Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

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"I'll be here..."

Instead of sitting around waiting in total silence, Amy walked over and knelt next to the corpse of the alien woman. She shook off any feeling of disgust that crept up on her as she searched her up and down for anything useful to take, but eventually all she found was an additional handgun. Amy took it, as obviously she would have more use out of it than the dead chick.

"Thanks for this," she smiled before walking back past Arex and closer to the source of light where she assumed Grayson would be coming in to get them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Alright kids, shutting down the turrets in ten, nine..."

The guns around the facility stopped shooting when Tibulus finished the word "nine", as if they had shut down. The one exclusion was the turret on the control room, which began firing at possible obstacles in the paths of the rest of the Revenant's crew and at random areas. Although, the areas weren't actually random, rather strategic cover spots for the crew members to use in order to not die horribly. Hopefully they'd use them.

Tibulus finally came back on the comms with three words. "I got bored."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

secret enclave entrance into sol's fortress.

Lexi was bored and fearful. She feared the monstrosities Sol owned and used as guards in the back way. But it was necessary. She wouldn't be surprised if she did not survive. She called in.

"Boss, I'm in position, is it time to strike? I'm getting restless."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crossfire
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Crossfire That Hockey Guy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Copy that Tibulus!" Stryker said, he hailed the Revenant immediately and called for them to come in with the air support.
"Aye aye Captain" Ace replied "Might wanna make it quick down there though, the long range scanners just picked up something entering the system. It's a ways off still, but whatever it is.... it's big and headed straight for this planet."
"I read you pilot" Stryker replied "Hit them with two strafing runs, then come down and evac the team. Once you free us up to move in, our squad will take out the rest of Sol's people and the man himself, and evac on the Maelstrom"
"Acknowledged sir." With a blip the comms cut out.

"Over there" Carver observed "I got eyes on Qresh and Sylva. With K'arr, Amon, and Nekten already confirmed KIA, they're the last two standing. No clear shot" A pause while he brought the local squad comms up "Vulcaan, time to do your thing."

"On it" The old man grunted. He was in cover about 20 yards away from Carver and Stryker. From where they sat, they could clearly see the barrels of his portable gatling gun spooling up. With one hand he reached up and pried a few grenades loose from his bandolier and popped them into the grenade launcher. Caught up in the moment, he yelped a war cry that could be heard even without the comms and cackled as he stepped out from cover and began to lay down fire.

The chaingun ripped through pirates, left right and center. The poor bastards didn't stand a chance. The few that escaped his first volley of hellfire were obliterated where they stood when he began firing grenades into the remaining crowd.

Kira and the twins watched on, contributing with a few potshots to clean up survivors. She peeked out of cover again and saw the generals retreating towards separate entryways to the fortress.
"They're falling back" she shouted to her husband.
"Vulcann, you've got the crowd. Sylva's the higher-value target, we'll pursue him first, move in!"

The squad began moving between cover points, advancing rapidly on the fortress. The twins, Juli and Jen shared a look, both felt the same way. Kovitar Qresh had killed their father, and there was a slight chance of him getting away when they had him on the run. No way. In unison, both sisters engaged the lift boots on their suit and propelled themselves up above the rapidly falling army of foot soldiers. they came down just in front of the steps down to the door Qresh had gone through.

"What are you doing? Get back here!" Kira shouted over the comms.
"I'll get them Kira, don't let the bastard get away" Vulcaan rumbled in reply, still mowing down the pirates with reckless abandon.


Over on SAL's side, things could be better. Sure Kaeci had killed one of their main targets, but they had lost one of their number in the attempt, and the pirates really didn't react well to seeing their leader go down. They had in fact doubled their efforts. The Revenant's first run definitely thinned their number, the ship's weapons firing at full capacity from extremely low altitude. SAL calculated it to an amazing probability that none of his remaining people had gone down to friendly fire. Although, Lexi had disappeared into the crowd of pirates not long ago.

"This isn't workin' tin man" Joe said as he racked in more rounds to his shotgun "Our cover is shit and the fuckers ain't letting up, we gotta try and fall back until the ship comes for us!"
"Our odds fall astronomically if we leave this entrenched position" the robot replied calmly as he popped up from cover to dispose of three incoming pirates with three well-placed shots.
"Never tell me the odds tin man" Joe said as he jumped up from cover to return fire of his own. The ship was coming back around for it's second run. After cutting a swath through the remaining legion of pirates, it began to pitch and come in for a landing on a flat stretch of land 50 yards away.

"Alright, you listen to me for a second" Joe said, pointing to Kaeci, still hunched, defeated over Harriet's body "Our friend there seems a bit out of sorts. You and Tobi get him to the ship, I'll cover you!"
SAL ran a quick calculation, mathematically speaking, it seemed like a straight-forward plan. He nodded in acknowledgment and signaled Tobi to help him out.


"Ames, listen to me lass... I don't think we can get 'im out of here." Grayson said through gritted teeth as he struggled to drag Arex's body out of the cave "Feels like he weighs at least a ton. If we had SAL over here even, it would work, but with just us.... I don't know."
He let the bod slip from his grasp and doubled over, hands on his knees as he caught his breath.

"You heard Stryker though, we gotta get ourselves of here, get to the ship before whatever's coming arrives. Listen to me... listen.. we'll come back for him. I promise you."

He took Arex's sword, sheath and all and clipped it to his back. He'd hold onto it until they could come back and claim the man's body. And, taking Amy's hand in his own, he began to lead her from the cave.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crossfire
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Crossfire That Hockey Guy

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[@mackielars]@Gardevoiran@Xandrya@Hawlin@Rultaos@Silver Carrot@BKburke


In the immediate days following the battle of Rokarr, The Revenant returned to Serros Station, and by virtue of luck, were able to strike a baseline deal with Leonid Skilna, the lone surviving pirate captain, and de facto new leader of the station. That was good enough for the Alliance at any rate. The crew tried to return to the planet and claim the bodies of their fallen comrades, but the system was already swarming with Federation ships. A vigil was held in memory of Arex, Joe, Lataniva, and the entire crew of the Maelstrom. Stryker convinced the Alliance to let him keep Kaeci and Ace on the crew, explaining the circumstances of the mission. It was all for nothing though, as a few weeks out from Rokarr, Ace slipped away when they made port at a station in the Deadzone and didn't return. Kaeci, still enraged over the death of Harriet, got progressively more and more reckless in the field, until that recklessness caught up with him and led him to his end. Maxi wasn't long for the crew either, distraught over how much death had surrounded the crew, he requested to be removed from the ship, to serve his sentence to the Alliance out in other ways. And most mysterious of all, the Ren platforms packed up one night and disappeared in one of the escape pods. They had left the Tower behind, as well as all of the wiring it had burrowed into the ship's systems, but the consciousness had gone from the machine. In its place was a rudimentary VI system that allowed Stryker to control certain systems of the ship in the same way Ren had. New crew members came and went over the following months, none survived long. The core crew thrived and completed several more missions at the Alliances bequest, and most miraculously of all, Benny and Matija eventually woke up.

It had now been 8 months since the battle of Rokarr. For the past several weeks, the Revenant has been fairly quiet. No orders had come in from the Alliance, there was no pressing personal business among any of the crew, nothing that had been brought to Stryker's attention anyway, so they wandered aimlessly through the Expanse, just waiting for the next adventure to begin.....
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by iTem
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iTem Trying

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Miracle at Medical Bay Bed 3

How Does it Feel Like to Wake Up After 27 Days?

When she came to, everything was dark. All that kept her company was the sterilized smell, the grating sounds of beeping and tiny screeching alarms, and the pain of being torn apart ripple through her body. Despite her best efforts, her eyes refused to open properly, let alone focus and felt as if they have dried so bad that it stuck to her eyelids. While she laid on her bed now fully conscious, she forces her eyes to create tears to try and clear her vision. While she worked on her vision, she also attempted to make her voice and body move. Her throat was equally dry as her eyes, and was only able to rasp a small “Diddy?” in hopes that her guardian was there somehow. But the lack of response made her feel fear and a level of urgency that triggered her fight and flight response. When she opens her eyes and finally registers the dark room, she would realize that it felt unfamiliar and therefore dangerous. While moving was equally as painful as having her body become a human pincushion while cold fire cooked her bones inside her body, she would continue her attempt to escape. She would manage to sit up somewhat and lean against the arm of her the hospital bed in order to peer past the bed. This would cause the faulty thing to give way from her weight and strain, toppling her over.

A newer layer of agony passed through her body as she gasped and writhed in pain on the cold metallic floor. The wires and tubes connected to her body got ripped off as she fell and she was now creating a mess of blood mixed with various other liquids on the otherwise untarnished floor. Her body was refusing to work as intended, and she was afraid that she had been broken as she saw herself in her nightmare. After some time, she manages to look up and she sees someone else on a bed despite the pain forcing her vision to white. Her brain somehow assumed that this was Benny, regardless of how logically improbable it may have been. She would feel the room spinning though the filter of pain and agony and by the Gods, every sensation was dulling by the second. Still she manages to drag herself towards the man in hopes of alerting him of their situation. They are likely to be in danger, after all; and allies are always good to be had. But without the aid of properly functioning limbs accompanied by excruciating pain, consciousness eludes her yet again. Matija curls to herself on the floor before she could reach a hand out to the unconscious man.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

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Back for more

Revenant Maintenance tunnels: Several weeks ago

Bloody Hell this wirin' is almost ancient Benny thought to himself as he attempted to replace the burnt out parts from the explosion that rocked their ship. The area was generally powered down for the replacements so he hadn't bothered putting on his Specialist Suit for protection. He would come to regret that as suddenly a loud whirr resonated across the maintenance access tunnels as a surge of electricity shorted out the overhead lights, and the newly replaced wire he was holding suddenly sparked with electricity. "G-G-G-AAA-AAA-AHH". Pain shot through his whole body before the wire panel exploded and shot him backwards flat onto the tunnel, and then all he knew was darkness.

Revenant Medbay: 27 days later

With another blink he found that he could move again. The small alien was still nowhere to be seen. He tried to get up, but the wires around him were holding him down. His first instinct was to break free and escape the alien ship, but he still felt too weak for that. Moving was painful, and in hindsight it was probably best not to mess with the medical devices attached to him. So he simply lay there, feeling tired and wanting to go back to sleep. He wasn't sure if he had drifted off but the atmosphere in the room shifted. He couldn't tell how exactly but things felt different. He attempted to move his head to look around and saw that the woman was no longer in the bed. He heard a noise of some kind below him, and attempted to investigate.

The sight to greet him was disturbing in normal circumstances, and completely horrifying to Benny in his already paranoid state. The woman he knew as Sandra was still in the room, but she was on the floor at the base of his bed, with an unnervingly large pool of blood gathered underneath her. His first thought was that he should call for help, then he remembered that he was still on an alien vessel that seemed oddly familiar. So his next thoughts were of escape. Throwing caution to the wind he decided to try detaching the tubes attached to his right arm, and planned to pull himself off the bed to try and escape whatever danger befell the woman.

Moving was more difficult than he thought however, and he felt great pain as he yanked his right arm to remove the tubes before turning to see if there was anything attached to his left arm, only to realize it wasn't there. In a frenzied moment of panic, he thought that his abductors amputated his left arm, but then memories came back to him. Something about a skeleton, or skeletal arm, then it clicked that he was supposed to have a bionic arm there. With that realization, came more memories in his pain-wracked state. The woman lying near him in a pool of blood was a teammate of his. With that, he tried to pull himself off the bed to escape.

In the middle of his painful haze, where he realized that he was also beginning to bleed from the holes left behind by the tubes attached to him, he figured that perhaps the woman could help him get up if she were still alive, if only he could stop her bleeding. He made an attempt to crawl towards her, which was already a difficult feat with only one hand, but between the blood-loss, the pain, and the mental stress of his situation, unconsciousness once again overtook him on the cold floor where he would continue to lay.

At least until someone saw the mess they were making on the cameras and came down to investigate.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Tibulus Sepitan - Old Dreams

Tibulus didn't sleep. He actually couldn't sleep under normal circumstances due to a lack of any real biological process. The only part of him that really slept was his imagination, and even then it didn't sleep for long. Despite that lack of sleep, Tibulus still had dreams, although those dreams should best be kept to himself.

Excluding one, of course.

The Alliance was rewarding, if nothing else. Tibulus was granted a fair amount of new robotics parts to tinker around with, and a giant crate of fresh cigars too. The robot parts couldn't have come at a better time. With the recent events of abandonment by the main robots on the ship, Tibulus found himself... lonely. It was weird, saying that robots made good company for the Funganoid, but they did. They were sentient enough to have real conversations with Tibulus, and with some of the piloting jobs he did, the conversation was appreciated.

That loneliness reignited an old dream of Tibulus, though. A dream to make his own robot to treat like a child after he lost his family.

Things were... things were going, that was for sure. Right now, it was mainly just a set of legs, but it could be a real robot soon. Hell, maybe Tibulus could turn it into an android. Who knows? The future does, so there was no dwelling on the past!

Just before Tibulus continued his work, he noticed something on the cameras. Something... not so great. He turned on his communicator and turned it to contact Stryker. "Stryker... um... medbay needs attention, stat."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crossfire
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Crossfire That Hockey Guy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

[OOC: Ready to post as necessary in these flashback scenes]

Revenant Med Bay
Shortly After the Battle of Rokarr

'Figures that this would happen just after we lose Maxi' Stryker thought as he rushed into medbay and found Benny and Matija out of bed and bleeding.
"Tibulus, get that VI program the Rens left behind up and running!" He shouted "Give it full access to the med bay Life Support systems, right now!"
Through the open door, he heard the heavy clunking of metallic footfalls.
"SAL, get in here!" he called out "Help!"

The two of them were able to lift Benny and Matija back up into the beds, and with a little help from the new virtual intelligence systems, were able to stabilize the two patients. Stryker only had a baseline know-how when it came to first aid, but it seemed to do the job, for the time being.

"Well that was unexpected" he said to no one in particular.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


After the little fiasco on the two coma patient’s first few waking moments, the two would eventually wake again the next day, less agitated and confused than before, but still aching and wary.

Matija found herself would wake back on her bed with an IV connected back to her. She thought that maybe it would be wiser to NOT tear it off of her. Speaking of such, it seemed that the med bay was still as deserted as it had initially been. But she was thankful that the room was at least lit. That kept her nerves at relative ease.

“Is anyone there?” she would try to rasp when she notices the sound of someone breathing. But her state within the past month degraded much of her body’s abilities that it would sound more like the mumblings of a somniloquist. When she manages to tilt her head to the side, she notices that the sound was coming from Benny who was still on his bed. She would sigh to herself, which seemed more like shoulders mildly shaking, and wonder if he was still very much alive or just a vegetable on bed.

She would try to make sense and attempt to remember recent events. Little would come to her and she gets distracted by the sounds of life and activity that was muffled by the frosted glass dividers that separated them from the world beyond the med bay.

Wanting to be distracted from the noises, she tries to converse with Benny whilst hoping that the man was as awake as she was, if only to make sense of what’s happening as well as to break the painful lump growing inside her throat. But the silence was stifling. In the back of her mind she wonders if this was regret that she is feeling for taking a job that got her caught in the first place, or was it leaving her father behind with a now forgotten promise? She couldn’t tell. She could barely even remember bits and pieces of herself which frustrated her needlessly. All that she knew was that she felt hot tears fall from her eyes as she laid there, ruminating about the few strands of memories that she could grasp.


On the other hospital bed, Benny would also begin to stir, emerging from the sea of unconsciousness once more. He blinked several times and tried to get his memories organized in his head. He vaguely remembered getting off the bed, and detaching the tubes on his right arm. He also remembered seeing the woman on the other bed, Sandra he thought her name was, bleeding on the floor. Yet, they were both back on their beds now, seemingly none the worse for wear. He wondered if perhaps all of that had been a vivid dream, though the pain he felt was certainly real enough. Breathing was a chore as an intake of breath that was too deep would bring pain to his chest, moving was also a lot more difficult. With little else to do, he went back to trying to remember where he is and what was happening

Obviously he was in some kind of hospital room if the IV tubes were anything to go by. But how did he end up here. He ha a vague recollection of being kidnapped by aliens of some kind, but that didn’t seem right. The machinery around him was clearly Alliance technology. Alliance….. The word made him feel… anger. He felt his heart rate rising and a strong urge to clench his fist, though trying to do so caused even more pain. He wasn’t exactly sure why, but he really did not like that word.

He was distracted when he heard laboured breathing, like the sounds of someone who was nervous. He tried to turn his head to the side where the other bed lay and saw that the woman there appeared to be awake. He tried to say “Hello? Are you okay?” But it only came out as more of rasping and wheezing as his time of inactivity had rendered much of his physical abilities nonexistent.


She couldn’t quite tell if she heard that right, but she thinks she just heard Benny talk. Normally she would quickly react to a response by snapping her head towards the direction of a sound. But right now she just ended up slowly looking at his direction. ”...Benny?”

Talking hurts, as everything does. But her eyes are easier to move now thanks to the tears that had fallen. But the pain was worth a little company. At least she’s sure that the guy isn’t clinically dead and is very much alive.

The med bay doors slid open and a human woman with short-cropped black hair came with a lab coat and a clipboard. She was followed by an older and shorter man in green scrubs. ”Oh! You’re awake!” the woman would cheerily exclaim with little surprise in her voice. ”This is good. We can finally talk and assess you.” Matija found her cheeriness a bit relieving but quite fake. She supposes that anyone forced to work with... criminals? Would feel the same. ”We’re all criminals here, right? She found herself second guessing as a memory digs itself out of her mind. It just felt like everyone on board had done something that people normally would call law enforcement on. If so, she was surely one of those people.


Before the two of them could make any attempt at communicating further, new people entered the room. The two of them appeared to be in medical clothes, with the woman looking like a doctor while the man behind her appeared to be an assistant. The doctor took on a cheery tone when she addressed them, saying that they could be assessed. Benny couldn’t quite place it but he found her cheerfulness unsettling given their situation.

Not to mention that he felt that these two were out of place in this ship. Wait… why am I sure this is a ship? And why am I thinking they’re out of place? Benny thought to himself. He didn’t know where these assumptions came from, but he felt so sure of them.

Before he could wonder about that any further however, the woman continued speaking. “Okay! First off, my name is Doctor Emily Grey, your neurologist. Now let’s try to see how your memory is. Can you two speak?” She asked. Benny tried to respond but it only came out as more mumbled rasp as he struggled to get words out of his mouth. “I see… Alright let’s keep things simple! I’m going to ask some yes or no questions, and simply respond by either nodding or shaking your head. It doesn’t need to be big movements, okay, dearies? Just a tiny little nod and shake for our questions. Let’s start by seeing if you remember your names...”

The doctor would answer ask them rudimentary questions such as affirming if a name is in fact their real name, their age, their home planet, and so on. The assessment would show reveal that Benny’s name was Benjamin Quincy, the woman that Benny had been calling Sandra was actually named Matija Holmström. Both of them were on their late 20s but Matija was older by a year in comparison to her male companion.

By the end of it, the result of their assessment showed that they were recovering better than expected. However the Doctor said that they were still suffering from mild verbal and moderate motor degrade. ”Guess that’s the effect of being bedridden. Oh well! That can easily be fixed if you’re willing to help us back. So for now I suppose I should leave the P.T. to the actual P.T!” With that she gave way to the shorter and older man on the green scrubs. He would looks stern, but his voice was quite comforting and more genuine than the female Doctor’s voice. ”I am Doctor Frank DuFresne, a Physical Therapist. I will help you recover what you can from your motor abilities if you help me.”

Thus the therapy and recovery begun. The two patients would get monitored every day and were submitted to a routine that was composed of check ups and physical therapy. The female doctor would check their cognitive functions by checking each patient’s ability to respond to stimuli as well as pain recognition, regulation, and/or their ability to follow simple orders such as flexing their arms and legs, pointing at specific objects, and their ability to remember past memories and events. Meanwhile the male Doctor would help them regain their basic motor skills such as limb movement, flexibility, and grip. Since the Doctors only saw negligible issues with their cognitive skills, they were mostly left alone. Eventually, the Doctors would turn towards muscle strengthening in order for them to be able to do harder tasks such as balancing, walking, and running.

The 8 months spent in recovery were grueling for both of them. It was difficult for both of them to deal with the fact that, for a long while, they were unable to move their body in the way they were used to. Benny had to make do without Skelly as his left arm for a while until they decided that his brain was capable of handling him again, meanwhile Matija struggled with her inability to be as agile as she was before. At first, their shared misery was a blessing, as they at least did not feel alone in their struggle to recover, bonding over their hate of the situation they were stuck in. They spoke about their criminal careers, interests and dislikes, and some sparse details of the lives they lived before becoming wanted, finding it both an interesting and humorous pastime in between the routine tests and exercises.

Later on however, it became a source of turmoil as Benny started recovering faster than Matija did. While Benny did not mind the degradation of his physical abilities (as he was more reliant on his brain than his body), Matija’s specialty in stealth and infiltration all relied on her agility, and without it she felt useless. By the time that the doctors decided that Benny was cleared to have Skelly reinstalled, Matija was still having difficulty recovering and ended up overexerting herself on the routine exercises in a desperate attempt to try and make herself recover faster, although it was having the opposite effect.

Both Benny and the doctors were concerned over the consequences of her misguided efforts. While the doctors kept her from overexertion by limiting her time in exercises, Benny tried to console her by recounting his own difficulties of readjusting after he had first gotten Skelly installed as his left arm.

”I’m probly tha’ last person you want ta’ hear this from right now but… I know what yer going through. I know what it’s like ta’ feel like ye cannae do what you’ve always been doing. Ol’ Skelly here is my proof o’ that.” He said to her sometime during their 5th month of recovery.

Matija had found herself hating the way Benny spoke lately. This especially takes the cake. She would glare at him for a moment before she looked away, angry at the seemingly pretentious words that she was hearing. Her accent would show as she no longer found it necessary to hide it from Benny, especially at this moment. ”Ohoo, yea! Ya totally know it. Say, ya need yer body to scale walls too, amirite? Oh an’ try to distribute weight when walking on pressure sensitive flours. Oh! An’ let’s not fuckin’ forget about yer need to bend yer body to fit them stupid gaps between them stupid ol’ laser shit that everyone seems ta love!”

Benny’s face grimaced at her response, but he chose not to interrupt. He wasn’t the most patient of people even at the best of times, but he knew where this was coming from and he didn’t want to make her feel worse than she already was.

He sighed and took a deep breath before responding ”Couldinnae do any o’ that even if I tried... Wot I could do was make tha’ finest explosives the galaxy ‘ad ever seen. Makin’ bombs requires a delicate touch and precise movements with yer hands. When I ‘ad Skelly here installed… I couldinnae even do it anymore. Everythin’ about movin’ him felt clumsy an’ wrong. I try ta’ reach my chin, I press my nose. I try ta’ hold a glass beaker, it shatters in my hand. I try placin’ a wire into a slot, I spend 30 minutes tryin’ ta’ align the bloody thing. Makin’ things go boom was what I was best at, and Skelly kept me from doing it…” He said, taking a pause to catch his breath before continuing.

“I hated this arm at one point. I hated how it dinnae feel like my real arm. I thought my career was over, and that I’d never make another explosive ever again. So fer a while, I just drank myself into a stupor an’ hoped I’d jus’ die before everyone I knew realized I couldinnae do the one thing I was best at anymore. But... after a while I started gettin’ used to this odd and clumsy rascal. I realized that the problem was that I was tryin’ ta’ use him like I did my old arm, but that’s not how it works. I ‘ad ta’ start over again, like a baby learnin’ ta’ crawl ta’ their Mum’s teats. I ‘ad to accept the fact that a piece o’ my old body was gone, and that I needed to learn how I could handle this new one.” He took another pause before continuing his monologue.

”The… point I’m tryin’ to make is, when ya lose control of yer body like this, yer not gaunnie get yer old self back. Ye need ta’ treat it as a fresh start and try ta’ learn how ta’ do everything again, otha’wise you’ll neva’ be satisfied. Ye cannae compare yerself now ta’ how you used ta’ be or you’ll jus’ keep focusin’ on what yer missing instead of wot ye need ta’ learn… It’s not easy ta’ accept, but ye’ll end up killin yerself if ya don’t,” he finished.

A small wave of sadness washed over Matija. Sadness and guilt. She thought that she was having it tough when it turns out that Benny had gone through worse and then some. While she hated being guilt-tripped and would have snapped at him again under normal circumstances, she found herself listening more and more to his words before she found herself wondering if what he said would apply to her. Was she really trying to get back what she lost, or was she trying to make the most of what she has now?

With a small and shamed voice, she would speak after a long period of silence ”So this ain’t yer first time getting this fucked up, huh? Guess I should’ve thought about it more when I compared tomatoes to potatoes,” she says with a humorless chuckle.

”I… guess. I’ve been too focused on what happened that I couldn’t find myself doin’ more than i should, which is adaptin’ to… well. This. This… body.” Matija would gesture to herself and look down and moved her body slowly to feel how each movement felt for her. She then would turn to her side so she could fully face him on the bed across her. ”’m… Sorry. Sorry for lashin’ out like that. It was out place and… I thought I was the only one sufferin’ here and I forgot that you’re doin’ this twice over. Would ya… accept this shitty apology? ‘Cuz I sure cain’t get there ta hug ya. Not yet at least.”

Benny chuckled at that and shook his head in response. ”No need ta’ apologize. If ye were with me when I was still pissy at Skelly I’d ‘ave done the same ta’ you, and threw in a few more curses fer good measure.” He said with a smile, somewhat glad that the earlier tension had lifted. He then looked at her more seriously before continuing. ”Jus’... stop tryin’ ta’ kill yerself, aye? This isn’t the end, not if the Alliance has anything ta’ say about it, and as long as they can squeeze some use outta ya, even if it’s jus’ pumpin yer brain for info, they’ll do it. So we both need ta’ get better soon and serve these high an’ mighty pieces o’ bitch shite on OUR terms, doing what WE enjoy doing, aye?” He said to her, hoping it would motivate her more positively.

Matija would grin to what Benny had just said. She suddenly found the daily regiment that they were forced to go through as something more exciting than frustrating and dreadful. ”Hell yeah! WE’re gonna get them sick fucks good!” Matija said as she raised a fist of approval towards him. When she calms down a bit more, she would smile softly at Benny and tuck a loose lock of hair behind her ear. ”Yanno, Benjamin. Ya ain’t half bad. If ya only bathed as frequently as ya get wet dreams from blowin’ shit up, people would probably go out with ya or somethin’. Ya don’t look bad or any at ALL but… she yawns as she feels herself getting all the more tired from their efforts for the day ”...I dunno. I fergot what I was sayin’...” With that Matija yawns again and tries to make herself comfortable for the night. Tomorrow’s another day to get better, tomorrow’s another step towards revenge.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crossfire
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@Gardevoiran@Rultaos@iTem@Silver Carrot@BKburke@Xandrya

Stryker walked out from his quarters dressed in his most casual attire- a loose-fitting t-shirt and baggy gym shorts. The Revenant had had absolutely zero contact from the Alliance in about three weeks. The last time he had to deal with them was when a ship had arrived to retrieve the doctors in charge of Benny and Matija's recovery. Since then it had been complete radio silence and truth be told, the monotony was starting to get to the captain. He strolled up into the cockpit, his usual first stop when he got up in the morning.

"Morning Tibulus" he said as he dropped into the co-pilot's seat and observed the room. It wasn't the cleanest, but Stryker knew there was a method to his pilot's mess, the bits and bobs of machinery strewn about the empty spaces of the console. The ever-present, but faint whiff of cigar smoke hung in the air.
"You know it occurs to me that I hardly ever see you outside this room. How about you come on down, have breakfast with us? Ship'll be fine on auto-pilot for an hour or so, it's not like we're really headed anywhere in particular. Think about it at least alright?"

Before he left he wheeled around in the seat and used the co-pilot's console to access the ship-wide comms.
"Good morning everyone, welcome to another day in purgatory. I'm headed down to put together a breakfast spread, so in about twenty minutes, come on down to the kitchen, we all gotta talk about something."
He clapped Tibulus on the shoulder as he headed out "Hope to see ya down there."

About twenty minutes later, Stryker was sitting back in his seat with a cup of coffee and a small plate of toast, bacon and eggs. He wasn't a gourmet chef by any means, but he was able to cover the basics. One by one the crew filed in and as they arrived Stryker waved his hand over to the countertops.
"Help yourself to whatever you like, plenty there. Should be all warmed up unless that damn heating circuit shorted out again. If you're not eating, grab a seat."
As they settled in, Stryker glanced around the table. With so few of them living on the ship these days, it was easy to spot who wasn't here.
"I guess the lovers are a little preoccupied" he said after a sip from his mug, drawing attention to the fact that Amy and Grayson were late.
"Well, we can wait a bit. In the meantime... what's new?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

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"I guess I can come down for once. This robot's giving me a headache, anyway." Tibulus said as he grabbed a backup cigar, placed it within a pocket on the inside of his jumpsuit, and headed downstairs, flicking on the auto pilot as he did so. Why didn't he wait until the breakfast was actually set? Well, he wasn't doing anything up in the cockpit in the meantime, was he?

Plus, if Stryker needed a hand with food, Tibulus wouldn't mind helping out if nobody minded their eggs a bit electrified.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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Taleste took a seat at the table, and helped herself to as much as everybody else allowed her to take (and one bit of toast more than that). When the Captain asked her what's new, she chuckled dryly. "Yur a regular comedian, Captain. It's been a whole pile o' nuthin for days. I only got out of bed for the smell of breakfast. Thanks fur makin' it, by thuh way!"

And it was true. Taleste had been getting increasingly reclusive as of late, staying in her room for hours at a time and only emerging to eat, answer summons or, when she was bored enough, come out and try to make conversation with an unfortunate victim. Half the ship found her and her alien accent annoying now. Luckily, there were still those who didn't, who were just as reclusive as her. One in particular that she hung out with more than most, and he didn't seem to mind her prescence.

"Tibulus!" Taleste grinned as the skeletal pilot emerged through the doorway. "How ya been, Horrorshow? 'aven't seen you in days!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by iTem
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iTem Trying

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After they had cooled down, she took a quick bath before heading up to the galley where she was greeted with the smell and sight of what appears to be a beautiful breakfast to a hungry Mecorian. She immediately took a seat and hungrily devoured as much as she was allowed to take. The Coffee re-energized her too so she was more than happy to gulp it down. Benny meanwhile took a seat near her as he helped himself to the bacon and eggs. He amusedly thought that this almost felt like some weird family meeting with the casual air that the room had.

When Stryker talked about Grayson and Amy, Matija found herself wondering again just how much had happened while she was out for them to be called lovers now. Not that she cared much for the blind girl and the gear head. But gossip was definitely a nice break to the monotonous routine in the ship.

When Stryker asks about news, she thoughtfully chewed on the bacon as she spoke just a little after this Taleste person that she had yet to talk to. ”Well I think we’re getting most of our whatever back if that means any,” she said with a neutral accent before sitting up to get herself some water this time. Benny nodded in agreement to Matija’s statement. “We at least wouldinnae need wheelchairs ta’ get into combat. Not that it seems like tha’ Alliance has ‘ad anythin’ ta’ throw us at fer a while now.” Benny said. They had been briefed on past events by the remaining crew of The Revenant. Though they weren’t too affected by the losses they had sustained (as they were not particularly close to anyone on the crew yet) they did feel bad over missing all the fun that the others had been through.Their thirst for the adrenaline-high wasn’t sated much over the past few months, and they were itching to test their healed bodies out on something dangerous.

Tibulus came in a little later and she greeted him by raising her brows while she drank her coffee-mixed-water. She would speak cheerily right after the water passes her gullet. ”Heyy..! Bonedaddy! I missed you~” She said. Benny would shake his head at her suggestive greeting. Under other circumstances he would have thought she was outright flirting with them, but after spending months with her, he had come to learn that it was simply the way she talked. The same way he often spoke with metaphors and euphemisms he supposed.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

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"I've been better. Making robots takes a damn lot of brain capacity and time, that's for sure," Tibulus said as he sat down at a table before unzipping his jumpsuit and pulling out... a severed robot head. He couldn't leave his work alone for that long either.

Tibulus sparked up a finger of his, shooting out a very short, but very potent, stream of lightning from his hand as he addressed the two un-comatose colleagues of his. "Don't call me that, Matija. How's it hanging with you two being free from your comas?" The skeleton asked as he began to etch small details into the robot head, sparks flying off of it and onto the table. Thankfully, the sparks weren't flying far enough to get into people's food.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crossfire
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Crossfire That Hockey Guy

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Waking Up

A Collab Between Me and @Xandrya

Grayson slowly came to in his bunk. He blinked and lightly groaned as his body and mind woke up. His arm was wrapped around Amy's midsection, exactly where it was when they'd fallen asleep the night before. Within a few weeks of the battle in Sovereign's Valley, the 'secret' that the two of them had gotten together became public knowledge, and a couple of weeks after that, she moved in to Room 7, right around the time Grayson pointed out that the chilly draft she was feeling in Room 3 was likely due to the fact that there was still some lingering structural damage, cracks in the wall and so on, from the explosion in Arex's old room all those months before.

From the way she was breathing, Grayson could tell that she was already awake.
"Mornin' beautiful" he said.

"Morning," Amy whispered, sighing as she slowly turned to face Grayson. She gave the slightest frown as she started to recollect her dreams from that night.

"I had another nightmare, one where we were both shot dead..." Amy trailed her hand across his side before she pulled herself a little closer to him. She then buried her face on his neck and used her nails to lightly scratch his back.

Her voice was muffled, but she knew Grayson could understand her.

"But we're never going to let that happen, right?"

"Not in a million years love" he replied as he tilted his head to kiss her cheek, he snaked his arms up around her back and embraced her fully "A million stars could turn into a million supernovas, melt down the whole godsdamned galaxy, and we'd still be standing. We're too stubborn to die, you an' me."

"Wow, quite the poet you're turning into," Amy smiled, her mood suddenly shifting to a more pleasant one, "I like it, and I like seeing you."
She planted a quick kiss on his cheek before sitting up on the bed to stretch, the bedsheet falling to her lap to reveal she was wearing a simple white t-shirt. "I gotta go to the ladies' room for a moment but I'll be back, okay?"

"Okay, I'll be here. Nothin' on the old 'to-do list' immediately jumping to mind, so I could just stay in bed all day, love for ya to join me."

Grayson rolled onto his back as she exited and put his hands up behind his head. He thought back to that morning a few months ago when he had woken up to find her staring deeply into his face. Immediately, he noticed the change, the focus on her face and the brightness in her hazel eyes.

He came to the conclusion that somehow, miraculously, Amy could see him.

He jumbled and fell over his words, shocked completely speechless for a moment as he tried to ask her how. Finally, he managed to say it and she launched into her story...

Grayson was jolted out of his reminiscing by the sound of the room door opening, Amy was back.

"Hey you" he said

Amy couldn't help but give a little laugh.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" she teased, closing the door behind her before making her way to the bed and climbing in it to join Grayson. She playfully pulled on the covers so he could let her in as she had suddenly developed chills and was seeking some warmth and comfort.

"I'm gonna use you as my personal heater now if you don't mind." Amy hugged Grayson, pulling him close to her as she buried her face in his chest, hearing his steady heartbeat and feeling his chest rise up and down with each breath. It was all so soothing...

Amy's mind then took her back into the past for some reason, when things weren't going quite as smoothly.

Grayson absent-mindedly rubbed Amy's back with one hand as she snuggled in close. This was a pretty regular occurance with them, her getting up first and having to come back to bed because she was too cold. He didn't mind it one bit, though he always swore that the next time they hit port or requisitioned supplies from the Alliance that he was getting her a pair of slippers so her feet wouldn't be like ice cubes when she jumped back in.

With his other hand, he was tracing his fingers along the right side of his face, drifting them back and forth across the invisible line between the real and synthetic skin, one of many constant reminders of a job gone wrong five years ago. In a way, his recklessness that day was what led him to this very moment. If he had ignored that call, he probably wouldn't be here right now, then again, if that Bezengarr's claws had been a inch or so longer, he wouldn't be here either.

His eyes turned towards the small speaker mounted beside the door as it crackled to life. Stryker's voice filled the small room:
"Good morning everyone, welcome to another day in purgatory. I'm headed down to put together a breakfast spread, so in about twenty minutes, come on down to the kitchen, we all gotta talk about something."

Seemed like Amy had drifted off again, that or she was deep in thought. Either way, she didn't react right away, he reached over and brushed a strand of hair out of her face and tucked it up behind her ear, that got her to look at him.

"Ya know ya always look a' me the same way when I need your attention? Even back before ya could see, when we'd talk while I worked on the repairs to yer gear. It's the cutest damn thing. Anyway, cap'n's doin' breakfast in twenty or so, says everyone's gotta come for a chat. We don't have ta go, if ye'd rather stay in bed, you know Stryker, if it's real important, he'll find us later an' fill us in."

"Well...I want to stay in bed but I'm also hungry. The great conundrum this morning..." Amy nudged him with a little laugh. "Come on, let's get ready. I doubt we'll have much to do today so we can always come back to bed later," she added suggestively before planting a big kiss on his cheek.

"Well damn it Ames, how'm I supposed to eat when ya teasin' somethin' like that? It's all I'll be able to think about now 'til we get back here. Won't hear a word Stryker says at all because I'll be so preoccupied" he grinned as he returned her kiss. Still rubbing her back he continued speaking, voice barely more than a whisper.
"You know..... cap did say it'd be a little while, we've got time if ya wanted to fool around."

"If I wanted to fool around?" Amy glanced at him with an amused expression on her face. "That's all you men ever think about..." she smirked, her finger lightly tracing along the contours of his chest. "But yes, I would very much like to."

Grayson responded with a smirk of his own "Well, I'm happy to oblige."
He wrapped his arms around her pulled her up slightly and began kissing her.

About thirty minutes later, Grayson and Amy walked into the galley, very clearly late for breakfast from the looks of the rest of the team's plates. Grayson could only smile sheepishly as he walked over along the counter and began putting together a couple of plates for himself and Amy.

"Mornin' everyone" he said as he slid a couple pancakes onto his plate "Thanks for doin' this Stryker, really 'preciate it mate."

"No trouble at all Grayson, glad you could find time in your busy schedule to join us" he said with a warm chuckle.

@Gardevoiran@iTem@Silver Carrot@Rultaos@BKburke
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

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"Don't call me that, Matija. How's it hanging with you two being free from your comas?" Their skeletal pilot responded, shaking off the nickname that Matija gave him as people usually did. It was an odd thing that she did to almost everyone, even their doctors, calling their Physical Therapist "Doc" instead because she said he didn't look like a Frank, and his last name was too hard to pronounce.

"As boring as watchin' a brick wall. I'd kill fer some excitement now that I can move like a normal person again. Might even mean that lit'rally..." he said as he chewed on one of his bacon slices. His time after their recovery, aside from being beaten up regularly by Matija, was spent in the labs where he was reunited with his explosives and bomb-making kit. He'd been crafting a steady supply of explosive ordnance for himself just to pass the time, and had even made a few bombs and grenades that looked like toys and trinkets. He got told off for that after one of the crew mistook a small tear gas bomb for a simple music box and had a nasty surprise when the sad music ended.

He kept the "goofy-looking ones" locked away in containers in the labs after that incident, but didn't exactly stop making them. They had their tactical uses, especially since unlike bombs that looked like real bombs, people wouldn't instinctively run away from them, maximizing the chances of hurting someone with it.

After most of the people at the table had nearly finished their meals, two of their other crewmates arrived. Grayson and Amy from what they remembered. Benny could still recall helping her with her luggage when she first boarded The Revenant and had heard news from the rest of the crew that she was getting her eyesight back through some experimental tech.

While Stryker greeted Grayson, who seemed a little embarrassed at Stryker's greeting (though Benny wasn't really sure why as he was still very poor at reading social cues) he decided to say hi to the blonde girl that came along with their resident sniper "Oi! I heard the blind lass ain't so blind anymore. Guess ol' Grayson finally has a spotter other than that drone of his, aye?" He said as he turned around in his chair towards her.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by iTem
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"Don't call me that, Matija. How's it hanging with you two being free from your comas?" said the calciumy pilot. Matija responded by playfully pouting at the scolding before grinning as she walked towards Benny to get nearer to his plate. Benny immediately spoke to respond, "As boring as watchin' a brick wall. I'd kill fer some excitement now that I can move like a normal person again. Might even mean that lit'rally..." The siren would nod in agreement and take a moment to palm a piece of bacon from his plate. She would wink and place her index finger to her lips to whoever she might have caught catching her, before promptly tossing the bacon piece in her mouth to chew.

"I'm mostly burning my energy at beating good ol' Ben here. He's a good boy to fight with, ain't 'cha, babe?" she would say as she sweetly patted him on the shoulder and stealthily wiped her bacon greased hand on Benny's sleeve. "I can't help but wonder if I can get to the next fight without getting knocked out next time, though. I hope it's a fist or the butt of a gun than a crate though," she thoughtfully said to everyone and no one in particular. Tibulus would eventually get a robit head from within himself and started etching at it with his sparky hand. She had always found certain lights attractive and as such she watched him engrave on the metal while she stood behind Benny and used his shoulders as support to keep herself propped upright.

It would take some time for the power couple to enter. People around the table have had their fill and Matija kept trying to sneak bits and pieces of Benny's food, which she found quite hard considering her awkward positioning in relation to the plate. She eventually got scolded and threated by the Scot and she would laugh and apologize before fully stopping.

""Oi! I heard the blind lass ain't so blind anymore. Guess ol' Grayson finally has a spotter other than that drone of his, aye?" said the callous Scot and Matija flicked his nose for it and scolded him with a click of her tongue before standing up to allow him to move freely.

"Glad you two can come on over," she said cheerfully before her tone became more questioning and teasing "What took you guys so long? Busy?" she would ask as she quirks up a brow.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

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"Well, we all know he has more than an additional spotter now, am I right?" Amy teased, nudging Grayson as she grabbed her plate of pancakes from him. With her back to the rest of the crew, Amy reached for some orange juice. "Sorry," she mouthed to Grayson, letting him know that she hadn't meant to put him on the spot like that. But it was all fun and games anyway.

Amy then turned to Matija who was implying the obvious as she made her way to the dining table to enjoy her late breakfast.

"To be perfectly honest, I was in bed deciding whether to stay tucked in or come down and join you magnificent people. I mean, it was a really tough decision for me, so that's why we're late."
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