Central Precinct
"The night is just starting, why stop now EL-TEE?"
The rain poured down on Detroit, fitting for a city that was on the bound of drowning itself out - with a plague, crime wave and with corruption. One of the three would kill a lot of people, but no one could call it yet - it was too early. The potential for each had serious consequences for most, while those in the shadows would pray and yearn for such an event to occur, the chances seemed to grow in their favor every day. The Central Precinct is the headquarters for the city's entire police force, north, south, west and east all report into the central precinct. Ran by the notorious, Commissioner Troye Darcy.
Walking alongside a rather black and decked out Detective Moore, the young and impressionable Julia Fields was on her Deck as the two made their way through the precinct's underground parking garage. She was adorned in a MIT university sweater and a pair of black BDUs which are bloused just above her boots. Her badge hangs from her neck from a cheap corporate chain, along with a security FOB. Moore wore a leather coat hanging down to his knees, a ripped black collared shirt a pair of sweat and jackboots. He too had his badge and security FOB out, since the two were detectives and one was undercover it seemed necessary to have their identification ready should anyone stop them from entering or question their appearance and activities within the station.
"Rough night, rough sex, rough fight? Which one is it Detective? I think it's one and two." Julia quirps, gesturing to his messy appearance, she extends her FOB and the door clicks with a quick buzz. She opens the door to the stairwell and the two enter. "All three, no joke Jewels. I'm a killer, player, and fighter." He nudges her, which causes her to almost drop her deck. She looks up scolding him as she pockets the device. "Watch it, expensive! My gear is too expensive. Like - a lot!"
Moore's hands found themselves flying through his wild, bushy black hair. "I'll tell it to you straight chick, so keep your eye off that screen. Bar fight, buddy gets his drink on my shirt like fuck him. Got into a fight, he was in one of those poser gangs. Some wild shit, almost got my throat cut clean. Put his head in the bar, wooden bar so that shit split when I creamed him. Maybe he died, better off he did cus I fucked his girl. Looked like you, big mouth but a real tight ass. She was the one that iced my collar good." He laughs, his huge arms coming around the woman's neck. Julia could only really laugh along with him as they walked the rest of the way.
"Big mouth? I mean, I dunno. You should be my partner, come join cybercrimes I need a tough crazy mean guy like you." She smiles as she tries to pry his huge arms off her.
"Partner? No."
"How come, I need like an awesome partner! "
Moore laughs at her remark, letting go of her neck as the two make it to the main floor. Julia seems to have had a huge weight removed from her neck as the color seemingly returns to her fragile face.
"I don't know ya chick, fuck didn't know LT was gonna put with me some tech-head jeez. I don't fuck with partners and I don't really fuck with this shit, Mayor Gallant had to go fuck my shit up, but I can't do nothing about it so let's go set this briefing up." Moore takes the lead, opening the door to the empty prep room. The halls seemed to be less chaotic, of course, guardsmen, FBI and state troopers still lingered and the injured were - dead or elsewhere. The prep room thankfully was empty and Moore began to set up the command staff's chairs accordingly.
"I'm leaving a fifth, in case IA wants to come by cuz I know they are gonna be all over us in no time."
"Charming! I have a feeling, you and me we'll be like two peas in a pod. Or something like that, don't hold back Detective Moore. I'm a tough nut to crack." Julia makes her way to the table where she sits down and puts up her feet, her deck sits out on the table while she brings up a hologram of various files, dossiers, and documents.
"So, EL-TEE is doing half the team and I get to do the rest - with your input of course. I already had a few people in mind, so it shouldn't take too long and I'll have some extra hours to sleep before the brief. Without further adieu - applicant one!"
A picture of an older man, his face scarred and his body augmented expands to lifesize form in front of Julia who then throws the hologram over to Moore.
"EY! Yo don't throw that cyber shit at me!" Moore freaks as he ducks for cover at the hologram.
"Relax! It's not real, it's a picture. Take a look!"
"Muthafucka looks like an old ass man."
Julia begins to read parts of the dossier
"Reinhardt, Jack - German maybe? Really old guy, like fourty I think. Super violent gets physical with people because he is angry - maybe. Naturally looks scary, has a history of violent encounters. Born in Baltimore-"
"Man... This dude sounds like he'll shoot a brother already." Moore interjects, in a saddened tone.
"Let me finish Moore!" Julia preps to throw Jack again at him, which causes him flinch.
"Born in Baltimore - a really great city!" She clears her throat loudly at Moore, who rolls his eyes cursing something fierce under his voice as he went to move the patrolman's chairs.
"Joined the army, did okay in the army. Broke up with his wife after the army, maybe he found a stripper cuz it doesn't say. Maybe he did, but then he gets into trouble while he is a cop. Lots of tribunals cus he is a big violent guy like you, Moore."
"Ain't no one violent like ME." Moore goes to grab where his Katana would usually be. "Oh, fuck did I leave it..."
"I'm not done yet, hey! So he gets in trouble with command a lot cus, he's just like that alright - sooo. He joins vice, your unit I think. Oh no that's uh the gang unit nevermind."
"Damn right." Moore, now on his phone as he goes to check something. "Left my shit at that chick's house, I'm so fucked."
"Not now, sooo... Uh, I forgot what I was gonna say... Yea uhh Vice. It won't say what he did but there weren't issues, then oh yea. His wife died! Yea she got shot by a crazy guy I think, fuck that must be horrible. Like, she got melted - oh yea autopsy said she was into Super-sid - a drug for like total junkie losers. Sounds like our guy, single and ready to get work done - right?"
"Heeeey... Ash how yo doin' right - did I leave my huge ass sword in yo crib?" Moore was off on his phone, in the corner of the room. Julia shut down the huge hologram of Jack and continued to comb through his files. "So... could you bring dat over to the precinct like asap - what? Yea... Yea girl... y'know I'll uh... come back to visit."
"Yes? No? Maybe? Moore! I'm going to press yes if you don't say anything!"
"Yea girl... I'll see you soon alright - uh.. you too." Detective Moore hangs up the phone and looks over to Julia who already is on the next dossier. "Yea uh, accepted him thanks for the input."
"Wait what?! Ey what the fuck you didn't let me say shit!"
Julia shrugs "You were busy, sorry Detective." Moore makes his way over to the front of the room where Julia is seated, he takes her deck and looks through the dossier while she physically protests by grabbing for her equipment. "Hey!"
"So.. Derek Sloan? Wirey lookin' ass dude did really good in the academy. Climbed to a homicide detective asap, and started cleaning up the south side. The city did him a favor gave him some laughs, eyes, reflex system dude is looking like a ninja now. Yea, but uh... Dude's in a psych hospital. No dice."
"Yes dice, we can get him out! Call the uh, Doctor Michaels." Julia takes her deck back and starts an audio call.
"Doctor Michaels speaking, central precinct-"
"Hey Doctor! It's Detective Fields, can you take this guy out of the looney bin?" Julia sends over the files during the call, the beep on Michaels end. Moore gets up and takes out a raggedy looking cigarettes, he flips out a cheap lighter and ignites the end of the cancer stick. A hefty bellow of smoke escapes from his lips. "I'm going to find something to drink, cya in a bit chick." Moore exits the room into the now, more lively hallways of the station.
The audio buzzes back "Uh.... I can but I'm not going to do so. I think I'm the one who threw him in there, besides I'm not going to put a psycho on the streets especially during times like these"
"So? Undo it, the Lieutenant said I can pick whoever I think is best, this guy is kinda really good.
Even Detective Moore said so, if you don't do it I'll get another less uptight doctor to do it! We need people who can get the job done you know the saying right? You have to pardon a few serial killers to get the other killers, so have a heart and think about all the people you'll save and maybe inadvertently kill. I dunno yet, IA isn't apart of this. Yet."
"There's no need for that Detective, I understand what is at risk here if you truly think Sloan will do good for the team. I was about to speak with the Lieutenant anyway. I had a question, have you heard of a Detective Nato from Fraud?"
"No, why?" Julia e-notes the name down into her deck.
Michaels's voice turns into a short chuckle. "No, just a nobody doesn't worry. He'll be joining the team I just need to finalize the others the Lieutenant have picked. You know what those three men have in common, right?"
"They are all men?"
Michaels laughs again, the audio vocoding his voice buzzes slightly.
"Yes, that's it. See you soon Detective."