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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Marinalia (Romus) Olympus


The Sports bar, Wednesday Afternoon (Marilania)

Marilania Noticed Joel as he sat by the bar, she had heard the shout but was lost in thoughts working out her jobs to do in the morning, the DC7 needed a engine 3 overhauling and already got a text telling her it would be in the hanger for a day or two while mechanics had to replace several parts before the old bird would fly again. Workhorses, but damn where they particular, it was not always easy to find crews who could repair, or spares for Deadalus's veteran aircraft. still they could land on rougher runways than the modern ones, and a C130 cost awful lot more.

noticing, sipping a suprisingly normal coffee for once, Tommeys bar had a smaller range as expected, but the food smelt good and for a sports bar seemed welcoming to the less sports inclined. seeing Tommy join them too, seemed it was race day again. Noticing Joel in a hoody and shorts, was he a eskimo, it was still winter even if the sun had come out. of he had anything other than branded hoodies, it must by a mythical and legendary item.

Seems like your a regular, Though im afraid ground crew don't get call signs, need a pair of wings for that! Maybe Topper harly, not top gun.

Nice model, all you need now is the race trophy and you got a set

Quietly drinking her coffee, not understanding the first comment but the model was nice, very accurate and someone had obviously spent a long time working on making sure it was perfect from decals, to tyres and little additions like tiny racing harness's. Seeing the photo, she was impressed, the aircraft and car where neck and neck crossing in a perfect X down the middle of the course. it was a great shot and one that you could not of planned better if you tried to stage it. someone should use that one in the promo posters for the teams race day media.

Looking round the bar a second it felt slightly alien, all the sports jerseys, team colors and sports memorabilia clashed with her gold wings glittering in the light, various patches including Achorage Airlines and several others beside alongside a UK flag on shoulder. Not too different from teams in a way with the partisan jokes and general attitude among the pilots at the bars near the main airport. Polishing abit of dirt off the gold wings, she had been given them when she first passed 9 years ago by her family, one of few things she would be genuinely upset to lose, the back was engraved with her name and passing dates hidden next to the lined and insulated heavy grade leather.

Never knew we passed that close. il sign it if you want, might be worth something one day!

oh, can i order a steak, extra coffee and the curry of the day for me, steak for old grumpy here.

I owe the ground hog a bet from race day, put the beer on my bill before he charges interest.

Smiling, she decided to add the last bit in and throw it in, he had teased her, she could at least try to return the favour and give a little back. Humming along to the song on the radio, she had seen that movie too many times not to know it off by heart tapping a foot on the rail below the bar. Smiling as a second song came onto the radio, seemes the radio host liked Top Gun also.

A song she knew making her feel at least abit less of a stranger in the land of sports, American foot ball she had never undersood, same with several of the sports they loved, when invited to a game by one of the other pilots as a welcome, she had just copied and hoped it worked, luckily Sol City Angels had won despite being unsure what was going on below.

Least this place did food, and she'd not have to cook tonight. Vika would be home but she sometimes was not up to it after a busy day, she had the food order app, so her half sister would be fine, truth be told she could make the computer do things that made her spin. Hopefully her morning appointment at the sports centre had gone well.


Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mattchstick
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Mattchstick This little light of mine...

Member Seen 5 yrs ago




"'26. They're swatted' First letter is G. Gnats."

Reluctantly, Kriss etched the word into the paper and glanced down the hall. He hadn't properly answered a clue all day but it did little to improve his mood. He had set this day aside entirely for training when he could have been doing...well, anything, really. He wasn't exactly a social individual and likely wouldn't have spent the day, say, shopping at the mall, but still. This was his time and it was being actively wasted. He tossed the puzzle and pen onto the table a bit more forcefully as if to emphasize his irritation, even though he was the only one in the room.

To her credit, Allison got up, showered, and dressed in a surprisingly short time. She arrived at the lounge area in less than fifteen minutes, shirt straight and bootlaces tied, though her hair was still damp and her cheeks were a bit red. She didn't know Kriss particularly well, but she knew he wouldn't be interested in excuses, so she saved them both time and kept her mouth shut. She straightened her back and lifted her chin to present herself for inspection. Kriss didn't bother. He was already standing and, without a word, moved briskly to the main garage. Ally followed him, her embarrassment rapidly being replaced by curiosity. The building was split into two large sections: housing/offices and bays. While the ambulances shared a bay (i.e. a wide open garage with a smooth concrete floor and two roll-up doors), the boat was separated by a cinderblock wall with set of double doors, minus the doors, which had never been installed. The boat was resting on a steel trailer connected to a two-door 4x4 emergency rescue truck. The walls of the bay were lines with toolboxes, hoses, and an ice box in case anyone wanted to fill up a cooler with ice.

Kriss slapped a panel on the wall as he entered the bay, lifting the front door and letting the sunlight in. He crossed his arms as Ally popped in beside him, cocking her head to the side and raising an eyebrow. She was facing a 10m Naiad Rescue Vessel. It featured twin diesel jet engines, a hardtop cabin that seated four, beam lights, search lights, infrared cameras, Radar, and GPS/AIS tracking. The cabin held room for four, including two nav/com stations equipped with VHF radio, UHF radio, and long-range cellphone capabilities. Unloaded, it weighed nearly 5,000 kgs (11,000 lbs). Both boat and truck were painted in the standard SCVRS colors: white and blue, with silver text and a large Star of Life stamped on the truck doors. The sunlight slid into the room, glinting off the [RESCUE BOAT] reflective text emblazoned on the sides of the cabin. It was an impressive sight, even in a garage. She trotted over to it and placed a hand on the hull, grinning widely and letting out a quiet giggle.

"WOW! Look at this thing!"

"That is what I am doing," Kriss replied, his voice giving off just a hint of irritation. He hadn't completely calmed down from having to yell at her to get her out of bed. Ally toned down immediately, stepping back a few feet and reducing her grin, though she couldn't resist bouncing up and down on her toes. She looked a bit like a dog staring at an unguarded cheeseburger. It was a habit, to the point that she wasn't even aware she was doing it. Kriss was painfully aware that telling her to stop would accomplish nothing, so he forced himself to ignore it as best he could and focus on the lesson.

He hadn't been exaggerating when he said it would be a 12-hour training session. The first four occurred in the building, with the boat still on the trailer. It mainly covered memorizing what was on the boat, where it was located, and what it was used for. He drilled her on victim scenarios (breathing, not breathing, warm, cold, shaking, etc.) and what protocols could and could not be followed on the water. She had received no formal training on open-water rescue. He had her remove all of the equipment, identify it, then put it back in the correct place. He even made her step out of the boat while he went in and moved various items around, then had her climb back in and figure out what had been misplaced (and return it to its place). It was monotonous, but Ally was a quick learner. They were done with the basics by noon.

"So now do we take it out on the water??" she asked as she climbed out of the boat for the last time.

"As soon as Snap gets here," Kriss said. He didn't sound at all impressed by Ally's performance, because he wasn't. She did well, but she was expected to. As far as he was concerned, there wasn't anything particularly impressive about knowing how to do the job you've been hired to do (or volunteered for).

"Good timing," a voice said as a figure appeared inn the open bay door. The two turned to see Snap, wearing her formal blue-grey uniform and pink-and-black sneakers. They didn't match, but she didn't care. Kelly Snapdragon was a tidy, organized woman, but she could not care less about shoes. She owned one nice pair of low heels for fancy occasions and sneakers for everything else. She tied her hair into a short ponytail and nodded in their direction. "You kids having fun?"

"Yup!" Ally replied crisply, bouncing on her toes again.

"Kriss, you being nice?"


Snap glanced back at Ally and winked. "Is he being nice?"

She nodded quickly. "Yeah! Kriss is a great teacher. You wanna come with us?"

"Nope," Snap replied, brushing past the duo and heading for the offices through the ambulance bay. "I've got paperwork to deal with. Keep your life jackets on. If you need anything, my phone number is 9-1-1."

Ally watched her leave, then turned back to Kriss.

"So now do we take it out on the water??"

"Yes. We will launch at the marina. There is a designated boat ramp. I will drive."

Ally let out another quiet giggle as she hopped into the passenger seat of the truck. She was entirely too excited about all of this, but then again she had never been in a boat. She was a good enough swimmer, but boating was all new territory. Kriss climbed in and the duo, in unison, slammed their doors closed. The beefy V8 engine roared to life and the two set out for the harbor. He glanced at her as they pulled onto the highway. She had retrieved her phone from a pocket and was typing away. He briefly considered saying something about it, but he refrained. It was none of his darn business.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 2 days ago

Siobhan & Paige

Location: Gym and Asset Seizures…

Interaction: Each other@Almalthia
& @Pilatus

A smoothie, a shower and a change of clothes later and they were on their way. Paige had a few locations programmed into the GPS and the first stop was Asset Seizures in a secured lot downtown near the river. She waved her passkey at the gate and they proceeded to an underground parking garage where a myriad of vehicles were being stored, most of them on the higher end of the purchasing spectrum. Everything from tricked out Hummers to a slick orange Lamborghini were housed in the inconspicuous facility. All liberated from their former criminal owners. Most would be auctioned off and some, if needed would be used for Marshal business. In her standard issue white, Taurus, Paige perused the aisles as if she were in the grocery store, selecting a wine for the evening. She nibbled on her thumb. “I’m gonna upgrade our car…” She said looking across the way at an electric blue BMW four-door. She was hoping for another Audi, not that she was any sort of auto-aficionado, but the German brand had her hooked ever since she’d driven the R8. The thought made her think of the picture again and where she’d quietly stowed it away. “But it can’t be too over the top and needs to be four doors,” She continued with a sigh and turned back to Sio, “If you know what I mean.”

Siobhan raised an eyebrow at that comment. She tilted her head and her red hair pulled back off her face in a high ponytail that ran to the middle of her shoulder blades swung happily. She had thrown on black jeggings, black combat boots, a grey long sleeve under armor shirt and a jean vest that Siobhan left open over the skin tight under armor. “No I don't know what you mean. I'm staring at a freaking Lamborghini and wondering why we ain't taking it!!! Screw four doors!!!”

Paige grinned. "Later, I promise." She said looking back at the bright orange Lambo. Ton of fun that it would be they would stick out like black paint thrown on a white wall and she needed to be a little less conspicuous for some of her later stops. She made another pass thinking of how she was going to sweet talk the storage agent into letting her change out her newly issued Ford. "I think I'm gonna go for this blue Beamer." She said parking and hopping out, "I'll be right back. Stay right here."

A few moments later she reemerged dangling keys and wearing a triumphant smile. Looking at Sio's outfit in comparison with her own white zip-down sweater and jeans they blended in perfectly like a couple of spoiled rich girls in daddy's BMW. "Sometimes I just wake up and smile when I think about how many assholes whose day I get to ruin." She said tossing her bag over into the new car. "Come my dear, you have much to learn."

“Ugh tell me these rounds don't deal with them. Oh and why the Beamer? Besides the obvious that we look cool.” Siobhan got in the passenger seat and adjusted the chair to a comfortable position.

“I'm not a car person,” Paige shrugged, “I mostly just liked the color.” She started the engine and it came to life with a sporty rumble. “I wore a dress to prom that was almost this exact same color.” She moved the shifter and they started off, “And it fit me perfectly.” She said with a smile of reminiscence.

Siobhan nodded and rolled down the window so that the wind could play in her hair for a bit. She looked over at Paige and raised an eyebrow. “So you still haven’t really answered the question of where we’re going or what we’re doing…or who’s day we’re going to ruin.” This was turning out to be really fun. She wasn’t going to screw around her whole college career but ya had to take a break sometime.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 7 days ago

Joel Nicolosi

“Oh there’s going to be a trophy,” Joel said continuing to look the model over, “You don’t have to worry about that.” He and Tommy gave one another an affirmative fist bump with the statement. He looked up momentarily to study the picture as she spoke, though he hardly looked at her plane. He was mostly looking at himself behind the wheel. While the car looked immaculate in the captured light. In the shadow of the cockpit, his orange helmet was only partially visible while she could be seen easily in the blown up detail of high-definition all the way down to her tied back blonde hair. He was becoming slightly annoyed at how she always had to get her little jabs in first, but he knew that she was just looking for a way to push his buttons. Maybe there was some form of childish interest she had in him, though he was too stubborn to embrace it. The petit young server who brought him the beer looked over at him, jealous of Marlin. Ah, so much easier, he thought glancing back over at her momentarily. “Yeah, it is worth something.” He said slyly turning back, “Reminds me of the day I beat you in that race.”

The growling from his empty stomach and her remembrance of their bet was a proper combination and delivered with good timing. The quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. The old saying came to mind even though she wasn’t delivering by her own preparation, but because she lost a bet. Well, gotta stick what she’s good at. He smirked a little at the thought. He took a long few sips at his Guiness and remembered it had been some time since he’d drank substantially- a talent for which he was also well known. Relaxing a little he gently turned the model on its base so that the rear was facing Marlin. “I put your new decals on today,” He said. “I put the Polar Star decal right here on the rear deck-lid,” He motioned over the back of the car and spoke with the utmost in pretend seriousness, “So that it would be at an angle you were used to looking at.”

Tommy shook his head and snickered, “Tell me you didn’t really do that?”

“I won’t say I didn’t.” Joel replied, “You scared of her aunt? Or sister, or whatever she was?”

“You are completely full of shit.” Tommy said.

“No, I put them where they’re supposed to go like a good boy,” Joel said, “Last thing we need is another butthurt woman running around here.”

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Marinalia (Romus) Olympus


Victoria Darya Romus

The Sports bar, Coffee pot Cafe . Wensday morning (Victoria) Afternoon (Marilania)

Marilania looked. The picture was good, by the fact the plane passed closer to camera it seemed it had focused slightly more than the car by a fraction. It still was a impressive photo and she could see all the cars decals picked out, her hair and a slight flash of pink from thr back of her jacket. Must have been someone with some huge lense camera, maybe they liked photography of planes or so?

Taking a small black marker and signing it in a corner away from the dramatic centre image with a rather long and neatly cursive signature on a areas of grass and tarmac.

Not quite noticing the server watching the two men trade jokes and comments, they seemed to be old freinds or even school Freinds maybe. Tommey seemed older and more diplomatic, Joel the younger hot headed impulsive one, there probbly was a movie like that.

well Tommy did see my tail... It was a fun morning though!

Sipping a coffee as she is as driving home, Marinalia watched the bar abit and a group cheering as someone landed a goal in what looked like American football, despite all the time in Alastair, she still was confused by some of the American sports. Slightly missing the pilots bar nearer the airport, they where kind of similar just different memorabilia, models and photos, it always felt welcoming, kinda like Joel and this place probbly.

Frowning slightly at the comments, but not overly annoyed. He was just sending back the same that she gave him earlier. He had given her alot of stick at the race, she had given it back, all was fair in air and autos.

you won... Your like a crossfit vegan who vape Joel!

Giving a slightly deadpan response, but a laugh cracking through and going back to her coffee, sure Marla was abit cold, and not always the best people person but Joel was not a play well with others type and about as subtle as a naked dancing, glow in the dark smurfs riding a unicorn. Butt hurt woman maybe, family she was and also the one who had looked after her through a break up or two and some worse times.

My Aunt in fact, Marla plays well with others about as you, your both hardly diplomatic..

Maria, tends to be the nicer sister of the two, Mike's mostly business like though, after the marines anyway. My sister lives with me at mo, so it was my aunt.

Trying not to react too badly to the banter between Joel and Tommy, the two where like they where. And not much could change that, arguing too hard only cause more trouble. Waiting for the food arriving and giving the server a you might be free to have him look, thanking her for the Curry, and the plate of steaks. Tucking into curry. It was a good meal, least it beat cooking.

Thanks dear.

Anyway.. Unless you wanna keep yourselves company.. You may have to put up with "Butt hurt women" as you call them so politely, they not quite got robots that advanced yet!

Leave off guys, please. I just wanna get some food after a long shift and a few hours in the cockpit... Please...

Trying to lighten the mood abit and turning to her food she ate and was quietly rather hungry after a long day at work, flying back from Neo and a delivery. Only could last so long on coffee. In the end she just was desperate to have some food and a long day.

Victoria managed to get some work done in the end and sent off the invoice for the work to the two mens business email accounts, totaling thr bill, minus costs it was worth a fair amount of money to her, and first big job in Sol City.

Ordering another coffee and feeling a tad less steady, she decided to rest up abit before headding home. She had her moments, and the work out had been more tiring than she thought.

Relaxing adding a bagel and a cake to the order, the younger woman relaxed abit, maybe a bit of sugar and food should perk her up abit before heading back. She could lie down later on and nap if needed. Marilania would not be back from work till late afternoon at least with the shift she was on today.

Looking at her laptop she saw a long list of things she would need to have done. The deadline was reasonable and not too extreme but still would be a slight push if thrme code went badly.


Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 7 days ago

Joel Nicolosi

Both men stopped mid conversation to look at Marlin strangely after her comment for them to “Leave off”.

“She thinks you’re arguing,” Tommy’s young bartender said not looking up from the glass she was polishing. “This is how they carry on all the time dear, they’re not serious, it’s mostly just noise.” She looked up to glance at Marlin, partly to drive home her point and partly to get a look at her competition. Women that could put up with Joel for more than a few seconds were a kind of rarity. She could tell this woman had some kind of interest in him or she would have already been gone, like the rest of them. “If they’re not going back and forth about that car, then it’s usually some form of bro-science or politics.”

“What she means,” Joel said cutting in, “Is that I’m usually right.”

“No,” the girl said grinning and placing one hand on her hip, “It means that you’re both equally full of shit.”

Tommy laughed, “Probably true.”

“Don’t you have some other work to be doing?” Joel said. He tipped his glass back and knocked down the rest of his Guiness in an impressive couple of gulps before plopping the glass back down on the bar. “I found another glass for you to clean.”

The girl rolled her eyes and swiped away his glass refilling it from the tap and sliding it back in front of him. “There ya go, don’t say I never did anything for you.”

“Well, it is kind of your job.” Joel said munching a bit of steak.

“So what’s the deal with the Gala?” Tommy asked trying to refocus the conversation. He had managed to keep Joel and the female members of his wait staff in separate beds for several years now, not that it was normally too difficult considering Joel’s moodiness. The man tended to drive away as many as he attracted. No, it was just too close a mix of business and pleasure. The restaurant was his business and the car was an extension thereof. Joel was his best friend, but also his business partner and he didn’t need him getting too cozy with his other employees. Joel knew the rules, but still liked to test the waters from time to time. He gave the girl a nod towards main floor to take care of some customers and turned back to Joel and Marlin.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
Avatar of PrinceAlexus

PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Marinalia (Romus) Olympus


The Sports bar, Wednesday Afternoon (Marilania)

Marilania was Suprised by the sudden stop like no one seemed to question the whole interaction between Joel and Tommy. The whole seeming mock argument was certainly different and did not quite translate to a outsiders view point. Going back to her curry and returned the waitress glance with her grey eyes. Seemed she was either Jelous or quietly had thing for Joel maybe?

So should they hurry up and book a wedding venue or is it a long engagement? When to save the date, and who gets to throw boucet?

It seems you should maybe listen to your bar tender... She probbly right!

Letting them argue and shaking head slightly at Joels I'm a asshole routine with thr bar woman, wither he was genuine or just playing some strange game with the world. Tommy, she never was a sports expert but knew he used to be a big star on local sports scene, won games, championships and had made quite abit of money doing it. Joking somewhat she tried to being things to a more positive tone.

Thr glancing over she saw the female barkeep head off to serve some tables, she had a good figure and looks though a work uniform never exactly was thr most glamorous attire, though Marilania was in a baggy flight suit earlier so she could not exactly judge.

Hearing Romney suddenly change the subject and seem to redirect the whole issue and separate the woman and Joel, before asking about the Gala. It was going to be hosted on Sunday after the race and was a big party in general. Mostly for the team, family, though most other people turned up and they tended to be a fun evening. Thrmis year was alot bigger as a team sponsor vs just a general race sponsor. Plans had been set for weeks for the event and they had already got the theme ready, a along with a bunch of suitiebly visualy pleasing Spartans to act as part of thr show.

oh, thought Maxamillion, maybe Marla or Maria would have you in the loop. Not much changed, bar upping the security heavily after recent events in Sol City... Oh and Spartans... With Abs... Because.

Hosting it Sunday night, chance for everyone to celebrate and enjoy a evening, family and a few others got a free bar. Marla, Maria, Mike, Milo,Maxamillion, Vesarian, Victoria, maybe Milo she with, Ivan, me obviously... should be attending. Along with a few executives, race team members and more. Going big.

Maria told me abit, but il let you get a Suprise on the night.. Daughters privilege, no spoilers!

Greek theme, lots of industrial touches, umm.. I'm sure you guys got sent a copy! Oh.. And you'll need suits boys... No way round it.. Tailor should have asked for measurements.

They already had the dresses done a few weeks ago. Suits seemed to always be missing measurements...

Going back to her curry after a rather long explanation, the whole event had been planned to the last detail and all that was waiting for thr gears to start turning, dozens of people where booked, ready, supplies, engineers, caterers and several truck loads of booze was sat in storage. All it needed was a green light, and the whole Spartans thing had been a abit of fun for thr ladies at thr evening.

It was going to be a fun evening and she knew her role in the whole plan, a prompt and planned run through was very rough. The whole evening was going to be mostly free flowing, no real formalities bar a few speeches and a abit of planned introduction start.

All you two need to do is show up, drink on the house booze and wear a suit...

Just remember thr bracelet type thing they give you, means you Don, t have to pay for anything and such at bar etc.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RoccanIronclad
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RoccanIronclad Blacksmith Of / Micelmeras

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Milo Ventri

Milo got out of his truck in front of the local butcher that he had found, Harold was a good man, kept his prices honest and never cheated you. As Milo entered the shop the old man looked at him and started to rant incoherently, the jibberish only giving way to a few words that could be stitched into a solid sentence.

"Hey Milo, lookin'fer somen?" The Harold asked as he leaned on the counter.

"Yeah, I need a rack and some pork butt." Milo set his hands on the counter and accidentally revealed his wound.

"Hoo boy, that don' look like it' wah much fun, you be pickin' nah roses gain?" Harold laughed at Milo who was looking at the man with a confused but happy look, he may not be able to understand everything that man was saying, but you could tell he was having a good time talking to you.

Milo set his purchases in the back of the truck, it was still pretty cold and it was making his hand a little numb, to be expected he guessed, so he sat in the driver seat and headed home, as he drove around he ended up getting turned around on a one way street, this city was no end of frustration still when it came to navigating, Milo swore that he would get it right within a week, and here he was, downtown, lost. It was nearly twenty minutes before he managed to get himself back on track and then back to his home, the sight was almost welcoming, he wished that it were a little less empty but he didn't really have all that many belongings, even his shop was a bit bare by most standards, it was a sentiment that he hoped wasn't a reflection of himself but he knew all to well that it was.

Milo shook the thought as he got his smoker running and loaded it up with all the meat and wood it needed, he had been planning on making some that he could put away for later anyway, and with his hand getting hurt he might as well do it today. The smell of Milo's smoker filled the shop, only not suffocating him because of his shops overhead fans, Milo had an old stand by seasoning blend that he loved to use still from Delta that he had brought a ton of with him when he moved up here. Milo sat in his shop, door sign was flipped to closed, and he had his feet on the table, with his bottle of liquor, Delta de-greaser, god the name was terrible but only half as bad as the alcohol, Milo took a sip and wondered why he felt so bad today, other than the cut his day had been fine, his life seemed to be improving, it had to be the reckoning coming for him, he could almost feel it.

Milo took out his phone and scrolled through his messages and came across a message from Vika, a photo of her at the Gym, getting rehab, that girl had spunk, mostly what had drawn him to her, same thing that drew him to everyone he had been close to. Milo took out a small sword from under his table and unsheathed it, a Victorian style small sword, a semi ornate snowflake shaped half guard, and fine engraving along the blade, the handle still needed finished but the parts were all done. he set it down and started to work the handle, figured it wouldn't be to hard on his hands, even a little tipsy, he even tried to text Vika back.

Hedyu fgVika, gflasd rtpo swwee yujou hsavijng fcunm, I hjsave a sdurpruise fdoryou

Milo looked at the message, he could tell that from the garbled mess he just typed that he had no business texting or working on a sword, again, some lessons are just hard to learn. Milo went to delete the message and when he clicked the button, a pop up showed it as sent, Milo looked at it stunned, he looked at his bottle, then the phone again.

"Why do I keep that stuff here?"

He laughed and set the phone down, Vika will probably enjoy that message anyway, wasn't like he was drunk texting Ana, she never answered them anyway.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 7 days ago

Siobhan & Paige

Location: West Sol

Interaction: Each other@Almalthia
& @Pilatus

Paige glanced down at the dash. Being a female and from Florida, she was accustomed to driving at a considerable clip above the speed limit. The car responded swiftly as she changed lanes and she was pleased with her choice of vehicle. “A couple weeks ago there was a big jazz party downtown,” She said, briefly glancing down at the time. “A woman was assaulted and drugged, probably not much older than you.” The BMW was considerably more luxurious than the Ford, but ironically lacked the center mounted GPS. She leaned forward to check her exit ramp before continuing, “Anyway, that normally wouldn't be a big deal, but as it turns out the perp has been on the lam since that night and local PD thinks he may have fled the city- that's where I come in.” She turned back onto a surface street, placing them in a high middle class area west of Riverside. “Fugitives are the primary job of us Marshals,” She said, “Personally, I think the little bastard is trying to get to Canada and he's still closeby. We’re going to see a few people that will help me find him here in the city.”

They entered a shopping and restaurant district and Paige turned off a nice tree-lined divided street into an expansive parking lot where various polished outlet chains were joined together in a neat line with a big box store on one end; sporting goods, shoes, electronics. It was typical Americana. Paige checked her phone and scanned the lot. “But first, we’re gonna pay back some of my student loans.” She said with a sly smile.

Siobhan started a bit with the drugged girl comment; her eyes zeroing in on Paige. She holds her breath and tenses and she looks out the window getting quiet and remembering the past. A tense silence filled the car as Paige informed her of what exactly was going on, her job and some sketchy details of the perp. Siobhan nodded tensely ‘uh-hum’ing what Paige said.

As Paige turned off and checked her cell. Siobhan said emotionlessly still looking out the window. “Glad you have it figured out better than some. I hope you get him before he gets away. It’ll only get worse and more people will get hurt if he gets away. My best friend in boarding school killed herself because she was raped. Genny’s rapist was found, eventually. Consequently it was after ‘Portrait of Genny’ became so well known. That was the hard part. He was...well I thought he was, a good friend.” Siobhan grimaced as if the word friend was something rotten that she has smelled. Her reflection was pained and she quickly wiped the expression off her face.

Turning back to Paige Siobhan smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. “So same age as me huh? Am I bait or something? If I am I trust you. I figure a Marshal knows what they’re doing.” Siobhan raises an eyebrow waiting for a response as she looks over at Paige.

“I always get them,” Paige said with a stern confidence, “One way or another.” She continued around the lot. Her glance narrowed slightly when she spotted a lone car, a clean, but old Crown Victoria sitting in the shade, not too far to be out of the way and not too close to be conspicuous. The windows were tinted solid black. “And you don’t have to worry about that,” She said in response to Sio’s concern. “Just sit tight and enjoy the show.” Paige pulled up behind the car and flashed her lights: Two short flashes and two long. She quickly checked her phone and dropped her badge in the cup holder before taking her pistol out and tucking it behind her back. She flipped her sweater back down and hopped out of the car.

Her contacts were clear about the instructions and both stories matched up perfectly. One contact she knew she could trust. The other was yet to be determined which was why she was testing him. The joint taskforce had put a serious damper on Sol City’s underground drug trade in only a week’s time and the criminal elements had responded by going back to the most tried and true methods of conducting business; one of which was hiding in plain sight. Deals conducted during the day had the benefit of appearing completely genuine and the sheer boldness of it was what was unexpected. Two or more people standing by a car and talking in front of a Sears or a Barnes & Noble looked completely natural in broad daylight.

This particular hombre, a mid to high-level street dealer for Delossantos specialized in selling his product to the more polished and discreet members of Sol City’s drug users, those that indulged in their habits within the confines of gated communities and high-rise apartment complexes. What interested Paige was his distant, yet blood related connection to Margaret Delossantos. She had posted his bail the last time he was hauled away and when he failed to make his court date the bulletins went out among the bond agents and SCPD for his return. There was a hefty sum offered in exchange for his return, which ordinarily, Paige would not have been allowed to claim as a Federal officer, but if she were to arrange with a certain bounty hunter an agreement to split the reward in exchange for helping track down said fugitive of the courts then that was a bit of a gray area.

Looking at the car as she approached, it ironically appeared to be a long retired police cruiser with polished chrome wheels and what looked like a new pearl paint job. The window came down partially before she had a chance to knock. “Hola, seniorita,” A male voice spoke from inside the car. The man’s eyes followed the top of the glass looking Paige over until the window disappeared into the track. His look wasn’t one of suspicion or apprehension. It was pure lust. He looked to be in his mid-twenties, lanky with short cut hair and a tattoo on his neck that looked like a kiss from heavy lipstick. “Tell me what I can do for you.” He said in Spanish.

Paige smirked and leaned down, putting her hand on the window frame. “Show me what you can do,” She replied back also in Spanish. Being from middle Florida, her Spanish was perfect and carried a touch of Columbian. She could tell he was digging it and noticed him angling for a look at Sio in the side mirror. “My girlfriend and I heard about you from a friend.” She said drawing his attention back.

The prospect of a second female excited him even more and he leaned forward slightly to look in the side mirror at the BMW trying to get a clear glimpse at Sio, “I got just the thing…” He turned to flip a custom made panel out of the passenger seat and retrieve a colorful cocktail of pills prepared in a small plastic bag. His grin was wide, but sunk immediately when he turned back to find himself staring down the barrel of Paige’s pistol. “Ah, shit.” He spat. There was no longer any Spanish.

“Get out.” Paige said flatly.

“Mine’s bigger,” He said nodding down at his left leg. He had a partially drawn large barrel revolver, “Big enough to put hole through this door and you with it.”

Paige glanced down, “Think you can point that cannon before I put hole in your head?”

“You a cop, right?” He said, “I know you’re not gonna shoot me.”

“You sure I’m a cop?” Paige replied. Her hand didn’t move and she continued to look straight down the barrel of her gun into his eyes.

“Bitch, I been around, I know the game,” He smiled. “Besides, you think I never had a gun pointed at me?”

Paige tilted her head slightly, almost playfully, “No,” She said, “but this could be the last.”

“You not gonna do sh---“ He was cut off as Paige’s hand moved swiftly and fired a round directly into the steering wheel causing the airbag to deploy. The shock of the gunshot and instantaneous deployment of the bag caused him to let out an animal like yelp of surprise.

Paige flung the door open and threw the man on the ground. Completely disoriented, he hit the pavement without even an attempt to protect his face. His chrome plated revolver spilled out with him and she immediately kicked it away. She looked around making sure the noise hadn’t drawn any unwanted attention and retrieved a small set of handcuffs from her back pocket. As the man groaned in pain and confusion she swiftly kicked him squarely between the legs with enough force to retract his manhood for more than a few weeks. He howled and began to go into dry-heaves as his body searched in futility for ways to deal with the myriad of pains inflicted upon it. “You…” He coughed, “crazy… bitch!”

Cuffing one hand and clipping the other to one of his car’s expensive wheels, Paige took out her phone and sent a quick text. She brushed her hair back and gave Sio a thumbs up and a smile.


A black, unmarked van turned off and made its way down the street, entering the lot where Paige currently waited. She deftly busied herself with her charge's very large caliber revolver. Dumping the shells she twirled it in one hand wild-west style and visualized sliding it into a holster on her side.

"My... damn... gun... bitch" The man grumbled.

"Shut up or I'll put you in the trunk." She said rolling the gun in her hand with a bit of curiosity. It was surprisingly balanced. Seeing the van approach, she flipped it over quickly scanning for any mark of modification. Her eyes widened slightly and she shot a glance of pure death over at the crumpled man chained to his car. Being doubled over on the ground, he never saw it. She put the gun on the hood as the brakes of the van squeaked lightly to a stop. A man and a woman got out.

"Good morning, Paige." The woman said crisply, "Or is it afternoon now?" She glanced down looking for a watch she wasn't wearing then looked up at the man who had inched his way into a half-slump against the tire. "Time to go, Victor." She said. "AJ, would you, please."

"Mornin'" Paige said returning the greeting not intending to sound as Southern as the word came out. She handed the cuff keys to AJ, who could have easily passed as a lineman for the Angels. When she first arrived in Sol, Paige made it a point to get in contact with the best bounty hunter the city had to offer. The duo of Sharon Wren and her partner, AJ were at the top of everyone's list. They hit it off over emails and a few calls, but had never actually met in person.

Sharon, about eight years older than Paige had a slightly weathered look about her and was all business. She watched AJ haul their bounty into the back of the van before handing Paige a thick, white envelope. "It's been a pleasure, my dear, keep in touch."

Paige accepted the envelope with a light nod and watched them drive away. Her cordial smile faded as she went back and retrieved the revolver.

"We have another stop to make now," She said. Her tone was more grave than any other time the whole day. "If you think you're up for it."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ivan McJhent

Ivan was jerked awake from the loud music coming from the living room. He rubbed his eyes as he leaned and take a look at the digital clock at his nightstand: 7:30 am. He dropped on his head with a huff, groaning because he felt that he didn't get enough sleep despite sleeping earlier last night. The loud music continued to play with some Indian-vibe mixed into it. He can tell because he can hear it even up in his bedroom, which was a bit impossible because the whole house was soundproof.

It wasn't until he got up that he noticed the door was opened ajar, letting hear the music coming from downstairs. Ivan gritted his teeth. His family knew he hates it when doors, cabinets, and closets aren't shut fully. They just keep doing it to spite him because he's one of those people you can easily irritate with, and also because they like seeing him stressing out on the littlest things. If only Ivan knew he was born into such a sadistic family, oh the things he would do...

After he bathed and changed from his pajamas, Ivan went downstairs to eat breakfast. It wasn't until he was halfway down when he realized what the song playing is. Ivan sighed and continued to go down only to be met by the sight of his sister Vivi and his Aunt Mel dancing their butts off of 'Buttons' by the Pussycat Dolls while Mr. Pinkie ran around them in circles. His mother Carrie sipped from her mug of coffee and held the morning newspaper in her hands as she continued to watch the two dancing.

"Morning Ivan", his mother called. "Had a good night's sleep?"

"Yeah but I bet they had a better sleep than me", he said as he pointed at the two dancers on the living room while preparing to brew coffee for himself.

"Hey Ivan, come join us here! There's always room for one moooore~", Aunt Mel waved at him while doing the robot.

"Look at this Van! I call this the spaghetti", Vivi said before waving her arms around while doing body rolls.

Ivan smiled. He was very relieved when his little sister was cured of her muteness. The years where he couldn't hear his sister's laugh and jokes were the hardest for him when their mother left them and returned to Sol City. It was hard back then but right now he's glad she's back into her old goofy and wacky self again. "As much as I want to Viv, I have to leave early. We have an emergency meeting for the publication in half an hour and Mr. Malayao will give me additional workload if I came in late today".

"You sure you don't want to eat right now?", Carrie asked him while she watched Ivan pour his coffee in his thermos.

"Sorry Ma, this is really important stuff. I'll catch up with you guys later", he said as he grabbed a sandwich from the table and pecked his mother's cheek. He then hugged Vivi, high-fived Aunt Mel, and rubbed Mr. Pinkie's head before he got his bag and went to the front door. "See you later weirdos", he said.

"Bye weirdo!", the three ladies said while Mr. Pinkie squealed in response as his aunt and sister continued to dance. Ivan could only hear the first part of the next song before he shut the door but that was enough for him to know the song.

"You think I'm pretty without any make-up on...", he hummed to himself as he made his way to the university.

"Now who can tell me why a raven is like a writing desk?", Ms. Janson, Ivan's literature professor, asked. Right now their main focus is in children fantasy literature and the reasons why they are still relevant today. He kept reminding himself that Ms. Janson was definitely not taking drugs and her unusual laugh-out-loud, easily-excited personality was just something she was born with.

He glanced at his notepad with the notes he's taken from their previous publication's meeting. He's been assigned to interview the swimming team's captain after he won an interstate swimming competition for the university, whoever he is. He admits he still doesn't know much about this city nor the people living in it despite living in Sol City for quite some time now. He made a mental note to leave his house often to explore the city and get to know its people better.

The bell rang, meaning it was time for lunch. "Don't forget your assignment for tomorrow. I also have to remind you about your project that's due in two weeks time so better chop-chop!", Ms. Janson said to the students who were already standing up and leaving to go to the cafeteria.

Ivan had to admit that this university was pretty impressive on its own. It wasn't like those usual professional and all serious-looking universities back at Australia: this university was exuding an aura that's like telling the students to just be themselves and strive for what they want in life. The good food they serve in the cafeteria was a good plus in Ivan's point too.

After he got his food, he settled for an empty seat near the open patios leading to the open gardens. He opened his laptop and ate his lunch as he loaded the page on his Tumblr account. He's quite proud of Random Pawsibilities because of how people were interested in his random meetings with random animals he takes a picture of. Ivan also remembered that Sol City had its own zoo and made another mental note to invite the weirdos to go with him there for the weekends.

Ivan put on his earphones and played Paramore's 'Still Into You' as he updated his page.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 7 days ago

Joel Nicolosi

“Sounds lame,” Joel said, “Good thing there’s gonna be booze.”

Tommy chuckled a bit, “What is up with your family and the names?” He was genuinely interested in the answer.

“Sounds like they just let autocorrect name their kids.” He continued unperturbed on his newly filled Guiness. “You still got that black suit?” He said looking at Tommy. Joel owned nothing nicer than shorts, jeans, t-shirts and hoodies.

“That one I bought you in Tokyo?” Tommy said. Prior to their meeting with the big wheels at Nissan, Tommy was forced to purchase his business partner one finely tailored suit from an expensive department store in Ginza. The price tag was enough to even make Tommy shake his head a little, “Oh yeah, I still got it, might be the most expensive suit I own.”

Joel tipped his glass at Marlin with a wide grin, “See that, we go top shelf around here.” He continued with his steak momentarily, “I want to see who’s going to sit where.” He said, “Please make sure I sit right next to your aunt.”

“Uh, no.” Tommy said.

“Why not?” Joel asked, “It’ll be fun.” He briefly picked at the box the model arrived in until he stopped and examined the shipping label before he burst into laughter.

“What is it?”

Joel peeled the label off and turned it so both Tommy and Marlin could see, “This is your new nickname,” He cackled. The misprinted label clearly read Tommy Lormax rather than Lomax. Joel laughed hysterically, “Isn’t that a Pokemon or something?”

“You need to get out more.” Tommy said shaking his head trying not to laugh himself. Joel had about the most twisted and sick sense of humor he had ever encountered including NFL locker rooms.

“That’s some funny shit.” Joel laughed. “Can we make sure his table card says the same thing?” He said to Marlin. “LORMAX, table for four.” He applied one hand to his sternum in a feeble attempt to control his hysterics.


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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Marinalia (Romus) Olympus


Victoria Darya Romus

The Sports bar, Coffee pot Cafe & Old Harbour . Wensday morning (Victoria) Afternoon (Marilania)

Marilania roller her eyes slightly at Joels comments though Romney seemed intrested, truth be told it was hardly a fancy thing. They just seemed to use M names and that tradition had stuck. Once family started using Thete parents and grandparents names, it stuck more. Working her way through the curry, it was a good version for a sports bar, given she had to fit into a gown on Sunday, though maybe better to watch her eating after this.

we like confusing postmen.

Family thing, and we often reuse names from previous generations, so I'm named after my grandmother for example, Maria, Marla never planned adding a extra M, but she met Milo after Mike and him served in Marines.

Or to confuse post...

Laughing slightly, and going back to her coffee drinking a remarkablely normal cm drink compared to her race day concoction. Japan, well they had traveled abit and a suit, lol. He owned a suit that was a Suprise vs the fact she had only seen him own more hoodies than women "borrow". Catching her rings ice blue diamond reaching for a sauce, it left a small cut in the glass salt shaker, before checking it a second, definitely not costume jewellery.

oops. Top shelf. Magazines, maybe a whiskey at Christmas perhaps...

You two seem to get around, never worked in Japan, mostly Europe and America.

Hearinf the comment about Marla and Joel, no one was going to out them together, blood stains might leave them a cleaning charge anyway and her dress was too pale to hide the red marks. She had seen a seating plan, and they where definitely separated by least one person. The last section had her laughing, alot. Maybe Tommy would know where the trees where!

separate.. We want everyone alive! It's Dr Sueess, everyone read that as a kid at my school. Like the Yule ball you need dates then! Even Nevile got one.

Oh... Tommy, do you have the puffalo seeds! I wanna plant a tree!

This has... Has to be a thing! This has to happen!

Texting Maria who planning it between fits of laughter and hitting send, it would be done. It had to be done. It was fairly harmless and abit of fun, it was too perfect not to do. And anyway, they had had there jokes, she could return at least one.

done! Lormax is party is booked!

Laughing, the evening was somewhat fun and she had not had a chance to let her hair down all day. Joel and Tommy despite everything it seemed they where not as bad as she had though. Sure it was abit silly but it was nice having a contrast with the super serious job she did. Becoming alot more glad she took on the side job after work, it was definitely worth it even without free coffee.

Victoria saw the text as she was browsing a random blog about cute animals and
Creatures, it was cute and rather fun. It was kind of the thing that made the Internet a time sink at times. But a one you wanted. Replying to it with several awws and a few smileys at the images. Hitting follow it may cheer up her up in morning as "lady De Winter12", she had a tumbler account she rarely used mostly for cute animals random stuff.

Seeing the text message, and looking slightly concerned at being drunk dialed at lunch time. Hitting reply after she had deciphered the message, which took a minute or two.. Somthing gave her a gut feeling somthing was up and was not quite sure what to do. Attaching a image of a concerned looking penguin to her message.

you OK? Il head over if you need me. I'm in town Milo.. Let me know. ?

Please reply, Don,t make me worry! ... Vika x

Getting up, somewhat tired and less steady from days work out and packed her laptop and note books into a larger bag resting on her shoulder, normaly she probbly would head home buy was less sure as what to do and headed put waiting for a uber to arrive at the cafe.

Keeping a eye on her phone for messages and smiling slightly as a email Conformed the jobs she had quoted was apcepted. That was a task for tommrow though, the afternoon would be resting or maybe heading to check on Milo. Unsure if she wants to would be seen as the overly attached girlfriend or cold and not caring?

Confused, and waiting the cab to arrive she flipped a coin in her hand to decide. Seeing a heads come up as she removed her hand and the choice was made. As the car pulled up the driver helped her into back seat and closed the door.

where to miss Romus,

Looking at thr coin and trusting that Milo would be OK and probbly just had a few too many to drink and that she could always call later to check up on him, she trusted whatever had guided the coin.. Starting quiet before confirming more confidently.

Final... Old harbour, Old harbour, waterfront apartments please, close as possible.

Heading into the apartment, she waved thanks to the driver and the app paid everything without needing any cash. Entering her apartment and dropping her coat and bag off she she lay down and rested her eyes, keeping her phone resting in her hand, just incase Milo replied.

@Pilatus@baraquiel @RoccanIronclad

And OOC the coin flip was random based off a dice roll, so it was truly random. :)

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mattchstick
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Mattchstick This little light of mine...

Member Seen 5 yrs ago




"Right, you're good to go. I'll be around. Lemme know whe-"

The man at the marina docks was cut off as Kriss gunned the engines, backing the rescue vessel into the river and making a hard turn. There was a moment of silence as the boat shifted out of reverse, but it was drowned out almost immediately by Kriss throttling forwards. The twin turbo diesel motors churned through the waters, launching them out into the river well beyond shouting distance. The marina worker scowled, muttering an insult under his breath as he returned to his station to finish a sandwich. He had no problem helping the SCVRS launch their boat. He was a retired crew member himself. But that was no excuse to be rude. With a last grumble, he sat down in his desk chair and placed his boots on his desk.

The radio at his desk crackled to life.

"Copy that. We'll be back before sundown. Over."

"Keep them life jackets on. Station out," he replied, sliding his radio away to make room for a can of soda. Kids these days.

The boat cruised along the shoreline. Allison had taken a seat up front, diagonal to Kriss's command position. She looked over the miniature screen and wired radios at her station. She had a lovely aerial view of her position on the river, but the buttons and pads were completely foreign. At least the radio handsets resembled the ones in the ambulance. At least one of them connected to the receiver at the squad building. She had, as instructed, left her phone in the cab of the truck, so this would be her only means of communication to the rest of the world.

"Command to boat one, what is your status, over?" a familiar voice called through the speakers. Ally looked back at Kriss.

"Can I answer it? It's the large button on the side of the handset, right?" Allison yelled. The diesel jet motors were far louder than she had expected, and, at full speed, it was impossible to communicate without shouting.

Kriss nodded. Allison snapped the handset from its clip and held it up to her mouth.

"We're doing great! We're on the river right now. I dunno exactly where, Kriss hasn't taught me what all these buttons do yet. Over!"

"Come on Kriss, I expected more from you, over," Snap replied, pretending to sound disappointed. Kriss picked up his own handset, choosing to ignore the scolding.

"We're heading down to Costa Bridge. The water is a bit more shallow there. Over."

"Ally, you wearing a life jacket? Over," Snap called. Allison patted the heavy orange zip-up jacket and nodded, forgetting for a moment that Snap couldn't see her. Slapping a palm to her head, she clicked the radio back on.

"Yes, Snap, I am wearing a life jacket, and so is Kriss. I think we'll be okay. Over!"

"Sounds good to me. Keep me informed. Command out."

Before long the boat slowed to a crawl. Kriss listened to the engines hum for a moment, then switched them off. He motioned for Ally to get up and follow him to the back of the boat. She jumped up, then immediately sat back down, her hands clutching the seat.

"Whoa. I think I'm gonna need a minute."

Kriss nodded. Standing on a boat in the water is a completely new experience, and this was her first time out on the water. Using the other seats and handrails, she made her way to the back, hanging onto a guide rail. She released the rail, trying to steady herself on her feet, then fell back against the rail. Kriss waited patiently as she adjusted her feet and released the rail again. He gave her some pointers, but ultimately she figured it out on her own. The instant she was comfortable he began training.

"Let's start off with inventory again. Where are the First Aid kits?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 2 days ago

Siobhan & Paige

Location: West Sol

Interaction: Each other@Almalthia
& @Pilatus

“I always get them,” Paige said with a stern confidence, “One way or another.” She continued around the lot. Her glance narrowed slightly when she spotted a lone car, a clean, but old Crown Victoria sitting in the shade, not too far to be out of the way and not too close to be conspicuous. The windows were tinted solid black. “And you don’t have to worry about that,” She said in response to Sio’s concern. “Just sit tight and enjoy the show.” Paige pulled up behind the car and flashed her lights: Two short flashes and two long. She quickly checked her phone and dropped her badge in the cup holder before taking her pistol out and tucking it behind her back. Paige flipped her sweater back down and hopped out of the car.

Two or more people standing by a car and talking in front of a Sears or a Barnes & Noble looked completely natural in broad daylight. What's going on? Looking at the car as Paige approached, it ironically appeared to be a long retired police cruiser with polished chrome wheels and what looked like a new pearl paint job. The window came down partially before she had a chance to knock. A male voice spoke from inside the car. The man’s eyes followed the top of the glass looking Paige over until the window disappeared into the track. His look wasn’t one of suspicion or apprehension. It was pure lust. He looked to be in his mid-twenties, lanky with short cut hair and a tattoo on his neck that looked like a kiss from heavy lipstick. He spoke again.

Paige smirked and leaned down, putting her hand on the window frame. The guy was angling for a look at Siobhan in the side mirror. Paige said drawing his attention back. Siobhan rolled the window down a bit of curiosity getting the better of her.

He turned away then back and his grin was wide, but sunk immediately when he turned back to find himself staring down the barrel of Paige’s pistol. “Ah, shit.” He spat.

“Get out.” Paige said flatly.

“Mine’s bigger,” He said nodding down at his left leg. “Big enough to put hole through this door and you with it.” Siobhan swallowed.Fuck. Guns.

Paige glanced down, “Think you can point that cannon before I put hole in your head?”

“You a cop, right?” He said, “I know you’re not gonna shoot me.”

“You sure I’m a cop?” Paige replied. Her hand didn’t move and she continued to look straight down the barrel of her gun into his eyes.

“Bitch, I been around, I know the game,” He smiled. “Besides, you think I never had a gun pointed at me?”

Paige tilted her head slightly, almost playfully, “No,” She said, “but this could be the last.”

“You not gonna do sh---“ He was cut off as Paige’s hand moved swiftly and fired a round directly into the steering wheel causing the airbag to deploy. The shock of the gunshot and instantaneous deployment of the bag caused him to let out an animal like yelp of surprise. Siobhan watched glad she had stayed in the car.

Paige flung the door open and threw the man on the ground. Completely disoriented, he hit the pavement without even an attempt to protect his face. His chrome plated revolver spilled out with him and she immediately kicked it away. Paige and Siobhan looked around making sure the noise hadn’t drawn any attention and Paige retrieved a small set of handcuffs from her back pocket. As the man groaned in pain and confusion Paige swiftly kicked him squarely between the legs with enough force to retract his manhood for more than a few weeks. He howled and began to go into dry-heaves as his body searched in futility for ways to deal with the myriad of pains inflicted upon it. “You…” He coughed, “crazy… bitch!”

Cuffing one hand and clipping the other to one of his car’s expensive wheels, Paige took out her phone and sent a quick text. She brushed her hair back and gave Sio a thumbs up and a smile. Siobhan stared back giving a thumbs up.

A black, unmarked van turned off and made its way down the street, entering the lot where they currently waited. Paige deftly busied herself with the guy's very large caliber revolver. Dumping the shells she twirled it in one hand wild-west style and visualized sliding it into a holster on her side.

"My... damn... gun... bitch" The man grumbled.

"Shut up or I'll put you in the trunk." Paige said rolling the gun in her hand with a bit of curiosity. Seeing the van approach, Paige flipped it over quickly scanning for any mark of modification while Siobhan rolled up the window some what hiding behind the tint. Her eyes widened slightly as Paige shot a glance of pure death over at the crumpled man chained to his car. Being doubled over on the ground, he never saw it. Paige put the gun on the hood as the brakes of the van squeaked lightly to a stop. A man and a woman got out.

The woman said something. Paige glanced at her wrist then the woman spoke again.

Paige said something and handed what looked like cuff keys to the other guy, who could have easily passed as a lineman for the Angels. The woman looked about eight years older than Paige had a slightly weathered look about her and was all business.

Siobhan watched the other two haul the guy into the back of the van before handing Paige a thick, white envelope saying something. Paige accepted the envelope with a light nod and watched them drive away. Her cordial smile faded as she went back and retrieved the revolver.

"We have another stop to make now," Paige said. Her tone was more grave than any other time the whole day. "If you think you're up for it."

Siobhan smirked and nodded.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 7 days ago

Siobhan & Paige

Location: Final Round Armoy

Paige rolled the revolver over and took out her pistol. She needed to see it again in order to convince herself. Her weapon, a sleek Sig SAS model looked tiny by comparison, but it was the engraving that had nearly stopped her cold. Marked under the hefty barrel of the revolver was a simple string of Roman numerals running vertically. Marked in the same position on her gun, was a likewise string: IX PRK, followed by a tiny Rook chess piece. Only one person left their mark in that way. No wonder the gun felt so balanced. She shook her head. He couldn't be that stupid.

The ride back to Old Harbor was quiet. She was trying poorly to take her mind off her contempt by enjoying her choice of vehicle. She discovered that it indeed did have a built in GPS system and thought briefly that she must have looked very blonde reading the signs and watching the ramps earlier. It said "M3" on the back in a racy little badge. Maybe that meant it went fast. She had no idea. Zipping around in fairly heavy traffic, they crossed the Costa Bridge and she glanced over noticing a rescue boat down on the water. Her initial thought was how satisfying it would be to throw a certain metalworker over the side and give the boat crew something to do for a while.

Sure enough after coming down off the bridge and a few quick turns, the GPS put them directly in front of a handmade steel and oak sign for Final Round Armory. She shook her head looking at it. What a joke. She thought, but felt a pang of guilt as the thought of the photo she'd found came immediately after. She sighed and pursed her lips a tiny bit. He had come out swinging at the party and she likewise couldn't help herself. They were like fire and gas. Sio got to see it first hand. In spite of it, she hadn't said anything to Ana, though they'd talked a couple times.

Paige looked down at her star, still in the cupholder. She hated feeling indecisive and momentarily questioned what she was even doing. She looked at the aged warehousefront. His old setup was much nicer and at least looked like something other than where a hobo might be sleeping. Her eyes next wandered over at his silly truck parked out front and snickered lightly to herself. Redneck. "C'mon, there won't be any danger here." She said to Sio before getting out.

Leaving her badge, she stowed the revolver in her gym bag and threw it over her shoulder. Approaching with that cannon, probably wasn't the best look, though she still tucked her Sig behind her back same as before. It wasn't like he didn't know she had it on her. The car's security chirped happily behind her and she put on her standard business face before knocking on the door.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RoccanIronclad
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RoccanIronclad Blacksmith Of / Micelmeras

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Milo Ventri

Milo had just finished the pork on his smoker and had sat back down on his chair by the table in the back of his shop as the sound of his phone buzzed, it was Vika, she was worried about him, poor thing hadn't learned yet that Milo hurting himself then drinking til it numbs was somewhat normal, he sent her a more coherent message back, I'm fine just cut myself, decided to stitch it up, took a shot or two for pain, not a big deal, thanks though. Milo was about to eat but the knock at the door rang through, he only thought to himself why the he'll did I even put up a sign if people aren't going to listen too it? He stood back up and walked over to the door, he was still dressed in a skin tight underarmor shirt showing his fighters physique well as he opened the door to see the two women, one he didn't recognize and one he wished wasn't there.

"I'm afraid I'm closed up for the day ladies, you'll have to come back later."

Milo knew it wasn't going to work but he was gonna make it as hard for Paige as possible, extra points if she tries to flash a badge, however he knew she needs a warrant to enter if he doesn't let her in. Milo had a bad feeling about this, Paige wouldn't come here for fun. She had some reason to be.... He remembered now, it had to be Jackie, that greasy mobster must have screwed the pooch and lost a gun or got caught, Paige is the only one that could trace those to him. As he waited for Paige to give a retort he started to think on the story Jackie rehearsed him on for this scenario.

@Pilatus @Almalthia
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 7 days ago

Paige Kennedy

Paige immediately put her foot in the door paying almost no attention to Milo's smartass greeting. He'd again started off the battle and she quietly hoped he'd say something about her needing a warrant so she could educate him about how that wasn't a requirement for her. She could kick the door in if she wanted. "We'll just be a minute." She said walking past him without making eye contact. She looked around briefly evaluating his rather Spartan living arrangements. Some apparent "remodel" had been performed into a sort of dull rustic theme that she found as pathetic as his silly sign out front. She put her bag on what looked like a handmade wooden table.

With her back to him, she figured he could pretty clearly see the gun he engraved for her tucked behind her sweater. He knew well enough where she kept it when it wasn't visible on her side. What he, nor Sio could not see however was her expression lighten slightly at the scent of a familiar aroma, or rather two, that wafted through the air. The music, the heat, the image of a glowing ball of orange behind silver evening clouds over the Bay came with it. A voice in her head shook her. There was no time to be sentimental. There was work to be done... but she had left her badge in the car. She felt less decisive than when they'd pulled up and it raged in her conscious.

She ran a hand back over her ear, brushing her hair back and turned around trying to keep her customary firm glance. "Tell me you haven't been sitting here drinking that rot alone?" Her eyes wandered over him down to his bandaged hand, "I see you managed to slice yourself up, it's a wonder you didn't bleed out."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RoccanIronclad
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RoccanIronclad Blacksmith Of / Micelmeras

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Milo Ventri

Paige just shoved her way in. that woman just did as she pleased, the badge must be going to her head again. the other woman wasn't as confident, was she even a cop? Milo couldn't see a badge on either of them, he could however see the handgun in Paige's belt, she was armed as always, though if she thought he was going to fight her she wouldn't have come in, the shop wasn't large enough for her to take him out with a gun as easily, and hand to hand, Milo was the better fighter, though he wasn't going to fight with her, as much as he blames her for his life going to hell, he knows he would have done the same in her shoes now. As she stopped at his table Milo stepped out of the shop and back into his house, only to return with a stack of plates and cups, he set them on the table as Paige started to give him shit about the liquor.

"Are you really gonna bad mouth my liquor? I remember not too long ago, at that Diamonds game you were putting it back as fast as me, no way we were paying eight bucks for a beer." Milo laughed a bit as he lifted the hood on the smoker and pulled the pork shoulder in the pan, he set down the tongs for it and put out the flames. "You got here as I was finishing my meal prep for the week, but I suppose since I have guests, you two can have at it, I will just make some more, besides, it isn't like anyone around this town can cook a pork butt and ribs." Milo looked at his hand as she mentioned it, "It isn't the first time I have cut myself, however I will say I am still tipsy from that drinking and stitching."

Milo sat down in his chair after getting his plate of pork and ribs down and poured some liquor into the cup then slid the bottle to Paige, he laughed as he thought of the days of them getting way too drunk out by the bay, most of those days were just like this when they began, though Milo still wondered why she was here, it wasn't like she was just coming by to hang out, those days feel so far away still.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Victoria Darya Romus

Old Harbour . Light Lane . Final round armour, on route . Wensday Afternoon. (Victoria)

Victoria napped slightly unsure if did the right thing and watched a rescue boat going about, and bobbing in the river between bits of wakefulness, and times of nap. A smaller vessel but not a tiny one. Well it probbly was pretty cold out there. Rather than than her. Grabbing a pair of binoculars Marilania had left behind from work she had borrowed, she leaned up and watched them quietly out on the water, figures moving, a woman and a man. Up on the upper floor of the old warehouse she had a great view of thr Harbour, watching a few people wander on boats, though not many as in summer would be.

Turning back to the boat, thr guy looked cute, even if not her type, and a woman, younger. Always fun to guess what goes on between people, he seemed a.. Teacher... Team leader maybe... The boat had official markings, but not cops. Too relaxed, wrong uniforms.. Not coast guard, it would be bigger. ... Maybe some city thing. Maybe.. They might make a couple... Not yet...

Deciding, and giving in to her gut feeling, she changed back into somthing warmer, and grabbed swapped to the white fake fur coat with polar bear ears on the hood. Silly but it was the warmest coat about. Grabbing her bag and throwing in a few things she may need, before booking a waiting Uber outside to takw her to light lane. Heading out and locking the apartment, she texted Marilania a quick update before heading down in the lift.

where to miss Romus, il turn the heater up, it's not warmest day.

Light lane, Swhwarma Palace please, then Final Round Armoury,
I need to pick up some food first, and a bottle of wine.

one of those days then Miss, only young once.

Pulling up at light line, she joked with driver abit, sure he was abit assuming but seemed all in good spirits and took her a quick route before pulling up just on the end of light lane, city traffic was getting worse as people headed home from work and the driver had to loop round to get Into lane.

Thanking him and heading out over slowly to the Swhwarma Palace, the small restaurant was busy with a few customers and she queued up at take out side, a few students ahead grabbing a post study session meal.

Back again, hard to forget you Miss, best quick dinner in town, what you after today? What's name on order?

il take it as a compliment, V Romus umm.. 2 Swhwarma deluxe, a side order of chips, some cheapo beers, and bottle of wine, white, nothing too expensive but drinkable. Thanks,

Thought I would Suprise someone with a treat...

Smiling slightly later on, though abit Suprised at first, she hardly was easy to forget and did not blend in with normal custom round the place, but still. Giving one of the college guys a I'm taken glance before thinking on order she leaned against counter waiting for her order, as someone shouted it out.

Rereading the text for the possibly 12th time, Milo probbly should have seen a doctor or somthing, maybe a pharmacist... A few shots. It worked. He like Ivan, Vodka cures everything...

Thanks,s, can I get that boxed up and all...

Sure Miss Romus, just give me a minute to find some boxes.

A younger woman who obviously did it as a after a school or college job bagged and boxed her stuff and packed it up. Noticing the womans seeming snow like complexion, she seemed to do the classic slight over focus, she was rather used to it by now.

Thanks, have a good day.

Heading out to car, one arm loaded with a pile of take out and her hand bag, it was only a short walk to car and driver already had door open as she got it, dropping them into the oposite seat, before closing the door when she was in safely, soon turning into the busy city traffic and the final round armoury, thr Sat Navy getting a little Confused and taking a few minutes to find such a new place.

Nearing close the Armoury, the driver saw a fancy BMW and routed round, looking for a parking slot not blocked by some daddies little rich girl BMW. The larger 4 door estate taking a little more effort to park on a street next to armoury. Victoria was slightly confused but probbly was a customer or so some hogging a space, nipping by too psst to notice Paige and Sio.

Here we are miss, sorry, that BMW hogging the space upfront, Probbly prayed daddies car or somthing..
you OK to walk over?

I'm fine.. Il be OK. Thanks, consider it a tip for the end of your night when you get home, thanks for the ride.

Tossing the driver a can of beer from a small pack, not fancy but a little perk she gladly apcepted a hand out car and grabber her bag and food before she started her way round the block abit to thr Armour front door. She decided to Suprise Milo and n did not call ahead. Still wondering about the BMW, the slightly bad bit of pavement was of more concern to her and her more limited mobility.

Watching the Uber pull away, she waved and made the short walk, not yet round the corner.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 7 days ago

Paige Kennedy

His laughing forced Paige to attempt to hide a coy grin. He was only partially right. Although she was confident the firewater had affected his memory. Drinks at a Diamonds game were never as cheap as eight bucks. She poured two fingers in one of his glasses and swirled it around. The smell was something like bleach and kerosene and was strong enough to take the varnish off a footlocker. She winced. "It's not bad when you make it right." He had neglected a few ingredients that she and Ana preferred to make it tolerable. With some vanilla vodka, a few cinnamon sticks and apple cider it took on a taste and smell similar to apple pie. She looked around for any sign of the correct ingredients or even a chaser, knowing his newfound hospitality was partly a challenge.

She rolled the clear liquid around once more before tipping the glass back. Almost immediately she started coughing and then coughed some more as the burning liquid went down past her lungs. Her eyes watered as a slight numbing took hold in the back of her head and her face flushed. She sniffled as her sinuses were completely clear. "Holy shit," She squeaked putting the glass down with authority. Almost unable to hold it down, she turned and opened his refrigerator like it was her own and took out a sports drink to follow it. "I seem to remember ingredients other than vodka and grain alcohol." She coughed again and fanned herself.

Since all pretense of seriousness had officially been thrown out she decided it was best to get to back to the reason for her unannounced visit. Maybe it was for the best that the mood had been lightened for Sio's sake, she thought; and though her head was tingling she had every intention of busting his chops. "I've gotta surprise for you," She said to Milo. "It's in my bag there, and it's not my sweaty gym clothes." Her eyes took on a more cutting view. "So why don't you open it up and tell me where it came from and I'll tell you if you're right."

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