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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcel Gates

Location: The Obstacle Course; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: James Wolfe.

It seemed as though she had arrived just on time. Ky' vie and Deon had just reached the top of the Obstacle Tower by the time she moseyed into the area. The stands were completely full, so she opted to remain standing, leaning against the side of the stands to give her a chance to finish her cigarette. Not to mention... all of the shapes, colors and vibrations emanating from such a large group of people congregated together... she didn't like it. It made her feel sick.

She got a few dirty looks from her fellow campers who were less than thrilled to be around the smoke, but Marcel had learned long ago to just ignore them, or quirk an eyebrow and make a "so do something about it" kind of face. Most of the time, they just left her alone. But she wasn't the only one smoking, it appeared. James Wolfe was standing not too far from her position, finishing up his own cigarette and observing the scene before him just as quietly as she was. She knew his name only in passing. He was the new kid, after all - everyone knew his name because everyone flung him shit. Well... everyone meaning between the Hermes and Ares cabin. One just for fun, the other for sheer bullying. Whatever. Neither was her scene.

Maybe it had to do with the fact that James and Bexley were the closest family she had at the camp, save for Erin. They were the four children of the big three (wait, where there others? Maybe Poseidon kids? Hell... she didn't know... nor particularly care), and yet James was the only one she could really stand to be around for long periods at a time. Bexley was far too high maintenance, Erin and she had almost nothing in common... but James... James was a cool dude. He reminded her a lot of herself before- well, she wasn't going to think about that.

Ignoring the outcome of what was happening on the tower completely, Marcel nodded over towards James' direction, acknowledging him being there, which was a lot more than most people got out of her.

"What a surprise," he had muttered to himself, not counting on anyone hearing. Funny, from here, it looked like the two bull heads were tying... but that was just seconds after he had made his verbal observation. Marcel, in turn, just chuckled and took another puff of her cigarette. She really didn't care either way. Not to mention she was riding on a pretty good buzz that had her in higher spirits than she normally would have been this early in the day.

"And yet these dogs all come and watch every week, expecting something to change." she replied, speaking only to him and once again ignoring the offended and pressing glares she was getting from those who were trying to enjoy the rest of the game. She scoffed. "Pathetic. Those two have been in camp years longer than anyone else here. Something big has to happen to throw one of them off their game. Frankly... I'd rather watch those two face off a hell hound than this boring, routine shit." Marcel took another drag, pausing a moment as though thinking over the possibility. She'd have to talk to Erin about that one. Between the two of them... and the... "loving" nature of their father... it might just be a fucking possibility...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: No one in particular

Pierre continued up the course, feeling like he was making great time, but already recognising that he wasn’t going to win. Ky’ vie had already taken the lead, but Pierre was still going to try. He didn’t even know why he was doing this. Pierre usually prefered to stay behind the scenes, yet at times, he felt overlocked. He had spent a majority of his summers in camp, staying with Syleste, so she wouldn’t be by herself in the cabin, and so he could make sure she was okay. That had been his job since they were kids, and he wasn’t quite sure who he was without it. As the days went back, turning into weeks and months, and years, it became quite clear that Syleste didn’t need his protect, or at least not as much as she use to.

He didn’t know where he belonged anymore, not truly.

Maybe this was the first step in finding out just where he did belong, and who he was. And maybe he was just overthinking this. He always was over analytical. Turning his mind back to what he was doing, Pierre didn’t stop to look and see how the other contestants were going, instead he merely continued on his way, seeking to do his best. And if his best got him to the top, then so bit it. Winning didn’t really matter. Taking a moment to ensure that his hands weren’t sweaty, and therefore slippery, Pierre began to tackle the climbing wall.

There really was no way to predict when the hand holds would be moved, but if you listened, if you noticed the slight movement before it happened, you could avoid falling. Pierre used his long reach to scale the wall quickly, often moving side ways, and once or twice down as hand and foot holds were yanked away. He kept calm, processing everything around him as he moved.

As he climbed, he continued to think about why he was doing this. It wasn’t a quest, it wasn’t even a challenge… was it just to prove that he could do it, or was it something else? He did know. What did winning this even get you? The course was, while designed for skilled, about luck. You could do everything right, and then the tower would give you something that changed everything. Maybe that was the point. To keep him on his toes, and keep him thinking, keep him ready for anything.

His thoughts were broken as a hand held slipped through his fingers, and for a moment Pierre hung by one hand. He swung his body up, getting foot holds, and managed to get his other hand onto another hold, and he rested for a second, catching his breath back.

He began to climb again, and his thoughts traveled back to where they had been. Sometimes The ADHD that plagued Pierre, and indeed most of the other campers, was a blessing. It enabled him to think, and do what he was doing, managing to keep focused even as his mind wandered. He knew that the ADHD was designed to keep them alive in battle-to enable them to focus on many things at once, and to avoid getting skewered like a stuck pig.

So. Why was he doing this, what did he have to prove? Perhaps he was simply trying to...be seen. Yet why did he want to be seen? He managed to remove his left foot in time before the foothold was yanked away, and hurriedly scrambled to the side, and then back up again. He sighed to himself, and focused on the tower.

Before he realised what was happening, he realised that he was having fun. How often did that happen? Perhaps it was important to do something else, besides reading… And that was something that Pierre never thought that he would think that. Smiling to himself, he continued to climb. He looked up, knowing he was close to the top of the tower. Or rather hoping that he was.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 3 days ago

Aella Lorraine Stedford

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Her horse; Alcippe.

It had been a long trip… and that was putting it lightly.

For the better part of three full days, it had been the same routine- get up, tend to Alcippe, get her back in the float, pile into the jeep, drive for hours, stop somewhere for lunch, exercise the horse, put her back into the float, drive some more, stop for the night… and then it all started again the next morning. But today… today had finally been different. The very moment that they had reached New York, she’d been sure to ask that they stop right at the beginning of the highway that ran through the long island straight- yeah it was going to take her a little longer, but after the both of them having been cooped up for approximately the last forty-three hours… it was well worth the change of pace.

Pulling back on the reins to slow the pace as she drew closer to the top of the hill that she now knew to be the entrance to the Greek camp, Aella steered her mare off to the side slightly, her balance never once wavering on the equines back as the creature reluctantly came to a stop, shaking out its long though well-kept and beautiful mane, the action causing the demigoddess to lean forward in the saddle, her hand softly gliding up and down the animal’s neck a few times in both thanks and appreciation for having gotten her as far she had.

Leaving her life in Camp Jupiter behind had been easier than she thought it was going to be- sure it meant that she was leaving all her friends, and everyone she ever cared about behind in her wake, but she needed a fresh start… a fresh start away from all the loss… all the grief… the constant saddened looks, and the hushed whispers… majority of them couldn’t even meet her eyes anymore… Shoving the thought out of her mind, she sat up tall once more in the saddle, turning her head back in the direction of the camp, her attention falling to glance at the few demigods milling about at their own pace and leisure- this place was so… different to what she was used to… Where were the uniforms..? Where was the structure..?

It was going to take her a while to get used to living here…

Frowning as the roaring sound of cheers and hollers floated up to her from somewhere within the camp, Aella turned her head, and allowed her attention to slowly glide over to the area in front of her- the camp looked… deserted. Completely empty; but from the sound that she could hear in the distance, she knew for a fact that wasn’t the case. Something was going on. Some kind of event that had everyone on the edge of their seats, though whatever it was, she wasn’t completely sure.

Deciding it better to just go on ahead and find out for herself what was going on, she pressed onward, clicking her tongue a couple of times as she pressed her heels lightly into the side of her horse to once more gain its attention, gently flicking the reins and urging the creature to go forward as they headed down the hill to where she could hear the thrum of cheers and jeers coming from- her dark gaze gliding back and forth about her person so that she could take in as much as she possibly could before eventually, they settled upon the distant image of a large tower spinning back and forth, the campers packing the area tight as they tried their best to get a glimpse of what was going on.

Well… that was new…

Frowning heavily with both confusion and curiosity, she once more urged her mare to move forward, following the path that was lined out for her to follow before eventually, she once again came to a complete stop, though this time it was a few feet away from what she could only assume was some sort of obstacle tower- the familiar sound of grunting and shouting mixed with the sight of campers dropping to the ground at the foot of it helping her to relax, and to calm her nerves, even if just a little.

Furrowing her brows together, she took her time to look out over the arena from where she sat upon the saddle, her body leaning forward just slightly as her hands lowered down to rest upon the leather, her expression unreadable as she watched the scene unfolding before her very eyes- it seemed like whatever the event was going on, it was now over, leaving two demigods stood on the top of the tower conversing about something, while others made their way back down claiming who the winner had been.

By the gods, the Grecian’s were a weird lot… did the have nothing better to do than to stand about socializing..?

Reaching forward slightly, Aella once more let her hand brush over the horse’s neck a couple of times, patting it lightly and rather affectionately as she kept her place, watching on and just listening as the those situated in the stands, and the two stray demigods in front of her began to speak among themselves- the smoke from their cigarettes causing her horse to sneeze before finally, it shook out its mane, settling back down thanks to its master’s encouragement.

“Father give me strength…”

Her voice was soft, almost inaudible before finally, it wilted away into complete and utter silence as she let her dark eyes flick about the crowd, seeming to search for someone in particular as she once more sat herself up in the saddle, her dark purple Camp Jupiter top giving clear indication as to just where it was she was from as she continued to scan the group of campers- life was definitely going to be different for her now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 21 days ago

Hawley Griffin

Location: Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Alan Carpenter (@YoshiSkittlez)

Griffin had watched the events of the Obstacle Tower unfold before him with an almost analytical eye, watching as Ky' vie maneuver the Obstacle Tower with the grace, speed, and coordination that could only come with years of experience. In a way, Griffin admired it: a daughter of Hephaestus of all gods being able to go head-to-head with the sons and daughters of Ares with a fighting chance. What was better in the end; Inherent talent, or years of practiced skill?

But Griffin's silent jubilee, marked by a growing, sly grin, soon fell to pieces around him as Deon grabbed the ring as well - mere milliseconds after Ky' vie had done.

It was almost as if time had stopped. The ear-splitting cries and cheers from the audience stands instantly died out to almost nothing, the expressions of the crowd a mixture of shock, surprise, anger, confusion, or discombobulation. The only sound that seemed to linger in the area was the groaning and spinning of the Tower itself, and the few who still dared to try and climb it, probably trying to prove themselves.

"Oh, for fuck's sake." Griffin spat out, seemingly to himself, though his gaze briefly caught onto Alan, silently acknowledging his presence as a sounding board.

Though the tower was too high up and loud to hear any of the talk going on between the two potential victors, Deon's perverted smirk and expression told Griffin all he needed to hear.

"There's nothing worse than a standing prick." Griffin muttered to Alan, obviously in regards to Deon. The son of Ares was everything Griffin despised in a person and then some. The very thought of him trying to solicit some sort of perverted favor from Ky' vie, or anyone Griffin knew personally made his blood boil in his veins like acid.

Stepping a few feet forward, Griffin looked, for a moment, as if he were intending to climb the tower, himself, just to give Deon a piece of his mind; but eventually stopped, clenching both fists by his side. Griffin tried to remain a go-with-the-flow individual, content to let people be as they would, so long as they let him be; but Deon he wanted to hurt. Physically, emotionally, didn't matter, so long as that cocky demeanor he wore shattered, leaving him a bleeding, raging beast to be put down.

With a sigh, Griffin finally spoke, a certain finality in his voice, "For gods' sake, she can handle herself." Turning back, Griffin returned to his original place besides his brother, pinching the bridge of his nose in uncharacteristic exasperation.

Sighing once more, Griffin seemed to calm down, any irritation he showed quickly replaced by his typical joking manner. "So, what big announcement d'ya think is gonna happen today?" Griffin asked his 'baby' brother, planting both hands in his coat pockets.

Simon Riddle

Location:Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood
Interacting With: Michael, Niesha (@Caits), Erin, Syleste (@Vicier), Bexley (@tsubasa)

"Is it really odd to see them here when we were all instructed to be here?"
Met by yet another voice, Simon turned, matching Bexley's gaze with his own unflinching one for a moment as he seemed to process what exactly she had said. Admittedly, he was out of his element within the mass crowd of people, and it showed in his less-than-adequate interactions.

"In many cases, you'd be right, Leah, but most demigods tend to take instruction as suggestion. Stubbornness is as intrinsic in our being as speaking Greek is--"

“..I’ve been practicing that new piece that you gave me- it’s beautiful…”

Stopping what was most likely going to be an extremely riveting lecture, Simon turned his head as rapidly as before to latch on Syleste, shifting the gears of interaction the same way an intricate machine would, flowing tone, expression, and topic of conversation in a manner that was almost admirable. "Have you? Good, good, good. It's a quick little song I caught in one of my shows, figured you'd enjoy it." Simon offered a small smile, yet this one was sincere, lacking the forceful rigidity he was used to. It gave an insight, however brief, to the natural charm and charisma Simon had the potential to wield if he worked at it. Truly, Syleste was one of the few campers Simon felt totally at-ease around. While her boundless optimism and naive nature sometimes perplexed the young wizard, it gave him insight on a different mindset, one he had not been privy to in a number of years.

Fidgeting with the tarot card in his fingers, still, Simon leaned his cane down by his side, using his free hand to carefully remove his glasses, hanging them around the collar of his t-shirt, his bright, gunmetal blue eyes squinting unconsciously in the bright sun.

Turning towards the twins of Athena, Simon offered an apologetic nod in their direction. "I apologize, I meant no offense. The children of Athena possess a cleverness that is not to be reckoned with. I examine situations as whether they're a risk worth taking. Clever as you both may be, the Tower is a test of cleverness and physical skill, which are traits I rescind to the children of Ares, Hermes...and, perhaps, Athena..."

Trailing off, Simon seemed utterly distracted; the source soon revealing itself as Ky' vie grabbed the golden ring from the oversized helmet, with Deon latching on but a split-second afterward. The pause in events silenced the camp, sending almost everyone in a state of tense confusion. But Simon saw an opportunity, the puzzle revealing itself to him. Deon's relaxed, yet firm posture, strengthening his grip on the ring while still attempting to appear indifferent to the whole situation. Grinning, his eyes were filled with a hunger that possessed many a man, insatiable lust of the flesh. Ky' vie, on the meanwhile, showed the first signs of being none-too-pleased that her victory was being challenged; and, Simon was sure, impending fury at what was no doubt a sexual pass. Engrossed in the scene playing out before him, Simon shut out all outside stimulation, locking his focus into seeing Ky's reaction, absently returning the tarot card to his pocket so he could clasp a hand over his chin.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Winn Valentine

Location: Cabin Five, Dionysus' Cabin
Interacting with: No one.

The warm sunlight filtered lazily through the stained glass window of the Dionysus' cabin loft, softly illuminating the floating specks of dust as they wound their swirling paths through the air. Each speck twisted intricately around the others, heading on a collision course for another piece of dust before swooping elegantly out of the way, narrowly avoiding the demise of two noble specks of dust.

The warm sunlight slowly crept down the wall, illuminating the room inch by inch. As the sun rose, the beams slanted more and more downwards, eventually casting their warm embrace upon the bare skin of a drunken demigod. As the illumination shined directly onto his eyes, the boy let out a groan, rolling over as he threw an arm over his eyes, blocking out the sunlight. The faint remnants of a headache persisted from the night before, hinting that he should have been hungover.

A long sigh issued forth from his lips as Winn realized he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. If the sun was already shining on his bed, it meant it was at least past ten in the morning. The camp was no doubt buzzing with activity, from first-years cautiously avoiding the Ares' kids sparring matches to Nymphs and Satyrs dancing around the edges of the woods to the older demigods scaling the fierce heights of the obstacle tower. How was he possibly going to waste time sleeping when there was so much to be done?

With a groan and a hiccup, Winn bolted upright, looking wildly around the Dionysus' cabin in a fervor. The entire building was empty, as far as he could tell, but that didn't mean much; when one goes to bed at 7:30 in the morning after a wild night of partying and questionable activities and wakes up less than three hours later, they tend to have quite unreliable senses.

A large yawn escaped Winn's mouth before a shiver ran down his spine, reminding him that he wasn't covered by anything except for his underwear. The Dionysus' cabin always remained a cool, relaxing temperature, magically sustained through the entire year. Come rain, snow, or shine, the inside of his father's cabin was always the correct temperature. Assuming, of course, that one was wearing clothes.

Rolling out of his queen sized cot, Winn kicked the fluffy blankets off of his leg and stretched, soaking in the warmth of the golden rays peering in through the skylight. The cabin's interior was an odd mix between a tranquil setting and a frat house, mixing the quiet environment of soft, light woods and winding grapevines with the flaming illumination of orange flames contained in glass orbs. The cabin's greenery was capable of magically retracting to make more space in case of an impromptu party.

Winn snatched the clothes he had been wearing the day before and tossed them into a laundry hamper, grabbing a long sleeved dark green shirt out of dresser by his bed as he passed it. His bare feet made small slapping sounds as he walked down the stairs from the loft, pulling his shirt over his head as he descended. As he made his way towards the open kitchen in the cabin, Winn pulled at his sleeves, rolling them up to his elbows before rubbing his eyes sleepily. While most other campers would have gone for some coffee, or even caffeinated soda, Winn opened then fridge and extracted multiple bottles of alcohol, placing them on the wooden counter top as he went.

Once he had pulled various liquors and carbonated bases out of the refrigerator, the groggy demigod pulled a shaker from its place in the overhead cabinets, wincing slightly as the cabinet door closed with a loud crack. Even with his enhanced immune system and high liquor tolerance, he had only had a few hours to sober up from the massive amounts of wine and vodka he had consumed the previous night. By legal standards, Winn was drunk off his ass, but he had learned how to function semi-normally while under the influence, but that didn't stop a hangover's migraine from causing hell.

With half opened eyes, Winn found his way around the bottles, quickly mixing up an amber cocktail in the shaker, pouring it into a rather large wine glass he had pulled from the overhead storage racks. The golden liquor gurgling satisfyingly when it sluiced into the glass, making a small whirlpool as it filled the chalice.

Swishing the liquid around in the whine glass in one hand, Winn briefly considered drinking only one glass to wake him up. Alcohol to him was like a shot of pure adrenaline to others, invigorating his systems and bringing his brain to life. But just one glass wasn't gonna cut it.

"Fuck it." Winn murmured, throwing his head back and tilting the glass's contents into his mouth, not putting it back down until it was empty. The burning sensation of powerful alcohol tingled Winn's mouth and throat, causing him to hold a fist to his mouth and cough. No matter how much Winn drank, vodka was still vodka, and it would always remain the alcoholic equivalent of a kick in the balls.

With his mind now alive, the demigod grabbed a particularly old Grecian wine, which happened to be from the times of the Trojan war. After he had finished uncorking it and inhaling the wine's marvelous scent, he poured the solution into a large thermos, filling the container to the brim. After returning what remained of the different ingredients to their usual places, Winn grabbed the thermos and moved through the cabin, winding up sprawled out on one of the many couches, staring up at the skylights as he took sips of the ancient wine.

"Ten minutes," Winn told himself, taking another swig of alcohol as he realized his next statement was an absolute lie. "Ten more minutes, then I'll find some pants."
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ky’ vie Morgan and Deon Alexander

Location: The Big House & The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Each other.

It was hers; she’d done it. The smile growing over her lips at the fact that she would once again be keeping hold over her title; Ky tightened her grip over the ring, her body turning so that she could lift it up for all below to see, though she didn’t get that far… the pull from the other side of the ring causing her head to snap around, her long vibrant red locks flying lightly over a single shoulder as she allowed her gaze to meet with that of the one who was trying to snatch her win away from her…

Deon… of course… how could she ever expect anything less from him..?

A tie..? No; there was just no way. She was sure-... Her brows furrowing in confusion at his claim, she thought over his words. There was no way in the fiery depths of Tartarus that she was going to let him share this with her. It was ridiculous- sure she went out of her way to give him a run for his money; but she never encroached on his territory, so why should he go and intrude on hers..?

He could keep his title as King of capture the flag… the obstacle tower was her thing; by the Gods, he was such a pig.

“You’re such an asshole, Deon- let go of it..!”

With a grin worthy of a cat catching the canary, Deon let out a light chuckle at Ky’ vie’s expense. She was getting angry with him. It was kind of cute. But his strong grip on the victor’s ring remained, and he shook his head no. There was no way that he was just going to give up - not without something in return. Not without what he wanted.

”Nuh-uh. You know what you gotta do.” he taunted, taking a free moment to use his free hand to tap a finger against his smirked lips.

A disgusted look flickering across her otherwise beautiful features, Ky shook her head lightly from side to side; disbelieving that she was even contemplating such a thing. Kiss him..? He wanted her to kiss him..? The thought alone had her stomach twisting slightly; though if it was in anything more than utter hatred for the man standing in front of her, she certainly wasn’t aware of it.

“..you’re a pig…”

Pulling back on the ring as hard as she could to draw him closer, she narrowed her eyes up in his direction, her bright red lips parting ever so slightly from one another as she looked up at him, “..what makes you think I would ever be interested in ever kissing one of your lot again..?”

”Because if you don’t… you’re winning streak dies.”. He was more than pleased with himself. Everyone and their mother, and mother’s mother, knew that Ky’ vie thrived on competition - notably winning. And really, he couldn’t come out of this without winning something. Either she gave in and kissed him, or he got the satisfaction of beating her at her game - both equally pleasurable in their own right.

Her hand balling into a fist at her side, she lifted it, giving all intention of hitting him before she reached out, doing everything to ignore the little voice screaming at her from the back of her mind as she firmly took a hold of the back of his neck, holding him in place as she lifted herself up onto the balls of her feet, closing the gap between them, and sealing it completely as she pressed her lips against his.

Deon’s eyes widened and then fluttered to a soft close the moment her lips met with his. Part of him believed that she would never do it - that she was too stubborn. He knew she didn’t exactly want to, (at least in front of other people, because really, who didn’t want to kiss him at some point?) but it seemed that her competitive streak won out in the end. Not that he was complaining. He was simply caught off guard for just a moment.

True to his proposition, Deon let his fingers fall from their hold around the ring in favor to take a natural position at her hip once he got around to kissing her back, harder - if he was lucky enough for this to even be a one-time thing, he had to at least make the most of it.

Her heart was racing… why was it racing..?

Stomach still twisting… or was it fluttering..? Ky’ vie’s hold over his neck relaxed… her hand slowly sliding around, following the natural line of his shoulder… the natural curve of his muscles, until finally, it came to a stop upon his chest, her own heaving lightly up and down as she closed her eyes, allowing her body to be drawn closer into his own.

This was wrong; kissing him was just so, so wrong… but then why did it feel as good as it did..? Her fingers curling lightly over his chest, she tried her best to ignore the confused thoughts flickering across the forefront of her mind, the action causing her hold over the ring to falter, allowing it to slip only slightly from her fingers as the feeling of his body pressing against hers began to slowly consume her thoughts.

He could hear it - there were sounds of both surprise and admiration from the onlookers below, both on the tower and off. And really, he couldn’t blame them. Well, the ones who were cheering it on, anyway. It was pretty hot. They were pretty hot - something he had been trying to tell Ky’ vie for years. For someone that didn’t seem too intent on kissing him just a few seconds ago, she sure was keen on touching him. He couldn’t help but to flex the muscles that she grazed against, wanting them to appear more solid than they actually were.

He smirked against her lips, and with his free hand, moved it around and behind her to give her ass cheek a nice squeeze, parting his lips to slide his tongue against hers.

Her breath catching in her throat at his actions, Ky’ vie furrowed her brows, her heart racing faster than she could ever remember it having done before. She could hear the shock… the jeering coming from those watching on from below.

Did she even really care..?

Eyes opening slightly in surprise as she felt his tongue running out over her lips, she let her gaze lift up to him, her body freezing slightly as her mind eventually drew back around to the present, causing her to squirm within his arms, the hand on his chest balling into a fist.

Moving both of his hands so that they were on her hips, Deon chuckled as he pulled his lips away from hers, hands tightening on her to keep her from squirming around so much, though the action had his body moving slightly with hers.

”Aww… what’s the matter, Ky? Found out you liked it?” he jibed, laughing.

Her grip once more tightening over the ring, Ky tore her gaze away from his, her bright red lips parting slightly as a gentle blush crept out over her cheeks, “..you’re delusional if you think I could ever like you…”

”Then why are you blushing?”

“You grabbed my ass..!” Flames flickering through her hair, Ky’s head snapped back around, her metallic silver eyes once more meeting with his as the blush grew more prominent upon her gentle features, “You’re holdin’ me against you..! And you manipulated me in front of all my friends..! I’m embarrassed; so why do you think I’m blushing, Deon..?”

“Because you also have the hots for me. Just admit it, babe. It’s okay. People will understand.”

“Rack off will ya..!” Shoving her hand roughly against his chest, Ky’ vie narrowed her eyes at him, a look of disgust once more flickering over her beautiful features, “Ya nothin’ but a goddamn bludger, and a drunk; and dead set, ya ain’t got buckley’s chance with a sheila like me.”

He had absolutely no idea what she just said, but it sounded angry. He snickered and ended up pulling her closer to him.

”Mmmm… love it when you talk dirty to me, babe.” He brushed his thumbs against the small of her back. ”You know… I have a free evening… and a pretty large bed… all you gotta do is ask..”

“Piss off, Deon; I’d rather go an’ throw a technicolor yawn….” Her body squirming slightly in his arms as he pulled her closer against him, Ky’s hair once more sparked with flames, the tips issuing smoke, though at closer look showed no sign of burning, “Ya not worth a Zack- an’ there ain’t no way I’d ever let ya root me…”

”...have a few beers… get some pizza… some naked Twister…” It was as though he hadn’t even heard her; simply finishing his thoughts out loud rather than responding to what she had just said. Not that he would have really understood it, anyway. Australian’s had a really weird way with words.

“..strewth- ya such a shonky ass seppo..!”

Her hand coming down hard against his bare chest, Ky once more began to push against it, the smoke growing slightly as she continued to glare up at him, “I’m bloody sick of it- don’t you come the raw prawn with me..!”

”Babe… I’ve got no idea what you’re saying… but that accent… with that tone…” He made a noise to illustrate what it was doing to him; a light hum while his eyes closed. ”We’ve been going at each other for.. How many years now? It’s time we stop kidding ourselves and just go for it. I promise you won’t regret it.”

“..don’ go round makin’ promises ya can’t keep- I know for a fact that I’d regret it, you sick… twisted… manipulative… egotistical jer-...”

“Ms. Kylie Montgomery… Mr. Devin Argent… I suggest you stumble your way back down to the stands, and take a seat with the rest of these lazy lumps. I have the unfortunate pleasure of calling my camp to meeting, and I need all ears on us…”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Imogen Parsons

Locationthe obstacle tower
Interacting with Hawley Griffin (@Ghost Shadow) and Alan Carpenter (@YoshiSkittlez)

Her arms hurting, her legs a little weak, Imogen continued her long climb, part of her wishing that she hadn’t started this obstacle tower, but most of her was proud that she was doing this. This really was the start of a whole new imogen, she was going to make sure of that. Looking up, she could see that she was very near the top of the tower, and thrilled, she cheered herself on, making sure that she didn’t look down. She wasn’t afraid of heights, but she also wasn’t foolish enough to look down and risk that vertigo… it would be a looong way down, and… oh, she was going to make herself dizzy thinking about it. She flung her thoughts to other things, thinking on the forum roleplays she was in, what she had to write about, and the lovely Dungeons and Dragons game she had going on.

She knew she was the epitome of geek, and she embraced it. It was who she was. And if there was one thing she had learned in her years at the camp was that you had to be who you were. Screw everyone else if they didn’t accept that. They weren’t worth the trouble then. And besi-


Her head hit the top of the platform, the top of the tower, and she groaned, swaying a moment, reaching up with one hand to rub the top of her head. She lowered her hand to her eyes to make sure it hadn’t come away with blood. Relieved that she hadn’t cracked her skull open, Imogen looked up. She could hear voices, but it didn’t matter to her that she hadn’t come close to winning, she had still made it to the top, and she laid her head against the wall, laughing softly. She’d done it! She hung there a moment, before she started back down, grinning like a fool when she reached the bottom.

She reached up to run a hand over her hair, looking around, absolutely thrilled with herself, she was now a little stumped on what to do. There had been something about a… meeting? Hadn’t there, Dionysus wanted them all together? She rocked back on her feet a moment, before starting off, heading to the benches, not wanting to bother anyone, although part of her was hoping that maybe someone would approach her

So much for making a change She thought a little bittering to herself, stopping where she was, and hesitating once more. She looked about, seeing the Athena twins, Syleste, and Erin- who scared the crap out of Imogen, she never knew how to act around her- and Simon, in a group… or mostly in a group. She wasn’t really willing to go over there, just yet, and she looked about again. Her gaze soon landed on Alan, and Griffin, standing together, and she rocked bck on her feet, thinking. She bit her bottom lip, chewing on it for a moment as if deciding, before she took a deep breath and started towards them, quickly before she lost her nerve. She plastered on a large grin, ”I did it, I mean, I didn’t have a hope in hell of winning, but I still did it!” she said cheerfully, or rather hoping that she sounded cheerful.

She was already beginning to wonder if she had made a mistake coming over, and if she should just do a quick retreat, and hiding in the stands. Gods, she just didn’t seem to have the confidence at all for talking with more than one person. And even one person was a challenge. She waited nervously, while trying not to appear that she was nervous.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alan Carpenter

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Hawley Griffin (@Ghost Shadow) and Imogen Parsons (@Caits).

"Oh, for fuck's sake."

Alan watched quietly as his half brother threw a small fit over the supposed tie that Ky' vie and Deon had come to. Even he had to admit it was a little sketchy, but really, what could he, or any of them do? It was another reason Alan had decided to stop participating in the Obstacle Tower - there was always just too much drama.

"There's nothing worse than a standing prick."

Alan had to chuckle lightly to himself at that one, even though Hawley wasn't even talking to him directly. He wanted to make some joke towards the idea of "that's how pricks work best, isn't it?" but decided against it - it just wasn't something he'd say out loud. But it didn't keep him from thinking it.

"For gods' sake, she can handle herself."

That part was probably true. Ky' vie was one of the toughest campers he knew, despite him being at camp for a short amount of time. Alan watched as Hawley came back to him, clearly upset by the whole ordeal and really he couldn't blame him, but Alan knew better than to waste any mental energy on getting worked up about something that was beyond his control.

"So, what big announcement d'ya think is gonna happen today?"

Alan shrugged his shoulders.

"Dunno. Maybe a new camper?" No, that wouldn't make sense. Campers came and went all the time without Dionysus making an announcement of any kind. "Or maybe a quest is coming up." he quickly added on, as to not make himself look stupid any longer than he might have already done.

“Ms. Kylie Montgomery… Mr. Devin Argent… I suggest you stumble your way back down to the stands, and take a seat with the rest of these lazy lumps. I have the unfortunate pleasure of calling my camp to meeting, and I need all ears on us…”

Alan's attention was pulled from talking with his brother to the god in question as he called down Ky' vie and Deon from the obstacle tower (having missed their kiss completely). He wasn't sure what it was, but Alan suddenly started to get a wrong kind of feeling - one that made his stomach start to churn and knot and that had the hair on his arms standing up on end.

"Guess we're about to find out."

”I did it, I mean, I didn’t have a hope in hell of winning, but I still did it!”

Once again, Alan's attention was diverted, though this time to the small (by comparison to himself) girl of Poseidon. His father was her father's nephew, or... something like that - so he wasn't exactly sure what that made Imogen and himself. Though technically... they were all related one way or another at this camp.

"You'll have your shot at winning, Imogen. She can't stay undefeated forever." Alan put one arm around her and pulled Imogen into a one-armed, congratulatory hug. "And I don't think you fell off once - that's enough of a win for me." he chuckled.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 21 days ago

Hawley Griffin

Location: Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Alan Carpenter (@YoshiSkittlez), Imogen Parsons (@Caits)

Griffin grew silent as the tension seemed to grow between the two co-victors atop the Tower, his brows furrowing critically as the situation slowly began to escalate, aided by the impatient scattered murmurs and shouts from the audience stands, all finally culminating when Ky pressed her lips against Deon's, causing the discordant chatter in the crowd to suddenly turn into whoops and jeers of varying reactions, creating a deafening noise that seemed to no longer be comprised of words in any language.

Griffin said nothing, a loud ringing in his ears droning over Alan's response to his question, leaving him to stand still as a statue, eyes glued to the crux of the Tower, seeing the two's kiss grow in intimacy and passion, each slow-passing second seeming to fill his being with more anger than he thought possible to feel. With seemingly one impulsive decision keeping him from climbing the Tower, himself to wring Deon's neck, Griffin was pulled abruptly from his reverie by Imogen's sudden appearance, bringing him back to the present - back to reality.

”I did it, I mean, I didn’t have a hope in hell of winning, but I still did it!”

"Wha-?" Griffin shook his head slightly as he dug himself out of his own distraction, absently letting a single hand slide through his wild mess of hair, eyes landing on Imogen as if he were just noticing her. She seemed excited, more than Griffin was used to. The fact she sought him and Alan out was most peculiar. Not that the girl wasn't friendly, quite the contrary, but Griffin's own scope of people to interact with didn't normally include the young daughter of Poseidon. In a way, Griffin both admired and hated her humility in her role as one of the Big Three's children. Arrogance wouldn't have suited her, no, but to downplay her own power as insignificant...It drove Griffin mad. He had no regrets in his own parentage; he and Alan were among the, if not the fastest runners in Camp, and anything that needed unlocking or pilfering, well, that was mere child's play to Griffin. But to control the sea and earth as if they were mere extensions of your will - that was power.

"Ay, you did, didn't'cha? Tower's a cruel beast, 'specially to new climbers. Congrats, Immy. Griffin complimented with a soft grin, the anger still gnawing at his insides seeming to drain the snarky humor from his person.

"Sorry, Brother, got a bit distracted, I didn't hear ya." Griffin admitted sheepishly to Alan, scratching the back of his head. Anything else he was soon going to say was interrupted by Mr. D's declaration of news.

"Aaaaand there it is. Best find a seat, then, shall we?" Griffin proclaimed before, quite literally climbing the side of the stands and sweeping over the threshold, somehow, if by skill or luck, not managing to crash into anyone as he navigated the packed seats to squeeze into what counted as a "vacant" space.

Simon Riddle

Location:Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood
Interacting With: No one

Simon's eyes kept glued to the pinnacle of the Obstacle Tower, though he did not join in the whispers and questions shared throughout the rest of the Camp. He could've been compared to a scientist or researcher coldly analyzing a situation without opinion or bias. Simon would admit to himself, however, that he did not expect Kyra to outright kiss Damon back, let alone with the passion and arousal exhibited. For a moment, Simon averted his gaze, feeling as if he had stumbled upon a private interaction by accident, but no, this was for the whole Camp to see. With this result, Simon ascertained, Ky may have won the Obstacle Tower, but gained Dean as an incessant predator, snapping at her heels with the crazed determination of a starved beast seeking satiation.

“Ms. Kylie Montgomery… Mr. Devin Argent… I suggest you stumble your way back down to the stands, and take a seat with the rest of these lazy lumps. I have the unfortunate pleasure of calling my camp to meeting, and I need all ears on us…”

Simon's eyes flicked from the recently-parted, and now-fighting couple onto the diminutive Lord Dionysus as he called the Camp to attention. Twirling his walking cane between long fingers, Simon drew his hand up along the side of his face, letting it rest against his cheek, with fingertips brushing against his creased forehead.

He could remember something, just a small something from a restless dream he had just the night before. He was in, what was it, a red ballroom, maybe? Or a restaurant, he couldn't be certain. The air smelled of cigarette smoke and spiced wine, interwoven with the stodgy conversation of its faceless inhabitants. Who was he with..? A woman, a young woman, maybe younger than he was. Short black hair, shimmering blue eyes that seemed to shift before him to shades of green and black - the Mist at work. Mother? There was...a dove, yes, a dove. But why?

Unbeknownst to himself, Simon had begun quietly muttering things under his breath, not inaudible, but barely above a whisper. So much to think about, so little time to think. No. Think later.

Simon brought his attention back to the matter at hand. Whatever Dionysus had to say, something or other had prodded Simon that it would be of great importance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Michael Stevenson

Location: obstacle Tower Stands
Interacting withErin Chase, Syleste Niore (@Vicier), Simon Riddle (@Ghost Shadow)

Michael kept his gaze on the obstacle tower, following the participants, and relaying what was happening to Syleste, trying to go into much detail as he could, focusing on the tower made speaking easier. He had a hand on Moe, restraining the large dog, feeling him practically vibrating underneath his hand, knowing the big goofy bundle of fur wanting to run about, and pounce on everyone, or play with Prince, which would involve just about smothering Syleste. Michael wasn’t worried about Moe hurting the much smaller dog- he wouldn’t hurt a fly, and was often gently with the smaller creatures.

It wasn’t odd to see Moe stretched out with some of them on him, the good natured, soft hearted dog suffering through it. Still, Moe would forever have a puppy’s outlook, and Michael often had to restrain him from charging anyone or anything. Even if he sometimes forgot to do that. “It looks like Ky’ vie is well on her way to keeping her title” He said, watching Ky’ vie a moment as she neared the top, her determination nearly palpable from where they were, “B-but D-Deon is making his way up close behind her. C-could be close” He said, turning his gaze from them, to others on the tower, “P-Pierre seems to be doing okay, He seems to have found a good path to climb up.” Pierre never seemed to give up, year after year.

He continued to tell Syleste what was going on, stopping as Ky’ vie and Deon reached the top, assuming that there was a winner, and shifting, turning away from the tower, Moe looking up at him, eyes wide, almost begging as he had his tongue out, and tail wagging fast, as if asking permission to jump about. Michael lifted his hand, and patted the large dog on the head, sending him into ecstatics. He was so easy to please. “S-s-such a good boy” Michael said softly to him, earning a doggy grin, leaning against Michael’s legs and nearly sending him tumbling over.

“Um. Looks like Ky’ vie and Deon both got to the top, don’t know who won yet” he said, once more laying a hand on Moe’s back, keeping him still, at least for the moment. With the tower course nearly over, Michael turned his thoughts to other things. Simon seemed to have just ignored Syleste, and the rest of the group, and if you held your breath you’d probably die waiting for Erin to say something to anyone, at least right then. So Michael was happy to be able to give Syleste some attention, even if it made him incredibly nervous.

”W-what is t-the p-pun-piece you're w-working on?” he asked, knowing that whatever they were all here for would be revealed soon, but still wanting to talk a little bit.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Pierre Niore

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Erin Chase, Syleste Niore (@Vicier), Simon Riddle (@Ghost Shadow), Niesha and Michael Stevenson

Pierre continued his climb up the tower, and one quick look told him that this year was a bust as well, Ky’ vie was well ahead of him. Yet Pierre wouldn’t simply give up the tower. How would he learn, otherwise? Besides, reaching the top was something he could do. Everyone had their strengths, and weaknesses, and Pierre knew that he couldn’t change that. He glanced down, gaze finding Syleste. She was never really given the chance to do any of this… stuck in the camp since they were young…

Pierre knew that all the precautions that were placed on Syleste were for her own good… and he wanted her safe… but he also hated the fact that it was required. Most summers, Pierre stayed at the camp, but sometimes he returned home, to make sure their mother was okay and he hated leaving her behind. He knew he was protective of her, but he was allowed to… she was his little sister. Yet, he’d give her the world, if he could.

Realising he had been stationary for a few moments, he looked up at the tower, continuing on his way. Next time he left the camp, he was going to try damn hard to have Syleste come with him. He’d get permission somehow. She wasn’t a little kid anymore… And she’d been in camp for years. There had to be some safety precautions they could put in place. Or maybe he was just falling into a bit of wistful thinking. He sighed softly, focusing on the tower, soon reaching the top, although he didn’t bother to climb onto the platform, hearing Ky’ vie and Deon… talking seemed too polite a word. Arguing, perhaps then.

He didn’t want to have anything to do with that, and as Deon goaded Ky’ vie into kissing him for the win, Pierre was already starting his way back down the tower, frustrated. Going down was easier then going up, and Pierre was soon on the ground, as Dionysus spoke.

“Ms. Kylie Montgomery… Mr. Devin Argent… I suggest you stumble your way back down to the stands, and take a seat with the rest of these lazy lumps. I have the unfortunate pleasure of calling my camp to meeting, and I need all ears on us…”

Pierre waited for the god to finish speaking, before he moved away from the tower, standing alone for a few moments, thoughtful. In all his time at camp, Dionysus only brought the whole camp together for important things. Of course, they were all brought together, generally, for when campers were claimed by their parents, but Dionysus tended to shrink on dealing with all of them at once. So whatever this was, had to be important, in one way or another. And, it seemed, it didn’t have anything to do with Ky’ vie or Deon. When Dionysus got your name right, you knew you were in trouble.

Looking about, he found that Syleste was with a few people, and pleased at that, he started towards the small group, and smiled, seeing that he was right. She had Prince, the small dog forever happy to be carried, and nuzzled, and Pierre was well aware that the Forever Puppy would protect Syleste, no matter the fact that he was undersized and smaller than a majority of the creatures at camp. Which should worry him, but it didn’t. Prince was a feisty little thing and Syleste could look after herself, with a little warning.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Imogen Parsons

Locationthe obstacle tower
Interacting with Hawley Griffin (@Ghost Shadow) and Alan Carpenter (@YoshiSkittlez)

Imogen found herself grinning, returning Alan's one armed hug, finding herself feeling quite proud. Not only had she done the tower, but she'd actually gone up to the brothers. She thought she was doing good, and she smiled sheepishly. "Well, I did slip once... but I leaped up and got a hold again" She admitted, finding that it didn’t seem strange to admit it, and she was proud that she’d managed to get back on, without actually falling. It was… nice, to be told she’d done a good job, even if she felt her cheeks warm at the praise.

”I didn’t need to win… I just needed to prove to myself I could do it” she said softly, wondering if anyone else would be able to understand that, ”You know? Sometimes I think some people just look at me, and see Poseidon's Daughter- don’t get me wrong, I love my father, but… I want people to look at me and think “That’s Imogen, she’s damn awesome” and not just one of the big three’s kid” she said, trailing off as she realised that she was rambling, and stopping herself before she continued the awkward monologue.

She was beginning to think that she had done something wrong, coming over like this… already thinking of a way of slipping away. In all honesty, Hawley scared her just a little bit. She could never tell what he was thinking, and he just seemed so… angry, particularly right then. Not something she wanted. And the way he looked at her right then was almost as if he was taken aback that she was there, that she shouldn’t even be there. At least to her, and she found herself shifting slightly into Alan’s side. The brothers couldn’t have been more different from each other.

”Sorry” she said softly to Alan, although wondered if she was really apologising to Griffin, although for what, she wasn’t sure. And she found herself starting to get a little resentful, as she wondered what she could have possibly done to offend Griffin in anyway. Yet his words seemed to be completely opposite the way he had looked at her, and she wondered if she had just imagined it.

She returned his smile, albeit it a little nervously and a tad shyly. She didn’t get to say anything as he was gone, climbing up the stands, and she frowned, following him with her gaze. ”Um… I think I’ll take the stairs… I’ve done enough climbing today” she said softly to Alan, managing a smile that wasn’t nervous or shy.

Maybe she’d gone out of her comfort zone enough, for one day. At least she could say that she had done it, and that… she was trying. She scanned the stands, searching for a place to sit, one arm across her body, holding the other, and biting her lip, trying to find somewhere to sit that wouldn’t be too inconvenient for others. She didn’t want to sit next to someone, if for example, they were saving a spot for their friends…

She sighed.

One step forward, Two steps back.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 3 days ago

Lord Dionysus and Chiron

Obstacle Course ~ Camp Half-Blood

Frowning heavily up at the pair that seemed to be all but ignoring his request that they join them on the unmoving ground, Dionysus narrowed his eyes slightly, watching them for but a few moments before his attention was pulled away, the bored expression upon his already weary features never changing as he knowingly, and oh so obviously chose to completely ignore the small group of saytrs that hurried forward, multiple cans of diet coke held high within their hands as they offered them up to the God himself.

“Mr. Carpenter… I assure you that you are going to want to pay extra close attention to what it is that both Chiron and I have to tell you…”

His dark gaze gliding lazily over the stands, it came to a stop, his eyes seeming to single out and bare down into Alan’s; the God holding the action for what felt like a lifetime before he tore his attention away once more, letting it wander as he reached out, taking hold of one of the many cans that was being offered to him.

Clearing his throat, and stepping forward so that he was able to stand side by side with the camp’s director, Chiron brought both his hands together in front of his body, his head held high and his tail flicking lightly behind him as the gravity of the whole situation seemed to weigh down on him, causing him to seem older than he actually was.

This was… unfortunate. History seemed doomed to repeat itself, though how it truly played out for these young campers was yet to be seen. A sadness flickering over his creased, yet still ever kind features, the centaur allowed his gaze to slowly glide over the crowd that was gathered over the stands, and around the tower in front of them, “..what Lord Dionysus is trying to say is that we have received… grave news from Olympus… and as such, we request your full attention for the time being…”

Pausing a moment, allowing time for his words to settle, and for the murmurs of the campers to come to a stop; Chiron closed his eyes, awaiting the silence before he once more opened them, continuing further with his explanation, “..the Lady Aphrodite’s dove has been stolen from Mount Olympus by an unknown assailant- now… understandably, the Gods are in an uproar at the crime committed… however… the Lord Ares has both named, and accused whom he believed is the guilty party…”

Seeming to age another few years before their very eyes, Chiron dropped his arms back down to his sides, his head turning until he was able to look towards the person in question, “..I am sorry Alan… however, it was you that Lord Ares has named…”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Deon Alexander and Alan Carpenter

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Each other, Ky’ vie Morgan (@Vicier), Hawley Griffin (@Ghost Shadow), Imogen Parsons (@Caits), Chiron and Dionysus.

A meeting. This was rather… different. Though it kept Ky’ vie from yelling at him any longer, though he didn’t particularly mind it. Deon simply gave the fiery red head a rather imperious grin before shrugging his shoulders in indifference.

"We can continue this conversation later at my place, say, around seven? You do the cooking and I’ll get the drinks.” Flashing a wink her way, Deon removed himself from her space and began the quick descent down the tower to see what the big fuss was about. Dionysus had gotten their names wrong, but it was the correct use of the Hermes kid’s name that really got his attention. What the hell did that cabin do now?

Alan had just been seconds away from reaching back out to Imogen, confused as to why she was apologizing and then turning away from him. Really, he should have been the one to be apologizing - even with his shirt on the sweat coming from his body was enough to drown a small mammal. He hadn’t thought about it until just then, but it was pretty gross, and probably why Imogen wanted away from him. Just as he opened his mouth, though, he heard his name called outright, and though he had only been half paying attention to Chiron and Dionysus, he had retained enough of it to know that he had been accused for stealing from the gods.

His attention was drawn away from the daughter of Poseidon, his personal hygiene worry now a sparse thought pushed to the far recesses of his mind. A bolt of adrenaline shot down through his body and straight to his stomach, making it twist in uncomfortable knots. He wasn’t even so sure he might not retch all over his shoes right just then. The young man met eyes with Dionysus, the intense gaze that followed back to himself a clear indication that the god had not mistaken his name for someone else’s. But… why? He hadn’t done anything wrong ever since getting into a small bit of trouble when he tried to use his Hermes shoes to simply fly to the top of the obstacle tower.

Color visibly drained from Alan’s otherwise fair complexion and his pulse quickened, making the sweat he had been worried about beforehand to continue to accumulate though now it felt… colder.

A wave of heightened whispers ran throughout the crowd of campers, many expressing disbelief, other’s muttering a sort of awed reverence actually believing that he could be capable of such a feat. Deon, perhaps the loudest of them all, scoffed as he jumped from the first platform and onto the grass, shaking his head and folded his arms over his chest.

“Seriously? That little shit couldn’t steal his own tidey-whiteys away from the cleaning harpies if he found himself in a pinch, for fuck’s sake!” he pointed out, a laugh erupting from his throat that was met by a few of his fellow half-brothers.

Alan lowered his head, ignoring the taunts from the Ares’ cabin and stared down at his shoes he was now even more tempted to throw up on - a gift from his father when he had arrived at camp, but not delivered personally. They had been left on the bed he had been staying in, in the Hermes’ cabin - a way his father had laid claim to him. Not personally. Never personally. But this was personal. It was because of his heritage that he was getting blamed, and he knew exactly why.

“It’s because of Luke…” Alan explained to himself somberly, though it was attempted towards answering Deon. All those years ago, his half-brother had taken Zeus’ master bolt. Now Aphrodite’s dove had gone missing… it only made sense for the gods to turn their attention right back to the Hermes children. But why him specifically? He had dozens of half-brothers and sisters they could have blamed, though he was sure that not a single one of them deserved it. Confusion was written clear on his face as he looked back up, looking only at Chiron with misty eyes. “...why me?” he asked, taking a moment to look to his closest brother, Hawley, as if expecting some sort of clear explanation.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Simon Riddle (@Ghost Shadow), Deon Alexander (@YoshiSkittlez)

Niesha watched the campers that were battling the obstacle tower, tilting her head with curiosity as she watched a few people she wouldn’t have expected climbing the tower. She knew she herself could try her hand at the tower, but what would be the point? It was obvious from the start that there would be the same winner there always was, and so Niesha wasn’t watching Ky’ vie, or even Deon, rather she was watching the others. Others who might, very well, have a fair chance at winning in the future. Of course that future might be when Ky’ vie was gone from this camp, but that didn’t matter.

Niesha flicked her gaze to Simon when he spoke to her and Michael, and gave a shrug, ”Something you learn is that just because something is predictable, doesn’t mean that it will happen the way we think it will. We may have a wide berth of knowledge, but that does not mean that we know everything. I would not say for sure whether the course results would change, or whether they would stay the same. Yes, Ky’ vie has remained undefeated for so long, but then… “ she waved a hand to the top of the tower, her gaze going up there, ”Something different has happened today, has it not?” she gave a shrug. She was never too sure what she thought of Simon… sometimes he could just be so judgemental, and, well… something just a little close minded.

Like he knew more than he was letting on and that that somehow made him more superior to everyone else.

As Dionysus called the camp to attention for what she assumed was the reason they were all therefore, Niesha sighed softly, shifting back towards her brother, nudging Moe, who even with Michael’s hand on his back, went a little crazy, wriggling and bounding towards her. Niesha giggled, and shoved Moe off her even as the big ball of floof made an attempt to lick her from top to bottom, chuckling as she managed to get him off her, but that wasn’t enough to calm the big dog down. He pounced on Simon, and Niesha couldn’t help but laugh, even as she pulled on Moe’s collar, bringing the big dog back to her brothers sider, who did not seem to notice that Moe had left.

”Behave, and I’ll get you a bone, Moe” she said to him, scratched, ”I’d apologise Simon, but that was just too funny” she said cheerfully, before falling silent as Chiron began to speak. A Quest? That was interesting. She listened intently, keeping her attention on the centuar. At Deon’s outburst, her gaze swept over to him, and his brothers.

”Perhaps because he has something you’ll never have, Deon. A brain” Niesha had always had a problem with bullies, and Deon was a perfect example of that. She had decided long ago that she wasn’t going to sit back and let someone poke fun at someone else. Not anymore. She didn’t care that Deon could probably kick her ass, and that it was dangerous to tick anyone off in this camp. Just because that was always a threat, didn’t mean you had to be scared to do it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Bexley Leahy

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Simon @Ghost Shadow, Erin, Syleste @Vicier, Michael, Niesha, Pierre @Caits, Deon @YoshiSkittlez.

Bexley sat there as the people around her talked not too enthusiastic to join the conversation. Especially not the lecture that Simon had been about to give her before the children of Athena cut him off. She listened as her eyes were on the tower but only partially just in case there was a window to add something. There rarely was. Bexley didn't often feel the need to insert unnecessary information. Besides, everything that was happening in that moment around them seemed far more interesting. First, there seemed to be a tie at the top of the tower... That being said it was the two people that seemed to be the only contenders for anything in that camp.. So as interesting as it was, it wasn't as interesting as it could have been. Then there was the real reason the entire camp had gathered around. The announcement that everyone had been trying to figure out what it was about to no avail. The details about what Chiron and Dionysus had to say had been kept under lock and key from the moment they had told everyone to be here...

She sat quietly as they accused, for the gods, yet another camper of stealing an item from the gods... When were they going to realize that blind accusations were often incredibly wrong. She rested her elbows on her legs before placing her chin in her hands and watched as the events unfolded from the first accusation to the jeerings from the Ares cabin. She thought about it for a moment before she raised her voice slightly, adding to Neisha's own comments toward the bullying that was taking place, "You do understand that you are technically defending him... right? As much as it is veiled in mockery... You are saying he couldn't have possibly done it."

She watched them for a moment longer, almost in a daring way. She had no telling expression on her face, none of worry or threat, but she just stared. It was a stare she had often used on thugs in the street that tried to scare her off from a particularly nice alleyway, one that didn't have the usual smell of piss. They had often found it unsettling. She didn't have much intention to unsettle or scare the Ares cabin, she had a feeling that that would be something difficult to do. However, she did have the intention of inform them that she was neither scared nor unsettled by them. She turned her gaze off of them to look at Neisha and gave the girl a nod, simply acknowledging her. A silent, possibly unneeded, praise for sticking it to the cabin that most wouldn't dare anger. She turned her gaze back to Alan, watching him trying to rack his brain. It seemed like this summer, if not the next few, were going to be a whirlwind for him. Finally, she turned to the new figure that had arrived moments before and gave him a curt nod, "Hi."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ky' vie Morgan

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Deon Alexander and Alan Carpenter (@YoshiSkittlez).

“Argh- enough Deon..!”

Her feet having barely hit the ground; a loud thud seemed to echo dully through the area as the golden, and particularly weighty, ring that she had been holding firmly in her grasp hit hard against the back of his head, the action leading way to her beautiful metallic silver eyes narrowing as she shot a glare in his direction. For the love of Tartarus; he could be such an insensitive pain in the fucking ass.

Arm dropping back down to her side, Ky’ vie rolled her eyes, knowing that she could only semi-control his outbursts as she turned to face Alan, her hard expression changing in an instant to one of a gentler nature. There was no possible way that he could have done it- he was such a sweet kid… always so kind, and friendly- always including everyone; making them feel welcomed even when others might have shoved them aside. She had only met the God himself, once before… not long after she had first arrived within the camp. He was a man who, from what she had seen, was one who rarely ever let his emotions truly get the better of him; instead relying on cold hard facts to make his judgement; but...

No… Ares was wrong… he had to be…

A blunt pain tearing through her heart as it began to break, she moved herself forward, her free hand reaching out to rest lightly over his shoulder, gently squeezing it in comfort as she sought for his attention, “..this is a mistake, Alan; it’s just gotta be. There’s no way in Tartarus that you would ever do somethin’ like this- and there’s not a bloody soul in this camp that could ever think you’d steal anythin’; especially from a Goddess no less…”

Sighing softly, she shook her head, her mind seeming to wander over what had already been said before she looked back up at him, her jaw set and her expression determined as she once more met with his eyes, “Whatever ya need. I got your back- I ain’t gunna let you go down for something ya didn’t do. And if Ares has a problem with that; then he can take it up with me personally.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Deon Alexander and Alan Carpenter

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Each other, Ky’ vie Morgan (@Vicier), Chiron and Dionysus.

“Ms. Morgan, control yourself..!” Chiron rebuked, an added sense of stress slipping into his voice as he lifted his hand up, rubbing lightly at his temple as the beginnings of a headache seemed to be coming on.

“The gods have no proof that you were the thief, Mr. Carpenter; but questioning the workings of the council is going to lead to no answers… even we are unsure why Lord Ares has chosen to accuse you of such a crime.” Sighing softly, Chiron took a moment to himself before he dropped his hand back down, his gaze meeting with that of the son of Hermes. “Lord Zeus has decreed that you will have one week to find, and to return the dove to Mount Olympus, wherein you shall then be acquitted of all charges laid against you.”

Ares. Of course that would be the god that had it out for him. And he only had a week to find one single bird in not only Earth, but all other godly places where the real thief could have stashed it. Percy believed Hades had Zeus’ master bolt in the Underworld, who wasn’t to say the thief might have kept it there or in Hera’s garden or in someplace of the like? There was literally too much ground to cover in such little time. He was no Percy Jackson. Hell, he only even ever spent summers at the camp, just a few months at a time.

Knowing he would regret his decision before he even stood up, Alan crossed over to Deon who had become preoccupied with nursing a small lump on the back of his head, thanks to Ky' vie. Though the young Ares boy didn't seem to be bothered much beyond that by it.

“He’s your father…” Alan said to him quietly, trying to keep the conversation between the two of them. “If you can just talk to him… tell him that I didn’t do it… You said yourself that I’d be incapable of something like that…”

Deon shrugged his broad shoulders and abandoned rubbing the back of his head to instead run his fingers through his hair. He'd get Ky' vie back later. And then there were those other two girls who called him out... whatever.

“You kidding me? And miss all of this play out? Naw man. You’re on your own for this one.” Giving Ky’ vie a careful glance (as she still had the winners ring), Deon side-stepped around Alan, putting him between the two of them. “Besides, that bastard hasn’t talked to me in years. Doubt I could change his mind about what bitch he’ll knock up next let alone who he’s got in his head stole his main bitches stupid bird.” Deon shook his head, though it was in slight awe. “...so many bitches.”

Alan sighed, his shoulders hunching forward and his head hanging a bit lower in defeat. Well… it was worth a try, but he really didn’t expect anything less from the prick King of camp. Giving his profile back to Chiron, his eyes and heart heavy, he asked the question he both knew the answer to and dreaded to hear.

“What happens if I can’t find it? I’m no Percy Jackson, Chiron.”

“Then I’m afraid dear boy… that you will be subject to the wrath of Lord Ares…” Chiron’s voice was soft and full of bereavement as he spoke the answer that was playing on everyone’s mind… Though he would never admit it aloud; he was angry- furious at the gods decree that a child of their own blood would have to suffer such torment thanks to an accusation that just wasn’t true in any way.

The camp was supposed to be a safe haven for young demigods; a place where they could both learn and train in peace- to hoist such a mighty charge on one of them without proof, and at the penalty of pain and torture… he just couldn’t fathom their choice…
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ky' vie Morgan

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Deon Alexander and Alan Carpenter (@YoshiSkittlez), and Chiron.

A second dull thud ringing out through the area, Ky’ vie narrowed her eyes; her body stood clearly between both Deon and Alan, and the heavy golden ring held down at her side giving a clear indication as to what it was that had just happened.

“Fair dinkum- ya such a mongrel, Deon..!”

Tossing the ring to the side, the heavy metal clunking slightly as it fell to the hard ground at her feet, she stalked forward, her actions angry as she lifted her hands up, using them to shove rather violently against his chest as she continued to lash out; completely irritated at just how blase he was being about the whole situation, “He’s bein’ a fuckin’ champ ‘bout this crap; an’ compared ta him, ya nothin’ but a bloody brown-eyed mullet..!”

Her hands balling into fists, she brought them down over his chest, looking as though she wanted to cause him pain; the fire in her eyes something she had long ago reigned in and brought under control, but there was just something about him… there was just something so damn irritating- so damn infuriating about Deon that brought that anger she had worked so hard to get rid of, back into her life, “Why don’ ya buy yaself a clue; an’ start thinkin’ ‘bout others for once in ya goddamn pathetic life..!”

“Ms. Morgan..! I won’t tell you agai-...”

“Lemmie go in his place, Chiron.” The words clear, precise, and without hesitation, Ky turned her attention over to the centaur; her jaw clenching slightly as she felt the stares of all in the crowd drawing over to her, though she didn’t care. The only one who mattered in this moment was Alan. Her gaze torn away from Chiron to instead meet with Alan’s, she nodded her head lightly, doing her best to be encouraging… comforting as she spoke again, “..I’ll go in his place… I’ll go an’ I’ll find the damn bird; an I’ll fuckin’ bring it back before the week’s out- there ain’t no way I’m gunna let ya take shit for somethin’ ya didn’ even do. It ain’t right.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Pierre Niore

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Erin Chase, Syleste Niore, Ky’ vie Morgan (@Vicier), Deon Alexander, Alan Carpenter (@YoshiSkittlez) Simon Riddle (@Ghost Shadow), Niesha and Michael Stevenson,

As Dionysus and Chiorn addressed the camp, Pierre shifted from where he had been, just addressing the group his sister was in, to watch the two, taking in what was being said, as well as flicking his gaze over towards Alan, when he was addressed. What was going on? He kept his attention on the announcement, the interaction, frowning. Would the gods always have a prejudice based on things that had happened, in years gone by? He knew the answer to that- of course. They were terrible at holding a grudge, their own histories represented that fact. Pierre sighed, flicking his gaze towards Deon at the boys outcry, at his simple arrogance- and Pierre thought, jealous that his own father wouldn’t choose him for this task.

Although he suspected that Deon wouldn’t even understand jealousy. As Niesha and Baxley came to Alan’s defence, Pierre shifted, turning back towards his sister, and the group she was with, reaching out towards her, to let her know he was there, ”Looking after Prince, I see. Probably didn’t take much coaxing to bring him with you” he said, trying for amusement, but knowing it fell flat in the seriousness of the situation, looking back over his shoulder as Ky’ vie spoke, going to Alan’s defence as well.

Pierre agreed with her words. The gods were just looking for a scapegoat, they had no clue who had stolen the dove, so they were falling back onto an already tainted camp lineage. Did they not realise that their actions would just make things harder? Probably, and they probably didn’t care. Most of the gods rarely took an interest in their children’s lives. Even with Chiron’s words, it did little to dispel that idea- in fact, it just reinforced the fact that the gods had no idea. They just wanted someone to blame.

As Deon continued to be an ass, Pierre was tempted to step in, but Ky’ vie once more had it. Pierre paused a moment, before he raised his voice ”I’m pretty sure Percy Jackson was no Percy Jackson in the beginning, Alan. We all have to start somewhere, after all. And Percy Jackson had companions with him- something that you’d assume you’d have as well” He said, seeking to give Alan something to hold onto, and looking to Chiron to confirm that thought.
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