Ky’ vie Morgan and Deon Alexander

Location: The Big House & The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Each other.
It was hers; she’d done it. The smile growing over her lips at the fact that she would once again be keeping hold over her title; Ky tightened her grip over the ring, her body turning so that she could lift it up for all below to see, though she didn’t get that far… the pull from the other side of the ring causing her head to snap around, her long vibrant red locks flying lightly over a single shoulder as she allowed her gaze to meet with that of the one who was trying to snatch her win away from her…
Deon… of course… how could she ever expect anything less from him..?
A tie..? No; there was just no way. She was sure-... Her brows furrowing in confusion at his claim, she thought over his words. There was no way in the fiery depths of Tartarus that she was going to let
him share this with her. It was ridiculous- sure she went out of her way to give him a run for his money; but she never encroached on his territory, so why should he go and intrude on hers..?
He could keep his title as King of capture the flag… the obstacle tower was her thing; by the Gods, he was such a pig.
“You’re such an asshole, Deon- let go of it..!”With a grin worthy of a cat catching the canary, Deon let out a light chuckle at Ky’ vie’s expense. She was getting angry with him. It was kind of cute. But his strong grip on the victor’s ring remained, and he shook his head no. There was no way that he was just going to give up - not without something in return. Not without what he wanted.
”Nuh-uh. You know what you gotta do.” he taunted, taking a free moment to use his free hand to tap a finger against his smirked lips.
A disgusted look flickering across her otherwise beautiful features, Ky shook her head lightly from side to side; disbelieving that she was even contemplating such a thing. Kiss him..? He wanted her to kiss him..? The thought alone had her stomach twisting slightly; though if it was in anything more than utter hatred for the man standing in front of her, she certainly wasn’t aware of it.
“’re a pig…”Pulling back on the ring as hard as she could to draw him closer, she narrowed her eyes up in his direction, her bright red lips parting ever so slightly from one another as she looked up at him,
“..what makes you think I would ever be interested in ever kissing one of your lot again..?””Because if you don’t… you’re winning streak dies.”. He was more than pleased with himself. Everyone and their mother, and mother’s mother, knew that Ky’ vie thrived on competition - notably winning. And really, he couldn’t come out of this without winning
something. Either she gave in and kissed him, or he got the satisfaction of beating her at her game - both equally pleasurable in their own right.
Her hand balling into a fist at her side, she lifted it, giving all intention of hitting him before she reached out, doing everything to ignore the little voice screaming at her from the back of her mind as she firmly took a hold of the back of his neck, holding him in place as she lifted herself up onto the balls of her feet, closing the gap between them, and sealing it completely as she pressed her lips against his.
Deon’s eyes widened and then fluttered to a soft close the moment her lips met with his. Part of him believed that she would never do it - that she was too stubborn. He knew she didn’t exactly want to, (at least in front of other people, because really, who
didn’t want to kiss him at some point?) but it seemed that her competitive streak won out in the end. Not that he was complaining. He was simply caught off guard for just a moment.
True to his proposition, Deon let his fingers fall from their hold around the ring in favor to take a natural position at her hip once he got around to kissing her back, harder - if he was lucky enough for this to even be a one-time thing, he had to at least make the most of it.
Her heart was racing… why was it racing..?
Stomach still twisting… or was it fluttering..? Ky’ vie’s hold over his neck relaxed… her hand slowly sliding around, following the natural line of his shoulder… the natural curve of his muscles, until finally, it came to a stop upon his chest, her own heaving lightly up and down as she closed her eyes, allowing her body to be drawn closer into his own.
This was wrong; kissing him was just so, so wrong… but then why did it feel as good as it did..? Her fingers curling lightly over his chest, she tried her best to ignore the confused thoughts flickering across the forefront of her mind, the action causing her hold over the ring to falter, allowing it to slip only slightly from her fingers as the feeling of his body pressing against hers began to slowly consume her thoughts.
He could hear it - there were sounds of both surprise and admiration from the onlookers below, both on the tower and off. And really, he couldn’t blame them. Well, the ones who were cheering it on, anyway. It
was pretty hot.
They were pretty hot - something he had been trying to tell Ky’ vie for years. For someone that didn’t seem too intent on kissing him just a few seconds ago, she sure was keen on touching him. He couldn’t help but to flex the muscles that she grazed against, wanting them to appear more solid than they actually were.
He smirked against her lips, and with his free hand, moved it around and behind her to give her ass cheek a nice squeeze, parting his lips to slide his tongue against hers.
Her breath catching in her throat at his actions, Ky’ vie furrowed her brows, her heart racing faster than she could ever remember it having done before. She could hear the shock… the jeering coming from those watching on from below.
Did she even really care..?
Eyes opening slightly in surprise as she felt his tongue running out over her lips, she let her gaze lift up to him, her body freezing slightly as her mind eventually drew back around to the present, causing her to squirm within his arms, the hand on his chest balling into a fist.
Moving both of his hands so that they were on her hips, Deon chuckled as he pulled his lips away from hers, hands tightening on her to keep her from squirming around so much, though the action had his body moving slightly with hers.
”Aww… what’s the matter, Ky? Found out you liked it?” he jibed, laughing.
Her grip once more tightening over the ring, Ky tore her gaze away from his, her bright red lips parting slightly as a gentle blush crept out over her cheeks,
“’re delusional if you think I could ever like you…””Then why are you blushing?”“You grabbed my ass..!” Flames flickering through her hair, Ky’s head snapped back around, her metallic silver eyes once more meeting with his as the blush grew more prominent upon her gentle features,
“You’re holdin’ me against you..! And you manipulated me in front of all my friends..! I’m embarrassed; so why do you think I’m blushing, Deon..?”“Because you also have the hots for me. Just admit it, babe. It’s okay. People will understand.”“Rack off will ya..!” Shoving her hand roughly against his chest, Ky’ vie narrowed her eyes at him, a look of disgust once more flickering over her beautiful features,
“Ya nothin’ but a goddamn bludger, and a drunk; and dead set, ya ain’t got buckley’s chance with a sheila like me.”He had absolutely no idea what she just said, but it sounded angry. He snickered and ended up pulling her closer to him.
”Mmmm… love it when you talk dirty to me, babe.” He brushed his thumbs against the small of her back.
”You know… I have a free evening… and a pretty large bed… all you gotta do is ask..”“Piss off, Deon; I’d rather go an’ throw a technicolor yawn….” Her body squirming slightly in his arms as he pulled her closer against him, Ky’s hair once more sparked with flames, the tips issuing smoke, though at closer look showed no sign of burning,
“Ya not worth a Zack- an’ there ain’t no way I’d ever let ya root me…””...have a few beers… get some pizza… some naked Twister…” It was as though he hadn’t even heard her; simply finishing his thoughts out loud rather than responding to what she had just said. Not that he would have really understood it, anyway. Australian’s had a really weird way with words.
“..strewth- ya such a shonky ass seppo..!”Her hand coming down hard against his bare chest, Ky once more began to push against it, the smoke growing slightly as she continued to glare up at him,
“I’m bloody sick of it- don’t you come the raw prawn with me..!””Babe… I’ve got no idea what you’re saying… but that accent… with that tone…” He made a noise to illustrate what it was doing to him; a light hum while his eyes closed.
”We’ve been going at each other for.. How many years now? It’s time we stop kidding ourselves and just go for it. I promise you won’t regret it.”“..don’ go round makin’ promises ya can’t keep- I know for a fact that I’d regret it, you sick… twisted… manipulative… egotistical jer-...”“Ms. Kylie Montgomery… Mr. Devin Argent… I suggest you stumble your way back down to the stands, and take a seat with the rest of these lazy lumps. I have the unfortunate pleasure of calling my camp to meeting, and I need all ears on us…”