Lienna Orhneaht

Lienna's eyes are an icy pale lilac, and her ivory hair has silver streaks which reflect the light as potently as their namesake. In the right light, her skin glimmers like sunlight on fresh snow.
Lienna was born to a young woman whose name she never learned, and who left her daughter with her mother mere days after her birth. In fact, all the information about her mother Lienna could ever draw from her grandmother was that she was a foolish girl with more a head for Air than Water, and that by abandoning her village and family, she was hardly worthy to be named. After all their village, Hima, was in the farthest reaches of the North: If one struck out alone, it would only serve to freeze them out forever.
Though they were Water gems, just like almost everyone in the village, they were outcasts; the superstitious townspeople thought Lienna's mother a traitor and her grandmother a fool for not drowning the child when she showed signs of beauty. They believed that beautiful daughters brought the Drakken upon the village, thus more likely to Reap from them again, and believed that killing a beautiful infant was more humane a fate than the possibility of being Reaped. In hindsight, Lienna wonders if they may have been right.
Despite their effective exile, for the majority of her life, Lienna was happy. Her grandmother loved her fiercely and made a point to teach her all she could, everything from mundane tasks to the stories of the gods and the histories and legends of their people. Above all, however, Lienna's grandmother taught her the core values held in the highest regard by the Water gems of Hima, values such as temperance, wisdom, perseverance, and the like - all made more relevant by their relative solitude. “A strong woman makes choices to improve her life and the lives of others, no matter what those choices may be,” she’d always said, “A strong woman will never give up, not even when all hope is lost and everything is dark and broken.”
The village in which they lived was very religious, and Lienna and her grandmother were no different. They held strong faith with Naia, the goddess of Water, patron of Water Gems. Her grandmother taught her many things about her goddess and her faith, but perhaps the most resounding of her lessons was this:
"Water always finds a way."
This became a mantra for Lienna as she faced life’s natural challenges, and she was growing to be a smart and cheerful girl. However, life is rarely so kind as to leave one unhindered in their development.
When Lienna was fourteen, her grandmother's great age began to manifest in ugly ways. It started with confusion, and wandering from home with no memory as to why. Then her other memories began to slip; she would find herself perplexed by the order in which to layer her furs, and now and then, glance at Lienna with a fog in her eyes. Within less than a year, the wise and vibrant woman Lienna loved so dearly was taken from her and replaced by little more than a husk, the body of a dead woman whose heart had yet to stop beating.
There was nothing Lienna could do but take up the mantle of caretaker. Within a year she was transformed from child to parent, taking on every responsibility of a normal household along with others more specific to her grandmother's condition. All the while, Lienna felt as if she was living with a corpse, and the pain in her heart each time she looked at her grandmother never faded. She had to go through the horrors of puberty alone, had no one to talk to about her natural doubts and curiosities. Above all else, she dreaded the years to come, trapped in her home with the creature wearing her grandmother's skin.
Lienna was born to a young woman whose name she never learned, and who left her daughter with her mother mere days after her birth. In fact, all the information about her mother Lienna could ever draw from her grandmother was that she was a foolish girl with more a head for Air than Water, and that by abandoning her village and family, she was hardly worthy to be named. After all their village, Hima, was in the farthest reaches of the North: If one struck out alone, it would only serve to freeze them out forever.
Though they were Water gems, just like almost everyone in the village, they were outcasts; the superstitious townspeople thought Lienna's mother a traitor and her grandmother a fool for not drowning the child when she showed signs of beauty. They believed that beautiful daughters brought the Drakken upon the village, thus more likely to Reap from them again, and believed that killing a beautiful infant was more humane a fate than the possibility of being Reaped. In hindsight, Lienna wonders if they may have been right.
Despite their effective exile, for the majority of her life, Lienna was happy. Her grandmother loved her fiercely and made a point to teach her all she could, everything from mundane tasks to the stories of the gods and the histories and legends of their people. Above all, however, Lienna's grandmother taught her the core values held in the highest regard by the Water gems of Hima, values such as temperance, wisdom, perseverance, and the like - all made more relevant by their relative solitude. “A strong woman makes choices to improve her life and the lives of others, no matter what those choices may be,” she’d always said, “A strong woman will never give up, not even when all hope is lost and everything is dark and broken.”
The village in which they lived was very religious, and Lienna and her grandmother were no different. They held strong faith with Naia, the goddess of Water, patron of Water Gems. Her grandmother taught her many things about her goddess and her faith, but perhaps the most resounding of her lessons was this:
"Water always finds a way."
This became a mantra for Lienna as she faced life’s natural challenges, and she was growing to be a smart and cheerful girl. However, life is rarely so kind as to leave one unhindered in their development.
When Lienna was fourteen, her grandmother's great age began to manifest in ugly ways. It started with confusion, and wandering from home with no memory as to why. Then her other memories began to slip; she would find herself perplexed by the order in which to layer her furs, and now and then, glance at Lienna with a fog in her eyes. Within less than a year, the wise and vibrant woman Lienna loved so dearly was taken from her and replaced by little more than a husk, the body of a dead woman whose heart had yet to stop beating.
There was nothing Lienna could do but take up the mantle of caretaker. Within a year she was transformed from child to parent, taking on every responsibility of a normal household along with others more specific to her grandmother's condition. All the while, Lienna felt as if she was living with a corpse, and the pain in her heart each time she looked at her grandmother never faded. She had to go through the horrors of puberty alone, had no one to talk to about her natural doubts and curiosities. Above all else, she dreaded the years to come, trapped in her home with the creature wearing her grandmother's skin.
Lienna has some trouble with reading and numbers, as she never had the opportunity to go to school or access many books. Her preferred use of her elemental magic is freezing water into ice.
Lienna's grandmother is nearing 170 as of now, and has been in the clutches of dementia for six years. Now and then she mutters random things about Lienna's mother, but Lienna has no way of knowing how true her ramblings are.
Lienna identifies with water in every sense. She has always been calm and as wise as a young lady can be without age to help her, stoic and logical with a steady temper. She has always taken life's challenges in stride, with the phrase in her mind,
"Water always finds a way."
Adult Content Preference:
I'm open to taking it to PMs if I think it would be fun or add something to her story. Otherwise, fading to black is fine too. If you're curious, just ask me. come at me with that 18+ content yo