
Its been twenty-three years since the horror at Timber Valley High in rural Massachusetts.
Yet to this day, those horrors are still fresh in the minds of those who were alive to know of them, and certainly so to those who were there to witness.
Twenty-three years ago, on the twentieth of October, a Friday, a young boy named Adam Krenzler committed an atrocity that many could only describe as evil, demonic even.
When police and fire department first responders arrived, they were met with a gruesome scene.
Four bodies lay out in front of the school, the bodies of four high school students, all of whom were seniors at Timber Valley High.
The bodies were all soaked in blood and mangled, all of their heads were decapitated and each of the bodies had multiple deep cuts and gashes, which were later identified as cuts made by a common hatchet.
Coinciding the atrocity, the school was partially on fire.
The kitchen, cafeteria, and one of the school hallways were ablaze.
It was later declared that Adam had caused a fire using flammable substances in the kitchen.
The beheaded and burned bodies of the three school cafeteria workers were later identified after the fire had been quelled.
The school was indefinitely shut down after the horrific event, and the youngsters of Timber Valley were all bussed or driven to different schools of nearby towns and cities from then on.
As for Adam Krenzler, he was never found. No one ever saw hide nor hair of him ever again.
Two days after the evil committed at Timber Valley High, Adams' parents both committed suicide in their home, they were found days later hanging from the rafters of their houses' attic.
For two months a state-wide search was carried out, but Adam Krenzler was never found.
Speculations arose that Adam had went to a secluded place and committed suicide, or had gotten lost in the mass forests that enshrouded the areas around Timber Valley and perished in the wilderness.
On December fifth of nineteen ninety-five, the case was closed and Adam Krenzler was considered to be dead.
The mayor of Timber Valley at the time wished to have the school demolished and a memorial constructed in its place, but this was unanimously voted down.
The people wanted nothing more to do with the bedamned school, and stated that it should be left alone to decay and crumble to nothing.
Many residents of Timber Valley today believe that the school is cursed or haunted, the same with the old Krenzler house outside of town, which has been left untouched and empty as the school has.
To this day now Timber Valley still has a strange and menacing aura around it, which is felt even by the current generation.
Visitors and outsiders do not understand at first, and they never truly do, even those who settle down in the area never do understand the dark force that seems to haunt those that grew up in the grim town of Timber Valley.

Twenty-three years later, and Timber Valley has hardly even changed.
The town remains without a school, as it has since late October of nineteen ninety-five.
While a new generation populates the town, many of them share their elders' fear of the decrepit old school and the old Krenzler house alike, though there are some who are not nearly as frightful, though on the same token none of them have ever ventured into the old house or the school.
However, after over two decades, a group of fearless (and perhaps foolish) media personnel are venturing into the mysterious heart of the Adam Krenzler Massacre.
A certain "ghost chaser" reality show called "Paranormal America" has taken an interest in Timber Valley and it's foreboding past, and they have dispatched a team to investigate, video, and bring to light the truth of the Adam Krenzler Massacre.
Equipped with the latest media tech and "ghost-chasing-gear", and with permission from the town's recently elected mayor, these three impetuous pursuers of the unknown and mysterious set out on what they see as both a personnel adventure and a lucrative expedition.
Unknowing what they will truly find, these three will soon face something far more dangerous and twisted than any Saturday night horror film.
PARANORMAL AMERICA, the newest ghost chaser on the list...
Paranormal America was first created back in late May of this year, and aired in the early part of June.
It is privately funded by horror novelist Velma Shelly and is owned by CEO Trent Curry, a former paranormal investigator.
The show has had only moderate ratings so far, and barely makes enough profit to maintain its network holdings.
Velma Shelly herself has actually placed a deadline for Trent Curry to raise the show's ratings by mid-November, or she will be withdrawing her funding and stockholding in the show.
By some timely fortune, one of Curry's contacts has reached him with news that the mayor of Timber Valley has granted permission for Paranormal America to film their twelfth Halloween Eve Special episode in the old Krenzler house and the abandoned high school.
This will be the first time anyone has set foot in either of these locations in twenty-three years, let alone done a semi-history special on them for Halloween.
This of course is being done to the dismay of most of Timber Valley's residents, who all prefer the old school and house to be left alone, for fear of angering any foul omens that may be housed in these places.
Regardless, having only launched it's first episode back in early June, and having a current total of only eleven episodes, the CEO of Paranormal America, Trent Curry, is demanding a special airing episode on October thirtieth, the day before Halloween. An episode that he guarantees will reel in ratings and ten times the profit needed to maintain the show.
And he will accept no other location than the brooding and grim places of one of America's most savage juvenile atrocities in history.
It is privately funded by horror novelist Velma Shelly and is owned by CEO Trent Curry, a former paranormal investigator.
The show has had only moderate ratings so far, and barely makes enough profit to maintain its network holdings.
Velma Shelly herself has actually placed a deadline for Trent Curry to raise the show's ratings by mid-November, or she will be withdrawing her funding and stockholding in the show.
By some timely fortune, one of Curry's contacts has reached him with news that the mayor of Timber Valley has granted permission for Paranormal America to film their twelfth Halloween Eve Special episode in the old Krenzler house and the abandoned high school.
This will be the first time anyone has set foot in either of these locations in twenty-three years, let alone done a semi-history special on them for Halloween.
This of course is being done to the dismay of most of Timber Valley's residents, who all prefer the old school and house to be left alone, for fear of angering any foul omens that may be housed in these places.
Regardless, having only launched it's first episode back in early June, and having a current total of only eleven episodes, the CEO of Paranormal America, Trent Curry, is demanding a special airing episode on October thirtieth, the day before Halloween. An episode that he guarantees will reel in ratings and ten times the profit needed to maintain the show.
And he will accept no other location than the brooding and grim places of one of America's most savage juvenile atrocities in history.
Your character is an employee of the newest ghost chasing show on television.
Your job is simple; contribute to the team and the efforts to unveil the hidden truths and the secrets of the Adam Krenzler Massacre.
What lead up to it? What drove a fourteen year old child into brutally murdering seven people and attempting to burn down the high school? Did his parents know it was going to happen?
Did they try to coax their son out of it? Did they leave any clues behind in their home before hanging themselves? What secrets does the Krenzler house hold?
All of these questions and more are left to you and your team.
As a reality tv reporter you must discover the truth, as a camera operator it is your job to ensure that everything is properly filmed, documented, and exposed for the world to see, and as a technician, it is up to you to ensure that all of the equipment is properly maintained and monitored and kept in working order.
You have your tasks, and you know the ultimate goal of the team.
The acting mayor of Timber Valley has given your team permission to investigate both the Krenzler house and the old high school.
He has also given your team copies of the keys to the front and back door of the Krenzler house and a master key to the high school.
He has also promised to have a "guide" awaiting your team at the Krenzler house on your first arrival. A woman employed at the local library and a member of the historical society who has a keen interest in the horrific story of Adam Krenzler.
Unfortunately, Timber Valley has no hotels, motels, or inns, so the resources department of Paranormal America has rented your team a large RV, which you can travel, reside, and work in while here in Timber Valley.

Your job is simple; contribute to the team and the efforts to unveil the hidden truths and the secrets of the Adam Krenzler Massacre.
What lead up to it? What drove a fourteen year old child into brutally murdering seven people and attempting to burn down the high school? Did his parents know it was going to happen?
Did they try to coax their son out of it? Did they leave any clues behind in their home before hanging themselves? What secrets does the Krenzler house hold?
All of these questions and more are left to you and your team.
As a reality tv reporter you must discover the truth, as a camera operator it is your job to ensure that everything is properly filmed, documented, and exposed for the world to see, and as a technician, it is up to you to ensure that all of the equipment is properly maintained and monitored and kept in working order.
You have your tasks, and you know the ultimate goal of the team.
The acting mayor of Timber Valley has given your team permission to investigate both the Krenzler house and the old high school.
He has also given your team copies of the keys to the front and back door of the Krenzler house and a master key to the high school.
He has also promised to have a "guide" awaiting your team at the Krenzler house on your first arrival. A woman employed at the local library and a member of the historical society who has a keen interest in the horrific story of Adam Krenzler.
Unfortunately, Timber Valley has no hotels, motels, or inns, so the resources department of Paranormal America has rented your team a large RV, which you can travel, reside, and work in while here in Timber Valley.

1. Reporter #1
2. Reporter #2
3. Camera Operator (Filming coverage and video editing and compiling.)
4. Technician (Equipment management and monitoring, microphones, hidden cameras, sonographs, ect.
2. Reporter #2
3. Camera Operator (Filming coverage and video editing and compiling.)
4. Technician (Equipment management and monitoring, microphones, hidden cameras, sonographs, ect.
•Character Full Name:
•Age: (24-32)
•Voice: (Optional)
•Appearance: (Uploaded image or linked image.)
•Personality: (Brief description or a single paragraph.)
•Job/Role: (Reporter, Camera Operator, or Technician)
•Short Biography: (2-4 Paragraphs)(OPTIONAL)
•RP Sample: (Linked)(MANDATORY)
•Do not remove; Welcome to Timber Valley, morsel.
•Age: (24-32)
•Voice: (Optional)
•Appearance: (Uploaded image or linked image.)
•Personality: (Brief description or a single paragraph.)
•Job/Role: (Reporter, Camera Operator, or Technician)
•Short Biography: (2-4 Paragraphs)(OPTIONAL)
•RP Sample: (Linked)(MANDATORY)
•Do not remove; Welcome to Timber Valley, morsel.