Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Bugcatcher sat at his desk. Plugging away, "Okay...Libby...you're clear on cameras. I have a loop of an all clear with a scheduled guard rotation on them. They'll have no idea. I have the real feeds slaved to my terminal. I'll be able to watch you through. A guard already passed your route so you'll be clear for another two minutes. Get moving pretty lady." He in the mean time checked to make sure his back door is set up properly still. Making sure there were no traces on his hacks yet. The enemy techs would eventually be able to make it past his own intrusion measures and track him down if they stayed long enough. He looked back up at the feeds, seeing Cassie down the gaurd. Then looked to see where the other gaurds are, "You're okay Lib. You're fine. Doesn't look like the report of that gun made it to anyone else. Proceed. Next gaurd is on the far side of his patrol route. You're clear for a little while longer."

Drevan bit his lower lip lightly, reaching over to take a sip of the glass of water he had on hand, clicking away, getting a anti-trace protocol going, giving something else for the enemy counter hackers to do.

He was setting off a set of fire sprinklers on the far side of the building from Cassie when an alert came up on one of his screens. It's a fairly rare one really. Radio traffic. Then Kingmaker shouting in his ear about a UAV in the air. He turns and brings up the ATC grid for the city on another screen. He looks about scanning through then spots the UAV, "It's not on the normal grid." He looked back to Cassie quickly, "Cas, you're clear for abit. My attention is needed elsewhere. The Gaurds are dealing with a hazard on the other side of the building. Get in and do what you need to do."

He jerked his attention over to the other screen, and starts to try and find the operator of the UAV, "Boss, this isn't lowjack. That Quaddie has to be large enough to carry something, that's the only reason the ATC and that Radio site would pick it up. We may be talking about a mini weapons system. The UAV itself I can't do a thing about. It's not connected to the grid like you might think it is. If I can find the pilot and his controller I might be able to slow it down, if he's near a wireless system." He got several radion and wireless grid sewn of up together and started searching, "He can't be too far. Those UAVs are usually battery powered. So if I can just..." He trailed off. The routines on his rigs triangulating positions where the controller could be, "Come on baby girl...come on." Overlapping locations and grid points began coming up. And on another of his screens he used preset camera hacks to see if he could locate the controller. There is no in hell he'd be able to miss someone on a laptop or with a UAV control device in public. It wouldn't take long.

Drevan finally grinned, he turned as Martin entered his office, "I think I got him. He's in a public area, but he's near a wireless grid. I don't think I can burn him out, but I can hack him and slow him down. What do you think boss?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"10-4, I got things handled over here. See you shortly."

An thus the fighting once again commenced. The man George had thrown at the wall made a rather loud snapping-sound as his head richocheted back from the impact, presumably breaking his neck, which for George was brutal but effective. But just as this one fell, another two entered the frey. Another one pulled out a knife and charged George, while the other pulled out a gun, presumably old Soviet hardware from the Cold War. George let the knife-weilding goat-shagger get close to him, before George dropped to the ground to tackle the man by his legs. He fell, almost gracefully, as George snagged the knife out of his hands in the fall, then throwing it at the man with the gun. The knife found its mark, easily cutting into the man's throat as he gurgled his las breath and falling backwards.

Two more men now made their move at George now, but he was already making his plans. As gunshots were heard outside, undoubtedly Thom who took care of their guest, George pulled out his PPQ and fired at his two attackers. The PPQ was by no means a powerful pistol, but being a gentlemen George didn't need strength but finesse, which the gun easily qualified for. The rounds filled up the men tastefully all across their chests, while the two remaining terrorists in the room drew their own weapons to fire at him.

George had little time to react, but he managed to do something. Rolling behind his second attacker, who was still on the ground, George pulled him over himself as the bullets meant for him now struck the Arabs now dying friend. "Hopefully this won't ruin the suit" George thought for himself as the Arabs fired away, until they were both out of ammunition. And now George finished up the game. With his remaining bullets, he planted two rounds into their heads, as an eire silence fell on the building.

With the silence, George rose to his feet and assessed the situation. "Got five turbans on the floor, it's quiet now. Almost too quiet, and no, don't you jinx it." George said over his comms to Thom, reloading the PPQ and checking all the bodies. Nothing of interest there, and the computers themselves seemed innocent in themselves. "Going to download the Pc's harddrive, perhaps this mission will have been of more worth than my suit being ruined."

Then the beeping began.

"...Cock. Get out of the area, now!"

That was when George decided that jumping out of a second story building was better than being blown to bits. The glass shattered around him just as he felt the blast wave following him. So much for property development.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Cassie waited in the closet for Drevan's all-clear. She had managed to fuck up once. She wasn't about to do it for a third time. Not on her watch. The agent had looked at the body right next to her. Hopefully nobody found him for the next few hours. He wasn't dead or anything like that, but let's just say that when he woke up, he was in for a rough day. Rough in the sense that he was going to have to spend some money at the hospital and some time away from work. Financial damage. Cassie didn't just hurt you physically, she hurt you financially too. While Drevan was busy jerking off or something like that, Cassie checked her M9A1 to make sure that a round was chambered. The longer she embarked on this mission, the more she regretted bringing this pistol. Having to chamber it was one of the most annoying things she had to do. It was more annoying than having to drag George's drunk ass out of the bar.

Suddenly, Drevan was done jerking off and she was given the all-clear. Nobody heard the gunshot somehow, so Cassie was free to proceed. She left her buddy in the closet and proceeded to the objective. She held her gun low, to reduce the profile she had and make herself less noticeable. She didn't want any more snags in the path. As lucky as Cassie was, she didn't feel like pushing her luck once again. The next time was not going to go as smoothly as it did last time. Hopefully the server room was clear of guards. She really did not want to see someone she didn't want to see there. They weren't going to have as gentle of an experience their buddy in the closet had previously.

Upon arrival, Cassie's first priority was finding a terminal she could plug in her USB and set it to work. Walking around the towers that hummed ominously, she then found a laptop sitting on a platform of sorts. It was weird seeing a computer looking like that, but she supposed those fucking nerds had their ways of making things work. Too bad they could never make it work with her. She plugged the USB in and pressed a few buttons, letting it do all the work for her. After that, she waited beside it, gun clutched in her hand. "Drevan, I've got the USB in. You got any escape options for me? I'm not going out the way I went i- hold that thought." Cassie heard footsteps and retreated behind a tower of sorts. It sounded like a duo of guards who unfortunately wandered in.

"Hey, you hear from Dave lately? I haven't heard from him in a while."

"Nah, dude. Probably busy looking at some celebrity again."

Cassie then began to speak quietly, "Drevan, I need an escape, like sometime soon. I'm not trying to jump out of a window or anything like that."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago



"Do it." Martin simply said, as he looked on at Bugcatcher, or Drevan working away on narrowing the IP, watching as it bounded off.
"Bastard. Looks like it's Iranian in origin. Mil spec. This isn't an enthusiast." Martin's words were icy cold, as he implied exactly what he wanted to in what he said.
"Liberty, you're going to need to standby."

The operator flew the drone in close, the quadcopter flying towards the building, as he picked out the floor. Flying the drone closer, he flipped a switch on a USB-connected device attached to the tablet, gently pushing one button in. Flinging the drone forwards, it tilted over, flying towards the glass, before he pushed the dial back.


With the explosion, Thom tracked two more running out, as he dropped them with the SMG, moving in, cutting off their escape route.
"Cavalier, Bugcatcher, this is Kingmaker. Sit rep?" Thom heard, as he moved in, looking across at George, shaking his head.
"Bloody hell mate. Don't have a fucking broken arm now." Cavalier said, chuckling as he offered him a hand, aware that the area is clear.

"We're clear. Got the data, all hostiles neutralised. What's the call?"
"We need you elsewhere. Round to the London Docklands. How fast do you think you can be there?" Thom looked only at George.
"Ten minutes, or less boss."
"Then move on it. GPS co-ords will be sent encrypted to you. I need two on the ground there now, and we can't compromise our operation."
"Affirmative." Thom said, looking to George.
"You better be a good driver."


The drone blew itself apart, the payload of about 20kg of explosives ripping through the floor below Liberty, detonating the office space and filling some of the men inside with a lot of glass and shrapnel, as the explosion rippled through the building. Only looking on from Liberty's cam as well as the view that Drevan was trying to compile, Martin shook his head.
"Bollocks....Liberty, you are gonna need to fucking hoof it. Don't ask what the hell that was. But someone else really doesn't like these people. And those people happened to be in the same time, same place." Martin said over the comms, looking at Drevan, before her at her cam again.
"You're weapons free. Lifts are gonna be locked down...Drevan can hack them and put you into heat, or you'll need to go back the way you came and reuse the rig. Your call. Or whatever he can conjure up.."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Drevan bit his lower lip, working like a fiend. His fingers flew across the keyboard. Code scrolling up in a mad almost hypnotic fashion up one of the monitors. He murmured as he worked, “Slash x…Marty worm…there you go…keep it cool…and I’m on the grid…bounce it to Bejing, then to Mumbai…there they’ll never trace us…come on…there’s the drone…oh shit…yeah…okay….wait…signal back and…” He hit a key and the controller the man held in the plaza went nuts, it wasn’t a burn out. Drevan couldn’t do that without a direct connection and the man is working wirelessly. But that didn’t mean he could make it a hell of a thing to work with.

But Drevan watched as the drone rammed into the side of the building and everything went up in flames. He slammed his fist down hammer style on the edge of his work desk, “Fuck I wasn’t fast enough.” He spun and quickly got to work, “Liberty. I have a way out for you coming. Head upstairs. Two levels, then make for the southwest corner of the building. Away from the explosion site. Don’t go to the lifts. I’m already seeing fire traveling up and down the shafts. And atleast one car has slipped it’s cables. Climb, and stay out of the smoke.”

He quickly got back to his hack. Having taken control of a remote control crane from across the street that was being used to create another building. He growled, “Who the fuck puts Intrusion Counter Measures on a crane…” He reached over, using the touch feature on one of the monitors to highlight a few programs on that particular monitor then drag them over to the one he’s working the crane on. It almost looks like he’s conducting a symphony there for a moment as his fingers are flying his arms and hands moving. He sticks his tongue out of one side of his mouth as he gets the programs going briefly a graphic coming up on the screen that looks like some knights are fighting a dragon. Then in big blue letters on one of the central screens comes up with, “Access Granted!”
Drevan clapped his hands and grinned, “Got it. Libby, 1 minute!” He directed the crane to swing, almost wrecking ball the empty concrete carrying bucket into the side of the building, bashing open a window, “Get there Libby. Once you’re in let me know and I’ll get you out of there.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Seconds turned into minutes, hours, days and weeks as George felt the power of gravity work against his enourmous will to stay afloat in the air. Shards of glass flew past him at a breath taking speed, as well as pieces of concrete, wood and splinters. A few grazed the sides of his suit, while a couple dug themelves into his arm and back. Pain shot from the impact wounds and across his body, though that pain would be short-lived.

George landed hard on the ground just beside the two bodies Thom had dispatched. As Thom ran up to help him, he too heard the voice over the comms. Great, no rest for the wicked. Or for honourable gentlemen in now ruined suits. "Just...just give me a minute, Thom."


Through gritted teeth, George did his outmost to not cry out in pain as he forcefully pulled his right shoulder with his left hand. A loud and painful sound came from his shoulder, sure to send shivers down your spine if you stood around. In the fall George had, of course, managed to land on his shoulder and dislocate it. He hated it, and it hurt him just as much every time he had to force it back into place. But with the snap, it was back in action, and so was George. He took hold of Thom's arm and got up on his feet again.

"For a cripple, I'm still quite good. Now get in, we've got no time to lose."

George slid across the hood of the car, getting in the driver-seat and starting it with ease. The Aston Martin roared to life and reversed back onto the road of Brixton, before George hit the pedal, forcing his beloved car to its (official) limits of power and speed. Avoiding jay-walkers and slow-ass-drivers, George massaged his shoulder. He really needed a good bottle of scotch, a massage by a beautiful lady and a record playing Tchaikovsky.

"So what's the situation down at the docks? Polish workers gone on strike again, Romanians sneaking into the country or Algerians smuggling Libyans?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Drevan provided Liberty with some good information, and subsequently put it to use as she emerged from cover. She stuck her arms out and clotheslined both security guards. As they were rendered incapacitated, Cassie pulled a pistol from its holster and had an intention of using it John Wick style. "Fuck this dumbass tranquilizer pistol." She said, as two security guards came out of nowhere. Cassie utilized CAR to grab her targets, shooting both of them in the head in a blink of an eye. "Why why why..." Cassie murmured as she moved with haste, finding the stairs and making her way upstairs. Hopefully no dumbass security guard would make their way down here. They were gonna meet their maker real quick.

Arriving two floors above, she looked around for where she was supposed to go. Looking around with her pistol held gingerly in her hands, she then felt a violent shaking throughout the building, followed by some glass breaking. Groaning, she headed toward the sound of the glass breaking, and saw that there was a crane conveniently positioned for her escape. "Fucking shit, Drevan, I told you I didn't want to be jumping out of a window." She walked backwards, quickly pacing back and forth, "When I get back I'm going to kick your ass." Cassie stepped back a little bit, "You got any options, Drevan? Besides jumping out into tall that concrete?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Drevan looked over at the news feed he has going for the area to keep track of what's going on. At the same time replying to Cassie, "Listen we don't always get what we want alright? I know you don't want to jump out of windows. You don't need to get in the concrete but you do need to get on that bucket. I'll swing you over to the other side of the street. There is no one over there right now." HE doesn't both to cut the comms to talk to Martin, "Boss, the news is starting to pick up on the explosion. We may need to scrub the rest of this. We don't want media heat. I can't do anything to it if they tag us on a camera. They haven't seen my crane and Cas yet. But it won't be long until they have reporters on scene."

He turned back to Cassie, "Get on! We need to get you out of there before proper emergency response shows up and this crane and the bucket are going to be even more noticeable. Unless you want to climb down on your own and escape on foot. Your call ultimately pretty lady. But this answer is the one that's quickest at the moment."

He looked over at another monitor, "ETA to Emergency response arrival shows about 3 minutes. Depending on traffic we can fudge that too 3 and a half minutes. Now or never!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Thom chuckled, shaking his head.
"It seems like Lady Liberty has gotten themselves in a spot of bother. We need to get some help to her. Clean up, if you will if there's any more security that they may find themselves there. And most of all, get her home. Not the easiest of things, but I imagine we're up to it." He said, barely concealing his accent at times, as he checked his own Sig, chambering another mag.
"Hopefully we don't have to fire any more rounds."


Looking on, the mission commander could tell shit had really, really hit the fan. Martin didn't really want anything bigger to come of this. It had to get sorted, now.
"Liberty, you better go, or that security team coming will be the least of your worries. Move onto the crane." Martin ordered, his voice firm and not reassuring, but absolutely hardened and proving a point. This was turning into a nightmare. Whatever the hell that drone had done, it hadn't helped the situation, and suggested an external intrusion.

The basement lair was secured, and difficult to get to, especially during an op. It was them dealing with this shit, right now- and anything else wasn't coming to them with any easy access. The point had been made however- clean up and bail the mess, before anything more came of it. The signal looked Iranian, from Martin's trained eye. Some state actor, someone had wanted to blur the line and make a mark. Whatever it was, Martin knew that signal was going to matter a heck of a lot more...someone wanted to destroy that sever before it had even been compromised, and had the drone been allowed closer, it would have made it's mark in detonating that whole floor.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"With Dear Lady Liberty right in the middle of the storm? You might as well ask Father Christmas for a new train-set, and you know that." George spoke calmly to his fellow gentleman agent, easily driving his car while keeping the conversation going between them. An intersection stood before them, the lights turning yellow and signalling the cars to slow down and stop. George on the other hand had no intention of doing so. "Hold on, Thom, and put down pistol away. We're gaining enough attention as it is."

The Aston Martin weaved its path elegantly between an old Ford Pickup and a Polish truck filled with fridges, vegetables or some other poor man's item, speeding into and through the intersection without as much as a scratch in the paint. Several angry, or just confused drivers, took their oppertunity to honk the hell out of him, but he simply shook his head as the beauty of a dark turned left and kept driving towards the docks. "What happened this time with Lady? She was supposed to go quiet in and out, and now she's in deeper shit than Yemen?"

It was a close call, but as George skid around a garbage truck at the end of a narrow alley, the docks came into view. "There we are. Drevan, what's the situation and adviced line of action?" George was quick to get on the comms now, having had no time to turn them back on after getting blown of the factory window. But before he could get an answer, he heard an unmistakeable from behind. Without waiting, he turned around while sitting in the car, scanning the alley they had just exited. The garbage truck still stood there, and behind it came the sound of incoming police cars.

"This'll buy us some time." George pulled out his pistol and fired two shots behind him. The two bullest buzzed through the air, finding their marks in the garbage truck's wheels and puncturing them. "Scotland Yard will have to find another way around now. The gunfire probably discouraged them too. I didn't like it, but I think it worked. Now, Drevan, Thom, what now?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Cassie groaned and put her hand on her forehead. "You shitting me? Fuck!" She paced back and forth, dwelling on how to go about this new endeavor. She had to land in the bucket. There was no other way unless she wanted to leave in multiple pieces. "I hate you, Drevan." She took a deep breath and made the leap of faith into the bucket. She felt the cold hair blast her in the face, as she fell down into the bucket. It was like shooting a three pointer, but way more was on the line this time.

Looking down into the bucket, she knew that it wasn't going to be a soft landing. Bending her knees, she landed in the bucket and groaned loudly. She probably had a hairline fracture or something like that. "I'm in... I'm in!" She groaned, lying on her back and wincing in pain. "Get me out of here!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
Avatar of BigPapaBelial

BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Drevan winced watching the feed from the cameras he had on each member of the team, and hearing Libbies words and exhalations. He grit his teeth, "Good girl. I know I know, there are no other easy options. Now hold the fuck on!" He reached over and punched in some commands, then blinked, the bucket started to ascend. That was not what he wanted it to do. He had told it to swing back over to the construction site. He wheeled over and pulled out a keyboard, "Shit shit shit...give me a second...hang on Lib...I got ya."

He started coding and hacking, "The ICE kicked back in, it's trying to burn out my code. Just give me..." He typed frantically and maniacly, "I got it...I got it." The console in the crane cab sparked, as the computer in the console fritzed some. Drevan grinned, "Gotcha! You're mine now."

He stopped the bucket from raising up any further, long before it would have banged up against the top of the line, likely hard enough to concuss the poor girl inside. He then started swinging the crane over, and lowering the bucket again, "I got ya. Okay the bucket should settle above a hopper on the other side. Should be nothing in there. You can jump out there. There are four ways out of the construction yard, front gate, back gate, utilities tunnel at the north east corner and what looks like a garbage chute that heads down and out of the yard on the east side. It's yours to decide how to get out of there. I'll lose visuals on you as soon as you're out of the yard though Lib."

He turned, "George, I'd advise getting ready to vacate the mission area. We have alot of heat coming in thanks to that fucking explosion. I'm seeing city police and emergency services rerouting past my blocks in the streets. I'd say a minute before they are on site and working to calm the situation down, but something like this is gonna be seen as a terrorist attack and anyone who even looks remotely at fault of out of place is going to be pulled in." with a click he passed current situation reports onto everyone's cellphones. Not bothering to go into how he just hacked into them remotely to do it. He'd explain that whent he time came. He looked to get some the nod from Martin, "What do you say boss man?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Martin watched on, nodding at Drevan.
"Good work. We need to shut this down, now. I'm gonna get on the burner to the Met and Section. We're ending this here." He said over to the hacker, as he looked on, nodding. The night sky was not a pleasant place to be for any police helicopter heading over the Thames, because Martin knew they'd have to stand down. They had another priority, and that was getting the drone's IP isolated. Stopping him. This operation was going to be nothing but a fold if they didn't find out what the fuck was going on.

"Nicely done, Liberty. Take it steady. But do what you can." He added onto the comms, as he looked across the rest of them, knowing they needed a status update. It did sound like she was in pain- even audibly, it sounded like a hard impact.

"Alright, Cavalier, I need you positioned north of the site. It's an underground car park, about a klick. You'll need to drive in, pick up, and get the fuck out. Liberty, however you get the fuck out of that building, just fucking run as fast as you can, ditch any weight on you and get to that car park. It's a lot of pain but you're gonna need to hustle, get some painkillers in you, and take it steady after the fall. I'll ping the co-ordinates to you. We'll deal with anything you leave later. Bugcatcher, open the doors when you see our pickup team arrive, and put up any bollards. Police and CO19 (armed police) are still about a minute out, wires are going crazy and we need to limit the damage right now. We need you fucking out." Martin added, as his phone buzzed, as he cursed, nodding to Drevan to get on with it.


"Shit, hang on." Martin said, adjusting his headset as he took a seat across the room, listening, his phone buzzing. Encrypted line, but no doubt that Martin knew Drevan would poke it anyway sometime.

"This is Section, what the fuck is going on?" Section was the head, well, the Director of MI6. Sierra Vanguard was a part of the agency that acted outside of it's perimeter,
"We've been intercepted. The op's just blown up."
"No shit...this is foreign. Someone knew we were coming and wanted to limit damage. Kingmaker, what's the play?"

"We need to limit our damage. And get the fuck out." Martin said coldly, as the voice responded equally so.

"And we need to find the person who did it. They are still in area, analytics has figured out they'll still be within two miles if they're trying to get out. You're the best team to chase it up. I can't get anything into the Metropolitan Police, and whoever it was may be alone. But I want them. I've got a lot of analytics working on his data. I'll patch them to Drevan, and I need you to intercept, and if you can, take them alive."

"Understood. We're finding a needle in a haystack then?"
"We're finding a terrorist in the City of London who could have gotten out any way. We're watching CCTV, Underground, buses, anything. It's a dragnet. We need to just know where he's going, what he looks like, and we have him. It's a lot of data."

"His fastest way would be the London City airport. Can we get a lockdown?"
"Nowhere near fast enough. He'll be on a private flight before we get a name. That is, if he was even going that way. He could be going to any airport, any train. And we don't know what we're looking for, so it could be in anything in a haystack. But we can do what we can."
"Shit. He'll vanish into thin air."

"That's where your hacker comes in. Can you get a IP on any affiliated networks to the drone? It'll be a lot of encryption, but you've got a lot of tools to use. A phone, anything. It gives us a tracker on his phone signal. It's bad, but enough to work on. Our team can do the rest, narrow him in. He will be putting distance between us and the attack as we speak."
"Shit. We can do that, Section. Get the comms down to Kingmaker when you're ready."
"Got it. Once you have it, stop him. Non-lethal is prefered. Don't make too much of a mess. The police aren't going to be on terms right now to help us, so you need to get on with it. Section out."
With it, Section disengaged the call, as Martin looked across to the Canadian, nodding.

"Alright. We have a new priority. Bugcatcher, I need you to dig. We need to find our man with the drone, and stop him. I need you to tap the affiliated networks that he was on, and find a phone, or anything that gives off a trace of signal. This is an advanced operator we're talking about here, so he's probably cut most things. Or is in the process. Seems like you need a challenge, this is gonna be a hard one to do. So just make of it what you can. Analysts can use the data you spoon out and narrow their search. Which means we can trace him minute by minute." Martin added to the hacker, knowing the call had taken place as the former command had gone through and had been operated upon. This was tight, but Martin knew that it would be the only way to intercept.

"Lancaster, Liberty, we have a new directive. I need you to rearm non-lethals and be ready for a pursuit. I know it's not ideal. But we're not walking away defeated. Once you're in that car park, standby for my command." Martin sternly said, his voice a carrying one, a leading one, one that would equally piss off but spark a little camaraderie with the agents under his command, knowing that they were capable of it and his assets for when the shit hit the fan.


Thom, or Cavalier nodded, looking over at George, knowing shit was about to hit the fan, as they drove towards the Docklands.
"You heard the boss. Got the co-ords coming in." Thom added, navigating for George as he knew that they had to go past the building to get to the carpark.
"Bugcatcher, you better have the fucking gate open."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
Avatar of BigPapaBelial

BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Drevan rolled his wrists as he sat at his computers nodding, "Okay I'm going to start clearing my links then. Get out of the systems I'm in and close any back doors." As he began to do that he heard the orders to have something ready to get doors open to get Libby and the rest out of there. He left a few links in to do so. In the meantime he retracted links and lines into systems on another monitor.

It wasn't until he was about half done and had all this links to Mumbai, Istanbul and a tiny little server room somewhere in the Ukraine, no idea why it was inside the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, he never asked when he was given the address. But it wasn't until he was half done when he heard he would need to do one hell of a hack. He leaned over listening carefully to what's being said, and the small remote hack he still had going on, on all the teams phones letting him hear both ends. by the time Martin/Kingmaker turned to him he'd started to reroute links again, hitting that little server hut in the Ukraine, almost DDoSed a computer Cafe in Singapore and more or less shut a South Korean computer cafe entirely. He still had links up and running in Canada, the USA, and in Australia that would do.

He nodded as Martin filled him in. "That's going to be in the list of Hacks of Hacks boss. Do I have permission to use the Hackers Fifth Freedom? I may have to go Blackhat with this." While he waited for an affirmation on that he got started on the foundation for the hack. He pulled off his hoodie and sat only in his shirt. He didn't want to be confined. "I'll start by working backwards, as well as forwards. From where he was last seen, and how he got there, then forward at the same time, to see where he went. Something will have picked him up on the way. CCTV, a selfie, he may even have paid for something with a card somewhere. I'll find it."

his fingers flew, shifting his focus from monitor to monitor, coding one handed in several instances, showing off an interesting ability to multitask. He turned sharply at one point and hit a single key on one of his keyboards, "Doors open, Cavalier. Bollards are on a offset 2 minute counter. More then likely going up as you pass them. Traffic barriers are also timed for when you need to pass them. I need to focus on something else guys. You're on your own from here."

He switched back to the dig hack. he licked his lips as he got his first hit, "Okay, got him at the plaza. Two...no four CCTV cameras in the area, three got a good look at him. The fourth has a couple of partials..." He started cycling back on the three cameras that got good looks on him, "Thank god for wireless networks. The Cameras were sending to servers that have internet links. I can see their archives. Three of his monitors started looking through the histories, while three more cycled through forward from the time of the incident. He stopped one of the views, "Okay. Got another sighting, I think this is about...27 minutes before the incident. He was roaming...waiting for us..." He went back further. Meanwhile another camera spotted him just before the explosion and moments before he fried his controller, "He's wearing...a...deep hoodie...but he's got a tote bag that is...holding the drone and the controller...it's not a controller...it's a tablet...with a wireless adaptor." Drevan grins, "Okay...that makes things a little easier. I wasn't able to burn it out before...but maybe I can get something off it. let's see...did he leave it behind or take it with him."

Drevan continued to cycle through the recording, "There he is just as I shorted him out...and one of the cameras shows his entering the plaza...and...nothing on him leaving yet...but...let's see...where is the tablet." He kept looking, "I need a live feed." He started to dig again, "Come on. Give me something to work with here." It came from the final camera, "He took it with him. And it's working you can see the screen is on in the recording." He grinned brightly, "Give me a few minutes...if he's still using it, and he's in the city and near a wireless network I can find him." He started to click clack away madly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

So the mission had gone from a simple infiltration and clean-up duty to a rescue mission; one meant to save Liberty's good skin from the local authorities who probably would find their bitter ends at the hands of an overly aggressive American lady. Alexander, or Lancaster, sighed to himself as he put his beloved car into reverse and got him and Cavalier back on the road.

"These things never go as planned, do they? Be adviced, Kingmaker, we are on our way. Liberty, we're coming."

The car burned rubber as the English duo raced at a breath taking speed down the Docklands, honking pedestrians out of the way and ignoring the loud swearing at 'the f*ckin' wanker arse driver'. They had no time to give them the figurative bird, and Lancaster was in no mood to play around like at the warehouse earlier. The Austin Martin roared around the building Liberty was supposed to not be spotted, nearly rear-ending a small electric mail-car with its unfortunate teenage driver, before speeding north towards the underground car-park.

"All right, ETA in 15 seconds. How's Liberty's situation?" Lancaster said through his comms, internally counting the seconds until they were supposed to pass through the..."Christ! Get your head down!"

The doors had already began to close when Lancaster first got sight of them. Either Bugcatcher had screwed something up, or there was too far from their original position to the doors; he refused to believe that it was his fault! Lancaster simply doubled down at the gas, pushing the British beauty of a vehicle to its limits as it flew just underneath the doors in time to spare the paint-job of the car.


"...That's coming out of Bugcatcher's paycheck, if it's the last thing I'll ever do. Kingmaker, we're in. Awaiting further command."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Cassie cursed to herself as she found out that she wouldn't exactly be lifted out of this bucket. A lot more climbing would be involved, and with Cassie's now injured leg, things were going to get a little more difficult. Looking up at the sky, she was trying to figure out a way to get herself enough momentum to lift herself out of the bucket. Taking into account the surfaces she was surrounded by and the given situation regarding her body, she had to suck it up and get herself out by doing some Houdini-like magic and acrobatics.

Taking a page out of Sam Fisher's book, Cassie backed up a little bit, giving herself enough room to get some speed. Just putting weight on her left leg hurt, but she'd have to suck it up and get through it. She started running toward a corner, before leaping toward it as high as she could. As she reached the apex of her jump, she put her legs out and stopped the jump in the corner. The corner wasn't big enough for her to completely extend her legs, but she could utilize it somewhere else instead. Adjusting the position of her legs, she pushed herself up high enough to reach the edge.

Cassie finally pulled herself out of the bucket and landed on the platform. Hobbling over to the ladder, she was happy to see that it was the kind of ladder you could slide down on. Sliding down the ladder, Cassie resituated herself on the platform below, before a blessing in the form of an elevator. She smiled to herself, hobbling over to the lift and having it bring her to the ground. As she leaned against the wall in the lift, she pulled out the pistol that fired actual bullets and checked just how much ammo she had left. One in the chamber, and the magazine felt full. Perfect.

As the lift arrived on the ground, Cassie pointed her pistol and made sure the scene was clear. The garage was right in front of her so it was not going to be a hard trip. Since it was clear, she just made her way to the garage. Walking straight into the elevator room, she was happy to see that the room was vacant. There was a camera, but Cassie took care of it before it could turn to see her. After a few mundane minutes later, she was where Lancaster was supposed to meet her. She was sitting against a bollard, waiting for Lancaster's lazy ass to arrive.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kingmaker's phone buzzed again.
"Kingmaker, we have a fix from what your man just did. The device he's carrying, whatever fucking magic he just did, it's enough to point the direction. We have him headed west, CCTV has tapped him to the Docklands Light Railway station at Canary Wharf, five minutes ago. He's likely on a train and has covered some distance. Our analysts are combing everything....it fits the profile. He's hiding incredibly well. This man is not easy to follow."

"He'll try and put distance between us and him. Can we get an exact fix?"
"Other analysts can't. But we're watching the cameras....we'll see him. He's nearly at the end of the line at Bank if the timing works out, he's hiding from any cameras after the stop at Canary Wharf. We have armed police moving onto site and across the Underground network, but we don't want another Menzies here. The man is going to pass off as anyone."
"Then we're fucked." Martin replied succinctly, as Section audibly agreed. Bank Station was an Underground station in the City of London, and with numerous Underground lines coming out of it, things would only get nasty if they couldn't make this work.

"My point exactly. Get your team to Bank. Cut him off. We'll get our camera feeds. Keep honing in and watch the CCTV in, look for identifying features, whatever Bugcatcher has, feed the intel upwards and we'll scrub it. See if you can get an exact fix if he tries anything. Suspect could be armed, and we don't know if he is alone from there."
"Shit....understood, Section. Bugcatcher's feed is open to your analysts still. We'll dispatch our team there. Out."

Kingmaker disconnected, shaking his head.
"Fuck." He was not normally this discontented, he was in control, even in chaos.

But there was a man about to get off a train who had planted an explosive that had rocked a skyscraper in the East End of London. And he was walking into the City of London, at a major junction of almost four different Tube lines.

There were usually higher stakes than this, Kingmaker reminded himself, but this was at home. Not in some remote shithole somewhere. This could quickly turn into a terrorist attack, and no doubt, the man wouldn't go easy. Armed Police just wouldn't have the information to head him off fast enough, even if he could transmit it, they wouldn't be ready. But his team were.

"Liberty, Lancaster, we have a potential fix. Head to Bank, ASAP, foot to floor, we are intercepting a potential agent. Standby for further orders."

"Bugcatcher, get me cameras, and comb this bastard. He should be on a train, we need to find which one. You're working for your paycheck today I'm afraid..." Martin added, watching on.


Thom swore, as they barely passed the bollards, the car screeching to a halt, as he opened the door.
"Get in!" He yelled at Liberty, clambering out, MPX at the ready, as he opened the seat, revealing a tiny space in the back, before noticing her hobble.
"Shit...her leg's had it. Liberty, can you drive?" He asked her, knowing George was gonna hate him for this.

"We need two of us on foot. If you can take the wheel....we can get the rest. Clutch isn't too steep on this right?" Thom asked shyly, as he knew he'd have to clamber into the back, into the bag hold almost, knowing that things were going to get real.

"We need to get to Bank. Fastest way should be sent through on the GPS. Just drive, and we'll head in, and get this bastard. I'll prep non-lethals." He added, as he opened up one of the seats in the back, pulling out another P226, loading in a set of specialised tranquilliser darts, not too indifferent to what Liberty was using in her accurate M9, setting it up for one of the other two.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

George slowly turned his head towards Thom, giving him a look of 'Have you lost your God damned mind?!' at the suggestion of Liberty driving. It didn't matter if Liberty was halfway dead or the Queen Herself!...okay, perhaps if she had been The Queen or a queen, like he had done with that princess, but that was beside the point! If she was the one who had compromised herself in the tower, why should she deserve to drive one of the best cars ever produced in that country?

Clearly it was because they were on the same side, for Lancaster unbuckled himself from the driver's seat and opened the door for Liberty to get in. He himself got into the passanger seat. No way he was taking the bagage hold, not again. "Get in, there's no time to lose. But you owe me, both of you."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Bugcatcher was just closing the back doors for the last section of the hack. Always get out. ALWAYS. That was one of the first rules of Hacking. After you get in you get out and close all evidence you were there. Reroutes and links were fine, but if you got into a system you needed to get out and erase any evidence you were there. He growled though when he heard the new orders, "Fuck...I could have used those...I still have Tokyo and Greece though..."

He bent back over his bank of keyboards. His fingers began to fly. He never heard from Kingmaker if he could use the Hackers Fifth Freedom, but this called for measures that needed to happen NOW. So he reached into a small drawer and pulled out a flash drive it looked innocent enough except for the nuclear material symbol painted onto the side of it. He plugged that into one of his towers. And opened up the folder. Inside, six files, each with the simple name of "Nuke". He opened one, and activated the program. A second later, he called out, "I'm in! I've got cameras for Banks, Monument, Post, Mansion House and Bishops. I needed to use a Nuke to do it. But I'm in. The guys train should be arriving shortly." He pulled up a picture of the man on another screen, a picture he got from another camera at the scene of the incident, "Hoodie...looks purple...there's a symbol on the front...looks like...a...crescent moon...okay...dark colored pants...and what look like swat boots. Okay..."

He turned back, "Guys. Get your butts in gear." he looked at one of the screens as a train arrived, "not our train...but it should be coming soon. Hurry up!" He linked the analysts in with his feed, "Bugcatcher to section intel. I have feeds for your people. The more eyes the better." He watched a second train come in and checked the schedule, "There are only a few more trains left over for the time frame the guy got on..." his eyes glued to the screens watching closely.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Upon hearing if she could drive, even in her one-legged state, Liberty was shocked. The audacity of his request was ludicrous. She rolled her eyes and climbed in the car. It was her right leg, too. So accelerating was going to hurt like a motherfucker. It would've been better if it was her left leg. Sure, the car's gears would've grinded but she would've been able to control the throttle delicately instead of going from 0 and 100. It was better to go from 0 to 100 instead of 0 and 100.

Clambering in, Liberty shifted into first and started moving forward, the car lurching forward with every gear that she climbed in. "To the bank!" She declared, as she pulled out onto the streets, the car moving relatively sluggishly.
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