Name: Maya K. Wyrick
Age: Thirty four.
Human Appearance: Rarely seen outside her S.C.A.R.E armor, the woman beneath is almost as intimidating without as she is within. Sharp blue eyes and a near-permanent slight scowl surround a small but sloped nose, flanked by somewhat high cheekbones; sitting above a somewhat pointed chin. Her eyebrows are kempt, but naturally thick, and her short-cut coffee-colored hair is much the same. She does not impart a sense of femininity, given her general lack of curves and small breasts.
Maya is fit (lean, but well-muscled), as is demanded of the S.C.A.R.E, and she is usually seen in a plain black tank-top and Blackthorne M&M issued military slacks; along with a pair of heavy boots. She is somewhat short (~5'4) and bears a noticable scar along the top right side of her collarbone. She bears a single tattoo, that runs along the inside of her left forearm. It reads, in thick letters, "EYES UP".
Personality: I do my job, and I do it right. I didn't push myself so hard to get where I am for nothing. I expect those under my command to respect me, my orders and the fact that we're S.C.A.R.E. Everyone else had better damn well get that, too. What matters to me is making sure Blackthorne gets what it wants and that the men under my command stay alive while we make that happen. Everything else is someone else's department.
Now, get the fuck out of my face.
Occupation: S.C.A.R.E (Evadne Complex Division Commander)
History: That's classified. Check with someone that has Grade Seven Clearance, if you want to find out. And good luck with that, if you do try.
Infection Status: Uninfected
Age: Thirty four.
Human Appearance: Rarely seen outside her S.C.A.R.E armor, the woman beneath is almost as intimidating without as she is within. Sharp blue eyes and a near-permanent slight scowl surround a small but sloped nose, flanked by somewhat high cheekbones; sitting above a somewhat pointed chin. Her eyebrows are kempt, but naturally thick, and her short-cut coffee-colored hair is much the same. She does not impart a sense of femininity, given her general lack of curves and small breasts.
Maya is fit (lean, but well-muscled), as is demanded of the S.C.A.R.E, and she is usually seen in a plain black tank-top and Blackthorne M&M issued military slacks; along with a pair of heavy boots. She is somewhat short (~5'4) and bears a noticable scar along the top right side of her collarbone. She bears a single tattoo, that runs along the inside of her left forearm. It reads, in thick letters, "EYES UP".
Personality: I do my job, and I do it right. I didn't push myself so hard to get where I am for nothing. I expect those under my command to respect me, my orders and the fact that we're S.C.A.R.E. Everyone else had better damn well get that, too. What matters to me is making sure Blackthorne gets what it wants and that the men under my command stay alive while we make that happen. Everything else is someone else's department.
Now, get the fuck out of my face.
Occupation: S.C.A.R.E (Evadne Complex Division Commander)
History: That's classified. Check with someone that has Grade Seven Clearance, if you want to find out. And good luck with that, if you do try.
Infection Status: Uninfected
Name: Luca D. Beake
Age: Oh, come now, what does something like that matter? I will merely say that I have been alive long enough to know that almost any question is a loaded one, and that giving away too much information can get you in...unpleasant situations.
Human Appearance:
Personality: People seem to find me abrasive. I can't imagine why. It must be their lack of understanding! There's no other explanation, I tell you! Surely an adult can handle a joke and some sarcasm, yes? Friendly as I am, though, I can tell people are always watching me with suspicion. It might have something to do with that incident at Site Nine...but if I can't perform my expirements on a living, healthy could I, in good faith, call myself a scientist?
None of the people I work with understand how deeply we need progress. I am certainly willing to take whatever steps need to be taken, so why can't they?
Occupation: Technically, I am not employed. Blackthorne Medical and Munitions liberated me from a rather unfavorable situation and offered me a few things I couldn't refuse. The first was freedom. The second was to resume my work. Funny, isn't it, how the world works?
I serve, now, as a 'Scientific Consultant'. Really, I oversee numerous projects.
History: Given my contract with Blackthorne M&M, I'm not allowed to speak about it to those outside the company. Which is a shame, truly. I would love to tell you that I was imprisoned in Russia for human experimentation, that I was taken to a place called Site Nine to be executed...that Maya and her lovely S.C.A.R.E detachment raided that compound during a catastrophic decompression of a Contained Reality Shard.
Really, it's quite a shame.
Infection Status: I was in quarantine for thirty six hours, recently. I've shown no signs of Miasma Infection. I assure you that I am quite healthy.
Age: Oh, come now, what does something like that matter? I will merely say that I have been alive long enough to know that almost any question is a loaded one, and that giving away too much information can get you in...unpleasant situations.
Human Appearance:

Personality: People seem to find me abrasive. I can't imagine why. It must be their lack of understanding! There's no other explanation, I tell you! Surely an adult can handle a joke and some sarcasm, yes? Friendly as I am, though, I can tell people are always watching me with suspicion. It might have something to do with that incident at Site Nine...but if I can't perform my expirements on a living, healthy could I, in good faith, call myself a scientist?
None of the people I work with understand how deeply we need progress. I am certainly willing to take whatever steps need to be taken, so why can't they?
Occupation: Technically, I am not employed. Blackthorne Medical and Munitions liberated me from a rather unfavorable situation and offered me a few things I couldn't refuse. The first was freedom. The second was to resume my work. Funny, isn't it, how the world works?
I serve, now, as a 'Scientific Consultant'. Really, I oversee numerous projects.
History: Given my contract with Blackthorne M&M, I'm not allowed to speak about it to those outside the company. Which is a shame, truly. I would love to tell you that I was imprisoned in Russia for human experimentation, that I was taken to a place called Site Nine to be executed...that Maya and her lovely S.C.A.R.E detachment raided that compound during a catastrophic decompression of a Contained Reality Shard.
Really, it's quite a shame.
Infection Status: I was in quarantine for thirty six hours, recently. I've shown no signs of Miasma Infection. I assure you that I am quite healthy.
Name: Eddie M. Garcia
Age: Twenty five.
Human Appearance:
Personality: I don't know, man. How the hell am I supposed to summarize myself for you? Whatever, I'll try. I, uh, I guess I spend a lot of my time thinking...and trying to get away from thinking. My head keeps going in circles, and I can't stop my heart from beating really fast. People piss me off, a lot. I like chilling around New Steel City. I know this place like the back of my hand, y'know?
I, uh...yeah. I don't know, man. There's not a lot to tell. You got a buck or two I could borrow, since I told you all that?
Occupation: I buy, I sell. That's all.
History: ...
Infection Status: Infected
Miasma Abilities: Since I...became whatever I am, I've noticed that shit gets real weird around me. Not like awkward, or anything, but...almost like it's not there. I can walk through walls, I can hear things I shouldn't be able to. My body changes when I want it to, and real quick. It's amazing. I've never felt anything like the rush that comes from being this new me. Aside from being faster and stronger, I don't feel any kind of's just all joy. The best thing, though, is the stuff my skin secretes. I can spit it, too. It melts through steel like I'm pushing my finger through butter.
Another weird thing is that I can produce...uh, spores, I think they're called. Those spores turn into little versions of me. They're tiny, but I think they're pretty sweet. I don't know why, but the other...uh, 'gifted' seem to hate them.
Miasma Appearance:
Age: Twenty five.
Human Appearance:

Personality: I don't know, man. How the hell am I supposed to summarize myself for you? Whatever, I'll try. I, uh, I guess I spend a lot of my time thinking...and trying to get away from thinking. My head keeps going in circles, and I can't stop my heart from beating really fast. People piss me off, a lot. I like chilling around New Steel City. I know this place like the back of my hand, y'know?
I, uh...yeah. I don't know, man. There's not a lot to tell. You got a buck or two I could borrow, since I told you all that?
Occupation: I buy, I sell. That's all.
History: ...
Infection Status: Infected
Miasma Abilities: Since I...became whatever I am, I've noticed that shit gets real weird around me. Not like awkward, or anything, but...almost like it's not there. I can walk through walls, I can hear things I shouldn't be able to. My body changes when I want it to, and real quick. It's amazing. I've never felt anything like the rush that comes from being this new me. Aside from being faster and stronger, I don't feel any kind of's just all joy. The best thing, though, is the stuff my skin secretes. I can spit it, too. It melts through steel like I'm pushing my finger through butter.
Another weird thing is that I can produce...uh, spores, I think they're called. Those spores turn into little versions of me. They're tiny, but I think they're pretty sweet. I don't know why, but the other...uh, 'gifted' seem to hate them.
Miasma Appearance:

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