Name: Atticus Timothy Vaughn
Cyborg # : 009
Nationality: United States
Age When Created: 30
Additional Power: flight, robotic lungs, underwater adaption
Likes: Western movies, M*A*S*H*, classic rock, dogs, cheeseburgers
Dislikes: cats, awkward silences, large groups of people, being put on the spot, movies with subtitles
Former Occupation: Coal Miner
Experience: Discovered a means to produce clean fuel in the remnants of Atlantis, saved miners trapped in a cave in, and assisted the Navy and Coast Guard on several search & rescue missions. Atticus also worked with the Air Force on several occasions.

BRIEF Bio: He remembers being raised in a small coal mining town in Virginia. As soon as he got out of high school he got a job working in the coal mines. His father had left him and his mother on their own and he also had a younger brother (Richard, currently 50 yrs old) he helped raise. He was approached when heading to a Marine recruiter's office by a man claiming he was with the government himself and looking for volunteers. This lead to the machinations that made him the Cyborg he is today.
* Remembers being a kid during the Vietnam War in the 60's, the moon landing, Woodstock, and Nixon being elected President.
* Doesn't remember much of his time working in the mines or his teenage years but frequently uses a pick ax in combat.
* Would've actually been an earlier Cyborg in the 00 series, however there was a lot of trial and error with his flight systems and breathing underwater as well as high altitudes. His brain also suffered some damage and he lost many of his memories.
Cyborg # : 009
Nationality: United States
Age When Created: 30
Additional Power: flight, robotic lungs, underwater adaption
Likes: Western movies, M*A*S*H*, classic rock, dogs, cheeseburgers
Dislikes: cats, awkward silences, large groups of people, being put on the spot, movies with subtitles
Former Occupation: Coal Miner
Experience: Discovered a means to produce clean fuel in the remnants of Atlantis, saved miners trapped in a cave in, and assisted the Navy and Coast Guard on several search & rescue missions. Atticus also worked with the Air Force on several occasions.

BRIEF Bio: He remembers being raised in a small coal mining town in Virginia. As soon as he got out of high school he got a job working in the coal mines. His father had left him and his mother on their own and he also had a younger brother (Richard, currently 50 yrs old) he helped raise. He was approached when heading to a Marine recruiter's office by a man claiming he was with the government himself and looking for volunteers. This lead to the machinations that made him the Cyborg he is today.
* Remembers being a kid during the Vietnam War in the 60's, the moon landing, Woodstock, and Nixon being elected President.
* Doesn't remember much of his time working in the mines or his teenage years but frequently uses a pick ax in combat.
* Would've actually been an earlier Cyborg in the 00 series, however there was a lot of trial and error with his flight systems and breathing underwater as well as high altitudes. His brain also suffered some damage and he lost many of his memories.
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