Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Belladrael
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Class: Berserker

True Name: Ryuko Matoi

Origin World: Kill la Kill

Description: Ryuko Matoi is a seemingly Tomboyish girl at first glance. She wears a rather odd looking Sailor Uniform that can move on its own, has black hair with a single red stripe, and is often scowling. She seems pretty pissed off at the world but when it comes down to it, she can be a pretty friendly person. She was reborn as a Berserker, if for no other reason than her ability to go batshit insane and put raw power over any sort of finesse.

Image Reference:

Weapon: Scissor Blade (Full, she has both halves)


Life Fiber Synchronize, Kamui Senketsu: Ryuko is inhumanly strong on her own. However, mixing her blood with her Kamui to transform is her real power. During Synchronization, her speed and strength become unmatched. This is her natural state in combat, as it would be stupid for her to engage anyone without her Kamui. Well, not stupid per se.

Life Fiber Body: Ryuko is very hard to kill. Like any Berserker, no matter how much damage she takes she just keeps coming back even stronger and filled with more rage. Not only is she durable, but you could pull the heart from her chest and it wouldn't affect her. Yeah, it happened before.

Senketsu Senjin: In this form, Senketsu protrudes blades from all over its body. Senjin also has retractable claws. These claws can also be used during Senketsu's normal-mode and can even be upgraded to a blade made of Ryūko's blood.

Senketsu Shippu: Senketsu's flying form. The bottom part of the uniform becomes a jet propulsion, and the crest (Senketsu's "eyes") becomes wings.

Senjin Shippu: Simply put, Senjin and Shippu are combined at greater mana intake, and for greater power from both abilities. She becomes a flying ball of claws and blades.

Noble Phantasm:


Sen-I-Soshitsu Graduation Final: Ryuko can turn her scissor blades into absurdly large scissor blades, and use them to cut things. It's rather spectacular, but an easy to dodge attack. Mostly meant for very large opponents. Due to how easy it is to counter just by moving out of the way, and how situational it is, this is a lesser Phantasm.

Decapitation Mode: Ryuko's blades combine into one, doubling their length for an extra long, excessively powerful swing intent on decapitating her enemies. This attack is so fast, and so powerful, that it could easily slice through multiple buildings if she isn't careful.


Senketsu-Kisaragi: Ryuko and her Kamui reach their maximum potential for synchronization, and become something much greater. They combine into one being and for a short time, she becomes absurdly powerful. Moreso than she usually is. This is the point where she reaches "Punching holds in mountains" levels of power. However, due to the great strain of such energy running through her body, she can only maintain this form for a short time, or she not only threatens to destroy her Kamui, but drain every lats drop of mana from her Master as well. Her abilities in this form become even more ridiculous as well, being able to do such things as turn herself into a rocket. However, this is the Grail War, and as such her abilities have been slightly altered. As such, if she uses this form for too long it changes to a different form-

Berserker Mode: Senketsu becomes a bloodthirsty monster. It also causes his armor form to change into a chaotic, blood leaking version of itself, mutating its wearer into a green-skinned, jagged toothed creature. While Ryuko is still absurdly powerful in this form, she does not listen to reason, does not distinguish friend or foe, and it would take either a miracle, or a Command Seal to bring her down from this rage. This is not a standalone Phantasm, but a built in drawback to her Greater Noble Phatnasm.

Wish: To change history, so that her whole family could stay alive while fighting the Life Fibers together. Her mother, her Father, and her Sister, without sacrificing the friendships she made along the way.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

- Master -

- Name -
Ansgar Staudinger

- Age -

- Description -
The son of a long running, though deliberately secretive to an extreme, lineage of Thaumaturgists that tended towards extreme focus on given fields they felt would truly bring a worthy miracle that would rival or even dwarf the abilities of True Magic. Being born of such obsession, it is unsurprising that Ansgar fell into the same habits of his ancestors, though taking a path long forsaken. Runes, the meaning and applications of them, and the unshakeable belief in their potency when combined and wielded properly. Having made his decision, Ansgar was given the full support of his family in his pursuit, spending his childhood learning how to pursue his goals just as much as he did about Runes, Alchemy, and general Thaumaturgy.

Ansgar is a pleasant enough fellow outside of his work, one to indulge in whiskey and a smoke at the end of a day of study and practice, at a casual glance a kind, if rough, soul. While not too far from the truth, the driven and determined belief in his Runic magecraft creates a borderline obsessive pursuit, creating a willingness to sacrifice a great deal for his advances, and if it meant making the decision for whether to sacrifice on behalf of someone, he wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

- Image Reference -

- Specialties -
Magecraft Specialty: Alchemy
Alchemy Specialty: Runes
Maintains physical and mental fitness alongside brawling capabilities.

- Wish -
"Complete and total mastery of all Runes and their application. The Association underestimates them, I will not waste this opportunity however."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SoundwaveLoo
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SoundwaveLoo Weeb Knight

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Name: Ryan Vale

Age: 18

History-Ryan is a third generation mage from the Vale family who are known for their skill in alchemy and transmutation. He happens to be the eldest son of the head of the family the family, so he was chosen to participate in the families first Holy Grail War.
Personality-He's what most would call a brave coward. He tends to try and look a situation logically, but due to his age he is prone to complete tactical oversights.
Weapon-He carries a metal bat on him

Specialties: Transmutation, Alchemy, Strengthening, Talking his way out of most fights, Cooking

Wish: Prosperity for himself and his family
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by HueMan
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HueMan Talrae Admin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

- Servant -

Class: Caster

True Name: Pandora's Actor

Origin World: Overlord

Description: Pandora's Actor is a humanoid doppleganger dressed in yellow military uniform complete with a coat and hat. His face is an expressionless mask with 3 dark holes in place of eyes and mouth and his fingers look unnaturally long with extra digits. His appearance however matters little for his ability allows him to transform into others. His personally on the other hand is full of flair. He talks in overly dramatic tone and pitch while posing bombastically. He sounds and acts full of life and emotion and embellishes everything he does as if on center-stage of a play. He also speaks German when excited.

Image Reference:

Weapon: None.


Doppelganger - Pandora's Actor is capable of completely copying off any being he touches. Once touched, Pandora's Actor may transform into them any time he wished for as long as he wished. He is capable of keeping 100 "blueprints" of transformation. Once transformed, Pandora's Actor becomes perfectly identical to that being. He will walk, talk and fight like them as well as possess identical items including Noble Phantasms. However, there is one critical difference; most of the abilities exerted will only have 80% of effectiveness. For instance, if he transforms into a man who can lift 100 tons, he will be able to lift up to 80 tons. Unique powers such as Noble Phantasms are subject to case-by-case scenario. Certain Noble Phantasms may not be copied off identically, while others may be.
Heightened Intelligence - Having been created to be comparable in intelligence to Demiurge and Albedo of Ainz Ooal Gown who are known to possess extraordinary mental skills, Pandora's Actor can be described as having acute intellect.

Noble Phantasm: None.

Wish: To serve the eternal rule of Ainz Ooal Gown as the true overlord of the world, for the world belongs to him.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

Member Seen 5 days ago

-Master of X-

"Tch. Tch. Yes I am!"

Name: Muhammad Avdol

Age: Late 20s

Description: A fortune teller from Cairo, Egypt, Muhammad Avdol stands at 188 centimeters and weighs 90 kilograms, sporting a medium-heavy build. His Stand, Magician's Red, appears as a humanoid figure with a bird-like head. It has a heavily muscular upper body and its feathered legs are sometimes covered in burning flames. Its arms have claws instead of nails and it wears dark bracelets on both of its wrists.

Gifted with his Stand from birth, Avdol was already raised into the lifestyle similar to that of a magus, learning all sorts of occult knowledge as well as studying other sorts of Stands. Avdol is best described as a serious, responsible, and overall righteous individual. Once he had heard of the Holy Grail War, he had joined in order to ensure that no one sinister would get their hands on such a powerful relic that is said to grant wishes.


Magician's Red:

Muhammad Avdol's Stand, a psychically generated entity that is said to be a physical manifestation of the user's fighting spirit, is bound to his person. Stands can only be seen by other Stand Users, as well as Spirits (such as Servants), Psychics, and most Magi. More information on Stands, in general, could be found here.

Magician's Red, specifically, is a medium-ranged Stand capable of generating and manipulating flames. These flames could be hot enough to melt even metal, and Avdol is able to manipulate them without restraints. Avdol utilizes a multitude of techniques with his Stand's flames, such as firing salvos of ankh-shaped flames, tying his opponents in a rope made of flames, and creating a heat-based "radar" used to detect others in his immediate vicinity. Because the flames are a part of Magician's Red, those who cannot see Stands also cannot see the flames, although they can feel the heat from the Stand as well as see the waves of heat emanating from it. Magician's Red also sports notable physical strength, although it has no special close-ranged techniques, and is best utilized in a wide area at a medium range.

Esoteric Knowledge:

As a professional fortune teller, Avdol is knowledgeable in divination, notably the symbolism of the tarot cards which he uses. Avdol also knows a great deal about Stands and their powers, although this knowledge seems to be limited to only most other Tarot Stand Users. Avdol's knowledge also extends to Magecraft, and while he isn't a Magus, himself, he has enough knowledge on the subject to know about most other schools, such as Astrology.

Wish: Muhammad Avdol currently has no wish for the Grail, with his overall goal of joining the war being to prevent more sinister individuals from possessing the Grail.
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