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Here will be kept an ongoing summary of the game events for player reference

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dervish
Avatar of Dervish

Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 3 days ago

Image credited to coupleofhooks @ deviantart

New Posting Schedule: Monday through Thursday. Friday through Sunday is a rest period.

For thousands of years, we reigned supreme, the masters of logic and progress, the builders of the mightiest civilization Nirn has ever seen. We were mighty! We challenged the gods, our advancement growing so great as to threaten them. Our metal was indestructible; our constructs designed to function for eternity. We have travelled realms outside of Mundus. There was nothing that could stand in our way, and even the arrogant Aedra and Daedra have grown to fear us.

Nothing terrifies a so-called god more than knowing that their time is finite; that mere mortals will one day cause them to bow at the knee or be crushed under the progress of their superiors, mortals they have for too long looked down upon as insects. But it was not them who had punished us for our audacity; it was ourselves and the treachery of the lesser races we shared the world with. The whimpering, pathetic Falmer who crawled to us because they were weak, the crude barbarian Nords who adhere to abhorrent superstitions and achieved their aims by savagery, and the hated chimer alike all challenged our authority and claim to the world. And for centuries, neigh! For millennia, we proved to them our superiority. It is sickening for the three and a half thousand years of our absence, they have inherited the world we had shaped and laid their filthy hands on the masterful cities and defile them!

We were so concerned with securing our dominance over the mortal races of Tamriel and building ourselves to surpass the gods that we forgot to keep our own arrogance in check. Our drive and ambition was limitless, we never stopped to ask ourselves if our own ingenuity could ever be our bane. Our audacity and recklessness into the void of discovery has banished us from Mundus, leaving our once mighty legacy in the hands of those whose minds are too feeble to grasp the very concepts of our accomplishments or begin to understand who we were.

For three and a half thousand years, we have been imprisoned in a realm of our own design. Our weapon to rid the world of the Nords once and for all backfired, instead banishing us from Tamriel when the Red Mountain erupted, due to the treachery of one of our own, Kagrnak, who promised our people enlightenment when he sympathized with the humans and betrayed his own kind. If not for him, all of Tamriel would have been under our rule centuries ago and we would have surpassed the gods. That was our destiny, and it is one we shall reclaim.

Fate has finally dealt us a hand we can, and shall, play right. No longer are we restricted to this world of our own creation. The time has come to reclaim what is ours, and to have our voices heard in Tamriel once more!

Welcome to The Elder Scrolls: Vengeance of the Deep, a reboot of a successful and quite memorable roleplay from a few years back that is based around a small group of adventurers caught up in an extraordinary and overwhelming scenario wherein after thousands of years of absence, the Dwemer have returned and have begun a seemingly unstoppable conquest of Northern Tamriel, using advanced technology that no one has ever seen before. The adventure will take place across several locations, including different provinces, as the party tries to evade capture or death while attempting to find a way to fight back against the Dwemer forces.

The characters will all be members of an archeological expedition lead and financed by Rhea Valerius, an Imperial noblewoman who is a famed explorer and leading expert on the Dwemer ruins that dot Northern Tamriel. The ruin is a massive complex discovered in the Jerall Mountains in Northernwestern Cyrodiil/ Southwestern Skyrim and is the biggest ruin discovered to date. Those present are from all walks of life, be they experts in the ruins, mercenaries that act as security, camp cooks, and so on, all of the characters have been on site for the past few weeks and may or may not know each other more than by recognition. When the game begins, all of the characters will be grouped together for one of the expeditions to clear out another layer of the Dwemer ruin. This will be the catalyst for the adventure to come.

Past experience has shown us that there’s something of a fine balance between player freedom and GM dictation for plot, so this game will largely be set in guided set pieces and quests that the GM will dictate as both teams will be active in the same mission together, but completing separate objectives as outlined by GM roadmaps. Teams won’t be rigid, and expect roster shake ups from time to time according to character skills and sometimes just to give players a chance to write with other players rather than being locked in the same arbitrary group. Keeping in mind that we do expect the posting to be steady (e.g. try to have at least one person posting every day or two) and if it is discovered that somebody is inactive and holding up a group, the GMs will keep things moving on regardless, even if 3/5 players on any given team are actually active. This is where the GM puppeting clause comes into effect; if you’re holding things up, we may have to move your character around for you in the name of keeping the game from bogging down due to inactivity or player absence.

While the missions are largely contained set pieces that keep characters from wandering off and doing sandbox-style gameplay, between missions or sections (which will vary in length) we will have moments of “down time” where the characters will be free to do as they please as their leisure in towns or camps, giving players an opportunity for character development and interaction and just generally change the pace up. This is a character driven story that focuses on descriptive and often collaborative writing, and we really want to know and fall in love with these characters who will with any luck become a band of brothers.

For the start, we are taking on 8 additional players/ characters other than the GMs and we may adjust it as the game goes on, depending on if we have drop outs or feel we need more or less for an ideal game. Character sheets will be done via application process where we will select sheets based on quality, player history (e.g. if you are the kind of person to join and drop roleplays repeatedly or cause problems, we will find out), and knowledge of the lore of the series and the race you are applying to be. Players who don’t get picked in the first round, don’t fret! We will maintain a reserve roster to fill in dropped player position and this gives you a chance to refine your sheet after critiques and give you priority over someone else who applies after the game’s started. The roster will be in order of applications, so if you were the first to apply to the game, you’ll be the first on the roster to be notified of a spot opening up if you are interested. This, we feel, is a fair compromise where sheets are picked on merit for the first selections verses taking every sheet that applies or doing a first come, first serve basis which penalizes players who are taking their time to do their sheets or may have not have noticed the roleplay before 8 other people. With the roster we will do a sort of first come, first serve situation since it keeps things as fair as possible for notifying players that a spot opened up and eliminates potential drama or arguments.

    - The year is 4E208
    - The Empire had won the Civil War, Ulfric Stormcloak and his rebellion were crushed
    - The College of Winterhold is flourishing and possesses the Eye of Magnus.
    - The Mage’s Guild in Cyrodiil was abolished after the Oblivion Crisis and hasn’t existed for some time.
    - The Dark Brotherhood has been entirely eliminated; the Night Mother has been captured and destroyed by the Praetorians prior to the events of the previous RP. No Night Mother means no Listener means no Speaker means no contracts. As well, many of the Brotherhood’s sanctuaries had been raided and all members discovered killed.
    - The Dovahkiin was killed at the climax of the previous RP, there is no Dragonborn and all thu’um speakers are now exclusively in High Hrothgar.
    - The Companions of Jorrvaskr are largely intact and still operating out of Whiterun. However, due to events of the previous RP, all of the members were committed to the Inner Circle and are now werewolves due to desperation. They’ve since expanded their membership a bit and anyone recruited in the past two years is not a part of the Inner Circle, although rumours of their true nature may be more readily known.
    - The Fighters Guild is still flourishing in Cyrodiil.
    - Morag Tong is enjoying a resurgence of power after the destruction of the Dark Brotherhood, being the only professional assassin organization of its size in Tamriel. However, it still operates almost exclusively in Morrowind with the very seldom involvement outside of that province’s borders.
    - The Thieves Guild is alive and well in all parts of Tamriel, some chapters are doing better than others.

1. No Godmodding or power gaming of any kind. We're telling a story, not having a competition to see who is the biggest badass. Not to say you can't do awesome things when it comes around time for combat, but know your limitations. This includes self-insert characters, backstories that are designed to give the character access to abilities, skills, and equipment that would be considered an unfair or overpowered advantage, autokilling NPCs during fights with virtually no effort put into it, taking on a room full of people single handedly, meta gaming, trying to have everyone treat your character like they’re something unique and special, your character knowing things they shouldn’t, et cetera. The goal here is believable characters.

2. The writing standard is typical Advanced. Read what you wrote over before you post, and ensure you have acceptable spelling and grammar. That said, I'm not a perfectionist, and mistakes are made by everyone. Just make an honest effort and we'll get along just fine. Posting expectations are at least 2 detailed paragraphs per post, probably more, within a two week period. If you think short paragraphs and single lines are the best thing in the world, than I direct you to the free section. Failure to post within the 14 day period without a notification of absence will result in your ejection from the game, no refunds.

3. No speed posting. This means give other people a chance to post before you do. There won't be a strict posting order, but if I notice the same two people posting back and forward in a short time span without giving others involved in that group or conversation or whatever a chance to reply, I will not be happy. That said, if you have two characters conversing with each other, feel free to reply steadily back and forward if things are going slow. Just keep in mind posting expectations and if serious actions are taken during those posting, others will have to be taken into consideration.

4. If you are going to be absent for any length of time, please let me know. I’m not going to kill of your character or kick you to the curb because stuff came up. Real life comes first, but that said, do try to be fairly active. Your character will be controlled by a GM until you return. If you vanish without word for more than 14 days, you will be removed from the game and your characters written off or killed. Consider this your only warning.

5. If you disagree with contents of someone's posts, don't turn the OOC into some horrible flame fest. We're all hopefully mature enough to settle disagreements through logical discourse. If things start to go into flame war territory, I will warn the players. Failure to STFU will lead to your banishment from this RP with nothing more than an angri faec to accompany you and your character being killed off brutally. Probably after through ogre rape.

6. If you want to do something, and you aren't sure, ask in the OOC so it can be discussed. Or, if you want it to be a surprise, PM the GMs. If it's a good idea, we'll work it into the plot. I like to encourage creativity and think that all good RPs involve ideas from all their players. Sometimes this leads to amazing subplots and character development.

7. If you have questions or ideas for events, PM the GMs. Your input will help keep you not only invested, but it’ll give the GMs more fuel to work with for upcoming encounters and plot lines in the RP.

8. If you feel the need to start a romance between characters, that's cool. This isn't exactly a rated role play, and it’s bound to happen. I personally like to graphically describe violence and swear quite a bit, but if you feel the need to indulge in smut, please take that stuff to PM. 4 pages of graphic sex isn't going to save the world; it'll just cause everyone else to feel really awkward and need a cold shower afterwards. It is known.

9. Gary and Mary Sues will have a Morag Tong contract put on them that they will never, ever escape from. Probably because their legs will be eaten by ice wraiths and their body horribly maimed by hordes of angry hornets before the assassin gets to you. He's a local, and his name is Joe. He will ruin your day, Mr. or Miss. I Have No Flaws and Everyone Loves Me. The GMs may choose to do background checks to find out if you’re reliable and generally write at an acceptable quality, so beware that even if your character sheet is outstanding, if either Shaft or myself discover you’re argumentative, write at an unacceptable level, go AWOL frequently, power game, and so on, there’s a good chance you WILL NOT be accepted.

-Iron, steel, and leather: Very common and easy to come by and easy to afford. If your character possesses anything under these categories, you don’t need to justify having it.

-Elvish and Orcish: these are somewhat easy to come by, and both have their unique advantages. They both happen to be fairly expensive and aren’t nearly as common as the previous category. Elvish weapons tend to hold an edge better than steel and are very sharp, as well as being much lighter and more flexible than most metals. Orcish material is very hard, very durable, and very heavy. It’s more difficult to work with and shape, but once it will never fail and requires virtually no upkeep while not being quite as sharp or flexible as elvish works. Please explain how your character came to obtain these items somewhere in their backstory due to their uncommon nature.

-Dwemmer, or dwarven: This is relatively common in Skyrim, Morrowind, or Hammerfell if your character has been in the ruins. Most of their machines and defenses are still working, so chances are, your character is brave and tenacious if they got their hands on this stuff. Stores would sell limited stocks at pretty marked up prices considering how hard it is to obtain it.

-Ancient Nord: Really old weapons that somehow hold up over the years, they're crude and quite common in ancient nord temples, tombs, and ruins. The only problem is you usually have to deal with the drauger. And obviously, they're not nice zombie people. Stores wouldn't sell this stuff (it would be like going to a gun store and asking for a Brown Bess when there's the newest Remington rifle on sale).

-Solstheim Nordic Steel: Weapons made by the Skaal of Solstheim, it’s excellently crafted steel weaponry and armour of the highest caliber, but is quite rare to find outside of Solstheim, given its association with the Skaal.

-Stalhrim: A special, magic ice-crafted set of equipment that can only be forged by the greatest masters using techniques only known by the Skaal. Changes are, your character will have neither access to stalhrim, the equipment to mine it, or the knowledge to do anything with it. It is exceedingly rare stuff.

-Aleyid/Akavari: Similar to the ancient Nord weapons and gear, a long gone elvish civilization left behind a lot of Cyrodiilic ruins and the invaders from across the sea to the East in Akavar. However, no armour examples are known to exist and what little katanas they had left behind are extremely rare to come across. Please don’t write up a whole backstory of how your character obtained these because ‘lol, Japan is the best’. However, what examples remain are expertly crafted swords that have held up well over the years.

-Falmer and Forsworn: Both sets of weapons are crude but effective, and Falmer gear usually has poison chambers due to being constructed from Charrus chitin and other parts. Forsworn stuff is built out of raw materials from nature, much like how a native American would. You'd only ever obtain either by killing a Falmer or Forsworn, and even then, would you really want it?

-Glass and Ebony: Both of these are high-end, expensive, and extremely well made weapons and armour that you'd be lucky to ever find. Ebony gear originates in Morrowind, so it would be found among the rich and powerful there, and likewise, Glass gear comes from the Aldmari Dominion and is usually only found on their elite soldiers. While some examples find their way into Skyrim and Cyrodiil, it's very uncommon and you are a very attractive target for having them. Would you walk around with a rapper's amount of gold chains around your neck at night in a dark alley? Kind of the same thing. However, their quality is absolutely top-notch and while both weapons require a fair deal more upkeep than other materials (both incorporate types of glass in the construction in addition to metal), they are very desirable and dangerous. If your character possesses anything in this category, I would like a background justified and believable explanation for having it. I will not approve every CS that has glass and ebony in it because people think of it in video game statistic terms and therefore it will give them a competitive edge.

-Dragon: Dragons are all but extinct, and whatever remains are enslaved or in hiding. As such dragon scales and bone are extremely hard to come by. You can only find this in Skyrim, but as such, much of it has been confiscated by the Empire for archiving, equipping their own elite soldiers, or as museum pieces. It is extremely hard to work with dragon scales and bones, so even if someone obtained them, they'd have to be among the best to do anything with it. You very likely will never possess dragon materials.

-Daedric: The Oblivion crisis ended over 200 years ago, and as such, the presence of the daedra in Tamriel is so rare they may as well be myths to most people, and the few that do manage to cross dimensions certainly aren't going to hand it over. Even harder to obtain than dragon materials, a master smith would be hard pressed to find a daedra heart, and likely wouldn't know the process to create daedric metals and shape it into armour and weapons. You very much won't have possession of these, at all.

Any enchantments: Possible, but you'll need to find the soul gems to charge them. Also, they're expensive as hell if you're trying to buy them, and only talented mages know how to soul trap. Best become friends with an enchanter if you're poor. If your character is an enchanter, it looks like you may be popular. Keep your enchantments limited to the level of skill your character has in the skill section.

-Daedric artifacts: No. Just no.

1. You can only carry so much on your person at a time. Think of real life, are you going to be carrying a bow, a claymore, 3 daggers, a staff, 400 arrows, steel plate armour, just as many potions and scrolls, and every book out of the public library? Keep it reasonable, keep it realistic. Collecting loot should never be your goal. You should also specify how your character is carrying around most of their inventory.

2. No matter how strong, talented, and experienced your character is, you're still only mortal. If you're running into 15 bandits, your odds don't look good. A troll is going to be the fight of your life. Herd of mammoths? Run like hell. You sustain injuries; you may die if you encounter a situation that is suicidal.

3. Potions take time to work in most cases, so you're not going to get gutted by an axe and then look brand new by chugging Tamriel Energy Drink. It'll help your body mesh the wounds and heal you, and it takes time for it to eliminate poisons and disease. In short, be careful. On that note, chugging potion after potion isn't going to happen unless you happen to be a whale with the body mass to do so.

4. Scrolls take time to read, so if you're reading one in combat to cast something, make sure you have someone watching your ass and there isn't a group of Minotaurs looking to rip your arm off ten feet away.

7. Damage is realistic(ish), if you're hit by an ice spike or an arrow; you're going to need some serious medical attention if it hits something vital. But since this is Elder Scrolls, and potions work in ways that a platypus would say, "that's fucked up." People also aren’t going to die of an infection from a blade wound after three days of sickness or something. Point is, your character is mortal and will be taking wounds in combat.

8. Keep in mind that whatever weapons and armour you do have does not reflect how well your character is going to do in a fight or survive, so don’t doctor a CS around trying to make sure that they’re the best equipped person in the game so you have a combat advantage. There’s going to be badass bandits out there running around in fur armour and iron weapons who’ve killed more people than your character has ever met who will not care if your character is decked out in full ebony armour, a shield, and a long sword. He’s light and fast, you’re low and heavy, and experience trumps expensive weapons and armour almost every time. Try to give your character equipment that makes sense for who they are and what they’ve been through.

9. Weapons do not necessarily have to be what you find in the games, but follow it as a template. As such, things like spears, throwing knives, throwing axes, glaives, halberds, javelins, and flails are fair game, even if most of that didn’t appear in any of the Elder Scrolls games. However, that isn’t free reign to try to put something that is high-fantasy or just ridiculous into the game. Do try to keep things lore appropriate where possible, as well.

10. To keep things simple, we will not be permitting werewolf or vampire characters. It’s an extra layer of scrutiny to go through when reviewing character submissions, and there’s always a concern that players just want the conditions for the powers/ badass factor rather than for narrative purposes, as well as it complicates group dynamics because realistically, a character with said conditions would show symptoms sooner or later and likely be attacked before long because of it.

11. If you are trying to omit something in your character sheet saying that it will ‘be revealed later in the RP’ or just generally want to keep it a surprise, GMs need to be notified of the idea for approval and may be able to help incorporate ideas into the game.

12. Don’t have your characters have close personal relationships with canon characters. Its one thing to say you served under Ulfric Stormcloak, but we don’t want to hear about how you were lovers or poker buddies or something. We aren’t fans of shrinking the world and since people tend to have their own personal ideas of what these characters are like, we’re keeping any canon NPCs firmly under GM lock and key.

[B]Family Origins:[/B]
[B]Misc. Possessions:[/B]
[B]Family and Associations:[/B]
[B]Favoured Skills:[/B]
[Indent][B]Spell List:[/B][/Indent] (Note: Mages only, up to 7 spells)

Name: Character's name and any alias they may go by

Race: What race they are (Altmer, Argonian, Bosmer, Breton, Dunmer, Imperial, Khajiit, Nord, Orsimer, or Redguard.)

Age: How old your character is. Age brings wisdom, youth brings strength and energy. Keep in mind elves tend to have longer live spans than men and beast races. For instance, dunmer may end up having about 100 healthy, strong years before going into elderly twilight years where they will likely make it for another 20 to 30 years. Wood elves are likely similar, and Altmer may live for a few centuries.

Family Origins: Where was your character born and raised? This may affect their cultural outlook. It can be anywhere in Tamriel, just bear in mind that, for example, a Cyrodiillic cosmopolitan orc will have a different culture and mentality than a Skyrim stronghold orc, or a Summerset Islands born and raised altmer may hold different values than one who was born and raised in Morrowind.

Appearance: A detailed description of what your character looks like and a picture, if possible. Please, for the love of The Nine, no anime. The more people have to reference, the better if is for role playing purposes.

Equipment: Weapons and armour. As you fill this out, ask yourself, if you were your character, would you be able to carry all of this stuff? More stuff= more encumbered. Less stuff= less encumbered, but less resources at your disposal.

Misc. Possessions: Things like lock picks, food, smithing materials, scolls, potions. The weight thing applies as well. Doesn’t necessarily have to be things from the games.

Favored Skills: This section gets a bit more complicated. Using the main skills of the game (two handed, smithing, destruction, illusion, lock picking, pick pocketing, shield, et cetera) things are rated by proficiency. You may have 1 highly proficient skill, 3 moderately proficient skills, and 3 somewhat proficient skills. You may, however, move up a class at the expense of another skill of the level below it (e.g. you pick 1 highly proficient at the cost of 2 moderately proficient). Likewise, you can gain more skills if you downgrade a skill (1 moderately proficient becomes two somewhat proficient, for example). Explain why your character is good at each skill in a brief sentence.

[SPECIAL NOTE FOR MAGES: For a quick understanding, Highly Proficient skills are equivalent of expert level spells, Moderately Proficient is Adept Level Spells, and Somewhat Proficient is Apprentice level. Keep that in mind when playing your character and picking your proficiencies. Please stick to spells you see in the games, but I’m not against combining some of them if it makes sense, but keep in mind your character would have to be exceptionally talented to do so. Run spell ideas by the GM if you aren’t sure for approval, but if you see it in the games, you should be okay.]

History: Explain your character's back story, how they came to be who they are, and so on. Please make this fairly detailed as it really fleshes out who your character is supposed to be. This also will help determine if I think your writing quality is satisfactory for a High-Casual requirement. Be sure to include things like upbringing, important people in their lives, how they came into possession of their skills and equipment, where they’ve been and what they’ve experienced, and how historical events in their life time may have affected them, if applicable. Should be several good paragraphs in length, don’t be afraid to go crazy on this. It won’t be what’s expected for your usual posts, but the more information you have here the better you can play your character and the better invested you’ll be in the RP if you spent a good amount of time working on a character sheet instead of crapping one out in half an hour and expecting to care for your character with a two paragraph bio).

Personality: Explain what your character's personality is like, including quirks, faults, and so on. The goal is to make a believable person, not a Mary or Gary Sue. There's a special place in hell for those kinds of characters.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
Avatar of POOHEAD189

POOHEAD189 The Abmin

Admin Seen 7 hrs ago

Will be working post haste! Though I still need to pick on if I want to transfer/update a certain Nord I made elsewhere, or go in a new direction.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
Avatar of MacabreFox

MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 1 day ago

Will be working post haste! Though I still need to pick on if I want to transfer/update a certain Nord I made elsewhere, or go in a new direction.

Sounds good! Just make sure you post your finished CS here in the OOC.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LordLinguinie
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LordLinguinie Master of Pasta

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

This is the 3rd Aldmeri dominion currently, correct?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
Avatar of MacabreFox

MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 1 day ago

This is the 3rd Aldmeri dominion currently, correct?

The codex mentions the 2nd Aldmeri Dominion near the very bottom. I didn’t see anywhere else about a 3rd Aldmeri Dominion. Hopefully our Lord Conqueror and Holy Savior @Dervish can clarify?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Genbor
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Genbor Dabblerjack

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Favored Skills: This section gets a bit more complicated. Using the main skills of the game (two handed, smithing, destruction, illusion, lock picking, pick pocketing, shield, et cetera) things are rated by proficiency. You may have 1 highly proficient skill, 3 moderately proficient skills, and 3 somewhat proficient skills. You may, however, move up a class at the expense of another skill of the level below it (e.g. you pick 1 highly proficient at the cost of 2 moderately proficient). Likewise, you can gain more skills if you downgrade a skill (1 moderately proficient becomes two somewhat proficient, for example). Explain why your character is good at each skill in a brief sentence.

I have a couple of questions. If I understood right, we have access to:

    1 Highly Proficient Skill [HPS] (Can be downgraded to 2 MPS)
    3 Moderately Proficient Skills [MPS] (Can be downgraded to 2 SPS, or can be upgraded to 1 HPS at the cost of 2 MPS)
    3 Somewhat Proficient Skills [SPS] (Can be upgraded to 1 MPS at the cost of 2)

If my math is right, that means the "highest setting" we can have is: 2 HPS, 2 MPS, and 1 SPS; and the "lowest setting" is: 1 MPS, and 11 SPS.

If that is true, can I ask why Vasora has 2 HPS, and 3 MPS? To get that kind of conversion, she would need to start out with 1 HPS, 3 MPS, and 4 SPS. Now, I'm not trying to nitpick here (and this probably doesn't help my chances of being picked into the first batch :P), I just want to know what the reasoning is behind it. Does she start out with 1 more SPS because she's of a "higher level", or for the story's sake? Or is that just a miscalculation?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DearTrickster
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I gotta adapt my character sheet but she’ll be up for a perusal soon.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dervish
Avatar of Dervish

Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 3 days ago

This is the 3rd Aldmeri dominion currently, correct?

<Snipped quote by LordLinguinie>

The codex mentions the 2nd Aldmeri Dominion near the very bottom. I didn’t see anywhere else about a 3rd Aldmeri Dominion. Hopefully our Lord Conqueror and Holy Savior @Dervish can clarify?

It totally is the 3rd; it was a brainfart on my behalf and probably a remnant from when I transfered information over. I'll get to editing stuff when I get home!

<Snipped quote by Dervish>

I have a couple of questions. If I understood right, we have access to:

    1 Highly Proficient Skill [HPS] (Can be downgraded to 2 MPS)
    3 Moderately Proficient Skills [MPS] (Can be downgraded to 2 SPS, or can be upgraded to 1 HPS at the cost of 2 MPS)
    3 Somewhat Proficient Skills [SPS] (Can be upgraded to 1 MPS at the cost of 2)

If my math is right, that means the "highest setting" we can have is: 2 HPS, 2 MPS, and 1 SPS; and the "lowest setting" is: 1 MPS, and 11 SPS.

If that is true, can I ask why Vasora has 2 HPS, and 3 MPS? To get that kind of conversion, she would need to start out with 1 HPS, 3 MPS, and 4 SPS. Now, I'm not trying to nitpick here (and this probably doesn't help my chances of being picked into the first batch :P), I just want to know what the reasoning is behind it. Does she start out with 1 more SPS because she's of a "higher level", or for the story's sake? Or is that just a miscalculation?

It was totally a miscalculation! I am actually repurposing her from another RP, and I was so concentrated on everything else (namely NPCs, story arcs, formatting, etc) I didn't check it over as well as I should have. Good catch! Honestly I don't mind being told when I fuck up, I'd rather have something pointed out than people being too nervous to point things out, so good on you! My bad for posting an example of a sheet that screwed up a very basic system.

I'll only give you let's say... three lashes for defiance and a day's worth of revoked rations.
4x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Genbor
Avatar of Genbor

Genbor Dabblerjack

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alright, thank you for the clarification, I was just looking at the three example ones and felt like either something was off or I was missing something.

PS: Any chance you could double the lashes?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dervish
Avatar of Dervish

Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 3 days ago

Alright, thank you for the clarification, I was just looking at the three example ones and felt like either something was off or I was missing something.

PS: Any chance you could double the lashes?

What do I look like, a whip abuser?

That's abuse to good leather, sir.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
Avatar of MacabreFox

MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 1 day ago

<Snipped quote by Genbor>

What do I look like, a whip abuser?

That's abuse to good leather, sir.

I’m sure there’s a meme for this
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Redguard Thief or Brenton Mystic Knight.


Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Genbor Again, thanks for catching my screw ups in my skill tree there; I had less skills than are permitted, so I thought I'd counted right for moving them up but alas, no. So it's now sitting at 1 highly proficient, 3 moderately, and 2 somewhat proficient.

I also fixed the 2nd/ 3rd Aldmeri Dominion shenanigans and edited some of the codex junk and will be putting stuff in the Character tab.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DearTrickster
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Here's my character submission~

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hey, for Enchantment how would the Highly Proficient to Somewhat Proficient Scale work? Would it just be knowledge based? Highly Proficient knows a lot and can use Grand Soul gems while Somewhat proficient can only use Common and just knows a few?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 1 day ago

Hey, for Enchantment how would the Highly Proficient to Somewhat Proficient Scale work? Would it just be knowledge based? Highly Proficient knows a lot and can use Grand Soul gems while Somewhat proficient can only use Common and just knows a few?

Possible, but you'll need to find the soul gems to charge them. Also, they're expensive as hell if you're trying to buy them, and only talented mages know how to soul trap. Best become friends with an enchanter if you're poor. If your character is an enchanter, it looks like you may be popular. Keep your enchantments limited to the level of skill your character has in the skill section.

My take on it would be this:

Highly Proficient skills are equivalent of Expert level spells. **Grand to Greater Soul Gems
Moderately Proficient is Adept Level Spells. *Greater to Common Soul Gems
Somewhat Proficient is Apprentice level. *Lesser to Petty Soul Gems

Though I am subject to revocation of rations and triple the amount of lashes
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 3 days ago

<Snipped quote by Rtron>

<Snipped quote>

My take on it would be this:

Highly Proficient skills are equivalent of Expert level spells. **Grand to Greater Soul Gems
Moderately Proficient is Adept Level Spells. *Greater to Common Soul Gems
Somewhat Proficient is Apprentice level. *Lesser to Petty Soul Gems

Though I am subject to revocation of rations and triple the amount of lashes

Quoted for truthiness.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Greenie
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

*peeks in*

Question- When is the tentative start of the role-play?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 3 days ago

*peeks in*

Question- When is the tentative start of the role-play?

Nothing solid yet, we're playing it by ear
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlitheIntent
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BlitheIntent Where are the snacks?

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

So excited! I’m already tossing around a few ideas, and will do my best to put together a suitable CS, iPhone willing ^^;
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