[ “You’re under arrest.” ] 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎: 
Augustus Heraclitus Coburn
The Europa Policing Authority
Coburn has the sort of average good looks that don’t afford him much attention. Brown hair, brown eyes, and short stubble, adorning a face that doesn’t have anything particularly remarkable about it besides a slightly crooked nose, a permanent mark from when his parents’ repair store was robbed by human purist. He’s relatively fit, his muscles well-formed but ill-defined, covered by a layer of fat that indicates an irregular exercise pattern. A tattoo of a spider runs from his right shoulder down the length of his bicep, typically covered by his coat and so abiding by the EPA’s dress code.
A usually quiet man, Coburn tends to sit back and let his surroundings do the talking; observant by nature, he takes every opportunity to analyse in his silence, a habit he picked up during the many boring days and nights spent observing the patrons of his parents’ store. His worldview is one that many would consider naïve – while he’s not necessarily optimistic, he believes in justice and the inherent goodness of people – that, if presented with a problem, they’d at least endeavour to do the right thing. He’ll speak openly of and defend his beliefs when he feels it’s necessary, remaining purposefully ignorant of the reality of agendas and self-preservation – and that stubbornness carries over into everything else. He’ll work on a case until it’s done, even when told to drop it. No hunch goes unfollowed. This will occasionally see him clashing with his superiors, as disobeying orders and sticking strongly to his beliefs tend not to mesh well with the bureaucracy of police work.
Augustus Heraclitus Coburn grew up hearing much of his family’s once great wealth. His name, Dad would tell him, was his only link to it, the one thing that he had left of the Coburn family’s prestige. Mum, on the other hand, would tell him that she was just a big fan of Ancient Greco-Roman history, and that his dad liked to hold onto a past better left in the mid-twenty first century – the days when great-great-grandad Tyrell Warren owned a multi-million pound cybernetics corporation whose greatest achievement was the big Bionic Materials Scandal of ’74, after which any wealth the Warren/Coburn clan held went by the way of bankruptcy. She’d explain that Dad felt bitter about being made to live in Europa’s ___th District when luxury had been within his family’s grasp just a few generations ago; running a cybernetics repair store was practically slave labour compared to running what could have been one of Terra’s leading corporations by now. And while Augustus wanted to relate to his father by mirroring his frustration, as kids do, he couldn’t really complain. He enjoyed working in the store, learning the ins and outs of different augmentations, and the colourful personalities that made up the district were an interesting (if dangerous) bunch. His childhood was a good one, made better not because his parents shielded him from hardship, but because it was always there, just another part of his life that he accepted and learned to live with.
His parents both passed away early into his adult years, his mother from heart failure, his father from… grief. Seeking purpose, Coburn drifted from job to job, never really finding anything that stuck. It was then that he found a “home” in a small apartment at the same district he grew up in, sharing rent with another drifter named Django Ellis. Eventually the drifting stopped, and Coburn found work with the Europa Policing Authority. Finding his calling, he worked hard to get to where he is, making detective after years of diligent labour on the beat. Partnered with Vincent DeSilvio, he’s been on the job for just over seven months now.
» Standard issue EPA handgun
» Standard issue EPA Taser; tends to short-circuit most cybernetics
While Coburn spent much of his time around augments as he grew up, he was never one to think about getting any. The cybernetics he does have were installed in order to make his job easier, and are all approved under the EPA’s by-laws.» FIRST AUGMENTATION TYPEDataport/hacking augment, approved by EPA by-laws.
» SECOND AUGMENTATION TYPEEvidence detecting system contained in a chip embedded at the base of Coburn’s neck. It tracks, points out and files away evidence into Coburn’s personal database via video, still images and audio, and manifests itself through an optical display projected over his retinas. It can also pick up on body language, helping inform Coburn whether someone’s lying, and is connected to the EPA’s EuroNet database, able to display information such as arrest records and send out an APB on the fly. It’s controlled via a small detachable wristpad.
𝙰𝚌𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 𝙱𝚊𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎: 
» Coburn has a roommate, Django Ellis. Loud, vulgar and very poor, he came to live with Coburn years ago, and is the closest thing he has to a friend.
» Thanks to the time he spent working with his parents at their store, Coburn came to know the many models, types and brands of cybernetics intimately, able to recognise many at a glance.