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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ScreenAcne
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ScreenAcne shit,Boo!

Member Seen 21 days ago

DAY 1: The Calling of the Court

White, almsot entirely white, no one knew where the Divine Realm was, it was the most unimaginative place one could conjure up. A pocket of pointlessness, everywhere and everything was so white that it made winter snow look like it had a tan. The air was stale with an unfufilled tension that replaced the subtle ambience of wind or footsteps. The divine realm was as barren as sand, but at least sand had texture. Above was a large audience of stars that watched from all distances, to so far that even gods could only guess to the sun glaring down without heart or rays down at the plain.

The Highest Court was normally depicted in great paintings as a place of untold marvel; Mixed tales of how it reached into the depths of the galaxy to transport the gods to the most secluded and preserved of paradises hidden on Earth any heavenly realm beyond. In truth, the court was a crude construct of basic pillairs that crowned a circle in the middle. Larger, longer chairs styled in the shape of kingly thrones with different, pertinent styles to their seated Essential were one circle row behind; and further back was an almost endless series of benches for the audiences to be.

The Court was brown, polished to perfection oaken wood. Ironically, despite all the disposable abilities of Divine Society they couldn't agree on a design and so mimiced the mortal world in a side step of arguments over proper style choices. A single bell sat at the top of the building, humming gently with power in a silent, anxious tenseness that could be felt for by any onlooker miles away.

Slowly, as the day striked 7 it started to rock itself from side to side; picking up pace until its divine ring could be heard fromm all over creation.

Today was the day: the birth of the pantheon. Now, to commence: the immortals and essentials had to simply show up.




1: Zhystkrexas, the Corrupter

2: River

3: Haludni

4: Lorin's Translator











The Lesser God Who Does Not Exist



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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


The greatest lie of them all. The favored whisper of an empty promise uttered by false lips. Echoed by the blind and deaf, who saw not beyond the veil of deception, and heard not the caution of those before them. It was the wicked venom, the most poisonous draught to quaff, for in moments such fervor and ecstasy would seize the mind. Dulling the senses by the euphoria that was the fool's bargain, a life of suffering meant a divine reward for surely the gods had a plan. For by faith there was a meaning to the torment, a reason to live on and endure the hardships in life praising the gods for all their glory. There was the serpent's lie, that the gods in fact cared. Come winter's end, the heartless immortals remained as cold as the frozen rivers and silent as the snow-hushed hills. The rare game and blighted crop, the famine which spread like fire, death reaped the baleful harvest. Yet still, the spirit of faith clung on to the bitter end. Still life struggles, squirming, groveling before the shrines of their perfect idols offering what little could be spared. Food and sacrifices, prayers of hope and faith, pleas and deals of desperation. But man could not dine on their unanswered prayers.

But he can. Seated upon his high throne Zhystkrexas the Lord of Hunger clamped his jaws into the ruby apple held in his hand. A salivating tongue glided across his glistening teeth, collecting the juices from the crisp flesh. His hunger insatiable, his stomach an endless pit, teeth as sharp as his tongue was smooth, and among the essentials he was the necessary evil of being. Born from the first want; Zhystkrexas was hunger, a desire for something more, the impetus of a drive. Without him, all would stagnate, there would be no will to eat nor drink, no desire to fornicate and breed, no motivation to aspire for anything more than what was given by the graces of the gods. But by his hand, the terrible things that consumed them, pushed into excess until they too could no longer sate their desires, turning want into need. With each bite, the brand of teeth across the apple, He turned the world into the reflection of what Zhystkrexas was: All-Consuming Hunger.

His celestial throne within the second circle befitted his title, stylized by the regalia of his hidden horror. A gilding of gold across the skeletal remains of some great beast, bones gnawed at and brushed with a vainglorious luster as if to conceal the barbaric truth with refined art. There unknown creature's opened skull became a bowl for the apples, serving the ravenous lord his meal such that he may continually eat despite the gathering of gods. As was his nature, which tormented his existence, twisting his mind into not ruling of his dominion, but letting it rule over him. There was once a time where he regulated and moderated the hunger, but now the Zhystkrexas that sat before the rest of them was a perversion of his original self. It was inevitable that the role consumed him, and now perhaps he longed to make the others suffer the same as misery desires company most. It was his influence that tainted the court, and now he sought to plant the seeds to devour the fruits of his patient labour. A new era demanded a new pantheon.

And once planted, he may return to sowing his design in the mortal plane. Favours and allies to claim by the pacts made upon this council floor with his fellow immortals. Then he shall come to the mortals like a messiah to the broken, savior of their lives to bless them with a bounty to feed their hungry mouths. And by the gnashing of teeth, tongues shall confess to the praises of Zhystkrexas, and offer themselves to him like flies to honey by faith. It was his modus operandi: to alleviate the very suffering he created. For the ancient demon-god knew that honey did far better than vinegar to gather flies, but none more so than rotting meat. They would devour it all the same, and poison themselves so willing.

See what faith he can bestow up you?
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Silacetus, The Mother

A mother screamed. A ringing in the distance, faint and muffled could be heard.

A father cried. The ringing in the distance, clearer now.

While a child died. A bell ringing a pure note as clear as day, washed over everything.

She opened her mind, and became assaulted by divine reality. The bell had awoken her at last, its pure note signaling that it was time. Time at last for the Pantheon to be founded. How she knew this was a mystery. How she knew anything about herself, was also a mystery. Such was a time of nothingness, now her mind flooded with the prospect of something new. Something wonderful.

She designed to leave the womb that encased her, a thing of beauty. Of flesh and blood. It gave her life, and in turn she would give it purpose, but it would also prove to be her first test. She bit and clawed, tearing away that which encased her. Something gave away, a rip and tear, and then a feeling of falling. She fell amidst the fluids of her birth naked, landing on the cold ground like a newborn animal. Her mind opened itself further, expanding with the new life she found herself in. Her mind would be here eyes, her voice in the time to come and it was glorious. She tried to stand, but stumbled like a colt. She fell to her hands and knees, shivering as the air dried her.

She began to laugh, a note almost as pure as the bell. Sweet and innocent but with a hint of darker tones. She stood again, and this time she took her first step as a divine. Her small feet felt the cool stones beneath her feet with ecstasy. Her mirth grew still, as she began to walk, then dance to the rhythm of her own laughter. Such was her merriment, that she danced for a time, unabated by the lashings of time. She was simply thrilled to be alive, to be in reality, to exist and crave desires.


Her feet stood still, as she thought for a moment. Her desires were suddenly thrust upon her. Her wants, needs, cravings, and all things that would most benefit her. She knew her purpose, it was not here on this realm. This birthplace of hers, this first home of hers. No, her destiny resided where she could grow purpose, where she could mold flesh and bone, where she could have her own children. So that they might love and cherish her, and grow them to her own desires. What must be done, was what had already been done and would be done countless times in memorial.

She waved her hands, and from the nothingness that surrounded her a dress of satin clothed her naked body. The Goddess then willed herself to the one place she knew that required her utmost attention first. The Highest Court, the place where she would be the first of Pantheon, or so the bell had whispered to her. She arrived to see but one figure sat atop of throne. Although she was by all means a babe, the being before her was an essential. A term she was already familiar with, a being old and mighty. Zhystkrexas, was his name, the Corrupter. She knew not how, but all Essentials were ingrained within her mind, she knew them as they were.

She bowed before him low, his presence so beautiful and hated at the same time. She then took a seat at the front. It was her destiny to be a part of something greater then herself. She just had so many plans, so many ideas. Silacetus smiled inside her mind, what a wonderful time to be alive.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 30 min ago

The Lesser God Who Does Not Exist does not exist and therefore could not be present at the Highest Court for the proceedings.

But if the the Lesser God Who Does Not Exist were to exist, the Lesser God Who Does Not Exist would be standing off at the side waiting for things to get going.

The Lesser God Who Does Not Exist does not exist and therefore could not do anything to pass the time.

But if the the Lesser God Who Does Not Exist were to exist, the Lesser God Who Does Not Exist would be playing a game of Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-4th-Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip-Poker in the form of Ryan Seacrest against themself in the form of Kermit the Frog.

The Lesser God Who Does Not Exist does not exist and therefore could not talk.

But if the the Lesser God Who Does Not Exist were to exist, the Lesser God Who Does Not Exist would talk to themself.

The Kermit the Frog Who Does Not Exist would question why they were even at the Court considering the fact that almost everyone else on the guest list couldn't even perceive them.

The Ryan Seacrest Who Does Not Exist would shrug in response and question if they had anything better to do.

The Kermit the Frog Who Does Not Exist would admit that was a good point before reminding the Ryan Seacrest Who Does Not Exist that it was their turn.

But this is all merely conjecture. Because as I mentioned before, the Lesser God Who Does Not Exist does not exist.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 3 days ago


While the other gods and essential made a grand entrance, Kozo appeared similarly to his thought process - simply. He materialized out of thin air, his birth being marked by the ringing bell. Almost instinctively, Kozo understood his purpose as he materialized - Help the mortals! After all, if his birthplace was modeled after Mortal architecture, than they surely were wiser than they appeared - and even if they weren't, Kozo almost couldn't resist the thought of helping anyone he saw. Still - now wasn't the time for that!

Surrounding him was the sea of nothingness, the blank white expanse that ecompassed nearly the entire Divine Realm - within view, however, was the massive structure known as the Highest Court. It was the only thing that stood out - and Kozo knew instinctively that it was where he needed to go.

After flying for what felt like hours, but was really only a few minutes, Kozo finally made it to the doorway of the Highest Court - which was already open. Sitting inside were 2 individuals - the one taking all of the attention was the essential, Zhystkrexas. Kozo avoided speaking - not only because of the being's menacing aura, but also because Kozo did not feel confident in even attempting to speak the beings name. He found it hard to say, and Kozo's mouth was unsuited for such complex speech. The other figure, feminine and similarly intimidating, was also sitting in the front. Kozo was unaware of her name - perhaps he only knew of the essentials?

No matter the case, Kozo did not enjoy the presence of either of them - both had a strange air about them, which caused him to find them... unappealing, to be honest. As such, Kozo chose to sit near the back of the court, using his small size to take up less space and be less noticeable.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WanderingSpirit
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WanderingSpirit Wish Cloud 9 existed...

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the slumbering god woke up, his form came up from nothing as his form came into existence as if it was natural, with a cloak covering over his form while the apparent nothingness surrounded around him. With his first step, it banished the shadows around him as a flight of white doves fluttered away from his sudden movement, revealing a decorative tapestry of stained glass on his feet in the formation of a circle. The only path leading forward were steps of glass that lead forward to where he felt like he needed to be, the toil of a bell. It sounded far away yet drone on and on in the emptiness of where he was, the only choice he had was to follow where it would lead to.

Through this emptiness, with each step he took, a piece of the path in front of him was revealed but the trail behind him faded from reality as he rathered on, with no apparent path backward. Eventually, his path had led him to a door of pristine white that he looked at hesitantly there was something on the other side that he could feel. If he had a choice, he would choose to leave but it was apparent that there was no way out unless he went this way. As he pulled his cloak closer around him, the doorway was pushed open before he was briefly blinded by the stark contrast of where he was now.

Opening his eyes, he saw a room of brown that despite seeing it for the first time, he knew where he was. Taking a glance backward, where he had come from disappeared as well, the door that connected from wherever he was had disappeared, leaving him now stuck. His presence was sudden but almost unacknowledged except by those who paid close attention, a figure that suddenly appeared from nowhere as he now suddenly occupied a seat in the back.

After entering the room, it wasn't hard to realize where that presence came from as his eyes saw the being that sat on that throne. He knew what the being was, or at least considered as but there was something else more primordial about the 'Essential' that made Merlí fear the God. Perhaps it was his eyes that were too good at doing what it was supposed to do, seeing the figure and all its forms bare to Merlí. He first saw the appearance of the king that laid on top, then the devil which was hidden underneath, and then- flashes that forced his eyes closed as he winced in pain which he waited for it to disappear before opening his eyes again...

'What was that...' The God's first thoughts were as he questioned himself before taking the chance to look over the court while he could.

The next figure of interest was a feminine figure, 'motherly' if he had to give a word to them but there was something else beginning to work around her. Invisible strings of power and influence began dancing around in this divine court that signaled change in the present, along with the fact that she seemed eager to try and advance her position before anyone else could be perhaps another reason to why she was dangerous in her own sense. Their name Merlí did not know but someone to take note of once it was revealed whether it be now in the courts or later by his own hands.

In the midst of this so far gloomy observation was something amusing, perhaps it was due to their inability to be noticed so far by the other gods. Even he admitted to himself that his eyes had difficulties following their existence which was not as concrete as the others currently in the Court, perhaps attributing to who they are as God. The contest they were playing was something he did not know about nor the form they took up but he did certainly know where the balance of the game was tipping as the move they made shaped the game.


Near the back where Merlí was sitting, there was someone else that he noticed, taking note of the small creature who seemed to be the one most prone to the conversation and approached them, despite their attempts of hiding themselves, his eyes had noticed them.

"Would you like somewhere better to hide? They'd never suspect two of us hiding under one" Merlí smiled as he asked quietly to the yellow fluffball, gesturing to his cloak. Chuckling a bit to keep the other at ease if they took it seriously, even though there was possibly enough room for the two of them.

"Don't worry, I am a bit nervous about those two as well..." Merlí whispered to the other knowingly as he continued to watch the court intently but seemingly not focusing himself on one scene to the next but the whole picture in general.

He would wait for a little bit to see how everything would build itself up before deciding if action would need to be taken.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Silacetus & Zhystkrexas

Need. The invisible hand which guided all interactions. For without a need, there would be no progress. WIthout a need for air, one does not breathe, without a need for water, one does not drink, without such a need for food, one does not eat. What then do the gods need? These immortals born out of the aetherium, as timeless as they were and powerful as they are, they too were servants to the great need. For what was the purpose for their being if they had no need? Simply being was torment, an empty existence as a mockery to the self, there must be a reason to why, a rational to be. Or perhaps there was not? Perhaps existence was a fickle state, and things are because they were and were not. And the universe and all reality was merely a joking construct of some laughing idiot, taken without an essential purpose. But even then there was a need to explain the insanity of it all.

A mother. How her horns nearly matched his own, hidden beneath the deceptive guise of his charm. Thousands of forms innocent and predatory the Lord of Hunger had, but amongst his fellow brethern, he retained his regal airs well knowing he fooled no one here. He was an essential, all understood the true nature of his being, even if they could not see the horror beneath the demon's eyes. Of which understanding what he is and who Zhystkrexas was not the greatest mystery given his influence in the assembled court. Yet his plans were a mystery, his desires evident but unclear as he nibbled on the seeds. The faceless goddess bowed low to her elder, dressed in the sheet to clad her seducer's form. Fertile womb waiting to regurigitate as much as his jaws to swallow. His eyes took a keen interest in her, turning to face her facelessness for a moment as the god paused his consumption.

"You approach me with humble grace... And yet claim a seat that is not yours..." An observation made and uttered towards the goddess, words with a meaning far heavier than the horns either of them bore.


Silacetus said nothing for a moment, digesting the words spoken by one such as he. There was a power to them, intoxicating and divine. It made her skin crawl with a mixture of excitement and fear. She gave her reply with a calm demeanor, "One such as I would be foolish not to approach you without being humble, my lord." The Goddess paused then spoke once more, "I claim nothing that is not mine be right. No one stopped me from sitting here, my lord. I apologize if this displeases you. I am after all, quite new to this world."


"Foolish... Foolish is to sit in such a place... To believe yourself fit for such a throne without first measuring your worth... But... Do you wish to sit there? Is it why you have answered the summons? Or have you come to mingle with the lesser rabble on the fringes?" A pause as a bite into a new apple tore into the fruit flesh with fangs, as if aggressively acknowledging the others who made their way into the court. "I taste it... It drips from you like blood from a bleeding offering, ritually gutted in the name of the gods by trembling mortals. Quivering as they cry out our names until they are silenced... The same mix of fear and adoration is about you..."


His words bit into her, like sharp teeth cutting through flesh but she only found herself admiring the God that sat before her. Perhaps she was foolish, perhaps she was not, but the bell had rung its note and there she was. She not like those on the fringes, she was here before him, talking. It was wonderful. "Yes... I wish to sit here, If I hadn't I would have sat elsewhere my lord. I am not a rabbit, sitting in its burrow all day timid and afraid. I am here, talking to the mightiest Essiential to sit upon a throne." She played a dangerous game. But wasn't life full of games to play? Through flattery or other means, she would not be denied her birthright. Even now they called to her, sweet whispers in the back of her mind full of desire.


"I cannot dine on flattery, such empty words are without substance, unpalatable to taste the sweetness alone without anything to chew on. And... Do you believe yourself worthy to judge We the Essentials? Does the hare think the wolf as stronger than the fox and bear? Or does she fear the soaring eagle that would snatch her from the skies?" The toxic effects of being in the presence of the Lord of Hunger, eating away at the chains that restrained the desires, repressed and surpressed it was he that brought out the true nature of the beast within. She made the monsters, he made them into monsters.

"Thoughts to dwell on... But now I offer you a deal." Another bite into the apple, deeper this time, munching into the hardy core, as ivory teeth tore into that which others threw away. "You wish to sit there... And I shall support your attempts to sway the court into accepting your status into the Pantheon... You shall have what you want... A seat of power upon the world beneath us, the influence and authority it commands... And you shall have your hand design it... And in return... I shall ask of you a single favor to be owed as a debt to me... What say you to this arrangement... Mother?" The terms vague, but Zhystkrexas was known for his deals, dark and devious, as mortals scarely became better off than than they began. Yet with the gods on equal footing, it would be impossible to bind a forced aggreement. Silacetus would be able to back out of this deal once she successful ascended to the throne. And yet... Would she want him of all people to be against her future plans?


Flattery held no sway for such a being as Zhystkrexas, she should have known better. Still she could not help but have a little hope that her words had placated the God of Hunger. As meaningless as they were to him, perhaps they still held a little to dine on. She was not worthy to judge beings who sat so high above her, yet she could still hold opinions about them within her own mind. Opinions were fickle things, much like a rabbit they are afraid to leave their burrows, but once they do two things might happen. They might be caught and punished, or escape to live, grow and reproduce. Being eaten is never what a rabbit wants, and to the God of Hunger she was just that. But Silecatus knew that if a predator wasn't able to eat, they too would grow hungry with despair. But she would never tell the thoughts she had in her head, so she simply mused on them and listened to what he had to say.

She was suprised to see that a deal was offered to her. It seemed that even a predator such as he, needed a rabbit to live, even if it was for the rabbit to create more rabbits for food. A promise of immediate support in exchange for something in return. Her desire for power on the Pantheon, for her future and her childrens futures. The authority to command, and the influence to craved by those deemed lesser. It was all very intoxicating for Silecatus. But the goddess knew whatever Zhystkrexas would want from her would be devious and dark. And if she accepted then denied him such a request she would make a very powerful enemy. She thought upon the deal in silence for a moment, her mind coming to the only conclusion she desired. For better or for worse, she could not not deny such a gift.

"I accept Lord Zhystkrexas, God of Hunger. And I thank you for an offer such as this."

Her statement was short and to the point, from her talk with Zhystkrexas she could see he much liked short answers. It was akin to a hungry man waiting for a feast to start before him, growing angry that he could not eat because of long pleasantries. She would acknowledge that now, having had a taste of the God. She looked about, wondering who else might have arrived. She noticed two figures right away. A small creature and a robed figure sat near the back. Fools they were for not sitting closer, but she would not judge them, not yet at least. She only cared for herself in that moment. And her existence was just about to become even better.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ScreenAcne
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ScreenAcne shit,Boo!

Member Seen 21 days ago

The Arrivals

People were starting to stream into the Highest court. It was a needed injection of life to the great hall and its naturally tense tone. Formality was starting to crack as the new gods walked in. It was clear that while the court was important; between the banter, the arguements, and even the various mobs of creatures poking and annoying each other it was less an rightous formation of higher beings and more school reunion of adults who never really grew up. The shapes and sizes changed radically with each new member: fat demons with bloody teeth; tiny fairies with obnoxiously pink dresses; dark shadows that strolled indepently. This parade of imagination from the mind of an hyperactive child flooded the audience seats, although, by some power divine there seemed to always be an extra row at back.

but two...two walked together to the Pantheon chairs. Clearly not paying attention.
"I'm telling you, you drunken lout. It was all a set up, you've been played. AGAIN" An educated voice with an carefully crafted accent announced. It was a well dressed man with a dogs head.

"You won't talk to me like that when I got my seat..." He growled bubbles into his tankard as he did. Cerpen had this annoyed looked, his bushy eyebrows flexing at him.

"Well, I'm going to take a seat too. I surly doubt the Essentials will put a..." He cut off. He pulled in his snout a little, he lost the heart to finish his sentence. The two parted ways and sat down at opposites sides of the rows.



Some absent minded deity's papers started to float across across the room. riding the sudden chill that filled the air from the doorway. It was audible, nearly loud, despites its tame nature. In the nothingness that was the Divine realm even a cup of air felt like a tornado to the senses "Ah. I've been looking forward to this" Said an old voice, shambling out a tone that was shaking with a nervous glee. The speaker perked up from a small fog that seeped through the open doors, growing bigger with each step until a vague 5.6 tall humanoid silhouette appeared from it.

He took a deep breath, sucking up a long stream of his own smoke with a content smile on his face and let his posture drop into a casual confidence. Then he turned back. A hand reached out from a charcoal colored robbed follower and gently pushed him back to the court; it whispered in his ear as he did. He seemed surprised and elated again "Oh, I've been looking forward to this!" He said.

He repeated this process at least 3 times, blocking scores of lower deities with the amassing wards trying to lead him in. Eventually they managed to scoot him onto his throne: A mismatch design that had the springs of a bed under it, a wooden table over them, and the arm rests and top of a chair. It seems the designer didn't know what he was designing "This isn't comfortable" He complained. A stoic, given up voice from his robbed wards said automatically "You made it, sir"


A few moments later the second Essential entered: Huladni had the same stern look he granted to everyone, which in this case, he did grant to everyone. If an tension could cut skin then the court room would of been a massacre, each one earned a slow and deliberate stop in a brief, silent judgement. He stopped at Kozo and Mirli, a slight smile breaking the stale disclipline of his face. Then he turned it to the Pantheon seats and his brow collapsed into a glare. His body was so tense that it was displaying every muscle and bone more than an anatomy chart as he walked over to his throne.

Huladni's throne was simple, it had less of an appearence of design and more the look of a bunch of rocks that happened to form a vague throne shape. The first thing he did was looked down at Silacetus "This isn't an inheritance you know..." he had deep, masculine voice with an rough end to it, as if he had used it to bludgeon some animal to death before coming in. "This is about rules, if you don't respect rules then why are you here?" He asked, giving her an inquisitve frown.

Before she could answer a final person entered. An old man in a long sheet from some ancient, simple dress that went out of style at the very start of the shame of nudity. He looked mortal, nothing about him was unique or special, he even clumsily tripped over himself and nearly dropped his giant stack of papers as he entered. "No. I got it. Don't worry. They're ok!" He let out in a small smile of excitment, he looked around, no one shared it.

With that he slowly went and sat on the final throne: it was plain, white, featureless and sturdy. That was...well...would be Lorin's throne if he had a body, but his translator was sitting there instead. Funneling through an paper work as deep as a cinderblock and writing smaller than ants.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Shaking in the corner of the court, Kozo had little to protect himself with - the two other gods seemed to be talking and becoming more intimate by the minute, and Kozo did not enjoy the thought of them teaming up. Even without knowing him, Zhystkrexas filled him with unease, and the fact that the woman was perfectly fine with this caused him to grow uneasy. They even began to converse with one anther, and considering they were sitting so close, Kozo steadily grew more and more distressed. Luckily, another god entered the scene.

The new man was far nicer than the others had seemed - for one, he had at least tried to speak with Kozo at all. The man also seemed to be somewhat perceptive, noticing Kozo's scared disposition. With the offer of protection and to be hidden, Kozo quickly raced underneath the man's long cloak, curling up in his lap, almost like a cat.

"Yay! Kozo love hiding!"

Kozo didn't really love hiding that much - the others were scary, and he was only hiding to keep himself safe. Despite this, he felt the almost compulsive need to voice out his love for the act, an impulse he couldn't control.

Soon afterwards, even more gods and essentials began to flow in, and while many names were foreign to the small Kozo, all of the essentials names rung out to him as he saw their figures. Eventually congregating in the same area that Zhystkrexas had sat at, each essential began to take their own individual thrones. None of them seemed nearly as intimidating as Zhystkrexas - in fact, the one who Kozo didn't know the name of was the most amusing, having dropped his papers while coming inside. Kozo remained quiet throughout the entirety of the event - he did not wish to let the other gods know of his presence, especially considering he was only born recently and was unaware of his purpose here. It was better to remain quiet, and allow the others to talk among themselves.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

The Offer accepted. For such temptation could only have one outcome. The will was weak against the bite of hunger, even knowing full well the nature of the Corrupter, still they tried. He challenged them to challenge him, his ways gnawing at the insufferable pride within, gouging out and gorging out a throne of his own design. Inside the heart his maleficence, taking seed within the mind as the whisper of his voice. He was undeniable, for all kingdoms crumbled given enough time, no mortal or god could suffer his slow advances for they were their own! To refuse the desires of your nature, to deny the hunger that ate at you, it was not he that was the greatest enemy to overcome but your own damned self! And that was why amongst the gods it was he that was the most vilified and feared. Pleased with the deal cast in the assembly, the devourer reclined back into his macabre throne with a sinister smile. He presented her a choice, and she had no choice as it was he that presented it, his own power subtly displayed, his influence gripping the court which came to take their seats. The myriad of nobodies in the ranks and file, gods and lessers, pawns to entwine in his silk-wrapt contracts. Their powers to be his, the Maven of Deals, as so too would he call upon Silacetus.

"Where are your manners? Sit, Huladni, she has taken her place... You have yet to take yours... The longer you are here, the greater chance the Outsiders will breach..." A gesture at the crude seat. The biting words of Zhystkrexas pointing out the duties of the Essentials, his was to feast, and the caveman's was to guard. There was no love between them for as much as Huladni watched the stars for threats from beyond, he could not ignore the growing threat of Zhystkrexas eating away from the inside. A malignant cancer, spreading his influence out like a disease to one day be the death of the universe, but there was nothing that could be done to the parasitic Essential. He was just as crucial to the survival of all that was as he was as crucial to the destruction of it. Even Lorin had no certainty on the means to eliminate the Corrupter, and only knew the certainty that Zhystkrexas was the necessary evil. The other Essentials took their seats, or at least the proxy who was a man amongst giants. The Interpreter who made the thoughts of the the Stone known, was he as incorruptible as his master? Was it the god or the writer of his word that spoke the words of gods? And of course there was the River, predictably unpredictable, of little worry to the one who held the court like the apple in his palm.

"I believe enough of us Essentials have arrived to preside over this Assembly. Those of us who can spare the hours in abandoning our function... Hence we shall begin and the others who come late shall have their voices drowned in their own choices made." The announcement made by the self-appointed arbiter. Who would had the audacity to object? Long since had Zhystkrexas govern the gatherings, holding the keys to many lesser gods vying to take a place in the Pantheon. One such among them tried to best him, yes, there was the wretch coming in with the dog. His lesson learned no doubt of accepting a deal to challenge Zhystkrexas, the mortal life warped the god both physically and mentally no less. His suffering granted him nothing but humiliation and loss, nothing to be gained but the jeer of Zhystkrexas who denied him the seat from the cycle prior. But now the Essential needed a patsy to be used in the delegations of these precious seats. Cerpen would be the perfect sacrifice.

"I open the floor for nominations to the seat of Pantheon. First I, Zhystkrexas, nominate she who is already seated: Silacetus. Next, I, Zhystkrexas, offer to nominate Gudaboa the Seeker... should he accept the role of guiding the mortals grow in knowledge... Finally, I Zhystkrexas, shall nominate... Cerpen as Head of the Pantheon, per our wager... I shall honor the spirit of the bargain... Who desires to voice their... Rejections of my proposals?"

Ah yes, either way he wins. Silacetus was truly the only one he needed within the pantheon. And Gudaboa, well, the dog may find the motives of Zhystkrexas suspicious enough to doubt his own nomination. And Cerpen was a political move, one that would incite the Assembly to object surely as what pantheon could be lead by such a slobbering buffoon? The despot was the wriggling worm set to bait the lure, all that mattered now was who would bite him first?
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Silacetus, The Mother

Silecatus sat as still as statue as the room began to fill with a menagerie of creatures, gods, and Essentials. Inside her mind a battle waged, one of anxiousness and calm. Of doing what she wanted to do without others to prey on her works, coupled with the process of the Pantheon choosing. She was guaranteed a spot now, per their agreement, and she really just wanted it over with.

Eventually the Essential Huladni, the great protector, gave his thoughts on her as he passed. Silecatus said nothing but bow her head ever so slightly. Huladni was someone to fear but why fear him when Zhystkrexas desired her for his own purpose? She studied all of the new Essentials then, River and his Uncertainty was something she feared. She preferred Certainty, or Lorin that was. She knew uncertainty would always play a course in their world, but liked certainty because it could be controlled. Huladni was a caveman who had already judged her without even asking why. She did not care for him, but knew his task was necessary for her continued survival.

Eventually Zhystkrexas spoke, and the room hushed at his mere voice. Such power, she craved such a thing, as she craved many a thing. Zhystkrexas then nominated her for the Pantheon as well as two others who she did not know. She had not been paying attention to lesser things, but if they came on the Pantheon they would learn to let her be, or they would regret ever agreeing to such a position. If they got it at all.

It seemed everything was going exactly as she wanted, which was perfect.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Carbonatter
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Carbonatter Always Asleep

Member Seen 3 mos ago

It began with the call.
A mellifluous ringing that spread forth from elsewhere, reaching my ears and beyond. But alas this could not be, I am not some individual with a mind or even the sense of hearing; I am the light that bathes the divine realm, contempt and unable to think or desire more than to shine. It would not be possible for a room, made of hundreds of pieces; wood, nails, clay - to laugh or cry, so why would I be any different, hence I must not and never will.

And yet I feel like so much more, as though I was birthed with choice, thought, arms and legs to get me through the days on end, but that cannot be. I am light and nothing more, light for the Divine realm. That strong light that consumes that world, white and pure... "Perhaps if I was blue? How would the world react then?"

I, no the light contemplated this for a short time, all whilst the chime continued to ring. The light did not mind this, for it was pleasant and for the while he was preoccupied with his own appearance. He considered several options for his colour, retaining his bland white, shifting to blue, perhaps even being all the colours in different places within his body, the light. He had been nothing but a combination of all the colours, yet he had never been any of them. Perhaps he should be now...

And then it dawned upon the newly created being; "I... am thinking?" The chiming began to grow louder in strength, till it was all the being could hear. If he could recoil and cover his ears he would, though for the moment that was not an option.

The sounds stopped.

The chime ended.

Yet all had not vanished.

From within the mind of light thoughts began to surface and appear from nowhere, he knew what he was, where he should go and what he could do. The being was no longer a mere speck of light, no longer an amount of separated particles in the expanse the hive of light. He was Feh'Orah, a being from light and a god of the mortal plane... and he was late.

At once a body took shape for him, from his seperated collective and the vague knowledge of other beings within his mind, Feh'Orah formed a humanoid shell to reside in. The body that would provide proof of his individuality, though it was translucent white and without features - it was a start in any case of the word.

He was not ready for his body, from the start at least. Flexing his thigh and taking his first few steps resulted in falls and trips - it would take a few tries to master the process of movement, he did not have that much time though, for each moment he wasted was another he wasn't at the meeting. He knew where he should be, the direction and the distance - and so he began to move, slowly but surely until he could walk, then run.

He arived at the steps, then the door ajar to which he stepped through. Several beings were already present, two sat on thrones though they were more creature than god. A body of bone and eyes of red, holding an apple in his palm, the other holding similar features to Feh'Orah himself with a face just as devoid of features, although black, clothed and with long horns that sprouted from where the being's temple would be. Another humanoid was visible, though this one wore the face of a beast as well as a mass of dust, no it was fog, standing over several others; a bug, another humanoid who was clothed like the other and a bipedal frog.

Feh'Orah advanced slowly towards the coat-clad, white haired being, stopping by his side whilst not removing his eyes from those on their thrones.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 30 min ago

The Lesser God Who Does Not Exist does not exist and therefore could not be present at the Highest Court for the proceedings.

But if the the Lesser God Who Does Not Exist were to exist, the Lesser God Who Does Not Exist would have grown bored of the game they were playing by now and merged back into 1 being who would then took the form of a small plate of cottage cheese.

The Cottage Cheese Who Does Not Exist would then decide to mess with the gods who actually existed.

Bringing their godly control over all of non-existence to bear, the Cottage Cheese Who Does Not Exist would cause a screaming head to appear in the center of the court.

The Cottage Cheese Who Does Not Exist would then will an egg the size of a bowling ball into existence above Cerpen so that it would fall onto the drunkard god's head.

They would then cause a rubber ball that shone with the color Gudaboa found the most appealing to appear before the dog headed god.

But this is all merely conjecture. Because as I mentioned before, the Lesser God Who Does Not Exist does not exist.

Coincidentally, while events unfolded in the court, a screaming head suddenly appeared in the center of the room. This was followed shortly after by an egg the size of a bowling ball falling from nowhere onto Cerpen's head. And then Gudaboa would find that a shiny rubber ball that just so happened to be his favorite color had appeared in front of him. This had nothing to do with the Lesser God Who Does Not Exist though, because they do not exist.
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