Hey guys! So I did a little editing to Zenoram/Zero. Added a bit to their history for the point of time that they WERE in the RP and put in a little tidbit as to why they're hardly around the guild. Changed the FC, added a bit to existing magics and added I think two knew magics. I think he/they are fairly done and well made. If their are suggestions, possible edits, or otherwise please let me know. I also am not sure how strong he would be now which I noted. So if a GM is willing to help a bit in his placement that'd be great. He used to be high B to low A class.

There are no physical differences between Zenoram and Zero. Despite how they look, they are fairly toned and athletic. Under their clothes they house a considerably tough body. Their muscles have been trained and toned throughout their time with Hemlock. They are considerably durable and a bit heavier than one might expect. They stand at about 5'8" and weigh about 140 lbs. They can typically be seen wearing an outfit comprised of [a white button down shirt with a blue green tie, black pants, and black shoes. How the clothes are worn can also help tell who is in control, if the attitude change alone doesn’t give it away. If the tie is loose and the sleeves are rolled up it’s generally/always Zero because he doesn’t like the neat look Zenoram has going on. They can also be seen typically wearing their black, dragon scale jacket. When Zenoram is in control his hair is well kept and fairly neat while Zero wears it in a much more unkempt fashion. His guild stamp is the typical shade of purple and located on his back, just under the left shoulder around the shoulder blade area.
Name: Zenoram and Zero Oleander
Date of Birth: June 13, x874
Age: 18
=> Time “Zone” Magic – This Magic allows the user to temporarily control the time within a certain area of space around himself. In order to use it a barrier must first be erected. A barrier can grow up to a single mile about 2 miles in each direction of where his body is. Anything within or that enters the barrier will be susceptible to the time under his control. Those within direct contact with him will be affected
=> Poison Dragon Slayer Magic - A lost, caster magic that grants the user various characteristics a poison dragon. Subsequently, Poison Dragon Slayer Magic allows the user immunity to various forms of poison and toxins. It allows them to produce and control poison from any part of their body, which can be used both in melee and as a ranged form of offense. Poisons of the Poison dragon may be deadly, paralytic, or simply corrosive, all at the user’s discretion. Aside from immunity to toxins and poisons, like any other dragon slayer the user may consume various types of poison in order to replenish themselves and their magic.
=> Dragon Force - Although he never has, if Zero were to enter Dragon Force his hair would turn a dark shade of purple with light, violet scales appearing along and around his eyes and cheeks. His hands and feet will become more like those of a dragon with reddish purple claws and scales running up to his elbows and knees respectively. He would also gain dragon-like eyes and more elongated, and sharper, canines.
Magic Level: High A-class
History: The following is the story of how Zenoram and Zero came to be who they are today.
Personality: While each personality has its share of similarities, such as a need to defend and protect the beings they care for, they are for the most part vastly different.
Zenoram is kind, forgiving and trusting to a fault. He is loving and innocent and wishes to protect life. He looks for the best in people, even if there isn’t much good in them to begin with. Above all he is not a fighter. He wishes to protect, but he does not have the mindset to bring harm to others. He believes it is better to be hurt than hurt others. He is loyal. He cares. He truly does.
Zero while sharing loyalty, and a certain kindness towards those he actually does care for, is Zenoram’s polar opposite. He quite enjoys dealing pain on to others and is not afraid to even kill if it means protecting what he wishes to protect. He is distrusting, cautious towards just about everyone, and is even one to hold a grudge. Put simply, he is an asshole. But only if he doesn’t see you as important to him or Zenoram.
Team Members: None
Three Strengths:
Three Weaknesses:
Greatest Love:
Zenoram cares for Hemlock and Zero, but also deeply cares for the life inhabiting this world and the lives of each individual and creature around him.
Zero’s greatest love or loves include Hemlock and Zenoram. He cares for nothing else in this damned world.
Zenoram’s motivation is the dream of one day living happily. He doesn’t know what circumstances exactly, but if he can be happy, it will be enough. He will strive for this life.
Zero’s only motivation is to see that Zenoram isn’t hurt. Sure he can’t stop physical pain, but he can do his best to relinquish any further mental damage.
Bonus info: As I have nothing more to say regarding Zenoram and Zero for the moment, I shall regail you with the tail of Hemlock, The Poison Dragon.

**Image may be subject to change**
There are no physical differences between Zenoram and Zero. Despite how they look, they are fairly toned and athletic. Under their clothes they house a considerably tough body. Their muscles have been trained and toned throughout their time with Hemlock. They are considerably durable and a bit heavier than one might expect. They stand at about 5'8" and weigh about 140 lbs. They can typically be seen wearing an outfit comprised of [a white button down shirt with a blue green tie, black pants, and black shoes. How the clothes are worn can also help tell who is in control, if the attitude change alone doesn’t give it away. If the tie is loose and the sleeves are rolled up it’s generally/always Zero because he doesn’t like the neat look Zenoram has going on. They can also be seen typically wearing their black, dragon scale jacket. When Zenoram is in control his hair is well kept and fairly neat while Zero wears it in a much more unkempt fashion. His guild stamp is the typical shade of purple and located on his back, just under the left shoulder around the shoulder blade area.
Name: Zenoram and Zero Oleander
Date of Birth: June 13, x874
Age: 18
=> Time “Zone” Magic – This Magic allows the user to temporarily control the time within a certain area of space around himself. In order to use it a barrier must first be erected. A barrier can grow up to a single mile about 2 miles in each direction of where his body is. Anything within or that enters the barrier will be susceptible to the time under his control. Those within direct contact with him will be affected
=> Stop – The simplest and least taxing of his abilities. For as long as Zenoram is able to hold his breath attacks, individuals, objects, etc. are all frozen in time. This works for getaways or moments of peace. By coming into direct contact with another he may free them from the time freeze. Currently, he is able to hold his breath for about 124 seconds (or the equivalent of one post after the initial activation post) at a time on average.
=> Rewind – By coming into direct contact with an item or person he can temporarily reverse any damage, or fatigue from them as though it never happened. The down side is all damage and fatigue will return to the target in addition to any extra they may have acquired when the magic is deactivated or if he passes out. It is important to note that while this move may seal open wounds, and remove the effects of fatigue and loss of stamina it will not truly replace limbs or lost body parts.
=> Fast Forward – Contrary to what one may think, this does not fast forward the time of any object or person per say. Rather Zenoram can allow himself and anything he is holding or touching to move at a heightened speed in the barrier. Given enough skill and training an opponent may be able to follow him, but typically it is extremely difficult for most people to keep up with or even track his movements.
=> Rewind – By coming into direct contact with an item or person he can temporarily reverse any damage, or fatigue from them as though it never happened. The down side is all damage and fatigue will return to the target in addition to any extra they may have acquired when the magic is deactivated or if he passes out. It is important to note that while this move may seal open wounds, and remove the effects of fatigue and loss of stamina it will not truly replace limbs or lost body parts.
=> Fast Forward – Contrary to what one may think, this does not fast forward the time of any object or person per say. Rather Zenoram can allow himself and anything he is holding or touching to move at a heightened speed in the barrier. Given enough skill and training an opponent may be able to follow him, but typically it is extremely difficult for most people to keep up with or even track his movements.
=> Poison Dragon Slayer Magic - A lost, caster magic that grants the user various characteristics a poison dragon. Subsequently, Poison Dragon Slayer Magic allows the user immunity to various forms of poison and toxins. It allows them to produce and control poison from any part of their body, which can be used both in melee and as a ranged form of offense. Poisons of the Poison dragon may be deadly, paralytic, or simply corrosive, all at the user’s discretion. Aside from immunity to toxins and poisons, like any other dragon slayer the user may consume various types of poison in order to replenish themselves and their magic.
=> Dragon Force - Although he never has, if Zero were to enter Dragon Force his hair would turn a dark shade of purple with light, violet scales appearing along and around his eyes and cheeks. His hands and feet will become more like those of a dragon with reddish purple claws and scales running up to his elbows and knees respectively. He would also gain dragon-like eyes and more elongated, and sharper, canines.
**I will be adding to this as time goes on. **
Basic Spells
=> Poison Dragon’s Roar – The breath attack of a poison dragon is one of many forms. It takes the form of a large spiraling blast with highly destructive penetrating power.
=> Poison Dragon’s Destructive Fist – After engulfing their hand in highly potent slightly corrosive poison, the user launches a powerful punch which seems to blow on impact causing a forceful poisonous explosion.
=> Poison Dragon’s Slicing Talon – After encasing their foot in poison the user kicks their target. Whether this attack lands or not; a wave of corrosive poison with enough force and slicing power to cut through stone will be launched.
=> Poison Dragon’s Corrosive Claw – The user focuses poison on their fingers tips in the form of claws and slashes at their target. Digging into the skin may be enough to infect the target with the slow acting paralytic poison.
=> Poison Dragon’s Arsenal: Melee Edition – The user forms various melee weapons such at shields, swords, hammers, maces, etc. in order to hold, or simply encasing their hands in feet, in order to fight and add extra damage upon impact. Enough speed and force with allow a Poison blade to slice or pierce the target.
=> Poison Dragon’s Arsenal: Projectile edition – The user forms various types of projectile weapons such as bullets, arrows, javelins, etc. that they fire at high speeds at their target.
Dragon Slayer Secret Art
=> Amethyst Wisteria: Poison Dragon’s Drill – The user creates a vortex of poison around themselves. It can momentarily act as a barrier to blow or redirect incoming attacks which will only serve to be melded into the frey. The user then directs the attack towards their opponent, unleashing the spinning drill-like mass of poison on them and anyone else in its path.
=> Amethyst Wisteria: Poison Dragon’s Wasteland – The user first begins by accumulating a mass of poison, concentrating it into their fist. Upon entering a wide stands they thrust their fist into the ground beneath them flooding it with the poison. The torrent of poison will begin to spew out corroding the land and surroundings along with anything it touches while simultaneously filling it with toxic fumes. This skill can leave the affected area baren until such a point as the user or another mage of the same element is able to remove the poison and its toxins so the land may have a chance at healing.
Basic Spells
=> Poison Dragon’s Roar – The breath attack of a poison dragon is one of many forms. It takes the form of a large spiraling blast with highly destructive penetrating power.
=> Poison Dragon’s Destructive Fist – After engulfing their hand in highly potent slightly corrosive poison, the user launches a powerful punch which seems to blow on impact causing a forceful poisonous explosion.
=> Poison Dragon’s Slicing Talon – After encasing their foot in poison the user kicks their target. Whether this attack lands or not; a wave of corrosive poison with enough force and slicing power to cut through stone will be launched.
=> Poison Dragon’s Corrosive Claw – The user focuses poison on their fingers tips in the form of claws and slashes at their target. Digging into the skin may be enough to infect the target with the slow acting paralytic poison.
=> Poison Dragon’s Arsenal: Melee Edition – The user forms various melee weapons such at shields, swords, hammers, maces, etc. in order to hold, or simply encasing their hands in feet, in order to fight and add extra damage upon impact. Enough speed and force with allow a Poison blade to slice or pierce the target.
=> Poison Dragon’s Arsenal: Projectile edition – The user forms various types of projectile weapons such as bullets, arrows, javelins, etc. that they fire at high speeds at their target.
Dragon Slayer Secret Art
=> Amethyst Wisteria: Poison Dragon’s Drill – The user creates a vortex of poison around themselves. It can momentarily act as a barrier to blow or redirect incoming attacks which will only serve to be melded into the frey. The user then directs the attack towards their opponent, unleashing the spinning drill-like mass of poison on them and anyone else in its path.
=> Amethyst Wisteria: Poison Dragon’s Wasteland – The user first begins by accumulating a mass of poison, concentrating it into their fist. Upon entering a wide stands they thrust their fist into the ground beneath them flooding it with the poison. The torrent of poison will begin to spew out corroding the land and surroundings along with anything it touches while simultaneously filling it with toxic fumes. This skill can leave the affected area baren until such a point as the user or another mage of the same element is able to remove the poison and its toxins so the land may have a chance at healing.
Magic Level: High A-class
History: The following is the story of how Zenoram and Zero came to be who they are today.
Zenoram and Zero share a body, but different ages and birthdays. At least that is how Zenoram would try to explain it. The young man was born in a small village just a bit away from the base of Mt. Hakobe. His father was a criminal and magician in many areas, but his mother had fallen in love with him. He had truly tried to change. No… He had changed. The villagers simply refused to believe that. Thus, they had no problem leaving him to die when he fell ill. This had taken a serious toll on his mother who passed not more than a month later. He remained healthy, but at this time Zenoram was a mere four years old.
He had never been treated very well before. But he had always had his mother and father. Thus, when he had to face it himself he couldn’t bare it. He tried. He really did. For a year he faced bullying and anger because of who his father was and his mother’s choice. He was simply born. That was his crime. Still, something broke not long after he’d turned five. He remembers it so vividly. He was being picked on again. There were three boys. Each was a bit bigger, and a little older, and much meaner. That day he had just lost control. He didn’t black out. He saw everything that happened. He was fighting back. He was hurting the boys. But it wasn’t him.
“I’ll protect you.” The one in control said calmly after the trouble had ended. They were alone. Back home. Zenoram was once more in control, but in the back of his mind was another. It was him and yet it wasn’t. “Who are you?” Zenoram questioned. “I’m exactly what the villagers say. Exactly what those assholes try to make me out to be. I’m nothing. Zero.” The other answered simply. Though Zenoram doubted he believed that himself. But at least he wasn’t alone now.
That day things changed. The village’s opinion worsened, but he wasn’t really bullied anymore. Zero changed so much. Nothing could go wrong. Or so they thought. One day, two years later, on the day of tribute, his home was invading. Things were destroyed. Some stuff in a bag. Some packed up. It was like nothing he’d experienced before. Zero of course attempted to fight, but it didn’t amount to much. There were too many. That was it. He’d be the tribute.
However, rather than eat him, the dragon reacted in anger. “Those damn villagers force a child into this now?” He seemed to have had enough. He looked as though he’d attack the village. “Good! Go get em!” Zero spoke loudly, but the control shifted quickly. “No! You can’t!” Despite everything Zenoram wished to protect them. He wouldn’t allow the dragon to do it. Luckily, the confusion of him and Zero caught the dragon’s attention. From there they began to speak. The dragon was Hemlock. The dragon seemed skeptical about Zenoram and Zero, but he grew to accepted. Hemlock allowed them to live with him. Zenoram and Zero had another to care for and care for them. They had someone who’d protect, teach and raise them.
Since then, the two have grown considerably. They have each learned many things. Much of what they’ve learned has varied between each of them, but neither has had much to complain to. It was rare that they’d leave the cave and mountain. But when they did, they would always return with some amazing things. Books, scrolls, food, and other various items were all acquired. To this day they enjoy a life of solitude with their surrogate parent Hemlock. However, just as he does, they fear these pleasant days may soon come to an end.
He had never been treated very well before. But he had always had his mother and father. Thus, when he had to face it himself he couldn’t bare it. He tried. He really did. For a year he faced bullying and anger because of who his father was and his mother’s choice. He was simply born. That was his crime. Still, something broke not long after he’d turned five. He remembers it so vividly. He was being picked on again. There were three boys. Each was a bit bigger, and a little older, and much meaner. That day he had just lost control. He didn’t black out. He saw everything that happened. He was fighting back. He was hurting the boys. But it wasn’t him.
“I’ll protect you.” The one in control said calmly after the trouble had ended. They were alone. Back home. Zenoram was once more in control, but in the back of his mind was another. It was him and yet it wasn’t. “Who are you?” Zenoram questioned. “I’m exactly what the villagers say. Exactly what those assholes try to make me out to be. I’m nothing. Zero.” The other answered simply. Though Zenoram doubted he believed that himself. But at least he wasn’t alone now.
That day things changed. The village’s opinion worsened, but he wasn’t really bullied anymore. Zero changed so much. Nothing could go wrong. Or so they thought. One day, two years later, on the day of tribute, his home was invading. Things were destroyed. Some stuff in a bag. Some packed up. It was like nothing he’d experienced before. Zero of course attempted to fight, but it didn’t amount to much. There were too many. That was it. He’d be the tribute.
However, rather than eat him, the dragon reacted in anger. “Those damn villagers force a child into this now?” He seemed to have had enough. He looked as though he’d attack the village. “Good! Go get em!” Zero spoke loudly, but the control shifted quickly. “No! You can’t!” Despite everything Zenoram wished to protect them. He wouldn’t allow the dragon to do it. Luckily, the confusion of him and Zero caught the dragon’s attention. From there they began to speak. The dragon was Hemlock. The dragon seemed skeptical about Zenoram and Zero, but he grew to accepted. Hemlock allowed them to live with him. Zenoram and Zero had another to care for and care for them. They had someone who’d protect, teach and raise them.
Since then, the two have grown considerably. They have each learned many things. Much of what they’ve learned has varied between each of them, but neither has had much to complain to. It was rare that they’d leave the cave and mountain. But when they did, they would always return with some amazing things. Books, scrolls, food, and other various items were all acquired. To this day they enjoy a life of solitude with their surrogate parent Hemlock. However, just as he does, they fear these pleasant days may soon come to an end.
Although they would never have admit it at first, the death of Hemlock had greatly affected Zenoram and Zero. Part of them found it hard to even accept for a time, though they tried their best to move on afterward. Zero couldn’t bottling up the feelings of resentment he held toward people in general. Zenoram still tried to act in a kind enough manner, but part of him pulled back a bit, even from those he cared for such as Mithera and Karn. It was a bit easier to steer clear of Damian. He was riddled with guilt after the event transpired and they couldn’t face that.
Aside from a brief run in with another dragon slayer and a quick stop at the grand magic games Zero and Zenoram were rarely around the guild very long. If it wasn’t a job, the two were off on journeys of training. They had to get stronger, push themselves beyond their limits, and do everything they could to become more than what they were. The problem was that in doing so they were isolating themselves. Any chance of growing closer with anybody was slipping away, even though they had come to accept the guild as a sort of new home where they could feel just about as safe as they had been with Hemlock.
Still, as sporadically as the young man (men?) had been to the guild, it was unlikely they could ever fulfill Hemlock’s wish for them to be happy. Zenoram was the first to come to the realization. Zero took a little convincing. He was sure that the way they were was for the best. They were happy together. They didn’t need anyone. And yet… Part of him knew that Zenoram was right. So they resolved to return to the guild. If nothing else, they would be better than they were. They could live up to their late father’s wish.
Aside from a brief run in with another dragon slayer and a quick stop at the grand magic games Zero and Zenoram were rarely around the guild very long. If it wasn’t a job, the two were off on journeys of training. They had to get stronger, push themselves beyond their limits, and do everything they could to become more than what they were. The problem was that in doing so they were isolating themselves. Any chance of growing closer with anybody was slipping away, even though they had come to accept the guild as a sort of new home where they could feel just about as safe as they had been with Hemlock.
Still, as sporadically as the young man (men?) had been to the guild, it was unlikely they could ever fulfill Hemlock’s wish for them to be happy. Zenoram was the first to come to the realization. Zero took a little convincing. He was sure that the way they were was for the best. They were happy together. They didn’t need anyone. And yet… Part of him knew that Zenoram was right. So they resolved to return to the guild. If nothing else, they would be better than they were. They could live up to their late father’s wish.
Personality: While each personality has its share of similarities, such as a need to defend and protect the beings they care for, they are for the most part vastly different.
Zenoram is kind, forgiving and trusting to a fault. He is loving and innocent and wishes to protect life. He looks for the best in people, even if there isn’t much good in them to begin with. Above all he is not a fighter. He wishes to protect, but he does not have the mindset to bring harm to others. He believes it is better to be hurt than hurt others. He is loyal. He cares. He truly does.
Zero while sharing loyalty, and a certain kindness towards those he actually does care for, is Zenoram’s polar opposite. He quite enjoys dealing pain on to others and is not afraid to even kill if it means protecting what he wishes to protect. He is distrusting, cautious towards just about everyone, and is even one to hold a grudge. Put simply, he is an asshole. But only if he doesn’t see you as important to him or Zenoram.
Team Members: None
Three Strengths:
- Zenoram can generally get along with just about anyone fairly easily.
- Zenoram is durable as he shares a body with Zero
- Zenoram knows when he cannot win and knows when to back down. He uses his brain and intelligence.
- Zero is able to properly utilize his body’s combative capabilities to extraordinary heights. Whether it is his heightened senses or enhanced physical abilities, he is highly skilled.
- Zero can take a hit because of his durable body. Thus, he may go down, but it’ll take a lot to make him drop.
- Zero has a very strong will and a high aptitude for combat. Thus, he can fairly easily adapt to battles.
Three Weaknesses:
- Zenoram’s kind and trusting nature leaves him vulnerable to trickery and manipulation. He is easily fooled and it could very well be his undoing.
- Zenoram lacks the mindset and the ability to properly use his body to its combative potential. Thus, he is support and not much else.
- Zenoram has little to no actual combat ability. Physically, he should. But mentally his knowledge is blank.
- Zero just doesn’t know when to quit. He can sometimes lose himself in a battle and go too far even if he cannot win.
- Zero’s insecurities over his feelings regarding Zenoram and his existence can be a tactical weapon against him if one knows that much about him.
- Zero is fairly paranoid and can make simple mistakes and cause problems because of his own anger and paranoia.
Greatest Love:
Zenoram cares for Hemlock and Zero, but also deeply cares for the life inhabiting this world and the lives of each individual and creature around him.
Zero’s greatest love or loves include Hemlock and Zenoram. He cares for nothing else in this damned world.
Zenoram’s motivation is the dream of one day living happily. He doesn’t know what circumstances exactly, but if he can be happy, it will be enough. He will strive for this life.
Zero’s only motivation is to see that Zenoram isn’t hurt. Sure he can’t stop physical pain, but he can do his best to relinquish any further mental damage.
Bonus info: As I have nothing more to say regarding Zenoram and Zero for the moment, I shall regail you with the tail of Hemlock, The Poison Dragon.
Near the end of the battle with the Dark Mage Zeref and his followers, just as magic came to be feared and the Magic Management council was created there was a discovery. A total of ten fossilized dragon eggs were found. This was amazing. Using the magic and technology at their hands these marvels could be revived and brought back to life. However, those behind this discovery new that with all that had been done, it was likely that no public support would be gained. Worst case scenario the eggs would need to be destroyed. However, they could prove to be mighty weapons in the future if raised and tamed.
Thus, under the watchful eye of the Magic Management Council and the king these eggs were studied in secret. Five years, or grueling work, experimentation, and failure after failure passed, but finally the fruits of labor ripened. At this point only five eggs remained. But these five eggs were more than enough. They were revitalized. They were then cultivated and hatched. Under the watch of the kingdom’s higher ups, the dragons were to be raised and tamed. Taught to obey. However, things didn't go as planned. Another five years passed and two of the five dragons had died. As it turned out the process had only succeeded properly with the final three as they were rejuvenated with the final adjustments made. It was a miracle they were alive.
Only five years of age, the dragons knew very little. But they did know that their brethren were lost. These people did not care for their lives. They knew they had to flee. The two had been named Erebus, Hemlock and Aurora. They were of darkness, poison and ice respectively. These facts lined their minds. It was all they truly knew of themselves. Everything else was sheer instinct. It was likely for this reason that during their escape plan on the sixth year of their lives, only two of them were able to escape unharmed. They could just barely fly, and had little control over their magic. They did manage to escape, but soon after, Erebus passed. Hemlock and Aurora were stricken with grief. Hemlock doesn’t know how Aurora felt exactly, but he could never trust the humans again. And he in fact hated many of them. They were the real monsters in his eyes.
The two made their way to Mt. Hakobe after having hidden Erebus’s body in the ground so as not to be found. They had no idea they’d actually given the young dragon a burial, but they did know that it was just them from now on. This was simply one more fact to add to the list of things they knew. Days passed, and then months, and years and decades. Time halted for nothing. Hemlock had taken to living on one side of the mountain and Aurora on the other.
By himself, Hemlock learned, and grew. He trained. He rarely took the time to see Aurora, choosing to live in solitude. Nobody would bother. Alone he spent his days in a cave not too far up from the base. At least, that was until a small village settled just a mile or so away from the base on his side. Adventurers and travellers. Often one would venture into the mountain. They wouldn’t get far. He didn’t make any moves towards them. No acts of aggression. He simply watched.
Still, it was inevitable that as years passed he would be discovered. They began some idiotic ritual in which they sacrificed a member of their home to him. They dared not act against him. While this was in his favor he had no reason to consume the humans. He had no taste for them. Thus he’d often carry them to safety and urge them to never return. They never did. He went on like this slowly growing more annoyed with the ritual and people altogether. He’d not asked for them, nor their fear, nor any of what they did. Hemlock simply wished to live in peace.
Hemlock went on about his life until one day he nearly snapped. A child was brought as an offering. So far it’d always been an adult. One who’d volunteered. Had no regrets or fear. But this child was forcefully brought. The villagers looked at him with disgust and anger. They treated him like nothing. Did his life mean nothing? It reminded him of his early years. And yet, one voice urged him to proceed while another pleaded for him to leave the humans be. The strange thing was both voices came from the child. Confusion ensued until Zenoram explained. Zero confirmed, but Hemlock was skeptical.
Eventually, he accepted it. Joke or not the child didn’t seem to let it go or change his story. Hemlock had neared adulthood. He’d have brought the child to safety, but that was impossible. He would surely die on his own. Thus, Hemlock concluded to raise the young boy. To teach him, and help him live. Over the years he grew close to the boy. To this day they live in solitude together. Though he fears their time together may soon end.
Thus, under the watchful eye of the Magic Management Council and the king these eggs were studied in secret. Five years, or grueling work, experimentation, and failure after failure passed, but finally the fruits of labor ripened. At this point only five eggs remained. But these five eggs were more than enough. They were revitalized. They were then cultivated and hatched. Under the watch of the kingdom’s higher ups, the dragons were to be raised and tamed. Taught to obey. However, things didn't go as planned. Another five years passed and two of the five dragons had died. As it turned out the process had only succeeded properly with the final three as they were rejuvenated with the final adjustments made. It was a miracle they were alive.
Only five years of age, the dragons knew very little. But they did know that their brethren were lost. These people did not care for their lives. They knew they had to flee. The two had been named Erebus, Hemlock and Aurora. They were of darkness, poison and ice respectively. These facts lined their minds. It was all they truly knew of themselves. Everything else was sheer instinct. It was likely for this reason that during their escape plan on the sixth year of their lives, only two of them were able to escape unharmed. They could just barely fly, and had little control over their magic. They did manage to escape, but soon after, Erebus passed. Hemlock and Aurora were stricken with grief. Hemlock doesn’t know how Aurora felt exactly, but he could never trust the humans again. And he in fact hated many of them. They were the real monsters in his eyes.
The two made their way to Mt. Hakobe after having hidden Erebus’s body in the ground so as not to be found. They had no idea they’d actually given the young dragon a burial, but they did know that it was just them from now on. This was simply one more fact to add to the list of things they knew. Days passed, and then months, and years and decades. Time halted for nothing. Hemlock had taken to living on one side of the mountain and Aurora on the other.
By himself, Hemlock learned, and grew. He trained. He rarely took the time to see Aurora, choosing to live in solitude. Nobody would bother. Alone he spent his days in a cave not too far up from the base. At least, that was until a small village settled just a mile or so away from the base on his side. Adventurers and travellers. Often one would venture into the mountain. They wouldn’t get far. He didn’t make any moves towards them. No acts of aggression. He simply watched.
Still, it was inevitable that as years passed he would be discovered. They began some idiotic ritual in which they sacrificed a member of their home to him. They dared not act against him. While this was in his favor he had no reason to consume the humans. He had no taste for them. Thus he’d often carry them to safety and urge them to never return. They never did. He went on like this slowly growing more annoyed with the ritual and people altogether. He’d not asked for them, nor their fear, nor any of what they did. Hemlock simply wished to live in peace.
Hemlock went on about his life until one day he nearly snapped. A child was brought as an offering. So far it’d always been an adult. One who’d volunteered. Had no regrets or fear. But this child was forcefully brought. The villagers looked at him with disgust and anger. They treated him like nothing. Did his life mean nothing? It reminded him of his early years. And yet, one voice urged him to proceed while another pleaded for him to leave the humans be. The strange thing was both voices came from the child. Confusion ensued until Zenoram explained. Zero confirmed, but Hemlock was skeptical.
Eventually, he accepted it. Joke or not the child didn’t seem to let it go or change his story. Hemlock had neared adulthood. He’d have brought the child to safety, but that was impossible. He would surely die on his own. Thus, Hemlock concluded to raise the young boy. To teach him, and help him live. Over the years he grew close to the boy. To this day they live in solitude together. Though he fears their time together may soon end.
Not long after Zenoram and Zero initially left Mt. Hakobe Hemlock would come under attack by a group of assailants of unknown affiliation. They planned to use magic to capture him and put him under their control. With a small army at their disposal the mages likely could have succeeded. However, with the intervention of Zero and new allies of the Phoenix Wing guild; Damian, Karn, Mithera, Melina. Reckless though it seemed, the group charged into battle. The miniature army was little more than cannon fodder before their might, the actual threats coming later.
With Damian heading the assault two members of the enemy team were dispatched fairly easily. However, even taking down the enemy forces left a single man with a wealth of new power at his disposal. The group had managed to subjugate Hemlock, causing him to lash out against even the young men he considered his foster son(s). The man had clearly gone mad with power, angry at those opposing him, particularly aiming this anger at Karn (in his Chimera form).
With no other options Zero and Zenoram resolved to stop their father anyway possible. Even if it meant his end. He would never have wanted to live under another’s control; especially, if he would be forced to hurt others. The chimera, Zero and Damian combined their magic and launched one final strike on the mighty dragon.
Hemlock returned to his senses. The day had been won. But at a cost. He didn’t have long before he would no longer be of this world. . In his dying moments he spoke to each member of the group who’d helped him. He tried to relieve Karn and Damian of their guilt, though such a task would be nearly impossible for anyone. He spoke to Karn the best he could and then gifted Damian with a fang with which he could use to create a mighty blade. To MIthera he gave a necklace comprised of his scales and a claw. And finally, to Zenoram, to Zero, he gifted a black dragon scale jacket made from his own hide. Thus, with his goodbyes having been said, Hemlock passed on.
With Damian heading the assault two members of the enemy team were dispatched fairly easily. However, even taking down the enemy forces left a single man with a wealth of new power at his disposal. The group had managed to subjugate Hemlock, causing him to lash out against even the young men he considered his foster son(s). The man had clearly gone mad with power, angry at those opposing him, particularly aiming this anger at Karn (in his Chimera form).
With no other options Zero and Zenoram resolved to stop their father anyway possible. Even if it meant his end. He would never have wanted to live under another’s control; especially, if he would be forced to hurt others. The chimera, Zero and Damian combined their magic and launched one final strike on the mighty dragon.
Hemlock returned to his senses. The day had been won. But at a cost. He didn’t have long before he would no longer be of this world. . In his dying moments he spoke to each member of the group who’d helped him. He tried to relieve Karn and Damian of their guilt, though such a task would be nearly impossible for anyone. He spoke to Karn the best he could and then gifted Damian with a fang with which he could use to create a mighty blade. To MIthera he gave a necklace comprised of his scales and a claw. And finally, to Zenoram, to Zero, he gifted a black dragon scale jacket made from his own hide. Thus, with his goodbyes having been said, Hemlock passed on.