Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Warpcircuit
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Warpcircuit Oh! Apologies, must've read the ability wrong then.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I guess it's my turn to list some quirky character concepts ^^

Type: Mutant
Whenever the user blinks, they can choose to instantaneously change their current posture and their current position to somewhere else within three feet. Doing so swaps whatever matter was there previously with where the quirk-user was previously. They can't change their position into solid matter unless it has a very small amount of mass such as dust in the air or sediment in water. Blinking exerts an amount of effort equal to crunching two twenty-pound weights, but gives off a great amount of body heat.

Smoke Screen
Type: Emitter
The user has gill-like slits connected to their lungs on both sides of their torso, underneath their arms. Through these slits, the quirk-user can breath out a harmless opaque gas (I've yet to decide on a color, I'm thinking a fluffy pink might be fun) that blocks sight and muffles sound and scent to a degree that anyone within the fog, other than the quirk-user themselves, cannot see, hear, or smell anything further than two feet around them. The fog dissipates after half an hour, but the user can quicken the process by breathing the gas back in through the slits under their arms.

Kinetic Current
Type: Mutant
This quirk only applies to the user's limbs, from their elbow to the tips of their fingers and from their knees to the ends of their toes. Whenever there is a physical impact on any of these areas of the user's body, the user can conduct the kinetic energy through their body, like electricity through wires, to one of the other limbs and discharge it. This causes the force of the impact to be directed into whatever the quirk-user discharged it into, instead of the user's body. They can only discharge the kinetic energy directly into solid matter, and cannot discharge it at all if the limb the user conducted it to isn't in contact with any solid matter. The user cannot discharge energy from the same limb that received the impact, and they must discharge the energy within a very short time period after taking the hit.

Gonna be honest, I wanted to go into even more detail on these abilities (mainly Smoke Screen) because I love the sciences of magic systems, but I thought it'd be better just to post them and see what you guys think xD
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Sawsaw2
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Lord Sawsaw2 Unironic Weeb Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Lord Sawsaw2>

I will accpet this character but I will give you a few heads up~

This is a very strong quirk but I'll allow it since you are basically playing two characters so I highly advised when you do post you also write for Haniel as well, make her character and not just a tool for combat~ This is a bit of extra work for you but I hope you are fine with this~

Now onto the grading portion!

*Snipped Grading*

That was the idea with Haniel, most if not all of my posts will either feature her interjecting her thoughts consistently throughout, or simply have a segment from her own perspective, depending on the situation. I'll probably expand a bit more on her personality and history on my CS before we formally start.

And good to see that the changes met your standards, I'm quite enamored of Samael already, so I look forward to playing him. Did you want the grading included in the post in the characters tab as a separate hider? If so, do you mind if I reformat it a bit?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riddle Me This
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Riddle Me This The mystery wrapped in an enigma

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"As my mother would say: Friendship is the spice of life."

Kenta Masuda

Age: 16

Appearance: Kenta’s frame is a fairly average one, short and slightly stocky with some toned elements along with a sharp jawline and rounded facial features. He typical has a relaxed posture and body language and a cheerful expression on his face What’s most notable about his look and the part that most often stands out to people seeing him for the first time are the two black slim horns poking out of the top of his head and the pointed tail behind him. His hair is long, messy, bright red and normally covers at least one of his eyes, the pupil of his eye is also red while the surrounding iris is black in colour.

Personality: Kenta’s personality is that of a reasonably stable coaster, he enjoys to take the path of least resistance in life while moving from a self-set goal to the next and doing what he can keep himself entertained. He prides himself on avoiding stress and being able to avoid sparks of anger and tension that might come with it and does what he can to teach others about why it’s important to do the same, he hates seeing others aggravated and annoyed, especially if they’re his friends.

Friends are a big part of Kenta’s life, he spends most of his time in the company of at least one or digitally messaging one of them if he’s on his own. Though he can amuse himself with his own thoughts and ideas if he needs to, so long as there is something to hold his attention such as watching clouds go by and listening to the wind while pondering what he might want to do in the next few days.

Kenta is not the shiniest tool in the shed, he does not possess outstanding academic or athletic qualities but he does excel in terms of his planning and adaptability, coming up with creative solutions to solve problems either far in advance or very close to the deadline depending on how long he had allowed himself to be distracted. He is also good at assessing and helping others, working out which of their skills exceed his own and which areas he can best help in. For the most part his grades are average but in group projects he will often put a lot of effort into encourage others and help them out to achieve the best they can, often learning a lot himself in such instances.
He knows that he takes the easy approach to life and is happy with the minimum requirements but won’t allow others to be hampered by his attitude and step up to ensure he does not let down or fail anyone who relies on him.

Kenta’s upbringing was largely uneventful but he was always taught proper manners and to be respectful. His family now runs a bakery tucked away in an older part of Tokyo city where he was born and raised. His mother had always been in the baking business, aided by her transformative quirk ‘Cooking companion’ which allowed her to bring forth a small doll-like companion with an exquisite set of taste buds and culinary prowess. His father meanwhile was a licensed hero who had a reasonably short lived career as ‘Diablo: The Devil Hero’ named due to his above average strength, ability to spit fire and mark evil doers with a creepy brand, and over all a demonic appearance, he wasn’t as popular or marketable as other heroes at the time and often got mistaken for a villain at first. But it was when he found out Kenta’s mother was pregnant that he decided he would focus on raising the boy and spending time with his family rather than risking his life for strangers.

As a boy, Kenta’s enthusiasm was split between being enamoured by heroes and learning to bake alongside his parents in their bakery together. At school, despite at first having a few issues with his abnormal appearance, he managed to find a cohort of good friends that kept him company and helped him to find more ways to enjoy his free time. He discovered his quirk later than most, believing for a while he was quirkless and resigning himself to an ordinary life as a baker. It was only when he learned to snap his fingers that he surprised both himself and everyone in the room with the sudden appearance of an admittedly creepy mask floating before him and speaking in an odd echoing voice, at first Kenta simply believed he was seeing things or had found favour with a ghost but soon enough it became clear from the creature’s elaboration that mask was indeed his quirk.

With a renewed enthusiasm having discovered his quirk, Kenta proudly proclaimed to his parents that he wished to become a hero, and while his parents were hesitant at first due to the danger such a job would pose but they soon came around when the young man brought up his father’s time performing acts of heroism. Diablo even began to teach him a few tricks and tips, assuring his wife “If I start training him now there’s no way he’ll get hurt by the time he gets through U.A.”

Likes: (5 - 10)
• Cooking
• Spice
• Sweetness
• Warmth
• The wind
• Hanging out with friends
• Watching the sky
• Lively debates
• Comic and recipe books

Dislikes: (5 - 10)
• Swimming in deep water
• Textbooks
• Hats and hoods
• Fast food
• Doing nothing
• Silence
• Confined spaces

Personal Strengths:
• Creative thinking
• Comfortable socially and friendliness, empathetic to others
• Keeping a cool head and relaxed attitude to life
• Keeping focused on a target and end goal
• Preparation and pre planning
• Optimism
• Decent fitness and physical endurance

Personal Weaknesses:
• Easily distracted
• Prone to undervaluing himself and his abilities
• Struggles maintaining focus over a long period of time
• Poor mental endurance
• Prone to day dreaming
• Lacks assertiveness and confidence
• Doesn’t cope well with examination conditions

Quirk Name: Creepy Mask

Quirk Type: Transformation

Quirk Basics: With a snap of his fingers, Kenta can summon a sentient creature resembling a ghost-like mask which can in turn conjure up a pair of gloves to help him out in a given situation, if Kenta physically touches and ‘marks’ a person or object then these hands are also able to interact with an manipulate what is marked as well. He can also put on the gloves and mask to gain full control of the abilities himself.

Quirk Strengths:
• Mask friend – Kenta can summon the mask and hands by snapping his fingers, these hands possess some enhanced strength between them and have the ability to float but cannot interact with anything aside from Kenta’s body unless he has marked an object. The hands are controlled by the mask who takes direction from Kenta but is more than capable of acting alone as well. The mask and objects are able to phase through walls like a ghost but cannot take objects through with them.

• Cursed touch – Once he touches a person or an object with his own hands and intentionally marked it a small insignia will appear, after this the object is able to be interacted with by the hands.

• Mask barrier – The mask is able to create a barrier of solid air in front of itself, if the hands are present the barrier becomes stronger.

• Dream invasion – If he makes contact with a sleeping or unconscious target he and his companion are able to invade their dreams and converse with them, if the individual is unaware of the fact they’re dreaming then has control of the dreamscape.

Quirk Weaknesses:
• If the mask is damaged badly or broken it will disappear and not be able to return until it has restored itself, the same goes for the gloves. This will not only prevent the barrier ability but if the mask is destroyed first it will effectively kill the hands which will become directionless and limp. If they are still being worn though they will continue to enhance the user’s strength.

• A marked individual can target and damage both the hands and mask, while they are resilient, sharp objects work well against the gloved hands while brute force attacks will break the mask quite easily as if it was wood if they land.

• While in the dreamscape, Kenta’s physical body is incapacitated as if he too was asleep and he has no real way of knowing what’s going on outside, also if the occupant becomes aware they are dreaming it becomes much harder for Kenta to keep control of things.

• The creature is a proud and prideful one. If Kenta is not wearing the mask and directly controlling his quirk then taunts and tricks may distract the creature and lead it to divert from whatever Kenta has planned.

Quirk Techniques:
• Lift - The hands can grab Kenta by the shoulders and hoist him into the air, carrying him around at a decent speed. They can also throw him in a given direction.

• Multi-hand combo - Working in tandem with his companions, Kenta delivers a relentless barrage of fast and well-coordinated strikes to avoid giving an opponent any rest and time to recover between hits.

• Trap - The hands position themselves underground and when the time is right spring out and root a marked person to the ground by gripping onto their legs while Kenta moves in to deliver a kick.

• Equip - If Kenta puts on the gloves and/or masks he is able to control them and their power is added to his own, for instance, the strength of the gloves is added to his own, he is able to leap further and he can conjure up the mask barrier.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Grail
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Holy Grail

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Here is my OC idea! I hope she is, eh, passable, or is more easily fixed rather than having to be replaced. And of course i put the change i said i would in the quirk in it, as well as noted a little more about it i think to help balance things. Like injecting too much stuff rapid-fire would not be the best thing, though the details of that are in her app of course. :D

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Wow! Really happy to see this got set up so quickly. I'll get a CS up soon, hopefully with Saturday as the latest. Too tired to think of anything substantial at the moment because I work in retail. :(

@AquaknightFor now I've got a couple of concepts rolling around in my head and would love some feeback.

Armor Point-This is a transformation type quirk(I think). One section of the user's body takes on a shiny black appearance, which can be moved around at will. This section vastly increases the user's defense of said area, as well as greatly increases the area's attack power, and density. The biggest weakness is the total area of protection is limited to one part of the body.

Balloon skin-A mutation type quirk that cause's the user to look similar to a pug or British bull dog in that there are A LOT of long folds of skin covering their body. The user' skin is made out of a rubber like material that's both stretchy, bouncy, and is fairly resistant to blunt force. There are even valves in the folds of the skin the connect to pockets.

Phantom Limbs-An emitter type quirk. The user was born without physical limbs but is capable of manifesting constructs of psychic energy, from where said limbs should be. These limbs can be altered in a variety of ways such as changing their size, density hardness, etc, etc. The biggest drawbacks I can think up off the top of my head for this quirk is that using them outside their basic forms rapidly drains the user of energy, and when she runs out then she's completely SOL as she'll be little more than a sitting duck.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FourthKing


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I hope any partaker's of Thanksgiving have full bellies and had a great time with family. Here's my character!

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Just finished this guy - anything need changing?

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Duoya Can I just say how incredibly disgusting/disturbing this quirk is?

No need to fight, people willingly give up in terror.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago


Finished my CS! I hope it is good enough and that Val isn’t too powerful, if she is then I’ll gladly tone her down a bit!

Edit: decided to decrease her quirk’s surface temp to 500 degrees Fahrenheit and her final form to 1,500 degrees.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Lauder Did someone say instant-classic? No? Then I will.

Instant Classic
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago



Thank you, my guy
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 5 mos ago

So, @Aquaknight, whats your status GM?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dogematix
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

And here's the rest! Feedback and notes are always appreciated.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Warpcircuit
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dogematix
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

^^ Likewise I'd be up for helping if it's needed.

On a funsie point, I hope there's a scene where we have to elect a class president XD
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

^^ Likewise I'd be up for helping if it's needed.

On a funsie point, I hope there's a scene where we have to elect a class president XD

Why bother electing one? Val is the only real choice.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Lauder I must agree. If Val isn't the obvious option, then there is no one fitting to become class pres. And I mean, wealthy class pres means more shit for the class, amiright or what?

PS: Since GM-sama hasn't replied to me yet, I'll post my intended CS here and let the community decide whether its fine or not.
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