Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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@Buddha Wait, Mahz shut it down, or they shut it down? Either way, ouch. >.<

To answer your question about Guildfall, approximate late October 2012 an event occurred where the webhost provider that Mahz had hosted RPG on deleted the website due to late payments. If I recall correctly, Mahz was going through a financial struggle as well and was not warned that the bill was due for the website-- and the webhost took action immediately.

There was no backup that was present and the webhost deleted everything. A facebook group was then created and people gathered there to find their roleplaying friends.

About 3 months later Mahz had come with an idea of reviving RPG but he will develop the website himself from other people's suggestion. And so, today's R0G was born.

In otherwords-- old rpg is gone. Even the code. Mahz rebirthed the new RPG in his own image and with new code.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

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Aah good old thread.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LegionPothIX
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@boomloverYeah, I'm late to the party but I got one for you. A quote from that moment was in my profile for a while. It was a Vampire the Requiem LARP. Me, and about 25 other people were gathering every week to play at the university student union building. We were in the Shrouded Arbor's branch of the Camarilla Club (the official White Wolf group). I was playing a gangrel vetrinarian and had just opened my pet clinic to the other vampires for the night for gathering where we sit around and shoot the brease, when my AST (assistant storyteller) pulls me to the side and says "Your character might actually be dead right now. I got a down time action from four new players saying they went to your house to kill you, but I told them that's way too big for a DT action so they want a side scene."

Newbs, ya'know? Always gotta show up and piss in the coolaid but whatever, my character was active and over two years old (lots of EXP wisely spent) so I'm like sure I can take these clowns, so we go to the side scene and it's happening at my character's house. "How'd they know where I live?" I ask, and was told they hacked the security of my clinic to see where the bills went. Unnecessary, because the address is on the licence which is public record (not to mention in the white pages of the phone book), but he's got the stat spread to do it so I roll with it.

Anyway, the four guys show up and say "Anderson we're here to kill you." I look them up and down and force out a condecending laugh. (That's how gangrels roll.) "No your covenant leader has sent you here with orders to kill me. There is a distinction." It was something that was painfully obvious since I as a covenant leader myself had been beefing with him for almost the entire time I've known him. Mr. Moon was his name and he was nearly four years my senior (of actual play time). I asked the players in character what they had been told about Dr. Anderson and to no one's suprise a lot of important facts were left out.

So, I enlightened them of my exploits, while punching up the language some (that's just how Carthians roll). Anderson was the only character in the domain to kill one or more player characters in every other venue that White Wolf had books for (Mage, Changeling, Wearwolf, Spirts, Ghiest, etc). The equivalent in rank to their covenant leader, and a leader of my own right. My age in the city (two years is a large combat advantage) and my connections. They would not be persuaded to back down. Intent to proceed and earn status as fresh kindred to kill an elder (quallified by exp amount not actual status in the city) they made the poor decision of saying: "Shut up, Anderson. You can't take all of us."

I prepared myself for combat and admitted: "True, but I defiantly can kill two, if not three of you." This stunned them for a moment and I happily added: "Which is really strange, because I cannot kill Mr. Moon. So, it would be at most an inconvienence for him to kill me himself." Producing my gangrel claws I asked: "Which of you are willing to die for Mr. Moon's convienence?" None were eager to step forward so before combat truly began I bluffed: "Oh, and you should know, that my wife has already called the police. They will be here within five minutes. So, the survivor wins a masquerade breach and will most certainly be delt with severely."

"Fuck you Anderson!" They muttered as they started backing away to regroup and reconsider if what I had told them was true. And, before I let them leave I reached into my pocket and produced a business card. "If you ever feel like you want to stop being disposable long enough to move up in the world. You call this number."

They looked down and asked if it was mine. "No, it's someone whose opinion actually matters." I responded, "Careful though," I cautioned, "unlike myself he could actually kill all of you if you rub him the wrong way."

It wasn't my card. It was the card of another player character: the one who was the Carthian leader before me.

After the side scene I sit back down in the scene happening in Anderson's clinic. Mr. Moon walks in and is shocked to see me wearing my Dr. Anderson badge. I get up and fetch a rat and basically rub it in his face asking: "Can I offer you a beverage?"

That player I mentioned called me the next day and told me he got 7 new players (the four players and their girl friends) asking to speak with his character, and asking if I really gave them the card, and if so for the circumstances surrounding that interaction. He told me they told him they went to kill my character and were invited to join the covenant instead and, not only that, they were going to take me up on the offer. He just couldn't quite wrap his head around it.

Well, that's a Ventrue for you.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Silly. But ever taken down a enemy battle titan... With a 8km heavily armoured warship a good km tall.. Firing guns designed to kill other heavily armoured 8km warships, disgoutging troops from gunships playing loud music...

And ramminf the titan to death before pulling up in a crazy Ivan dive trhpugh atmosphere to height of about 100m

It was too crazy not to write.

There was a new rule in next one barring using starships as melee weapons.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

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politics is a wise vampire's best friend, eh @LegionPothIX?

Now step closer... This malkavian wishes to slap your ventrue with a fish.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LegionPothIX
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Truely the malkavian game is Maplestory then.

But, yeah, Politics is a huge part of the Camarilla Club. Almost 95% of the game is player driven story. The players come up with the story usually by fucking with other players.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

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from our understanding of Old World of Darkness (Or Classic World of Darkness, as we think its called now), the fishmalk is the staple of silliness. Few are as good at messing with the minds of others though. No malkavian worth his (or her) weight will merely have a single madness. He or she will have at least one, and publically play out another, simply to confuse.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TrippyNightmare
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TrippyNightmare š¯”°š¯”¦š¯”«š¯”«š¯”¢š¯”Æ

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In "The Trash" Roleplay, a neo-scavenger roleplay.
When Oscar Meaford killed the entire party.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LegionPothIX
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@EllriThe only ones I'm familiar with is Masquerade, and Requiem. Malks were standard in masquerade but are bloodlines in Requiem. My malk was eternally a child whose family was killed in a car accident. He was deathly afraid of them. It took place in modern day Chicago. When asked why they embraced a kid the accepted answer was "because fuck you".
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

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we've tried a bit of forum-based VtM, but never could get into the lore for VtR, @LegionPothIX. It just wasn't as interesting. We've heard rumors that they may be coming out with a new version of world of darkness soon(ish).
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LegionPothIX
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@Ellri You really need to read your old testament,

before you try getting into the new testament.

We called them the "Black Book" and the "Red Book" locally at our LARP and they were our bible. Without the Mind's Eye Theatre book to start from I can't imagine anything in any of the other Requiem books making any sense at all. The MET book establishes all the basics of being a human before you apply the supernatural templates. More specifically the "lore" of a world in the MET book says it's the same as the real world. Just a little more shadowy, a little darker, a little more corrupt.

Basically the lore in the Red Book is supposed to be more myth than fact: a hot mess of he-said-she-said bullshit. The Red book is largely designed to be "factually incoherent" in the lore department, presenting each side's opinion, because nobody's supposed to be able to accurately remember far enough back to know the truth. If you delve into clans and covenant books it makes a big deal of telling about the same events from different perspectives, and making a point of saying everyone thinks they're perspective is right even when no one's perspective is accurate.

Now, I'm not sure if you used the LARP version (MET books) or the tabletop version, and I've no experience with the Table Top versions but the MET versions are phenomenally easy to work with in my experience. They have to be because it's for live action roleplay.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

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its more about a lack of interest in trying to learn Requiem. We liked VtM and saw little need in delving into two systems at once then.

Considering that no new WoD books have been printed in years, we don't truly regret not delving into that back when we delved into VtM.

btw, your first image link is broken, @LegionPothIX

Granted, the best part about VtM is the rules for fighting Caine:
You lose.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LegionPothIX
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@EllriI can't tell you if it works or not now, but I replaced it. I got the initial image out of amazon's listing for the book.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

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it works now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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I've mentioned this a few times, but I got my start RPing when I was playing City of Heroes, the superhero MMO that is, sadly, gone now. I loved RPing ever since that time and played various other MMOs and always RPd. Though I left that world behind, there was one awesome moment that stuck out to me.

It was in Guild Wars 2. I was part of a Thieves Guild type group. The game itself had a huge RP site dedicated and we had a good amount of people on there RPing. Our hideout was in the upper levels of a tavern and there was a time we had a huge, massive "battle" between our guild and another's. What was cool was that it wasn't planned, it just kind of happened, but we rolled with it. The enemy group actually consisted of older members that left the Thieves Guild so it was also part backstabbing too. In the end, we lost and had to find a new hideout, but still, the magnitude of the fight was impressive.

It just made me realize how fun and exciting RPing could be by placing yourself in random situations and seeing how your characters go about it. That moment will always stick with me as one of my greatest RP experiences, even if it soured my MMO RP love shortly after that event.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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It was sometime ago, but I still remember it. The world was set in the Napoleonic Wars period, but it was a homebrewed setting. My character was essentially a cuirassier, although my character was known as a knight since many knight orders lived on through the ages in this setting, so most of them took the place of such units.

So, what happened was that my character went off to war, and the group she was with was thrown in a last stand-esque situation. Surrender was hardly an option, so we holed up in a house. The company chose a NPC skilled in melee combat to back my character up as we held off the coming forces in the front while they did potshots from inside.

A number of enemies kept trying to kill us in waves. My companion was doing enough damage to keep himself alive, but my blade was deadly. Rolls were doing so well that I was one-shotting people by striking the neck, head or shoulder area (system had an injury table, where you hit depends on a roll), that I used the Best Successes to my advantage. The system had an maneuver where you spend two dice to activate it, but if you had Best Successes on your roll, you could use them to make another attack. We were facing four people each wave, and I would cut through three or even all four of them.

Eventually, I think my friend who was DMing for me had enough of my luck and set a large group of foes that surrounded us. They intended to shoot us down in a firing squad, but I wasn't about to die right there. Passed a roll to duck under the gunfire, narrowly escaping death as we hurried ourselves back into the house.

There was also many times I used a lance in a cavalry charge (overpowered with a lot of dice) and tossed a broken lance into someone's face and managed to get it stuck inside, but nothing was as thrilling the above event.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by GeekFactor
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GeekFactor Lady of Complexity

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Anytime the story leaps out of my hands and goes somewhere incredible and amazing that I didn't expect. Stories that make my heart pound with anticipation of the next post. RP that keeps me up till 3am because I literally cannot look away until I know how it's going to conclude.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ZoeMcQueen95
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ZoeMcQueen95 The Titanic Nerd

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The best role play moments in my life?? Oohh that's a toughie. I'd have to say when I first started roleplaying on Howrse.com, that was where I got my start and I first heard about it, I was welcomed into the RP World with open arms. I never had the opportunity to learn from an extremely experienced role player, so I had to learn and learn fast by just reading old rp posts and I sort of made a name for myself on Howrse. As the years went on, I got more experienced and was able to come up with some very detailed responses, and some not as detailed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Well, the two four that jump out at me resaulted in one person making a status update of a sudden irrational hunger for a cheeseburger, despite niether liking cheese nor meat.

The other resaulted in this response when discussing plans for a convoluted plot for an RP:
>Your tactics are just a combinations of things that donā€™t work but should and things that work but shouldnā€™t, arenā€™t they

To which I mostly just smiled, nodded, and summed up my belief of meta-asymetrical warfare as "Clem".
^heavily paraphrasing (kinda helps that I'm in a vietnam RP, and a trio of nation-RPs that involve anime, mechas and an environment not unlike the south pacific island-chains)

Oh, and defeating an electronic lock by smashing a grapefruit into the AI's control console. Since the acidity of citrus is highly conductive, it was super-effective, resaulting in the lock becoming faulty enough for a later scene of privacy-malfunction.

Annnd maybe an elf with a drinking-problem deciding to follow some random mercenary-mage, not realizing she's actual royalty. There were several bits of banter between a dwarf and a giant... also waking up in bed with no memory of the night previous and the awkward breakfast-routine that followed between the six of them...
(later I tried re-using that character, but realizing he had no actual magical powers, just said he had cute button-eyes as his power)

Well, that covers awesome stuff that happened in RPs on publicly viewable threads, at least.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by xchromedreamsx

xchromedreamsx gone.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

If I may... My best moments were on MySpace, Facebook, and SiteModel/Roleplayer.me/AniRoleplay.com I had some pretty good times there but my best-best was on MySpace before it went to shit and then my second best was Facebook before that also went to shit.
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