[Sometimes called "Blade-it Banton"]

Too Human
Blessing of Extreme Luck: Surprisingly, this blessing allows him to be extremely lucky. It could be the very reason he survived as a child and up until now, too. Avoid gambling with him.
Blessing of the Hero: A Hero always prevails. Physical and Magical abilities drastically increase depending on how dire of a situation he is in or when he is closer to death.
Among the countless denizens of the fantasy world in which this story takes place, very few are truly gifted and cursed with an uncontrollable and overwhelming dark power. Aleph Baton is one such individual and he shoulders such a burden with immense pride and responsibility. With unfailing determination, he walks his path towards the Demon Lord and allows nobody to stand in his way.
Aleph is stricken with a mental disease that only has a name in the world he once resided. Chuunibyou. He is very delusional and most people could not understand anything he was talking about even if they dearly tried. He often goes off on rants about his "forbidden power" and "quest to defeat the Ultimate Unlimited Evil". Whether he genuinely believes he is destined to slay the great Demon Lord or not is left up in the air, but he sure as hell puts on quite the performance. All the time. His right hand apparently possess an ancient power far more destructive than anybody else has ever known, which is always covered by bandages that "seal the darkness within". From time to time, his blade even thirsts for blood, which he must fight off lest he make the surrounding area a bloodbath.
For most sane people, it can get quite annoying and as one might expect, he does not have very many friends (read as "none"). Because he believes he is destined to save the world, he finds himself playing hero quite often.
Evil can strike from anywhere, at anytime.
Aleph Banton had learned this lesson at a very young age. So young, in fact, that he doesn't clearly remember anything about the event aside from the name of his archnemesis, Ford. He was too young to even walk properly by himself and was held in his mother's arms when all of the sudden, they were attacked! He didn't realize it then because he was not really capable of realizing shit at a year old, but it was truck of a specific brand and it had been driven by someone who had passed out at the wheel. In normal circumstances, Aleph would have died right there with his mother, but he was instead transported to another world, forced to [partial title drop here].
He was found in some woods by a man who noticed him when some other asshole apparently didn't, and was then taken to an orphanage.
Although he spent a few of his early years at the orphanage, he was blessed to have been adopted by a very kind and caring old soldier and his wife. Aleph was then to lead a perfectly normal life, albeit one more catered towards the military. That is... until yet another incident happened, when he was 15 years old. A friend of his had dared him to climb a tall tree in the woods, which Aleph decided to try to do. He, of course, failed quite miserably which had led to a very dangerous fall back to the ground, where he had struck his head. He very nearly died, but in that near-death... he felt a strong power emerge from him, and sealed memories came back to his consciousness. A vision of his prior life flashed before his eyes: The word "Ford" on the truck that nearly hit him. He then knew what his purpose in life was!
Obviously his parents disagreed and thought he was simply not thinking right. They were unfortunately blinded by the Demon Lord's tricks and were mere puppets to his every whim. Because they would not give him their blessings, he was forced to sneak away from home one night.
And so, completely disregarding any life plans he had before this point, he set off on an epic quest to slay that which was the absolute evil --- Demon Lord Henry Ford! A quest which has taken him across many kingdoms and through many villages. Luckily, he almost never needed to find a job -- when he was about to run out of supplies or currency to pay for them, he would be attacked by bandits who seemed to have just enough on them to get him through.
That's... really it. He's been more or less roaming around and creeping people out for the past 8 or so years. How odd.
His Sword
Being a Hero
Spicy Food
Vanquishing Villains
Demon Lord Henry Ford
The Dark Power within him
Villains of any kind
That little fat kid from Accel World

Too Human
Divine Protection
Blessing of Extreme Luck: Surprisingly, this blessing allows him to be extremely lucky. It could be the very reason he survived as a child and up until now, too. Avoid gambling with him.
Blessing of the Hero: A Hero always prevails. Physical and Magical abilities drastically increase depending on how dire of a situation he is in or when he is closer to death.
Among the countless denizens of the fantasy world in which this story takes place, very few are truly gifted and cursed with an uncontrollable and overwhelming dark power. Aleph Baton is one such individual and he shoulders such a burden with immense pride and responsibility. With unfailing determination, he walks his path towards the Demon Lord and allows nobody to stand in his way.
Aleph is stricken with a mental disease that only has a name in the world he once resided. Chuunibyou. He is very delusional and most people could not understand anything he was talking about even if they dearly tried. He often goes off on rants about his "forbidden power" and "quest to defeat the Ultimate Unlimited Evil". Whether he genuinely believes he is destined to slay the great Demon Lord or not is left up in the air, but he sure as hell puts on quite the performance. All the time. His right hand apparently possess an ancient power far more destructive than anybody else has ever known, which is always covered by bandages that "seal the darkness within". From time to time, his blade even thirsts for blood, which he must fight off lest he make the surrounding area a bloodbath.
For most sane people, it can get quite annoying and as one might expect, he does not have very many friends (read as "none"). Because he believes he is destined to save the world, he finds himself playing hero quite often.
Evil can strike from anywhere, at anytime.
Aleph Banton had learned this lesson at a very young age. So young, in fact, that he doesn't clearly remember anything about the event aside from the name of his archnemesis, Ford. He was too young to even walk properly by himself and was held in his mother's arms when all of the sudden, they were attacked! He didn't realize it then because he was not really capable of realizing shit at a year old, but it was truck of a specific brand and it had been driven by someone who had passed out at the wheel. In normal circumstances, Aleph would have died right there with his mother, but he was instead transported to another world, forced to [partial title drop here].
He was found in some woods by a man who noticed him when some other asshole apparently didn't, and was then taken to an orphanage.
Although he spent a few of his early years at the orphanage, he was blessed to have been adopted by a very kind and caring old soldier and his wife. Aleph was then to lead a perfectly normal life, albeit one more catered towards the military. That is... until yet another incident happened, when he was 15 years old. A friend of his had dared him to climb a tall tree in the woods, which Aleph decided to try to do. He, of course, failed quite miserably which had led to a very dangerous fall back to the ground, where he had struck his head. He very nearly died, but in that near-death... he felt a strong power emerge from him, and sealed memories came back to his consciousness. A vision of his prior life flashed before his eyes: The word "Ford" on the truck that nearly hit him. He then knew what his purpose in life was!
Obviously his parents disagreed and thought he was simply not thinking right. They were unfortunately blinded by the Demon Lord's tricks and were mere puppets to his every whim. Because they would not give him their blessings, he was forced to sneak away from home one night.
And so, completely disregarding any life plans he had before this point, he set off on an epic quest to slay that which was the absolute evil --- Demon Lord Henry Ford! A quest which has taken him across many kingdoms and through many villages. Luckily, he almost never needed to find a job -- when he was about to run out of supplies or currency to pay for them, he would be attacked by bandits who seemed to have just enough on them to get him through.
That's... really it. He's been more or less roaming around and creeping people out for the past 8 or so years. How odd.
His Sword
Being a Hero
Spicy Food
Vanquishing Villains
Demon Lord Henry Ford
The Dark Power within him
Villains of any kind
That little fat kid from Accel World
General Theme
"Goofy Theme"
Unleashing his "True" Power!
Generic Fighting Music
PVP Fighting Music
Final Boss Music
Race to save the Heroine! (or world, depends on circumstances)
"Goofy Theme"
Unleashing his "True" Power!
Generic Fighting Music
PVP Fighting Music
Final Boss Music
Race to save the Heroine! (or world, depends on circumstances)

Divine Protection
Blessing of Perfection: A blessing fit for a god amongst men. One could even say this is a gift given to anybody who approaches him, as his mere presence is a blessing itself. There is nothing he does not have, nor can't obtain. This is not an actual blessing, but the name given to the overwhelming amount of blessings he was given, as the list is very long.
Blessing of Beauty: Aesthetically pleasing to everybody and anybody, regardless of race or sexual preference. Some people may even be captivated by merely looking upon him. No matter what he may attempt, he'll always appear gorgeous in some way or another. Perhaps the strangest of his blessings, he is incapable of certain actions outright, such as showing visible fear or not having a strong, commanding voice at most times. It is likely that even were he to be murdered, his death would also be fabulous. Note: Has a slight glow.
Blessing of the Body: Every physical aspect of him is at its maximum potential (without magical aid) and remains there. He is as agile as a gymnast, strong as a weightlifter, fast as an olympic sprinter, and has extraordinary stamina and reflexes to boot. Of course, these are still within the realm of human abilities. He is also immune to normal illnesses and resistant to poisons.
Blessing of Intelligence: Blessed with a bright mind, capable of rivaling that of a genius. This blessing simply gives him the capacity to be brilliant, as first he must be given the chance to learn. Essentially, this just means that he retains most everything and can learn things quicker than normally possible.
Blessing of Magic: Able to utilize any kind of magic, as well as having a gate that puts many to shame.
Miscellaneous Other Blessings: Specific but generally irrelevant and pointless blessings, such as being able to read backwards and having near-indestructible hair. Capable of opening a door and then walking the dinosaur 100% of the time.
One could easily guess just what kind of person the "perfect" human could be, given that he's got more blessings than most people can count. He would justifiably be arrogant, as there could be few to equal him. He could be cruel, knowing that few are worthy of him. He could be bored senseless, as there would be no challenges in this world. But none of these are correct. In truth, the "perfect" being is little more than a lousy NEET.
Heinrich is somewhat cowardly and socially-inept as his true character. He doesn't like talking to others or dealing with the spotlight, but it often falls upon him, and his blessing of beauty generally makes it impossible for him to avoid this. He absolutely loathes the blessings he has been cursed with, as they conflict with his natural desire to seclude himself be isolated. Furthermore, as he cannot physically look anything less than gorgeous, showing such emotions as fear or seething anger is impossible for him -- his face will not allow it. Because he then looks mature or otherwise more brave than he truly is, people tend to flock to him, much to his chagrin.
Cowardly as he is, Heinrich is not someone to confront another aggressively and is rather passive. His voice is now strong, but this has not changed the fact. This would be the only time he finds his more prominent blessing as anything other than a curse, as most people don't pick fights with someone who looks like they could lift a tank with their pinky.
Heinrich was born in some decades into the future of Earth, where VRMMO games are the norm, among other, less-important things. Perhaps it was because his parents were nerds or because he was rather obese when he was younger, but he never really had true friends growing up, and found respite within the virtual world. He spent countless hours playing and becoming better and better and did little to nothing else aside from eating or taking the trash out (his one chore).
But really, that's it. Nothing special at all. Until one day, he tried to log into his game and found himself in this new, real world. He, of course, mistook it for a game, but soon came to realize that wasn't the case and learned the shocking truth: There are no video games in this ugly, cruel world! His body had been changed, he witnessed his very own mind slowly change to a less-dim one, and learned a lot of general information about this new place.
He only started life here a mere month ago, but people have chose to follow and worship him as an unwelcome entourage, and he has learned to read and write. Aside from this, however, he has not learned any swordplay nor magics, so he's got nothing but the potential just yet.
Other NEET things
Talking to normies
His Blessings
General Theme
Fighting Theme
Fighting Theme