Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

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Oooookay. *cracks her knuckles*

This isn't in a particular order, really.

- Can you be more specific about where the Rifts appeared or, at least, how they were named? The Britain rift is affecting a comparatively small landmass, as compared to Russia (a nation that spans so many time zones that it can be 1:00 in the afternoon in one part and midnight in another) or Africa (a continent that has 20% of the total landmass on Earth). Were people disproportionately affected in Kinshasa or St. Petersburg? Were there times the Rift opened over the savannah or taiga and nothing happened? For that matter, I have the same question about Brazil - the nation is vast, and only irregularly densely populated. Did the hypothetical descendents of Percy Fawcett find their way out of the jungle? Are there super-powered tribespeople or Siberian hermits who were never discovered and never heard Daniel Viela's call to arms?

- What is the timeline of the Rift War? Did this happen in weeks? Years? Getting the leaders of technologically advanced nations (not to mention the leadership of the UN and EU) in the same room or on the same conference call is something that could barely be accomplished in a month, even in the face of an existential threat. Moving troops and materiel is likewise a vast and terrible engine that begins slowly.

- As a corrolary, organizing a meaningful fight against individuals who can move trillions of tons of water and topple a nation in less than a fortnight is something that really requires either a period of comparative calm (for example, a period - brief or protracted - where there is a reduced amount of activity outside of Britain's borders) or the immediate and direct threat of nuclear retaliation, and possibly demonstrating that retaliation. The description of these people is "unstoppable." They destroyed a national government in less time than it takes for your ISP to come and install a modem; a nation with a functional and very advanced army, navy, and air force, and access to hydrogen bombs. You've set up a situation where the individuals in question are to one degree or another irrational (flooding a nation is not the action of someone in their right mind, unless mass destruction of one sort or another had already happened) and are basically gods. Sharp words aren't going to cut it.

- As a second corrolary my character's background is going to more or less directly address this, but if you have a timeline in mind I'd like to hear it. :3

- Do you have a plan for how quickly The Order advanced technology in order to fight these new meta-humans, and where that advancement came from? Again, given the powers established within the story, the situation is one where basically there are N people who can functionally render combined arms utterly ineffective. Even with all the armies of the world, if all of these superhumans are in one place, and there's more than one with "move the oceans" level strength, there will virtually by necessity need to be more advanced weapons than planes and ships and tanks. This is something else my character's background goes into, but I'm really writing her as a weird edge case.

- With all of that said, how is the Superhuman Exile in Britain anything but a post-apocalyptic Hellscape? The nation has been flooded, and with salt water, which means virtually all buried infrastructure has been destroyed. The nation saw an intense, year-long armed conflict with superpowers and the entire world's worth of weapons and materiel, which probably means almost all above-ground structures and infrastructure have been damaged or destroyed. Did The Order agree to do nation-building after the conflict? Why would they?

- How does The Order plan to both detect, and execute, someone leaving the British Isles? Are there nuclear weapons on standby at all times? Do they have some handy weapon capable of killing a demigod?

- Furthermore, in the absence of the active existential threat of superpowered individuals, how does The Order survive as an organized body? The European Union can't even agree on what kind of money to use, and the Kremlin and the White House are addicted to spying on one another and fomenting conflict. We can't even keep NASA's priority on a single project for a decade within the United States.

- If the above is true, how would characters within the Exile Zone feel anything other than intense dislike, likely blossoming into hatred, for The Order, and humanity in general? They are treated like caged, dangerous animals, exiled to a blasted hellscape with no running water, electricity, or even sewers, and unless someone has the superpower of "Generate Cake," are likely scraping a life of disease and famine from land blighted by a year's worth of conflict. They are surrounded on all sides by people who will kill them if they attempt to leave. Their kind were captured, tortured, and experimented upon by the people who now hold guns to their heads. Is that still happening? I can hardly see how it couldn't be.

- Rifter society in the Exile won't be an organic and complete society full of people to fill various niches. How many doctors are there? What about people who know how to splice a fiber optic cable? Would the rest of the world even allow an Internet connection into the Exile? How many Rifters know how to restore Rennaissance architecture or recreate 17th century stained glass? Were there any nuclear engineers or city planners? Were there Rifter versions of Joseph Bazalgette and Isambard Kingdom Brunel? What about nurses or garbagemen or bankers or diplomats? Farmers? Pharmacists? Art historians, psychologists, leatherworkers, conservationists, conservators, or musicians? What about mapmakers or pilots or anything else? How does this affect the society of Rifters in the Exile?

I probably will have a few more, but we'll start here.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Puffhead
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Puffhead The Friendly Idiot

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@Naril Whoo! Mad respect for being so thorough! I'm currently at work, but the moment I have a chance I'll answer all these! Until then, I hope you can wait!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

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@Puffhead - I can wait, sure. :3
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

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They are treated like caged, dangerous animals, exiled to a blasted hellscape with no running water, electricity, or even sewers, and unless someone has the superpower of "Generate Cake," are likely scraping a life of disease and famine from land blighted by a year's worth of conflict.

Funny you should mention that. While my character cannot generate cakes his power will allow him to turn fetid water into pristine drinkable water and other things including but not limited to: Alcohol, Soda, Gasoline, Oil, Morphine, Bleach, industrial grade acid and much more.

As such I'm writing him up to be a sort of "Trade Prince", running his own organization out of the tradezone to give people what they need for sweet sweet money and other goods which he sells back to those who need it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Puffhead
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okay finally got off work and now I have time to reply! So I'll start off by saying: I definitely do not have an answer to all of these so I'm not going to pretend like I'm some genius who has this all figured out. This universe is a work in progress and I definitely thank you for helping flesh it out! Now with that being said, I certainly do have SOME answers so here we go!

1. I wasn't specific about it in the original post because I didn't want to flood the page with an absurd amount of information however I actually have put thought into this! The Rifts are actually not absurdly large. In fact, they only stretch somewhere around 20 or 30 miles across the sky, meaning they're really only large enough to cover some portions of a few cities at most. They seem to centralize around one particular city, and effect others which happen to be close by. So as to your questions about how they were named, truthfully they were named by ignorant Americans who only knew things as simple as "Oh this one opened somewhere over Russia, so it a Russian Rift." And because America was so important in creating a system for researching these Rifts, the name stuck for that part of the world. Every country has their own names for them. As for Brazil, I actually have gone and decided exactly what cities the Rifts opened over, so yes it did open above a civilized area, but I chose not to put that information in. I'd rather (for the sake of the roleplay) let people have a bit of freedom as to where their character comes from in these countries as opposed to trapping them in one city.

2. The Rift war, to be exact, lasted 1 year 6 months and 17 days. And yes, the world created a massive feat by finally forming one government in such a short and impossible amount of time, but when faced with extinction people tend to perform miracles. I'll admit it seems far fetched but... well. Maybe that's a plot point. (STOP SPOILING THINGS YOU FOOL SHHHHHHH)(just kidding I love you)

3. Very good and valid points here. I agree, the exact creation of a ceasefire in such a way is a massive and very incredible task however I'll lay out these points:

-Although not explicitly stated (I'll change this in the front page) a Rifter who can do something as incredible as soak an entire nation is, even among Rifters, impossibly powerful. Maybe one, possibly two on that level truly exist.

-The person who flooded Britain may or may not have done it unintentionally. I don't ever plan on including them but who knows? Could happen.

-When the ceasefire occurred, it was certainly due to nuclear deterrent. A threat was made, and weapons were armed at the destruction of Britain however the only other Rifter who was as powerful as the one who flooded Britain (Daniel Viela) chose to initiate a peace talk rather then letting it come to this. He never wanted to flood Britain, and found that the amount of death had become unacceptable.

That being said, that's important information I never mentioned (and some of it I just came up with) so thank you for pointing it out! I'll be sure to add it. Also I'm so excited to see what you have in mind for your character.

4. I kinda touched on this already but I'll elaborate. The Order did have some Rifters on their side, and those Rifters indeed helped fight against the others. Also, as I said before, the ability to move oceans and such is a MASSIVE display of power (and yet again, I'll change that on the main page!). However yes the Order did find ways of suddenly fighting back, even without their new Rifter companions. That part is directly tied to plot though so again... Shhhhhh....

5. @A Lowly Wretch actually somewhat answered your question here! Britain was without a doubt a desolate and absolutely destroyed wasteland, entirely unlivable. However that wasn't as much of an issue as one might assume. Rifters are incredibly gifted people, who can defy the laws of physics and nature. Rebuilding wasn't a matter of IF they could do it, but WHEN. When you have people who can cause plants to grow, move the earth, call upon rain, and lift impossible objects it's amazing what one could do. They're okay with living in Britain because they've molded it into their own home.

6. What the Order has is something that I'm actually very excited about and plan on certainly making a character out of, I just haven't finished his CS yet but this is something that I've for certain planned on implementing. They have a Titan, one of the last Titans mind you, who've they've proven they can control through unknown means. The Rifters call him the Chimera, and he's the only reason the Rifters didn't win the war purely through the use of the Titans. The Chimera is a brutal killing machine that hunts Rifters and tears them to shreds if he's ever given the chance, even other Titans. In fact everytime he's hunted one of his brethren down, he immeditaley commits a brutal act of cannibalism and in turn gains traits from the Hybrids which he eats (hence the name Chimera). The Order uses him to guard the coast, and he's the first line of defense. Every Rifter who's tried leaving is immediately hunted down by him, no matter where they go somehow he always seems to get there first. Sure, some have managed to escape, but only one or two that have been forced to remain in hiding for the rest of their lives, in fear of the Chimera catching onto their scent. Most of the Rifters are happy with the life they're creating... The rest don't want to be turned into food for a ferocious killing machine.

7. The Order maintains itself through a necessity. Yes, the Rifters are contained, but the Rifts themselves continue their annual cycle of opening up above a small town in Russia, a small city in Brazil, a tiny village in Africa, and over what used to be the city of Birmingham in Britain. It's certainly been destabilizing over the years but the world struggles to maintain it for the simple reason that they still do not understand the Rifts. If the Rifts were to ever grant powers again, as they did when they first opened, they would have to understand it or face extinction.

8. There is certainly a group that does feel this way. Yes, the Rifters are making a life for themselves that the majority are finding to be suitable and even pleasant, but some simply resent the fact that they're treated like loose cannons ready to blow at a moments notice. Most of these people are the ones who go into the Wastelands, and what they do there is mostly unknown. Secretly however, they do have plans, and they're working on something... What though? Hmmmmm..... (Notice I'm leaving a lot of open plot threads here, and every time I do this I don't necessarily have a plan for it! Pull on strings, see what unravels... I'm encouraging you guys here! This is opportunity for you guys to progress the story a way you want!)

9. And that question I can't answer! That's entirely up to those who want to make characters! I will say that the amount of Rifters skills are diverse, and so are their super human abilities. Between their various previous lives, and their newfound abilities, they've created an entirely unique way of life. Every settlement is different, every village and section relies on different Rifters and different skills of their inhabitants. The economy hasn't fully shaped itself, but they're certainly working on it. To the Rifters, this is a chance to live with what they've become, and for a lot of them that's enough! But for every silver lining, there's a shadow lurking behind it... Not everyone is happy. That's where the people who make the characters and roleplay come in!

OOOOOoooookay I hoped that helped clear some things up! It definitely helped me think some things through and hyped me up for this roleplay so thank you for being so amazing! I'll gladly answer any more questions you have, but now I'm just excited to see what all you guys come up with. Until then I should probably go to sleep... I have work again in the morning. *sigh*. Well anyways. Sweet dreams everyone!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Puffhead - A lot of great answers if I do say. With the mention of Rifters rebuilding using their powers I notice something particular about this whole equation.

Groups from certain rifts are more likely to benefit from the rebuilding of Britain than others.

If they form groups and gangs born from such divisions then odds are the power structure is likely going to fall into castes leaving two of the groups in a lower bracket than the other two.

Specifically from what I estimate those who benefit the most from this are as follows in an order of most to least:

British, Russian, African, Brazilian.

I base this estimate largely on the nature of their powers in regards to benefiting their reconstruction of society. As the British have the most power over the basic facets of the land and nature their powers are likely to dominate the supply of food and possibly give them a good foot in the door as far as reconstruction is concerned. Basically all other three rifts will dominate the field of reconstruction as the powers of earth control, gravity manipulation and telekinesis are all likely superior to a large gorilla in clearing debris from a construction site.

As far as the whole division based on rift powers I find it all a little strange. To me it would seem more likely for people like so to divide themselves into factions based on ideologies or the figure of power that they choose to follow.

It ain't my place to say what does and doesn't make sense in this universe though. I'll try and have my character profit off it all regardless of why things are the way they are.

In any case, do sleep well. I know tomorrow will be a busy day for me as well. I'll try to have my character sheet in by then. Until then a fair night's rest to thee.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Enigmatik
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Enigmatik Recently-Medicated Thembie Supreme

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Right, so my idea has become a bit more formed. My character is going to be a British born, Russian researcher, who was one of the first people to head to the Russian rift. He gained gravity control (both making it dramatically weaker and dramatically stronger) thanks to this. He can also dream in 'flashforwards,' where he sees snippets of moments that may be to come, or see events that he had no knowledge of in the past.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Puffhead
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Puffhead The Friendly Idiot

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Right, so my idea has become a bit more formed. My character is going to be a British born, Russian researcher, who was one of the first people to head to the Russian rift. He gained gravity control (both making it dramatically weaker and dramatically stronger) thanks to this. He can also dream in 'flashforwards,' where he sees snippets of moments that may be to come, or see events that he had no knowledge of in the past.

Oh that sounds interesting! I quite like that. I think if you go ahead and write up a CS, those powers should be fine!
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 5 days ago

Heya! Thanks for replying! I, er, have more questions now, though.

- The coastline of Britain is almost 20,000 miles long. That rather makes me wonder how one being can be anything other than a retaliatory action, rather than a line of defense. Is the Chimera responsible for monitoring the coast? What power allows it to do that, or did The Order build some kind of sensing network? What if someone teleports away, or has gills and swims away?

- Regardless of the spectacular ability of the Rifters to alter their environment, there are very basic things that I'm not seeing. Being able to transmute sundered mud into asphalt and buildings is wonderful, of course. However, building a city is extraordinarily hard. Doctor Manhattan thought himself a gorgeous palace of glass on the surface of Mars, but when he brought his girlfriend there she immediately started to choke on the thin Martian atmosphere. While the palace was undoubtably a marvel, for all his vast intelligence, Manhattan had not considered that someone who was not not him would need air to breathe. While that's also for narrative weight (demonstrating that Manhattan was fundamnetally losing connection to humanity) it parallels nicely here - Manhattan's palace also had no chairs, no beds, no toilets. Is having a Fluid-Transmutation Rifter really preferable to a wastewater treatment plant? How long is that person (or people) going to want to be on the rota for making sure people don't get cholera? Having the ability to do extraordinary things is very cool, but harnessing that with plans, knowledge of how much weight a wall can take, how to build a pump, or what the minimum head pressure is to provide enough water for a shower is the absolutely necessary other half of the equation.

Being able to turn mud into steel and granite is wonderful, but without the engineering design to build a skyscraper, the architecture craft to make it beautiful, knowledge of electrical code to keep the lights on (not to mention the intricate understanding of how to build light bulbs), interior design to make sure people want to live there, and the thousand other disciplines that go into that one building but the galaxy of infrastructure to keep it livable, all you have is a bunch of people failing to stack one block of stone on top of another one. And even if there's a Rifter who's managed to keep the sum of all human knowledge in their head and does know how to do all of these things, what happens when they die? Furthermore, since the enclaves are separated, how is that knowledge transferred? Does each enclave have one of these people?

I guess the real question is this: Is the presupposition of this setting one where there are enough Rifters who know how to completely rebuild nations in each of the Rifter Enclaves? Are the Enclaves each supposed to be third-world countries and refugee camps? If you tell me "they're basically cities and it's fine get over it," I can probably manage that.

Right now, though, I admit I'm having a very hard time seeing past a lot of ugliness. "Making the best of things" when you don't have running water, and you did less than a decade ago, and you are being denied the expertise to build out running water (because of The Order's blockade and shoot-to-kill/release the murderous cannibal hunter-killer attitude at the border), is going to make for a situation that starts ugly and becomes uglier. I feel like you're positing a world where there weren't a lot of Rifters in the first place, who were given powers functionally at random and who are now cut off from the outside world. The land they have been "given" is a war-torn wasteland. Virtually all Rifters are going to have PTSD from a year-long war in which many of them seem to have been necessarily involved, and they are now separated into different enclaves, which are in turn under the threat of roving gangs and some of which border a nation-state where you are murdered and dismembered for straying over the border. And all of that is on top of the constant threat of The Order making a unilateral decision that the Rifters aren't worth the trouble and just turning the Chimera loose, nuking the place, or doing whatever their apparently-superior force is capable of. As written this is not a compromise or detente, it is the systematic oppression and isolation of one group by another, under the threat of unilateral, immediate, horrific and lethal action without trial or appeal. People aren't generally well-designed to sit under that kind of Sword of Damocles and be "happy." This is less Harry Potter-style "one world isolated from another" and more "dystopian extension of fundamental social inequality," and if that's the intention I feel like you might have to own that a bit more.

Again, if the fundamental baseline here is that the Rifters have made a basically-modern, basically-functional society because of staggering luck in having the right people (several copies of them really) who weren't killed in the war or left psychologically broken, fine. I personally find that extremely unlikely, but I'll go with it if that's the basic idea here. The reason I'm jumping up and down on this is that timeline as presented is such that these aren't people who were born into the Rifter's enclaves and haven't known anything else. The characters are going to be people who remember having Facebook and iPhones and convenience stores and therapists and gyms and trains and air travel and a nice view over the lake and the chip shop down the lane they liked and the cute barista who they never got up the courage to ask on a date. If these things have all been stripped away, that has a cost. If they have to live in a functional but basically feudal society (which it kind of sounds like - no electricity, no way to make clean water that isn't traders or having a lucky Rifter around, etc.) that also has a toll. If they are being denied the ability to live that modern life because of The Order's blockade (by implicit or explicit withholding of important knowledge or access to information - by refusing to allow an Internet connection and preventing the import of books and technical manuals, for example), that's the kind of thing that creates nothing-to-lose rebellions, and I'd really like to know what the assumption is here.

- What happened to the Rifters who worked with The Order in the war? Were they thrown into the gulag with everyone else, or are they given special dispensation to live among normal people? Are they monitored 24/7 with the threat of The Chimera if they step out of line? Do they have any particular legal protections in case, say, a lynch mob forms and they have to use their powers to prevent themselves from being murdered? Are they specifically restricted from doing so and live under the tacit threat of The Order's citizens taking out their anger for a war that cost millions(?) of lives on their Neighborhood Mutant?

I'll absolutely have more, but I've got to get to work myself.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Puffhead
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Puffhead The Friendly Idiot

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You know, you are a very smart person who is analyzing this much more than I thought anyone would. Not complaining about that, just surprised! Anyways... let me see what I can do here. BUT! For the sake of keeping everything un-cluttered, can I ask we keep these massive chunks of text in hiders for now? I just feel like anyone just looking at this forum would be scared off by that much stuff. So um... my response is in the hider below!

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

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As I see it the whole setting strikes me as a sort of Fallout: New Vegas with superpowers kind of setup. Everything's cobbled together from ruin and I suspect as far as the main town is concerned the main rule is largely divided by individuals with man-power and a degree of importance to the reconstruction of the main city.

As it's an open ended rp I suspect the roles of power in ruling the main habitable territories are left up for grabs however if Puffhead has any input on the matter it'd be interesting to hear.

For the meanwhile I'll see to getting my character finished and submitted before continuing to brainstorm up the hierarchy and structure of society.

Edit: @Naril - Funny you should mention that detail regarding the control and distribution of water...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Enigmatik
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Enigmatik Recently-Medicated Thembie Supreme

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MC will almost certainly be important contruction wise. No need for cranes when he can precisely manipulate the gravity in order to lift any object.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Puffhead
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Puffhead The Friendly Idiot

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


As I see it the whole setting strikes me as a sort of Fallout: New Vegas with superpowers kind of setup. Everything's cobbled together from ruin and I suspect as far as the main town is concerned the main rule is largely divided by individuals with man-power and a degree of importance to the reconstruction of the main city.

As it's an open ended rp I suspect the roles of power in ruling the main habitable territories are left up for grabs however if Puffhead has any input on the matter it'd be interesting to hear.

For the meanwhile I'll see to getting my character finished and submitted before continuing to brainstorm up the hierarchy and structure of society.

Edit: @Naril - Funny you should mention that detail regarding the control and distribution of water...

Oh for sure. I fully hope people come to fill those roles although, of course, I would have to make sure they'll be responsible with them. As far as Naril is concerned I would honestly feel comfortable if they wanted one of those spots, as they've more then proven they understand how this stuff works. I'm super excited to see both theirs, and your characters!

MC will almost certainly be important contruction wise. No need for cranes when he can precisely manipulate the gravity in order to lift any object.

See that's the kind of stuff I'm excited about. Characters who use their abilities in unconventional ways other then fighting. I'm super excited to see all of your CS's!

Finally, thanks, but I don't...like, I'm reasonably bright, but I just ask questions. :3

To me, a bright person is someone who asks questions!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Puffhead
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Puffhead The Friendly Idiot

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Okay all! I've updated both the map (to make it more logical with both what areas would have remained flooded, and how the borders work) and I've added descriptions for each of the territories which should add some clarity as well as put to rest some of the questions Naril brought up. Let me know if everything looks okay for you guys, and I eagerly await your CS's!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

At last! I put forth my Character Sheet, only mildly over my estimated time of completion.

I humbly await his evaluation.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Enigmatik
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Enigmatik Recently-Medicated Thembie Supreme

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James Mikhailovich- Engineer and Astrophysicist, has arrived.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Puffhead
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Puffhead The Friendly Idiot

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

At last! I put forth my Character Sheet, only mildly over my estimated time of completion.

I humbly await his evaluation.

Okay, I'm loving this character Wretch! Excellent use of abilities and personality to create someone who's dangerous while having absolutely no need to rely only on their ability to fight. All in all, excellent! Walter is accepted!

James Mikhailovich- Engineer and Astrophysicist, has arrived.

James is looking great! The only complaint I have is that it says he fought for 8 years, but remember: the war didn't last for 8 years. It actually only lasted a little over one year, the roleplay is just based 8 years since the war. Other then that it looks great! Change that little detail and its accepted.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Enigmatik
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Enigmatik Recently-Medicated Thembie Supreme

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