Their connections aren't only limited to visual information, honestly the best bet for keeping it from being destroyed would have been to keep it on hand or have someone guard it. But it's fine really, it's not invincible or anything.
It moves faster than pretty much everyone can react...that sounds pretty invincible to me. Assuming it doesn't just destroy itself because metal can only handle so much stress before it's warped or melted.
It's speed will be hard to deal with but there are ways of handling it. Miia's webs can create snares and traps, Seive can use gusts of wind to off balance it, ect. And as you've seen they aren't really all that durable.
So...shouldn't it be able to rip itself apart due to the stress the added speed is putting on it? Metal doesn't need to be moved or vibrated that fast to make it break after all (I've worked with plenty of metal and gearboxes.)
It's not weak to the point that it'd break apart from it's speed. And it's not all titanium, there's also synthetic material in them that would absorb some of the impact from moving.
It's not a matter of weakness. Even stuff that's designed to do their job will break from the stress. Example, was using a compactor and the pulley snapped even though it was an inch thick chunk of steel. It wasn't even a month old.
Uh, youre questioning machinaries made in a world where magic and strange creatures exists. They also have enough shenanigans to completely close a hole in a wall in mere seconds as well as terraform that grassy plain quickly.