So. I plan on finishing the IC post later tomorrow (today) because it's kinda long lol.
For players I expect atleast 3 paragraphs 5 lines minimum per post, not too hard and if you have trouble writing let me know I'm glad to help :).
For people who haven't applied yet but are working on their sheets, don't worry... If we start and you aren't at the briefing like we'll introduce you later. I don't want to be rude, last time I was waiting for sheets they never came (for diff people, diff rp). I just want the ball rolling cus I know people who did apply have been waiting a very nice long time for me like "dead drop hello :)" and I'm here for my people.
For the peeps here and accepted this is for you. Intro post will go up, your chars won't start in the precinct but wherever they are when they are called. (For sloan the looney bin D:?)
From there we'll see if you show up :), and the story will take shape from there.
Also yea the intro is kinda, positive I guess? I have Julia and Moore have alot of Banter? I just wanted to establish Fields's reckless nature and Moore's awkwardness to her rather brash and bubbly behavior.
That will reflect in the first post tomorrow (TODAY) :).
Here's a teaser.