Species: Pau'an
Age: 98
Faction: The Sith (Currently Independent)
Equipment: - Specialized combat-armor
- Unique double-bladed lightsaber, utilizing a yellow kyber-crystal. The crystal is cracked, causing the blade to appear serrated and unstable. The second blade on the saber is actually an exhaust-vent to assist in stability due to the use of the cracked crystal. The secondary "blade" is thus quite small, only about the length of a dagger.
- Badass cape
- Advanced helmet equipped with a techno-visor with a fully-integrated tactical H.U.D and several different filter options, including N.V. and thermal, as well as a retractable breathing apparatus for extreme environments.
Skills:- Lightsaber Combat: Trained by Darth Tyrannus (one of the finest lightsaber duelists of the clone wars) in the use of the lightsaber, Darth Marrik is extremely proficient with a lightsaber. His preferred fighting style combines the intensity and offensive ferocity of Juyo (form VII) with the dueling-centered Makashi (form II) style. As such, he is particularly well-suited to battling melee combatants one-on-one.
- Force Wielder: As in the ways of lightsaber dueling, Count Dooku trained Marrik in the ways of the Force, and the powers of the Dark Side. Marrik foregoes the subtleties of the Force. No mind tricks or subterfuge here, his preference is to hurl objects about, choke the life from the weak, and fry his opponents alive with lightning from his fingertips.
- Ferocity: Marrik is a dangerous and violent combatant and a master of tactically utilizing his rage and passion. In the heat of combat, he is capable of fueling his body with his anger and, ensuring that he is very rarely winded in combat. This also allows him to nullify pain, ensuring that he will never yield in his relentless assault. A pure offensive force.
- Intimidating Presence: While untrained in the mind-tricks of the Force, Marrik often finds he has no use for them. As a Pau'an, he is already incredibly intimidating in appearance, and as a Sith, he radiates an aura of threat and intensity. Only the very dutiful, very brave, or very stupid stand in his way.
Weaknesses:- Multiple Opponents: Marrik's combat style is geared to offense. He relies on his opponents being too overwhelmed by the sheer brutality of his assaults to counter or take advantage of any of his openings. This advantage is lost, however, when facing multiple opponents.
- Independence: While not necessarily a loner by nature, Marrik currently finds himself without allies. Though his ambitions burn, he has yet to gather any forces to the banner of his new Sith Empire.
- Off-putting demeanor/Appearance: The very same traits that allow Marrik to intimidate so successfully, are also what keep him from any sort of charm or coercion. He's certainly not pleasant on the eyes, and he is direct and terse.
The Dictator Marrik (then known by another name) had a relatively ordinary Pau'an childhood, though his violent nature surfaced several times. When he inherited his role as the Administrator of one of the many Sinkhole-Cities of Utapau, his darker nature became clearer to those of the working-class beneath him. His sinkhole was managed with an iron fist, and although it was the cleanest, and had the lowest crime rate, the rest of the Pau'ans did not agree with the future Sith Lord's method of Administration. While he viewed the rest of his people as weaklings who squandered their place of power with their weakness, they viewed him as a brutal would-be despot. Though he had yet to do anything illegal, the other Pau'an Administrators moved against him politically to have him removed from power. Their campaign was succesful, a fact that filled Marrik with rage. In his exile, he lost his estates, his fortunes, and his power. He even lost his very last piece of fine jewelry to a
Drunk Dug in a desperate gambling match.
The CIS and Vengeance When the CIS arrived on Utapau, in the middle-days of the Clone Wars, Marrik offered whatever help he could to Count Dooku himself, in return for the chance to bring low those who had stripped him of his rightful place of power. Dooku, recognizing in him a strength in the force, and a rage that was unusual for one of the ordinarily passive Pau'ans, gave Marrik a counter-offer. In return for his aid in securing Utapau as a secret space-port for use by the CIS, Dooku would show him how to attain a form of power that nobody would be able to take from him. So, Marrik used his knowledge of the workings of Pau'an society and politics (and military) to assist the CIS in ensuring the cooperation of the Administration. In return, Count Dooku revealed his Sith nature to the young Pau'an, and gave him the new Sith name of Marrik. Thus began his training.
The Clone Wars Dooku trained Marrik in secret, one of several apprentices the Sith lord had taken despite his own master's rules against it. Marrik's training was arduous and fraught with lethal danger, but he was a quick study. His rage and violent tendencies, which had been with him since childhood, though suppressed by Pau'an culture, were allowed and encouraged to flourish under Lord Tyrannus' tutelage. After being allowed to create his own lightsaber, Marrik was sent on several covert missions for his master, further enhancing his skills. It was on one such mission that the course of his life would change once more.
Inevitable Betrayal After a successful mission, Marrik intended to return to his master, but he received word that Lord Sidious, his Master's Master, had discovered the existence of another of Tyrannus' pupils, Asajj Ventress, and ordered her death. With few options left to him, Marrik fled into the outer rim. Alone, Marrik decided it was time to hunt for more knowledge of The Sith. He would find the power to return to his master, and kill the treacherous old fool. Then he would move on to Sidious himself.
The Long Wait In the closing days of The Clone Wars, and throughout the reign of Darths Sidious and Vader, Marrik remained hidden. In his wandering search for Knowledge of the Sith, he had learned of the Rule of Two, and the reason for the Emperor's decree. His old master Dooku had since been slain and replaced by Vader, at The Emperor's orchestration. Marrik suspected it was in part due to Tyranus' taking on of apprentices without sanction. Either way, he decided that he would remain hidden. He had no desire to face two Sith Lords, confident as he may be in his power. In the long years of imperial reign, he lived a life of self-imposed hardship, seeking difficult fights, and occasionally raiding Imperial digs for Sith artifacts and holocrons containing Sith secrets. All the while, he gradually gained power in his harsh solitude. As both a Pau'an and one skilled in the Dark Side, he knew that his lifespan would exceed that of The Emperor's, unless he had gained some secret mastery over the Force that Marrik was unaware of. And so, he girded himself, waiting, training, and growing stronger.
Hutt Space Marrik had not expected The Emperor's death to come by anyone's hand but his own. With Sidious' demise, years of plotting and exile had gone to waste. However, both Lords of the Sith were no more. As far as Marrik knew, he was now
The Dark Lord of the Sith. He took some time acclimatizing himself to the goings-on in the galaxy, and decided that the power-vacuum in what was previously Hutt-controlled space offered the perfect opportunity to gather forces with which to conquer the galaxy anew, and reforge the Sith Empire in an image that was to his liking.