Here will be kept an ongoing summary of the game events for player reference

4E208, 12th Rain's Hand: After three weeks on the excavation site of the newly discovered Dwemer ruin, Rhea Valerius gathers a team from the camp to explore the seventh level down, the furthest down the excavation has made it.
After departing for the expedition, disaster struck; the lift suffered catastrophic failure, standing the party in the depths below, separating a few of them. It became clear that the lowest level of the Dwemer ruin was infested with Falmer. Fighting through pitch blackness, the party discovered the remnants of the last written thoughts of the Snow Elves before their eventual cruel fate, as well as a massive mechanical monstrosity that preyed on any that went into the light. Being forced deeper into the ruins prompted an incredible discovery; an amazingly sophisticated Dwemer machine of unknown purpose was present, as was the skeleton of a long-fallen Dwemer that had presumably sealed himself with the device. With the Falmer closing in on them, the party elected to activate the machine on Rhea's orders.
A harrowing escape followed as the party fled from the collapsing ruins, and after a chance with the underground river that took them mercifully to the service, they discovered their entire expedition site was destroyed; the top of the mountain replaced with a pillar of eerie glowing green light. Pressing on to Imperial City, the group would receive their due compensation, as well as give Rhea a chance to try and determine what had happened. After a week's travel, the group arrived in Imperial City and spent much needed downtime in the city, attending to their own personal affairs.
26th Rain’s Hand, 4E208: On the day the party was set to receive their payment and say their farewells, the Imperial City comes under siege by Dwemer forces using mechanized suits, firearms and airships. The assault is brutal and unrelenting, and little seems to be able to resist the attack, forcing survivors to flee and try to escape the city. Most of the group escapes through an old smuggling tunnel that Rhea's family had established back during the Great War when the Dominion had the Imperial City encircled, and their family fortune was based off selling necessary supplies at huge markups. The group managed to escape by using the smuggling boat to get across Lake Rumare, narrowly avoiding detection by Dwemer airships. The group made camp in the nearby forests and decided to make their way to Skingrad.
4th Second Seed, 4E208: The main party had arrived at the gates of Skingrad to find that the refugees from Imperial City were not being permitted access as per the Count's orders. While deciding what to do, a group calling themselves the Colovian Rangers, a group lead by Brutus, a member of the Fighter's Guild who did not want to sit around while Dwemer were ransacking the countryside, began enlisting various members of the refugee camp to participate in raids against Dwemer interests as they appeared. Many of Rhea's group decided to enlist. Meanwhile, Rhea and a handful of others had agreed to work with a mysterious Dunmer named Severus who promised access to the city in exchange for a few favours.
15th of Second Seed, 4E208: Severus becomes the new count of Skingrad after disposing of Count Hassildor; Skingrad becomes a protectorate of the Aldmeri Dominion and the refugee crisis is relieved by Dominion forces who give a deadline for Imperial Citizens who do not wish to fall under their rule to depart. The group departs and begins the journey to Anvil, where the war has not yet reached.
24nd of Second Seed, 4E208: After arriving in Anvil 3 days prior for much needed rest and relaxation, Daro'Vasora had arranged for transportation North with an old rival and partner, Roux. Preparing to depart with the companions, Anvil suddenly became under siege by the Aldmeri Dominion, who used the Imperial pressure to retake Skingrad as a pretext as war. Barely escaping on the Intrepid, the group escaped the jaws of war and soon began their travels North to Hammerfell.
After departing for the expedition, disaster struck; the lift suffered catastrophic failure, standing the party in the depths below, separating a few of them. It became clear that the lowest level of the Dwemer ruin was infested with Falmer. Fighting through pitch blackness, the party discovered the remnants of the last written thoughts of the Snow Elves before their eventual cruel fate, as well as a massive mechanical monstrosity that preyed on any that went into the light. Being forced deeper into the ruins prompted an incredible discovery; an amazingly sophisticated Dwemer machine of unknown purpose was present, as was the skeleton of a long-fallen Dwemer that had presumably sealed himself with the device. With the Falmer closing in on them, the party elected to activate the machine on Rhea's orders.
A harrowing escape followed as the party fled from the collapsing ruins, and after a chance with the underground river that took them mercifully to the service, they discovered their entire expedition site was destroyed; the top of the mountain replaced with a pillar of eerie glowing green light. Pressing on to Imperial City, the group would receive their due compensation, as well as give Rhea a chance to try and determine what had happened. After a week's travel, the group arrived in Imperial City and spent much needed downtime in the city, attending to their own personal affairs.
26th Rain’s Hand, 4E208: On the day the party was set to receive their payment and say their farewells, the Imperial City comes under siege by Dwemer forces using mechanized suits, firearms and airships. The assault is brutal and unrelenting, and little seems to be able to resist the attack, forcing survivors to flee and try to escape the city. Most of the group escapes through an old smuggling tunnel that Rhea's family had established back during the Great War when the Dominion had the Imperial City encircled, and their family fortune was based off selling necessary supplies at huge markups. The group managed to escape by using the smuggling boat to get across Lake Rumare, narrowly avoiding detection by Dwemer airships. The group made camp in the nearby forests and decided to make their way to Skingrad.
4th Second Seed, 4E208: The main party had arrived at the gates of Skingrad to find that the refugees from Imperial City were not being permitted access as per the Count's orders. While deciding what to do, a group calling themselves the Colovian Rangers, a group lead by Brutus, a member of the Fighter's Guild who did not want to sit around while Dwemer were ransacking the countryside, began enlisting various members of the refugee camp to participate in raids against Dwemer interests as they appeared. Many of Rhea's group decided to enlist. Meanwhile, Rhea and a handful of others had agreed to work with a mysterious Dunmer named Severus who promised access to the city in exchange for a few favours.
15th of Second Seed, 4E208: Severus becomes the new count of Skingrad after disposing of Count Hassildor; Skingrad becomes a protectorate of the Aldmeri Dominion and the refugee crisis is relieved by Dominion forces who give a deadline for Imperial Citizens who do not wish to fall under their rule to depart. The group departs and begins the journey to Anvil, where the war has not yet reached.
24nd of Second Seed, 4E208: After arriving in Anvil 3 days prior for much needed rest and relaxation, Daro'Vasora had arranged for transportation North with an old rival and partner, Roux. Preparing to depart with the companions, Anvil suddenly became under siege by the Aldmeri Dominion, who used the Imperial pressure to retake Skingrad as a pretext as war. Barely escaping on the Intrepid, the group escaped the jaws of war and soon began their travels North to Hammerfell.

30th of Second Seed, 4E208: The companions arrive to Gilane, Hammerfell and Roux Dupris reveals that he is a part of an insurgency cell in Gilane that is actively fighting against the Dwemeri occupation under a man who operates under the alias of the Poncy Man; Roux reveals to Daro'Vasora that his motive for fighting is that in the early days of the invasion, his wife and daughter were killed when their ship was attacked. Gilane is revealed to be under occupation that at first glance seems peaceful; Dwemer families coexist among the native inhabitants and the group is surprised to see this surprisingly normal and inviting situation after what they had just escaped. They meet with the Poncy Man, who welcomes them into his insurgency, and assigns them rooms. He soon assigns the companions missions to test how reliable and trustworthy they are. Later that night, Mazrah is discovered after curfew by Daro'Vasora and is brought back to the Three Crowns Hotel, the group's headquarters during their stay, and made a part of the effort.
31th of Second Seed, 4E208: In the morning, the Poncy Man assigned three tasks for the companions; Freeing prisoners in transit to a detention facility outside of the city, apprehending a Dwemer Administrator named Nblec Mrazak, and stealing sets of armour, a prisoner manifest, and a guard patrol schedule from the local barracks. Deciding to find out about the enemy first hand and at the recommendation of the customs inspector that had welcomed the group to Volenfell, Daro'Vasora, Raelynn, and Gregor went to the Governor's palace under the guise of researchers and met with Governor Razlinc Rourken, the matriarch of clan Rourken and the leader of the Hammerfell occupation and colonization efforts. The group discovers that the Dwemer had been trapped in a plain of Aetherius of their own creation that wasn't entirely stable and have been trapped there for only a few hundred years as time passed for them; thousands had passed for the rest of Nirn. She explained that time was not on the Dwemer's side when it came to staying in that plain, as it was going to collapse upon itself in only a couple hundred more years so the opening between plains and allowing their return saved her race. Leaving cordially, the trio formed their own opinions and prepared for their respective jobs.
That afternoon, Nanine, Judena, Mazrah, and Brynja attacked the prisoner transport and managed to free Shakti, who joined the companions in gratitude and a common purpose.
Latro, Jaraleet, Gregor, Raelynn, and Calen worked together to apprehend Nblec, most unaware of Gregor's intentions for the Administrator. Things became dangerous as the grab job was botched, and the group decided to interrogate Nblec despite Calen's protests. Calen is gravely wounded by Dwemer rifle fire and Gregor takes advantage of the chaos to soul trap Nblec, intent on sacrificing a Dwemer soul to the Ideal Masters. The mission is a failure and would go on to create a rift in the group.
Daro'Vasora, Rhona, Mortalmo, Megana, Alim, Anifaire, and Solandil all go that evening to raid the garrison headquarters to obtain the prisoner manifesto, guard patrol assignments, and the suits of armour. The mission goes off with complications; they do not discover the prisoner lists, but Daro'Vasora discovers the guard patrol schedule but is attacked by an officer, narrowly escaping and stealing the sword from the officer, which would be revealed to be Shakti's. The armour is obtained, and Meg, deciding that it's the only chance for any of them to escape, releases the held prisoners, unaware of who they are or what crimes they committed. The group escapes largely unscathed, but the information they obtained may be rendered irrelevant due to their detection.
1st Midyear, 4E208:
Unhappy with how the missions unfolded, the Poncy Man activates two of his assets to keep tabs on the companions and act on his authority should they become a liability; Hassan, a liaison and a deadly warrior, and Nadeen, an assassin of unparalleled lethality.
Governor Rourken, enraged at the audacity of the attacks, authorized Major Kerztar to unleash his unit of foreign fighters to hunt down members of the insurgency, including Zaveed and Sevari, who immediately make their presence known by slaughtering Roux's crew and taking the Breton into custody.
The aftermath causes tension within the party as the identity of Nblec's murder is unknown, although Jaraleet takes most of the blame due to his involvement in torturing the administrator, particularly from Daro'Vasora, who is trying desperately to keep the group from enraging the Poncy Man. Nblec's true killer, Gregor, had soul trapped the Dwemer and sacrifices him to the Ideal Masters with Raelynn in attendance. This gift has brought Gregor closer to his own personal goals, but it has attracted Nadeen's attention.
2nd Midyear, 4E208:
-Raelynn is captured by Zaveed and interrogated and tortured for information related to her companions; She gives up one of her father's bodyguards and is left nailed to a table and is forced to escape on her own, enduring great pain. Her escape would lead Zaveed to Salosiox, endangering her family. Gregor tells Jaraleet about his necromancy, hoping to secure an ally in the struggles and backlash he fears facing if exposed. Jaraleet agrees.
3rd Midyear, 4E208:
-Latro is approached by Sevari and is recruited as one of Sevari's field agents opposing Dwemer and Dominion interests; Daro'Vasora is threatened as collateral. Latro reveals to Daro'Vasora his true lineage, finding acceptance from his lover. Megana meets Zahir, an orphan boy who becomes her guide to Gilane and something of a surrogate nephew.
-Zaveed confront Salosioux at his home, threatening his life and exposing his double-agent nature to the Governor if he doesn't send Raelynn to a location of Zaveed's choosing. Salosioux agrees, feeling trapped, but manages to get an agreement that Raelynn isn't to be harmed and sent back to High Rock after Zaveed completes his assignment.
3rd Midyear, 4E208:
-Saloxious hires Jaraleet and Gregor to attack a group that he says belong to Zaveed, but are in fact other insurgents belonging to the Poncy Man. He keeps to his bargain with Zaveed.
-Daro'Vasora managed to convince the Poncy Man that the group was simply inexperienced and had done the best they could with the information and training they'd had, despite their missteps. For morale purposes, she hosts a party, which leads to bonds of friendship and inhibitions being lowered.
4th Midyear, 4E208:
-Sevari moves against Erincaro Syintar, the son of the man who had executed his brother and mother years ago and had set Sevari onto a dark path as an orphan. He reunites with his childhood love, Marassa, who was Zaveed's sister. The tense reunion collapses and Sevari flees before he is captured or killed by the crew of the Indrik, sacrificing his mission to save Marassa's career.
4th Midyear, 4E208:
-Raelynn shows up at the warehouse that Zaveed set as a trap and captures her, explaining that her and Roux are required to bait Daro'Vasora out of hiding. The two speak, and he does not wish her harm, but is forced to concuss her when she tries to break her bonds and attack him. Daro'Vasora arrives to free Raelynn, discovering a tortured Roux as well. When she goes to cut their bindings, Zaveed corners her with a gun and forces her to decide which one would die. Resisting, Daro'Vasora's arm is broken and Zaveed kills Roux with a knife to the heart, and he leaves the warehouse, taking Daro'Vasora with him while ordering the Dwemer soldiers to guard Raelynn until his return.
5th Midyear, 4E208:
-Megana takes a job from Salosioux to steal a sword from a wealthy Hammerfell merchant. She launches her quest with the help of Zahir and succeeds in bringing Raelynn's father the blade.
-Gregor and Jaraleet carry out their assignment from the Poncy Man; they slaughter a group of insurgents they mistakenly believe to be Dwemeri agents like Zaveed and Sevari.
6th Midyear, 4E208:
-Latro enlists Jaraleet's help doing the task Sevari had assigned to him, and both take down a Redguard named Hassiim down at the docks for capture. Having done so, they bring the Redguard to Sevari, who brings them to a safehouse and promptly interrogates the man. They learn of Sevari's true purpose in Gilane and gain the beginnings of an alliance and friendship with the man. Latro learns the truth of Jaraleet's true allegiances to the An-Xileel.
-Daro'Vasora is paraded through Gilane's streets by Zaveed, the privateer holding her at gunpoint to ensure compliance. Through the humilitation, Latro confronts Zaveed in his anger but realizes he has no choice but to surrender himself if he is to save Daro'Vasora. Both are brought to Governor Razlinc Rourken, who explained the situation and what the Dwemer were hoping to accomplish. She offers amnesty for Daro'Vasora, Latro, and Raelynn should the former cooperate. Sevari meets with Daro'Vasora and Latro, promising to help them if possible.
-Gregor confronts Salosiox. Sal explains his deal with Zaveed, giving Gregor the Khajiit's name and a target.
-Raelynn escapes Dwemer custody by slipping free of the bonds Zaveed cut, as well as a shock spell scroll Sal had given her before she set out from the warehouse. Gregor finds her shortly after, and in their rage and grief agree that Zaveed and the Governor need to die. A plot sets into motion.
-Sevari meets with Aries, his Imperial liaison, for a debriefing on the situation. She tasks him with capturing or killing Erincaro Syintar, the Dominion ambassador.
8th Midyear, 4E208:
-Mazrah meets Maj in a tavern and cause mischief in Gilane; Mazrah decides Maj would be great to have in the party and brings her back to the Three Crowns.
8th Midyear, 4E208:
-Megana is frustrated with no one acting upon Daro'Vasora's disappearance and sets out to find out where she's been taken, taking Jaraleet with her. Both run into trouble by the Gilane palace and Jaraleet is wounded when Meg is detected; Sevari intercepts the pair and saves their lives, explaining the situation with Daro'Vasora and Latro to them while tending to Jaraleet's wounds.
-Sevari pursues a man named Khesh, a person of interest to the Ministry of Order, and ends up being confronted by Shakti, who has designs to capture Khesh as he was a member of the order of knights who killed her father. The two duel and are forced into a draw by a Dwemer patrolman who distracted Sevari long enough for Shakti to escape.
8th Midyear, 4E208:
-Zaveed is put on administrative leave, assigned under Sevari's watch by Kerztar. While walking through the streets and dealing with their complicated relationship, Sevari reveals Marassa is in Gilane; they head to the docks, and Zaveed decides not to approach Marassa's ship, waiting until the time is right for all three of them. He decides to focus on repairing his relationship with Sevari.
9th Midyear, 4E208:
-The Poncy Man, taken back by losses and the irresponsibility of Samara cell, sends his two best agents to keep an eye on them and act as need be, the renown swordsman and enforcer Hassan and the silent, serpent-like assassin Nadeen.
-The Dominion envoys leave the Indrik and head through Gilane's streets to see refuge with the Dwemer governor. They are ambushed by an insurgent cell and many Dominion marine and insurgent are killed; Marassa and Erincaro escape through the back streets.
-Zaveed investigates the attack on the Dominion envoy and his sister and runs into Gregor; the two fight, forcing Gregor to reveal his necromancy powers that turn the tide of battle in his favour. Zaveed is mortally wounded and nearly soul trapped when Nadeen poisons Gregor with a knife, intent to kill the necromancer before he can spread his evil. Zaveed and Gregor escape, both struggling to survive.
-Zaveed manages to reach the docks, where he sets down, bleeding to death to watch his final sunset. Raelynn comes across him in search of Gregor as she realized what he was going to try to do, and Zaveed offers her the opportunity to kill him, helping her pull the dagger deeper into his check. Raelynn realizes she cannot go through with it and uses what magic she has left to heal his mortal injuries, leaving her tormentor alive. Raelynn would later find Gregor wounded and admit that she had saved Zaveed, driving a wedge between her and Gregor, who felt the action a betrayal.
10th Midyear, 4E208:
-Latro is taken for a prisoner exchange, and Daro'Vasora is brought before the Governor to be informed that a new line of assassin centurions were about to be unleashed on Gilane; her only chance of saving her friends would be to make a public speech calling for peace between the people and to renounce the insurgency.
-Sevari transports Latro to the prisoner exchange with other Ministry of Order operatives; it turns out to be an ambush. Latro and Sevari escape, but Sevari is gravely wounded. They go to the safehouse where Aries is, and she heals Sevari and reprimands him for bring Latro to the now compromised safehouse. Leaving, they head to the Haunted Tides Inn to plot their next move to rescue Daro'Vasora, who is of interest of both parties.
-Zaveed awakes in the morning to find a former pirate named Sirine took an interest in his situation. The two come to an agreement, and she helps him clean up and get back on his feet. Both shared information about themselves and their missing loved ones, and came to an agreement to help one another find their siblings, along with a promise to free Sirine from the tavern she was forced to whore in. Zaveed leaves to scour the Dwemer records, and Sirine begins to eavesdrop on patrons at the tavern.
12th Midyear, 4E208:
-Sevari brings Latro and Jaraleet to his meeting in Al-Aqqiya with his contacts in the Penius Oculatus, including his brother Suffian. The meeting turns hostile and every member of the Oculatus is slain by the trio, including Suffian by Sevari's own hand.
-Judena, enraged by Daro'Vasora's capture on top of all of the losses the group suffered, called the group together at the Three Crowns Hotel to plot a rescue and in the process reveals to the newcomers that it had been her group that had caused the Dwemeri return, to various degrees of reaction. Aries and Sevari are introduced to the party, and they begin preparations to free Daro'Vasora.
13th Midyear, 4E208:
-Sirine, Zaveed, and Sevari prowl Gilane's streets in pursuit of Marassa, following Sirine's leads and breaking her free of her brothel owner once and for all. They manage to locate Marassa and the Dominion survivors, meeting back at the Palace where Sevari is arrested by the Thalmor under Kerztar's orders after discovering his true affiliations. Marassa and Sevari speak a final time before she helps him escape his cell as a final gesture of goodwill between them. Sevari flees the city that night.
- Raelynn meets with Shakti while collecting Sora's belongings. She also meets with Jaraleet, and interrogates him on his feelings for Megana. Back at her father's apartment, she and Gregor begin the preparations to take down Razlinc Rourken.
14th Midyear, 4E208:
- The group are together to run the palace. Mazrah, Jaraleet, and Meg take the sewers to pose a distraction. On the west side, Judena, Anifaire, Nanine, Maj, Aries are also sent through as distractions. Shakti, Calen, and Latro take to directly rescuing Sora - with the Hawkford bodyguard, Zhaib with them.
- Gregor and Raelynn take to the palace in secret to find the Governor. On the path, Gregor takes the soul of a defeated Kerztar, picking up an army of corpses in his wake. During the confrontation with the Governor - he is wounded and looks to be defeated. Out of the guise of invisibility, Raelynn appears - distracting Rourken with spell scrolls and the two make their escape.
- Daro'Vasora collects Dwemer medicine from the infirmary, thinking it may be able to help Judena, and possibly Gregor. During the fight to get out, Sora witnesses Pale-Feather and his violence and is momentarily shocked by it, leaving a doubt in her mind.
- Nadeen and Hassan, with Irranhu cell meet the group, and wish to speak to 'Janelle', to learn the whereabouts of Sevari, and to arrest the Necromancer. As things heat up, Zhaib throws himself in the firing line as a distraction, leaving with Pale-Feather the Hawkford brooch.
- The Three Crowns is found burning, bodies littering the place. Alim, Brynja, and Rhona are nowhere to be found. Daro'Vasora is warned by the survivors of an Orc.
- With the party re-united in Gilane, they set out for the Alik'r. Meanwhile, outside of the Northern Gates, Zaveed, Sevari, and Sirine raid a caravan, leaving no survivors in their wake. Latro and Sora catch up to the fallen caravan, and a tense deal is brokered between the two groups.
- Shakti guides the group through the desert to an Oasis.
14th Midyear, 4E208
- Raelynn is upset with the arrival of Zaveed into the group, and feels betrayed by Sora and Latro. Zaveed and Gregor have words, and come to some kind of mutual agreement - that Zaveed should leave Raelynn alone, and that Zaveed will not tell the group at large about Gregor's secret.
- Shakti has a wholesome moment of sand-surfing.
- Anifaire is suffering and hurt over the loss of Alim, and takes comfort with Zaveed, who teaches her to make mashed potatoes.
- Zaveed and Raelynn have an argument, after Raelynn confesses how Zaveed's treatment truly made her feel - she thinks to herself about how nobody listens. In spite, she sings a cruel lullaby in an ancient tongue to the group while collecting water.
- Mazrah and Latro connect over inner demons, of strength and of keeping anger at bay - the two decide to help each other, with Mazrah taking Latro under her wing.
31th of Second Seed, 4E208: In the morning, the Poncy Man assigned three tasks for the companions; Freeing prisoners in transit to a detention facility outside of the city, apprehending a Dwemer Administrator named Nblec Mrazak, and stealing sets of armour, a prisoner manifest, and a guard patrol schedule from the local barracks. Deciding to find out about the enemy first hand and at the recommendation of the customs inspector that had welcomed the group to Volenfell, Daro'Vasora, Raelynn, and Gregor went to the Governor's palace under the guise of researchers and met with Governor Razlinc Rourken, the matriarch of clan Rourken and the leader of the Hammerfell occupation and colonization efforts. The group discovers that the Dwemer had been trapped in a plain of Aetherius of their own creation that wasn't entirely stable and have been trapped there for only a few hundred years as time passed for them; thousands had passed for the rest of Nirn. She explained that time was not on the Dwemer's side when it came to staying in that plain, as it was going to collapse upon itself in only a couple hundred more years so the opening between plains and allowing their return saved her race. Leaving cordially, the trio formed their own opinions and prepared for their respective jobs.
That afternoon, Nanine, Judena, Mazrah, and Brynja attacked the prisoner transport and managed to free Shakti, who joined the companions in gratitude and a common purpose.
Latro, Jaraleet, Gregor, Raelynn, and Calen worked together to apprehend Nblec, most unaware of Gregor's intentions for the Administrator. Things became dangerous as the grab job was botched, and the group decided to interrogate Nblec despite Calen's protests. Calen is gravely wounded by Dwemer rifle fire and Gregor takes advantage of the chaos to soul trap Nblec, intent on sacrificing a Dwemer soul to the Ideal Masters. The mission is a failure and would go on to create a rift in the group.
Daro'Vasora, Rhona, Mortalmo, Megana, Alim, Anifaire, and Solandil all go that evening to raid the garrison headquarters to obtain the prisoner manifesto, guard patrol assignments, and the suits of armour. The mission goes off with complications; they do not discover the prisoner lists, but Daro'Vasora discovers the guard patrol schedule but is attacked by an officer, narrowly escaping and stealing the sword from the officer, which would be revealed to be Shakti's. The armour is obtained, and Meg, deciding that it's the only chance for any of them to escape, releases the held prisoners, unaware of who they are or what crimes they committed. The group escapes largely unscathed, but the information they obtained may be rendered irrelevant due to their detection.
1st Midyear, 4E208:
Unhappy with how the missions unfolded, the Poncy Man activates two of his assets to keep tabs on the companions and act on his authority should they become a liability; Hassan, a liaison and a deadly warrior, and Nadeen, an assassin of unparalleled lethality.
Governor Rourken, enraged at the audacity of the attacks, authorized Major Kerztar to unleash his unit of foreign fighters to hunt down members of the insurgency, including Zaveed and Sevari, who immediately make their presence known by slaughtering Roux's crew and taking the Breton into custody.
The aftermath causes tension within the party as the identity of Nblec's murder is unknown, although Jaraleet takes most of the blame due to his involvement in torturing the administrator, particularly from Daro'Vasora, who is trying desperately to keep the group from enraging the Poncy Man. Nblec's true killer, Gregor, had soul trapped the Dwemer and sacrifices him to the Ideal Masters with Raelynn in attendance. This gift has brought Gregor closer to his own personal goals, but it has attracted Nadeen's attention.
2nd Midyear, 4E208:
-Raelynn is captured by Zaveed and interrogated and tortured for information related to her companions; She gives up one of her father's bodyguards and is left nailed to a table and is forced to escape on her own, enduring great pain. Her escape would lead Zaveed to Salosiox, endangering her family. Gregor tells Jaraleet about his necromancy, hoping to secure an ally in the struggles and backlash he fears facing if exposed. Jaraleet agrees.
3rd Midyear, 4E208:
-Latro is approached by Sevari and is recruited as one of Sevari's field agents opposing Dwemer and Dominion interests; Daro'Vasora is threatened as collateral. Latro reveals to Daro'Vasora his true lineage, finding acceptance from his lover. Megana meets Zahir, an orphan boy who becomes her guide to Gilane and something of a surrogate nephew.
-Zaveed confront Salosioux at his home, threatening his life and exposing his double-agent nature to the Governor if he doesn't send Raelynn to a location of Zaveed's choosing. Salosioux agrees, feeling trapped, but manages to get an agreement that Raelynn isn't to be harmed and sent back to High Rock after Zaveed completes his assignment.
3rd Midyear, 4E208:
-Saloxious hires Jaraleet and Gregor to attack a group that he says belong to Zaveed, but are in fact other insurgents belonging to the Poncy Man. He keeps to his bargain with Zaveed.
-Daro'Vasora managed to convince the Poncy Man that the group was simply inexperienced and had done the best they could with the information and training they'd had, despite their missteps. For morale purposes, she hosts a party, which leads to bonds of friendship and inhibitions being lowered.
4th Midyear, 4E208:
-Sevari moves against Erincaro Syintar, the son of the man who had executed his brother and mother years ago and had set Sevari onto a dark path as an orphan. He reunites with his childhood love, Marassa, who was Zaveed's sister. The tense reunion collapses and Sevari flees before he is captured or killed by the crew of the Indrik, sacrificing his mission to save Marassa's career.
4th Midyear, 4E208:
-Raelynn shows up at the warehouse that Zaveed set as a trap and captures her, explaining that her and Roux are required to bait Daro'Vasora out of hiding. The two speak, and he does not wish her harm, but is forced to concuss her when she tries to break her bonds and attack him. Daro'Vasora arrives to free Raelynn, discovering a tortured Roux as well. When she goes to cut their bindings, Zaveed corners her with a gun and forces her to decide which one would die. Resisting, Daro'Vasora's arm is broken and Zaveed kills Roux with a knife to the heart, and he leaves the warehouse, taking Daro'Vasora with him while ordering the Dwemer soldiers to guard Raelynn until his return.
5th Midyear, 4E208:
-Megana takes a job from Salosioux to steal a sword from a wealthy Hammerfell merchant. She launches her quest with the help of Zahir and succeeds in bringing Raelynn's father the blade.
-Gregor and Jaraleet carry out their assignment from the Poncy Man; they slaughter a group of insurgents they mistakenly believe to be Dwemeri agents like Zaveed and Sevari.
6th Midyear, 4E208:
-Latro enlists Jaraleet's help doing the task Sevari had assigned to him, and both take down a Redguard named Hassiim down at the docks for capture. Having done so, they bring the Redguard to Sevari, who brings them to a safehouse and promptly interrogates the man. They learn of Sevari's true purpose in Gilane and gain the beginnings of an alliance and friendship with the man. Latro learns the truth of Jaraleet's true allegiances to the An-Xileel.
-Daro'Vasora is paraded through Gilane's streets by Zaveed, the privateer holding her at gunpoint to ensure compliance. Through the humilitation, Latro confronts Zaveed in his anger but realizes he has no choice but to surrender himself if he is to save Daro'Vasora. Both are brought to Governor Razlinc Rourken, who explained the situation and what the Dwemer were hoping to accomplish. She offers amnesty for Daro'Vasora, Latro, and Raelynn should the former cooperate. Sevari meets with Daro'Vasora and Latro, promising to help them if possible.
-Gregor confronts Salosiox. Sal explains his deal with Zaveed, giving Gregor the Khajiit's name and a target.
-Raelynn escapes Dwemer custody by slipping free of the bonds Zaveed cut, as well as a shock spell scroll Sal had given her before she set out from the warehouse. Gregor finds her shortly after, and in their rage and grief agree that Zaveed and the Governor need to die. A plot sets into motion.
-Sevari meets with Aries, his Imperial liaison, for a debriefing on the situation. She tasks him with capturing or killing Erincaro Syintar, the Dominion ambassador.
8th Midyear, 4E208:
-Mazrah meets Maj in a tavern and cause mischief in Gilane; Mazrah decides Maj would be great to have in the party and brings her back to the Three Crowns.
8th Midyear, 4E208:
-Megana is frustrated with no one acting upon Daro'Vasora's disappearance and sets out to find out where she's been taken, taking Jaraleet with her. Both run into trouble by the Gilane palace and Jaraleet is wounded when Meg is detected; Sevari intercepts the pair and saves their lives, explaining the situation with Daro'Vasora and Latro to them while tending to Jaraleet's wounds.
-Sevari pursues a man named Khesh, a person of interest to the Ministry of Order, and ends up being confronted by Shakti, who has designs to capture Khesh as he was a member of the order of knights who killed her father. The two duel and are forced into a draw by a Dwemer patrolman who distracted Sevari long enough for Shakti to escape.
8th Midyear, 4E208:
-Zaveed is put on administrative leave, assigned under Sevari's watch by Kerztar. While walking through the streets and dealing with their complicated relationship, Sevari reveals Marassa is in Gilane; they head to the docks, and Zaveed decides not to approach Marassa's ship, waiting until the time is right for all three of them. He decides to focus on repairing his relationship with Sevari.
9th Midyear, 4E208:
-The Poncy Man, taken back by losses and the irresponsibility of Samara cell, sends his two best agents to keep an eye on them and act as need be, the renown swordsman and enforcer Hassan and the silent, serpent-like assassin Nadeen.
-The Dominion envoys leave the Indrik and head through Gilane's streets to see refuge with the Dwemer governor. They are ambushed by an insurgent cell and many Dominion marine and insurgent are killed; Marassa and Erincaro escape through the back streets.
-Zaveed investigates the attack on the Dominion envoy and his sister and runs into Gregor; the two fight, forcing Gregor to reveal his necromancy powers that turn the tide of battle in his favour. Zaveed is mortally wounded and nearly soul trapped when Nadeen poisons Gregor with a knife, intent to kill the necromancer before he can spread his evil. Zaveed and Gregor escape, both struggling to survive.
-Zaveed manages to reach the docks, where he sets down, bleeding to death to watch his final sunset. Raelynn comes across him in search of Gregor as she realized what he was going to try to do, and Zaveed offers her the opportunity to kill him, helping her pull the dagger deeper into his check. Raelynn realizes she cannot go through with it and uses what magic she has left to heal his mortal injuries, leaving her tormentor alive. Raelynn would later find Gregor wounded and admit that she had saved Zaveed, driving a wedge between her and Gregor, who felt the action a betrayal.
10th Midyear, 4E208:
-Latro is taken for a prisoner exchange, and Daro'Vasora is brought before the Governor to be informed that a new line of assassin centurions were about to be unleashed on Gilane; her only chance of saving her friends would be to make a public speech calling for peace between the people and to renounce the insurgency.
-Sevari transports Latro to the prisoner exchange with other Ministry of Order operatives; it turns out to be an ambush. Latro and Sevari escape, but Sevari is gravely wounded. They go to the safehouse where Aries is, and she heals Sevari and reprimands him for bring Latro to the now compromised safehouse. Leaving, they head to the Haunted Tides Inn to plot their next move to rescue Daro'Vasora, who is of interest of both parties.
-Zaveed awakes in the morning to find a former pirate named Sirine took an interest in his situation. The two come to an agreement, and she helps him clean up and get back on his feet. Both shared information about themselves and their missing loved ones, and came to an agreement to help one another find their siblings, along with a promise to free Sirine from the tavern she was forced to whore in. Zaveed leaves to scour the Dwemer records, and Sirine begins to eavesdrop on patrons at the tavern.
12th Midyear, 4E208:
-Sevari brings Latro and Jaraleet to his meeting in Al-Aqqiya with his contacts in the Penius Oculatus, including his brother Suffian. The meeting turns hostile and every member of the Oculatus is slain by the trio, including Suffian by Sevari's own hand.
-Judena, enraged by Daro'Vasora's capture on top of all of the losses the group suffered, called the group together at the Three Crowns Hotel to plot a rescue and in the process reveals to the newcomers that it had been her group that had caused the Dwemeri return, to various degrees of reaction. Aries and Sevari are introduced to the party, and they begin preparations to free Daro'Vasora.
13th Midyear, 4E208:
-Sirine, Zaveed, and Sevari prowl Gilane's streets in pursuit of Marassa, following Sirine's leads and breaking her free of her brothel owner once and for all. They manage to locate Marassa and the Dominion survivors, meeting back at the Palace where Sevari is arrested by the Thalmor under Kerztar's orders after discovering his true affiliations. Marassa and Sevari speak a final time before she helps him escape his cell as a final gesture of goodwill between them. Sevari flees the city that night.
- Raelynn meets with Shakti while collecting Sora's belongings. She also meets with Jaraleet, and interrogates him on his feelings for Megana. Back at her father's apartment, she and Gregor begin the preparations to take down Razlinc Rourken.
14th Midyear, 4E208:
- The group are together to run the palace. Mazrah, Jaraleet, and Meg take the sewers to pose a distraction. On the west side, Judena, Anifaire, Nanine, Maj, Aries are also sent through as distractions. Shakti, Calen, and Latro take to directly rescuing Sora - with the Hawkford bodyguard, Zhaib with them.
- Gregor and Raelynn take to the palace in secret to find the Governor. On the path, Gregor takes the soul of a defeated Kerztar, picking up an army of corpses in his wake. During the confrontation with the Governor - he is wounded and looks to be defeated. Out of the guise of invisibility, Raelynn appears - distracting Rourken with spell scrolls and the two make their escape.
- Daro'Vasora collects Dwemer medicine from the infirmary, thinking it may be able to help Judena, and possibly Gregor. During the fight to get out, Sora witnesses Pale-Feather and his violence and is momentarily shocked by it, leaving a doubt in her mind.
- Nadeen and Hassan, with Irranhu cell meet the group, and wish to speak to 'Janelle', to learn the whereabouts of Sevari, and to arrest the Necromancer. As things heat up, Zhaib throws himself in the firing line as a distraction, leaving with Pale-Feather the Hawkford brooch.
- The Three Crowns is found burning, bodies littering the place. Alim, Brynja, and Rhona are nowhere to be found. Daro'Vasora is warned by the survivors of an Orc.
- With the party re-united in Gilane, they set out for the Alik'r. Meanwhile, outside of the Northern Gates, Zaveed, Sevari, and Sirine raid a caravan, leaving no survivors in their wake. Latro and Sora catch up to the fallen caravan, and a tense deal is brokered between the two groups.
- Shakti guides the group through the desert to an Oasis.
14th Midyear, 4E208
- Raelynn is upset with the arrival of Zaveed into the group, and feels betrayed by Sora and Latro. Zaveed and Gregor have words, and come to some kind of mutual agreement - that Zaveed should leave Raelynn alone, and that Zaveed will not tell the group at large about Gregor's secret.
- Shakti has a wholesome moment of sand-surfing.
- Anifaire is suffering and hurt over the loss of Alim, and takes comfort with Zaveed, who teaches her to make mashed potatoes.
- Zaveed and Raelynn have an argument, after Raelynn confesses how Zaveed's treatment truly made her feel - she thinks to herself about how nobody listens. In spite, she sings a cruel lullaby in an ancient tongue to the group while collecting water.
- Mazrah and Latro connect over inner demons, of strength and of keeping anger at bay - the two decide to help each other, with Mazrah taking Latro under her wing.

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