Name: Fortune De Vigny
Title: Sir
Noble virtue: When he was on the crisp of become a man, a plague swept through his families house hold and lands, cutting down many in its path. His father and mother died early in the outbreak and his elder brother fell ill shortly afterwards; Fortune stayed by his brother's side, tending to him as best he could even as others fled and he caught the illness himself. While he brother did not survive, Fortune did; Illness and plague became his enemy and he would split his childhood into training to be a knight and learning from what doctors and healers he could find in order to combat his deeply hated foe in whatever form he could.
Vow: "The Bringer of Pestilence stalks these lands, causing those living there to wither and die. Therefore, I must follow it's and defeat it where I can."- Fortune has received some degree of medical training from healers and doctors that he has encountered, but he has sworn an oath that in the event of a plague, he would enter the stricken area to tend to the sick.
Combat Style/Knight Archetype: Fortune is a knight that prefers to fight with sword and shield, marching into battle with his peers on foot. While he can ride a horse, he finds the creatures a bit too easy to bring down with arrow fire or likely to panic in combat.
Age: 21
Height: 182 cm (about 6 foot)

Fortune De Vigny outside of his armor isn't exactly the picture of a heroic knight that the stories and tales talk about; He survived the illness that swept through the De Vigny estate that laid low both of his parents, his brother and almost all of their servants (with the exception of those disloyal cowards who ran away) but he appears more akin to a decently fed peasant then that of a noble born due to how the illness pocked the skin of his face and weakened his body. He has managed to recover a lot of his former strength through.
His eyes are a light blue while his hair is a messy brown/blonde color. His skin in a tanned white that still shows the signs of the damage the illness did to him years ago.
It isn't strange for Fortune to dress in the attire of a healer or, if the situation calls for it, the attire of a plague doctor if he is not actively fighting on the front. The De Vigny crest he wears is a shield colored blue and white with a black cross dividing it into four sections. At the center of the cross is a unicorn, raising up on its back legs as if trying to kick something in the face with its front hooves.
A suit of 'lesser' plate armor.
A sword and shield with the De Vigny crest.
A horse named Twilight.
A set of healers/doctors robes.
A travel bag filled with his medical tools.
A travel bag filled with dried medical herbs and sustainable medical components.
A set of wax treated plague doctors robes and a plague doctors mask.
The De Vigny family was a minor noble house in the grand scheme of things; A lesser noble family in the eyes of the major players but a noble family none the less. When King Arthur established the kingdom of Camelot Fortune's father was quick to swear loyalty to the king who was uniting their land and served happily for many years as a knight.
Fortune De Vigny was the younger of the two sons of the De Vigny household, which removed some of the expectations of him becoming the ruler of their holdings and thus allowed him to be fully dedicated to a life of knighthood so that he could serve his brother and king and possibly earn himself lands to call his own. His trainers were not cruel people, but they were strict and could prove rather harsh when it came to correcting mistakes. Fortune had very little free time for himself, often spending a great deal of time from sun up to sun down split between training, studies and the duties he was entrusted with until well after sun down and he could finally get some sleep.
In Fortune's 12th year, a pox swept through the De Vigny lands and household, claiming many in its brutal wake. The Lord and Lady of the house died early in the outbreak, with Fortune's elder brother (the new Sir De Vigny) being sickened soon afterwards. While the staff of the household fled, Fortune stayed by his brother's side to treat him as best he could by keeping him fed, watered and generally looking after him as much as someone without knowing any real method of treating an illness; He tried to keep him alive so that he could fight it off naturally.
Even as he treated his brother, Fortune fell ill himself. Despite the ravages of the pox taking its toil on him, he
forced himself to keep going in order to look after himself and his brother because there wasn't anyone else he could ask to do so. Despite his efforts, the pox claimed his brother much like it claimed their parents. Alone and sick, Fortune finally had the chance to rest as he looked after himself the best he could, but he fully expected to die with the rest of his family.
He doesn't know if the Christian God or one of the Old Gods took a moment of pity on him, but Fortune was surprised when the effects of the pox started to subside; It would take him a long time to recover properly and his skin would forever be marked by it, but he had survived where many others didn't. The outbreak faded with time, people returned to their homes and their jobs... and Fortune De Vigny became the sole surviving member of his family.
The next few years were dedicated to study and recovery since he didn't have the strength to continue training in combat, with Fortune having to learn how to manage the family estate first hand with the aid of a steward. He also showed an almost zealous interest in learning about medicine and healing, learning what he could from any source that presented itself. As the years passed and he gained the physical ability to start training for combat again, he threw himself into it with gusto!
While he became a knight somewhat later then normal due to his period of illness and recovery, Fortune happily made his vows and claimed the title of Sir De Vigny for his own. What brought him to the attention of the Round Table was not his feats in battle through; It was his desire to go out and treat the sick that earned him fame.
Faith: Doesn't know enough of either to claim one way or the other, but has a healthy respect for the Fae.