Welcome to my next super-large project, and 2nd Sandbox RP. Maximum city, home of the meta-humans and all powerful. There will be no linear plot to this RP, it is a living breathing city with its own small problems and big problems which will be added to and grown as the RP goes on. Your character will be a super hero (or super vigilante) and will live a double life with a secret identity. You will also have to hold down a way of receiving income lest you have you turn to crime which would then make you a target of the superheroes! This is going to be a very large project so please let me know if you are interested and also I am looking for a Co-GM or Two to help me create this city!
Update: 0.1 Also everyone, right now I'm working on the rogues gallery, a collection of super villains who are known to the city, and a few human criminal syndicates too.
Appearance (civilian):
Appearance (costume):
Appearance (costume):
The Rogues Gallery

Name: Carl Vernon Sr
Age: 41
Height: 6'3
Weight: 201
Powers: It has been said that MagnaLight uses Photokinesis But the properties of the energy he manipulates seem to have similarities to not only electricity but solar power. Carl Vernon does not have comeplete control over his light energy and wears his 'photosuit' to contain the power which surges through him, without it, his body randomly expels overwhelming energy which can shock regular people into a coma.
Very little is known about Carl Vernon, some reports from Eclipse Agents say that he has a son ( Carl Vernon Jr) and that he has a background in photography but how he received his powers is a complete mystery.
Status: Active

Name: Garfield Drayson
Age: 30
Height: 5'7
Weight: 150
Powers: Blackshot has no superpowers, he is a hired killer with a talent for archery, but will also use guns and explosives if needs be. Seems to have perfect balance.
Local teenage thug Garfield Drayson used to rob for money as a drug addict in the slums of Maximum City specifically in the 'Purgatory District' area. He then made the mistake of robbing a high ranking member the Knaves Syndicate in East Maximum. But instead of killing the desperate boy, he sent him to a top secret criminal training ground, to become an assasin where could 'pay off' his debt of attempted robbery. After 10 years working for the Knaves, Grayson faked his own death, went independent, and took up the identity of 'Blackshot' hoping that the Knaves Mob would never find out who he really was.
Status: Unknown, possibly active.

Name: ???
Age: ???
Height: 5'3
Weight: 121
Powers: As an agent of the shadows, Happy Fox has the supernatural ability of
Shadow Empowerment
and seems to wield many strange and possibly magic ninja type abilities. Is also highly agile and deadly with a wide range of eastern weapons, mainly the Wakazashi sword.
Almost a total mystery, the Happy Fox seems to be a highly trained agent from an unknown modern ninja clan somewhere in the orient. Has been seen committing murder with high ranking local mobsters and criminals with occasional bouts of thievery.
Status: Unknown

Name: Matthew Majors
Age: 26
Height: 5'10
Weight: 190
Powers: Atomic Fire Manipulation
Matthew Majors was a regular chemistry student at Angel University. During a field trip to the West Maximum Powerplant his natural curiosity lead him and his best friend Ray Quincy to a room near the nuclear core. Suddenly there was a massive unkown explosion in the room. While most of the people inside the plant were safe, Matthew and Ray were caught in the blast. Ray was killed, and Matthew survived with a new set of powers and a personal grudge against the Powerplant. From that day he became the super-villian, meltdown.
Status: Incarcerated

Name: Maurice St Paul
Age: 28
Height: 6'
Weight: 170
Powers: Seckurity has minor enhancements of pain suppression, enhanced vitality and stamina, and also enhanced durability. He is a master at unarmed combat, and a range of melee weapons, with the bo-staff being his preferred weapon. He wears armor made of a high tech metal and plastic compound which is extremely resistant to blunt force, and somewhat bullet proof. Also carries a stun gun and a riot shield.
Maurice left college wanting to join the FBI, but his criminal record made things very difficult for him. He eventually wound up taking a somewhat privately advertised job at
Eclipse Labs as a security guard. A number of years went by and he was offered high pay grade to become subject to special training and experiments. He became the most effective security guard in the world and the experiments gave him super powers. But they also had an effect on his mind and made him both paranoid and violent. He is now a dangerous crimina, mainly operating in North Maximum.
Status: Incarcerated

Name: Obie Phillips
Age: 20
Height: 5'6
Weight: 145
Powers: Intangibility
Very little is known about Obie Phillips apart from the fact he was a homeless teenager from South Maximum who would frequently get arrested for vandalism. Fast forward 4 years and he is seen stealing from banks by phasing into the vault and leaving without setting off alarms. It is rumored that he was given his powers in exchange for working for someone but the parties involved remain a mystery.
Status: Active

Name: ???
Age: ???
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Powers: ???
Status: Active (VERY DANGEROUS)

Based In: West Maximum
Theme: Noble Knights Clan
Origin: A criminal enterprise from Surrey, England. The Knaves have been operating in Maximum City since the 1960s. Originally strictly involved in gambling, they have now moved into drug trafficking and murder for hire. The MCPD,find them very hard to take down because the leadership is completely unknown. They all dress in blue and purple waistcoats and speak with a range of authentic to faux British accents.

Based In: South Maximum
Theme: Gym Athletes
Origin: Originally a pair of feared sibling Boxers, Yancy and Clay Mercer were low level thugs who would gamble prize money and occasionally collect debts for the original 'Southie Boys' gang in the area. On a night of roid rage, both the brothers killed the leadership of the Southie boys and took over the gang to become a Steroid and Physical enchancement smuggling crew who also dabbled in home invasion and kidnapping. All members are either trained boxers or wrestlers, and take their fitness very seriously.

Name: Carl Vernon Sr
Age: 41
Height: 6'3
Weight: 201
Powers: It has been said that MagnaLight uses Photokinesis But the properties of the energy he manipulates seem to have similarities to not only electricity but solar power. Carl Vernon does not have comeplete control over his light energy and wears his 'photosuit' to contain the power which surges through him, without it, his body randomly expels overwhelming energy which can shock regular people into a coma.
Very little is known about Carl Vernon, some reports from Eclipse Agents say that he has a son ( Carl Vernon Jr) and that he has a background in photography but how he received his powers is a complete mystery.
Status: Active

Name: Garfield Drayson
Age: 30
Height: 5'7
Weight: 150
Powers: Blackshot has no superpowers, he is a hired killer with a talent for archery, but will also use guns and explosives if needs be. Seems to have perfect balance.
Local teenage thug Garfield Drayson used to rob for money as a drug addict in the slums of Maximum City specifically in the 'Purgatory District' area. He then made the mistake of robbing a high ranking member the Knaves Syndicate in East Maximum. But instead of killing the desperate boy, he sent him to a top secret criminal training ground, to become an assasin where could 'pay off' his debt of attempted robbery. After 10 years working for the Knaves, Grayson faked his own death, went independent, and took up the identity of 'Blackshot' hoping that the Knaves Mob would never find out who he really was.
Status: Unknown, possibly active.

Name: ???
Age: ???
Height: 5'3
Weight: 121
Powers: As an agent of the shadows, Happy Fox has the supernatural ability of
Shadow Empowerment
and seems to wield many strange and possibly magic ninja type abilities. Is also highly agile and deadly with a wide range of eastern weapons, mainly the Wakazashi sword.
Almost a total mystery, the Happy Fox seems to be a highly trained agent from an unknown modern ninja clan somewhere in the orient. Has been seen committing murder with high ranking local mobsters and criminals with occasional bouts of thievery.
Status: Unknown

Name: Matthew Majors
Age: 26
Height: 5'10
Weight: 190
Powers: Atomic Fire Manipulation
Matthew Majors was a regular chemistry student at Angel University. During a field trip to the West Maximum Powerplant his natural curiosity lead him and his best friend Ray Quincy to a room near the nuclear core. Suddenly there was a massive unkown explosion in the room. While most of the people inside the plant were safe, Matthew and Ray were caught in the blast. Ray was killed, and Matthew survived with a new set of powers and a personal grudge against the Powerplant. From that day he became the super-villian, meltdown.
Status: Incarcerated

Name: Maurice St Paul
Age: 28
Height: 6'
Weight: 170
Powers: Seckurity has minor enhancements of pain suppression, enhanced vitality and stamina, and also enhanced durability. He is a master at unarmed combat, and a range of melee weapons, with the bo-staff being his preferred weapon. He wears armor made of a high tech metal and plastic compound which is extremely resistant to blunt force, and somewhat bullet proof. Also carries a stun gun and a riot shield.
Maurice left college wanting to join the FBI, but his criminal record made things very difficult for him. He eventually wound up taking a somewhat privately advertised job at
Eclipse Labs as a security guard. A number of years went by and he was offered high pay grade to become subject to special training and experiments. He became the most effective security guard in the world and the experiments gave him super powers. But they also had an effect on his mind and made him both paranoid and violent. He is now a dangerous crimina, mainly operating in North Maximum.
Status: Incarcerated

Name: Obie Phillips
Age: 20
Height: 5'6
Weight: 145
Powers: Intangibility
Very little is known about Obie Phillips apart from the fact he was a homeless teenager from South Maximum who would frequently get arrested for vandalism. Fast forward 4 years and he is seen stealing from banks by phasing into the vault and leaving without setting off alarms. It is rumored that he was given his powers in exchange for working for someone but the parties involved remain a mystery.
Status: Active

Name: ???
Age: ???
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Powers: ???
Status: Active (VERY DANGEROUS)
Knaves Syndicate

Based In: West Maximum
Theme: Noble Knights Clan
Origin: A criminal enterprise from Surrey, England. The Knaves have been operating in Maximum City since the 1960s. Originally strictly involved in gambling, they have now moved into drug trafficking and murder for hire. The MCPD,find them very hard to take down because the leadership is completely unknown. They all dress in blue and purple waistcoats and speak with a range of authentic to faux British accents.
The Mercer Bros

Based In: South Maximum
Theme: Gym Athletes
Origin: Originally a pair of feared sibling Boxers, Yancy and Clay Mercer were low level thugs who would gamble prize money and occasionally collect debts for the original 'Southie Boys' gang in the area. On a night of roid rage, both the brothers killed the leadership of the Southie boys and took over the gang to become a Steroid and Physical enchancement smuggling crew who also dabbled in home invasion and kidnapping. All members are either trained boxers or wrestlers, and take their fitness very seriously.
Update 0.12 Now working on the City Districts, will probably add a few locations too.
𝙈𝙖𝙭𝙞𝙢𝙪𝙢 𝘾𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙨
𝙉𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙝 𝙈𝙖𝙭𝙞𝙢𝙪𝙢

The Middle Class Townhouses populate the residential area just outside the central metropolis. This area is home to a lot of retired crime lords, and corrupt politicians.
𝙒𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙈𝙖𝙭𝙞𝙢𝙪𝙢

The West side of maximum city has a very distinct almost cyberpunk feel due to the high population of blackhat type hackers, dark pulse musicians and high end robotics that are common place in the Neo Quarter. There is also a vibe for 80s retrowave which has influenced the overall style and attitude of this part of the city,

The Triads run this small district on the west side. Known for its amazing food and over the top street fights. The police presence here is almost non existent due to the overwhelming amount of control the bosses have here. The illegal lottery ran in the mahjong dens is currently under investigation and bringing a lot of heat to an area that usually has none.

The leading manufacturer of futuristic technoology. Previously known as Patent Robo Co. The very shady but powerful ECLIPSE company bought them out and used their research to further not only their own security but to focus more on human enhancements and personal weaponry. There have been 1843 robbery attempts since ECLIPSE took over 4 years ago. Only 5 were successful.
𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙈𝙖𝙭𝙞𝙢𝙪𝙢

Its only been 10 years since the auto industry has almost dried up in Maximum City, and the Blue Collar East Side of Maximum was hit the hardest, the beloved Denny's Motors was one of the main sources of jobs for regular folk in the area but now the plant is little more than a fugitive shelter and many in this area have turned to crime.

Despite the closure signs and barbed fences, this area is NOT abandoned. The tower blocks are filled with gangs who have been constantly warring in this block for the last 3 years. Despite the outward appearance, there is a lot of money exchanged through here and the block is powered by electricity illegally siphoned from the power plant, avoid at all costs. Even the SWAT teams are nervous to enter here.
𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙝 𝙈𝙖𝙭𝙞𝙢𝙪𝙢

The hideout of many outlaw bikers. The venue used to be a high profile meth lab until it was busted 6 years ago. Still a few drugs pushed through here but enough of the cops look the other way.

Formerly known as the 'Cajun Quarter' until the mayor decided that name carried too much baggage. This part of South Maximum is home to many food festivals, maardi gras events and street bands. The flow of party drugs is heavy in this area, and many petty pickpockets and corner kids make a name for themselves here, as the police presence is fairly thin.
𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙢𝙪𝙢 𝙄𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙

The Sewage plant an underground network for the waste of Maximum city starts on minimum island. The corruoption at the plant is well documented as it has been used for smuggling since the 70s but there has been more recent rumors of dangerous creatures raoming the sewers. Mutation rumors....
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