Inka Redwoods
87 looks to be 19
The standard issue MIB Handgun
Inhanced SpeedBeing a vampire, Inka possesses an inhuman speed. She can run probably as fast as a bike
Inhanced HearingShe has a sharper hearing than most but can't hear whispered conversations
Day SightDuring the day time Inka's eyesight is sharper than a normal human's daysight. Things she sees appear more sharper to her and she can see sharply for a long distance.
SunlightWhen in sunlight Inka's pale skin will begin to redden drastically. An extended period of time in the sun will cause blisters to form and if too long spend in the sunlight she will end up dying. This can be avoided by her wearing full body covering clothes and hats that keep the sun off of her.
Blood LustInka will fall into a blood lust on occasion, either after a major injury or when she has not drank blood in a long time.
Night SightDespite being a Vampire Inka's sight at night is very poor, much like a human's eyesight during the day.
Born Kasey Green, Inka had an average childhood. She was raised by her father and was happy. She graduated high school with honors. It was her first year into college when she was turned. She spent several decades hiding before she joined the MIB when she learned of their existence a year earlier. Upon leaving hiding she rebranded herself Inka Redwoods and is slowly becoming accoustomed to being a 87 year old Vampire in this century.