Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EchoesofOld
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EchoesofOld Keeper of the Dark Soul

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Mmph...yeah, probably better..."

Garrett stood and quipped, "If scary french lady is in there, I'm hiding behind you..."

Garrett grinned at his joke (After all, with a sense of humor like his, if he didn't no one would), and gestured for AJ to lead the way. "Though with any luck the...ah....dick waving will settle down sooner rather than later. I'd hate to spend the whole semester like that. You all seem like such...uh...nice people."

In the grand scheme of things, Garrett wasn't...anti-social, per say, but if the freshmen were going to be at each other's throats all year, Anti-social could certainly be arranged. Garrett was a firm believer in picking one's battles wisely, and petty bickering wasn't worth the bother. Though in this immediate instance, Garrett's motivations were fairly straight forward. AJ had opted to sit back and observe the group of students, or so he presumed, and people like that were always worth having around. Never know what manner of useful insight they may provide...

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sunny got one french toast and, copying what Nikki did, put a bit of sugar on it before eating it as well. Along with how tasty it is, seeing her classmates getting along with one another makes her very happy. But of course, nothing will make her happier than Shiro seating beside her. Just being near him makes her brain malfunction and sets her heart fluttering. She doesn't know how to handle this type of feeling. Now she knows how her targets feel when she's around them. Weirdly enough, Sunny likes it; despite suddenly being nervous and self-conscious, she feels giddy and more excited on the inside. Just thinking about him makes her blush so she tried her best to not let it show to the others, though it doesn't help her seeing his glances at her sometimes and vise versa.

She called her classmates that are still in the living room instead. "Hey guys, get your french toast here at the kitchen while it's still hot!", she called out to them.

Then she turned to the rest of her classmates present in the kitchen. Seeing them all going along so well also makes her happy. "You know", she said to no one in particular after she finished her french toast. "I wish moments like these would last until we graduated. I know I just met you guys and I barely know all of you, and we are different from each other, but I also know that one day, we all will make our own marks on this world and graduate from this academy as skilled individuals and as a big, happy team", she said.

Then she turned to Chris. "By the way, thanks for the amazing french toast Chris! And also to everyone who shared their knowledgeable about the origin of french fries, french toast, and french kissing. You guys are amazing", she said, though in the inside she felt a little jealous. "Why didn't I know of that?", she pondered to herself. "Is it because I'm Asian? Wait, is that a good enough excuse or am I just being racist to myself?".

Since she and Shiro were the only Asians in the dorm, she poked Shiro at the arm (she could swear she felt the lean muscles underneath his clothes) and leaned closer to him to whisper. "Do you also know where french fries, french toast, and french kissing came from?", she whispered to him.

@Agent 47 + everyone who is present
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Soon, the food appeared to be done. Shiro waited a moment to let some of the others take their share of the toast, before his self-control went down the drain as he snatched a piece of toast and rubbed it in the powdered sugar. Barely able to contain himself, he scarfed down the toast. Tasty.

“Yeah. nice work, Chris. This is good,” Shiro stated, wiping the sugar from his lips with his sleeve. His growling stomach finally content, at least for now, he relaxed into his chair.

He felt a light tap on his arm and turned to face Sunny, who asked him if he had known the origin of all the french things they had mentioned before. He responded with a shrug. “I can’t say I really knew it. Learning about French stuff never was my priority,” he whispered back.

Shiro was enamored by the Filipina girl. She was stunningly pretty, and her bubbliness and optimism made her even more alluring. Shiro hadn’t had much experience with girls before, him having a very introverted life. This sudden flood of sentimental emotions was causing his brain to go haywire.

Shiro glanced at the clock. It was a shade past 7 already. This long day would soon be slinking towards a close.

@baraquiel @World Traveler
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It was already happening much faster than he thought it would. Usually it took a couple of days for Jack to turn invisible. People seemed to have the uncanny gift of looking past him as if they were in their own little world. Three of them had just turned on their heels and left as soon as he came in. Nothing felt so inviting as being ignored but he really should have been used to it. People had looked past him since he was little. It truly was a gift and made him such a good spy. People would walk right by him and ignore everything he was saying. he could have started to call them all different kinds of names and they wouldn't have noticed him. It was why he was so good with his masks. People had only seen him as John Fletcher's bastard so they would just look past him. It was truly amazing how good he was at hiding in plain sight. He was quite skilled at being over looked which was nice when you were trying to poison someone.

When he was young, one of his tutors had taught him that his invisibility was a gift. No one would notice him in a crowd of figure he was anything but a normal person. It was great when you were on a mission but not so great when trying to meet the people he would be spending time with. They all seemed like... Teenagers at heart. Jack had never been a real teen and thus didn't usually think like one. His world didn't revolve around who he thought was hot or not hot.His father had taught those lessons the hard way. So it was not as bad when a goodly chunk of the room just left to the kitchen or where ever. He didn't want to be invisible but it seemed that this was where he was heading.

Jack gave the only person to look his way a polite smile. "Oh you as well." He said before she walked out of the room to do who knew what. Jack got off the couch and left the room for wherever his room was. He had expected to eventually be ignored but not after all of that work. He was making mental notes about the group as he threw his stuff into a corner for now. He could unpack later since it seemed that the French Toast thing was still going on for some reason. He had never cared for the food but it seemed they had moved away towards the kitchen. Maybe this time they wouldn't all vanish into the night as soon as he walked into the room.

Jack walked into the kitchen observing the room. Instead of using his long winded introduction that had fallen like a boulder off a cliff, Jack just did a basic wave. "Let me try this again. Jack Fletcher. From earlier in the room. So glad that someone can cook cause I most certainly cannot. " He said losing the accent that almost no one would have remembered. He grabbed a plate and looked at the young man who had asked the question "I must imagine that we are going to tested to see who we are. Father went here and told me that it was not easy here. We are going to be put through our paces. Not going to be easier here and that is why I was sent here. " He said as he sat down near the group in an attempt to join the conversation.

@baraquiel@World Traveler+ Everyone else
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

"I'm sure you'll be okay," AJ whispered to Garret with somewhat of an exaggeration expression of concern on her face. She then briefly smiled at him to show she was only teasing before walking off to go explore the contents of the cupboards. Sure, she was hungry, but not so aggressively as to consume a whole English breakfast.

Making her way across the kitchen mostly oblivious to her surroundings, AJ accidentally bumped into one of the other students, and quite a bit hard too. She simply whispered a quick apology in response before moving on, ignoring the other person as she went. AJ then opened the cabinet and much to her surprise, the first item she laid eyes on was a box of oatmeal...one of her absolute favorites.

"Good taste," she said to herself, reaching for the box as wondered whether she should have one or two servings. AJ waved over to Garret to he could join her. Maybe he wanted oatmeal as well.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EchoesofOld
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EchoesofOld Keeper of the Dark Soul

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Garrett, in the meantime, had been rooting around in cabinets himself, glancing at the other students every once and a while, and ultimately surfaced with an apple in hand. He looked up around the room again to see AJ waving him over holding a box of Oatmeal. "Oatmeal, huh?" He said as he approached. "I feel out of place with just an apple. Though, I do suppose folks eat apples for breakfast, don't they?" Garrett shrugged as if to answer his own question.

Garrett leaned back against the counter. "So....you from around here? England, I mean? You've got the accent but I wasn't sure...ya know, plenty of folks in the states have accents still."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SpicyMeatball
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SpicyMeatball The Spiciest of Them All

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

After shoveling in her final bite of French Toast, Dominique set down her fork and gently pushed back her plate. Looking over to Chris, she smiled in his direction.

“The french toast was delicieux, Chris.”

Dominique looked to Randy as he spoke and stood from her seat, walking back over in his direction. She listened to his apology intently, if with some weariness, nodding in acknowledgement through the whole thing. When he finished and made his proposition, Dominique reached out with her hand in acceptance, waiting to shake his own hand. She looked to him with her ocean blue eyes and smiled gently.

“Alright, I guess we could start over. Ma nom est Dominique---pardon, my name is Dominique. It’s hard to get used to speaking English all of the time. I've never heard of this special education though, we'll probably find out tomorrow.”

She looked down, now realising her overreaction to the situation only moments ago, before looking back up to face Randy once again.

“I’m sorry for my reaction, it was a little much. Now, I’m gonna go get my things put away and I’ll be back in a bit, yeah?”

Dominique nodded to Randy and paced off down the hallway towards her dorm, her eyes glancing across each name on the door until her own came into view. With a twist of the handle, the ginger entered her room and closed the door gently behind her. She let out a sigh and looked around the room, taking in every detail of her new home. It was more spacious than she expected, if she was being completely honest. Part of her expected something of either a prison or a military base, but certainly not an above average dorm room. A smile spread across her face as she walked over to the desk, reading the note quickly before setting it aside and grabbing the large, black weapon case that had been delivered before her arrival.

Inside, her full armoury lay flat. First to come out of the case was her body armour. Consisting of a lightweight plate carrier with thin plates for both front and back, black rubber knuckled tactical gloves and the titanium plates for her arm guards.

After that, her weaponry was next. Her Beretta M9A1 lay on top, sitting inside of it’s hard plastic holster. Dominique carefully picked up the ensemble and laid it on the desk before moving to her melee weapons. Four pairs of blades lay in the bottom of the hardcase, Dominique’s favourite weapons. The first two, her primary fighting blades. The next two, her throwing knives. The third pair was an identical set to the last, and the fourth set, a beautiful set of Damascus steel tanto knives.

With everything now laid in the locked metal drawer underneath her bed, Dominique shut the lid and slid it back underneath the bed. Looking out of the single window and across the water, she watched the ever lowering sun with slight impatience. It was too long until she could start learning and training.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by vertigh0st
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

No matter the school, be it an elite establishment such as S.P.I.G.A or just your average ordinary public school, there would always be the students that got horribly lost on the first day. Iosef Rusu was one of those students. Despite attending the mandatory assembly he still was having a hard time finding his dorm. It was his fault really. Perhaps it was in his best interest to have listened to the Headmaster. Instead of nearly turning him out in favor of glaring at the student next to him who expressed their new school jitters by excessively tapping their foot. It was a little too late for that now. Iosef tried to make the best of his predicament, and decided to at least take in the sites of the expansive school. However, as time ticked by and still no sign of his respective dorm, he could feel his mood turning sour by the minute. He was tired and just so done with the sightseeing. Iosef wanted nothing more than to find his room and collapse into his bed.

Much to his relief, he soon found his way heading in the right direction by an upperclassmen. Iosef gave a curt nod of appreciation before hastily making his way to his destination. Iosef shifted the heavy pack on his shoulders, and smoothed out his simple white dress shirt as he stood outside the freshman. While he didn't particularly care what others thought of his outward appearance, he still wanted to be at semi presentable. With a sigh, Iosef grasped the door knob and with a twist, opened it and made his way into the room. Almost immediately he was greeted with the smell of food and the sound of many chattering voices. Ah, yes. He would be sharing his living space with others for the next few years. He'd nearly forgotten. With this new revelation, Iosef could feel his shoulders grow stiff and his guard go up. He would be expected to talk and work closely along side of these people. He was never really quite good with either of those.

Sigh. He may as well go and introduce himself. His roommates, while still just freshmen of S.P.I.G.A., was still capable of dishing out some serious damage. The last thing he wanted to do was surprise them. With a heavy sigh, the tall spindly Romanian trudged to the kitchen, following the sound of chatter. As drew closer he was met with the sight of many individuals more than he anticipated really. There was a nice mix of males and females and most seemed to be enjoying a meal...of what looked to be some form of fried bread? Iosef mentally shook his confusion away and fixed the group with a stare, awkwardly refraining to speak until noticed. "Er...Buna, my name is Iosef Rusu." He stated glancing around the room before continuing. "And I will be living here as well." He spoke with a nod and a tone that seemed a bit too aggressive. As if he was daring them to say otherwise. Not that he was.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sunny almost suffered a heart attack. Being this close to Shiro, feeling his breath on her ear as he whispered, seeing his dark brown eyes that look like melted chocolate was all too much for her to handle. And he smells so frickin' good, she thought to herself. "Oh, I see. I thought I was the only one who didn't know all that", she whispered back. The two of them whispering to one another made Sunny imagine that they're in their own little private world together. So before her heart could explode from too much fantasizing, she backed away and sat properly, blushing a bit.

Then she saw the dude she called earlier from the couch approach them at the kitchen. Sunny was relieved he re-introduced himself and said his name again because she felt really bad that she forgot what his name was due to what happened earlier. She waved a hand at him again while smiling sweetly. "Heya Jack! Sorry I didn't notice you sooner and I promise it won't happen again", she said eagerly to him. Seeing Jack more up close and personal, Sunny can definitely tell he's one good-looking guy. "My name's Sunny by the way but everyone can just call me Sun if they want. And yeah I agree with you, something's telling me this is goong to be one heck of a year. But try not to worry too much, we are just teenagers after all! Let's enjoy every moment we have on this island with one another!", she replied.

Just then, she saw someone enter the dorm. Sunny could tell he's also their classmate due to him bringing his heavy stuff and of course because he went to this building. She heard him introduce himself and heard a bit of agresiveness in his voice. Sunny became alarmed because she doesn't know if the others will take this the wrong way in fear of what happened just a while ago. She just waved again and smiled sweetly to the tall guy, trying to ignore her feeling of drowsiness. "Kamusta, Iosef! Name's Sunny but you can call me Sun. Poor you, you look tired! Were you lost on the way here?", she said to the tall guy. "I know that feeling, dude. It took me quite a while before getting here on this dorm myself. Would be nice if they gave us a map of the island during the orientation, don't you think?", she sympathized.

@Agent 47@Avanhelsing@vertigh0st + everyone else who is present
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Infernal Flame
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Infernal Flame

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The smell of sugary sweet French toast permeated through the air as Kat followed Devin and Nikki down the stairs. Even though she’d had a full Scottish breakfast this morning, the mere thought of French toast was enough to make her hungry. In her house, food was like gold— easily stolen and highly valuable. And despite her size, Kat’s stomach was akin to a bottomless pit which often left her hungry. Spying some toast, she quickly placed one on a plate and, following Nikki’s example, tossed some powdered sugar over top.

“Hey Nikki! Excuse me if I’m wrong but don’t the Dutch have these amazing small, round pancakes?” She remembered a family trip, aka a mission, to the Netherlands where the younger Glass Castillo’s had gone crazy over those pancakes. Those things were amazing!

Hearing someone thank Chris she spotted him and slightly cocked her head as she considered what she knew about him. After her innocent comment earlier he had responded a tad offensively for Kat. Granted, she did go to an all-girls school the last couple of years but still. She wasn’t very comfortable with him. On the other hand, he made French toast. And she really liked French toast. Deciding to let go of her unease for a bit, she called out “ Thanks for the French toast Chris! These are pretty good.” She sent him a soft smile before she turned towards Jack.

She sent Jack a bright smile before she quipped, “ I can cook just as long as you do the dishes. Deal? ” Kat loved cooking, which was just as well since most of her siblings couldn’t cook. The only one who could cook passably well was Matias and that was just because he was constantly hungry.

She heard everyone throwing out ideas about the courses here S.P.I.G.A and decided to input what she’d learned from her siblings as well. “From what my siblings told me, we do a mix of practical and theoretical. Then I believe we have weapons training and, like Shiro said, missions.” While she knew a lot about her siblings experiences, she truly had no clue what S.P.I.G.A has in store for them. It could all change in a blink of an eye.

Just then a gruff voice called from the entryway. Turning her head Kat had to almost strain to reach the new kid’s head. So this is Rusu. He was the guy who lived across from her. Kat had been trying to figure out who her neighbour was and finally here he was. Tall and pretty intimidating with an almost deadpan stare. So Kat did what she did best, she smiled warmly at him.

“Hey Iosef! I’m Kat. Glad to have you on the team. Do you want anything to eat?” She gestured to the toast before realizing that she had a bag of candy clutched in her left hand. “Oh and guys, if you want any candy I have,” she gestured to the mix in the baggie, “some British, and Mexican candy.” Plopping it on the table in front of her she waved towards the bag encouraging everyone to grab some chamoy, British chocolate bars and Mrs. Tilly’s Scottish fudge. This was only a small percent of the stash she had hidden up in her room so she wasn’t sad to share it with everyone else. And what better way to become a team then to bond over candy.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Nodding along to the answers to his question Devin was rather disappointed in what he heard. It seemed most of his fellow students were in the same boat as him. Plenty of other questions ran through his head; however, with no one showing any real knowledge he left it. Another student came in and everyone again did their best to introduce themselves. Devin gave a nod as one of the other students gave his name to the new comer.

Turning his back to the team Devin heard his watch beep. Looking down he saw that it was already past 7. He silenced the alarm and turned his attention to the top ramen on the stove. Now cooked and ready to eat he grabbed a few bowls and got the spice packets ready. He then doled out three servings for himself, Kat, and Nikki. "Best 50 cents can buy." He said handing them their share. "It was nice meeting everyone, but right now I'm going to go back to my room. I still have plenty of unpacking to do." He was polite to everyone and gave a friendly nod to Nikki and Kat.

@melissahart@Infernal Flame

Making his way back to his room he set his ramen down on top of his dresser. Moving to his messenger bag he pulled from the hidden compartment a small tablet. He then turned on his rooms wall mounted TV and set it to a music station. He smiled as Moby's 'Extreme Ways' started to play. When Devin's watch started to beep again he muted it while then turning the tablet on.

After it booted up the screen started to show a call coming. Devin picked it up and listened as a familiar robotic voice began the conversation. "I hope you are enjoying your view Poseidon." There were several clicks afterwards. Likely the result of some sort of software for high level encryption and voice masking.

"A view of the ocean is fitting I guess." Devin said in a cold tone. "I already checked in for the day. Why did you call?" He was uneasy, but Devin had learned that while his family knew how to read him few others did. His learning curve for spy craft was faster than most.

"I would think so." CLICK CLICK CLICK the call went with the voice. "You will be receiving their dossiers momentarily. I would recommend you familiarize yourself with everything we were able to gather. None of those working against us made it easy to gather."CLICK CLICK CLICK

Devin wanted to toss the tablet out of the room, but that wasn't an option. "Understood Anyplace." He replied. He then hung up the scrambled call, not even waiting to hear the infernal clicks. Tossing the tablet on the bed he heard it start to beep as it began to receive file after file. Giving himself a minute to enjoy his meal he finally set to looking through the files. Judging from the total size of the data files he was going to be up half the night. looking over at his TV he sighed and used the remote to turn the volume up a little.

Looking out at the dark ocean view from his window he let himself fully frown. "None of this fits..." Devin muttered remembering what Anyplace said about the view being fitting. "And it all smells like sh*t." Devin then spent that half night pouring through the documents he was sent with no one seeing him the rest of the night.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by shamrocknroll
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shamrocknroll Cosima Niehaus's stuffed squid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Randy raises an eyebrow at Dominique's tantos. "I bet those are fake. Damascus is in Syria Nowhere near Japan. Plus Japan had their own metal folding techniques some of them even rivaling the Levant region's techniques. Ever had it checked?" He then pulls out his Jericho and examines it. "Ever reliable and has a cool name. Wish I picked a Chiappa Rhino now, those are cooler looking but revolvers just aren't field practical." He realizes he's comparing a gun to a knife then shuts up. "I kinda dig this place so far. Wonder if my sibs... wait never mind." Realizing he said too much

Edit: Randy may be socially awkward but he's not so crass as to follow a woman into her dorm
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

AJ opened the box with a quick shrug. She tossed one of the packets to Garrett before reaching for her own.

"I'm as British as they come," she replied with her back to him. "I've been told that I have some Eastern European in me, but I can't really confirm or deny that claim."

With the anticipation of having some oatmeal slowly creeping in, AJ grabbed a bowl and a mug from one of the cupboards. She headed over to the sink, excusing herself around the small crowd that was blocking her path. It was a bit odd having to navigate around so many people in a not-so-large space. Granted, she was fine in school as well as a shopping mall, but this was her home now, and being an only child, she definitely got used to the peace and quiet at home as a result of her father being away and working long hours.

When AJ reached the sink, she placed the mug underneath the faucet to fill it with enough water for her and Garrett. She then walked over to the microwave and placed the mug inside, timing it for a minute and a half. "I've got water in there for the both of us," AJ said before opening one of the packets and dumping its content in the bowl. When she was done, she turned around and leaned against the counter, her arms crossed in front of her as she addressed Garrett. "I may be wrong but we certainly have quite an interesting mix of nationalities here, wouldn't you say?" AJ went on, quickly glancing over at the new guy who'd just stepped inside the kitchen and made quite the entrance. He caught her eye, but she wouldn't dare to be caught staring. "It's safe to assume that we have students from all around the globe. But with that said, where in America are you from?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Shiro gave Sunny her own personal space as she reeled away from him, blushing. Luckily (or maybe unluckily, depending on point of view) for Shiro, he didn't notice the blush, and just gave her a polite nod before returning his attention to the assembled group. Two new guys, Jack and Iosef, had joined them. Shiro gave them both a wave. "Hi. Shiro," was his simple introduction, basic but effective. Shiro eventually stood from his chair. "I think I'm going to go to my room now. If you need me, I'll be there." With that, he walked out of the kitchen.

He wandered towards the glass stairs, mind wandering. The day had taken quite a toll on Shiro's mind. He entered his room, opening a large, black bag that was laying on the floor. He unbuttoned and removed his suit jacket, plcaing it in the bag, before removing the other contents of the bag. He removed a samurai sword holder, before unbuckling his blade from his belt and placing it on the stand. He then placed his gun right next to it, the pen on the opposite side, and the tracker in front. He stepped back, admiring his handiwork.

Shiro sat down on the bed with a loud 'flop', looking out the window. The next day was soon to start. Not before long, he fell asleep in the bed.

@baraquiel @Avanhelsing @vertigh0st
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EchoesofOld
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EchoesofOld Keeper of the Dark Soul

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Garrett had turned to look at the newcomer as he walked in. Iosef. That was a Russian name if he'd ever heard one. Of course, Garret could always be wrong about that. He raised a hand in greeting, saying, "Nice to meet you, Iosef. I'm Garrett." He turned his attention back to AJ as she asked him about his home. "Closest city you're likely to have heard of is Atlanta. Otherwise I'm from a small town in the middle-of-nowhere, Georgia."

Garrett looked down at his watch to check the time. A bit past 7 in the evening. Certainly felt later than that. But that was probably the jet-lag talking. Garrett glanced at AJ, and said, "You know, I think I might just eat in my room. If only to save myself the embarrassment of being caught face down in a bowl of oatmeal."

Soon as his bowl was prepared, he grabbed a spoon, and moved to leave for his room. "See you around, AJ."

With that, Garrett took his food up to his room, and locked his door behind him. He sat down at his desk, and pulled his phone out, swiping through all the accumulated notifications that he'd received over the course of the day. Once that was dealt with, he dug into the oatmeal and what remained of his apple. Wasn't long before he was in his PJs and dug into the bed, bags pushed aside to be unpacked the next morning. Welcome home, he thought to himself as he drifted off, hope you can make it work.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Infernal Flame
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Infernal Flame

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kat smiled in thanks as Devin handed her the bowl of ramen. “ Grab some candy on your way out and goodnight Devin.” She ate her bowl in silence as she watched others slowly filter out. Standing against the oak cabinets she started to think about what the next day would bring. In the midst of imagining Kat the super spy she realized that she had almost fallen asleep. Ok. That signals it’s time to go to bed. Looking down she saw that she’d eaten her share of the ramen and so set about cleaning and drying the bowl. Placing it on the cooling rack she turned back around to ask if anyone else wanted some candy. Once everyone had taken as much as they wanted she, suppressing a yawn, called goodnight to everyone still left in the kitchen.

She carefully made her way up the stairs and walked past all the rooms, noting where everyone is. She made sure she had memorized everyone’s room locations, just in case. As she walked past Devin’s she heard some low mummering. Figuring he was talking to his parents or friends she shrugged and continued on towards hers. Opening her door she did a quick check to make sure everything was undisturbed. It was habit more so than any real suspicion that caused her eyes to rove around the room and noting where everything was.

She grabbed her laptop and phone and placed them on her bed before quickly changing into her pjs. Clambering gracelessly onto the bed, she tapped on her Starburst app. The screen quickly faded to black before a series of messages popped up. Although all the messages were encrypted and obscured by codenames, Kat knew these codenames by heart. She chatted about her day so far to her family before saying goodnight and turning on her laptop. Signing onto Netflix she tuned back to where she had left off on Friends. She watched Season 9, episode 23 “The One in Barbados” before she turned in for the night.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Shiro’s eyes opened slowly as he laid in bed. It took at least 10 minutes before he could muster the strength to emerge from the surprisingly comfortable bed. He stretched his arms and looked down at the S.P.I.G.A.-provided alarm clock. 5:15. For many this was a very early time to awaken, especially so for teenagers, but Shiro was used to waking up this early. In fact, for him, 5:15 was late.

Shiro emerged from his room, clad in a white t-shirt and a pair of blue flannel pajama pants. He walked barefoot into the kitchen. Laying on the table was a typed note-

Good morning, students.

Classes begin promptly at 8:30 AM. You must be in your student uniforms, which are located in your closets.

Your schedule is as follows-

Academics (Room 134)
Combat Training (Room 135)
Gadget (Room 136)
Infiltration/Espionage (Room 137)
Mission Prep (Room 142)

Bring all weapons you deem as necessary for a mission. After classes, the island is yours to explore.

Also, just to keep you informed, Chris has left the island due to a family issue. A new student will be taking his place, and she will arrive this morning.

Bes wishes,

The Headmaster

Shiro sat back in the kitchen chair, eating an orange from a small bowl of fruits left on the kitchen table. Only a few hours until one of the most eventful days of his life was to begin.

@Xandrya @World Traveler @EchoesofOld @vertigh0st @SpicyMeatball @shamrocknroll @melissahart @Avanhelsing @baraquiel @Infernal Flame @soph123

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Soph123


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Honey Miller

Interacting with:@Agent 47

Honey let out a deep breath as she stood outside of the grand school, which was more of a castle. She was alone because her parents had an urgent matter to attend to, but Honey was used to traveling and being by herself. However the change of plans did mean that she arrived a little later than the other students, which she hated. Honey didn't like being the center of attention, and surely being the last student to walk in would draw attention. She walked into the main office with her suitcase behind her, and recieved her room number. She was told that further instructions would be waiting for her in the kitchen area and to settle in because classes start in a few hours.

Honey found the kitchen area and saw only a boy who looked her age eating breakfast. She was never really good at socializing with kids her age, but she had to suck it up; a real spy can adapt to any situation. She walked up to him and released her grip on her suitcase to hold out her hand to the boy, "Hi, I'm the new student here." Honey tried not to let her southern Louisiana accent show but it was hard to hold it back, "Nice to meet you. I'm Honey". She gave him a nervous smile, but still kept her introduction quite serious. She wasn't sure how laidback the students here were. She looked around for other students but saw none and realized that they all must still be asleep. I guess teenagers really do like to sleep late. Typical. "So someone in the office said that there were instructions in the kitchen, any ideas on where they might be?"
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