Light Savath

Character Summary
Light Savath
Continent of Origin:
High Mist
Mage, Destruction
Physical Attributes
164 lbs
Appearance Description:
Skinny, red skin with an orange tinge, silver eyes, brown hair.
Day To Day Attire:
Something a ship captain would wear, minus the hat. He likes green colors, so he'll always have at least one
green thing.
- Intelligent
- Lying/Manipulation/Machiavellianism
- Has a logical mind
- Mid-far range combat
- Quick on his feet/Good reaction time
- Fire Magics
- Pyschopathic tendencies
- Obsessive
- Sadistic
- Close Quarters Combat
- Can't take a hit/Squishy
- Running
- Can't take a hit/Squishy
- Holy/Divine Magics
Psychological Attributes
Dangerously Obsessive * Logical * Sadistic * Reliable
Relationship Status:
Ever since Light was able to know about such things, he was interested in how everything worked. Constantly
asking questions. He was a man of science and studied practically anything when he could. Although, wanting
to learn about everything made it so he collected and dissected whatever he could get his hands on, whether
it be man or beast. Light isn't really one of the most sociable people, especially since he doesn't really
like or understand people. He gave up on trying to understand why people do things, adding that to the rather
small list of things he will never quite grasp. Usually though, when he doesn't understand something he'll
obsess over it. The need to understand consumes him, and he will go out of his way to find knowledge. When he
does understand something, he tends to get extremely excited about it.
He was raised to be the best, so he rarely will tolerate anything else when it comes to himself, Light will
never break a promise or deal, and finds doing so extremely disrespectful. He sees other people as nothing
but experiments or tools, and will often manipulate people to get what he wants. Light actually enjoys
watching people squirm under his thumb, it almost gives him as much pleasure as learning. This man rarely
tells the truth, and often won't tell people about himself. He thinks that if people know him, they will use
it against him.
In short, Light is obsessed with learning and gaining new knowledge, doesn't really like people, doesn't
understand people and their emotions, everything he does has to be as close to perfect as possible, he uses
people and gains some pleasure from it, and doesn't like letting people know personal details about himself.
- Fidgeting. Anything he can get his hands on he'll fidget with.
- Ignoring people. If people are boring or disrupting his work, he'll pretend they aren't there.
- Pocketing things. If he likes it or it interests him, chances are he'll put it in his pocket and forget about it.
- Being unkind. He doesn't feel the need to cater to people's feelings and will often forget that people need to be treated nicely for him to be liked.
- Collecting. He has bags full of seemingly worthless things. Mainly random animal bones or potion samples.
- Reading. He'll read anything as long as it gives him some new knowledge.
- Small crafts. He likes making small things, like little boxes, jewelry, or dolls.
- Dogs. He was bitten as a child and is always scared he's going to get mauled. He does his best to avoid them, but if one starts to chase him or act aggressively, he'll freeze. Either that or he will destroy them in a bout of fire.
- Death. Anyone in their right mind is scared of dying, but he is petrified of it. If he thinks a situation will get him killed he will refuse to do it, and will probably even leave. He can barely even think of death without panicking. He's made attempts at immortality before, but they've always ended in his test subject's death.
- Disfiguiration. His parents beat it into him that he had to be perfect, and scars, marks, missing limbs, or anything of that like are far from perfect. He considers scars hideous and something to be ashamed of. He will go into a panic if he is burned or badly cut for fear that he will be scarred.
- Reading.
- Messing with people.
- The color green.
- Small things that fit in his hand. They're the best to fidget with.
- Puzzles.
- Reading.
- People in general.
- Dogs.
- Being dirty.
- The color orange.
- Too much heat/being sweaty.
- Willful ignorance & stupidity.
- Skill: Puzzle Solving His love of puzzles makes it so he can easily and quickly solve puzzles.
- Skill: Fencing As a child he was taught fencing as a way to discipline himself. It quickly became a fun hobby and a way of fighting without spells.
- Skill: Fire Starting He can start a fire with damn near anything and on anything. His love of fire made this possible. As a child, he used to burn his neighbors toys.
- Skill: Diplomacy He's good at settling arguments and deciding what's best for both parties. Not that he would really use it for anyone but himself.
- Skill: Small Crafts He enjoys making small things as a hobby and has gotten quite good at it.
- Skill: Lying He is a liar at heart and rarely tells the truth. He's been a liar since he first learned it at age 10 and hasn't really stopped since.
- Spell: Firebolt Hurl a mote of fire at a creature or object within range (120 ft). A flammable object hit by this spell ignites. Casting Time: Six seconds. Components: Verbal, Somatic (Hand movements). Damage: (2d10) 20 Damage.
- Spell: Burning Hands As you hold your hands with thumbs touching and fingers spread, a thin sheet of flames shoots forth from your outstretched fingertips. The fire ignites any flammable objects in the area. Casting Time: Sex seconds. Components: Verbal, Somatic. Damage: (3d6) 18 Damage.
- Spell: Chain Lightning You create a bolt of lightning that arcs toward a target of your choice that you can see within range (150 ft). Three bolts then leap from that taget to as many as three other targets, each of which must be within 30 feet of the first target. A target can be a creature or an object and can be targeted by only one of the bolts. Casting Time: 6 seconds. Components: Verbal, Somatic. Damage: (10d8) 80.
- Spell: Cone of Cold A blast of cold air erupts from your hands. Each creature in a 60-foot cone takes cold damage. A creature killed by this spell becomes a frozen statue until it thaws. Casting Time: 6 seconds. Components: Verbal, Somatic, Small Crystal. Damage: (8d8) 64 damage.
- Spell: Continual Flame A flame, equivalent in brightness to a torch, springs forth from an object that you touch. The effect looks like a regular flame, but it creates no heat and doesn't use oxygen. A continual flame can be covered or hidden but not smothered or quenched. Continues until dispelled. Casting Time: 6 seconds. Components: Verbal, Somatic. Damage: None.
- Spell: Erupting Earth Choose a point you can see on the ground within range (120 ft). A fountain of churned earth and stone erupts in a 20-foot cube centered on that point. Each creature in that area that doesn't dodge takes damage. Additionally, the ground in that area becomes difficult terrain until cleared away. Each 5-foot-square portion of the area requires at least 1 minutes to clear by hand. Casting Time: 6 seconds. Components: Verbal, Somatic, a Piece of Obsidian. Damage: (3d12) 36 Damage.
- Racial Ability: Dread CallTieflings are heavily resistant to demonic and otherworldly possession (except from the Dread God itself) and can temporarily call upon the Dreaded One to read ancient texts (though the Dread God may not always answer)
Possessions Generally On Person (Hip Bag):
- Item: Spellbook A book that has all of his known incantations.
- Item: Small Crystal A small blue crystal used for spells.
- Item: Large Piece of Obsidian A large piece of obsidian (about the size of a dagger) used for spells. It is sharp enough to double as a dagger in a pinch. Although, if it's slammed against metal, stone, or anything harder than a cracker, it may break.
- Item: Charcoal Used for writing.
- Item: Coin Purse A pouch used for holding coins.
- Item: 3 Days Rations A collection of dried meats. It's enough to get one person through three days if used once a day. It could probably get one person through a longer period of time if used sparingly.
- Item: Assortment of Junk The remaining spaces in his bag are dedicated to holding random junk he felt was worth collecting.
- Item: Rapier A rapier tailored for Light.
- Item: Dagger A small dagger used for cutting things, like cheese, ropes, or someone who got too close.
- Item: Hunting Knife A knife made to gut and skin animals, and cut wood.
- Item: N/A
- Item: N/A
- Item: N/A
Armor: Base armor only, no magically enhanced items
- Item: Light Leather Chest Piece Offers more armor than clothes, but not as much as other things. Difficult to bite through.
- Item: Light Leather Leggings. Offers more armor than clothes, but not as much as other things. Difficult to bite through.
- Item: Light Leather Boots. Offers mroe armor than clothes, but not as much as other things. Comfortable walking shoes. Difficult to bite through.
- Item: N/A
- Item: N/A
- Item: N/A
Pack Contents: What do you carry in you pack when traveling
- Item: 5 Days Rations A collection of dried meats that can get one person through five days if eaten once every day. It could probably get one person through a longer period of time if used sparingly.
- Item: Water Skin A basic water skin that can hold a half gallon of water when full.
- Item: Bed Roll A bed roll made of assorted furs. Good if sleeping on the ground. Bad if sleeping in the snow.
- Item: Basic Fire Starting Material Assorted plant fibers and a flint and steel. Flint and steel are good for 50 more uses.
- Item: Small Tent A small green tent made for one person. Gives extra warmth, especially when combined with a bed roll.
- Item: Assorted Maps A map for every place he's been and any place he's going. It doesn't give cities, instead they are all basic topography maps.
Magical Items:
- Item: Arcane Focus A crystal used to focus arcane energies to allow the casting of powerful or completecated spells.
- Item: N/A
Potions: Premade or prepurchased potions
- Item: Healing Potion (3) Potions that restore a some health and energy. Doesn't work if bleeding or poisoned.
- Item: Poison Antidote (2) Potions that heal basic poisons (weak poison spells, food poisoning, weak plant poisoning).
- Item: N/A
- Item: N/A
- Item: N/A
Creation Materials: Anything used to brew potions or for alchemy
- Item: Deeproot (2) Grown in the forests of Valenndale Deeproot works as incredibly potent disinfectant and anti-bacterial cleansing agent. It is used most commonly throughout the Elven Kingdom as well as the Union. Deeproot serum is often recognized as a foreign entity by the body and thus quickly attacked in an attempt by said body to balance its humors. It works well in cleansing cuts and when applied to infections.
- Item: Witch Hazel (5) A common herbal serum ingested to alleviate pain, and minor illness. Witch Hazel is common in more areas of the world, particularly in Carthus.
- Item: N/A
- Item: N/A
- Item: N/A
- Item: N/A
History: Light was born in Syddal, but his mother, Nericia brought him over from the Pillar Cities to Bobriki to keep him from going through the Tiefling trials. His father, Elyas isn't biological, but he is still the only father he's ever really known. His family was surrounded by scandal (mainly because his mother was a tiefling and his father a human), although none of it was ever really bad. His father was a merchant and that kept his family well fed. He never had brothers or sisters, it was just his father, his mother, and him. If he did have siblings, he probably would've tormented them to no end.
His love of knowledge started early on, and his mother encouraged it. Nericia constantly gave him things to work with. His favorites were the puzzles and the riddles, although she challenged him with other things, such as reading or math challenges. Light was a secluded child because he was more fond of his puzzles than anyone else, but he did have one friend. His only childhood was his neighbor, Gabriel. He was a runt that, like Light, had no other friends. Light often picked on him and took his things, but Gabriel didn't mind. Gabriel accepted whatever Light did to him, which often wasn't kind. Even if Light burned Gabriel's toys, he still looked out for him. When other kids picked on the boy, Light would torment them instead. His fondest memory of his early childhood was putting a snake down a bully's shirt. The snake bit the boy and almost killed him, but they knew not to pick on Light or Gabriel after that.
Light didn't have much discipline and was free to do as he wished (as long as he mastered his daily puzzles), but Elyas insisted he had something. Light had seen other rich kids fencing and wanted to try it too, only so he could be better than them. He was slow to learn it and often got scolded for it. Although, when he finally picked it up he enjoyed it and quickly became better than the other kids. Eventually, though, he got bored. If Light didn't have a challenge, he didn't see the point in doing something. When he got older, his mother suggested magic. His mother was a healer so he had an inborn ability and quickly learned to love magic. Light gave up his friendship with Gabriel to pursue Destruction Magic, although part of it wasn't his choice. He enjoyed destroying many things, so it was a fun hobby, although his mother rarely let him use his magic for fear he would be discovered and taken away. In order to protect him from being stolen, Nericia also kept him in her sights at all times. He wasn't allowed to go anywhere without her, and they always practiced on their property, behind closed doors.
When he became a teenager, he was obsessed with learning. He wanted to learn about everything, whether it was a spell or a worm. His mother taught him as much as she could, but it wasn't enough. She didn't ever let him use magic, so he had no experience. At age 16 he set out into the world. He knew a few spells, and if those failed he had his fencing. Even with his mother's training, he wasn't a fully fledged mage. He didn't ever get the proper training. He never studied under monks, so he doesn't have much control over his magic. Light's magic unstable because it is based on his emotion. He is usually calm, and that works out best with his magic, but with feelings of anger or excitement it becomes more devastating and out of control. If Light is ever depressed or sad, his magic is less powerful and is more likely to fail. When terribly depressed or sad, he can't summon more than a simple flame. The more intense and powerful the emotion, the more it controls his magic. Anger, anxiety, fear, anguish, excitement, along with a few other things are very strong emotions that cause his magic to become more dangerous. Sadness, emotional numbness, daze, and other things are strong in their own sense, but they dampen his magical ability.
Light had enough to protect himself as he traveled the nation. Learning is his passion, and even with as much as he knows, he seeks to learn more. He knows powerful magic and an assortment of things about the creatures and science of the world. Even though he's not fond of people, he still chose to learn about them too. He learned more about his magic through experience and figured out what worked best for him, but sometimes his emotions still get out of control.
Light hungers for more knowledge, and will seek it to the edges of the earth. He wants to become immortal just so he can continue to learn forever. He has his mother to thank for his passion, and he would gladly die if it meant he knew everything.
Character Quote:
“Knowledge is power? No. Knowledge on its own is nothing, but the application of useful knowledge, now that
is powerful.”
Theme Song
Vivaldi Tchaikovsky - Marche Slave
Anything Else:
"I swear allegiance to High Mist. May she never fall."