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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


This game was greatly inspired by the anime Nanatsu no Taiza a.k.a. The Seven Deadly Sins. You do not have to have seen this anime to participate in this game for this game is running on its own original setting. I made this game a year ago, and now I'm bringing it back since the show has resumed with Season 2. But yeah, as it says above, you do not have to have seen the show at all. Just read this OOC and you will know what you're about to get into. I got rid of some old ideas that I felt didn't help the game much.

This game will be high fantasy, which means majority of the creatures found in this game will be entirely of our imagination, and if they are creatures we want to keep in this game as common knowledge, then there will be a Beast Log to record them.

The technology level of this game is mostly magic and medieval but some kingdoms have access to steam technology as well as magic-operated/magic-producing machinery called Arcana or Arcs if it is a weapon. Arcs are rare weapons that are beyond expensive and are greatly desired by any kingdom, military, crime element, and individual due to their immense power.

This was the basic synopsis of the game. If you are interested, then please continue to read and instead of just announcing "interested" in the Interest Check, please reserve a role. This will let me know that you have read this line and are capable of reading comprehension as well as following directions.

There are two gods in this world. The White God and The Black God, although, not much is known of the Black God. The most active god has always been the White God. However, the story goes that between the gods Man was created as a balance. Man was neither good or evil and leaned, whichever way Man desired. Some chose the path of the White God and gave up their freewill in service to It. They were called Holy Knights. These powerful knights were angelic in appearance and with their power granted by the White God, they dedicated their lives to bringing justice to the masses. No kingdom could ignore a Holy Knight's audience. They are the wandering judges in the land, but that didn't make them good. Self-righteousness could be an evil thing, and many kingdoms and villages were wiped out if ever a Holy Knight deemed them to be wicked. The White God is praised to be an inspiration of hope, salvation, and purity - everything that humans desired in a true god, but perhaps the god's light shined so brightly that they were blinded?

The Black God faded from history, and is imagined to be a fairy tale. It has become the shadow of the White God. Some even question if a Black God even exists. There were seven warriors who opposed the Holy Knights. Seven who strangely bore the strength to ward off the power of the White God. This disturbed the god, and while the seven warriors gloated over their powers and victories, their complacency left an opening. The White God personally attacked the seven warriors and branded each warrior with a curse/sin. They were banished across Gaea, and their minds shattered so that they could not remember who they are and what they did. The Holy Knights hunt them, seeking to destroy them while they're vulnerable. Time will only tell when they succeed.


This game takes place ten years after the White God's banishing. In this game, the seven deadly sins are: Pride, Greed, Gluttony, Lust, Envy, Wrath and Sloth. They are equal in might; however, some may be physically faster or stronger than the others depending if they specialize specifically in those abilities. The Sins are extremely powerful to demigod level and sometimes tipping into god level. The Holy Knights are similarly powerful, but still only challenge a Sin in numbers. There are only few Holy Knights in existence that can take on a Sin one-on-one and those Holy Knights are not to be taken lightly.

The Sins before their curse were good friends and were quite a colorful bunch with all of their interesting personalities making them quite the dysfunctional family. Since they were scattered by the White God's phenomenal curse, the White God has taught Man that the Sins are evil. Any being bearing the Brand of the Seven is an evil person to be turned over to authorities immediately. Because of this social stigma, the Sins with their fragmented memories believe themselves to be evil. Their crime? They cannot remember but figure it was something awful. Wherever you place your Sin in this world, in whatever situation, is how they will be found. Dead? Alive? Imprisoned? Working at a bar? Whatever you choose. Each Sin has a wanted poster posted with their face on it for "x" amount of gold (however much you think your Sin is worth).

Each sin has one ability. Not three in one. Just one ability. This ability is not to be confused with their already freely given demigod physical abilities. There is no point in listing what's automatically granted to your character when you do your profile. I should only see one ability listed under ability. If you want super speed to be an ability that makes them the fastest Sin, then you can do that but be warned that that is your ability. Likewise, for strength, durability, etc. We will see who follows these directions.

As the game states, there are only seven sins. I will not be accepting more than seven people. I, the GM, have chosen a Sin (Gluttony) so there are six openings for Sins. I do not have a limit on Holy Knights just yet. The Sins can be male or female. They do not have to be all male or all female and there doesn't have to be an equal amount of either.

You can use this site to get fancy fonts for decorating your profile: 1001fonts.com You just treat the link to each font banner like an image.


Evelyn, or Eve, [GM-character] is secretly the daughter of King Patreus and Queen Melody Caroline. The Holy Knights have taken her kingdom, claiming that they are protecting it from a resistance that has arisen to chase the Holy Knights out. The Holy Knights, however, twisted the goals of the resistance around, telling the royal family that the resistance was raised to oppose their rule and not the Holy Knights. Eve's family was thus contained, placing the Holy Knights in complete power over her kingdom. Her mother helped her escape before she was taken and she has since traveled the world in search of the Seven Sins, who she feels will end the Holy Knights reign and return the world to peace.

Eve is unaccustomed to life outside of her palace where servants waited on her hand and foot, and so she has a lot of character development to go through. There is a secret divine power within her, and it's not of the White God, which can be revealed in certain situations in game. The biggest revealing is how she is able to restore the memories of each of the Sins. Her "kills with kindness" personality makes her a princess that the Sins are eventually all willing to fight for and protect. Eve will learn to be the monarch she is destined to be.


If more than seven people show interest in this game, then selection for this game will be based on your character's concept. It'll be completely subjective and based on what the GM deems is good for the game. This does not mean if your character isn't selected that you are a bad writer, you can't come up with interesting ideas, or anything negative along those lines. I will merely be making a selection based on what I think is good for the story. So if you're confident, you really like this idea, and you want to give it a shot, then you're good to go. Note: That this subjectivity will only be used if the role you chose is being contested by another player. If no one challenges the same slot you wanted, then you are good to go.


1. No drama. You think this rule wouldn't need to be up here, but unfortunately, there are some immature/moody folks who like to air out their dirty laundry. If you think I'm going to put up with it, you're wrong. You will be removed from the game in a heartbeat. "I had a bad day," is not an excuse. If you're having a bad day, then you better go find something to do that makes you happy because if you're letting your bad day create a toxic environment in this game, you will be removed without mercy.
2. Communication. I understand how college is. Been there. Done that. I know it can be busy and exams take up your time. HOWEVER, you are completely capable of spending not even 1 min, coming online and saying, "Hey, I'm going to be busy with exams for the next "x" amount of days." That's all it takes. Very easy. Or even, "Hey, I'm going to be on vacation from [blank] date to [blank] date. Again, too easy. If you disappear without telling me where you went for 7 days, I will have everyone move on without you. If you're gone for 30 days, then you will be removed from the game.
3. Activity Level. I want this game to be fun and to move as we make it move. So I don't expect the activity level to be anything extreme unless we're all having a good time. I guess what I'm saying is, this will depend on us. No one will be posting over anyone in this game (unless you're mysteriously absent). If someone hasn't responded, then we will wait for them to respond. If there's a 1 on 1 dialog between characters that has nothing to do with other characters, then those can be collaborated using Pirate Pad or PMs. What most certainly won't happen is people posting 10 times per day. That's not going to happen.
4. Have Fun and Story Weave. If you haven't noticed, this world isn't in depth because I want us all to move this story and create plots together. I, the GM, will be the overall guide for the plot and I will make some exceptions for side stories, but the amount of imagination you put into each post is all you. Try to make a character that you can feel and love. Do not just try to join this game because it seemed cool and you're jumping on the bandwagon with everyone else. Your character, and the love you have for him or her is going to decide how long you stay in this game. No lie.


Holy Knights

I am only allowing at maximum 2 GREAT Holy Knights, and you are free to make a Holy Knight that was formally bad and has become good. Holy Knights will more than likely know each other and serve together. They can even be siblings. Whatever you decide.


Reserved Sins

If you don't see the CS linked to this name, then the character is not yet approved. Writing prompts are due Friday, 5 Jan 18. If no prompts are received by then, then those roles who failed to provide them will open up.
Gluttony {GM}
Wrath (Need)
Greed @Majoras End
Envy @Yahrlan
Lust (Need)
Pride @Tenma Tendo
Sloth @AllHollowsEve

Reserved Holy Knights

Not taking anymore HKs at this time.

Holy Knight @NobodiesHero
Holy Knight @Loki Odinson
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Currently interested, I'd like to reserve the Wrath Sin. Thinking that he initially loathes himself thanks to his fractured memory of the things he's done without any context of why.

Edit: I see I'm on the list. I shall begin filling out what I can on the CS now.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 3 days ago

What are the sins 'already freely given demigod physical abilities'?

I would also like to reserve pride :)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Princess Evelyn "Eve" Caroline
Age: 20
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Gray
Gender: Female

Written Appearance: As a princess, Evelyn always wore dresses. Gowns, corsets, and more gowns. She was never allowed to show any skin below her shoulders. Such a life was normal for her and she didn't think much of it. It wasn't until she was chased from her kingdom that she found herself having to wear other garments. She had to dress herself in whatever she could find, giving up her puffy and decorative dress. She travels in the clothes of a pauper. Itchy sack cloth shirt and pants and deer skin shoes. Her milk-white skin is smudged in dirt and her once wavy and shiny brown hair is tied behind her back with an old shoe lace. She still holds onto her family's signet ring, wearing it on a leather thread about her neck so that it's hidden beneath her shirt. There was a reason why the Carolines hid their daughter behind layers of clothes. She is beautiful and had many suitors wishing to take her hand...not anymore.

Personality: It is Eve's first time outside the castle and she is very naive to being swindled by the clever tricksters of the streets. She speaks very formally, which is usually a sign of a noble upbringing. She is respectful and timid of the strangers who were either formally her subjects or from another kingdom entirely. Eve knows how delicate she is, but she is determined to save her parents from the Church of the White. She doesn't know if she will even succeed in finding the Seven Sins. She doesn't even know if she will survive the journey. All Eve knows is that she has to try!

Background: Princess Evelyn Caroline is the daughter of King Patreus and Queen Melody. She is their only child and has been safely guarded from the world until now. Everything began when a Great Holy Knight by the name of Hector Mineaus came to her kingdom to assist them in dealing with a barbaric clan of giants. The clan's leader was named Barakas and he was known to feed the humans to his giant hounds. With the king's permission, Hector was allowed to lead his army against the clan. He succeeded in slaying Barakas, and the Carolines honored him with a celebration. It was at the celebration that Hector approached Evelyn and secretly tried to woo her. Evelyn shyly rejected the knight's attempts to his silent anger. The day after the party was when the Church of the White was suddenly upon the capitol. There was talk of a resistance against the Carolines. The story was that because the Carolines had requested aid from the church to handle the giants rather than send their own army that the people were in outrage. The Carolines weren't even given a chance to have an audience with their kingdom before they were moved into a sanctuary that seemed more like a heavily-guarded prison.

Before the Holy Knights could detain Evelyn, the king ordered her protector to take her out of the castle. The protector against the Holy Knights orders did as his king commanded and fled the castle with Evelyn. He rode as far as he could with the knights on his tail. When he feared his horse would tire before they would lose them, Eve's protector stayed behind to fight the Holy Knights so that she could escape. Eve, afraid to be alone in this foreign world, reluctantly rode off leaving her protector behind and the last relation she had to her family.

Current Story: Her horse long gone and her dress long ruined, Eve was forced to travel Gaea alone. She is learning to endure the hardship of survival and no longer having servants to rely on. There have been those kind to her, but there were more who were cruel, forcing her to be wary of strangers. Having discovered the wanted posters for the Seven Deadly Sins, she remembered tales of their power and decided to find them. They just might be strong enough to take her kingdom back from the church and free her parents.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Dark LightLike inhuman strength, speed, reflexes, toughness, stamina, etc. - physical abilities.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

So is there a particular power level our ability should be at? Currently I'm currently thinking of a ability that summons a wraith to lash out at enemies in the local area (about 10-20 metres) that lasts a few seconds before fading. Would abilities be expected to be at a higher power level than this or lower?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@PyromaniacwolfHigher. The wraith could remain summoned for as long as he wanted. I think limiting the wraith's reach as you did with 10 or 20 meters is good. I'm assuming that this is more like the wraith can't travel too far away from its master.

I'll have Gluttony's CS up in a second. I'm changing his look from the last time I rped him and I'm changing his CS layout.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Grimjet Clermont; The Butcher; The Butcher of the Sea; The Pirate King

Appears to be in his early 30s


5'10" (varies when he eats)

210 lbs (varies when he eats)




Grimjet has crimson hair and not the usual orange-ginger kind though he still gets called a "ginger" at times. His eyes are as blue as the sea and are his most eye-catching quality. Behind his lips are disturbing, shark-like teeth. They are triangular and seem to follow the shark's curse of his brand. The pirate king once wore a leather coat with white downy fur lining the collar. Belts crisscrossed his hips, and dark trousers rode down his legs into boots. He often wore a mask to hide his identity not wanting to let his rivals know who they were messing with on the sea. His second eye-catching quality is his body—when he isn’t porking out on food and grog. Grimjet can get pretty huge depending on the size of feast he’s partaking in, which disturbs or fascinates others. He carries with him an Arc that he calls simply, "His Knife." Others call it, "The Butcher’s Knife." It is a suitable weapon for a man with such an insatiable appetite. His body is covered in various scars from his numerous battles on the sea. Who knew Holy Knights could swim? (duh dum tish!)

Grimjet’s brand is on his abdomen just below his navel in the form of a shark circled by an ouroboros. The shark represents his ravenous appetite and the serpent that surrounds it, how endless it is.

Grimjet has many pleasures and he enjoys them all in abundance. He loves good food, good grog, and gorgeous women, and he’s rather shameless in his indulgences. Becoming a pirate was only fitting for him. Grimjet is pretty cocky to the point that he thinks everything is a game. In battle, he tends to be the benefactor, slowly devouring his enemies and their powers until there is nothing left. His capacity for devouring abilities seems nearly endless, but food and drink...well, his body has a limited capacity that he likes to exceed every once and in a while. He claims his actual curse is having such a large appetite and not having a body large enough to compensate for it. He also claims that his gluttony is his strength, which is true, but doesn’t make him number one on the guest list at banquets.

The Sin is rather mischievous and is quite the party-goer. Wherever there’s food or drink, he’ll be there—especially if it’s free. His appetite makes him terrible with money, but that’s why he was a pirate because whenever he ran out, he’d just acquire more loot to spend! Mind you, this was all before the banishing.

To be revealed when he acquires his lost memory.

After Grimjet was banished across the globe by the White God’s power, he landed in the sea and drifted, unconscious for several days before his body washed up on the shore of Fairy Island. The fairies didn’t take too kindly to foreigners and imprisoned him. Having attempted to execute him in countless ways, they eventually discovered his uncanny ability and learned that leaving him alone was the best execution. Starved and unable to satiate his hunger and thirst, Grimjet succumbed to his own appetite. He supposedly died and was found limbless, having eaten his own arms and legs, which made it impossible for him to escape his confinement. His husk remains on Fairy Island, posted as a warning to all visitors to turn back or they’ll end up the same way.

The Butcher's Knife is a massive cleaver that is four-feet long and one foot thick. There are three holes near the end of the blade for draining, and draining is what the Arc weapon specializes in. Each cut on an enemy draws life from his foe and gives it to its wielder. While his enemies grow weaker, Grimjet grows stronger, feasting on their vitality. [Reference]

Devour is Grimjet’s trademark skill. He can eat practically anything like a walking black hole, and he will proudly proclaim that there’s nothing out there that he can’t eat. Using devour, Grimjet can consume enemies, their weapons, and their abilities as nourishment for his body, making him stronger. The size of the enemy doesn’t matter and neither does the amount. There’s only one catch. No enemy will allow themselves to be devoured so easily, which is why it can require tact at times. Using his meat cleaver, the vitae that is hacked from his enemies is devoured until his enemies are too weak to run away. When an enemy is placed into such a vulnerable position, then Grimjet takes advantage of the opportunity. Whatever ability he devours does not become his. This isn't a copy cat move. It just makes him physically stronger and even more eager to be satisfied.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Okay got a character up, I do have some character development in mind for this guy so he won't be a brainless monster for the entire RP (albeit he won't go back to his previously mentioned past self either)

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@PyromaniacwolfYeah, you made his personality just kill, kill, kill and not much else. Let's not forget more mention of killing lol. For the weapon, unless you are choosing to have a non-Arc weapon for your character, then disregard this. However, if you are giving your character an Arc weapon, then it is something he had even before he was banished by the White God if he didn't lose it during the banishing. It's not just some enchanted weapon you find on the ground or loot off some orcs. Because Arcs are very rare and powerful. They are highly desired weapons. Think of them as legendary weapons.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Majoraa
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Majoraa yeh

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Definetly interested, is it alright if i reserve greed?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 3 days ago

Just to call dibs,
I will be making a telekinetic with dual pistols.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Holy Soldier
Quite interested. I would like to try and reserve Lust. No bounty information on him yet cause I'm not really sure of the relative values of money in this setting.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Yahrlan
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'd like to bid on Envy, if I may. Will work up a sheet in the morning-ish.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Majoras EndSure.

@Dark LightIt's a Medieval Fantasy game. Pistols won't work.

@KeksalotI am getting Beelzebub vibes from this character. Also, the brand is from the White God. It's not a physical affliction. The fact that characters are getting freakishly taller and thinner after Wrath is making me want to put a height cap lol because I can't stand charcters who are tall or dwarf-sized for no reason. This character...I can see you put some work into it but he only has something to do with Lust in his ability. Is he the one lusting for things he can't have? What is the theme here besides Beelzebub.


Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Holy Soldier
Is the character supposed to specifically represent his sin in his personality overtly and distinctly? I kind of sort of assumed that since we've don't really have our memories we can be the sort of people society molded us into after we've regained our bearings as opposed to the people that we were when we got cursed - that is, until our past catches up to us.

As of now, as i see it, this guy's lust is expressed in the fact that despite all things said and done he is supremely self-centered and almost incapable of commiting to anything except something that he himself wants, narcissistic to the extreme, even if in a sort of passive, internalized way. His ability's nature especially helps him to extend almost no effort towards dealing with the outside world as opposed to working towards his own desires - but at the same time, torturously, he can't just materialize his own wishes in a way that he can do with the wishes of others.

And nah, he isn't specifically modeled after Beelzebub, nor as a demon nor as a philistine god. The festering fly-shaped mark symbolizes the infectiousness and the insidious nature of sin overall and lust specifically as the most carnal and visceral sins - closest to the flesh, pestilent and incredibly hard to scrub out. A fly in christianity is a symbol of sin and decay, both physical and spiritual, even in detachment from Beelzebub specifically. Especially considering that "lord of the flies" is just one of his interpretations, other being "lord of those who dwell in heaven/lord of the heavenly/lord of those who fly" from Baal Zəbûl as opposed to Zebub, both originating not in the christian writings but among israelites and philistines.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

I shall redo Wilhelm's personality if he seems abit too stabby for his personality currently. Also I wasn't entirely sure about the Arc weapons but having them before having their memory wiped makes more sense.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@KeksalotThe sin became an actual curse by the White God to match the type of sins they formally committed. Even with no memory, the curse still exists. Like, Gluttony's makes him forever hungry in more than one way. Thus when he went without food or any way to satisfy himself, he perished because he could not meet the curse's demands.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Holy Soldier Ok, for some reason I assumed flintlock and black powder was available. But re-reading it I can only find mention of steam. :(
If I can't have the first pair of flintlock pistols then I guess I'll go for a cane sword.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Holy Soldier
Ah, sorry. I think I understand. How about this: Absalom's curse manifests in form of an nigh-on irresistible longing and want for corruption and violation of innocent and beautiful things and things that are complete by themselves? To explain - when witnessing a beautiful work of art, such as a painting or a statue that is complete and beautiful and finished and requires no additions, he would feel a terrible compulsion to somehow hurt and ruin it in a way that'd make it incomplete. Similarly, when witnessing dispalys of purity and spiritual integrity in people, such as helping someone purely out of goodness of your heart, he feels a burning need to make them stop, and make them abandon any pretension of goodness.

Alternate ideas: First - in a classic biblical Lust fashion, any woman he copulates with will guaranteedly become pregnant and give birth to two or more children who will grow up to become either evil and villainous men, or become destined to confront him later.

Second - no matter how much he himself takes from the world, no matter what of his own lusts he fulfills, he is cursed to never be complete and whole. No matter how much he eats, he remains emaciated, no matter how kind he is to his men they never trust him completely and never become TRULY dedicated, no matter how lavishly he dresses and how much makeup he applies, there is still a fatal ugly flaw in his apperance, no matter what remedies he seeks the mark on his back still weeps and hurts.
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