Name: Kric
Aliases: Waiter boy, the Imp, Little red
Age: Unknown. Appears in his early twenties.
Race: Imp
Place of Origin: Originally from Hell, but an escapee.
Gender: Male
Class/Job:A waiter at this fine establishment, and has worked here for a while.
Usually in his “human form”, Kric is a slightly shorter male at 5’6” with snowy white smooth skin over what seems to be a lithe body. Surprisingly, Kric is very built up with lean muscles and even some noticeable abs under his professional waiter uniform. His heart shaped face is somewhat plain except for the big crimson eyes he bears with thick deep red eyelashes to match his messy short hair. On his head there are two small white demon horns, and on his back is undersized black demon wings which cannot be used for flight. He also has a long red spades tail, which he gets very snippety when customers try to grab it to get his attention. Around Kric’s neck is a metal cuff collar with a couple of metal links connected to it, a common piece to show ownership of an imp.
In his imp form, Kric is considered cute and fluffy (both of which he absolutely despises when he is called it.) He barely makes two feet, and his whole body is covered with silky red fur that some female guests just love to play with. He has a tuft of this fur on his head and two ears with it that don’t seem proportionate to his body. He still has his big round red eyes and fanged grin from his human form, as well as all of the impish accessories of horns, tiny flightless wings, and tail. Again, Kric has the collar around his neck. His belly is white and his paws are a darker red. A very quick and flexible body to get around and do biddings with stealth.
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: He has double silver hoop piercings in his earlobes and a diamond stud in his right ear’s cartilage.
Day To Day Attire:ReferenceA white blouse-like undershirt with black pants and plain black shoes. Also wears a formal blue-black vest with beige trimming.
Strengths: - Very agile and flexible, Kric is able to slip through small spaces with ease and get around fairly unnoticed.
- Like many a imps, Kric is an expert in trickery. He basically understands how the mind works and how to manipulate it, even if it needs a bit of illusionary magic to help him out.
- Much like your favorite golden retriever, Kric is loyal as a puppy and will do his very best to keep order and peace for his master and his master’s bar.
Weaknesses: - Kric is terrified of water, whether it be swimming or someone pouring it over his head, the little imp will spring up onto the ceiling and refuse to come down for hours. He won’t go outside in the rain, and refuses to bathe (luckily, imps don’t have the same odors as humans.)
- Imps are tricky and conniving, and this goes the same with Kric. He tends to pull pranks on people he dislikes, and likes to run his mouth off a bit too much. With a body built for running away and not necessarily getting into a brawl, this can stir up a bit of trouble.
- Kric has a big weakness for anything sweet, but most importantly ice cream. He would do most anything for sweets, and usually does side jobs for guests such as snooping or swiping things in exchange for his favorite treats. Luckily, the owner hasn’t found about this just yet.
Current Events: Kric was an imp created for a powerful demon down in Hell to be his servant. Kric, however, couldn’t match up to his master’s expectations and was worked to the bone. The little imp escaped and broke his contract with the demon lord, and on his path of running stumbled along the tavern. The owner was kind of enough to take him in, and offered him a deal. If Kric remained a loyal servant to the owner, he could work as a waiter at the tavern and not have to be returned to the demon. Kric accepted the deal, and has worked here ever since faithfully.
Character Quote:“How dare you, I’m not cute! I’m a demon too you know... and stop touching my tail!”
Theme Song: (A little too badass for him but I can’t find anything with a “cutesy devil” feel)
Aura Color: A bright yellow with red surrounding it, showing a fiery outside but a gentle and warm inside.
Scent: Like many imps, he would smell like fire or brimstone. Except overplayed with a sweet candy like smell, due to his daily consumption of ice cream.
Anything Else:Hates being called cute or anything related, and dislikes when people touch his tail or scratch his ears. (This is because like a cat, he will purr when pet like this and it is embarrassing.)