Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BrightSteel
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BrightSteel The hated brony

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Natsuki listened, slightly taken by the half-elf's soft yet masculine voice. She started to form a story for the half-elf before he brought up her face! Natsuki quickly hid her cheeks with a sleeve and tried to suppress the risen blood in her face. "why are your ears so pointy?!" Natsuki desperately grasped for something to say back. However she didn't mean to say something so loud or offensive. Natsuki quickly babbled a disclaimer, "Not that it's weird or anything"! Natsuki put her hand down, revealing her blushed cheeks. "I mean I don't personally care but you know I- I could see it being handsome to some people".
She smiled partly because she'd convinced herself she'd perfectly played it off, and partly because she liked his face.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BrightSteel
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BrightSteel The hated brony

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"No, I came from a far away land for a friend's wedding". Natsuki looked quizzically at the half-elf when he looked around and shed a tear. What an odd behavior, albeit she had never met a half-elf before. When he turned back and introduced himself Natsuki smiled and introduced herself as well. "Well hello there naelor, my name is Natsuki and I'm the most legendary wizard there is got it"? Natsuki winked at the half elf and levitated her staff under her butt, which she then sat on. "You looking for something friend,
you seemed distracted a moment ago?"
Natsuki asked from her floating perch. She levitated just high enough she could look down at the half-elf.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EldarionI
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EldarionI Future King of Arnor

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Buzdrem and Ashana had just reached the top of the stairs when the door was kicked in and a man in armour walked in. It was the Tin Man from earlier. Buzdrem rushed to move Ashana by picking her up and dropping her down round the corner, out of sight. He then peered around the corner to see what he was up to. It seems Buzdrem timed it well. He saw that the sword was still there and when he saw a patron go after it he just knew that the Tin Man would come back for it.
"Sorry to do that Ashana but it seems an old friend of yours has returned, the Tin Man is back in the tavern and looking to start a brawl," he said as the Tin Man started shouting for a fight.
"Let's get to my room. It's going to be a long night and we have many things to discuss." His tone was now a lot more serious but he could afford to give up the charade now. She could try and kill him but he'd have to time to talk to her first he figured and hopefully after hearing what he said she'd stay her blade. He knew for certain that she wouldn't be going back downstairs. Not with a fully armed knight wanting blood and a bounty hunter possibly after her.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by percius388
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percius388 The Journeying Mage

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At the sound of the brawl Ilium stood from her stool and backed off a little. She couldn't stand back and watch this man ruin this place... it was warm and comfy and too cold to go outside. She placed a had on her blades handle and stepped forward. She took a breath to focus and calm herself, a trick taught by her father when hunting or confronting a bigger foe or prey.

"Listen, I'm not looking for trouble here, but you need to calm down... No need for this violence."

For her build and size she was acting as though she was as tall as this man in armor. Her green eyes calm and focus, she had faced beasts bigger and rougher... But truly human kind were the real monsters in this world.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonofTheWest
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Within the city of Aradia a platoon of armored soldiers marched in union as they escorted Arathion and General Rowan throughout the city. Citizens of the city stepped aside, not wanting to piss of the armored men who kept their pointed halberds high in the sky though it would take a quick motion to drop it down in the event some foolish combatant made a move on them. Still despite the heavy military presence people couldn't help but watch as several delegates flanked by men of their own raised signed papers and shouted into the crowd

"By orders of the King! Any men or woman willing to enlist in the war effort will be see immediate compensation!" The thought of money was sure to grab some ears.

"You will be trained, you will be properly armed and you will help beat back the traitors that desire to see your king killed and your homes destroyed! Will you rally to your king and country!?"

As Arathion and Rowan walked the streets they could see those who were hesitant and some reluctantly stepped forward.
"Well... it's a start" Rowan mumbled as he continued to watch the delegates make their way throughout various crowds and city streets.
"I don't need professional soldiers. I just need enough men to occupy the enemy while my soldiers take the heart of the enemy" Arathion replied who himself was not exactly fond of the new found recruits.
"Aradia is far different from Asur. Military service isnt mandatory here... hah thats a thought. I'm surprised the king hasn't made it law yet" Rowan was loyal to his king but the way the kingdom has fared in the last few years, no one exactly had high opinions on him.

As the military platoon moved throughout the city they paused as several silver armored warriors walked into view as they bowed at Arathion's presence. Arathion acknowledged their respect as exchanged words with the group's leader in elvish leaving Rowan and his men slightly uncomfortable knowing they could not understand what was being said between the high elves. As they conversed a great amount of noise radiated from a nearby tavern. Normally this wouldn't be an issue but there was a particularly violent presence within the building that it only felt natural for the citizens outside of the tavern to take a peak from their position.

"Is your city always this... dysfunctional?" Arathion questioned as he turned his attention away from the tavern and back towards the streets of people who remained in awe and curiosity of what sounded like an inevitable mass brawl.

"You two go check it out" Rowan ignored the question as simply eyed two soldiers and had them approach the tavern to investigate.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 24 days ago


The man had kept his weapon loose to his back because he knew he could protect it, how ominous. Despite that, he seemed like he wasn't willing to fight, thank god, Lorne wasn't exactly about to fight a man who he had just met.

He was intrigued by the girl that the man had been speaking to before, however, there was just something about her that intrigued the dead man, perhaps she knew something about his daughter.

"Yes, very interesting fact! Interesting to be sure. I'm actually new to this area, I'm more of an outsider looking in on this strange land, perhaps you've heard of the western kingdoms?"

Lorne was hoping mentioning this would perhaps jog the memory of anyone who knew anything about his quest.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Avali
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Avali "Simple Girl with Simple Thoughts."

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rose had to pause and think for a moment. As far as she was concerned, Adarla was the only city in the world. Now that she thought about it, she was basically a 2 year old. At least that's how long she has had control over her own body. Physically however, she was maybe 16 or 18. Though, from what her mental roommate told her, she was born somewhere in the West. Maybe he wiped her memories or something.

But that's not what the man asked, now was it? "Um. . . I don't know anything in particular about anything other than Adarla. I believe I may have been from..." she pauses again, shaking her head. It wasn't worth saying that she only knew where she was born, but didn't remember a thing. That kind of conversation would lead to the voice in her head, and that was definitely not worth it.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 24 days ago


It seemed this girl was more naive than he thought, she didn't even seem to know where she was from. Lorne passed by the brown-skinned man and approached her cautiously. There was something off about her, as a being animated by magic he was more in tune to such things. He felt a presence within her, and a number of his artifacts seemed to react due to being near her.

Lorne gripped the amulet around his neck cautiously as he examined her.

Finally, he stood back up and assumed a less-cautious stance.

"I see, well, I am from the great western kingdom of Revoy, land of the famed ranger division... well, they were until the rangers all got wiped out by my gods-damned cousin but that's in the past now. I believe my descendants still rule there, I'm not certain though, anyway, beautiful country, great wine," he stopped himself a moment to think. "That reminds me, have you seen a woman around this area? Skin pale as milk, around my height, perhaps a wounded left eye? I've been looking for her for quite some time now."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Avali
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Avali "Simple Girl with Simple Thoughts."

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rose didn't make eye contact with the man at all, content on staring at her boots. "I'm sure it is fantastic."

"Tear off his arm and shove it down his throat!!!!" Rose suddenly felt sick, her stomach tightening. She leans forward, looking ready to throw up.

She didn't even feel in control of the action. Her mind instantly went into a state of panic, eyes fluttering as she does so. Did the rogue god manage to increase his hold on her? Was she losing control?

"I-I need to go..." she mutters, before leaning over the bar table and promptly throwing up. Great first impression.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 24 days ago


Lorne watched in confusion as the girl turned away from him to vomit. Did he do that? Was his scar really that bad? He looked down at the gruesome scar that crossed his neck like a ribbon, yep, it was pretty bad, he'd have to start covering it up soon. For now, he drew his cloak over his neck, hiding the blackened skin.

He looked at the girl for a second and wondered if he should help, it would be the polite thing to do, but it seemed like she'd prefer to be left alone... maybe he'd try anyway, it wasn't noble for a man to leave a lady to suffer.

Lorne approached her and pulled a small potion out of his pocket.

"Would you like some medicine? It'll calm your stomach a bit," Lorne asked calmly and politely.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Avali
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Avali "Simple Girl with Simple Thoughts."

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rose puts a hand up, waving away the potion. This was not okay... This was not okay...

"You're losing your grip weakling. Surrender, and save yourself the trouble of this pointless struggle..."

"No! I'm in control!" Her legs curled up, arms now wrapped around them. She was in control, she couldn't lose! "I'm in control..." she murmurs, repeating the phrase over and over. Maybe if she said it enough, she could truly believe it.

"Pathetic. I give it a month before I have enough to power to regain my rightful body. . . You are just stalling!"

"N-No!" Her voice was quiet, barely able to form her own words. Unknown to her, the god was merely toying with her. She was imagining the fact that she had lost control of herself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 24 days ago


Clearly simple indigestion wasn't the issue here. She kept going on about being "in control", curling up into a ball and mumbling to herself. Lorne couldn't help but feel like this was his fault somehow.

Did he have any tools that could help here?... Maybe a potion of cancellation? Nah, that probably wasn't the issue... she was worried about "control"... perhaps he needed to aid her in gaining mental control somehow? A scroll of mental fortitude could help there, though he thought he used the last of those years ago when he raided the Deepening Dungeon.

He was much more susceptible to magical effects than those that were alive, and clearly some magical shenanigans were happening here, the best idea would be to leave, but that was impolite.

He did have a ring of faith, he hadn't worn that in years because of his lack of faith in gods, but perhaps some god was paying attention to him and would aid in helping the girl. Lorne placed it upon his finger and pointed it at the girl, hoping it did something.

Here goes nothing

"Gerimorta, Revoyan god of death, and lord of the undead, hear my prayers, aid this poor girl, I beseech you!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by percius388
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percius388 The Journeying Mage

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(Going to act as though Harvey did make conversation about fixing the maul and agreed to do it.)

He turned to the young pyromancer. "Are you feeling any better friend? Can I get you anything?" He was concerned for his friend, he hadn't really seen anything like this happen to someone before. It was quite a shock to be honest. While waiting for a response he noticed the man stand there with his maul. He turned his attention to the customer.

After a few minutes of talking about price, and the weather, he settled the price and the time-frame. He was clearly happy to have a first customer and show off a little to his friends.

"Alright, I will start up on your mace as soon as my forge hits the right temperature."

He set up his tools and gear. Takes a quick stock and puts a few more coals into the forge. He looked around and noticed the small things that needed repair, and was happy to find a loft with 3 beds and a few chests for storage. He could easily take an apprentice or an assistant.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BrightSteel
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BrightSteel The hated brony

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Natsuki approached the blacksmith floating on her staff, just above even eye level. "Sir, now that we're inside perhaps we could discuss a job"? Natsuki's eyes were hopeful, like she didn't know where else she'd fit in. She looked over at phina, and back at the smithy. "I hope I didn't sound insensitive." She thought to herself. Natsuki stepped outside for some fresh air, it started snowing like she'd thought. She concentrated on her hearth spell once more and a personal heat swept around her. "ahh, so much better. I can't believe how crowded it got in there..". Natsuki looked up at the sky and down the road both directions. She saw a handsome young looking man walking down the street, 2 blades strapped to his back. Natsuki swallowed and looked away, even though he was still a ways down the street she felt like her eye contact was a beacon, letting him know she was looking.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Avali
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Avali "Simple Girl with Simple Thoughts."

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"THE FOOL!!!" the voice screeched in her head, causing her to put her head on the table. The voice slowly receded however, eventually fading into silence. True silence. Her steady breathing was all that could be heard from her, though her mind was still a frenzied panic. Why was he fading away? She couldn't handle the quiet , unable to be alone with her own thoughts.

However, the voice slowly faded back to its normal tone, whispering the usual give up and surrender.


"I told you I was fine," Phina mutters, rubbing her head. Going into a hibernation state usually drained a ton of energy from her, on top of leaving a massive headache afterwards. The fatigue was getting to her, barely able to lift her own head up. "I really didnt need help. At all."

Dragons were raised to be proud beings, and this sense of pride was what kept her from thanking Harvey. She kept telling herself she could have handled it alone, waiting out the cold in her hibernation. Not once did it cross her mind to thank him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Fury Panda
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Fury Panda The Very Average

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@DragonofTheWest #Izabel

Izabel slipped out from under her bedding. The icy chill of the everwinter biting at her exposed skin once again. A familiar feeling. She soaked it in for a moment, and then began to cloth. Wrapping her fitted leather armor around her, tightening it, pushing her heavy breasts to her chest. She felt right again. Emblazoned with blue dye, it matched her eyes. She pulled her dull orange hair up into a pony tail and slipped on her large dire wolf fur coat.

Two coin to stay in the pub tonight. Her first stop in Adaria, a steal it seemed at the time. And now she knew why. The sound of yelling and fighting in the bar rung through her room like a dying vorntbeast.

"You get what you pay for idiot." she said under her breath.

Outside she heard a call for fighters to join the war. She wasn't that stupid, or that desperate. Not yet. She had got by on odd jobs well enough. Killing a darkuz here, slaying a group of bandits there. It's the way she liked it really, but everyday it seemed more and more likely that everyone in the kingdoms would have to join a side. "I'd quicker return to Baldafik," she thought to herself, a smile came across her face as she finished putting on her boots, the ridiculousness of her own thoughts pushed their way out and she chuckled.

She picked her bag up off the floor and removed her greataxe from its clasps, making her way out the door and down the stairs, resolute to remove herself from this dung hole and find a job, so that she could wake up somewhere a little less rambunctious.

She passed a stunning woman and a dwarf as she past the corner. Some type of prostitute by the look of her. The dwarf wasn't exactly handsome, but had equipment that looked fitting of a Gerndorth, probably a Mountain Tank if the scars on his face were any tell. The thought of one of their super warriors having to pay coin for pleasure brought a smile to her face. This wasn't a strongehold, his accomplishments as a warrior didn't mean shit to the rest of the world. They were equals here, except she didn't have to pay for a good fuck.

She walked down the stairs, another sight to behold. A small brawl between an armored man and a patron. Yawn. She walked by pushing herself through the door. On the other side were two soldiers, probably coming to check on the noise. She attempted to pass between them, without making eye contact. The last thing she needed was questions on where her battleaxe came from.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 24 days ago


Lorne watched as the girl calmed slowly until all that was left of her manic state was her heavy breathing, it had worked, huh, how fascinating.

He pulled the ring off of his finger and put it back in his pack.

"Are you alright? What even was that anyway?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BrightSteel
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BrightSteel The hated brony

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Ryan walked down the road, snow melting against him as it fell. He didn't care, he found it increasingly difficult to care about much. Since he'd come to Adarla not only had he been unable to get into any mischief, but he was unable to make ANY friends. It's as if the weather had made these people less friendly, at least to him.

Ryan and Natsuki momentarily locked eyes. She turned her gaze away from Ryan as fast as she could. This intrigued Ryan which caused him to approach her and strike up a conversation.

"Hey beautiful!" Ryan said damn near soaking wet. He didn't care, he was to stricken with her beauty to care. He reached out with a cold hand to grab hers and kiss it.

To his shock the girl let him, and he made his introductions. "My name is Ryan,
it's a please to meet you...".
Ryan left a blank space in his speech for her to fill her name with.
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