Chiwa Hatori

Name: Chiwa Hatori (羽鳥 千和 Hatori Chiwa)
Gender: Female
Age: 15 (Birthday: September 26)
Height: 163cm (5'4")
Weight: 58.5kg (129lb)
General: As a city girl, Hatori's looks are surprisingly ordinary in a world filled with Quirks. Of course, in this kind of society she would need to take efforts into her own hands to make herself a bit different from the others. Her hair is originally black, though anyone who gets close enough to her can see that she has subtly dyed her hair a very dark purple. Other than that, her hair is just above her shoulders with a short strand of it tied to the side. When wearing her costume or some sort of hat or helmet, said strand of hair is removed and Hatori's hair is pulled up into the headgear. Sometimes her hair would be pulled back somewhat to reveal her ears.
Her eyes are a deep blue while her skin is a natural light peach, with a faint blush on her cheeks. Her height and physique are about average for a girl her age, though she has a bit of muscle on her legs due to exercise; she is a regular runner and biker. Her hands are rougher than is usual for a teenage girl, though not to the point of being callused as she uses gloves for tougher jobs.
Civilian: Hatori largely prefers wearing T-shirts and polo shirts. Sometimes, she pairs it up with her custom made gray quilted vest, embroidered with her initials “¢H”. Sometimes she wears a hoodie in colder weather. She usually wears skirts just over the knee, or shorts about the same length. Hatori dislikes wearing anything formal, and this is shown even in uniform, where she rarely wears her school sweatervest (which she finds incredibly uncomfortable) and doesn't button all the way to the collar. If she's feeling particularly lazy, Hatori might even drop the bowtie as well.
Inside her vests or jackets, or really any pocket on her clothes, Hatori stores stacks of small pre-creased paper in the form of rectangular sticky notes or flash cards for self defense due to the function of her Quirk. They are also thick enough to act as improvised armor against certain vital areas to deal with basic attacks, though it is far less protective and durable compared to her costume. Her casual clothing is finished with sneakers with crew socks.
Heroine Title/Name: The Aviator Heroine, Flying Ace
Costume: As Flying Ace, Hatori is able to find a strong compromise in practicality and aesthetics, and her costume perfectly fits her Quirk; she takes her costume's inspiration from a real life fighter pilot's apparel and accessories. She wears a helmet heavily modified from a motorcycle helmet with its mouth guard removed and replaced by an oxygen mask with thin tubes that connect to a flat canister in her back. Since she frequently does a lot of running in her costume, Hatori makes sure that the least amount of tube is exposed as possible to prevent them from getting in the way or getting cut or snapped at an inopportune moment. She doesn't put her oxygen mask on all the time though, as she mentions it makes her stuffy.
The visor on her helmet is retractable and has a tracker, and with her Quirk, Hatori is able to track where her planes are and how many paper she has left to deploy. This gives her more strategic options on what to do with her airborne assets. More mundanely, her visor is photochromic, or darkens in response to ultraviolet radiation, a feature implemented simply for "cool" factor. Finally, the black helmet itself is mostly composed of reinforced carbon fiber to greatly reduce its weight. Some of the styrofoam on the inside was carved out to make way for a thinner nylon layer, all measures to turn the bulky motorcycle helmet into something more fit for a heroine to wear.
Hatori also places great consideration onto her clothes. For fashion points, she wears a dark gray nylon bomber jacket – she found leather jackets far too bulky and heavy for her liking (even though, as she admittedly claims, it looks cooler on her). A large circular of a V-formation aerial fleet flying into the rising horizon on the sea with her heroine title and name written around the edges is placed right above her left chest.
She wears dark brown exercise shorts that go near her knees, which are protected by knee guards and shinguards. Her elbows are likewise protected by guards. These aren't any ordinary guards, however; behind the thin foam padding are small, stacked sheets of paper, not just giving her an extra layer of defense but also enabling her to pull sheets out from her guards and use them offensively for her Quirk. Of course, due to her Quirk being paper-related, fire and water are evidently her worst enemy, the former simply burning the flammable material into ash while water making her light weight paper into heavy weights and making her incredibly slow and unable to fold her paper for her Quirk to use. Hatori counteracts this by simply varying her paper choice. She doesn't simply stick to good white paper, but uses a variety of kraft paper, wrapping paper, laminated paper, and much more to make her paper waterproof and somewhat fire retardant (but not resistant).
This, coupled with paper's relatively light weight, enables Hatori to carry hundreds of paper, at least in the size of sticky notes. However, she keeps them well protected behind a wall of foam padding to keep them as dry and strong as possible for her to use. Hatori finally tops her heroine costume off with fingerless clothes just to compliment how cool her costume apparently looks, and also if she needs to get close and personal as well, though kneeing or elbow-smashing enemies with her protective guards is not out of the question; after all, she is a combat pragmatist.
Throughout her childhood, Hatori was known for two things: being able to easily befriend others and just as easily able to get on people's nerves. She's sociable and generally has no trouble reading other people, and those she sufficiently understands will quickly realize her capability of predicting what they would do. Those that provoke her ire or antagonizes her would see a ruder side, where she enjoys aggravating people through taunting and trash talking, though she isn't oblivious or rebellious enough to try it on a person who she thinks has greater authority or is superior, and only does so when she's confident enough to back it up or that it would at least benefit her.
Regardless of how she treats others, she is in no shortage of sarcasm and frequent humor. While Hatori isn't particularly an A-student, nor does she have the complete motivation to excel in school, she can prove to be guile in tight situations. She believes anything in a fight is fair game, though she dislikes excessive and needless cruelty and mostly in fear of the consequences, she doesn't try and cheat in competitive situations or academics. Her pragmatism comes more out of quick thinking and intuition rather than pure intellect, claiming that thinking too much "chokes" her performance. As a result, Hatori is one to rely more on tactics and on-the-moment decisions than strategy.
Despite all these traits, Hatori is one who doesn't look down on others. She greatly respects those who are able to match or defeat her in certain skills, and admires those who are willing to improve. The future heroine seems to perform more effectively when she's backed into a corner. The word "problem" doesn't exist in her dictionary; everything is a challenge instead. Interestingly enough, Hatori is also a person who is willing to run from a fight, but definitely not one to abandon it out of cowardice. She thinks on the fly, sometimes against a stronger opponent, and mostly due to the function of her Quirk she learns when to stay back instead of getting close and personal right in front of her own planes.
For those who Hatori is closer friends to, she may refer to them by first name or certain nicknames, often created by herself. She rarely shows malice for it, however. Her goal for becoming a hero is rather simple and straight-forward – she wants to match the prestige of her parents, aware that they were pro heroes in their time and that she should leave her mark at they did as well. Fighting evil has always been something she wanted to do, but it isn't necessarily her primary motivation.
Outside of all that, her hobbies include listening to rock music and watching old movies; sometimes she would throw in a pop-cultural reference in her dialogue. She also enjoys speed biking and photography. Not one to fall behind from rapidly changing times, she usually has a smartphone and a laptop wherever she goes.
She is actually one-quarter Taiwanese and three-quarters Japanese, and shares a completely separate and indirect relationship with a Taiwanese family coming from her paternal grandmother's side. Since she usually has to fly to a completely different country every year, Hatori actually knows three language: Japanese, English, and Chinese. However, her knowledge of Chinese is only rudimentary, learning it only at a late age with lack of resources to do so and the lack of incentive besides knowing just enough to communicate with her relatives. Her English proficiency is somewhat better (albeit with a noticeable accent), learning it since her first year in elementary school and just fluent enough to participate in most practical conversations. In the case of English, over the years Quirks have become increasingly more common and Japan was a hotbed for Pro Heroes, which also happened to attract far more foreigners than even before; learning English was almost obligatory for her to be able to communicate with other students, though she would still prefer to speak in her native Japanese language if she could.
Born in a high population neighborhood in Sendai, Chiwa Hatori's childhood has always been in the bustling cities. She was the 4th generation of Quirk users; her mother, Kana Hikasa, had the Quirk ability to "strengthen" objects within a certain thickness (turning anything less than 5mm essentially into sharp needles or projectiles), while her father, Ryo Hatori, had the Quirk ability of retro-cognition, allowing him to see previous events in his current location as translucent ghosts, replicating each action 100%. She also has a younger brother named Masanori who is currently in fifth grade; he has the Quirk ability to unravel his body or parts of it and manipulate it (which led to plenty of scares and shocks when he first gained it).
Her father was a well-known top hero in the region, commonly known as "Recap". While he lacked direct combat ability, he had shrewdness and commonly used high-tech gadgets to support his heroic career, and has resolved a fair amount of cases in northern Japan to have a significant reputation. After his second child was born, however, he retired from being a pro hero, though he never stopped his contributions; he simply became forensic detective for the police department, with his family living an affluent lifestyle. His mother never got into the heroic business, instead using her Quirk for more mundane purposes, namely for her interest in ceramics.
With most of the family having completely random Quirks, as there was no marriage committed to produce more ideal Quirks, Chiwa's Quirk was basically rolling a gene lottery (though her brother and mother shared similarities with her in the fact that her mother's projectiles and her brother's unraveled skin appears like flattened paper shreds or strips). It turns out, though, that her Quirk actually came from a mix of recessive genes from her maternal side of the family.
While Chiwa would clearly manifest a solid Quirk, due to its specificity it led to a lot of confusion when her Quirk simply didn't become apparent to others at a preschool age. She was checked repeatedly and there was solid proof that she indeed had a Quirk, but no one knew what it was. Her parents were convinced it was possibly some sort of vestigial Quirk that most people had, but even so it would have been far more obvious. It took a few years before Chiwa was truly able to know what her Quirk was, but it wasn't early enough to have to put up with prejudice and bullying. For her, not knowing what her Quirk was almost amounted to being Quirkness.
However, she wasn't completely disconcerted by this fact and become all the more determined to somehow find her Quirk when she entered elementary school. Chiwa was greatly inspired by her own father, who was known to somehow manage to succeed despite the odds he was put in. For her, that's what made him a true hero.
Hatori wasn't well known for paying attention in class during her younger years. As a defensive response to the bullying and teasing she had received, Hatori projected her pent up feelings towards others. She quickly built up her stamina and speed at a young age, but used it to intimidate and threaten weaker classmates, be it Quirkless or simply other children who haven't controlled their Quirks yet. She sometimes slacked off in class and acted rude towards others.
Finally, in her second year of elementary school, she was able figure out what her Quirk was. It wasn't instantly obvious to her at first – she secretly became interested in origami at home, but suddenly learned about folding paper airplanes through watching historical war programs. Awe-stricken by the power of flight, she started folding those paper models at home. One day, at school, as a sort of prank Hatori threw one of her home-made planes at the teacher's desk...before it suddenly came "alive". Due to her lack of control, it suddenly started firing at the chair right as the teacher walked in for class, creating a small hole on one of the chair legs and creating a large shock within the class. The plane promptly crashed right onto the chalkboard before dropping to the ground, crumpled.
While it would be a moment of celebration, Hatori's excitement was short-lived, as her parents and teachers have finally caught on to her bullying ways. In order to control her Quirk properly – something that Hatori had been delayed on for a few years – she had to go through rigorous Quirk counseling. And at home, Hatori's father sat down with his daughter and showed him his papers of resolved cases over the years of his service. "Think about what ideals you need to hold before you can become a true hero," he advised in front of her. He promptly promised to spar with her every weekend to hone her skills. Every time, Hatori would be unsuccessful to even manage a hit on her father during their sparring sessions; even without his Quirk, he had enough combat experience to restrain her. She eventually learned how to improve her Quirk, not just focusing on one plane but throwing out multiple to give her increased firepower. Eventually over a few months, Hatori was able to just scratch her father with a shot before he stopped holding back – using his Quirk, he quickly created "ghosts" with his retro-cognitive Quirk to disorient Hatori before overwhelming her.
She eventually learned what it meant to be a true heroine after months of hard training and study. A hero wasn't just someone who would win every battle and flaunt their powers for everyone to see; it was their duty to protect his or her people from harm and have self-control, even in the worst of situations. This included keeping her emotions in check. There was a fine line between using one's powers for the sake of others and using them for their own advantages that set the difference between a hero and a villain.
Years later, Hatori was able to train and control her Quirk, and made personal reforms to turn away from her bullying ways to getting one step closer to being a true heroine. Her father made her all the more determined to reach this goal, despite the hardships. In fact, near the end of her elementary school years, Hatori had already made plans for an actual heroine costume long before some others. It wasn't just a child's dream – it was a palpable, reachable ambition.
Middle school went past her in a flash, and while holding minor regret over parting with friends that she had made in the last nine years, Hatori was prepared to join a hero academy where her Quirk could really be put into the test. One of the Hero Academies that she had picked was Komei. Living far away from Hosu, Hatori had to take nearly three hour bullet train ride south from Sendai early in the morning to take the entrance exam. And, to everyone's expectations, Hatori was able to pass. Her confirmation letter was immediately responded with yet another bullet train ride, this time to come and settle at Komei Academy and start her heroine life.
Quirk Name: Paper Planes
Description: Hatori can imbue a small amount of her energy onto her paper airplanes. When she does so, after a short period of flight, those planes will begin to fly semi-autonomously, taking on certain properties of real planes. It is able to use certain weaponry offensively against her opponents, but the planes being paper, it is not very durable and can easily be destroyed. Each plane will function differently depending on what kind of plane Hatori had folded – some are fast while some are maneuverable. For the Quirk to activate, Hatori must be the one to throw the planes; they will not be effective unless she makes contact with the paper.
While each independent plane is weak and frail, her Quirk's advantage is the very fact that she is able to produce hundreds of them before she can experience significant drawbacks. Paper is light enough for Hatori to carry around her without seriously weighing her down. Logically, her weakness is any sort of Quirk that is fire-based or water-based, as paper is easily flammable and water would severely weight Hatori down. As a result, some of the paper she uses is laminated, or she uses different types of paper to partially counter her weakness.
Despite what her Quirk name suggests, however, Hatori isn't limited to solely paper for her Quirk to take effect. Certain soft plastics, aluminum foil, even carbon sheets – anything that shares almost the same property as paper could be used, though it is far less effective. Her plane types can be divided into several types:
Darts are the simplest planes Hatori can make. Being easy enough to fold, she can produce dozens of them within a few seconds with little to no hassle. They fly in a very straightforward pattern and usually fire several quick shots before impacting. She can also fly two variants, one called the Nakamura Lock, which flies far slower but gives her more control, and another called the Hammer, which flies at extreme speeds but require far more time to fold.
Spy-planes have no combat purpose, but flies steadily and can be used to observe certain locations high off the ground or at unusual angles. When Hatori wants to see from the plane's view, her pupils will turn a bright green. This, however, leaves her completely vulnerable to any attack.
Cruisers have the most maneuverability, being able to make more complicated rolls and slides, and also does more damage overall, though they require more time to fold. The Flying Ninja has more unpredictability while the Professional is a jack of all trades. In short, Hatori is able to make many variants of her paper airplanes, though the more complex the design, the more power it generally holds, though it takes more time to fold.
Even without her Quirk, Hatori is quite fast for a regular person, being able to run five kilometers in a little less than twenty minutes. Otherwise, Hatori doesn't have any sort of super-human powers on herself; this is her biggest weakness, as she has no clear way to defend herself if someone manages to get past her planes. Furthermore, the amount of planes she can effectively use is determined by her physical energy. If she is too exhausted, she might not even be able to produce a hundred planes without collapsing.
Power: D
Speed: B (in terms of attack speed – her human speed is above average)
Technique: A
Intelligence: C
Cooperativeness: C