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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 3:45 PM Local Time

Alisanne chuckled incredulously at Edgard's comments about finding those responsible for her disappearance, as if it was the silliest thing he had ever said to her. Though considering the usual topics of conversation between the pair, perhaps it truly was. Jokes and murder didn't always tend to mix. "The flask is of the utmost importance," Alisanne repeated, folding her hands behind her back as she continued to walk towards the docks. Her own disappearance didn't appear to concern her in the slightest.

"As for a crew, you will need to locate and convince survivors," Alisanne mused. "But given the general atmosphere of death and decay here on the island, I doubt they will protest leaving it too much."

The Devil's Triangle: April 4th, 1719 - 3:45 PM Local Time

For a moment, the flask gave off a soft glow. It rapidly faded away, leaving the flask harmlessly in Narcissa/Anastasia's grasp. Unlike what had happened to the last unfortunate soul, Isaac, the flask seemed harmless. Perhaps it was because a living person held it, perhaps it was just luck. Of course, there was still a more pressing question. Now that Anastasia had the flask, what was she going to do with it?

"Good. Now we unleash its power," Septima instructed. "Have the woman drink from it."

In the shipwreck, Sirena too will feel the beckoning call of the flask, but it is diminished. Should she choose to follow the call, she'll find herself drawn up to sea level, not too far off from the island. If she tries to swim in the opposite direction of the island, she will only end up where she began. She cannot leave.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: The Devil's Triangle, Cavern Under The Lake

Anastasia turned her head to look over at Elissa and gave her a quick nod, remembering the meeting with Virginia back at the Faithful Bride in Tortuga. "Aye oi do remember Virginia mentionin' dem, dis is 'er an' oi'm assumin' dat dis is 'er owl lad as well." Anastasia said as she looked down at the flask as its glow started to fade. So this little thing was the big fortune that Faust had wanted Harlianne to grab, she wondered what her friends were doing over there and if they were alive. Anastasia looked towards Septima as she told her to drink from the flask, she was hesitant to actually.

"Oi canny git much deader den dis really." Anastasia said to herself looking towards her friend Elissa, as much as she didn't want to experience death again she wanted to live again. "Bottoms up den." Anastasia announced as she opened up the flask and did a little toasting gesture then bringing it up to her lips and started to drink from it, she wasn't sure what would actually happen to her or Narcissa but there wasn't really much going back now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: Next to a shipwreck (Devil's Triangle)

- "Take Me Under" by Byaginc

Sirena practically caressed her surroundings with her soft blue eyed gaze. She took it all in, the shipwreck and the vast ocean beyond, with a look of awe. She was like a babe seeing the world for the first time. Not only did she such beauty and untamable power, but she also saw a world of boundless freedom and adventures. Who knew the afterlife could be so enthralling? She took her first few steps upon the ocean floor and reached out to run her hand along the wood of the ship. It was a paradox really, the way in which the ocean could take life and then turn it into something new and flourishing with life. The ocean had reclaimed this ship and over time turned it into its own ecosystem. It would seem the ocean had too reclaimed her. What then did it have in store for her?

It was then that she felt something faintly calling to her from deep within. It was a different feeling than what the hunger for blood had felt like it. It was more appealing and yet more primal. It seemed to be drawing her upwards, away from the sea floor. She looked up from where she stood. She was too deep to see the light from above the surface. She promptly jumped up and pushed off of the sea floor with her feet. She began swimming upwards, following the call of the flask.

Location: Outside Twelve Daggers Tavern – Port of Tortuga

- "Horns" by Bryce Fox

Edgard was back to being confused by Alisanne's behavior. Granted, it wasn't really her. She wasn't really here. She couldn't be. Damn, maybe he was going crazy. He let out a sigh, rubbed his temple with his fingers. The longer he conversed with her the further he felt himself descend into madness. He couldn't let his emotions cloud his judgment. He needed to think through things from a more logical standpoint. First things first, he needed to find a new crew, considering he slaughtered the last one.

He watched as "Alisanne" began walking towards the docks. He was torn. He wanted to go to her and cling to what little bit of reality and comfort she provided, but he also knew that dwelling on what could be wasn't getting him anywhere. He let out a frustrated sigh. "I will find you, and I will find the flask. Then we will have power beyond measure," he vowed. And then he turned slightly to head down to the docks from a different direction.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: ???

This was unlike anything she could have imagined. Seeing someone possess another soul and have it work, it was madness. Was she mad? Is this what happened when you lost all rational thought? Still, she was sure she had her bearings with her (apart from her body, of course). Regardless, she wanted this over and done with quickly.

"Well go on, do it!" She urged as she watched the woman drink the flask. She waited for any signs of something happening, good or ill. Her money was on the latter, but she was never much of an optimist to begin with.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Elissa Isley

Location: Some island

Elissa was not too sure how this was going to go. She had no way of knowing what would happen, and Septima did not seem to really be sharing anything concerning it. Unleashing the flask's power seemed like a good idea, but she didn't know what the power of the flask was. It would be nice if something good happened, but it was going to be interesting to see what happened.

She looked at Anastasia and nodded at her remark about the woman. "At least ve figured out vat habened to zem, zince sche had asked us to keep ein look out for zem". They had found them, but it made her begin to wonder how they had gotten there. Everyone else was dead, while these two were alive, so how did they get on the island? This question passed through her mind as she watched Anastasia drink from the flask.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 3:49 PM Local Time

What makes for a good story? Is it the plot, the action, the heroes, the lovers, the villains? Does it need to be performed or is the written word just as powerful? Those are apt questions to pose, but I have another: need it make sense? Need it be comprehendible, something that can be explained simply and tied up with a sweet little bow? Need there be nothing inexplicable, nothing peculiar?

If that's the case, then I am afraid this is simply not a good story. No, my friends, this is a horrifying tale. It is a death rattle. It is the last stroke of the clock before midnight. Save the monologues, save the critical analysis, leave it all behind! Blood will have blood. Power comes with a price. Happiness gives way to suffering. Life is conquered by death. Love is spoiled by hate and jealousy. Trust disappears as animosity grows. That's the tale we are here to tell. Nothing more, nothing less.

As Edgard made a detour on his way to the docks, there was a brown skinned woman sitting on a crate along the same path. She stared forward blankly, as if in some sort of trance. Maybe it was the shock of the blood and carnage--bodies littered the ground here. Edgard had deduced a loss of sanity for himself - why couldn't this be happening to her?

"How uncouth of you, Edgard," Alisanne's voice whispered, until in the next moment she stood beside him once more. She brushed a stray strand of hair from her face, with a bloody smear then forming on her forehead. "I suppose I should offer some proof," she said, sighing with exasperation. "Watashi wa anata no tame ni anata o koroshimasu." It was near perfect Japanese. Alisanne and Margot used to communicate in a variety of languages other than French as children, in order to isolate their brother. Japanese had been Alisanne's favorite.

The Devil's Triangle: April 4th, 1719 - 3:49 PM Local Time

Septima shook her head slightly. "No. Second death is far worse," she said simply. She didn't give any explanation for her words or any sort of indication as to why she knew what she did. To Septima, she was simply telling the truth. And at any rate, she was far more interested in the flask.

Anastasia seemed to be lucky so far. The liquid in the flask had a bitter metallic taste to it. It had a strange sensation that quickly enveloped Anastasia's entire body, until it would feel like a swarm of bees were underneath her skin. Yet at the same time, it was relatively painless. It was like she had gained a new muscle, one that was begging to be used. Should she try, she can move at incredible speeds--speeds that would allow her to hold her own against Pietro Maximoff, had they had the fortune to meet.

"What gift did the flask give you?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: The Devil's Triangle, Cavern Under The Lake

Anastasia looked towards Septima for a moment, she wasn't sure what the woman meant by that really she took a few more gulps down from the flask. Wincing slightly at the strange bitter metallic taste from it, her attention turned towards Elissa and nodded slightly it was good that they managed to find them. But she wasn't sure she wanted to give up the body at the moment she wanted to live again, maybe there was some way to heal her body again and get it back at some point. Then she started to feel a strange sensation going throughout her entire body, like something was under her skin, like an angry army of bees were under her skin, and yet she wasn't in agony or pain from it.

Anastasia took a moment until it stopped looking towards Septima once more, looking around she found a nearby rock and picked it up she threw it across the room and ran after it. She was incredibly fast, faster then anything she knew and caught the rock in her hand before running back and appearing in front of the rest of the group. "Well apparently oi'm a whole lot faster den anythin' nigh." Anastasia answered looking towards Septima. "So what nigh?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: Shipwreck --> Island (Devil's Triangle)

- "This is the Hunt" by Ruelle

Sirena swam upwards with powerful strokes, eventually passing over the tallest point of the shipwreck before leaving it behind altogether. It seemed to grow smaller and smaller as it slowly disappeared from view. More light filtered into her surroundings and with it came a greater abundance of sea life the closer she neared the surface. She had always found the ocean beautiful from her years of sailing, but she had never truly had the opportunity to appreciate the beauty that lied within its depths. It was certainly a sight to behold.

Once she hit sea level she stopped for a moment and treaded water as she looked around. On one side was an expanse of open ocean and on the other appeared to be the shoreline of perhaps an island. As exciting as exploring the ocean's expanse sounded, the call of the flask, which was only stronger here, was more enthralling. She swam towards the island heeding the call. The sea floor steadily inclined before her head inevitably broke through the surface to the open air. It was such a change of atmosphere, from the relative quiet of the ocean to the loud sounds of the waves hitting the shoreline. She continued forward until she was completely out of the water and on the sandy beach. Her blonde hair shone as the sunlight hit it, and her blue eyes sparkled as she looked around.

Location: Docks – Port of Tortuga

- "Monsters" by Ruelle (Acoustic Version)

Edgard stopped in his tracks, his jaw clenching as he once again heard Alisanne's voice whispering to him. He turned stiffly to face her as she appeared by his side. There was a dark glint to his stormy blue eyes, and his demeanor was notably tense. There was no doubt that he was on edge and likely moments away from a violent outburst. Why? Because there were too many unanswered questions in his mind, and it was all driving him insane. Was she here, or was she not? Was she alive, or was she dead? Was she trying to tell him something, or was she simply taunting him? What was fact, and what was fiction? She had this way of blurring the lines between using his head over using his heart.

"What does that prove? You are a figment of my imagination and thus you know anything I know, like that growing up Alisanne communicated with her sister using languages other than French. Tell me something I don't already know," he growled irritably. He started to turn away again, but stopped as a thought occurred to him. She spoke in clear Japanese, which is something he did not know a word of, let alone could pronounce. If she was a figment of his imagination, how could she speak a language he did not know? He let out a yell of frustration, his face contorting as he spun back around to face her.

"Quit taunting me with what CANNOT BE! Stop getting my hopes up that you are alright! And don't you dare tell me not to search for you as if your life means nothing to me!" he shouted. Despite his harsh words, he took a step closer to her, his eyes searching hers. It was her but it wasn't actually her. She was here, but she wasn't here. What kind of sorcery was this?! Hell if he knew.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: ???

Millicent didn't know what to expect. Would the woman turn to dust as Isaac had or would an even worse fate befall her after her new human form? Still, she was alive (such as it were). The woman appeared fine by all counts. And as for her report, it seemed she had gained an extraordinary new ability. In an instant, the woman threw a rock and ran to retrieve it at an alarming speed. It was interesting.

Still, the flask had ended Isaac. Thus, in her current form, it was dangerous. "Does this mean we will need human forms in order to benefit from this flask? What purpose does that fill?" Her patience was waning. She wanted results then and now. Instead, she felt they were all fumbling around for answers. Something had to happen from this.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Elissa Isley

Location: Some island

She watched Anastasia, expecting the woman to turn to dust or something just like Isaac. Elissa didn't really want that to happen to her friend, but she didn't know what else could happen, since that was what had happened before. After Anastasia drank from the flask, she looked warily at her friend, and was glad that the woman wasn't dead, or dead again, but she didn't know what this meant.

Elissa stood back, and watched as Anastasia threw a rock and caught it again in the blink of an eye. It was strange, for there was almost no movement that she saw. This was weird, but now she is wondering what do they do now, they have a woman with insane speed, but how would that help them. This was still confusing to her, and she had no idea what they should do now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 3:56 PM Local Time

Alisanne, or perhaps the figment of her, smirked with satisfaction. She saw the violence and rage dancing in Edgard's eyes. While she may have loved him, or at least, she felt something close to love for him, she enjoyed nothing more than tearing apart someone's mind. It was always a far sweeter method of torture than just spilling blood. Cut a man and he will heal. Break his mind and obliterate each little piece of sanity that remains? That's a lasting wound.

As the outburst came, Alisanne was grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Naze watashinojinsei wa anata ni totte kachi ga arimasu ka? Ai wa kodomo no gēmudesu," Alisanne whispered. "Edgard, why would you need to search for me? You only search for the missing and the dead, silly boy." She then winked at him before turning her attention to the other person there.

The brown skinned woman glanced over towards Edgard. There wasn't any trace of emotion on her face. No shock and confusion at seeing a man talking to a figment. Perhaps she could see Alisanne too, perhaps Alisanne really was there. At either rate, if Edgard couldn't trust his own mind, there was another human soul here to ask. Or to gut. It's hard to tell with the likes of Edgard at the end of the day which one will be more appealing.

The Devil's Triangle: April 4th, 1719 - 3:56 PM Local Time

Septima blinked once. Once factoring in the announcement of Anastasia's newfound power, she then considered their next course of action. Had the flask worked properly, it would have restored Anastasia to her body. Instead, it appeared to have granted her a power through her vessel. Given the deaths associated with the mortals who drank from it, the vessel wouldn't last long. They'd need to take advantage of this while they still were able to.

"It is an ancient magic, child," Septima said sternly, turning to look at Millicent. "I had hoped that we would be able to use it with a vessel. Instead, I think this vessel will expire soon." There had to be some way to take advantage of Anastasia's newfound abilities, but they couldn't leave the island. It'd be a waste of a warm body otherwise and only result in another ghost vying for the flask's power.

"See if you could leave the island in the vessel," Septima suggested. If so, and if she is as fast as she claimed, there should be no trouble in running across the water to Tortuga and retrieving their corpses. Perhaps the flask needed to be applied directly. "If you can, get our bodies. Maybe the flask needs to touch them directly." Sirena will manage to find the others this round.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: The Devil's Triangle,

Anastasia stood there for a moment looking between Septima and Millicent as the two of them spoke about the flask, she didn't like the thought of dying again. She ran a hand through her hair letting out a slight sigh she didn't want to experience death again, as she listened if she was able to get off of the island then maybe getting their bodies could bring them all back. "Ah that's deadly oi cud die again soon." Anastasia said sarcastically looking towards Elissa for a moment giving her friend a slight smile, and then looked at Septima and nodded at her suggestion.

"If oi don't make it, we at laest 'av wan more shot. if oi don't come back try wi' de other body dare." Anastasia said though hopefully it wouldn't end up coming to that either. "Anyway i'll be back in a flash." Anastasia said as she quickly ran off disappearing in a flash, leaving a small gust of wind in her wake. As she started to run through the caverns and eventually found her way back up to the surface, she stopped at the beach again. Anastasia started to look around wondering which direction Tortuga was, before running off onto the water as fast as she could. She wasn't sure how long her new body would last using her newfound ability.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: Docks – Port of Tortuga

- "Go To War" by Nothing More

Edgard's head tilted to the side as he looked down at Alisanne. His stormy blue eyes darkened and narrowed slightly. Was she enjoying this, his utter torment? Well, she always did like a little insanity and to live at the eye of his storm. He leaned forward to whisper in her ear, with a slight growl to his voice, "You are lucky I love you because you are really starting to piss me off." The corner of his mouth twitched as he pulled away. Her amusement annoyed him, and yet he found that he could never truly be angry with her when she was just being her evil self. No, he found it too damn attractive. Surely, she would be his downfall.

His gaze followed Alisanne's to the brown skinned woman nearby. The woman was watching them, or him with a seemingly emotionless gaze. Could she see Alisanne too? Whatever, he didn't care. He started to turn away but then his curiosity got the better of him. He actually cared more than he would like to attempt even to himself. "What are you staring at?" he spat irritably at the woman. That certainly wasn't the proper way to get information, but he wasn't really in the mood to sit down to have little chat. He wanted answers NOW.

Location: Beach --> Cavern under the lake (Devil's Triangle)

- "Broken Crown" by Mumford & Sons

Sirena drank in her foreign surroundings with her inquisitive blue eyed gaze. Her overall demeanor was relaxed as a small smile graced her features. She watched as the tide rolled in to crash onto the sandy beach with a spray of sea foam before receding. Further inland she saw a dense jungle, which was likely filled to the brim with wildlife. What treasures laid within these sands and waters? What adventures laid in wait? Surely, the afterlife was filled with endless adventures, the first of which was calling out to her. Perhaps she would think differently if she knew that it was that godforsaken flask that was drawing her in. Everything, even life and death, seemed to be hinged on it.

She walked forward, following a path in the beach that would lead her to that which called for her. Her brows furrowed the slightest bit at the odd sensations that walking on the sand elicited. One minute she could feel it as it shifted under her feet and the next it seemingly fazed through her. It was like she was a ghost, trapped between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Regardless, she continued onward unfazed by the notion. Eventually, she came upon a precipice overlooking a lake. She oddly felt compelled to jump, to dive into its depths. So she did. She took a swan dive off the ledge and into the waters below. The water seemed to rush up to meet her, and as she passed through it, she was chilled to the very bone. She fell down and down until she ended up in a cavern beneath the lake itself, and soon enough her feet finally touched solid ground.

Before her are a multitude of people, all seemingly hovering around something. She can't see the flask due to all the bodies blocking it, but she could feel its call stronger than ever. She walked forward as her gaze took in the people, even picking out some vaguely familiar faces, like those of Édouard's crew. She was not really shocked, relieved, or upset by the presence of others. She was just more or less indifferent, at least that was until she practically ran into Édouard of all people. Her gaze trailed up his body, and her blue eyes widened as they landed on his face. Bloody hell, she thought. It donned on her after a moment of staring that the fact that he was here at all meant he was also dead. Was it wrong that she held a certain amount of satisfaction at the thought? A devious smirk replaced her once shocked features. "It seems you ultimately got what was coming to you," she teased. She gave him a sly wink before turning away from him to figure out what everyone was staring at.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Elissa Isley

Location: Some island

Elissa had a bad feeling about all of this. Messing around with magic was not something she wanted to do right now, what she wanted was someone to explain to her what exactly that flask was. She could feel its power, but she didn't know what was so special about it. Sure, it seemed to posses the ability to give other living beings powers of some form or another. The fact that all they could do was experiment with it right now was a little ridiculous too.

She smiled back when she saw that Anastasia seemed to be fine with all of this. The idea of running across water was incredible, but the fact still remained that she could die before she returned. The woman was the only person she knew on the island, hopefully she was able to return. Elissa watched as Anastasia took off running, hoping that her friend made it to Tortuga and returned quickly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: ???

She was supposed to stand here and believe that by some ancient magic, this woman was now super fast and able to run across water? Had you asked her any other day she would have thought you insane and taken pity on you and gutted you right then and there. However, the circumstances being what they are currently, she had to put what little trust she had in these people.

Still, she was getting antsy and bored. "And what do we do in the meantime? Sit idly by? Surely there is something else we can do here." She was growing restless. Bored really. All her plans were now foiled and she wanted desperately to be back home. No longer caring about the mission, she wanted home again.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

The Port of Tortuga: April 4th, 1719 - 4:06 PM Local Time

"I'm not staring at anything," the woman said, raising her eyes to the sky for a moment. She couldn't feel a single thing, yet that itself was the issue. If she could not feel, then she could not be alarmed at the problem. There was an emptiness within her, but it was not troublesome and nor was it welcome. It just was, just like waters that are neither calm nor turbulent. Her name, of course, was Aravis Zacharia, a woman who loved stories and felt things rather deeply. Luisa's psychic attack had robbed her of her sentiments.

Of course, Aravis and Edgard were not alone on the island. On the deck of the Bellona, Harlianne set herself at the task of raising the sails. It was a futile effort to undergo alone but with the death and destruction surrounding her, she figured she might at least try. The sea was her home more than land ever was. The grey mist still lingered over her eyes, as Harlianne's memories left her more and more, until she could not even remember Anastasia as well. She was lucky to still remember her own name.

Harlianne hesitated in her efforts as she saw a blur dart across the waves. It was faster than anything she had seen before and in a moment, it was gone. She blinked and there was nothing there. What she had seen was Anastasia dashing across the waves, inhabiting the body of a mortal woman. For now, the body was strong and holding up. Elissa and Anastasia's bodies are near Edgard and Aravis, should Anastasia choose to collect them.

The Devil's Triangle: April 4th, 1719 - 4:06 PM Local Time

Septima was becoming more and more frustrated with Millicent by the moment. She had spent a good portion of her life learning what she could about this flask and the power it contained. Mr. Alucard had just been another person who heard the tales and wanted it for himself. If she was able to get this power, then she could ascend to become a god, not just a mere mortal anymore. Death was relative. If she could get this power, then nothing would stop her anymore.

"You talk too much," Septima scolded. "With this power, we become gods. You want something, yes? You want life. You want power. I can see it." She then turned her attention to the appearance of the new woman - a blonde. She raised an eyebrow. Only those killed by a result of the flask, from what Septima understood, should be able to take form on the island. She knew the tales of the flask. The flask had no power of its own - it absorbed powers and collected them since the dawn of time. The more souls bound to it, the more there was to be had.

"You pray to Davy Jones. Maybe he'll come for you, but you have no soul," Septima commented. "The flask owns your soul. Where do you think it's power comes from, little girl? Our souls. We all trapped here, no? The power that your friend - the blonde woman - has is from your soul. You want to be enslaved for eternity? Fine."

Of course, Édouard had been understanding relatively little throughout this conversation. All he knew was that Anna had possessed a body, gained some new ability, and then left. Seeing no reason why he couldn't do the same, Édouard sauntered forward and touched the man's body. A vivid flash of memories flooded through him, but instead of Édouard possessing the man, Mycroft Crypt, Lord Dywell, awoke screaming.

His face then broke into an unnatural smile as he spotted Septima. "Sister! How kind of you to drop by while I was around!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: The Devil's Triangle,

As Anastasia ran across the sea leaving a wake of water behind her as she ran, she could see Tortuga in the distance which was where she was planning on going. Once she had made it to the shore she started to make her way over towards the docks where her body was from what she could remember. She stopped for a moment looking over at the trail of bodies that were there, Anastasia hadn't seen that many bodies laying on the ground like that ever. She started to run over towards the docks, Anastasia started to wonder how she was going to grab everyone's bodies and drag them all back to the island in one piece.

Once she had gotten to the area where she had found her bodies, Anastasia froze when she saw that Aravis was still alive, and there was another man that she didn't know who he was exactly. Her eyes then wondered over to see the body of Elissa and then her own body there dead, she wasn't sure how long she had left of this body. "'Ey aravis waaat 'appened 'ere?" Anastasia asked, then she quickly remembered that she was using a different body. "Tis me Anastasia." She said looking over at the other man nearby and gave him a slight nod.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: Cavern under the lake (Devil's Triangle)

- "This is the Time (Ballast)" by Nothing More

Sirena slipped in between people to make her way to the front of the crowd. All the while she took everything in with a soft yet inquisitive gaze. Her brows furrowed when the flask, the very thing that was calling to something deep within her, finally came into her view. Strangely by it was the sleeping form of a man, Mycroft Crypt, the Lord Dywell. Though the temptation of the flask was great, she was not so foolish and lacking in self control to not seek out answers first before even considering heeding its call.

Her gaze turned to Septima as the woman seemingly chastised the brown haired, blue eyed Millicent. Her head tilted a bit to the side as she listened to the witch's words, which did not make complete sense to Sirena seeing as she wasn't privy to the context of the conversation. Septima's gaze then met hers, as if having sensed her eavesdropping. She returned the woman's raised brow and unspoken words by arching one of her own pale blonde brows. She hoped the woman would elaborate, and that the woman did.

Sirena's lips thinned at Septima's next words. Her breath left her as she finally put two and two together. This was the flask they had been searching for, as commissioned by Mr. Alucard. It was the flask that had caused such pain and devastation on Tortuga and beyond. It was the reason they were all here, the reason they had lost their lives, and apparently their souls as well. Her jaw clenched, and her blue eyes darkened to something more reminiscent of a stormy night. And yet her eyes also held such intelligence and determination. She promptly approached Septima and Millicent.

"I have been enslaved enough in life. I will not be further enslaved in death. What is power without freedom? It is nothing," she butted in, her voice strong and assured. "If the flask is all that stands between us and true freedom, we should destroy it. Perhaps then it will release our souls, or perhaps not. Nothing good ever came without a little risk." Her attention suddenly snapped away as a scream pierced through the dullness of the ocean. She momentarily looked at a loss for words as she watched Mycroft Crypt. She glanced back at Septima with a questioning look before returning to the man as an unsettling smile came to his features. Her gaze eventually drifted past him to Édouard. What did the Frenchman do this time?

Location: Docks – Port of Tortuga

- "Go To War" by Nothing More

Edgard's gaze narrowed on Aravis as the woman spoke. He felt that there was something totally off about her. It was more than just the fact that she seemed completely unfazed by his outburst. No, it was the fact that her demeanor was so emotionless that it seemed almost lifeless, or soulless. He glanced over at Alisanne and ended up doing a double take when he caught her rolling her eyes at him. "What?!" he spat as irritably as ever at her.

Alisanne raised her hand, perhaps to silence him? He didn't really know. His harsh gaze softened slightly as it landed on the ring she wore, the sun glinting off of the metal. A warmth filled him at seeing her wear the ring he had given her, and the corner of his lip pulled up. Apparently in the wake of his distraction and moment of reminiscing he missed the telltale signs that she was pissed. Pain suddenly pulsated through him as she suddenly struck him across the cheek, the force of which slung his head to the side. Genuine shock crossed his features just as he felt a warm liquid trickle down his cheek.

He touched his cheek and then pulled back his hand to reveal blood. His jaw clenched, and his nostrils flared. A storm brewed in his eyes as his gaze swung back to her, his open glare meeting her narrowed eyes. "What the hell was that for?!" he yelled.

"Je ne suis pas morte, connard!" Alisanne shouted back at him.

"J'ai un peu pensé ça! Cela n'explique toujours pas comment vous êtes encore là!" Edgard growled. Of course he was too embroiled in his current argument to take notice of Anastasia's sudden appearance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Elissa Isley

Location: Some island

The flask was a strange thing, but what Septima was saying didn't make much sense to her. The flask possessed their souls? That was crazy, though when considering the situation they were in, it wasn't all too surprising. She had no idea who the new woman was, she probably died more recently, Elissa still wasn't too sure about how they all ended up on the island anyway. What force controlled who came to the island and who didn't?

She thought better than to ask Septima, who was just saying that another woman spoke too much. The newcomer talked about destroying the flask, but Elissa wasn't even sure that was possible. They couldn't touch the flask in their current form anyway. Besides, she didn't think that they should destroy it just yet. When the Frenchman walked over to the other living being, he touched him, but he didn't possess the man like Anastasia had possessed the woman, that much was obvious. She jumped back when the man screamed, and she wasn't too sure about what they should do now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Millicent Clarke

Location: ???

Millicent had quite enough of the woman's ramblings. It seemed she understood what all this talk about the flask and powers and whatnot meant, but she had not. "And you talk without thought. Your words mean little to this lot, I am sure, given their appearance and what I've gathered from them. Of course, I want power. Who doesn't? If this flask is a means to obtain that, I will gladly do what need be done to attain that."

Millicent would have continued her speech, but it seems Édouard had decided to take matters into his own hands and woke up the other remaining body. However, the man could not only see them but he apparently knew the woman. That proved to be an interesting turn of events.
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