Aizum Umgrum
I'm laughing on the outside, crying on the insideSo sorry for your loss
N A M E Aizum
A G E23
B I R T H D A YFall 1
G E N D E RMale
O C C U P A T I O NGraveyard/Morge keeper, does autopsies too
Did I scare you?
P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T SIsolated, Dark, He's just there , Very blunt, Too honest.
F A V O R I T E S E A S O NFall
F A V O R I T E C O L O RPink, surpriseingly
F A V O R I T E F O O DAlfredo pizza with a hint of garlic
L I K E SDigging holes, reading his unfinished Guide to the Supernatural book, trying too talk to people, though he scares them away, speaking in monotone.
D I S L I K E SPeople that fit in, he doesn't trust them, Hipsters, People believing that the goddess will come.
D O Y O U B E L I E V E I N M A G I C ? He kind of believes in it, though he strongly believes in the afterlife.
So...what's your favorite body part?
F A M I L Y M E M B E R SMorgon (Mother) Deceased, Job: Tailor. Death: From drunk driver
Robert (Father) Deceased Job: Old doctor death: Suicide
Denis (Brother) Alive 27, Job: Bigco
H O M E L I F EHe 'lives' in the family house, refuses to go there, so lives in the inn
S T O R YSeeing both his parents die before his eyes was scaring, his mother died from car crash after they went to the local library. Blaming himself that if they didn't go at that time, maybe this wouldn't happen, he was 10 at the time his brother, 13. This soon lead to his father's death, and then moving to the city, running away.
It was 1 year of running away he noticed that his brother had blamed them for the parents death, and so Aizum ran back home at 11, then [Insert any family name here] took him in, til he became of age.
At 16 he took a job the graveyard, the closest he will ever see his parents.
At 18 the old keeper died, and in his will, he wrote Aizum would have the graveyard.Aizum had grown fond to the old keeper, almost like a father to him.
Now he owns the Graveyard at 24, the only time he will be out of there will be to go to the inn, bar or general store?.
Rumors say that he talks to the dead, not ghosts, just dead people. Some say he enjoys death. He does know every family in the town, not the names, only the last name and the people who died in that family.
Will put character pic soon, sorry for grammar.