleaning, collecting scrap, feeding his squigs, and anything else Garocks doesn't feel like doing. Bodokz: Is the one that keeps da gunz firin! Bodokz is an ork boy, not quite big or important enough to be a nob, but not nobody either. He mans the kannon of Da Fortrezz, and is also in charge of managing the various gretchens and boyz who operate the other weapon systems. Bodokz is the go between for Garocks and the rest of the krew, who the mek can't be bothered to remember or care about.
Name: Asura Valus (do i need to do a full name lol... we all know how long custodes names are!) Species: Adaptus Custodes, gene altered human. Gender: Male Age: 327 Appearance(Picture or description will do): Standing a head above a space marine , powerfully built and clad in the advanced power Armour of the custodes, short cropped dark hair and a a face of a unforgiving man that despite his age seems not to change thanks to advanced bio enhancements of the emperors Praetorian. a single scar runs down his cheek, a mark of a rare battle where the Custodes where called to suppress a cult who spawned on Terra after it grew too large, the blade cursed by foul poisons scarred even superhuman flesh.
His armour stands out being painted black, with red details set with gemstones on the shoulder and a purple plume and robe signifying his rank and company. Chosen to join the elite of the emperors sons, he was chosen in a subtle screening of population during a routine check for mutants. A perfect match his family was approached and made to disapeer a while later.
Training, blood games and duty asignments followed. selected to join the warders who guard the vaults they soon learned truths few others are permitted to know, the golden throne was failing.
With the retrurn of the Primarch reborn was the chance the warders had waited for and joined the crusade outwards using it as a cover for there own goals and 10,000 year old mission to save there lord from his failing tomb in the palace by any means necessary including murder, betrayal or assassination.
Bio: Asura is a member of the Warders of the vaults, a subsect assigned to guard the lower levels of the palace and specialists in urban and underground warfare. Equipment: Guardian Spear. Artificer wrought weapons carried as long as they have guarded there lord. master crafted Power blade and built in bolter. a mightly least 8 feet in length. Praesidium Shield, Large artificer wrought storm shield Power dagger, Finely crafted power daggers the size of a mortal sword, symbol of there rank also. Grenades, Mixed grenades.
Despite there weapons nature and size the custodes are so trained they are proficient even in crampt conditions. Rank: Shield Captain. (by technically nerd level lore. Sheilds captain leads a squad but also there adaptus is highly placed and respected. A custodes by fluff originally was a emesery of a the emparor at times. There rank systems varies greatly compared to the stanfard impirum systems.)
Npc's(false characters you interact with): Talon 12. a agent in the employ of the ordo.
Other: the golden throne is failing and the next generations of warders are seeking to repair it and save there Lord. The Emparors elite now seek technology, information or anything to save there lord and will do whatever it takes to see the task achieved. If it means killing allies or not.
Name: Lewac Gogh Species: Human Gender: Male Age: 48 Appearance(Picture or description will do):
Bio: Lewac was trained to become a Tempestor on the Feudal world of Oran II. There the 2nd Zetan Dragons were raised to hunt the foul heretics of the Imperium and bring the Emperor's judgement on the wicked. He and the 2nd have seen the foul horrors and impossible made that chaos can visit upon reality, they have seen tours alongside the Inquisition, Astartes, the mechanicus and were thrice blessed by the Order of the Appian Heart.
During the blessed genocide of Qing where the Dragons single-handedly overloaded the fusion systems of every hive on the planet over ten years, the regiment earned the reputation of being city killers. They were saboteurs that learnt to destroy a hives infrastructure, production and if needed obliterate the very foundations of a hive and reduce it to dust. They are surgical and efficient being, favoured by many Inquisitors and generals looking to destabilise the enemy before the first shot is even fired.
Lewac now leads the 2nd to the Girth System to once again bring war mankind's enemies, this time as their Prime, in charge of 300 Zetan Dragons.
Equipment: Bolt pistol Power Sword Holdout laspistol Carapace Armour Frak and Krak grenades Combat knife
Rank: Tempestor Prime Npc's(false characters you interact with): The 2nd Zetan Dragons Tempestust Scions Regiment
Other(this includes a dirty secret of your character should you want one that only people who figure it out can apply to there character's knowledge): N/a
Name: Merdem Species: unknown Gender: seemly Male Age: unknown Appearance: Legion of the damned assualt terminator Bio: "In dedicato imperatum ultra articulo mortis" ("For the Emperor beyond the point of death") Equipment: Legion of the damned terminator armour, damned thunderhammer, damned flamer Rank: none Npc's: None Other: "In dedicato imperatum ultra artiulo mortis"