Havent done a articulated fight in a long time so its time i dusted myself off in this. I have only a few characters Im willing to fight with so if you can create someone of equal power that would be great.
Im up for 1 v 1.
My characters.
All characters are for and from this roleplay
Im up for 1 v 1.
My characters.
Theme : youtube.com/watch?v=84ZKo3TGn_k&ebc=AN..
Quote: "All things emerge from the purity of light."
Name: Vrondi Illumi
Age: 570
Species: Descendant (Ascended)
Blood%: 100% Sol
Gender: Male
Sex Preference: Hetero
Height: 8'0 ft
Weight: 325 ibs
Physical appearance:

His body gives a faint aura that glows constantly. Underneath the hue of light is a toned body with the shape of a well trained fighter. The aim of perfection and strength exudes from him.

Made from the hide of the ancient dragon that called itself god. It is virtually unbreakable to the point of surviving even the vacuums of space up to that of a dark hole. The density is immeasurable by Descendant kind. It is however a custom fitted set meant for the appointed King after the Dragon war. The King was massive, standing at around 14 feet tall. The armor was not able to be worn by anyone after his death but once Vrondi returned after Ascending he was in a shorter form. This was to be less intimidating to his people. He can return to the size of his mortal form and wear the armor when he wishes.
The armor has the ability to resist any spells or elements.
Personality: He is wise and calm. Underneath this is a constantly intrigued mind. He has been alive for a long time, life has yet to become boring to him. His attitude to life is to find the silver lining of interest. With the rest of eternity before him he enjoys his time among the mortal while he can. He remains a bit reclusive however due to the constant worship from the lower mortals. He reminds those he meets that he is not the sole reason the kingdom has thrived and attempts to humble himself before people. His lack of caring for people besides a experimental level comes as a barrier however.
Occupation: Eternal King of Vrondi
Faction: Taxis & Aion

Adv. App.:
Exp: He did not do much in his early years but survive the harsh world when his type of Descendant were few and Dragons were many. He learned to defend himself in skirmishes during the Dragon war he was practically born into. Through determination he pushed through his weaker mortal flesh and began to use his soul's power at the age of 30. He went under a master at the age of 50 and learned to control light. With his focus being light he sought the training of one of the children of the Seraphim Lord that liberated the Descendants, and one of his forefathers. He formed a affinity to plant life and was able to mimic sunlight to feed and control nature around him. He created the kingdom of Vrondi through these plants and used it to protect his growing followers. His power and his body began to merge as he neglected food, sleep and more natural urges to become one with his soul. He died in the war and returned a Ascended, his soul able to resist the pull into the void. His new found body was infused with light and as such his form consists of it almost entirely. He learned through time that his form allowed him many different abilities that a fleshly form could not perform. He is one of the leading and founding masters of light and plant manipulations. Through out time he developed with other early Sol on mind manipulations.
Spells: Light Rays - His most generic spell. Summoning portals of concentrated light he can unleash the light as damaging beams of light of different size and intensity.
Arrow of the Soul - Capable of conjuring a arrow made of soul and light essence. Sharp and hard like steel yet burns to the touch. It can have multiple attributes. Either burning and damaging or it can be physically harmless yet attack the target's mind with psychic influence of Vrondi's choosing.
Light Clone - Able to conjure a clone of light with weaker forms to his person.
specific effects. Only 2.
Abilities/Powers: His body is as hard as steel, protected by a force field that acts as his very skin. If cut or severed it can be fixed instantly by simply reforming itself into energy then back into its solid form. He can be intangible whenever he chooses and tangible again just as well. His ethereal form allows him to turn his entire body into energy and move as such. Allowing him to move at light speed on a whim and use his own body as projectile attacks. He can commune with nature and psychic thought easily. Able to replenish plant life with his sunlight and those descended who use light for energy.
Hindrances: as the element of light he needs sunlight to retain his form here. if not for the light he charges up with he will fade out as just a soul and eventually be lost in the nether. he is also able to run out of energy over time making his form eventually incapable of retaining a form and becoming intangible light harmless to all.
Unknown Weaknesses: He lacks knowledge of technology and their capabilities. He is weakened when submerged in darkness or liquids.
Weapons: His only weapon of choice is his celestial bow. It is capable of firing arrows made from the soul essence of the Dragon within. The arrows can vary in power and drains from its almost limitless supply with each shot. Vrondi chooses what level of power the shot is, even capable of firing a single shot with all the energy stored within fired out. He mostly fires single shots that are devastating as they explode a few moments after impaling the target. The force is akin to a bomb, giving off kinetic forces.
History: On the dawn of the Dragon war, where Descendants of the current were a minority, Vrondi was born. He was born within a village of his kind protected under the lands now known as Vrondi. His people were giants compared to those of today yet were weaker than their dragon anthro Descended brothers. His father and mother were both offspring of the original Seraphim's offspring. They fought beside all Descendant kind against the Dragons. He grew up simply surviving and fighting. He learned over time how to love the world around him, nature and all its beauty was beheld by him. He learned to combine his energy with what fueled nature, sunlight. Making him the founder of sunlight manipulation in his world. He found himself able to truly tap into his power only after the Dragon war, since the time of peace was easy on the mind. He and his followers began to create the Kingdom of Vrondi when the Seraphim left with most of his offspring. Vrondi decided to stay and become the King of his land. After 200 years he died and returned a year after Ascended. When death was upon him he looked at the abyss of space and time that grasped onto his life's aura in order to absorb him. His focus on his soul was so great he could move outside of flesh and create a form undying and resistant to the pull of what existed in the darkness below. Returning as mostly light he found himself mostly a ghost amongst his people and only through time did he learn to master his Ascended form. He remained king from then to now and has been considered a everlasting God by the neo Descendants before him today. However he knows that there is a way to Ascend for others and reach his level of power or more. He also knows the everlasting Ascended beyond the stars may return one day with the original Seraphim. He knows almost every secret to be known in this world. Having met humans, read forbidden knowledge and felt the energy of the universe.
Trivia: (optional) Didn't know that!
Quote: "All things emerge from the purity of light."
Name: Vrondi Illumi
Age: 570
Species: Descendant (Ascended)
Blood%: 100% Sol
Gender: Male
Sex Preference: Hetero
Height: 8'0 ft
Weight: 325 ibs
Physical appearance:

His body gives a faint aura that glows constantly. Underneath the hue of light is a toned body with the shape of a well trained fighter. The aim of perfection and strength exudes from him.

Made from the hide of the ancient dragon that called itself god. It is virtually unbreakable to the point of surviving even the vacuums of space up to that of a dark hole. The density is immeasurable by Descendant kind. It is however a custom fitted set meant for the appointed King after the Dragon war. The King was massive, standing at around 14 feet tall. The armor was not able to be worn by anyone after his death but once Vrondi returned after Ascending he was in a shorter form. This was to be less intimidating to his people. He can return to the size of his mortal form and wear the armor when he wishes.
The armor has the ability to resist any spells or elements.
Personality: He is wise and calm. Underneath this is a constantly intrigued mind. He has been alive for a long time, life has yet to become boring to him. His attitude to life is to find the silver lining of interest. With the rest of eternity before him he enjoys his time among the mortal while he can. He remains a bit reclusive however due to the constant worship from the lower mortals. He reminds those he meets that he is not the sole reason the kingdom has thrived and attempts to humble himself before people. His lack of caring for people besides a experimental level comes as a barrier however.
Occupation: Eternal King of Vrondi
Faction: Taxis & Aion

Bow Form

Adv. App.:
Exp: He did not do much in his early years but survive the harsh world when his type of Descendant were few and Dragons were many. He learned to defend himself in skirmishes during the Dragon war he was practically born into. Through determination he pushed through his weaker mortal flesh and began to use his soul's power at the age of 30. He went under a master at the age of 50 and learned to control light. With his focus being light he sought the training of one of the children of the Seraphim Lord that liberated the Descendants, and one of his forefathers. He formed a affinity to plant life and was able to mimic sunlight to feed and control nature around him. He created the kingdom of Vrondi through these plants and used it to protect his growing followers. His power and his body began to merge as he neglected food, sleep and more natural urges to become one with his soul. He died in the war and returned a Ascended, his soul able to resist the pull into the void. His new found body was infused with light and as such his form consists of it almost entirely. He learned through time that his form allowed him many different abilities that a fleshly form could not perform. He is one of the leading and founding masters of light and plant manipulations. Through out time he developed with other early Sol on mind manipulations.
Spells: Light Rays - His most generic spell. Summoning portals of concentrated light he can unleash the light as damaging beams of light of different size and intensity.
Arrow of the Soul - Capable of conjuring a arrow made of soul and light essence. Sharp and hard like steel yet burns to the touch. It can have multiple attributes. Either burning and damaging or it can be physically harmless yet attack the target's mind with psychic influence of Vrondi's choosing.
Light Clone - Able to conjure a clone of light with weaker forms to his person.
specific effects. Only 2.
Abilities/Powers: His body is as hard as steel, protected by a force field that acts as his very skin. If cut or severed it can be fixed instantly by simply reforming itself into energy then back into its solid form. He can be intangible whenever he chooses and tangible again just as well. His ethereal form allows him to turn his entire body into energy and move as such. Allowing him to move at light speed on a whim and use his own body as projectile attacks. He can commune with nature and psychic thought easily. Able to replenish plant life with his sunlight and those descended who use light for energy.
Hindrances: as the element of light he needs sunlight to retain his form here. if not for the light he charges up with he will fade out as just a soul and eventually be lost in the nether. he is also able to run out of energy over time making his form eventually incapable of retaining a form and becoming intangible light harmless to all.
Unknown Weaknesses: He lacks knowledge of technology and their capabilities. He is weakened when submerged in darkness or liquids.
Weapons: His only weapon of choice is his celestial bow. It is capable of firing arrows made from the soul essence of the Dragon within. The arrows can vary in power and drains from its almost limitless supply with each shot. Vrondi chooses what level of power the shot is, even capable of firing a single shot with all the energy stored within fired out. He mostly fires single shots that are devastating as they explode a few moments after impaling the target. The force is akin to a bomb, giving off kinetic forces.
History: On the dawn of the Dragon war, where Descendants of the current were a minority, Vrondi was born. He was born within a village of his kind protected under the lands now known as Vrondi. His people were giants compared to those of today yet were weaker than their dragon anthro Descended brothers. His father and mother were both offspring of the original Seraphim's offspring. They fought beside all Descendant kind against the Dragons. He grew up simply surviving and fighting. He learned over time how to love the world around him, nature and all its beauty was beheld by him. He learned to combine his energy with what fueled nature, sunlight. Making him the founder of sunlight manipulation in his world. He found himself able to truly tap into his power only after the Dragon war, since the time of peace was easy on the mind. He and his followers began to create the Kingdom of Vrondi when the Seraphim left with most of his offspring. Vrondi decided to stay and become the King of his land. After 200 years he died and returned a year after Ascended. When death was upon him he looked at the abyss of space and time that grasped onto his life's aura in order to absorb him. His focus on his soul was so great he could move outside of flesh and create a form undying and resistant to the pull of what existed in the darkness below. Returning as mostly light he found himself mostly a ghost amongst his people and only through time did he learn to master his Ascended form. He remained king from then to now and has been considered a everlasting God by the neo Descendants before him today. However he knows that there is a way to Ascend for others and reach his level of power or more. He also knows the everlasting Ascended beyond the stars may return one day with the original Seraphim. He knows almost every secret to be known in this world. Having met humans, read forbidden knowledge and felt the energy of the universe.
Trivia: (optional) Didn't know that!
Theme : youtube.com/watch?v=sBstyvr6Jns
Quote: "Even a God can fall."
Name: Magnix Hanoxx
Age: 65
Species: Descendant
Blood%: 100 % Tyro
Gender: Male
Sex Preference: Hetero
Height: 6'5
Weight: 270
Physical appearance:

A broad shouldered man who carries himself with a air of elegance. Betraying the fact that upon sight his mass is formidable, even down to his very toes and fingers. His body represented a life of combat and sword wielding. His tone is medium brown and his dark brown hair is dreaded and placed in a ponytail that reaches his mid back. His eyes are a dark red and brown mixture. His facial structure is squared and toned. on his head are two large black horns that start from the side of his head and twist forward and curve up slightly at the ends. He Has a sleeve of tattoos on his right arm and on his horns in a deep crimson red.
Apparel: He wears a pair of greaves on his shins made with the hide of a dragon that lived within a active volcano which makes it more resistant to heat than any material that would melt in lava. Gold wrist bands with crimson markings much like his tattoos. A large black loin cloth and dark brown trousers all made too from the very same dragon. He wears no shirt or shoes. On his back are two large black wings that look almost angelic yet retain the scales of a dragon.
Personality: What is a man with no joy but left with a limitless well of purpose. He moves onward forward through the blood soaked fields of his own mind. It is a sense of being unworthy, perhaps the task ahead is too great for him alone to take. Yet this itself ignites his frustration, thus his anger, his fury.. the fire. His lax attitude to politics and being honored stems from his tenacious will to prove himself constantly. He does not let anything stop him from fulfilling his goals and any idea that pops within his head. He is wise yet eager to have his way. He is rigid and stern but enjoys his own fill of banter, granted at his pacing. Used to getting his way he does rise to anger when disobeyed or dishonored.
Occupation: Representing King of Fotia & Dragon Slayer guild leader
Faction: Sureiya
Adv. App.:
Exp: He was trained from a young age to hold and wield weapons. But ever since a small child he was in love with martial arts and sword play. While his siblings were into the usage of guns and explosives. Magnix looked within and found his most powerful weapon was his soul. He mastered how to manipulate flame at 12. He slayed his first feral dragon a year later without help. He was destined for greatness at a young age and for a Descendant this was phenomenal. He trained with gladiators and elite royal guards most of his time when he was not out fighting dragons. He had only one master when it came to controlling his soul and that was the mythical "Lord Akuro" on the volcano named after him. Akuro was mostly a burned broken lump yet had tremendous power. He passed this to Magnix making his manipulation of flame virtually unmatched. His sword was given to him by his father when he was 25 before he was even King in a secretive way. His father knew his sons abilities. With the sword he was able to train with and comprehend the blade's unique capacities. He trained with martial artists of different lands not beating them all but proving himself to be a formidable hand to hand fighter. He trained since he was very small with the help of his kin and his master Orelo who still acts as his master to this day.
Flame orb - He can summon small explosive orbs that radiate with fire within. It can vary in size but moves at a medium to slow rate. Upon contact with anything they undergo combustion.
God Slayer's gift - He can instantly appear where his sword is. His sword can be made to appear in front of him and he can pull his sword to him from a distance as long as he can feel its presence within a 3 yard radius.
Fire belly - He can eat flames to regenerate wounds at a fast rate.
He can lift up to around 2000 pounds and run up to 40 mph. His flight speed is 100 mph. He is highly resistant to intense heat. He has learned how to relax his wings to allow him fluid motion in combat. The wings at times resemble a cape.
Fire manipulation & flame conjuration - He can control the fire around him and summon flames anywhere and where ever he can see up to a mile radius.
Ignition strike - When he makes contact he can ignite the friction. The amount of friction the bigger the flame.
Hindrances: He is highly susceptible to mind manipulations. He can be lured by temptations easily.
Unknown Weaknesses: He relies on hand to hand and swordplay making him less effective in gun fights. He dislikes the use of too much technology so does not know much about the technological advancements of the world.
Weapons: God Slayer - A blade honed from the teeth of a dragon that considered itself the god of this realm. It is a 200 ibs sword. It is virtually unbreakable. It is sealed with spells to make the only wielder the one who is King of Fotia by way of the tattoos on the King's body.
History: Magnix is the son of 12 siblings. He is the number 9. He is a part of the surviving 4. He has 2 brothers and a sister alive. He grew up as a warrior from a small age and developed a intense passion for combat. But most of all he slayed Dragons. He did it primarily to protect his people from them. He witnessed from a young age the devouring of outer villages by feral dragons too beastly to show mercy. He has lived a life to become a warrior for his people. But instead he has become a King. As he was delving into his new position after his father's death (from current time 10 years ago) he learned diplomacy and other political social strengths. He spent his life without expecting to be this high up and takes it with a grain of salt. While powerful as he well knows he has weaknesses. He has been tempted by the beautiful and elegant more times than he would admit. Some times he makes his mistakes disappear to keep a good standing.
His training with the man who claimed to be Lord Akuro came when he was tasked with eliminating the source of dragons on that island. His men died and he sat alone stranded. However a robed individual who was burned severely underneath took care of him. This man claimed to be Lord Akuro, and was soon to die. Before he died he said he would help Magnix. Not escape the island but to become strong enough to leave on his own. After his training was completed which took ten years this mysterious man crumbled to ash and blew away in the breeze. That was the start of the sense from Magnix that he was experiencing fate. He took a dragon he had been raising from an egg since he began his training and flew himself back to his home.
Magnix has been curious as to the origins of their species. He has been promoting the libraries of history and funding expeditions to ancient lands. What he has discovered has brought about his recent seclusion. He now brings sorcerers and mystics to royal lodgings. He also pursues a relationship with the Queen of Gaia. Their meetings are mostly in secret, posing as political talks.
Trivia: He has a few illegitimate children he does not see.
Quote: "Even a God can fall."
Name: Magnix Hanoxx
Age: 65
Species: Descendant
Blood%: 100 % Tyro
Gender: Male
Sex Preference: Hetero
Height: 6'5
Weight: 270
Physical appearance:

A broad shouldered man who carries himself with a air of elegance. Betraying the fact that upon sight his mass is formidable, even down to his very toes and fingers. His body represented a life of combat and sword wielding. His tone is medium brown and his dark brown hair is dreaded and placed in a ponytail that reaches his mid back. His eyes are a dark red and brown mixture. His facial structure is squared and toned. on his head are two large black horns that start from the side of his head and twist forward and curve up slightly at the ends. He Has a sleeve of tattoos on his right arm and on his horns in a deep crimson red.
Apparel: He wears a pair of greaves on his shins made with the hide of a dragon that lived within a active volcano which makes it more resistant to heat than any material that would melt in lava. Gold wrist bands with crimson markings much like his tattoos. A large black loin cloth and dark brown trousers all made too from the very same dragon. He wears no shirt or shoes. On his back are two large black wings that look almost angelic yet retain the scales of a dragon.
Personality: What is a man with no joy but left with a limitless well of purpose. He moves onward forward through the blood soaked fields of his own mind. It is a sense of being unworthy, perhaps the task ahead is too great for him alone to take. Yet this itself ignites his frustration, thus his anger, his fury.. the fire. His lax attitude to politics and being honored stems from his tenacious will to prove himself constantly. He does not let anything stop him from fulfilling his goals and any idea that pops within his head. He is wise yet eager to have his way. He is rigid and stern but enjoys his own fill of banter, granted at his pacing. Used to getting his way he does rise to anger when disobeyed or dishonored.
Occupation: Representing King of Fotia & Dragon Slayer guild leader
Faction: Sureiya
Adv. App.:
Exp: He was trained from a young age to hold and wield weapons. But ever since a small child he was in love with martial arts and sword play. While his siblings were into the usage of guns and explosives. Magnix looked within and found his most powerful weapon was his soul. He mastered how to manipulate flame at 12. He slayed his first feral dragon a year later without help. He was destined for greatness at a young age and for a Descendant this was phenomenal. He trained with gladiators and elite royal guards most of his time when he was not out fighting dragons. He had only one master when it came to controlling his soul and that was the mythical "Lord Akuro" on the volcano named after him. Akuro was mostly a burned broken lump yet had tremendous power. He passed this to Magnix making his manipulation of flame virtually unmatched. His sword was given to him by his father when he was 25 before he was even King in a secretive way. His father knew his sons abilities. With the sword he was able to train with and comprehend the blade's unique capacities. He trained with martial artists of different lands not beating them all but proving himself to be a formidable hand to hand fighter. He trained since he was very small with the help of his kin and his master Orelo who still acts as his master to this day.
Flame orb - He can summon small explosive orbs that radiate with fire within. It can vary in size but moves at a medium to slow rate. Upon contact with anything they undergo combustion.
God Slayer's gift - He can instantly appear where his sword is. His sword can be made to appear in front of him and he can pull his sword to him from a distance as long as he can feel its presence within a 3 yard radius.
Fire belly - He can eat flames to regenerate wounds at a fast rate.
He can lift up to around 2000 pounds and run up to 40 mph. His flight speed is 100 mph. He is highly resistant to intense heat. He has learned how to relax his wings to allow him fluid motion in combat. The wings at times resemble a cape.
Fire manipulation & flame conjuration - He can control the fire around him and summon flames anywhere and where ever he can see up to a mile radius.
Ignition strike - When he makes contact he can ignite the friction. The amount of friction the bigger the flame.
Hindrances: He is highly susceptible to mind manipulations. He can be lured by temptations easily.
Unknown Weaknesses: He relies on hand to hand and swordplay making him less effective in gun fights. He dislikes the use of too much technology so does not know much about the technological advancements of the world.
Weapons: God Slayer - A blade honed from the teeth of a dragon that considered itself the god of this realm. It is a 200 ibs sword. It is virtually unbreakable. It is sealed with spells to make the only wielder the one who is King of Fotia by way of the tattoos on the King's body.
History: Magnix is the son of 12 siblings. He is the number 9. He is a part of the surviving 4. He has 2 brothers and a sister alive. He grew up as a warrior from a small age and developed a intense passion for combat. But most of all he slayed Dragons. He did it primarily to protect his people from them. He witnessed from a young age the devouring of outer villages by feral dragons too beastly to show mercy. He has lived a life to become a warrior for his people. But instead he has become a King. As he was delving into his new position after his father's death (from current time 10 years ago) he learned diplomacy and other political social strengths. He spent his life without expecting to be this high up and takes it with a grain of salt. While powerful as he well knows he has weaknesses. He has been tempted by the beautiful and elegant more times than he would admit. Some times he makes his mistakes disappear to keep a good standing.
His training with the man who claimed to be Lord Akuro came when he was tasked with eliminating the source of dragons on that island. His men died and he sat alone stranded. However a robed individual who was burned severely underneath took care of him. This man claimed to be Lord Akuro, and was soon to die. Before he died he said he would help Magnix. Not escape the island but to become strong enough to leave on his own. After his training was completed which took ten years this mysterious man crumbled to ash and blew away in the breeze. That was the start of the sense from Magnix that he was experiencing fate. He took a dragon he had been raising from an egg since he began his training and flew himself back to his home.
Magnix has been curious as to the origins of their species. He has been promoting the libraries of history and funding expeditions to ancient lands. What he has discovered has brought about his recent seclusion. He now brings sorcerers and mystics to royal lodgings. He also pursues a relationship with the Queen of Gaia. Their meetings are mostly in secret, posing as political talks.
Trivia: He has a few illegitimate children he does not see.
Theme : youtube.com/watch?v=ETju6vL4FyY
Quote: "Jewels pale in comparison."
Name: Allo Niscent
Age: 80
Species: Descendant
Blood%: 100% Oro
Gender: Female
Sex Preference: Hetero
Height: 6'0
Weight: 170 ibs
Physical appearance:
Despite Being a Oro she has no wings. Her body is slender and her flesh appears soft and delicate. Her horns and scales however are bright and luxurious like polished stone. Her visible scales are clear and white like diamonds. Her form commands a sense of purity, luxury, and feminine power.
Apparel: She wears her studded gowns and other royal jewelry to bring out her very own natural brilliance. Her choice of colors are mostly white and clear like the diamonds on her very flesh.
Personality: A bit snobby. She delights in pleasantries and rare experiences. However she is down to earth and has a warriors spirit. Her love of being pampered stems from her love for her people and their undying devotion.
Occupation: Acting Queen of Gaia.
Adv. App.:
Exp: Until the age of 20 she had no experience with weaponry. All of her great early victories in combat did not involve a weapon of her own. She used dragons to fight and she did so very well. Mastering strategy games was her passion since childhood. This makes her a formidable tactician as she has played a form of chess with many great minds across royalties. Since she was 20 she trained with a spear and light shield. Her master was her father. A royal guard for Gaia who knew just how much strength was commanded of their supreme leader. She trained hard and well. Becoming able to defend herself in sparring matches against her father. When she completed the trials and became Queen she began training from age 22 onward. Her new master was the previous King's Royal guard trainer. Her skills with spear and shield became formidable even to masters. Since she became Queen at 22 she was also trained in using her soul. She always enjoyed the beauty of stones, but not she could mold them. Learning to harden and soften earth matter. She also learned to control wind, but to a lesser extent but still very powerful. Her master was a Dragon that lived on the peak of the mountain. Through out her time as queen she trained with spears. The spear of choice she used was the one bestowed upon the supreme ruler. She learned how to tap into its manipulating properties and has been mastering it ever since.
Spells: She can summon her spear from a open portal whenever she chooses. She can open portals around the spear to allow it to pierce whatever is within a mile radius of her and within her sight. Effectively striking from any angle she wishes even from a distance.
She can open a portal to where ever she wishes that she has previously visited with her spear but it suspends the spear from her grasp for as long as it remains open.
She can summon wind or earth from wherever she wishes by tapping into her soul. The larger the amount the more soul she can produce. She can even summon weapons made from different metals or earth.
Abilities/Powers: Her diamond like scales are as hard as steel. Her other not so noticeable scales are softer and is seamless with her delicate flesh. But she can harden her entire body to the point her entire form is more resistant to damage than steel and instead becomes much like diamonds. Her very form shimmers when she activates this to its full capacity.
Hindrances: Despite her thin frame she weighs a decent amount due to her density making her stamina only average. Her love of the flawless makes her so unwilling to be hurt or dirtied she will have a loss of mind if ever nicked or smudged.
Unknown Weaknesses: She has a relaxed and game like attitude to battle. Much too often she does not grasp the seriousness of battle even if to the death.
Weapons: Heaven's Peace - A 3 foot long handle and a 5 foot blade. It is virtually unbreakable. It was made from the bones and claws of the Dragon lord, which claimed to be a god. It can bestow the wielder the ability to open portals to past places. Also it allows the wielder to open small portals for its blade to enter through. It also has seals on it to make it vanish if touched by anyone not the leader of Gaia. For this it is said the weapon harbors the will of Gaia, alluding to it having a mind of its own.
She was born in a decent family. The closest to royalty was her father whom merely worked as a guard for some of the royals. He was a stern man who made sure to keep his several children in check. He trained his sons to be strong warriors like him and his daughters to be servants. But it all changed when his daughter Allo began to grow. She had a natural beauty unlike even her sisters. This coupled with her love and charm of feral Dragons. He soon began to change his outlook on the male female dynamic as she grew older. She commanded her first feral at such a young age that it was like her very essence directed the beasts. Her accomplishments soon outweighed her very own brothers and without a single day of training from her father. This made him very proud of her. But she would only continue to astound her family.
She spent her time beyond studying training dragons for people to ride. Through her travels to tame more exotic dragons however she found her passion for using dragons to protect people. As a group of slavers using ferals as weapons to attack a village below the mountains she used her charm to turn the ferals and save the village time for help to arrive. She continued her studies at home with private teachers and soon found herself the recipient of special treatment from many. It was not until her 20th birthday did she learn why. She was to join the trials to become queen.
The trials were among the most beautiful of Oro women who had rare features. One looked like ruby, one sapphire, and so on. She was the diamond. The trial for King was among the strongest and wise Oro men who too had rare features. The first trial for the Queen was much like the trial for King, with combat, and in this she was besting the others. The final trial was for the victors to approach the legendary dragon of diamond scales. Its kind is only alive within the halls of Gaia's kingdom and as such is the final judge of their leader. Even more so it was the pet of the previous King and Queen. It sniffed her well and soon found its ferocious presence calmed. It turned to the would be King and after a few strong wiffs it bellowed a strong sneeze. It then opened it's jaws and nipped off the head of the ambitious man. He did not pass but she did. After this no man was willing to attempt the trial for King and most decided after some time a Queen ruling alone was not bad.
Her time as Queen was spent honing herself. She was instructed by the wise ones of the mountains to seek the tip and meet the teacher who could move mountains. She found the journey easier with the help of her companion, the dragon that placed her in her position. But it was beyond the clouds. Soon she found another mountain top to climb. However, as it moved she was startled to see that the massive shadow above the mountains tip was a massive dragon clinging to the mountain. To make things worse it did not speak any language. It simply shook everything and whipped around winds like pure chaos. Yet she did not return down the mountain and neglect her duty. She instead challenged its power with hers and began to, through trial and error, learn how to communicate with this Godly beast.
After many years of going and leaving the mountain tops she was honed in her power. Yet she mentions how weak she is to her master no matter how hard she tries. Her old dragon companion died and its body was turned to armor for her. But she does not wear it unless it is necessary. She raised its offspring to be her new companion and she loves how loyal it is to her. Her years growing has taught her many lessons in ruling and yet she does not take it at all too seriously. She mostly sees herself as an idol to be worshiped and does her duty to be so and a large part of it is helping her people become as flawless as her. Since she has become Queen her troops are more diverse and tactical yet she tries to keep Gaia a secluded place from too many travelers. Preserving its mystery and beauty.
She has had many men wanting to become her King. Though her status makes most royalties beneath her. Her wealth is rarely matched by any other. So her interest in Magnix is from a sense of equality. His legendary status makes him a match in her mind. However she does not want to risk her people or her power for a relationship.
Trivia: She has a newborn child kept in secret.
Quote: "Jewels pale in comparison."
Name: Allo Niscent
Age: 80
Species: Descendant
Blood%: 100% Oro
Gender: Female
Sex Preference: Hetero
Height: 6'0
Weight: 170 ibs
Physical appearance:

Despite Being a Oro she has no wings. Her body is slender and her flesh appears soft and delicate. Her horns and scales however are bright and luxurious like polished stone. Her visible scales are clear and white like diamonds. Her form commands a sense of purity, luxury, and feminine power.
Apparel: She wears her studded gowns and other royal jewelry to bring out her very own natural brilliance. Her choice of colors are mostly white and clear like the diamonds on her very flesh.
Personality: A bit snobby. She delights in pleasantries and rare experiences. However she is down to earth and has a warriors spirit. Her love of being pampered stems from her love for her people and their undying devotion.
Occupation: Acting Queen of Gaia.
A rare beast never seen beyond the gentle hands of the Queen. Its very scales are like shimmering diamonds
Name- Dimante
Height- Stands at 10 feet. Length is at 20 feet without tail. Which adds another 10 feet.
Weight- Over 6k
Age- 35
Sex- Female
Personality- A ferocious beast tamed by only the Queen. It acts as her protector and due to such it is very antisocial and lives to only eat, sleep and be by its masters side at all times.
Equipment - A jeweled mount for riding.
Abilities/Powers- Its scales are as hard and smooth as diamonds. Its radiant scales allow it to withstand much damage. It has teeth that match its scales and rips through even armored Oro flesh like butter. It also has great flight speed, able to break sound barriers.

Name- Dimante
Height- Stands at 10 feet. Length is at 20 feet without tail. Which adds another 10 feet.
Weight- Over 6k
Age- 35
Sex- Female
Personality- A ferocious beast tamed by only the Queen. It acts as her protector and due to such it is very antisocial and lives to only eat, sleep and be by its masters side at all times.
Equipment - A jeweled mount for riding.
Abilities/Powers- Its scales are as hard and smooth as diamonds. Its radiant scales allow it to withstand much damage. It has teeth that match its scales and rips through even armored Oro flesh like butter. It also has great flight speed, able to break sound barriers.
Adv. App.:
Exp: Until the age of 20 she had no experience with weaponry. All of her great early victories in combat did not involve a weapon of her own. She used dragons to fight and she did so very well. Mastering strategy games was her passion since childhood. This makes her a formidable tactician as she has played a form of chess with many great minds across royalties. Since she was 20 she trained with a spear and light shield. Her master was her father. A royal guard for Gaia who knew just how much strength was commanded of their supreme leader. She trained hard and well. Becoming able to defend herself in sparring matches against her father. When she completed the trials and became Queen she began training from age 22 onward. Her new master was the previous King's Royal guard trainer. Her skills with spear and shield became formidable even to masters. Since she became Queen at 22 she was also trained in using her soul. She always enjoyed the beauty of stones, but not she could mold them. Learning to harden and soften earth matter. She also learned to control wind, but to a lesser extent but still very powerful. Her master was a Dragon that lived on the peak of the mountain. Through out her time as queen she trained with spears. The spear of choice she used was the one bestowed upon the supreme ruler. She learned how to tap into its manipulating properties and has been mastering it ever since.
Spells: She can summon her spear from a open portal whenever she chooses. She can open portals around the spear to allow it to pierce whatever is within a mile radius of her and within her sight. Effectively striking from any angle she wishes even from a distance.
She can open a portal to where ever she wishes that she has previously visited with her spear but it suspends the spear from her grasp for as long as it remains open.
She can summon wind or earth from wherever she wishes by tapping into her soul. The larger the amount the more soul she can produce. She can even summon weapons made from different metals or earth.
Abilities/Powers: Her diamond like scales are as hard as steel. Her other not so noticeable scales are softer and is seamless with her delicate flesh. But she can harden her entire body to the point her entire form is more resistant to damage than steel and instead becomes much like diamonds. Her very form shimmers when she activates this to its full capacity.
Hindrances: Despite her thin frame she weighs a decent amount due to her density making her stamina only average. Her love of the flawless makes her so unwilling to be hurt or dirtied she will have a loss of mind if ever nicked or smudged.
Unknown Weaknesses: She has a relaxed and game like attitude to battle. Much too often she does not grasp the seriousness of battle even if to the death.
Weapons: Heaven's Peace - A 3 foot long handle and a 5 foot blade. It is virtually unbreakable. It was made from the bones and claws of the Dragon lord, which claimed to be a god. It can bestow the wielder the ability to open portals to past places. Also it allows the wielder to open small portals for its blade to enter through. It also has seals on it to make it vanish if touched by anyone not the leader of Gaia. For this it is said the weapon harbors the will of Gaia, alluding to it having a mind of its own.
She was born in a decent family. The closest to royalty was her father whom merely worked as a guard for some of the royals. He was a stern man who made sure to keep his several children in check. He trained his sons to be strong warriors like him and his daughters to be servants. But it all changed when his daughter Allo began to grow. She had a natural beauty unlike even her sisters. This coupled with her love and charm of feral Dragons. He soon began to change his outlook on the male female dynamic as she grew older. She commanded her first feral at such a young age that it was like her very essence directed the beasts. Her accomplishments soon outweighed her very own brothers and without a single day of training from her father. This made him very proud of her. But she would only continue to astound her family.
She spent her time beyond studying training dragons for people to ride. Through her travels to tame more exotic dragons however she found her passion for using dragons to protect people. As a group of slavers using ferals as weapons to attack a village below the mountains she used her charm to turn the ferals and save the village time for help to arrive. She continued her studies at home with private teachers and soon found herself the recipient of special treatment from many. It was not until her 20th birthday did she learn why. She was to join the trials to become queen.
The trials were among the most beautiful of Oro women who had rare features. One looked like ruby, one sapphire, and so on. She was the diamond. The trial for King was among the strongest and wise Oro men who too had rare features. The first trial for the Queen was much like the trial for King, with combat, and in this she was besting the others. The final trial was for the victors to approach the legendary dragon of diamond scales. Its kind is only alive within the halls of Gaia's kingdom and as such is the final judge of their leader. Even more so it was the pet of the previous King and Queen. It sniffed her well and soon found its ferocious presence calmed. It turned to the would be King and after a few strong wiffs it bellowed a strong sneeze. It then opened it's jaws and nipped off the head of the ambitious man. He did not pass but she did. After this no man was willing to attempt the trial for King and most decided after some time a Queen ruling alone was not bad.
Her time as Queen was spent honing herself. She was instructed by the wise ones of the mountains to seek the tip and meet the teacher who could move mountains. She found the journey easier with the help of her companion, the dragon that placed her in her position. But it was beyond the clouds. Soon she found another mountain top to climb. However, as it moved she was startled to see that the massive shadow above the mountains tip was a massive dragon clinging to the mountain. To make things worse it did not speak any language. It simply shook everything and whipped around winds like pure chaos. Yet she did not return down the mountain and neglect her duty. She instead challenged its power with hers and began to, through trial and error, learn how to communicate with this Godly beast.
After many years of going and leaving the mountain tops she was honed in her power. Yet she mentions how weak she is to her master no matter how hard she tries. Her old dragon companion died and its body was turned to armor for her. But she does not wear it unless it is necessary. She raised its offspring to be her new companion and she loves how loyal it is to her. Her years growing has taught her many lessons in ruling and yet she does not take it at all too seriously. She mostly sees herself as an idol to be worshiped and does her duty to be so and a large part of it is helping her people become as flawless as her. Since she has become Queen her troops are more diverse and tactical yet she tries to keep Gaia a secluded place from too many travelers. Preserving its mystery and beauty.
She has had many men wanting to become her King. Though her status makes most royalties beneath her. Her wealth is rarely matched by any other. So her interest in Magnix is from a sense of equality. His legendary status makes him a match in her mind. However she does not want to risk her people or her power for a relationship.
Trivia: She has a newborn child kept in secret.
Theme : youtube.com/watch?v=9YmTXThBrLs
Quote: "Life on land is incredibly dull."
Name: Nydra Nept
Age: 40
Species: Descendant
Blood%: 100% Lassa
Gender: Female
Sex Preference: Bisexual
Height: 5'8
Weight: 135
Physical appearance:
Her body is toned and her legs and arms are even more so. Giving her a sharp almost male like aura of strength and speed.
Apparel: Her typical clothing consists of very little beyond the most private covering. This and her wet suite for entering her Advanced App is all she typically wears. At times she is forced into ornamental attire to address the public and royalties. But she is not interested in clothing beyond her armor. Which is made from sea serpents capable of withstanding the pressures of the deep crevices below their ocean. Sharp and elegant it is highly resistant to damaging spells. The encrypted markings that shimmer in the light on the armor is the source of the this power and relies on the wearer's soul to power this defense mechanism.
God's presence -
A medallion that sits around her neck at all times. It grants the holder the power to control gravity around them and where they choose to point their influence. It was created from one of the eyes of the Dragon lord who called himself a God.
Vehicle: orig08.deviantart.net/aa55/f/2015/233/..
A two seated vehicle for basic transport on land and in water. It hovers over the earth and is capable of low altitude flight. It is capable of moving up to 60 mph. It can transport a Advanced App.
Personality: She is head strong long any typical leader. However she does not as much as lead as much as use her status to her advantage. She is obsessed with the oceans and loves the calm silent waves. She is energetic and loves to challenge her close companions, guards and such, to games or feats. She has a air of tomboyishness, but her elegance remains a strong presence. Her rowdy nature is hidden from the majority of her people. Making her able to switch from her usual adventurous self to a more sharp and cold Queen. This side of her negates her outgoing charm and replaces it with a cunning determined demeanor. Often seen in battle and when she is in front of royalties or annoyed. She has a love for all technology and dislikes the world on land due to their lack of achievements in this field beyond transport and weapons. As such she loves music made from tech.
Faction: Slight affiliation with the Magoi
Adv. App.:
Height- 5 meters
Metal base- New Magnesium Alloy
Type - Light
Power source- The source comes from a sphere within the chest. It is water infused with Tydra's soul essence. It stores the essence after she infuses it within the water and heats the water to power it with steam heat and soul. Engine inside the shoulders produces electricity as support power.
Equipment -
1. orig09.deviantart.net/8a2f/f/2013/026/..
Top - Rage - A auto rifle that fires rapid rounds powered by electricity and steam.
Bottom - Calm - A rifle that fires single shot rounds with rail gun like force. It has multiple attachments for long ranged sniping for up to 30 miles or closer ranged battle which requires mobile use. It is powered the same as Rage except with the addition of soul essence.
2. orig05.deviantart.net/ee8b/f/2006/360/..
The Heretic - The weapon is created from the bones of a legendary sea dragon that can resist the pressures of high gravity. It is a 3 metered sized weapon.
3. Water boosters - Using Tydra's water conjuring and its use of water as fuel it can release its stored water as a powerful booster. Capable of propelling it at mach speeds both underwater and in air.
Exp: Tydra's early years were spent studying various schooling subjects. She did well in her classes but excelled in mathematics. She had a love for technology and was delighted by the idea of one day being a technician or engineer. She learned how to create motors from disassembled materials at the age of 10. She began working with technicians at energy plants at the age of 15. She learned how to create and operate Advanced Apps at the age of 17 and learned from brilliant mechanics within the royal armies network.
When she was 18 the trials began and after she became Queen at age 18 she began training in the ancient ways and learned to manipulate water as well as spells. She also trained with the use of her medallion given only to the Queen of Tearianaris. But she neglected her studies of mastering her soul and instead focused on mastering her control over Advanced Apps. She learned from the best marksmen on how to shoot both in her mechanized suite and out. She also learned the use of sword, spear and shield from royal guards. Her weapon of choice being something similar to a harpoon. For obvious uses on her voyages. After many years of combining all of her training she was able to do casting, manipulations and control her medallions special gifts while in her very own machine. She underwent many death defying adventures with her honed abilities. Thanking her many masters for making a simple tech head to a power house Queen.
Spells: Lightning - She can summon a luminescent rune from where she wishes within a yard radius around her and conjure lightning from these runes.
Ice - She can summon a rune to conjure and emit cold and ice from. Like opening a portal to a icy world. She can launch pure ice as projectiles.
Gravity - She has learned to control gravity around her and others she touches using her medallion's gift. She can increase or decrease her weight and whatever she wears or is around her body. She can target an area within her sight range and manipulate the gravity around it for very short increments of time.
Siren's call - She can sing a song that casts a hypnosis spell on those who hear it. It makes the listener a devoted servant much like a puppet.
Water summon - Her final rune spell conjures varying amounts of water from it.
She can manipulate water and heals quite fast from being in it. She can swim at incredible speeds and has strength and speed in combat that bests even her strongest guards. Her stamina is almost limitless in water and quite high on land. She knows how to manipulate water in ways not many of her kind could imagine, such as slicing metal with water. She can manipulate almost any liquid substance one being blood. Her blood can be shifted to mimic the rapid adrenaline Tyro's feel. She can even manipulate liquid that is within something, such as the blood in ones body, if she is touching it. But with water she can control that freely up to a mile distance. She can breathe both air and water.
Hindrances: She is more fragile than other high caliber Lassa and as such needs to wear something to protect her. If ever one got underneath her protection she will be delicate. Her medallion is precious to her and if ever removed without her knowledge she will go into a fit of tears and depression, losing her warrior's spirit.
Unknown Weaknesses: She focuses on powerful attacks when not in her more cunning mode. Using up most of her resources quickly. She thinks she is the best at everything and is quite cocky.
Weapons: Lancer - A blue lance made from steel and sea stone. Its blade is edged with sapphire. It's design is meant to penetrate flesh and hook in with its jagged sides.
Steam rifle - orig12.deviantart.net/f3f2/f/2015/040/..
A gun fueled with heated water. It requires the power of the user's soul to heat the tank of water within. It fires whatever projectile she places in it. Typically it is steel or sea stone tipped.
History: She and her sister were twins at birth yet both were entirely different in character. Tydra was the the athletic and science intrigued her. While her sister Thala was a book reader, a singer and song writer and had an affinity to charming sea dragons with her songs. They both loved each other and were always together when their interests didn't separate them. Their mother and father were royal workers in the science fields. So naturally Tydra being the one closer to their parents made Thala a bit of a black sheep within the Nept home. Despite this they were all very close. As they grew older the word of the trials for Queen was coming. The Queen before had died from a assassination in which no culprit has been found as of yet (current game time). As word got out about Thala's singing voice she was tested in front of Royalties and confirmed her gift. She was subject as a unique pure Lassa and as such would be on the line to be next Queen, as the earlier one had no heirs. Tydra did not want her sister to go alone so she managed to convince her parents to help convince the Royalties to let her try out to protect her sister. Her plan worked and she was placed on trial for Queen.
The trials were tests of knowledge and the siren's call, as well as skill in surviving danger. It was held entirely beneath the waters. They were faced before different tiers of sea dragons and sang their songs. If they failed the Dragon would either swim away or try to devour the siren. They had to know which Dragon liked what kind of song and figuring that out was Tydra's job. Her and her sister sang in unison when they could but Thala took control of the majority of the singing. When things got dangerous Tydra helped her sister stay alive even to the degree of spearing a feral which was not part of the trial, in the eye and then making an escape. Tydra was stronger than her sister physically and mentally.
However when it came to the final test they found themselves to be the only two remaining who did not fail. Her and her sister had to go to some surface stones assembled in massive columns in the middle of the sea. Rising from behind the columns was a terrible sea dragon, massive in scale and summoned its own storm and waves with it. It looked disturbed from some kind of slumber and did not entirely notice the girls. Its presence however was frightening to the say the least. The tides would sweep them off the stones and they would have to climb back up. But her and her sister began to sing in unison and grasped the beasts attention. However it roared with a thunderous echo in reply and only caused a larger wave to crash into them. After climbing back up once more Tydra stopped singing and let her sister do it alone. She sang a song of peace and calm to put the beast back to sleep. Her song echoed like the Sirens of legend and began to calm the waves and winds around her. She began to feel into the Dragon's essence and read its very mind. It eyed her sister Tydra and launched at her. Tydra was falling asleep herself and did not notice what was happening. All she remembers is being knocked into the water and swimming back to the stones to find a puddle of blood on the stone she was on, calm waters, the beast and her sister was gone.
Tydra was pronounced Queen reluctantly by her own guilt and the royals that knew she did not have the true Siren's call Thala did. She went ahead with being Queen anyway to honor her sister by doing what her sister would have done if she did not save her. Though she is not the greatest Queen she continually tries to help her people become richer in materials and advancements. She also searches the deep constantly for the Dragon that killed her sister.
Trivia: She loves EDM.
Quote: "Life on land is incredibly dull."
Name: Nydra Nept
Age: 40
Species: Descendant
Blood%: 100% Lassa
Gender: Female
Sex Preference: Bisexual
Height: 5'8
Weight: 135
Physical appearance:
Her body is toned and her legs and arms are even more so. Giving her a sharp almost male like aura of strength and speed.
Apparel: Her typical clothing consists of very little beyond the most private covering. This and her wet suite for entering her Advanced App is all she typically wears. At times she is forced into ornamental attire to address the public and royalties. But she is not interested in clothing beyond her armor. Which is made from sea serpents capable of withstanding the pressures of the deep crevices below their ocean. Sharp and elegant it is highly resistant to damaging spells. The encrypted markings that shimmer in the light on the armor is the source of the this power and relies on the wearer's soul to power this defense mechanism.
God's presence -
A medallion that sits around her neck at all times. It grants the holder the power to control gravity around them and where they choose to point their influence. It was created from one of the eyes of the Dragon lord who called himself a God.
Vehicle: orig08.deviantart.net/aa55/f/2015/233/..
A two seated vehicle for basic transport on land and in water. It hovers over the earth and is capable of low altitude flight. It is capable of moving up to 60 mph. It can transport a Advanced App.
Personality: She is head strong long any typical leader. However she does not as much as lead as much as use her status to her advantage. She is obsessed with the oceans and loves the calm silent waves. She is energetic and loves to challenge her close companions, guards and such, to games or feats. She has a air of tomboyishness, but her elegance remains a strong presence. Her rowdy nature is hidden from the majority of her people. Making her able to switch from her usual adventurous self to a more sharp and cold Queen. This side of her negates her outgoing charm and replaces it with a cunning determined demeanor. Often seen in battle and when she is in front of royalties or annoyed. She has a love for all technology and dislikes the world on land due to their lack of achievements in this field beyond transport and weapons. As such she loves music made from tech.
Faction: Slight affiliation with the Magoi
Adv. App.:

Height- 5 meters
Metal base- New Magnesium Alloy
Type - Light
Power source- The source comes from a sphere within the chest. It is water infused with Tydra's soul essence. It stores the essence after she infuses it within the water and heats the water to power it with steam heat and soul. Engine inside the shoulders produces electricity as support power.
Equipment -
1. orig09.deviantart.net/8a2f/f/2013/026/..
Top - Rage - A auto rifle that fires rapid rounds powered by electricity and steam.
Bottom - Calm - A rifle that fires single shot rounds with rail gun like force. It has multiple attachments for long ranged sniping for up to 30 miles or closer ranged battle which requires mobile use. It is powered the same as Rage except with the addition of soul essence.
2. orig05.deviantart.net/ee8b/f/2006/360/..
The Heretic - The weapon is created from the bones of a legendary sea dragon that can resist the pressures of high gravity. It is a 3 metered sized weapon.
3. Water boosters - Using Tydra's water conjuring and its use of water as fuel it can release its stored water as a powerful booster. Capable of propelling it at mach speeds both underwater and in air.
Exp: Tydra's early years were spent studying various schooling subjects. She did well in her classes but excelled in mathematics. She had a love for technology and was delighted by the idea of one day being a technician or engineer. She learned how to create motors from disassembled materials at the age of 10. She began working with technicians at energy plants at the age of 15. She learned how to create and operate Advanced Apps at the age of 17 and learned from brilliant mechanics within the royal armies network.
When she was 18 the trials began and after she became Queen at age 18 she began training in the ancient ways and learned to manipulate water as well as spells. She also trained with the use of her medallion given only to the Queen of Tearianaris. But she neglected her studies of mastering her soul and instead focused on mastering her control over Advanced Apps. She learned from the best marksmen on how to shoot both in her mechanized suite and out. She also learned the use of sword, spear and shield from royal guards. Her weapon of choice being something similar to a harpoon. For obvious uses on her voyages. After many years of combining all of her training she was able to do casting, manipulations and control her medallions special gifts while in her very own machine. She underwent many death defying adventures with her honed abilities. Thanking her many masters for making a simple tech head to a power house Queen.
Spells: Lightning - She can summon a luminescent rune from where she wishes within a yard radius around her and conjure lightning from these runes.
Ice - She can summon a rune to conjure and emit cold and ice from. Like opening a portal to a icy world. She can launch pure ice as projectiles.
Gravity - She has learned to control gravity around her and others she touches using her medallion's gift. She can increase or decrease her weight and whatever she wears or is around her body. She can target an area within her sight range and manipulate the gravity around it for very short increments of time.
Siren's call - She can sing a song that casts a hypnosis spell on those who hear it. It makes the listener a devoted servant much like a puppet.
Water summon - Her final rune spell conjures varying amounts of water from it.
She can manipulate water and heals quite fast from being in it. She can swim at incredible speeds and has strength and speed in combat that bests even her strongest guards. Her stamina is almost limitless in water and quite high on land. She knows how to manipulate water in ways not many of her kind could imagine, such as slicing metal with water. She can manipulate almost any liquid substance one being blood. Her blood can be shifted to mimic the rapid adrenaline Tyro's feel. She can even manipulate liquid that is within something, such as the blood in ones body, if she is touching it. But with water she can control that freely up to a mile distance. She can breathe both air and water.
Hindrances: She is more fragile than other high caliber Lassa and as such needs to wear something to protect her. If ever one got underneath her protection she will be delicate. Her medallion is precious to her and if ever removed without her knowledge she will go into a fit of tears and depression, losing her warrior's spirit.
Unknown Weaknesses: She focuses on powerful attacks when not in her more cunning mode. Using up most of her resources quickly. She thinks she is the best at everything and is quite cocky.
Weapons: Lancer - A blue lance made from steel and sea stone. Its blade is edged with sapphire. It's design is meant to penetrate flesh and hook in with its jagged sides.
Steam rifle - orig12.deviantart.net/f3f2/f/2015/040/..
A gun fueled with heated water. It requires the power of the user's soul to heat the tank of water within. It fires whatever projectile she places in it. Typically it is steel or sea stone tipped.
History: She and her sister were twins at birth yet both were entirely different in character. Tydra was the the athletic and science intrigued her. While her sister Thala was a book reader, a singer and song writer and had an affinity to charming sea dragons with her songs. They both loved each other and were always together when their interests didn't separate them. Their mother and father were royal workers in the science fields. So naturally Tydra being the one closer to their parents made Thala a bit of a black sheep within the Nept home. Despite this they were all very close. As they grew older the word of the trials for Queen was coming. The Queen before had died from a assassination in which no culprit has been found as of yet (current game time). As word got out about Thala's singing voice she was tested in front of Royalties and confirmed her gift. She was subject as a unique pure Lassa and as such would be on the line to be next Queen, as the earlier one had no heirs. Tydra did not want her sister to go alone so she managed to convince her parents to help convince the Royalties to let her try out to protect her sister. Her plan worked and she was placed on trial for Queen.
The trials were tests of knowledge and the siren's call, as well as skill in surviving danger. It was held entirely beneath the waters. They were faced before different tiers of sea dragons and sang their songs. If they failed the Dragon would either swim away or try to devour the siren. They had to know which Dragon liked what kind of song and figuring that out was Tydra's job. Her and her sister sang in unison when they could but Thala took control of the majority of the singing. When things got dangerous Tydra helped her sister stay alive even to the degree of spearing a feral which was not part of the trial, in the eye and then making an escape. Tydra was stronger than her sister physically and mentally.
However when it came to the final test they found themselves to be the only two remaining who did not fail. Her and her sister had to go to some surface stones assembled in massive columns in the middle of the sea. Rising from behind the columns was a terrible sea dragon, massive in scale and summoned its own storm and waves with it. It looked disturbed from some kind of slumber and did not entirely notice the girls. Its presence however was frightening to the say the least. The tides would sweep them off the stones and they would have to climb back up. But her and her sister began to sing in unison and grasped the beasts attention. However it roared with a thunderous echo in reply and only caused a larger wave to crash into them. After climbing back up once more Tydra stopped singing and let her sister do it alone. She sang a song of peace and calm to put the beast back to sleep. Her song echoed like the Sirens of legend and began to calm the waves and winds around her. She began to feel into the Dragon's essence and read its very mind. It eyed her sister Tydra and launched at her. Tydra was falling asleep herself and did not notice what was happening. All she remembers is being knocked into the water and swimming back to the stones to find a puddle of blood on the stone she was on, calm waters, the beast and her sister was gone.
Tydra was pronounced Queen reluctantly by her own guilt and the royals that knew she did not have the true Siren's call Thala did. She went ahead with being Queen anyway to honor her sister by doing what her sister would have done if she did not save her. Though she is not the greatest Queen she continually tries to help her people become richer in materials and advancements. She also searches the deep constantly for the Dragon that killed her sister.
Trivia: She loves EDM.
Theme : youtube.com/watch?v=C0li4N9EQY4
Quote: The best Kill is the one Unseen Unheard and Unnoticed even by the victim.
Name: Sleeth "Kaine" Mythue
Age: 69
Species: Descendant
Blood%: 100% Nayu
Gender: Male
Sex Preference: Homo
Height: 6'3
Weight: 189
Physical appearance:
Wearing a light form of armor crafted from basilisk hide. His clothing giving more form to his lean muscled body underneath. A helmet covers his eyes allowing him the sharp sound vision of the blind at all times.
Apparel: light armor that protects well even against projectile fire from a pistol bullet. It covers his forearms, shoulder chest, back abdomen and shins. He wears black leather as pants that covers his feet as well with thick soles for protection on all terrain.
Personality: Sleeth hates having to repeat himself because of this he has become cold and distant in his words and way of treating people to the point that he even slowed down his way of speech to keep from having to do so. His temperament is more towards unyielding no one is above him in his mind he would talk down to a god if he was challenged in a way that would put him down.
Occupation: King of Nero
Faction: Dolofon
Sleeth Was trained since birth to take the throne. He fought tirelessly training in stealth and the ways of killing, the way of a true assassin, from the time he could comprehend what death meant Sleeths first master was his father A master of the elite guards the personal guards of the king.His father taught him to fight as the guards do never take an opponent for granted go at them full force from the start and set the pace of war he never said battle always war.
Having his father as his First and most difficult trainer Sleeth had to learn the hard way how to command his powers given to him by blood. His father and mother who is of pure blood both taught him the ways of his body and mind so as to control and not harm himself with his own power. He was seen as a prodigy with e skills of the blood line before the age of thirteen he had mastered the use of invisibility shadow and sound manipulation and by fifteen he had developed them into his own craft making shadows solid like stone and sound tear like a blade with just a snap of his fingers. His highest achievement in his life and in his family history was becoming the youngest to pass the kings test at the age of eighteen ,allowing him to keep his sight, not long after mastering the shadow stepping blood line skill.
Being trained in the ways of the blade is natural of the Nayu but his Weapon was special it was handed to him by the former king himself. After Sleeth was given the right to ascend to the throne passing each test and killing all others that could have taken his place or chances the king gave him the weapon of the King the great Scythe made from the horns of The Great Dragon. This weapon can only be passed down by the king and can only be held by the king and soon the training started o master both it's beauty and death bringing presence.
Sleeth created the faction know as "Dolofon" to gain access to the angelic blood that he both loved and craved above all others.
After becoming King he took his time developing his own power to retain the throne till his dying day. Taking the title of King seriously He based all of the Spells he learned over command and control to take the will from his opponents and crush them on all Levels
Kings Domain: Sleeth Summons a circle of shadow around him extending up to twenty feet from his location Moving with him as he moves but only where his body is keeping him as the center. Within this Domain he has absolute control over shadows ignoring the powers of other shadow manipulators and or taking control of there power while in the area. If the domain is created in a room with little or no light the domain takes control of all things in the area of darkness allowing command over all shadows in the room but not outside it unless the room is entered by Sleeth and matches the same conditions. (No other spells can be cast while in this is active. Also Must be able to speak to cast the spell. If his concentration is broken by strong stimuli such as damage or strong distraction the spell is broken and cannot be used till he gains composure.)
Kings Pressure: While in the sight of the King you are placed under the Pressure of your own blood making every inch of the Enemies body feel like Lead. Manipulating the Vibrations created by the heartbeat of his opponent Sleeth creates the illusion that the world around them is crushing them and that the pressure is being created by the sheer power of the King. ( If out of the sight of the King the effect is null and void since the illusion is broken "Out of sight out of mind" the same goes for if the opponent runs away since "fight or flight" is kicked into a higher gear as if escaping from a predator. The Closer the King is to he person or People in his sight the stronger the effect.)
Solid Shadow Hand-less manipulation: Wishing to advance the shadow manipulation that his clan can do naturally Sleet wished to advance his shadow manipulation to make it faster and far more solid. By Manipulating and condensing shadows he can create weapons and walls from the darkness. The weight of the things crafted does not affect him but does affect the person it is being used against. Having matured his powers He can do the manipulation with out moving his body making it seems as if the shadows are alive and protecting the king of it's own will.
Sound Bullet/Cutter/Cannon: Focusing his mastery of the sound manipulation Sleeth has developed a means at which to shoot condensed waves of sound that enter the body and vibrate violently afterwards damaging the insides of the opposition avoiding armor and hardened skins the only warning of the attack is the sound that happens before the actual strike. ( The bullet is Created by snapping his fingers the Cutter is Crafted by snapping his fingers and dragging his hand through the air and the cannon is done by clapping his hands together with great force. The Target struck by the attack(s) is damaged on the inside affecting muscles, bones, and blood vessels showing no damage on the outside.)
Hindrances: Never changes his mind once he gets a thought in his head it takes almost death to make him reconsider.
tends to protect the weak that have not done him wrong.
Unknown Weaknesses: Has a thing for pretty men.
His mothers Death would send him to war with any and all.
Weapons: Kings Scythe ( An enchanted weapon that thirsts for blood so much that if cut by it's blade the Victim dies thirty minuets after from the sheer power that flows through the weapon like venom.)
History: Sleeth as a child as a guard and as king gained many titles and as for history it is found in his achievements and his wondrous deeds. As all men that will themselves he under took the task to become the next King of the Nayu for his people did not care for blood or the rights of the children of kings but the power and the lengths that the next king will go to prove himself to the one before. Few pure bloods lasted long if they did not try for the throne or at least pass the test of the king many fled the kingdom others became slaves blind working the mines far far below their sight taken for failure. He passed the first test the test of the king to be allowed the rights to learn the final skill of the Nayu people the power to walk in shadows soon it was time for the test of skill kill a person of interest. As a true test of his power Sleeth chose the Previous the Queen of the Lassa "mother to the Current Queen Nydra Nept" He raped her and using a magic given to him by his mother to record the memory he showed it to the King as proof of his loyalty and willingness to go as far as need be to win. After Passing the final test which much to his pleasure was to kill any and all other participants he was crowned king and given the Weapon of the king. Now some 35 years later he still sits on his throne unwilling to give it up not till he feels his body grow weak then Like the kings before him he shall roam deep into the caves and die in a death embrace with the beast that lurk below.
Trivia: Loves to Cook...Had dreams of becoming a Baker in his younger years.
Quote: The best Kill is the one Unseen Unheard and Unnoticed even by the victim.
Name: Sleeth "Kaine" Mythue
Age: 69
Species: Descendant
Blood%: 100% Nayu
Gender: Male
Sex Preference: Homo
Height: 6'3
Weight: 189
Physical appearance:

Wearing a light form of armor crafted from basilisk hide. His clothing giving more form to his lean muscled body underneath. A helmet covers his eyes allowing him the sharp sound vision of the blind at all times.
Apparel: light armor that protects well even against projectile fire from a pistol bullet. It covers his forearms, shoulder chest, back abdomen and shins. He wears black leather as pants that covers his feet as well with thick soles for protection on all terrain.
Personality: Sleeth hates having to repeat himself because of this he has become cold and distant in his words and way of treating people to the point that he even slowed down his way of speech to keep from having to do so. His temperament is more towards unyielding no one is above him in his mind he would talk down to a god if he was challenged in a way that would put him down.
Occupation: King of Nero
Faction: Dolofon
Sleeth Was trained since birth to take the throne. He fought tirelessly training in stealth and the ways of killing, the way of a true assassin, from the time he could comprehend what death meant Sleeths first master was his father A master of the elite guards the personal guards of the king.His father taught him to fight as the guards do never take an opponent for granted go at them full force from the start and set the pace of war he never said battle always war.
Having his father as his First and most difficult trainer Sleeth had to learn the hard way how to command his powers given to him by blood. His father and mother who is of pure blood both taught him the ways of his body and mind so as to control and not harm himself with his own power. He was seen as a prodigy with e skills of the blood line before the age of thirteen he had mastered the use of invisibility shadow and sound manipulation and by fifteen he had developed them into his own craft making shadows solid like stone and sound tear like a blade with just a snap of his fingers. His highest achievement in his life and in his family history was becoming the youngest to pass the kings test at the age of eighteen ,allowing him to keep his sight, not long after mastering the shadow stepping blood line skill.
Being trained in the ways of the blade is natural of the Nayu but his Weapon was special it was handed to him by the former king himself. After Sleeth was given the right to ascend to the throne passing each test and killing all others that could have taken his place or chances the king gave him the weapon of the King the great Scythe made from the horns of The Great Dragon. This weapon can only be passed down by the king and can only be held by the king and soon the training started o master both it's beauty and death bringing presence.
Sleeth created the faction know as "Dolofon" to gain access to the angelic blood that he both loved and craved above all others.
After becoming King he took his time developing his own power to retain the throne till his dying day. Taking the title of King seriously He based all of the Spells he learned over command and control to take the will from his opponents and crush them on all Levels
Kings Domain: Sleeth Summons a circle of shadow around him extending up to twenty feet from his location Moving with him as he moves but only where his body is keeping him as the center. Within this Domain he has absolute control over shadows ignoring the powers of other shadow manipulators and or taking control of there power while in the area. If the domain is created in a room with little or no light the domain takes control of all things in the area of darkness allowing command over all shadows in the room but not outside it unless the room is entered by Sleeth and matches the same conditions. (No other spells can be cast while in this is active. Also Must be able to speak to cast the spell. If his concentration is broken by strong stimuli such as damage or strong distraction the spell is broken and cannot be used till he gains composure.)
Kings Pressure: While in the sight of the King you are placed under the Pressure of your own blood making every inch of the Enemies body feel like Lead. Manipulating the Vibrations created by the heartbeat of his opponent Sleeth creates the illusion that the world around them is crushing them and that the pressure is being created by the sheer power of the King. ( If out of the sight of the King the effect is null and void since the illusion is broken "Out of sight out of mind" the same goes for if the opponent runs away since "fight or flight" is kicked into a higher gear as if escaping from a predator. The Closer the King is to he person or People in his sight the stronger the effect.)
Solid Shadow Hand-less manipulation: Wishing to advance the shadow manipulation that his clan can do naturally Sleet wished to advance his shadow manipulation to make it faster and far more solid. By Manipulating and condensing shadows he can create weapons and walls from the darkness. The weight of the things crafted does not affect him but does affect the person it is being used against. Having matured his powers He can do the manipulation with out moving his body making it seems as if the shadows are alive and protecting the king of it's own will.
Sound Bullet/Cutter/Cannon: Focusing his mastery of the sound manipulation Sleeth has developed a means at which to shoot condensed waves of sound that enter the body and vibrate violently afterwards damaging the insides of the opposition avoiding armor and hardened skins the only warning of the attack is the sound that happens before the actual strike. ( The bullet is Created by snapping his fingers the Cutter is Crafted by snapping his fingers and dragging his hand through the air and the cannon is done by clapping his hands together with great force. The Target struck by the attack(s) is damaged on the inside affecting muscles, bones, and blood vessels showing no damage on the outside.)
Hindrances: Never changes his mind once he gets a thought in his head it takes almost death to make him reconsider.
tends to protect the weak that have not done him wrong.
Unknown Weaknesses: Has a thing for pretty men.
His mothers Death would send him to war with any and all.
Weapons: Kings Scythe ( An enchanted weapon that thirsts for blood so much that if cut by it's blade the Victim dies thirty minuets after from the sheer power that flows through the weapon like venom.)
History: Sleeth as a child as a guard and as king gained many titles and as for history it is found in his achievements and his wondrous deeds. As all men that will themselves he under took the task to become the next King of the Nayu for his people did not care for blood or the rights of the children of kings but the power and the lengths that the next king will go to prove himself to the one before. Few pure bloods lasted long if they did not try for the throne or at least pass the test of the king many fled the kingdom others became slaves blind working the mines far far below their sight taken for failure. He passed the first test the test of the king to be allowed the rights to learn the final skill of the Nayu people the power to walk in shadows soon it was time for the test of skill kill a person of interest. As a true test of his power Sleeth chose the Previous the Queen of the Lassa "mother to the Current Queen Nydra Nept" He raped her and using a magic given to him by his mother to record the memory he showed it to the King as proof of his loyalty and willingness to go as far as need be to win. After Passing the final test which much to his pleasure was to kill any and all other participants he was crowned king and given the Weapon of the king. Now some 35 years later he still sits on his throne unwilling to give it up not till he feels his body grow weak then Like the kings before him he shall roam deep into the caves and die in a death embrace with the beast that lurk below.
Trivia: Loves to Cook...Had dreams of becoming a Baker in his younger years.
All characters are for and from this roleplay