Negan Jerico
35 years
Place of Birth:
Military Branch:
Orbital Drop Shock Trooper [ODST]

Negan is 6'5" in height and is very athletically fit. He has various tattoos on his body, normally glyphs of an old language he decided to learn and a dragon on his right arm.
Negan's ODST armor is quite modified to his liking, particularly caring several things required for survival in case his pod went of course or some incident caused mass evacuation or if stuck behind enemy lines. He also has two extra ammunition packs on his left arm. His armor has red decals, as well as his helmet painted with a dragon face on it.
- M392 Designated Marksman Rifle
- M7S Submachine Gun
- M6G PDWS Magnum
Fireteam Infernum
[*] Commader: Negan Jerico
[*] Recon: Steven Moris[DECEASED]
[*] Tech officer: Sonia Belaflor[M.I.A]
[*] Supply officer: Marshall Danvers[DECEASED]
Corporal Grade 1
Tactics, Marksman
Ruthless, resourceful, High problem solving skills, physiologically stable
When in the field, Negan has been said to act more like a machine than man. When not in the field, he is a passionate person,
but not overly reactive or emotional
Negan Jerico. He was born to a middle class family on earth and he went through school with no issues. He made straight A's and
was the head of the track team. He graduated early and went to the Corbulo Academy of Military Science. There he was top of his
class and recommended by his instructor for service as an ODST. On his first mission, his entire squad was wiped out but him in
an ambush, but he barely escaped and called for reinforcements, which rescued him and finished the mission. He quickly went
through ranks and got his own fireteam. His squad has had much success and few failures. His squad was assigned to this mission,
hoping for it to go smoothly.
elimination mission; Objective, eliminate hostile resistance on Bening.
Officer report:
We were on route to the rendezvous point detailed in the briefing were a warthog and
another squad would be waiting. We were attacked while traversing a canyon river bed. We were quickly
taken out, snipers were situated on the canyon walls. My commander finally issued a retreat, but
as soon as he finished, he was shot in the head. I escaped, but I was 2 clicks from the
rendezvous, and the only clear entry was the canyon. I called for reinforcements while running from my
pursuers. I lasted an estimate of 15 hours waiting for reinforcements. I was then sent to hq. espionage mission; Objective, Sabotage enemy artillary on the Estenmier Platau, Ustangav.
Officer report:
It was a simple mission, I was to watch from a cliff side and eliminate any resistance
for my comrades, while they completed their assignments. It went smoothly, with me recieving 23
Confirmed kills of resistance. Then as we made our way to extraction, we saw the smoke from the
explosives planted on the artillery guns. elimination mission; Objective, Eliminate enemy resistance commander wilson on Ustangav
Officer report:
The mission went well, but we did have some issues. Firstly, the guard patrol schedule
we were given was incorrect, causing multiple close calls. I was again marksman, and I had to be more
careful with my shots. The enemy had large spotlights around my position, and I had to time my shots
more perfectly, or I was going to be detected. My squad had many situations where I could not assist,
except to give my view of things. After the target was terminated, alarms went off, and we had to
get out quickly. There was one casualty, which was our new recruit, and he was gunned down. infiltration mission; Objective, plant bomb in Enemy resistance camp on Reach
Officer report:
This mission I had my own fireteam to command. It went smoother than I expected. We
Quickly planted the bomb and got out, without casualties or close calls. I did receive multiple
remarks towards my right to command in the beginning, but it was quickly dealt with. Assualt mission; Objective, corral enemy into heavy gun fire on Oman
Officer report: [Officer M.I.A]
Mother; Marian Jerico
Notable Traits:
Addicted to tea, loves reptiles
Theme Song:
None, officer states this when asked for one;
"Why in the hell is that apart of the file?"[/quote]
I do like this, but there's a few odd ways of formatting that made it a tad hard to track. I'll accept it, but if you could make it a tiny bit clearer that'd be much appreciated