"Ever since the dawn of time, there was an invisible force flowing through everyone... pure fighting spirit. Warriors that could train the mind, the heart, the body, and the soul, are capable of superhuman feats. Strength beyond what the body would allow, speed beyond all speed, and weaponizing your fighting spirit in raw form... all of these feats are owed to ki. Many are capable of using ki, but few are able to utilize it to it's fullest potential. Especially martial artists. These few are known to the world as Nomads as they travel the world for their own reasons - whether it be personal betterment, or helping the world - and challenge other fighters. Only the strongest and most skilled fighters are able to come out on top of these clashes."

Welcome to World Warriors: The Nomadic Fist. This RP takes place in a quirky, anime-and-fighting-games-themed world (think of shows like One Punch Man, or games similar to Darkstalkers) where supernatural warriors known as "Nomads" head out and engage in supernatural battles. Fueled by ki, magic, or technology, they journey the world, and, for whatever reason, they seek out fights.
This won’t quite be a PVP roleplay, and is more story and character driven, with your characters fighting NPCs and a variety of sinister plots (with player fights for special occasions). The world is very, very free-form; lore is loose (basically amounting to everything just described in that first paragraph), and you’re free to create almost any kind of character or backstory you please.
So what do you all say? Are you all itching for a fight for the ages or a bizarre adventure? Well, your story begins here!
(Originally conceived by @Surtr Inc; thanks for bringing everyone together bub).
This won’t quite be a PVP roleplay, and is more story and character driven, with your characters fighting NPCs and a variety of sinister plots (with player fights for special occasions). The world is very, very free-form; lore is loose (basically amounting to everything just described in that first paragraph), and you’re free to create almost any kind of character or backstory you please.
So what do you all say? Are you all itching for a fight for the ages or a bizarre adventure? Well, your story begins here!
(Originally conceived by @Surtr Inc; thanks for bringing everyone together bub).

Ki, at its simplest, can be thought of as life energy, invisible, preternatural, and primordial. It has gone by many names, and it empowers and imbues all living things. Everyone has some amount of ki inside them, and ki gives them the strength to grow and live. Most people have a ‘normal’ amount of ki, and display no abnormal abilities.
While some people are born with a small amount of ki, while others are born with massive amounts. It depends on their ancestry, as someone's great ancestors can pass on their ki throughout the generations (They have to be dead for this to occur, however). The further they get away from their ancestors, the less ki they can be gifted with. However, long as a warrior trains, they never have to worry about their descendants running out of a natural supply of ki. However, if one descends from a magical being of some kind, then they will always have a naturally large amount of ki.
These beings are capable of superhuman feats, ranging from speed, to strength, to durability, to agility, resilience. All of these feats increase alongside a person’s ki reserves and can occasionally open the way to unusual powers. Many modern hospitals, for example, often have a ki specialist who can treat illnesses that affect life energy, or use their own ki reserves to heal injuries. However, the average joe will most likely know about ki in the context of nomads.
The nomad has become a staple of global pop culture in the last century or so. he name 'nomad' refers to a wandering warrior with fantastical powers, a vagabond who, for one reason or another, travels the world seeking new fights and new challenges. They have epic showdowns, they participate in international martial arts tournaments, and they are features in movies, TV shows, and airport paperbacks. On Earth, there are superheroes, and supersoldiers, and ki-wielding doctors, but none of them have quite captured the public eye (or been as heavily commercialized) as the nomad.
By nature of their ki, your average nomad or nomad-level person can punch through walls, deflect most bullets like paper spitballs, and is shrouded by a subtle shield of life energy that makes them difficult to damage by conventional means. Of course, as with all things, if you hit them enough times with enough force, or enough ki, these defenses eventually break. Keep in mind that your character doesn’t have to be a ‘proper’ nomad, or even have to rely on ki, as magic and technology can allow even otherwise normal humans to tangle with ki-powered superhumans.
Ki can be increased several ways. For most, meditation is one of the most basic—if unrewarding—ways to build ki, and this life energy, whether it’s called ‘ki’ or otherwise, often figures into a variety of religions. Disciplined physical training that unites the mind and the body is another way to increase ki. Because of the lasting impression of the nomad on pop culture, most people will associate ki with physical training, especially martial arts. Indeed, martial arts is probably the most effective and straightforward way to build ki.
While some people are born with a small amount of ki, while others are born with massive amounts. It depends on their ancestry, as someone's great ancestors can pass on their ki throughout the generations (They have to be dead for this to occur, however). The further they get away from their ancestors, the less ki they can be gifted with. However, long as a warrior trains, they never have to worry about their descendants running out of a natural supply of ki. However, if one descends from a magical being of some kind, then they will always have a naturally large amount of ki.
These beings are capable of superhuman feats, ranging from speed, to strength, to durability, to agility, resilience. All of these feats increase alongside a person’s ki reserves and can occasionally open the way to unusual powers. Many modern hospitals, for example, often have a ki specialist who can treat illnesses that affect life energy, or use their own ki reserves to heal injuries. However, the average joe will most likely know about ki in the context of nomads.
The nomad has become a staple of global pop culture in the last century or so. he name 'nomad' refers to a wandering warrior with fantastical powers, a vagabond who, for one reason or another, travels the world seeking new fights and new challenges. They have epic showdowns, they participate in international martial arts tournaments, and they are features in movies, TV shows, and airport paperbacks. On Earth, there are superheroes, and supersoldiers, and ki-wielding doctors, but none of them have quite captured the public eye (or been as heavily commercialized) as the nomad.
By nature of their ki, your average nomad or nomad-level person can punch through walls, deflect most bullets like paper spitballs, and is shrouded by a subtle shield of life energy that makes them difficult to damage by conventional means. Of course, as with all things, if you hit them enough times with enough force, or enough ki, these defenses eventually break. Keep in mind that your character doesn’t have to be a ‘proper’ nomad, or even have to rely on ki, as magic and technology can allow even otherwise normal humans to tangle with ki-powered superhumans.
Ki can be increased several ways. For most, meditation is one of the most basic—if unrewarding—ways to build ki, and this life energy, whether it’s called ‘ki’ or otherwise, often figures into a variety of religions. Disciplined physical training that unites the mind and the body is another way to increase ki. Because of the lasting impression of the nomad on pop culture, most people will associate ki with physical training, especially martial arts. Indeed, martial arts is probably the most effective and straightforward way to build ki.
Beyond the across-the-board stat boost that high ki reserves grant, ki manipulation opens the way to a variety of abilities. Most use ki to emphasize specific attributes, like speed or strength. Others learn to manipulate their ki and focus it into specific forms. Ki can be transferred to allies to boost strength and stamina, and the more talented ki manipulators can even use it to heal. Ki can also be forced to take physical form, usually manifesting as a specific element that reflects the wielder’s personality and temperament, or to manipulate elements in the immediate vicinity. A person isn’t strictly confined to one element, of course, but will generally find it difficult to go outside their natural comfort zone. A person whose ki can manipulate rocks might find conjuring wind to be extremely challenging, for example.
Others might forgo these versatile abilities, and focus on the overwhelmingly difficult technique of manifesting ki in its pure, unconverted state, which often makes for the strongest shields and the most armor-piercing attacks.
One of the last well-known ki abilities is the power to sense life energy, and depending on practice and ability can detect increasingly specific details about power level and mood at increasingly great distances. The average nomad who has chosen to learn the sensing technique can gauge the general concentration of ki in the immediate vicinity, and notice people like nomads with unusually high ki-reserves.
Others might forgo these versatile abilities, and focus on the overwhelmingly difficult technique of manifesting ki in its pure, unconverted state, which often makes for the strongest shields and the most armor-piercing attacks.
One of the last well-known ki abilities is the power to sense life energy, and depending on practice and ability can detect increasingly specific details about power level and mood at increasingly great distances. The average nomad who has chosen to learn the sensing technique can gauge the general concentration of ki in the immediate vicinity, and notice people like nomads with unusually high ki-reserves.
■ Humans
■ Machines
■ Mythics
Humans are the dominant species in this world and make up the majority of the population as well as a healthy portion of the nomads. Renowned for their mastery of ki throughout the centuries, what sets human apart from older races with seemingly more powerful ki is sheer versatility. Humans possess hundreds of fighting styles both new and old to channel their ki, some even choosing to fight with the aid of advanced technology, arcane artistry, or whatever else works for them.
■ Machines
Obviously a newer entry into the Nomadic world, Machines cover any artificially created or augmented being forged through the incredible power of science. Ranging from cyborgs to androids to sentient drones, machines forgo ki in favor of advanced technology to give them an edge in any fight. For that reason machines rarely use ki themselves, though some partially Machine beings like cyborgs can still use it, so long as part of them is living enough to draw life force from.
■ Mythics
The catch-all term for non-human beings of magical origin. The Moniker Mythic covers a wide variety of creatures, including creations of myth such as centaurs and ice giants, creatures of the divine such as angels and demons, and even folkloric monsters such as your classic werewolves and vampires. Most mythical creatures have an innate connection to ki and are able to channel it on a level similar to humans, while some Mythics possess more powerful ki but lack the flexibility of use that humans enjoy. Because of events long past, Mythics are a largely uncommon sight in the world, though there are several Mythics or humans with Mythic bloodlines that choose to become nomads.

For the curious or foolhardy, here are a few of your contenders. Trust me, they're just a small glimpse of who you will go up with, or against, so be prepared. Each of them represent each of the species listed above, the first being a Human, followed by a Machine, and finally a Mystic. Don't expect them all to fight like this in the World of Warriors!

정영숙/Chung Yeong-Suk

⦋ 24 || North Korean || Female ⦌
Yeong-Suk stands at a quite unimpressive 5'3'', slightly above average for her home country of North Korea, but much smaller than the average nomad. Her straight, black hair grows to her shoulders, with bangs covering her right eye, which has been replaced with a cybernetic optic designed to see in ki. Her natural, left eye is light brown. Yeong-Suk has an athletic build, fitting for her years of training in the Korean People's Army, which helps migrate how embarrassingly small she is.
As an officer of the KPA, Yeong-Suk wears her dress uniform at almost all times (Major exception being when stealth or anonymity is needed). It is olive green, with a matching hat and tie. Her uniform also consists of a skirt, practicality disregarded by Yeong-Suk's superiors so they could emphasize her femininity in propaganda. She, however, was at least granted permission to wear men's shoes, as no one in their right mind could fight in heels. Completing her outfit is black gloves, same color as her shoes, mostly for security reasons than anything else (not wanting to leave fingerprints willy-nilly).
As an officer of the KPA, Yeong-Suk wears her dress uniform at almost all times (Major exception being when stealth or anonymity is needed). It is olive green, with a matching hat and tie. Her uniform also consists of a skirt, practicality disregarded by Yeong-Suk's superiors so they could emphasize her femininity in propaganda. She, however, was at least granted permission to wear men's shoes, as no one in their right mind could fight in heels. Completing her outfit is black gloves, same color as her shoes, mostly for security reasons than anything else (not wanting to leave fingerprints willy-nilly).
■ Patriotic to a fault
■ Deathly Serious
■ Unfeeling
■ Confident in herself and her cause
■ Pragmatic
■ Diligent
■ Doesn't like keeping people close
■ Deathly Serious
■ Unfeeling
■ Confident in herself and her cause
■ Pragmatic
■ Diligent
■ Doesn't like keeping people close
Chung Yeong-Suk was born on March 12th in Kaesong, North Korea, the first child of a family of industrial workers. Immediately disappointment, they tried again for a son, which resulted in her brother, Chung Jeong-Ho. Yeong-Suk's early childhood life was relatively normal; she went to school, played youth soccer, learned about the divinity of the ruling Kim family and how North Korea was Best Korea, and was part of the Youth Pioneer Corps. By all accounts, there was nothing remarkable about this North Korean girl compared to any other child.
However, when graduation came and went and the next generation of conscripts was admitted to the Korean People's Army, the government of North Korea was screening incoming recruits for their natural ki, a recent order from the Supreme Leader to create literal super agents for the rogue state. Perhaps due to ancestry from Yakcha, or perhaps just a simple fluke at birth, Yeong-Suk had a massive reserve of ki. Pulled away, she was given the option to volunteer for "special training" to unlock her ki and to become an enforcer for the Kims. In return, her family would be given, nice, cushy lodging in the nation's capital of Pyongyang, totally not there to hold Yeong-Suk hostage or anything in case something went wrong. Yeong-Suk readily accepted, mostly out of genuine patriotism, but also because she kind of realized she really didn't have a choice in the matter.
Brought to a classified military installation deep in the countryside, Yeong-Suk trained under the watchful eye of the military, honing her physical ability, technique in Taekwondo, and most importantly, learning how to use the ki she was so fortunate to be born with. When her skills in ki started to surpass anything the military was prepared for, they "persuaded" martial artists from the south and China to train her up further. Owing to her feet-based martial art, Yeong-Suk's trainers put a particular focus on trying to teach her to channel ki through her feet rather than her hands, a technique which she soon adopted almost, if not totally, excursively.
The training was brutal, designed to break her mentally just as much to bring out her absolute potential. The once innocent, sweet girl was replaced by what could almost be described as a machine. In fact, one of her eyes was even cybernetically replaced, in order to make her more potent as an assassin. Serving the state was the only thing on her mind; the only thing let into her mind, and willingly embraced. Her handlers rejoiced; they succeeded in creating the first superhuman agent for North Korea.
At age 24, she was let out of the facility she was trained in, the first time since entering in 18. She was handed a mission in Brazil. The cover story was to enter the tournament in Rio, and to bring glory to North Korea by winning it all. Her real mission, however, was to assassinate a target so embedded in the shadows, even she doesn't know their true identity...
However, when graduation came and went and the next generation of conscripts was admitted to the Korean People's Army, the government of North Korea was screening incoming recruits for their natural ki, a recent order from the Supreme Leader to create literal super agents for the rogue state. Perhaps due to ancestry from Yakcha, or perhaps just a simple fluke at birth, Yeong-Suk had a massive reserve of ki. Pulled away, she was given the option to volunteer for "special training" to unlock her ki and to become an enforcer for the Kims. In return, her family would be given, nice, cushy lodging in the nation's capital of Pyongyang, totally not there to hold Yeong-Suk hostage or anything in case something went wrong. Yeong-Suk readily accepted, mostly out of genuine patriotism, but also because she kind of realized she really didn't have a choice in the matter.
Brought to a classified military installation deep in the countryside, Yeong-Suk trained under the watchful eye of the military, honing her physical ability, technique in Taekwondo, and most importantly, learning how to use the ki she was so fortunate to be born with. When her skills in ki started to surpass anything the military was prepared for, they "persuaded" martial artists from the south and China to train her up further. Owing to her feet-based martial art, Yeong-Suk's trainers put a particular focus on trying to teach her to channel ki through her feet rather than her hands, a technique which she soon adopted almost, if not totally, excursively.
The training was brutal, designed to break her mentally just as much to bring out her absolute potential. The once innocent, sweet girl was replaced by what could almost be described as a machine. In fact, one of her eyes was even cybernetically replaced, in order to make her more potent as an assassin. Serving the state was the only thing on her mind; the only thing let into her mind, and willingly embraced. Her handlers rejoiced; they succeeded in creating the first superhuman agent for North Korea.
At age 24, she was let out of the facility she was trained in, the first time since entering in 18. She was handed a mission in Brazil. The cover story was to enter the tournament in Rio, and to bring glory to North Korea by winning it all. Her real mission, however, was to assassinate a target so embedded in the shadows, even she doesn't know their true identity...
Yeong-Suk was trained in the half-traditional, half-modern Korean martial art of 태권도 (Taekwondo), a fighting style which emphasizes agility and kicks. While Taekwondo is usually taught as a zoning martial art, using one's reach through legs to keep the opponent at bay, Yeong-Suk's small size makes that not a winning proposition. Instead, Yeong-Suk uses ki techniques to mirror this philosophy, using her feet to generate projectile attacks from a distance. After catching her opponent off guard, she can use her great agility to rush in with wild jump kicks, before forcing the opponent away and starting over. Alternatively, if she thinks the foe is weak enough, Yeong-Suk will skip the zoning altogether and go straight for the rushdown.
Defensively, there is much more emphasize on dodging hits rather than blocking. Even without ki, Yeon-Suk is fastfooted, and can easily bob and weave from far to close and vice versa. When she can't simply dodge an attack, she perfers to use her ki techniques to block rather than her physical body; she actually can not take getting hit all that well.
Defensively, there is much more emphasize on dodging hits rather than blocking. Even without ki, Yeon-Suk is fastfooted, and can easily bob and weave from far to close and vice versa. When she can't simply dodge an attack, she perfers to use her ki techniques to block rather than her physical body; she actually can not take getting hit all that well.
■ 천국의 눈/Cheongug-ui Nun
The "Eye of Heaven" was a cybernetic implant given to Yeong-Suk when she was selected by the government to become their ki assassin/agent, and was tech that was allegedly stolen from the Chinese without their knowledge. The Eye of Heaven is passively powered by Yeong-Suk's own ki, and confers the ability to observe ki. Living objects radiate blue energy; the more ki, the more brilliant the blue is. It also allows Yeong-Suk to see clearer at night; the ki of other objects will act as a very weak light source.
In combat, the only tangible benefit the cybernetic eye gives is that she can observe the ki of her opponent. This makes it harder to fool her with shapeshifting or creating non-living copies of oneself, since their ki signatures would not match up with the perceived reality.
In combat, the only tangible benefit the cybernetic eye gives is that she can observe the ki of her opponent. This makes it harder to fool her with shapeshifting or creating non-living copies of oneself, since their ki signatures would not match up with the perceived reality.
■ 백사셋의 발/Baegsases-ui Bal
"Baeksaseum (A white deer known for it's speed)'s feet" is a technique where Yeong-Suk channels some of her ki into her feet, allowing her to move at speeds beyond her normal physical capability. Under the effects of this technique, she can run at speeds far faster than a human being should be able to go, allowing her to close or create distances rapidly, or perhaps sidestep away from an attack. It doesn't increase her reaction time, nor does it effect her ability to jump except for letting her build up momentum from running to jump further than what a human should be able to go.
■ 낫 킥/Nas Kig
The "Sickle kick" is the basic ranged ki attack of Yeong-Suk. Channeling energy to her feet, Yeong-Suk does a roundhouse kick in place, sending a wave of sickle-shaped ki barreling in the direction of her foe.
■ 지진 발생/Jijin Balsaeng
The "Earthquake Strike" is perhaps Yeong-Suk's most versatile attack. She pounds the ground with a ki-infused foot, causing a piece of the earth to dislodge itself and fly into the air. From there, she can either use the piece of earth to block an opponent's range attack (which will usually destroy the mound of dirt), or use her ki again to literally kick it towards the opponent.
■ 여왕 바지의 격노/Yeowang Baji-ui Gyeogno
Much like in her Jijin Balsaeng, "Queen Baji's Fury" (Queen Baji being the Korean Earth Goddess) begins with a channeled ki strike to the ground. Instead of lifting the earth up, it instead creates a fissure, causing jagged rocks to erupt quickly from where the fissure is. Rocks are reasonably sized, hard to jump over but easy enough for someone who could fly to dodge.
■ 만 킥 공격/Man Kig Gong-gyeog
In the "Ten Thousand Kick Attack", Yeong-Suk uses her ki to rapidly kick at speeds faster than the human eye. Each kick isn't much stronger than what a regular kick would be, but they add up very quickly. Due to the high cost of energy, Yeong-Suk can not use this technique for much longer than a few seconds before tiring out.
■ 천리마 킥/Chollima Kig]
The "Flying Horse Kick" is the most powerful of Yeong-Suk's attacks, and is basically a dramatic flying kick. When jumping, Yeong-Suk encases one of her feet in ki, and just lunges at her opponent. There is nothing too special she does beyond the ki, but it hurts like a truck when she makes contact. Can tire Yeong-Suk out easily, so she uses it sparingly.
■ 여왕 바지의 복수/Yeowang Baji-ui Bogsu
"Queen Baji's Revenge" is, in simplistic terms, a souped up version of Queen Baji's Fury. Most of the attack is the same, but the rocks are much larger and travel more quickly than in the regular version of the attack. The rocks go far up enough that it could legitimately threaten hovering enemies.
■ 큰 천리마 킥/Keun Chollima Kig
Much like her previous super, The "Great Flying Horse Kick" is just a more powerful version of one her basic attacks, this time being the regular flying horse kick. Instead of encasing her foot in ki, Yeong-Suk instead covers her entire body in a glowing box of ki. More of a ram than a kick, Yeong-Suk flings her entire body at her opponent, being easily her most devastating non-lethal attack. While she is encased in ki, she is massively resistant to damage, but not completely invulnerable. WILL tire her out and drain most of her ki after using, leaving an opening if it misses.
■ 백두산권총/Baek Du San
Yeong-Suk whips out her Baek Du San and shoots to kill. Obviously a highly illegal move both in tournaments and with the law in general. Yeong-Suk only resorts to using her pistol when she needs someone to die now, and will not hesitate to use it immediately if she thinks she is otherwise outclassed. Prefers to not use it due to attracting unwanted attention.
The major weakness of Yeong-Suk is her frailty. She can not take much punishment at all; a few good hits is all that it will take to knock her out. She can not get into any protracted slugfests, because she will lose at every trade due to said frailty.
Due to constantly training with people much weaker than her, Yeong-Suk also overestimates her own abilities. She also has very little experience fighing anyone with ki or magic, and doesn't know how to fight people of similar strength.
Due to constantly training with people much weaker than her, Yeong-Suk also overestimates her own abilities. She also has very little experience fighing anyone with ki or magic, and doesn't know how to fight people of similar strength.
As Yeong-Suk is Korean, her name is written in the Asian style of surname/personal name, rather than personal name/surname.
Credit for the image goes to runeun of dA, not me. I can't art to save my life
I also can't speak Korean so the translations for some of her special moves might be wrong.
Credit for the image goes to runeun of dA, not me. I can't art to save my life
I also can't speak Korean so the translations for some of her special moves might be wrong.

⦋ 9 || N/A || Female ⦌
From a distance, Ivory seems to be a young woman wearing a white flowing dress. She stands at 6"3', and weighs only 110 lbs. Yet up close, her unnatural nature becomes apparent; Her skin is covered in plates of biotic armor like all Symbiotes, with several strands of white silk flowing from her waist down. Her featureless face has a small bump sticking out from her forehead, only 3 inches long. Where he cheeks would be, there are unnatural indendations. Beneath her armor, her skin is morbid and pale. From the back of her head, white hair,
the same material as her "dress", flows down until it meets up with the rest of her "dress".
the same material as her "dress", flows down until it meets up with the rest of her "dress".
Horizon Frontiers broke history when it made the first fully-functional Symbiote. However, after producing hundreds of the same type of creature with only marginal differences, Horizon the decided to go above and beyond, making entirely unique Symbiotes, in what the Foundation knew as The Pioneer Decade, 10 years of production focused entirely on advanced Symbiotes, which resulted in Five Symbiotes, which would be known as The Pioneers. They proved incredibly strong to all other Symbiotes previously made, given the classification of Scion. However, they were even more so aggressive than normal Symbiotes, and could not be controlled, rejecting AI's that were implanted into them. CLASSIFIED. The five were then placed in Horizon Frontier's bottom containment vaults, until more advanced control methods were developed.
Due to increasing logistical errors, such a feat could not be pulled off. Now, making a single Scion-class Symbiote takes 3 years, if production goes well.
Horizon Frontiers attempted to find the retired Doctor Sid, CLASSIFIED
, who was never heard from afterwards. However, when they tracked down his last location, a laboratory in Finland, they found two things: One, that the doctor had died of old age, and that he had created his own Symbiote, Ivory.
Ivory defied several expectations of Symbiotes by Horizon Frontiers; She was non-aggressive, had advanced mental development, and could even communicate. She was then taken into the custody of Horizon Frontiers, where she would be protected and studied. She then revealed the most baffling of her abilities,
the power to control other Symbiotes, even The Pioneers, who were thought incapable. Capable of coordinating them to fight together, She was charged with leading them as a specialized strike force, intended to hunt down high interest targets for Horizon Frontiers.
Due to increasing logistical errors, such a feat could not be pulled off. Now, making a single Scion-class Symbiote takes 3 years, if production goes well.
Horizon Frontiers attempted to find the retired Doctor Sid, CLASSIFIED
, who was never heard from afterwards. However, when they tracked down his last location, a laboratory in Finland, they found two things: One, that the doctor had died of old age, and that he had created his own Symbiote, Ivory.
Ivory defied several expectations of Symbiotes by Horizon Frontiers; She was non-aggressive, had advanced mental development, and could even communicate. She was then taken into the custody of Horizon Frontiers, where she would be protected and studied. She then revealed the most baffling of her abilities,
the power to control other Symbiotes, even The Pioneers, who were thought incapable. Capable of coordinating them to fight together, She was charged with leading them as a specialized strike force, intended to hunt down high interest targets for Horizon Frontiers.
The Pioneers

Powersaw was made for use for cutting heavy metals with it's four blades, that may be spun to create a sawblade. However, as most Symbiotes are violent, he was outfitted more for combat once Ivory came about. Powersaw is the master of combo's, as his saws can easily chain combos, especially if they're all used in conjuction. However he is the second slowest of The Pioneers, as even his basic attacks are slow.

Tortuga is the largest Symbiote created so far. About the size of a shed, the massive Symbiote was created for the purpose of heavy lifting, but was outfitted even bulkier once Ivory began training him for battle. He has the hardest and thickest shell of all the Pioneers, making him the hardest to take down. However his speed is abysmal, and takes a full second just to perform a basic attack. Yet his attacks are hard-hitting and powerful, and have a wide reach. His ultimate weakness, however, is that Ivory will be unable to effectivey block if he is in Knockout.

The most aggressive yet earliest of The Pioneers, Ricochet is the group's speed demon. She's capable of activating her adrenaline glands, causing her to move so fast she turns into a blur. Yet her attacks take the longest to cool down, as exhausting her Adrenaline leaves her tired until she can build it up again. Yet her ultimate use is that she has the furthest range of all Pioneers, due to how fast she can move.

Tall and Slender, Haunt's original purpose was espionage and assassination missions. She looks exactly like the thing a kid would cry about hiding in their closet. She has the abilities to cloak, extend claws, and eject a circular trunk from her mouth. Haunt's ability's encompass unexpected and ranged strikes from behind Ivory, rather than in front of, making her harder to be disabled. Haunt only Champions Ivory when she needs to finish off her opponent, as Haunt is even more fragile than she is.

Commando is the most generalist of The Pioneers. He has no special quirk like the others, but he makes up with strength, defense, and speed far exceeding other Symbiotes. Strangely, he is the most capable of operating completely alone, without Regalia's influence, hence his name. He most commonly Champions Ivory, due to his well-balance. However, when he's in Knockout, she's often on the ropes, as none of the other Pioneers are as versatile.
Ivory herself does not fight; She has a team of Scion-class Symbiotes, The Pioneers, that fight for her. Yet to effectively control them, she must be within their range, meaning that she has to appear in their battles personally. Each Symbiote requires focus to use efficiently, making attacks with all of them at once very difficult. However, for a short period of time, one of her minions may "Champion" her, in which she temporarily leaves the battlefield, and they take her place. No specials may be performed, other than with the current Champion, and each Pioneer has different stats for basic attacks.
The Pioneers

Powersaw was made for use for cutting heavy metals with it's four blades, that may be spun to create a sawblade. However, as most Symbiotes are violent, he was outfitted more for combat once Ivory came about. Powersaw is the master of combo's, as his saws can easily chain combos, especially if they're all used in conjuction. However he is the second slowest of The Pioneers, as even his basic attacks are slow.
■ Dismember
Powersaw lunges in and stabs his opponent with all for of his blades. He will then pull his hands apart,
causing a violent burst of damage.
causing a violent burst of damage.
■ Sawblades
Powersaw revs one of his blades above Ivory, dealing a quick combo of damage.
■ Spinner Throw
Powersaw chucks one of his (spinning) blades at the opponent. Essentially the same as Sawblades,
but with less power at a range.
but with less power at a range.
■ Anatomic Dissection
Powersaw swings a deft strike at his opponent, dealing damage in a foward arc. This move can be chained up to four times.

Tortuga is the largest Symbiote created so far. About the size of a shed, the massive Symbiote was created for the purpose of heavy lifting, but was outfitted even bulkier once Ivory began training him for battle. He has the hardest and thickest shell of all the Pioneers, making him the hardest to take down. However his speed is abysmal, and takes a full second just to perform a basic attack. Yet his attacks are hard-hitting and powerful, and have a wide reach. His ultimate weakness, however, is that Ivory will be unable to effectivey block if he is in Knockout.
■ Seismic Pound
Tortuga stomps on the ground, causing two rocks to launch into the air, one heavy and up close, and the other lighter but stretches farther. The heavy one will stagger the opponent, while the smaller one will only flinch them.
■ Bear Hug
Tortuga grapples the opponent, squeezing them tightly with both arms, and then dropping them onto the ground.
■ Symbiotic Shield
Tortuga stands in front of Ivory with his arms and legs crunched, protecting her and himself from all damage for 3 seconds.
■ Tornado Haymaker
Tortuga lunges forward with his fist. If it hits the opponent early on, it will send them flying backwards. If it's near the end of the move, it will just knock them down. Tortuga will be unusable for six seconds afterwards.

The most aggressive yet earliest of The Pioneers, Ricochet is the group's speed demon. She's capable of activating her adrenaline glands, causing her to move so fast she turns into a blur. Yet her attacks take the longest to cool down, as exhausting her Adrenaline leaves her tired until she can build it up again. Yet her ultimate use is that she has the furthest range of all Pioneers, due to how fast she can move.
■ Dart Sprint
Ricochet sprints so fast that she's seen as nothing more than a blurred line. If she hits the opponent,
she will cause them to flinch.
she will cause them to flinch.
■ Machine Gun Fist
Ricochet deals eight extremely weak basic attacks. This attack cannot be blocked, but only flinches the opponent,
■ High Jump Knee
Lunging from beneath Ivory, Ricochet shoots upwards, attempting to ram her knee into the opponent.
If this attack is successful, it will knock them into the air.
If this attack is successful, it will knock them into the air.
■ Quick Parry
Ricochet lunges in front of Ivory at lightning speeds, parrying the opponents next attack, if any.

Tall and Slender, Haunt's original purpose was espionage and assassination missions. She looks exactly like the thing a kid would cry about hiding in their closet. She has the abilities to cloak, extend claws, and eject a circular trunk from her mouth. Haunt's ability's encompass unexpected and ranged strikes from behind Ivory, rather than in front of, making her harder to be disabled. Haunt only Champions Ivory when she needs to finish off her opponent, as Haunt is even more fragile than she is.
■ Shadow in the Dark
Haunt leans from behind Ivory, striking a cone-shaped claw attack at the opponent
■ Horrifying Crawl
Haunt skitters like an insect across the floor, dealing damage if she brushes against the opponent.
However attacks against Haunt will deal triple damage in this form, enough to put her in Knockout.
However attacks against Haunt will deal triple damage in this form, enough to put her in Knockout.
■ Melting Spit
Charging for a moment, Haunt spits a blob of acid at the enemy. This attack has a relatively short range, but will deal damage over time.
■ Feast
Haunt attempts to grapple the foe. If successful, she ejects her secret mouth, which she will then attach to the opponent to suck them of their ki.

Commando is the most generalist of The Pioneers. He has no special quirk like the others, but he makes up with strength, defense, and speed far exceeding other Symbiotes. Strangely, he is the most capable of operating completely alone, without Regalia's influence, hence his name. He most commonly Champions Ivory, due to his well-balance. However, when he's in Knockout, she's often on the ropes, as none of the other Pioneers are as versatile.
■ Onslaught Pummel
Commando lunges in front of Regalia, inflicting four punches at the opponent. They simply flinch the opponent, and deal less-than-average damage for a Special.
■ Elbow Drop
Commando lunges from above to perform an Elbow drop on the opponent. If the attack hits, it will knock them to the ground.
■ Keep-Away
Commando lunges forward, grabbing his opponent if he can. When he does, he carries them for the rest of his charge. This move deals no damage, and is only intended to provide space for Regalia.
■ Knee
Commando grabs the opponent, and slams their forehead against his knee.
■ Power Slam
Tortuga grabs the opponent by the throat, and tosses them up into the air. When they come back down,
he grabs the opponent by the face, and hurls them against the side of the stage.
he grabs the opponent by the face, and hurls them against the side of the stage.
■ Fist of a Thousand Blows
Ricochet sprints at a normal speed towards the opponent. They will then punch the opponent with 100 weak attacks.
■ Queen's Crusade
ALL of the Pioneers lunge for an attack. First, Haunt appears behind the opponent and scratches them.
Then, Ricochet runs up and delivers three kicks, followed by Powersaw appearing behind the opponent and cutting all four of his spinning blades at the opponent. Then, commando will ram his shoulder into them, sending them flying into Tortuga's open hand, who will grab them by the back of the head and slam them into the ground so hard that it shatters. However, once this attack finishes, all Pioneers will be unavailable for ten seconds,
leaving Regalia vulnerable.
Then, Ricochet runs up and delivers three kicks, followed by Powersaw appearing behind the opponent and cutting all four of his spinning blades at the opponent. Then, commando will ram his shoulder into them, sending them flying into Tortuga's open hand, who will grab them by the back of the head and slam them into the ground so hard that it shatters. However, once this attack finishes, all Pioneers will be unavailable for ten seconds,
leaving Regalia vulnerable.
Ivory herself is abysmal in personal combat. Aside from low-range, low damage basic moves, she has absolutely no personal defense, relying entirely on her minions to keep her safe. Also, if her minions Champion her too much, they might all be in Knockout, leaving her completely defenseless. The same goes if she tries to chain their specials in too short a burst.

⦋ ?? || N/A || Male ⦌
With high heeled boots, a 6’10” stature (with those heels), long hair, and some well-applied makeup, one might have trouble determining Rosie’s gender before they figure out his status as a Nomad. His skin tone is a light bronze, while his eyes are a clear shade of hazel. His clothes never seem to stray from grays and blacks, never hitting a true white or any flashier colors. He has that confident, satisfied look in his eye, and the way he proudly walks around with one hand on his hip and another on the straps of his tote bag seem to give the impression that he knows what he’s doing and what he’s after, even when he really doesn’t. His right eye is constantly covered by his thick brown hair, and he’s somewhat protective of whatever might be lying under it. He speaks in a rather flamboyant manner, and though little phases someone as old as him, he often shifts his tone in irritating, condescending ways when he wishes to mock someone.
- Flamboyant
- Condescending
- Flamboyant
- Teasing
- Domineering
- Appreciates Beauty
- Something of an environmentalist
A very, very long time ago, Rosier was an angel. He likes to say that he was a pretty important one, too. When he's asked about why he isn't one anymore, his answer often changes. Sometimes he says that he was a little too zealous. Sometimes he answers that he simply got bored, or that being a perfect embodiment of light and good was too stressful.
Regardless, he was a demon from that point on, a creature of lust and temptation. He enjoyed his job for the most part, though for whatever reason, he sometimes felt like his heart just wasn't in it. It was only around the mid-1940’s when he really began to realize his true calling: Art. There was something that struck him about Earth’s natural beauty. It wasn’t eternally perfect like in his first home, nor was it eternally tarnished like in his second. It was varied, fleeting, and somewhere in between the two extremes. It was something he felt deserved to captured.
He began to travel across the world, painting whatever he found to be worth painting, and making a quick buck selling whatever he thought was worth sharing. While it was something of an odd set of decades for the devil, it was very much fulfilling, and he never stopped travelling regardless of what friends or foes he made along the way. He was going to capture as much of the world as he could behind a canvas.
As well as brush up on his combat skills. Heavens knew there were plenty of roadblocks on his travels.
Regardless, he was a demon from that point on, a creature of lust and temptation. He enjoyed his job for the most part, though for whatever reason, he sometimes felt like his heart just wasn't in it. It was only around the mid-1940’s when he really began to realize his true calling: Art. There was something that struck him about Earth’s natural beauty. It wasn’t eternally perfect like in his first home, nor was it eternally tarnished like in his second. It was varied, fleeting, and somewhere in between the two extremes. It was something he felt deserved to captured.
He began to travel across the world, painting whatever he found to be worth painting, and making a quick buck selling whatever he thought was worth sharing. While it was something of an odd set of decades for the devil, it was very much fulfilling, and he never stopped travelling regardless of what friends or foes he made along the way. He was going to capture as much of the world as he could behind a canvas.
As well as brush up on his combat skills. Heavens knew there were plenty of roadblocks on his travels.
Rosie has some dextrous, delicate hands, and he prefers not to get them dirty on those lesser Nomads. His palette knife is actually the sealed form of his long-cherished greatsword, Rembrandt, and by coating it in shadow, he can project a sharp blade similar to a real knife. He uses it in up-close encounters, with a style that’s a fine blend between Scherma di Stiletto Siciliano, Esgrima Criolla, and Fairbairn-Sykes. He’ll deftly dance around and counter blows as well as wrap his scarf or coat around his hand and use it to parry other lighter attacks, grabbing opponents and stabbing them where it hurts if he’s feeling particularly sadistic. If a bit more range and power is needed, he’ll put his legs to work with deadly ballerina-esque twirls as well as roundhouses, butterfly kicks, and axe kicks, coating his boots in shadow to turn them into almost literal stiletto heels.
At range, using his paintbrush, he can leave ink in midair that can be used to make what he paints reality. With much room for creativity and stylistic flair, it’s his preferred method of fighting by a long shot.
He can also gather the darkness, chaos, aggression, and similar concepts of his opponents to store and use for his BlackStar transformation, returning both him and his greatsword to their true shadowy forms as he dusts off his fast and brutal demonic fighting style.
Rosie can sense magical energies in addition to ki.
At range, using his paintbrush, he can leave ink in midair that can be used to make what he paints reality. With much room for creativity and stylistic flair, it’s his preferred method of fighting by a long shot.
He can also gather the darkness, chaos, aggression, and similar concepts of his opponents to store and use for his BlackStar transformation, returning both him and his greatsword to their true shadowy forms as he dusts off his fast and brutal demonic fighting style.
Rosie can sense magical energies in addition to ki.
■ [Cross Section]
Rosie grabs his paintbrush and quickly draws a line through his opponent, which cuts through them as if it were an imperceptibly fast swing from a very sharp sword. Best suited for long ranges, though it will cut through any obstacles or projectiles between them instead if at all possible.
■ [Pointillist Barrage]
Rosie draws several dots over his opponent. When he finishes, gunshots sound from midair to turn those dots into bullet holes. Takes more time to set up than Cross Section, but can’t be blocked by thrown projectiles.
■ [Dark Bomb]
Rosie draws a circle and draws a line through one of its edges, creating a large, cartoonish bomb with a lit fuse, exploding either after a few seconds or upon contact with an attack or enemy. Instead of flames, it explodes into a jet-black, ink-like sludge that impedes movement as it hardens. It will eventually crumble after a few seconds, an attack hits it, or the opponent manages to break free. If Rosie makes contact with the sludge while the opponent is mired in it, he can use the sludge as a conduit to absorb darkness from them to use for BlackStar. An undetonated bomb can be “paused” if he cuts the fuse with Cross Section, and “resumed” if he restores the fuse with his Restoration skill.
■ [Gale Stroke]
Rosie draws a swirl in the air which materializes as a strong wind that rages for several seconds. Does no damage, but can slow opponents moving against the wind, be used to roll around a Dark Bomb, extend the distance of his Nevermore dash (in the direction the wind is blowing), and remove stage hazards that were set up.
■ [Happy Little Trees]
Rosie draws a heavy dot into the ground, which manifests as a seed which erupts into a hearty, full-grown oak tree. It can send an unwary opponent skywards, but it can also be used as cover. It can be chopped down with Cross Section, allowing the tree to fall onto the enemy.
■ [Restoration]
Rosie draws whatever was missing from a broken object, restoring it as if it had never been broken. For example, a tree that he had previously cut down, or a Dark Bomb with a cut fuse. It can be used out of combat, though it’s still limited to inorganic matter or plant life, and especially large or complex subjects may be too much for his power to handle.
■ [Nevermore]
Feathered wings of shadow sprout from Rosie’s back for a moment, allowing for a quick burst of vertical or horizontal movement on the ground or in the air. If Gale Stroke is active, the distance of this dash increases dramatically. In BlackStar form, the move becomes Forevermore, and Rosie corkscrews through the air while forming a spear of shadow in front of him. If he uses the move to ascend upwards next to an opponent, they’re sliced and driven up with him by his wings.
■ [Twilight Bliss]
Rosie spins in the air towards an opponent like a ballerina, with a leg extended. If he hits his target, he’ll catch them between his thigh and his lower leg. The momentum carries his opponent to the ground face-first as he sits on top of them and crushes them with his leg. While they’re restrained, he’ll tap into their essence, drawing the darkness from their heart and feeding on it, giving him some energy for BlackStar. He’ll use his other leg to push himself into the air and away from his opponent once he’s done.
■ [Fallen Angel]
Rosie coats his heel in shadow and raises his leg high into the air for a devastating axe kick. If it hits, he grinds his heel into his downed opponent, gathering energy from them to use for BlackStar before punting them away. If the opponent is already on the ground, he elects to skip the kick. In BlackStar form, he launches four Star Thrusts into them after he lands the attack for additional damage.
■ [Round Trip]
Only usable in BlackStar form. Rosie throws his sword at his foe. It spins around a bit for additional damage before returning to him. In the meantime, he fights using a secondary knife made of shadows that works the same as his knife in his normal form.
■ [Stinger]
Only usable in BlackStar form. Rosie leaves a trail of dust behind him as he spreads his wings and zooms towards the enemy with Rembrandt held forwards, either on the ground or in the air. If it hits, a second, larger blade of shadow emanates from the hilt and slams into the opponent again for additional damage.
■ [Star Thrust]
Only usable in BlackStar form. Rosie summons a longsword made of darkness, similar to Rembrandt, behind himself that then sails through the air straight towards the enemy in an attempt to stab them.
■ [Break Time!]
Rosie traces his own shadow and walks off into the background, summoning a seat and some tea, coffee, or hot cocoa (or a glass of Amontillado, on occasion) with arcane magic. The traced shadow comes to life, fighting in his stead. Though it’s rather fragile and can’t use any of his painting attacks or BlackStar-exclusive moves, the shadow will try to keep the opponent at bay with a guard and the occasional prodding swing of the knife. In the meantime, he regenerates some health and gains energy for BlackStar until his shadow is dispersed.
■ [BlackStar]
Using the dark energy he’s collected, Rosie’s body turns to shadows as he reveals his true demonic form. Each collection will equal twenty seconds of time in BlackStar form, up to a maximum of a minute. His strength and speed increases, Rembrandt’s blade extends as it returns to its true greatsword form, and he gets access to some moves he can’t use otherwise, but he loses access to his art-based special moves in this form.
■ [Climax]
Only usable in BlackStar form. Rosie dashes back and forth through his opponent, slicing through them several times, each time using Star Thrust to set up a sword aimed at them. He finishes by holding the sorry soul aloft by the neck and stabbing Rembrandt through them as all of the Star Thrusts finally activate and pincushion their target. He backflips away, congeals the darkness used to maintain his BlackStar form into a black rose centered around his brush, and throws it at Rembrandt, causing the darkness surrounding it and making up the Star Thrusts to explode. Rembrandt and the brush fly back into his hands as he and the blade return to their normal form.
Rosie fights only decently at close range and excels at longer ranges, but falters at medium ranges where Cross Section is the only attack with the lack of setup time he needs to be effective. Anyone with the luxury of fighting comfortably in that range can shut down his ability to fight back if they can keep up with his attempts to move out of it. In BlackStar form, the same concept applies to long-range combat while he covers his mid-range weaknesses.
All of his paintbrush attacks are based on his own perception. If his vision is impaired, they become useless even if “aimed” correctly.
Though he is immortal, Rosie needs strength to maintain his physical form, and it can be dispersed if he takes enough of a beating. At least, until he can gather enough darkness to remake it, though that could take a very long time. Though decent, his endurance is nothing special, and he is especially vulnerable to holy and light-based attacks.
Rosie rarely treats his opponents as anything more than a nuisance, often viewing the challenges of those lesser beings as something not worth his time. When he begins taking his opponent seriously, they may easily have the advantage over him.
All of his paintbrush attacks are based on his own perception. If his vision is impaired, they become useless even if “aimed” correctly.
Though he is immortal, Rosie needs strength to maintain his physical form, and it can be dispersed if he takes enough of a beating. At least, until he can gather enough darkness to remake it, though that could take a very long time. Though decent, his endurance is nothing special, and he is especially vulnerable to holy and light-based attacks.
Rosie rarely treats his opponents as anything more than a nuisance, often viewing the challenges of those lesser beings as something not worth his time. When he begins taking his opponent seriously, they may easily have the advantage over him.
Rosie donates a fair portion of the money he makes through selling art to various environmental protection and preservation organizations, though most of that goes into landscape preservation.
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