1 P M / / S E I R E I T E I
The Seireitei was usually quiet at this hour, but given the circumstances, hustle and bustle was everywhere. Hundreds of squad members running around in packs trying to make it to their barracks on time for the scheduled squad meetings. Shinigami from all of the different squads were hustling around and there was little time left before the meeting started, and people definitely didn't want to be late. Luckily, those from Squad 7 had avoided the traffic, although the noise of the shouting and running from outside was so loud that it could be heard even from those inside the barracks.
A captains meeting had taken place earlier about a distinct issue that seemed to have taken the Seireitei by storm and the rumours had been spreading of a Senkaimon serial killer. The Captains had most certainly taken notes of the few missing shinigami that had been disppearing, but most of the assumptions were written off as killed in the field of duty. Something was definitely brewing and many seated officers were starting to be concerned about the health and safety of their squad members from a potentially dangerous threat that was starting to be seen as more than just mere rumours.
A captains meeting had taken place earlier about a distinct issue that seemed to have taken the Seireitei by storm and the rumours had been spreading of a Senkaimon serial killer. The Captains had most certainly taken notes of the few missing shinigami that had been disppearing, but most of the assumptions were written off as killed in the field of duty. Something was definitely brewing and many seated officers were starting to be concerned about the health and safety of their squad members from a potentially dangerous threat that was starting to be seen as more than just mere rumours.

1.30 P M / / S Q U A D 7 B A R R A C K S
The air in the barracks was somewhat cold and crisp, yet the stifling atmosphere of the room and the large amount of Shinigami present seemed to heat everybody up, as the captain took the stage and people stopped talking in order to hear the words of their captain though there was still a whisper travelling around the room as their captain prepared himself to speak. For the squad newcomers, this would be the first taste of their captain.
"Welcome, everybody. We've got a few things to cover, so please be patient." spoke the Captain as he took a slight pause in his speech.
"Alright, firstly I'd like to welcome the newcomers. We've got a number of recruits from the academy, and I'd like you to show them the ropes." he spoke as he took a small breath. It was obvious what was going to come next wasn't exactly positive.
"Secondly, we've got a much more sinister issue to cover. As you may or may not have heard, this "Senkaimon Slasher" rumour has been travelling far and wide, and it seems to have some basis. As nothing official has come from central 46 yet, and the head captain doesn't really have anything to say about it, the only thing I can do is ask you all to stay vigilant and be very careful if you have any business through there." he spoke as he looked visibly upset by it. Rumour among the squad was that he'd lost a good friend in this instance and that he had been campaigning hard among the captains for an investigation into it, but hadn't got anywhere. He took a deep sigh.
"Your tasks today are pinned in your rooms. Meeting dismissed." and like that, the tension was gone as he walked off to mind his own business. The talking started up again, and the noise was once more present. And it had one predominant theme: The Senkaimon Slasher. The rookies must have found their lucky day, as many of those who had thought about giving them a rough welcome were now occupied with another issue.