Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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En route to Paradise

Sirka shrugged lightly. "Yeah, well I'm not looking to change the galaxy. I just want to be able to make some credits that won't keep me up at night. I'm not going to be shedding any tears over pirates, Hutt mercenaries, or whatever other things like that. I'm sure he's working in his own self-interest to build up his own information trading empire. Selfish, yeah, but better than the Hutts. It's hard to get worse than the Hutts, really. Except maybe the Empire. Hopefully they at least die out soon. Them and every single speciesist bastard they put into power. I'd probably have a nice cushy place on Coruscant right about now if it wasn't for the Empire."

After Elias opened up the cockpit door, Sirka stood up and took a moment to stretch out her legs. "At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if she fell into some other stranger's bed." Sirka joked. "Eh, I'll go find her. She probably just got distracted by something or another."

Sirka started to walk past Elias, but ended up stopping beside him. She placed her hand on his shoulder, but unlike last time, it was not accompanied by a strong grip and a threatening gaze. She looked almost nervous before she started to speak. "So, um, I admit I might have been a bit unfair to you before. I mean, I don't know if you have family, but I'm sure you can understand wanting to look out for them. Maybe, uh, if we ever catch up again on Paradise or something, I'll...buy you a drink, yeah?" She offered, patting his shoulder lightly.

With a few, brief moments of silence, Sirka quickly cleared her throat. "So...you got any bacta anywhere? My hand hurts like hell."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Koren ran up the corridor, fire following him. He ducked into a nearby corridor and ducked down so his back was against the hallway he had just been running down. He felt the shockwave of the heat wash over him. At least if the self destruct of the ship failed the Hutts wouldn't be able to recover what they lost, he doubted Timana had the foresight to get the schematics of the weapon before he sent the vessel to wherever it was going, Circumtore made the most sense however he doubted Timana would be even that stupid. There'd be lots of questions about an ancient ship pulling into orbit, and put under incredibly heavy security. It'd be safer to put it on a smaller world with little traffic. It wouldn't matter anyway, as if everything went well there wouldn't be any ship left.

He tapped his communicator on his wrist. "Ballick, you there?"

"Yes boss." The voice was gruff and strained, he was in the middle of a fight.

"You done yet?"

There was a grunt through the communicator. "Almost-" It cut off for a second "-Just give me a second-" There was the sound of a blaster going off. "Okay, I'm done boss. On my way back to the exfil now."

Koren nodded to himself and started to run back towards where they had entered the ship. He checked his chronometer, his new Light Cruiser would be dropping out of hyperspace soon to pick them up. After all, why use a ship associated with him when he could use one associated with the Empire? He doubted the Hutts would fall for it for long, but it would cast enough doubt to prevent them from acting. He rounded a corner just to find himself knocked back onto his ass. Chest burning, wind knocked out of his chest. He looked down to see a hole burnt straight through his clothing, a scorch mark on his armour underneath. He groaned as he sat up, his vision black. On front of him stood a Kel Dor who just chuckled when he recognised who he had just shot. The alien tapped his communicator and spoke: "I got the intruder, it's Kore-"

A blaster shot rung out, and the Kel Dor had a look of surprise on his face as he looked down at a burn mark through his chest. Aurrie flew over hovering near Koren, letting out a shrill beep in worry. Korens communicator buzzed on - "I've got the distress signal boss, don't worry I'm on my wa-" The whole world went black.

Koren opened his eyes, a med droid looming over him. "Sithspit." He sat up, groaning slightly, he looked around his bedroom. A new coat and shirt were on a model nearby. "Droid-"

"Yes sir?"

"How long have I been out?"

"Approximately thirty minutes. The damage is minimal, however I advise bed rest in order for you to recover within a short period of time with little pain."

"No time for that." He picked up his datapad, streaming through the things that had been highlighted to his attention. Galactic Republic? Clone Troopers? Had the Galaxy finally gone mad? Had there not been enough of that during the Clone Wars. The Galactic Republic was a flawed model, surely anyone could recognise that? At least from what he heard about the New Republic they were eliminating some of the problems which the Republic had had. Bringing back the Galactic Republic? That was just a recipe for disaster.

There was a ping at the door as a service droid entered. "Sir. An individual is requesting to see you immediately, he has identified himself as a member of the Galactic Republic."

Koren grumbled. So be it.

The room in which Koren sat waiting for the trooper wasn't extensively fancy. It was utalitarian, a briefing room from the time that this had been a Separatist warship. There weren't many rooms, other than service and storage, that were at their original configuration however he had kept this one. Likely out of some form of sentimentality however he had never expected to use it. As soon as the door hissed open Koren stood up, he still ached but he didn't want the other man to see that. He held himself straight and tall despite the pain, he had to remind himself that the Clone Wars were long over.

"My names Koren Graeff, I hear you wanted to speak to me."

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Scipio Industries and Finance + Ken Neumann

Upon arrival at Paradise's outskirts, Leonard made sure to meticulously state his indentity, and bring any documentation needed, before embarking on a shuttle to the former Providence-class cruiser/nightclub itself. Raj Vizla accompanied him as Leonard further stated that he had business with Koren just before the shuttle landed. Leonard and Raj would then surrender their weapons to the Security Droids, and then restate:

"This is Leonard L. Scipio of Scipio Industries and Finance; I wish to meet with Koren Graeff of Paradise." Leonard would then glance to the side, and see a breathtaking young man, eighteen years of age, disembarking from a really cheap smuggler's craft on the hangar. Said breathtaking young man was looking around, not knowing where to go, it seems like. He also had Vibroblades and a Shield Belt which he found hard to give up, but did so anyway. Leonard can only stare in sudden infatuation.

Raj then spoke in a gruff tone: "We have a meeting with Koren to arrange, get yourself together."

@Sep@Zarkun Perhaps @RumikoOhara
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Sol'id Fist

Sol'id remained silent for a few moments, unreadable behind his helmet. The echani fighting style was meant for someone of her stature and build, using their opponent's force against them rather than using brute strength or hard strikes to win the day. But he also knew attempting to convince her was likely a waste of his and her time. "Yes," he said, acquiescing to her statement. "But do your best to also cover your weaknesses, however." He told her.

Motioning for her to the door with his head, he continued. "We shouldn't be much longer for the station. Better go give them their food." He told her, though by his body movement, Delni could tell he would walk with her as well.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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The remainder of the hyperspace journey back to Paradise did not take terribly long. Sirka ate as quickly as she could after giving her hand some treatment with some medical supplies that Elias had on hand. She had taken several blaster bolts across her body, but her scales would heal without much worry. It was just her hand that required some attention.

Returning to the system, it seemed that Paradise was just as busy as before, now with at least one Venator-class star destroyer in proximity to the converted Separatist capital ship. They were rather old vessels, and Sirka wondered if they were even Imperial. Though, with how desperate the Empire was becoming in recent days, she supposed it would not be surprising if they had to resort to using some older relics to bolster their ever-lessening forces. Fortunately, since Elias had his own hanger, there was no delay for them to get back aboard Paradise.

Once landed, the group still, of course, had to go through security and give up their weapons. Although it was broken, Sirka made sure to drag out the E-Web she had recovered to give it to the droids. Otherwise, she risked losing it if Elias ended up leaving the station with his ship before her. A few of the B1s were confused about what exactly to do with it, given that heavy blaster cannons were generally not the type of weapon that one carried on their person, but they eventually took it.

Their first priority upon returning was, of course, to speak to Koren about their respective jobs and get their pay. Unfortunately, according to the droid they spoke to, Koren would be unavailable for an indeterminate amount of time. So, it seemed that they would have some time to kill.

Her recent promise still fresh in her mind, Sirka turned to Elias, staring at him with her arms crossed in silence for a few seconds before finally speaking up. "So...want a drink?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucian
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Lucian Threadslayer

Member Seen 2 days ago

Darth Marrik

Illos City, Night

Several figures stood silently at the end of a darkened dead-end alley, apparently waiting for someone or something. All were armed and armored save one, who wore the finery of the well-to-do. An obviously clandestine gathering, though none were there to bear witness. From the alley's entrance furthest the group, a cloaked figure rounded the corner and began it's approach. As the steady footsteps echoed down the stones of the alleyway, the lone figure spoke,

"You were to come alone." The figure stopped about twenty paces away from the group, and stood deathly still.

"I don't do deals in person without my bodyguards. Ignore them. They won't act without my word." The finely-dressed-man said, waving a ringed hand dismissively, "Now, if we're going to do business, I'd like a name."

"Marrik." The lone figure replied tersely, drawing back his hood. The Sith's face was half-covered by his visor, but his carnivorous teeth were fully visible. His ghastly visage gave the well-dressed-man pause, but only for a moment.

"Right then, Marrik. So, you wanted information, information that neither of us is comfortable discussing over the Holonet. Now we're here, so ask your questions. Each answer will cost you, though." The well-dressed-man's fingers trembled a bit in the anticipation of the conversation-to-come's monetary reward.

Marrik stood unmoving and silent, face unreadable behind his visor. He would not be paying this man for any information this night. For one thing, he had very little in the way of personal wealth at the moment, barely a credit to his name, but more than that he disliked this man. He found he could bring himself to hate this man, in his fetid opulence.

"You're fat." Marrik growled, and the well-dressed-man raised an eyebrow, "And you're weak. Bloated and decadent like the rest of the people in power in this backwater of the galaxy. You have information. You think that makes you powerful, that it gives you some advantage over me, but you're wrong." On "wrong" Marrik's arm slipped out from beneath his cloak, and he produced his lightsaber, engaging the main blade, and then the pommel exhaust. The armed guards drew their blasters from their holsters, leveling them at the Sith. Now that Marrik was closer, he had their count. Four armed humanoids, two on either side of the well-dressed-man. The man took a step back, allowing his bodyguards to step into a firing line in front of him. Marrik waited one more moment, gathering his building anger at the man's arrogance and weakness. The Sith stepped forward.

Blaster fire rang out, lighting the alleyway with red streaking flashes. One shot missed, careening further down the alley. Marrik smashed one back into it's shooter (the one on the far left) with his lightsaber, one struck him in his leg, and the other in his chest, and then he was on them, using the force to propel himself into their midst. The middle man of the remaining three he cut down instantly, his vicious strike nearly splitting the man's torso in half diagonally. He roared as he smashed the pommel-exhaust blade into the next one's face. The man got one more blaster shot off into Marrik's other shoulder and he hesitated to get his bearings. In his moment of pause, the last remaining bodyguard fired twice, both shots landing clean into Marriks abdomen. The Sith Lord staggered, his fury and pain rising to ever-greater heights. The man shot again, but this time Marrik batted the blast away, building his fury, feeling his rage form like a pit in his stomach, and travel up, through his free arm. The man shot once more, and the blast was again denied by Marrik's lightsaber.

Marrik roared and his left hand shot up, a stream of crackling energy, his rage made manifest, blew the last bodyguard into the wall, and lifted him high into the air, frying the man alive. When the light of his force lightning (as well as the life of the last bodyguard) had died, Marrik walked toward the well-dressed-man, a slight limp due to his leg injury giving his approach an even more dire and menacing look. The man moved to draw a side-arm, but Marrik shot forward with the force once-more, grabbing the man's arm in a firm grip, and cleanly slicing it off with his lightsaber, leaving only a cauterized stump. The well-dressed man, now covered in sweat, shrieked loudly and fell soundly onto his rump. He turned to his stomach and began to crawl desperately away, but was stopped by Marrik's heavy, booted foot landing hard on his back.

"Information," Marrik said through pain-gritted teeth, "Information is not power. Information is a tool to be used by those who already posses power. I am powerful. You are weak, and that is why you find yourself in this... predicament." He rolled the man onto his back with his booted foot, and activated his visors automatic removal, revealing his yellow-tinged eyes. "Now, you will give me all of the information you have on the Imperial Remnants in the area, as well as any other major factions and their resources. You will do this, and for every minute you refuse, I will remove another piece of you."

The man stammered for a moment, and then, through wracking sobs of pain, he answered the Sith Lord's questions.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Scipio Industries and Finance + Ken Neumann

Upon hearing that Koren was already meeting with someone, Leonard complained loudly, "What?! Who could Koren be meeting with who's more important than someone who owns a flipping' Venator?!"

Raj Vizla turned to Leonard and said, "Shush; people might hear!" It was quite clear that Leonard's brain was being addled by Spice. And that had consequences, as the 'breathtaking young man' who Leonard had seen earlier now began to approach the two, saying, "Hey, did you guys mention meeting with Koren?!"

Leonard saw it as an opportunity, and said impulsively, "Yes, we're apparently his second pirority. Wanna come with?"

Raj was tempted to slap his boss with a Mandalorian-armored palm, but decided to put up with it because his pay was fairly decent. He would say to Ken, "Buzz off, kid; my employer just had too many...intoxicants for the day."

Ken looked at Raj with mistrust and annoyance, before turning away, only for Leonard to protest as he shouted, "Hey! Don't listen to Raj; he's just overprotective! Come with us; it's not every day people get offered an opportunity to come to the head honcho of this place!"

The response of Ken was to turn back, before saying, mistrustfully: "What's the catch? I am not so naive as to believe you want a nobody like me to join you guys for free."

Leonard tried to regain control of the situation, "Oh, the catch is that you have to go on a date with me; you're hot."

Raj Vizla facepalmed at that, before turning to Ken: "My employer is a Spice addict. It addles his decisions. Please don't be offended."

Ken smirked, "Don't worry, I'm not. But a trip to Koren sounds all right; if you can take me to him, I might give a 'maybe'."

"Accepted!" was Leonard's reply, even as Raj clenched his fists in complaint...

@Sep@Zarkun Perhaps @RumikoOhara
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Focus damn it! You've got a red light on the main battery right there!" Commander Steve Pentalon wasn't cut out for this kind of command, the Empire was re-assigning officers every which way so he had expected a promotion to counter that, but to be the XO of a Bellator? He hadn't expected that to happen. What didn't make it any better was that the Admiral had went and shot himself in his quarters not half an hour ago when a large rebel force dropped out of hyperspace near their staging area. They had been hoping to use an uncharted system to plan their next move, the Admiral had been contemplating different options since the sector they had last been in was overrun with the Rebels. Steve had been in charge of assessing various Moffs in the nearby regions, trying to decide which one would make use of the fleet and which one was the most worthy to recieve it. Ther ewere many warlords out there, former Imperial Governors and Admirals who only cared about making themselves powerful, not caring about the return of the Empire. The rightful rulers of the Galaxy.

The fleet was in complete disarray, he had enough issues with the sudden command of the Resurgence that he hadn't even been able to consider taking charge of fleet, not that there would be much fleet left with how things were currently going.

"Sir! New contact, we've got a transport pulling along side!"

"Ignore the transport damnit, they're just trying to get passed us to the planet. The garrison for the survey team can handle it, focus on that cruiser!"

Typically a Bellator with a fleet of escorts such as this would have had no issue with the forces it opposed, if the fleet and ship were handled correctly. He knew he was inexperienced, his crew was inexperienced and everyone was tired. The crew had all been pulled by various commands at having combat experience. Barely having time to familiarize themselves with the vessel before this happened. Looking at a readout of the battle he realized his mistake too late, as the transport veered towards the Resurgence. "Turn the main batteries on that transport!"

The main batteries turned, skiffing the transports shields. It would only need a few more shots... It broke past the point of no return, slamming straight into the side of the ship. He stumbled slightly, blasted Rebel fools. "We're venting atmosphere!" Steve sighed.

"Of course, you idiot. Seal off the section and get Stormtroopers down there now!"


"They didn't ram us for the fun of it Ensign, they're boarding us!"

He had to seal them off now before they managed to gain too much ground, a Bellator was a huge ship for sure however that just made it easier for a boarding party to slip away from any kind of conflict.

"Commander, the Invincible has been destroyed!" Steve ground his teeth together.

"Pull away, maximum thrust!"


"If we stay here, we're going to lose the ship and our lives. The fleet is lost, tactical retreat."

"To where?"

"Plot a course for the Ultmara Sector!"

This place stank of filth, the places he went on duty. They had tracked rumours all across Hutt Space and the Outer Rim, after searching through the records of Palpatine, something Talbor Hunis would have to pay for one day, they had come across the records of Count Dooku. Apparently the Count had taken more than one apprentice, and had decided to keep one of them on a decidedly shorter leash than Asaj Ventress. What this meant for Alix Raine was a long hunt throughout the outer rim and then into Hutt Space to find the Darkside weilder, he doubted he would be anywhere near on the level of the Emperor however the Galaxy needed the Sith. The Sith could push back against the current of the Force and manipulate the Galaxy in ways that no-one else could, he believed that. The Sith could bring the Empire back together, and with Alix as his right hand man stronger than ever.

This man he saw right now? Was untamed, brutal and simplistic. His skills with a blade rudimentary, he doubted he had seen much combat before. Though he had been on the run for most of his life no doubt, Raine supposed that this was a consequence of his lack of training. With security and manpower he was sure that this darksider would one day rule. After all, did he truly deserve the title of Sith? Alix could have taken down four opponents without breaking a sweat, or being shot. The fact that the man was still standing was a testament to his ability though. He fixed his helmet back atop his head, and jumped down, holding the blade over his head aiming to stab down against the mans head.

Time for the test, he carried a lightsaber and talked the talk. Though was he the one he sought? Could he use the Force?

The Bellator dropped out of hyperspace on the edge of the Terminus system. Steve could see the other Imperial ships on his sensor screen. "This is the Resurgence to all Imperial Forces, we have been boarded and request assistan-" before he could finish what he was saying power for the entire ship cut out. "Sithspit."


"The Rebel boarders sir, they've cut power to the ship."

"I see that, get me in touch with the Stormtrooper commander, I need command of this ship back!"

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lucian
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Lucian Threadslayer

Member Seen 2 days ago

Darth Marrik and Alix Raine

Illos City, Sketchy Alleyway

Collab between Sep and Lucian

Marrik glowered at the sweaty man, who had regaled him with more useful knowledge than he had anticipated. The man was, after all, merely a small-time information broker. Or so Marrik had assumed. It appeared that the man was part of some larger intelligence organization, making some credits on the side by selling secrets. The man had lost consciousness at this point, and Marrik was unsure of his next step. Should he kill the weakling, or would the man be of more use to him alive? His inner indecision was interrupted by a sudden tingling at the base of his neck, a slight shift in the force. He focused, and sensed his assailant just as the man jumped to strike him. Marrik leapt backward, in the same movement igniting his lightsaber once-more.

”Who are you?” The Sith Lord growled. His patience this night was wearing thin.

Alix didn’t speak at all, at least not initially. His garb was the only greeting the individual would get until he proved himself, with something other than Lightening, which could be so easily faked with a device. The mans suit of armour definitely looked complex enough to produce such a current of electricity so he wasn’t going to take anything at face value. He activated the electrical circuits, which rendered the bladed staff immune to lightsaber cuts ensuring that it wasn’t just cut in half, and then made a slicing motion from the man's upper right moving down to the left. If successful the blow would cut him open from his right shoulder down to his waist on his left hand side, a fatal blow.

Marrik raised his lightsaber, held two-handed, to catch the swing. The blades clashed and sparked, but the Sith’s visor filtered out any negative visual effects. With a roar, Marrik kicked at his silent assailant’s midsection hard with a booted foot.

Seeing the kick coming, Alix pulled back and rolled down to the left, his opponent giving into his anger by roaring. He definitely had one part of the criteria fulfilled, he had the anger but did he have the discipline? As he rolled down to the right and performed a long sweeping swipe along the ground in order to take Marrik’s legs from under him.

Marrik took the blow to his legs, his armor barely stopping the loss of his right foot. He made sure to deactivate his lightsaber to avoid injuring himself. He hit the ground hard, face-first, rage and fury dulling his pain. He rolled onto his back swiftly, and threw up both arms, his ferocious yell was drowned out by the dull boom of his force push as he sent out all of his frustration at the night’s events toward his attacker.

There was no way to dodge the actual attack, though he knew it was coming. Well, either that or his blade poised to stab the man was going to end this fight. Instead he felt himself pushed into the air and just allowed himself to go limp, as he felt the force stop pushing him he grabbed onto a ledge to stop himself and then jumped back down the two walls forming the alleyway, hoping from one to another until he was on the ground. Before his actions could be considered hostile he lay his pike flat on the ground and took to a knee. “Forgive me, M’lord. However after several… false leads I had to make sure you were who I thought you were.”

Marrik rose and engaged his lightsaber once more, his fury barely kept in check. He stepped forward, his grip on the hilt of his blade tightening, and his left arm came up, forming a grip of it’s own. Marrik groped for a moment with the Force, until he found the kneeling man’s neck, then he squeezed. Not enough to kill. Not yet.

”I ask again then.” Marrik veritably growled, ”Who are you?” As he spoke, he relented his grip just enough to allow the man to speak as well.

Alix grunted through the pain, the invisible force gripping his neck. It took all of his willpower not to move from his kneeling position and pull at his neck, he had seen this performed enough times however to know that it was a pointless effort. When it released he couldn’t help but take an audible gasp. “My name is Alix Raine, I am a Captain in his Royal Highnesses Guard, and an Acolyte of the Beyond.”

”His Highness? The Emperor is dead. What could bring one of his guards searching for me? And what is an Acolyte of the Beyond?” As curiosity began to blunt his fury, Marrik released Alix completely from his force grip, ”Be warned that if your answers are unsatisfactory, they will be the last words you speak.”

Alix moved his hand away from his pike, though kept it close enough to grab in a hurry. He wasn’t for it, but wouldn’t hesitate continuing hostilities should it be required. “The Emperor may live on, but he broke through the restraints of the Force and shall live on through it, through the Empire and through those that serve him. I search you, for you are Sith. The Sith deserve to be at the forefront of the galaxy, so is the belief of the Acolytes of the Beyond. For the Sith are the only ones capable of changing the currents of the Force, when Lord Vader and the Emperor perished aboard the Death Star the Empire was left without control, I was sent to find you so we could help you take your rightful place.”

Marrik said nothing for several moments. This seemed altogether too good to be true, and yet, here this man was, prostrate before him. Was there truly a group that remained loyal to Sith philosophy? Think of the possibilities. The potential resources. An excitement began to rise inside him, but he tempered it with his self-preserving skepticism.

[color=gold]”So The Emperor was Sith. I had my suspicions. Tell me, exactly how is it you would assist me in taking my rightful place, if what you say is true?”[/gold]

Alix nodded. “Master to Count Dooku, and then Lord Vader. Few in the Empire knew of Lord Vaders truth, even fewer about the truth about the Emperor. “ Alix moved slightly into an easier position to kneel in. The deal wasn’t done yet. “We have a ship, the Kaggath in orbit, it’s not as fancy as an Imperial Star Destroyer however it is enough, and the crew is loyal. We have connections to the Empire and those still loyal to the true Empire, and training.” He bowed his head, placing his neck in a more vulnerable position.

“Forgive me for saying M’Lord, however it seems you still have much to learn.”

Marrik, though still quite grumpy, was no fool. Though he had learned much in his three-or-so years under Tyrannus’ tutelage, he had far to go before he would be even close to his equal. He was gifted in The Force, this much was true, but it’s intricacies still eluded him, despite days spent pondering Sith relics alone. Even more, he had been capable of getting by on his limited knowledge of the Juyo and Makashi forms he had learned from his old master, but it was becoming painfully apparent that it would no longer suffice. He was now getting involved with very powerful individuals. He needed to learn what he could.

While it chafed to hear this man point out his lack-of-training, he had to give the man credit. He was certainly brave, to say something like that to a Sith. He was also clearly quite skilled with the blade. Marrik was sure that if he had been an ordinary Pau’an, he would have lost that duel. Happily, Marrik was not an ordinary Pau’an. He was Sith, the last of them remaining, as far as he was aware, and now, as he realized he was going to accept this group’s aid, he was not alone.

”Very well, Alix. I am Marrik, Last of the Sith Lords. Let’s see this ship of yours. It has been long since I had the pleasurable company of any allies of the Dark Side of the Force.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Alix had remained silent for the large portion of the flight, promising Marrick that his questions would be answered upon their arrival aboard the Kaggath. After all he was more the tactician and muscle behind the operation more than anything else. The Lambda Class reached the ship, flying through the hangar that stretched along the bow of the ship. Standing up Alix picked up his pike from it’s resting place and walked towards the entrance, beside the ramp. He waited at perfect attention for Marrick to approach him, force of habit really.

He turned his head back to the Sith Lord. “Welcome aboard.” With that he hit the button and the ramp deployed, hissing as gas was pushed out of the ports as the air pressure stabilised. Walking down the ramp he moved to the left of it, standing at attention waiting for Marrick to disembark. In the hangar stood a significant portion of the ships stormtroopers, as well as officers and pilots lining the halls. There were no maintenance personnel to speak off and everyone stood at perfect attention.

A man in robes approached, walking side by side with a man whose rank insignia identified him as an Admiral. The Admiral stood back straight as the man in robes took to a knee and bowed before Marrick. “My Lord. It is my pleasure to meet you, my name is Talbor Hunis. Welcome to the Kaggath, this is Rear Admiral Tamzen, this is his command.”

The Admiral nodded “Sir.”

“It is our pleasure to have you aboard this ship, we will accomplish great things with you as our leader. Leading us to greatness, and bringing back the True Empire, for the Empire can only function with the Sith at the throne. Tell me, what is it you desire?”

Marrik took a moment to consider his response carefully. He no longer doubted this organization’s sincerity, but now he had the legitimate concern of protecting and nurturing this tiny new force. As well as growing strong enough to lead it properly. Hutt space was chaos, ripe for the picking. He decided, then and there, that he would elevate this order, and by extension, himself, into a true force to rule the galaxy. However, first thing’s first.

”We will need more troops. I have recently been made aware of a group of mercenaries operating in this sector of space. Powerful mercenaries known as the Prudii Verda. They are large and well-equipped enough to solidify our power. We must gain their aid through whatever means possible. Force, if necessary. Afterwards, we shall reveal ourselves to the remnants of The Empire, and unite them under our power. I am willing to take council on how best to achieve these ends.” Marrik’s wounds ached, his pain no longer dulled by rage, but he did not allow it to show. First impressions were quite important.

Talbor seemed more taken aback than Alix was, Alix just stood there without saying so much as a word throughout all of this. He’d speak if he was spoken too, Talbor however was not against speaking. “An excellent choice M’Lord. The Prudii Verda, as a point of Imperial Embarrassment are one of the Empires misguided ventures. A Inquisitor was paired with a group of elite mercenaries, and when the leader of the project tried to cancel it they revolted against the Empire. They killed everyone on the research station they were trained on. It was a mess, one that the Empire forgot about when the Prudii Verda went missing and chose to neglect when they appeared again in Hutt Space.”

Tamzen spoke up now. “From what we know of their statistics we have the fleet power to take them out, however their ground strength is considerably greater than ours. Our troops are loyal, and skilled however they are no match for the level of training that these mercenaries posses. Taking them out by force won’t be necessary, and we don’t have the funds to-”

Alix spoke up, his voice through the helmet. He didn’t move. “Challenge them.”

Talbor shot Alix a look, he couldn’t see it but Alix didn’t even bother looking back at him. “They’re Mandalorian. Challenge their leader, and if you win they’ll fall in line.”

Talbor bowed his head lower again. “Forgive him My Lord, he doesn’t understand the finer intricacies of politics. Obviously we know you won’t stoop to such a savage level.”

Alix let out a fake laugh, a huh. “Vader understood the strength of a leader being active on the battlefront, the strength it can add to morale. To show that you are willing to do what you expect of others.” He never would have spoken like this in the Emperors presence, may he be at peace with the Force. However he could not stand Talbor, he wasn’t sure sometimes if Talbor believed in the cause to further his own standing or to truly improve the Galaxy. Either way he didn’t like the man, and they both knew it.

”Alix is right, though his impertinence leaves much to be desired.” Marrik said. Indeed, the man had echoed his own thoughts quite closely. He had a grudging respect budding for the warrior. [color=gold]“I am not Vader, but I am Sith. I will not cower while others’ legacies are forged on the anvil of battle. No, I will challenge their leader, I will destroy him, and scatter his remains into the void of space for the rest of his forces to see.” Marrik nodded to Alix, then looked again to the others.

[color=gold]”But how best to go about this?”[/gold]

“From Mandalorian culture, just openly challenge them. Call him weak and challenge him, that will draw him out and then you can fight at some neutral ground somewhere. That’s all you need to do.” Talbor flashed a look, that if looks could kill it surely would have.

“M’Lord forgive us, Alix is a soldier and a warrior. He has no place in these discussions.” He moved indicating his arm down the passageway between the stormtroopers to the door at the end of the hangar.

Marrik grunted in exasperation, but followed along down the corridor with Talbor. He sensed the rivalry between the two, and normally he would side wholeheartedly with Alix, but he needed to determine what sort of value Talbor held before passing judgement. He began to think he may acclimatize rather well to this new role.

Talbor lead them through the halls, several officers looked up at them, casting glances and standing to the side to let them past. “I was one of the Prophets of the Dark Side. I worked for Palpatine, discussing issues and secrets the likes of which even Alix did not hear when protecting the Emperor. Learning from Yupe Tashu I know many secrets of the Dark Side-” His expression turned sad. “-Alas I was not blessed however with the ability to access the Force so what information I have-” He bowed his head slightly. “-Is yours for the taking. My diplomatic skills? They too are available to you. While Alix-” He waved his hand dismissively “-believes he needs to help you with your combat abilities. As if he could compare to you My Lord.”

Marrik’s eyes widened beneath his visor. Someone who could teach him more about the force, but who was himself no threat? What beautiful twist of fate had lead him to this cult, he didn’t know, but he would not squander it.

”I want to know everything Palpatine taught you. Marrik demanded, “As for Alix, you do not give him enough credit. He is formidable in the ways of the Blade. Were I not Sith, he would have bested me. I will learn what I can from him as well. Meanwhile, let us track down the Prudii Verda. While we search, I would have you share your knowledge with me.”

Talbor grumbled. He didn’t like being told he was wrong. “Alix has a point, simply challenge their leader openly and he will likely come. It is best to do so somewhere public, for example there is an old arena on Nar Shadda that was owned by one Grakkus the Hutt that would be an excellent place for the duel, and it has a history of Jedi deaths so likely that will aide you in becoming stronger.”

“In terms of the Dark Side, one of the reasons the Emperor focused so much on the Death Star was it’s ability to destroy. Being present during a time with that great a loss of life can create wounds in the Force which can increase the abilities of a Force Wielder, such as yourself. However I don’t think you’re at that power level yet, hm?” He chuckled to himself. “One of the most important lessons he taught was that while you must use your emotions to give yourself power, you cannot let the emotions control you, for when you lose control that’s when mistakes are made. Vader is a good example of this, it pays to be feared however Lord Vader killed many Imperial Officers, some of them were high standing such as Grand General Tagge because he lacked control over himself.” Talbor tutted to himself. “So much could have been different if Tagge had survived, he was a tactical genius.”

”Well, tell the bridge to take us to Nar Shadda. I will think on what you have said. For now, I need rest.” Marrik’s wounds, and the events of the night were taking their toll. He was finding it difficult to focus. He paused a moment, wincing mid-stride, something he instantly cursed himself for internally.

”Do I have quarters aboard this vessel?” He asked.

Talbor clicked his fingers and a trooper that was following them caught up and stood at attention as they both stopped. “This Trooper will take you to your quarters, I have taken the liberty of decorating them in a way that I hope you approve, however should you wish we can also seal of the medbay so you can have some privacy and medical attention?”

”That will not be necessary. The Dark Side sustains my body.” While this talent was certainly something several sith before him had mastered, this was a blatant lie. In truth, his armor had taken most of the damage, and his wounds were mainly bruising and light burns. However, it seemed wise not to show weakness in the company of the Acolytes. With that, he followed the trooper to his new quarters.

It was a lavish affair, dimly lit with the iconography of the many Sith Empires dotted about. He saw the large bed and moved toward it, a smile creeping across his vicious teeth. It had been a long while since he had tasted luxury. He would savour it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

The Ultmara Remnant - Terminus System

Orro was returning to his system, when he got the transmission from one of his many captains. "M'lord, a bellator class dropped out of orbit in the terminus system it is requesting aid." The captain said, Moff Orro just sighed. "We are enroute." He turned off his communicator and looked dead ahead. "If it's not one thing it's another." He said, to no one around him. When they finally dropped out of hyperspace, he called forth his body guard, and went to his quarters. Here he reached into his desks drawer and drew his DX-13 pistol, the grip had been replaced with gundark leather. A gift from his old friend Livani, when he first gained his station in the system. He hardly ever used it preffering to stay out of combat, but he knew that it might be needed.

From here the group boarded their shuttles, he gathered as many storm troopers he could they were only a couple hundred, the transport that had crashed into the Bellator carried about a thousand. He would use the crew of the dreadnought for aid. The shuttles departed the hangers and landed in the hangar of the much bigger ship. Awaiting him in the hanger was supposed to be someone of a much higher rank than a captain, but alas there he was. "M'lor-" The captain went to speak, but Orro cut him off.
"where is your commanding officer?" He asked
"Dead sir, he killed himself. I am Steve, I have taken command of the vessel."
"You did a fine job, now I will take command. Have all marines, form up on me, we are going in." Steve nodded, and issued orders.

The gathered troopers, and marines made their way through the ship. Orro knew he was getting close, due to the sounds of combat emanating from the other room. Shouts rose up from the gathered troopers, when reinforcements arrived. Wounded, and dying troopers were being brought up the lifts all around the group. The dead were just left where they lay. "Push forward, for the empire!" Orro shouted.
"For the Empire!" The troopers shouted, and left their positions pushing ahead. Orro followed after but he didn't sprint very far before he was out of breath. He leaned against the wall, and sent his bodyguard forward. "Go on without me, I'll catch up." He said, in between breaths. The troopers just nodded, and went ahead.

When he finally made it to the combat, they were mopping up what was left of the new republic troopers that had tried to take the ship, they had managed to wipe out their fair share of imperials in the attack though. "Whats left of the rebel scum, is held up in a meeting room. All exits are covered, they hijacked one of our E-webs and are using it to cover the entrance. What do we do sir?" One of his troopers asked.
"Have Steve cut gravity to the ship, and bank hard starboard. Then have him turn it back on as soon as possible."
"Yes sir." The trooper, carried out his orders and soon they were weightless, he could already hear the rising alarm in both groups. "Troopers brace for impact!" Orro shouted, but this didn't prepare them for the lurching against the starboard side view port when the gravity kicked back on, the impact took the breath out of him, but none the less the meeting room doors slid open and out fell a e-web crashing against the starboard side, twelve rebels slid out as well. the surprise on their face was palpable, even more so when things went upright and Orro's stormtroopers opened fire. From there they cleared the meeting room from any survivors who didn't fall out of the room.

With victory achieved, Orro and the remaining troopers returned to the bridge of the massive ship. "Steve, welcome to the Ultmara remnant. You will help me achieve peace and order to the galaxy once more, we will bring The Empire back from the ashes, even if it costs us our very lives. Swear your loyalty to me, and we shall forge the empire anew." Orro said, there was a fire in his voice that spoke of even greater plans to be achieved. "I swear it m'lord, The Resurgence is yours to command." Steve said, he bowed before Orro, who just smiled knowingly at the other captain. "Good, lets get my new flagship repaired shall we?" Orro said, and turned to look out the viewport the ship heading for Ultmara space.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 3 days ago


The downtime between jobs was interesting for Willoh. She liked her work, but she also loved to party with people. While making her way to the entertainment level, she thought a bit about her last job. While she wasn't too pleased about the 'fake' friendship between the two moffs, she was interested in the concept of friendship at least. She really didn't have any friends, and maybe it'd be nice to talk to someone about her 'special' talents would be nice. Heck using them as party tricks would be nice. Maybe it'd give her a use for all this money she was sitting on as well, either that or using it to upgrade herself which she wasn't too sure on exactly how to do that.

She put those thoughts aside when she reached the party floor however, as now was the time to have fun! Not surprisingly the people she had partied with yesterday were gone, but hey, this just meant she could dance with everyone else! And she had some fun dancing, even if it got her odd looks from a few of the patrons. After a few minutes of dancing, another call went up on the holonet for a bounty hunter. Not one to miss a job, Willoh snatched it up, and made her way off to the meeting spot. And like the last one, this was a call for a hunter in Paradise as well! Apparently this place was a neat hotspot for jobs.

Unlike before, this person was in one of the private rooms off to the side of the main area. Apparently who put out the job was some sort of business lady, what with the attire, posture, and all that. "Hello ma'am, I'm Willoh. I took that job offer ya put up. Willoh said, extending a hand. "A droid? My name is Loretta. You'll make a good escourt." the woman said, shaking Willoh's hand with a fairly stern face. Gesturing for Willoh to sit down, she didn't waste any time telling Willoh the job she'd be having. "You will be taking me to Nar Shadda, the arena of Grakkus the Hutt. I hear he has some jedi memorabilia that I'm very interested in." Loretta said, looking at Willoh through determined eyes. "Thats it? That shouldn't be an issue." Willoh said, putting on happy eyes. Compared to the subterfuge of the last job, this one was way easier. And maybe she'd get to blast some people, been awhile since she turned someone into holes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


"You know, I wasn't expecting this place to be quite so...fancy." Zirex said as he turned to look at his two companions. The droid known as ZD-6R answered by turning his optical sensors on Zirex in what could only be taken as a glare of disapproval. "Do not anger the organics here." The droid warned the younger Weequay who had an impish look in his eyes. "We cannot afford any more problems with the authorities or the imperials." The Weequay smiled and the grin grew even larger as he saw the bar ahead of him. He was about to bolt towards it when a scaly hand landed on his shoulder, holding him in place. He turned his head and glared at the large Trandoshan holding him in place. "Behave yourself," Strakisssh said in a quiet tone. "As the droid said, we cannot afford any more problems." The Lizard man reached in his belt and pulled out a 50 credit chip and handed it to the Weequay. "Stay at the bar. Don't cause any problems and for the love of the Force, don't try and hack into anything."

The Weequay nodded and sat down at the bar and ordered a drink as ZD-6R and and Strakisssh examined their location. Despite ZD's sensors informing him that no one seemed to be watching them in particular, the Trandoshan was still somewhat anxious. It had been a few weeks since the massacre at the StarBlade's headquarters and the two remaining mercenaries were still constantly looking over their shoulders. The Lizard man looked towards the bar and saw that Zirex had sat down next to a member of an unidentified species. "ZD. Keep an eye on him." he said quietly to the droid. The droid beeped once in conformation of the order and made sure at least one of his scanners was on Zirex as the remaining sensors locked onto a number of holonet displays in the room. He was searching for incoming bounties or other possible work that the two of them could do.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Sirka had ended up heading to the nearest bar to their hanger, with her sister tagging along with her. They had split up from the Mandalorians for now, though she had no doubt they would be meeting back up again when it came time to report to Koren. Sirka was somewhat surprised that Delni had not ran immediately back to their room, considering that she was still wearing that revealing ensemble that Elias had given her, though it was not as if she stood out, considering that they were not exactly visiting the highest-class bar on Paradise.

Sirka took a seat as best as she could next to Delni at the bar, and ordered something for the both of them. They were different types of alcohol, naturally, considering that anything Sirka would normally drink would probably end up giving Delni a repeat of the last debacle. "So, sis, I know everything worked out and all, but, uh, let's avoid any repeats, alright? No more drinking yourself under the table and getting yourself kidnapped."

"Yeah, yeah." Delni replied, rolling her eyes as she took a drink. "You're never going to let me live this down, are you?"

Sirka gave a low, rumbling laugh. "Oh, how could I ever? You've given me enough ammunition to last for years."

Delni grunted. "Sure, yeah. That's fair, perfectly fair. But, uh, I can fight fair too, you know?" A sly grin crept across Delni's face as she took a small sip of her drink and looked to Sirka out of the corner of her eyes. "Because, you know, I happened to learn about a certain, what might you call it...event, that happened last year in that little club...with that pair of Gungans..."

Sirka coughed for a few seconds after accidentally inhaling some of her drink. "Say what? How in the blazes did you learn about that?"

There was a definite, smug expression on Delni's face while she continued to sip her drink. "I have my ways. I've been just dying to share the story of how my sister lost a few thousand credits, and her favorite blaster. The details are just so...interesting. Why, I especially think people will like the part where..."

"Fine, fine, I get your point." Sirka relented. "We'll call it even."

There was something of an extended silence between the two after they returned to their drinks, and into their own thoughts. Sirka had to admit that she was genuinely worried about meeting Koren again. She had performed not one, but essentially two jobs for him on Circumtore, but she could not admit to knowing exactly how he would take it. Some employers liked a hire who could use their own judgement and initiative, while others demanded blind obedience. Koren did not seem like the kind of man who would be so stubborn, but she did not really "know" for sure. In the moment, Sirka just wanted to get her mind off of it. She flicked out her nose tongues to take in the veritable sea of scents around her. Most were too mixed and indistinct to have much meaning to her, but there was the stronger scent of a Weequay right next to her, who had sat down on the seat just to her left. She had the feeling he was a bit curious, based on his scent, though she could have been mistaken.

Sirka gave a slight, brief nod towards the Weequay. "Hey." She said simply, without any real positivity or negativity to her tone.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Paradise - Koren and Commander Je'and

Jason had handed over his blaster with no issue and followed the droids to wherever Koren was at that time. Or, more accurately, where he had decided to meet with the Supreme Commander. As they walked, he looked at the ship, comparing what he remembered of the Providence Class ships he’d boarded after taking formal command of the 237th to what he saw here and, well, he was impressed. If it wasn’t for the very obvious appearance on the outside, you’d never know it was one on the inside. Clubs, bars, private rooms, the works, had gone into transforming this ship from a droid run military ship to a organic friendly and partially manned luxury ship.

With that said, he couldn’t say he was surprised when he arrived in a room that was, decisively, still a reflection of the former military position of the ship that it once was. After the introduction, and a rather gruff one at that, Jason, opted to stay standing, at least for the time being. “I know who you are, Koren, but since you introduced yourself, I will do the same. I am Supreme Commander Jason Je’and of the Galactic Republic Remnant. We decided to clean up the Imperial traitors infesting Hutt Space and I thought it would be fair to see where you stood on the matter.”

Koren let out a hot breath of air, a ‘huh’. “It’s rare that there’s a player in this region of space that I don’t know about. I didn’t realise there was a Galactic Republic-” Koren practically spat the words out “-Remnant. Entering the game a little late aren’t you? The Rebel Alliance has already beaten the Empire to a bloody pulp and formed the New Republic, shouldn’t you be running along and joining them?

He sighed. “In terms of the Imperials? Worse than the Galactic Republic was, even more corrupt and oppressive. It’s worse now that the Emperors died and they’re all trying for their own slice of heaven. Not all of them are too bad, there’s always the Star Card in the deck. Anyway, are you here to make a deal or to just talk? I hate to be rude however I am a busy man.” He didn’t truly hate to be rude, this man at this current point was just wasting his time, and there was nothing Koren hated more especially while he was still in pain. This Supreme Commander really had to get to the point.

Jason chuckled as Koren spoke, but noticed the venom in the speaking of the Republic. It was expected, given he was a former Separatist, but not without a grating effect. When asked for a point, the Supreme Commander nodded. ”Unfortunately, raising an army of both Clones and enlisted soldiers and ensuring they’re all armed and properly trained is time consuming, not to mention where our base is, well, allow me to simply say it’s a long trip.” Falling silent a moment, the man reached into a pouch and produced a single flash drive before throwing it on the table between them. ”So to keep this short as per your request, I give you the files my slivers pulled from Moff Aran Mortifus’s servers. Had detailed plans on how best to deal with most every faction in Hutt space, from his fellow Moffs to a number of Hutts and ending with you. I haven’t read any of the specifics, but I imagine it wouldn’t have been pleasant at the end of the day. My only request, Koren, is that should my enlisted men and women choose to come here for rest and relaxation, they not be made targets of by you or anyone else. Deal?”

Koren took the data chit and pocketed it. “Moff Mortifus was a fool, though the information will prove useful in locating weaknesses he identified in other Imperials and at bolstering my own security.” Of course this wouldn’t be the only copy, while Jason said he hadn’t read it yet, Koren doubted that it would be long before he had taken the time to go ahead and read it after they were finished here. A plan to take down several factions was essentially a cheat sheet of information of who was who and who had what. While the plans may not have been brilliant and the information not complete, it was certainly better than flying in blind.

“In terms of R&R. Paradise is a neutral zone to all factions, so long as your men and women adhere to the rules of Paradise they may visit, and stay here. So long as the credits are good, everyone on this vessel is also under my protection so they will not be attacked without major consequences. Your people need to understand that while we have citizens from all over Hutt Space and beyond enjoying a safe haven here, there are also a vast quantity of Imperials, Hutt, Blacksun and other organisations that make use of this vessel. I’m curious however, why you felt the need to specifically ask? The rules are the rules, my personal prejudices against the failure of the Republic doesn’t get a seat at the table.”

”To be frank, because I don’t trust some of your patrons. We’re both Clone Wars veterans, Koren, we both know how many, Republic and Separatist alike, twisted and manipulated rules to their favor during the war and everyone knows that Hutt Space is full of manipulators. In any case, I trust your word, as strange as that sounds. I only have one question left, though whether you answer it is entirely up to you. How much of the Republic’s history, before it became the demilitarized failure it was, do you know?”

Koren chuckled. “Just two old Veterans huh? Though one of us at least got out of the game of war.” He moved and took a seat, the pain was becoming a little too much to simply grit his teeth through. “The issue with trying to manipulate is you need a way to try and manipulate, I for example couldn’t manipulate you unless I found out your homebase. People don’t try and manipulate me is because I have so many agents across Hutt Space and I know too much about everyone, if someone was to try and get dirt on me they wouldn’t last very long. In terms of Republic History, just what I learned when I was a boy, however the ships database has extensive records on Republic history, it specifically highlights the bad things but then it is a Separatist vessel, why?”

”I wished to ask if you thought much of the debacle that happened before the Clone Wars, including the Republic itself, could have been avoided without the demilitarization. The military was a powerful uniting force in it’s day.”

“A powerful uniting force, is pretty much what the Empire used and you can see how well that worked out. A powerful military before the Separatist Crisis essentially would have led to a Rebellion rather than the Separatist Movement and the founding of the Confederacy, or all out war even earlier. The problems with the Republic were not with the lack of a large standing military but instead of the broken bureaucracy.”

”And what government doesn’t have it’s issues? I’ve yet to find one in all my studies that doesn’t have it’s problems. Regardless, the Empire’s greatest failing was in taking away the power of its member worlds and alienating the non-human races through its Xenophobia, nevermind the use of slave labor.”

“Truth, the Confederate Parliament's biggest issue was the amount of power the Trade Guilds had, simply due to the fact that they were where the Separatist Alliance initially got it’s droid army. Anyway, what is it exactly you are looking for, as not to be rude but I do have several clients and employees waiting?”

”My point is, that everything has a chance to do things right, as does everyone. Give it some thought before saying the Republic was a complete failure.”

Koren shrugged. “The Sith led Confederacy had it’s chance, the Republic had it’s chance. If you feel you can bring it back better, you are welcome to try. Will it be accepted? I don’t know, but don’t forget the New Republic exists now as well.” Koren stood up again. “Feel free to stop by again, there’s an alert coming that we’re getting ready to reposition.”

Jason turned and nodded to Koren. “Perhaps next time we meet, it will be before a drink, rather than to discuss the state of the galaxy. Until then, Koren.” Leaving the former Separatist behind, Jason headed for the hangar he landed in and retrieved his blaster before climbing into his Z95 and heading back into hyperspace.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 3 hrs ago



Zirex turned to look at the person who had spoken and was somewhat surprised. He had been so focused on drinking whatever he could get his hands on that he hadn't noticed that the sentient next to him was of a species he didn't recognize. At all. He grinned widely. "The name is Zirex, pleased to meet you." He answered cheerfully. He turned to the bartender as he finally arrived and held up his hand to get his attention. "A Walk in the Phelopean Forest if you don't mind." He said to the bartender who stared at him for a moment before speaking. "You are aware that particular drink is meant for four people? You are also aware of the price?" Zirex nodded and grinned at the bartender. "Yes. Yes I am. The bartender shook his head slightly and took Zirex's credit chip once the Weequay handed it to him. "A Walk in the Phelopean Forest, Forty nine credits." The bartender turned and began mixing the complicated drink. Zirex turned to the member of the unknown species before turning back to the drink that was being mixed. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw the size of the container. He turned back to look at Sirka and motioned at the drink. "Based on how big that container seems to be, I don't think I'll be able to finish this alone, any chance you want some?" Zirex hoped she would accept for two big reasons: The first being that if Strakisssh and ZD-6R found out he had blown nearly fifty credits on a drink for himself, he was most likely going to be docked pay the next time they had a job, the second reason being he was always looking to make new friends.

ZD-6R was still monitoring the holonet channels when an display caught his attention. "Strakisssh." He said quietly. "A bounty has caught my attention. I believe you may be interested." The lizard man turned to look at the droid. "Dead or alive?"

ZD-6R began to save the information to his memory banks as he lowered the volume of his voice. "Alive. The bounty has been posted by the New Republic. The target appears to be an Imperial War Criminal."

"Name and last know location?"

Imperial General Hadrex Nevrol. Wanted for the murder of two high ranking Rebel generals during the Galactic Civil War. Additional charges include, kidnapping, assault and nine other counts of murder. Last known location is Nar Shaddaa. Target is considered to be armed and extremely dangerous."

"How much is he worth?"

"Thirty thousand alive, Five hundred dead."

Strakisssh simply smiled. With thirty thousand credits they would be able to take care of a great deal of their problems. They could finally repair nearly all of their gear, repair some of the damage that ZD-6R had sustained during the massacre at their HQ and possibly even get their own ship.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Sirka had returned her attention to her own drink quickly, and was somewhat surprised that the Weequay was so...outgoing. Sirka had certainly not meant to engage him in some long, drawn-out conversation, and had not expected someone in a place like this to be so eager to do the same. She supposed he might have been a bit out of place, or something like that.

Sirka could not help but to give the Weequay, Zirex, a suspicious eye when he offered her a drink. Normally, it was Delni that was being offered the free drinks in bars from strangers. In fact, the role reversal was enough to prompt a chuckle from her. Sirka briefly turned her head over towards her sister beside her. "This what it's usually like for you, sis?"

"Huh?" Delni replied. She had been caught up in her own thoughts and had not been paying attention to either Sirka or the Weequay, so she did not know what Sirka was actually talking about.

"Ah, nothing." Sirka said with a shrug, deciding that it would be too much effort to explain to Delni. Sirka turned her head back towards the Weequay, then down to her own, half-full drink. After just a moment of thought, she craned back her head and downed the rest of her own drink in a single go. She put down her glass in front of the Weequay and gave him a nod. "Sure, fill it up."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Collab Post between Sep and Me))

Paradise Conference Room

Leonard, Raj Vizla (who was presumably double-checked for weapons), and Ken would be escorted to the fancy meeting room on top of Paradise’s spire. The reactions of each person were different; Leonard thought that such luxury was par for the course for rich people like him and Koren, Raj thought that so much fancy decorations were eye-grabbing to the point of disorienting potential attackers, while Ken gaped like a rube before Leonard told him, “Don’t you have business to discuss as well, Ken?”

Ken closed his mouth, face twisting into mistrust of the owner of this place once more. Nevertheless, he would take a seat once Leonard had; Raj would stay standing. Both would then wait for Koren.

Koren entered the room at the top of the stairs, two droids entered the room first. When meeting with an individual with a bodyguard precautions had to be taken. He didn’t go full out with the IG-100s but he was flanked by several BX-Commandos, they were far more nimble than the 100s anyway, less durable but he liked how agile they were. He was taken slightly aback when he noticed the younger man present, he was told he was meeting some form of businessman and his bodyguard. The adolescent seemed out of place, so did he himself in his armour and trenchcoat however he could pretty much look however he wanted because he owned the place. He expected a certain level of class from clients.

He directed his attention straight towards Leonard, he was the money after all, “Can I help you?”

Leonard nodded, and extended his hand. “My name is Leonard L. Scipio, from Scipio Industries and Finance; my parents belonged to the IntergalacticBanking Clan. As for the good people accompanying me, the Mandalorian is Raj Vizla, my bodyguard, and my...date, Ken Neumann. We came here to negotiate a deal.”

A pause for effect, before Leonard would bring up a piece of paper - a holographic projector was too much of a security risk as it contained electronics that can be repurposed for surveillance or weaponry - that contained blueprints and designs for a new version of the Seperatist Droideka; this model contained ion cannons and more powerful shielding as well as regular lasers.

The young man then explained, “I procured this from a rival in the Corporate Sector before the jealous CEOs there drove me out. I already have a number of units manufactured, so there is no harm in giving the designs to you as a gift; do with them what you will.”

Koren picked at the piece of paper. “A bit archaic isn’t it? The paper method that is at least.” He took the piece of paper and clicked his fingers as a droid came and collected the paper. He couldn’t believe the guy brought a date here, to an important business meeting. A date who looked more out of place than a Wookie on Dac. “So the part happens where I welcome you, and where you give me a gift? Now, for what you’re wanting?”

Leonard then nodded, trying to look serious. “There are two things I want. One is to find a faction to back with my money, my technology - an example of which I have showed you - and of course, my factory ship and its ‘products’. The second...is to bring down institutions and people who think themselves invincible. Basically, I want to back a faction that is against the Empire.” A faint smile. “Although my words can apply to the Hutts as well.”

Ken looked at Leonard with shock, then unexpectedly grinned at the other guy, a grin that signalled a shared interest and shared enmity.

Leonard then continued, “The New Republic is a candidate for said investment...but it is currently doing nothing.”

Koren sighed, a philanthropist. “Okay, that’s all very well and good. Though why is it that you’ve insisted on meeting me? My neutrality is well known, my past is reasonably well known. I was a Separatist, so I’m not really all for the Republic or the Empire and to be honest the Hutts are a continuous pain in the butt and the scum of the Galaxy, but they’re the oldest standing institution in said galaxy. Be clear, get to the point. I sell information only, advice is for friends, what is it you want from me?”

Leonard’s voice turned low. “I am looking to buy information on the defenses of Kintan, the Nikto homeworld, as well as the ‘liberation movements’ among the Nikto species. Or alternatively, I’ve already posted a one-hundred thousand credit bounty for information on this ‘Galactic Republic Remnant’, payable immediately.” Best not to tell him I have a Kaminoan on my side as well as use Seperatist droids; I’ve offended him a lot already.

Then, Leonard remembered something, and turned to Ken. “You have something to see Koren about as well, right? Otherwise you wouldn’t have accepted the date so quickly.”

Ken nodded, then faced Koren, his voice matter-of-fact. “I am actually here about the several hundred Vordans sold to your faction. Let’s just say that there are people who want them free; I am one of them.”

Leonard’s eyes gaped wide in shock, before his palm met his face. He then turned to Koren, and spoke, “all right, damage control; I am willing to pay a few hundred credits for each of those...Vodrans to free them, if you’d overlook what my date said so rashly…”

Koren crossed his arms, matter of factly. “The Vordans aren’t up for discussion-” He turned deadpan to face the boy after he spoke. “-Your knowledge of my procuring them, and desire to free them as well as your age means you have to be a Believer. Remember not everything isn’t as clear cut black and white, there is not a single slave aboard this ship, that is all you need to know.” He turned back to face Leonard.

“Galactic Republic Remnant is just that, I’ve met with their supreme commander just before this meeting. Hell, you probably passed him when your shuttle docked. There’s not much to say there, they’re a faction upholding the values of the old Galactic Republic. How much are you offering for the defenses on Kintan and contacts? I can have the information you seek within half a rotation.”

Leonard elbowed Ken as Raj gazed down at the young man, suspicion evident even through his mask. Then, the banker would tell Koren, “One million credits. Up front.”

He then turned back to Ken, who was suddenly fearful. “So, is the date still on?”

A surprised Ken nodded, “Yeah, thanks for everything.”

Koren nodded as he extended his hand. “It’s a deal, feel free to stay onboard Paradise while you await the information, I’ll make contact with my agents immediately and have a datafile for you within the set timeframe. Should it take any longer I’ll refund half of your investment as per my usual contracts.” He looked at Ken. “A note for future business, don’t bring a date along. I don’t care for being entertainment for some romantic or sexual relations. It’s not what I’m here for, and I don’t particularly care for it either.”

Leonard nodded, “I promise, Ken will be here for legitimate business next time, instead of skullduggery.” A sigh as he took Koren’s hand. “Thank you for your hospitality.”

Koren clicked his fingers and a service droid walked forward with a mobile terminal as Koren turned to walk out. “Input your payment details into this device, once the funds are safely in my account my timeline and work will begin. Now, if you excuse me I have associates who have returned who need to see me.” With that, he turned to leave with a billow of his coat.

And with that, Leonard, Raj, and Ken left.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Sure, fill it up."

Zirex grinned as the bartender handed him the container containing the drink. The thing was nearly the size of his head. He grabbed it with both hands and filled up the alien's mug before he leaned back and took a large gulp of the drink. The drink was made out of ten different layers of colored alcoholic liquid and in Zirex's opinion, it didn't disappoint. Once he finally put down the container, he couldn't help but notice two things. The first matter being that as he looked at his hands he coulnd't help but notice that they seemed a bit blurry to him. The second being that the nice alien he was sharing the drink with seemed to have an identical twin who was out of focus. Zirex smiled a somewhat idiotic smile and pointed at the drink and then at the two blurry aliens. "Whichever one of you two wants the rest of this can have it." he laughed as he fell off his seat and hit the ground with a thud.

ZD-6R who had taken his sensors off of Zirex for a moment to concentrate on the bounty offer aimed them back at Zirex after he heard a thud. For a moment, he thought a fight might have broken out but as he turned to check on Zirex, noticed that he was on the ground and laughing. If the droid could have sighed, he would have at that moment. "It appears that Zirex found a new beverage."

Strakisssh didn't turn away from the posted bounty. "Is he alive?"


"Is he awake?"

"Not for much longer from what my scanners are telling me."

The Trandoshan grabbed a credit chip and handed it the droid. "See if we can find him someplace to stay. I doubt we need him on this mission and I'd rather he be somewhere safe rather then becoming a target." ZD-6R's vocabulator made a sound very similar to a sigh of disapproval as he walked up to the bar. He turned to look at the alien Zirex had been sharing his drink with. "My friend and I apologize if our comrade bothered you in any way." The droid said as he motioned the bartender over.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Scipio Industries and Finance + Ken Neumann

Before anyone asked, yes, Leonard did input his payment details into Koren's device, transferring one million credits right away. Then, as the small group went back to the hangar, Raj glared at Ken, his helmet making his demeanor more sinister. The Mandalorian would then say: "I don't like you, Believer.."

Ken would nod at that as they reached the spot Leonard's shuttle was encamped next to where Lez and Puevi were. "Dislike accepted. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go see my friends and report to them, then go on that date with Leonard. I'll be within sight range, don't worry."

"Wait!" Leonard ended up saying, "Let me come with you. As I said, I like bringing others down. Slavers who think themselves invincible is as good a target as any."

Ken smiled and gave a short nod, gesturing to Leonard - but not Raj - to follow. Once he approached Puevi and Lez, he would introduce Leonard, saying, "Guys, this is my date, Leonard L. Scipio; he brought me to see Koren himself, and now the Vordans taken as slaves are now free. So, mission success, except for the destruction of GORT Company."

Leonard would then speak up. "My name is Leonard L. Scipio, Ken's date, and I have something to offer; a free gift. If GORT Company is the name of those slavers, I can give a few squadrons of droid fighters, some Droideka Mk. IIs and a large quantity of Buzz Droids to help in their downfall. All I want are holo-records of their downfall and death..."

Ken nodded at that. "Puevi and Lez will make sure those droid fighters, second-generation Droidekas, and Buzz Droids are used right." He would then turn and face Lez. "You and Puevi are to ambush GORT Company when they next make their apperance; Puevi and the team can find them while I go on a date with this guy," he pointed at Leonard. "I am also planning to discuss with the Believers' main leaders about a large-scale operation on Kintan; if this is done right, an entire planet will be liberated, as well as most of an entire species."

Puevi would ask, "What about the other Elias, Elias Ordo? I presume we should find him ourselves?"

Another nod from Ken. "Yes; find him and get him interested in an attack on GORT Company..."

@Sep@Zarkun Perhaps @RumikoOhara[@Elite]
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