Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

  • Name: Dengran Minsau
  • Appearance: "Are you prepared for the trials to come?"
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Draconic (Lightning)
  • Age: 26
  • Personality: Dengran is a fairly confident individual, though not to the point of arrogance or impudence as his other Demon King peers may be. He is, at heart, a pragmatist, which has led to his current viewpoint that the war should be resolved by other, less warlike means. This does not mean to say that he is a pacifist, of course, as he is perfectly willing to shed blood if it means taking another step towards peace. Though he himself has no desire to rule, one way or another things ended up happening and he ended up where he is now.
  • Abilities: As a Draconic, Dengran is able to channel the power of his dragon ancestors and use their abilities in human form; in this case, it means he is able to manipulate and create electricity without the mandatory usage of magic, has increased durability and strength, and has the ability to, however temporarily, transform into a dragon himself. Of course, while he remains in human form, he is quite proficient in the usage of a greatsword and bow and will not hesitate to use his surprising dexterity and speed to his advantage.
  • Equipment: As mentioned earlier, Dengran wields a greatsword and bow in battle, though if he has a choice the former is vastly preferable to use over the latter. The armaments themselves are of fairly standard make, though given his position as one of the candidates for the throne he has since begun searching for weapons of higher quality that suit his style. Aside from that, his robe is woven with threads of arachne silk that amplify its resistance to physical damage hundredfold, and the amulet he wears around his neck functions as an emergency teleportation measure (though it becomes burnt out for a long while after he uses it once).
  • History: Born in a small clan in the mountain ranges near Hahava, Dengran had the fortune (or misfortune) of being one of the only surviving children of his generation after a combined military draft and famine struck the region. To say that it left something of an impression on him would be an understatement; rather, the entirety of this decade molded him who he was today. Trained by the elders of his clan and given almost all the remaining resources to make sure that he carried on the legacy of his people if worst came to worst, Dengran never forgot those years of barely scraping by. When aid never came from the capital, his internal detestment of the rulers in Sanjiva only grew, and everything reached a fever pitch when he was told that the war had not only ended in failure, but that most of those who had left from his clan had been used as "heroic sacrifices" to secure the escape of the top brass who had sallied forth to battle. While he hated the state of constant warfare, though, he understood it because of all the old and wisened elders of the clan, and in turn learned why such a state would not only be unsustainable, but also eventually lead to the fall of Tsukran.
    It was by chance, of course, that he was picked as one of the Demon King candidates; his training and growth had caught the eye of one of the inspectors from the capital, and Dengran was essentially drafted into the position. Rather than deliberately sabotage himself, the young draconic decided to take this chance to try and reform the nation from the inside, in order to avoid such a tragedy from happening again. He knew as well as anyone else that it was a dream among dreams, but he was one of the lucky few who could turn that into something.
  • Other: The form he changes into is what's behind him. Just for clarity's sake.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheFake
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Lacintos

Gender: Male
Race: Shapeshifter
Age: 27
Though spare with words, Lacintos is a trickster at heart. Though his words might give insult at times there is never any spiteful intent. He reveres neither rank, power or wealth. What Lacintos respects is audacity and wit. His lineage is that of telepathic demons and as such he has no vocal cords but lacks his parents telepathic abilities for communication. To speak he must change into a form that has the required biological features.

When impersonating another being he has no problem imitating their mannerisms and personality but often he tendency towards mockery comes through when he thinks he can get away with it.

Lacintos can change form into anything real or imagined almost limitlessly but restricted in size to his own twelve foot height. He can create armour, weapons and clothing but is unable to use any sort of supernatural effects. The ability to shapeshift means that wounds heal quickly and without scars. With these traits, even in his relatively weak original form Lacintos is very resilient. The Shapeshifter can also gain knowledge by staring into their victims eyes as they die.


Shapeshifters are rare, more of a mutation of other transforming demon types. They lack a defined alternate form and can instead change at will to whatever they imagine. The easiest way to do this is to mimic what one sees. For Lacintos this very easily worked with his natural mischievousness. predictably, this got him into a lot of trouble very quickly. To escape retribution and the likelihood of being drafted for the war effort he fled to Avici, blending in as once of the hostile species and spreading his own type of mayhem and confusion during his trips back to civilization.

Almost a decade later now he has returned. After killing a well off demon and taking his place Lacintos has inherited a whole new set of problems after that demon turned out to be be investigating allegations of rebellion. Oops.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

  • Name: Ima Isso
  • Appearance: "Wh-what were you thinking?! Jeez..." She is about 144 cm/4'9.
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Demon
  • Age: 18
  • Personality: Ima is a tempermental and irritable girl. She is deeply intolerant of others behaving foolishly, quick to admonish them(and even attempt to dispense her thoughts on just how foolish they were being). She does not shy away from insults, giving them out freely to anyone she thinks is deserving of them, and in general she can be considered rather surly. In spite of this, her attitude is usually only shown when someone is being(at least in her mind) stupid. Ima is also a very serious and studious girl, prone to studying a great deal and taking any duties she is assigned completely seriously. She has a great deal of pride in herself, her studies, and her skills, and part of her irritable nature is born from her belief that no-one should allow themselves to fall to a low standard and should always strive for their highest, as she does. In spite of her irritable nature, there are some people she gets along with quite well. However, there are others who she will unhesitatingly barrage with insults and complaints. While she may put up a strong front, Ima is prone to becoming flustered very easily, and when a situation becomes even remotely embarrassing she is liable to become a blushing, stuttering mess.
  • Abilities: Ima has a high degree of magical capability, though not incredibly impressive. She uses this to make up for her physical frailty. She is physical fragile, lacking in strength and durability, but she utilizes magic in order to reinforce her physical capabilities to the extent that she is capable of denting steel with her punches and resisting damage more effectively. She is also capable of summoning her armor and sword, as well as a set of magical construct swords. These blades are sharp, and dangerous, but break easily and are most useful as projectiles. She can generate five at a time to follow behind her, ready to be launched at any targets at a moment's notice. Ima's speed is also enhanced via magic, allowing her to more easily keep up with targets that are much more naturally physically capable.
  • Equipment: Ima has a set of strong armor she is capable of summoning magically. It resembles something of a very fancy, armored dress. She wields a longsword known as Dragonsbreath, which is capable of channeling mana around its blade or in beams. It is also naturally quite sharp and made of high quality materials.
  • History: Ima was born to a family known for its martial prowess. However, she was born small and fragile, unlike the rest of her family. She never grew very much, and as a result seemed to have a dim future in terms of combat ability. However, she promptly decided to research just what ways she could utilize magic to attempt to make up for her physical weakness. As her family was also renowned for a studious nature, Ima had many volumes on magic at her disposal, and eventually was able to teach herself how to enhance her capabilities via magic. Now able to close the gap between herself and other combatants, Ima studied various other spells, allowing her to summon her armor and sword, as well as magically constructed swords.
  • Other: N/A
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

  • Name: Violette the Unconquered
  • Appearance: She's actually pretty tall despite her appearance, edging close to nine feet when unarmoured and getting just over it when she is.

  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Mongrel. That is, she isn't some specific type of demon that happens to have such a name, she's rather a mess of many different lineages--maybe even a little bit of human in there. Her appearance, for instance, takes after many of the fairer of demon kind--no doubt helped by the regular appearance of succubi and incubi in the patchwork mess of Violette's family tree. Of course, whilst it's yielded a surprising combination of benefits, there's obvious downsides... you'd struggle to find someone less magical in the entire world. Then, of course, her strength has its own flaws...
  • Age: 28
  • Personality: Contrary to her intimidating reputation and size, the demon knight is quite shy and timid--if caught out of her armour, she's more likely to blush or stutter than be loud and boisterous. Whilst she might act cool and reserved, it's because she has no idea how to really start a conversation with someone else and there's a good chance that she'll just get stuck with unnerving hero worship. Fittingly with this sort of attitude, she's extremely gentle--though for her own sake as much as whatever she's handling. Quite a fan of cute things.
    Though if someone were to threaten her home or friends...
  • Abilities: Although Violette is properly trained in normal combat, she scarcely needs it against most opponents. Why? She's terrifyingly strong, having a level of strength normally possessed by great lumbering beasts hardly known for their intellect than an intelligent opponent. A single swipe of her axe is enough to smash any humans that happen to be in the path aside if they aren't cut through entirely. She also heals quickly, though not to the level of regeneration, and without scars... which is useful, because if she actually exerts herself in any way without some form of protection, her bones and muscles will break from the strain: she might have all the strength needed, but she's definitely not tough enough to apply it unaided without taking things incredibly slowly.
    She's not too good at most things, being on the whole far too large for delicate work, so outside of combat she's basically a layabout by trade.
  • Equipment: Her armour, shield, and axe do exactly what you would expect of such things: they endure and cut. However, on top of this, the armour is enchanted to serve a far more useful purpose on the battlefield. It reinforces her body, allowing her to put her full strength to use without the immediate negative repercussions and with the benefit of dampening any pain from strain or overexertion. The downside, of course, is that this sort of armour gets really hot and it can't stop Violette from tiring like anybody else would.
  • History: It's safe to say that Violette is from lands that aren't even part of Tsukran--or, rather, whether they are depends entirely on who you might ask. To some, she hails from the westernmost reaches of Maharauva; to others, that means she comes from human lands by technicality--mostly humans think that last one. Nevertheless, there's a distinct lack of concern about good breeding and racial purity so far away from political centres, as life is bound to be short and there's a good chance that you might have to entirely uproot yourself when the fighting starts. Besides, when there's the occasional intermixing between human and demon, who has time to care about small things? Particularly when it's the number one place for total political exiles to hide out.
    It is unavoidable that when a ceasefire ends, many of those living in such a place form the first victims of the conflict and the first to find themselves winding up in the armies. So it was for Violette, who chose to join the soldiers to help buy the rest of her village time to get away unmolested. Like anyone untrained and unarmoured in combat, it was a miracle that she could survive the first few fights, even with injuries--until her superiors took note that one of their larger soldiers seemed to even manage to be injured in practice, whereupon they hatched upon the idea to create a symbol to rally around... as well as a useful battlefield presence.
    The results, needless to say, worked. Whilst Violette by no means represented a major shift in power, she became far more useful armoured... and the aim to create a symbol worked. By deploying in support of her fellow soldiers and not alone, the humans never got the chance to swamp her in numbers and get in the blow needed to bring her down, and even when a battle was lost she was able to help with the retreat, creating a reputation as an invincible warrior sure to save those she fights with.
    Her presence in Avici is a simple one: she heard those of her village that avoided the fighting have migrated south and east, further and further away from the frontlines, and she wishes to meet them again.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Name: Astaroth Quintus (formerly known as Zacharias)


Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 26

Personality: Astaroth Quintus rarely mingles with demons and is never seen without his mask; demons would see him as human, and humans would see him as being warped into something else. Despite being reserved and withdrawn, he is a bold risk-taker when it comes to obtaining knowledge- the more forbidden, the more alluring it is for him to get his claws on it. While he normally cares little for politics, he recognizes the glaring flaws of Tsukran's society, primarily its decadent and selfish rulers that are responsible for an endless war that has given demon society a burning hatred of humans. If Tsukran is to become his home, changes must be made.

A final detail of his personality is his insecurity; he feels unworthy of the name Astaroth, and remains unsure of why his master sacrificed himself to save him. It is a mystery to him, one worthy of his attention, if only to grant closure to the question that haunts him. And even if he doesn't find out why, he is determined to live up to the name and prove his master's faith in him was not misplaced.

Abilities: Astaroth Quintus is an expert in the fields of forbidden magic, primarily in the fields of the manipulation and channeling of raw eldritch energy, which he can use to deadly effect. Beyond its obvious use as a weapon, he has been taught to use this energy to manipulate the fabric of space, allowing him to create a variety of effects, such as blinking short distances, forming spacial barriers, levitating, or folding space around himself to appear invisible. He additionally possesses the knowledge to perform rituals to summon others, either astrally or physically, to his location provided he has something of them, such as a close personal possession or a lock of hair.

Beyond his knowledge, his body has been altered by frequent exposure to eldritch energies, giving him above-human resilience and quite likely an unnaturally increased lifespan. While he is no warrior, he is far from helpless in close combat- he can channel his eldritch power through the mutated claws on his fingers to tear at the fabric of the plane, moving through armor and flesh alike to tear into the vital organs within. Unfortunately, it also has also somewhat lessened his manual dexterity.

Equipment: His only consistent equipment is his attire, which completely conceals his altered human form, and a scroll providing the details of rituals.


The sorcerer known as Astaroth Quintus was once Zacharias, a student of the arcane arts in the human lands. Tempted by the allure of forbidden knowledge, he sought out sources of magic that his superiors could not teach, and his rivals could not match. After extensive searching, he managed to obtain a grimoire authored by the infamous demon lord Astaroth. With the information in the book and his own research, he was able to use the book to summon Astaroth, and made a pact with the demon for knowledge. Unfortunately, early into his tutelage under the demon, Zacharias's actions were discovered, and with no other options, he allowed his demon patron to summon him away, bringing the human to Sanjiva.

As per the contract, Zacharias now belonged to Astaroth and had to serve him from that point on, although because the agreed tutelage had not ended, the demon was obliged to continue mentoring the young mage. Initially Zacharias felt cheated and was convinced the demon had orchestrated everything, but as time went on, his feelings changed. Astaroth protected Zacharias from other demons who were not so receptive to a human living in Tsukran, and while it was unclear what Astaroth's original goals were, in time he began treating Zacharias less like an indebted servant and more like an apprentice. During this time, Zacharias learned that his master was not the first to be known as Astaroth- it had been passed down from demon to demon, no two alike, but always bound to carry the responsibility of answering the summons of humans who had heard the name and sought to make deals.

Shortly before the contract's terms of arcane tutelage would end, Astaroth was called on to aid the war effort, and Zacharias followed his master to the battlefield, where they served as battlemages for the demon forces. Near the war's disastrous conclusion, Astaroth sacrificed himself to allow Zacharias to escape, claiming that there was nothing more to teach him, and naming him the new Astaroth- specifically, Astaroth Quintus, the fifth being to bear the name. Zacharias was free from servitude, but too warped by eldritch energy to return to human lands, yet still too human to be accepted in his former master's household. He thus went his own way, his travels eventually bringing him to the untamed province of Avici.
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