Interesting ideas surely. I will say that the custom of faith trials seems to have disappeared with Jaehaerys the Wise and was only really resurrected with Cersei's empowerment of the Faith. I imagine Jon and Daenerys likewise stopped the tradition, but perhaps rogue septons still conduct Faith trials in the countryside. The High Septon is likewise not on the Small Council traditionally, nor are any septons unless duly appointed, but the High Septon and the Faith have a lot of rights and power. Anti-corruption is a good goal though. As for smallfolk empowerment, well shifting towards smallfolk-led local governments only really works if there is a greater push in education, as most of them are not educated at all. And most nobles like it that way or are ambivalent. The most resistance will be any challenge to noble rights though, so indeed it could get very ugly. Should be fun lol.
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