Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Victoria Darya Romus

. Final round armoury . Wensday Afternoon . (Victoria)

Victoria walked carefully round a larger area of rough pavement and began to hear a distinct female voice, likely the same person who owned the blue BMW parked out front with black windows. Walking closer the voiced got louder and she also saw a closed sign on the Armoury doors and lights on inside. What was going on? Some side woman, a client? Most people who drive those cars Don, t visit a blacksmith though... Do they? There was somthing strange going on to say the least.

Feeling the cold somewhat, squeezing past the BMW and Milos huge truck her ring caught the door slightly leaving a faint diamond cut line down the door to bare metal, going unnoticed as she was more worried about mantaining balence and not dropping her food, and wine bottle in her bags.

Should she head home and just call a cab, or head in? Did Milo have some normal woman on the side, or was she some play for fun and completing some set. Deciding she rather know the truth than live in lies she knocked Firmly as she could on the door and looked for a door bell while she was waiting. Raising her voice with a cooler off the boat English Accent, trying to make sure clearly hered through a door.

Hey.. Milo... It's Victoria. I brought food and beer as tribute.

Rather cold out here hon. I may look like Elsa.. But im kinda cold.

Waiting outside the door and calling inside, white fake fur coat pulled tight with a pale belt, dark brown below the knee boots and a pair of jeans just viable below the coats hem. Leaning slightly on her stick and placing the bags gently down on the doorstep with food and alcohol.

Hoping Milo was not in the bathroom or somthing, deciding she probbly should have called ahead vs surprising him, least his truck was there so he could not be too far away. Most people would look pale from the cold but just looked normal self despite the cold.

Snelling what smelt like some very good BBQ meat emeinating from thr side the place, it seemed she maybe did not need to have picked up take out on her way over after all. Damn, probbly. Defenitely to text ahead next time. Least the wine was useful. Milo did not have any last time and she was not a big fan of beer. Maybe he had a bottle of vodka somewhere... She had got used to it when she spent some time with her Russian godfather, his family and her dad. Ivan was a bear of a man with a reputation as a tough first mate, though very different in private with family and freinds.

Well beer might still be needed.

Rapping her foot slightly she waited at door, and checked her phone just incase for a nearby Uber to call if she was left stood on a doorstep.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RoccanIronclad
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RoccanIronclad Blacksmith Of / Micelmeras

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Milo Ventri

Milo looked at the bag on his table, there was a certain thunk as it hit the hard surface, one that denoted something made of steel. Milo took the bag in hand and opened it up, it was definitely gym clothes, an old Diamonds jersey, he and Paige were always the more avid sports fans of their group, he waved his hand by his face jokingly with a jovial smile as to tease Paige, but under the red of her jersey was a distinct silver glint. Milo let his hand wrap around the handle of the hand cannon he had built for Jackie after first coming to Sol, damn, what had Paige done, if she shot Jackie or one of his guys they were sure to come after.... it wasn't his.... the gun was messed up, damaged, it wasn't even clean. Milo took a hard look to the barrel, the gunpowder around the muzzle told him that whoever was using this had not been taking care of it, no oil, not even a light scrub, he had given Jackie full instruction, by his request.

"Paige, who had this?" Milo's demeanor turned from his more relaxed mood to instant rage. Milo if anything was an artist, his medium was steel and wood, brass and powder, and for him to see his work tarnished in this way was like a mustache on the Mona Lisa. "This gun was a gift to a friend of mine, one that I know would take better care of it than this." While mostly true, he also didn't think Jackie was above giving it to an idiot. Milo was white knuckling the handle, but he took a breath and set the gun down on the table before hearing the knock at his door. "Fucking hell, the sign means nothing." but then the words came through, of course it would be Victoria right now, he could have swore he told her he was fine, that she didn't need to come by. She had brought lunch it seemed and it seemed that if his day could get worse it was going to do so, he couldn't turn her away, at least not unless Paige was trying to arrest him, but if that were going to happen she would have a badge and have already tried it.

Milo didn't want Vika involved in any of his messes, especially this one, gunsmithing was a tricky business that he is on the wrong side of at the moment, he looked to Paige.

"Hold on, stay here, though I doubt you planned on leaving." He walked past her with a discerning scowl, still angry over the treatment of his gun. Milo grabbed the door and pulled it open to see Vika there standing in the cold with wine, beer, and food. He was really wishing she had texted him first. He stood in the doorway, filling it as to block the view of the inside.

"Vika? What are you doing? I wish you would have messaged me first, I'm a little stuck at the moment." He pushed the door open further, to reveal the two 'cops' in his shop. "I think something happened to a friend of mine, and they are trying to follow it up, I hate to do this, but can we do this another time? I can take you home really quick if you need me too." Milo wasn't lying, he was worried about Jackie, maybe not that he got hurt, but that he gave away a custom high caliber hand cannon to some piss ant grunt.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 6 days ago


Location: Milo's

Interaction: Milo (@RoccanIronclad), Paige (@Pilatus) and Victoria (@PrinceAlexus)

Siobhan was stepping back and just letting the whirlwind that is Paige take control. She convinced herself it was due being bored. She was afraid that it was due to not having enough adventure in her life. So here she was watching Milo and Paige aggravating each other and not knowing how to make it less tense in here.

Siobhan leaned against a table that looked sort of clean and made herself at home knowing that this was going to be a while. As there is a knock on the door Siobhan raises an eyebrow at Milo as if to say 'Company?'. She hears Victoria and looks shocked for a moment then covers her shock with a blank face with a slight smile as if to say that she found something slightly funny. When Milo opened the door Siobhan threw a look at Paige and shrugged. She whipped her head around to look at Milo and Victoria as Milo opened the door wider. Just What the hell does this idiot think he's doing? Shit!! Victoria's behavior the other night screamed insecure and now he's giving lame excuses to her now that he has to beautiful 'normal' girls here. I am most defiantly not here to follow up with anything. Giving Victoria a blank face she waited for the other woman to assume the worst.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Victoria Darya Romus

. Final round armoury . Old Harbour . Wensday Afternoon . (Victoria)

Victoria waited as the door opened, looking at Milos reaction it definitely had not worked out as planned. Her nice Suprise of bringing some food over after hurting his had to save cooking had backfired so very badly. First blocking the door and looking annoyed her mind raced and wondered if she had caught him with some side woman, was she the side girl and not know?

Looking in as he moved aside revealing two women at the table, one was Paige and another tall red head both dressed almost like they left a yoga class or somthing. The two women where sat at a table, a glass of somthing clear, overwhelming BBQ smell. Damn... She was hungry...

stuck... Ummm I thought I would Suprise you, bring food... Bottle of wine... After you hurt self... Il call you next time. Save getting cold.. Just thought I'd be nice to you...

Rolling her eyes slightly seeing the two women at table, voice dropping a to a somewhat cold whisper only Milo could hear unless they lip read. Giving a icey glare at the attractive Red head sat there, Paige was less the threat, a large glowing red blip though next to her flashed away at her internal radar. Paige seemed to have some kind of hand cannon the table, a big silver weapon, a gym bag and some team colours she not reconise. If that was her duty weapon, someone compensating for somthing...

Wait she was at the party, yeah the tall red head. She was wearing some dress and and a cloak.. Not many women that tall about.

why me... Fuck you universe. I try to do somthibg nice and this fucking happens... Dirty Harriet, plan wrecker 2 and her sidekick miss ohara.

Just... Call me later when you free of these.. Women...please. Il find a uber or call my sister... She not too far from here. I can make my own way home. Just help your freind and whatever you up to.I got about myself all the time in London.

Oh... These where Ment to be yours... Enjoy hon. I'm starving... So I'm gonna keep the Swaharma. I paid for it anyway.

Sighing and handing Milo the 5 pack of cheap lager tins slightly forcefully, leaning on her toes and giving a kiss on cheek leaving obvious lip stick mark, part for show and part meaning it and turning on her heal throwing up the coats hood more rejected and somewhat hurt than angry.

Heading off slowly into the cold, tempted to drag the diamond on her finger into Milos truck she decided against being a full bitch and waited just outside the armoury. Messaging her sister quickly.

Got a Dave. On way home. Talk later. Vika. X

Calling for a uber she managed to get the driver who had dropped her off waiting not too far away for a fare soon arrived, before departing back to Old Harbour. Climbing into the arriving car shakily from cold and lack of balence on the bad pavement.

Bad night miss, Don, t worry Il get ya home, heater already on full. Lucky, I had not got a new fare yet

Thanks... That's a understatement. Old Harbour... Just get me home...

Looking back to the armoury as vanished with a glance back at the cold closed door somewhat frustrated. A call ahead next time seemed a Better idea no matter how cute the Suprise. It would be a quiet trip, worried what Milo might say or of he even call. The truth could hurt you alot.

10-15 minutes later via a few shortcuts, the driver pulled up at Old Harbour and helped Victoria out the cab, seeing she made it to her door before heading out into the night on a new fare. He was pretty much guaranteed a good rating though.

Flopping onto a sofa with a heavy puff, pouring a large glass of wine and warming the food in a microwave looking out on very end of sunset from the windows out to the boats and river. Sighing and putting on Pretty Woman, it was a easy going film, and always a classic.

Keeping a eye on her phone and waiting for Marilania, she raised a glass to the TV sacrastcily.

Thanks Universe... Great Job there...


Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mattchstick
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Mattchstick This little light of mine...

Member Seen 5 yrs ago




Nothing ever goes exactly according to plan. Snap could have told you well ahead of time that the 12-hour training day would ever get cut short or last too long due to some kind of problem. It was usually a mechanical failure. Something just wouldn't start or an engine would die in the middle of the river or something. Maybe they'd forget something, who knows. All she knew for sure was that the kids were going to be cold when they got back. Kriss wanted to stay out late enough so that they'd be operating in the dark, which was great and all, except that he had a total rookie in the boat. In the dark. In frigid water. She had an uneasy feeling about it, something that had stuck with her for her 20-year term and was seldom wrong. Unfortunately, there really wasn't any other way to go about it. No one else was in and she had paperwork to do. She paused from her work, then reached into her desk and pulled out a thing three-ring binder that was chocked full of restaurant menus. Brushing her hair behind her ears again, Snap shuffled through them. She found the squad's favorite pizza parlor and checked for discounts. Midweek special? She could work with that.

Glancing at the clock, Snap slid her phone from her pocket and made a call.

She had been right about the training. Everything went perfectly fine...for about three hours. Kriss was satisfied with her ability to locate and use equipment and had moved on to explaining equipment in the cabin. Allison was a trooper and had only thrown up once, in one of the many bags on board for such an event. She had refused to quit, which was good, because he wasn't going to let her do so anyway. He was halfway through explaining how the throttle functioned when Allison, who was standing behind him outside the cabin, lost her balance again. She leaned to the right to grab the handrail, unaware that she was much closer to the edge of the edge of the boat than she realized. Her outstretched arm missed it and traveled over the side of the boat. Kriss heard her shriek and turned just in time to see the bottom half of Allison slide over the edge of the boat. He winced at the sound of her smacking into the river, as it was followed by a very loud gasp for air and a second, much quieter shriek. Kriss grabbed a life ring tethered to the boat and tossed it to her. She was only a few feet away, but, even though she had only been in the water for a few seconds, she was already visibly shaking. Her hand were turning white as they gripped the corners of the lifejacket.

The life ring hit the water and she latched onto it, digging her nails in and holding on for her life. Kriss bent his knees and reeled her in. He lunged forward and grabbed the arm holes of the jacket to haul her in. She hit the deck and curled up into a ball, teeth chattering as her clothes clung tightly to her skin. Kriss grabbed a thermal blanket and wrapped it around her to try and keep the cold out.

"Are you alright?"

She brushed the hair away from her face and nodded quickly.

"We are heading back. Try to avoid hyperventilating."

She nodded again, pulling the blanket closer to her body. Kriss started the boat and gunned the engines, making a tight arc and heading back to the boat ramp. So much for that.

With the help of the man at the station, Kriss winched the boat back onto the trailed and secured it. He jumped into the already-running truck and glanced at Allison, who was wrapped in a new blanket and had angled all of the dashboard air vents, all blowing at maximum heat, at herself. Wordlessly he put the vehicle in gear and headed back to the station. He was disappointed. Not with Ally, but with the lost time. They hadn't even gotten to operating the boat at night. If there was a water rescue to make in the next few days, he hoped someone more qualified would be on board. After all, Ally's one-week term was coming to a close soon. She was, in his opinion, qualified and capable. She was a little too excitable for his taste, though, and definitely needed more training. Maybe Snap could arrange for her to take courses if she wanted to come back and join later on.

Nothing else of interest occurred between leaving the marina and parking the truck. Snap met them at the front and helped guide Kriss into the bay, making sure he didn't park too far back. The instant the vehicle came to a close, Allison yanked the door handle open and slid out.

"Please tell me it's warm in here!" she exclaimed. The warm truck interior had helped, but her teeth were still clenched. Her clothes and wet hair were making it impossible for her to warm up.

Snap realized immediately what had happened and placed an arm behind her, leading her quickly across the garage.

"Come with me. We're getting you into the shower."

Nodding again, the two of them vanished into the back rooms. Kriss ignored them, choosing instead to wash the saltwater off of the boat with a large fire hose mounted to the wall. She would be fine.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 6 days ago

Paige Kennedy

Paige rolled her eyes and crossed her arms at Milo's silly hand gestures. They were at least acting civil enough to one another. Leaning back against the counter, she was waiting to see his reaction to the "surprise" she brought for him and seeing his demeanor fall at first sight of the gun told her what she needed to know. He was angry, but his reasoning was as self-centered as ever. He wasn't concerned about the law, just the insult to his work. You roll with the pigs and you get dirty. She thought. She let him talk momentarily to see how long it would take for him to figure out how grave the implications actually could be. He seemed to be on the verge of putting the pieces together when there was a knock at the door.

Watching him grumble past, he looked just like he did when he stormed away back at the winter party and she wondered who was about to get a good dose of classic Milo. She caught a sliver of a glance as he opened the door and then he confirmed it. She listened to him attempting his most diplomatic tone and was surprised when he actually opened the door up. Paige looked on at the frail little girl as Milo did his best to come up with something right off the top of his head though there was no doubt how it looked. She shook her head at Sio's comment. It was embarrassing enough for Victoria. However, she also remembered the pitiful thing giving her the stink eye that morning at the gym... and as Milo had his back turned closing the door she gave Vika a wink right before the hardwood struck the frame.

"Well, now that's over with, let's get back to what we were talking about." Paige spoke as if he'd just shooed away a vacuum salesman. "So, just how many 'friends' have you been giving these gifts to?" She asked. "Is this the only one?" Though she very much wanted to needle him about shutting the door in his girlfriend's face the information she could gather on this person or persons might be useful in other places and if the ATF was already onto him, she could get ahead of them as well. Knowing Milo, she was pretty confident about the answer, but she wanted to give him a chance to lie and see if he took it. She knew he hadn't been in Sol much longer than her. It was really a question of how much damage he'd already done.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RoccanIronclad
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RoccanIronclad Blacksmith Of / Micelmeras

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Milo Ventri

Milo knew the moment the door shut that he had made a bad choice, but what else could he do, have her come in and listen to the conversation about his side projects, and how they may be involved with gang related activities. Milo looked at the gun again, Paige started to talk again, was she serious? What made her think that he was going to just up and tell her anything like that? Milo clicked the chamber open, shut it, thumbed the hammer, he was regretting making these stupid things to begin with, now it just goes to show, no easy rides. Milo just wanted to go home, back to Delta, he never wanted to be here like this, he had made a shady deal with Jackie that first week in Sol, trade a gun for some start up cash, something to turn the shitty warehouse into a proper home and shop, now he had four more guns, no serial, no marks other than his caliber marks, that really, only Paige would have known about anyway floating around Sol, maybe they weren't even in the city anymore, he didn't know, but what he did know was that if Paige started digging heavy handed like she was prone to do, she would end up dead.

"Jackie Costa, He bought five guns in total, I'd give you his phone number but its obviously a burner." Milo stood and took the gun to a shelf by his table and pulled out what he needed in a drawer to clean it later, "What do you think you will do with that info? Run in guns blazing and blow the bad guy away? He has handmade firearms, there isn't a law against that." Milo took out a cigar from his drawer and lit it, he took a long draw and looked at Paige, "Another dream becomes a nightmare, all at my own hands, and with you laughing at me." Milo gave her what she wanted, no more half truths, just bitter reality, even in Delta he tried to shift the blame of what happened, the driver that hit him, his depression, even Paige, a lot Paige, but never once would he say he had messed up, now he was singing a new tune, one of someone who knows that at the end of the day our lives are what we make of them. "Honestly it was nice to talk to you like we were almost friends again, almost." Milo took a long pull on his cigar, and set himself to cleaning the hand cannon that Paige had brought in.

@Pilatus @Almalthia
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ivan McJhent

“Finally, what were you thinking when you were competing? Did you have something and perhaps someone in mind?”, Ivan asked.

He’s at the university’s swimming area where an indoor swimming pool was located. So huge in fact that it may be Olympic-sized but Ivan woudln’t really know as he’s not interested in the Olympics or in any other sports besides tennis. He was sitting on a lounge chair beside the pool as he was ending his interview with Jonah Rivers, the university’s swimming captain and top swimmer at that as he recently won a competition.

Jonah rested his arms on the edge of the pool and smiled amusingly. “Wow, gotta love that Aussie accent you have right there. Did you know a kangaroo is a narsopial?”, he said in his horrible imitation of the accent.

“It’s not ‘narsopial’, it’s marsupial, Ivan replied. This guy was really getting on Ivan’s nerves and it was a good thing he’s an expert on keeping a straight-on dick face anytime he wants. He didn’t even know why he agreed to Jonah’s proposition of being interviewed at the swimming pool. Says he feels more at home in his ‘natural habitat’.

“Well to really answer your question”, Jonah paused as he hoistered himself up and sat at the edge. He turned and sat cross-legged facing Ivan. Ivan, on the other hand, tried not to look at Jonah’s model-like abs and strong arms. “I have a habit of clearing my mind before every competition I’m in. Tends to make me more focus on the goal. But the more I think about it, I guess I’m dedicating every accomplishment I make to the university, to my team and coach for pushing me to strive harder, of course to my family who’s always there for me...”

Ivan nodded as he wrote on his pad while glancing at Jonah. At first glance, Jonah seemed to be the stereotypical star athlete who thinks the world revovles around him. That day, Ivan made the conclusion that first impressions aren’t everything.

“...and to the sexy ladies out there supporting me!”, Jonah excitedly exclaimed. Ivan sighed while writing on his notepad, immediately taking back his conclusion.

“Well”, Ivan stood up and arranged his things. “I’ve been interviewing you for quite some time now and I want to thank you for your-“

“Woah woah woah”, Jonah waved his hands and stood up. “Is the interview over?”

“Uh yeah”, Ivan replied. “You gave me great statements that I’m sure will make the article come out great too. Is there anything you want to add before I start writing?”.

“Actually”, Jonah took off his swimming cap and goggles and tousled his brown hair. “My parents are out on a business trip and they let me hold a victory party later at night at my house to celebrate. And I want to invite you to the party. If you wanted to come that is”, he said.

“Oh. Oh, Ivan said. It took a while to understand Jonah’s invitation. Ivan’s personality drastically changed when his dad died, and his friends began to drift far away from him due to it. He’s slowly beginning to go back to his childhood self where he’s always smiling and full of life, and he guessed Jonah’s invitation would be a good place to start.

“Sure. I’d love to come”, Ivan answered.

Jonah smiled. “Awesome. That’s awesome”, he said. He quickly retrieved his towel at the lounge chair to wipe his hands. “If you’d like, I can write the address to my place.”

Ivan nodded and gave his pen and note to Jonah. He quickly wrote his address along with a series of numbers and gave it back to Ivan. He furrowed his brows as Jonah said “My number”, with a smile. Ivan nodded in understanding as he lets out his hand and Jonah shook it.

“Thanks again for the interview. And the invitation. See you later I guess?”

“Yep. See you later”, Jonah said as Ivan turned to leave. “Hey, I’m going to the locker and shower room. Maybe you want to see me-“

Goodbye, Ivan exclaimed with a wave as he walked away.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 6 days ago

Paige Kennedy

"No, I want the number too," Paige said. She left nothing to chance. Burners were a thing of the past. If this guy used it even just once, especially recently, they had the resources in place to find it and who it was used to contact. She looked ahead, thinking as he spoke. What she planned to do with the information was none of his business. Aside from that, they were approaching topics that Sio didn't need to be hearing, for her own safety. She would have to pull more information out of him later. She looked briefly at Sio, considering her words, "Just do me a favor," She said, "If this guy comes back, you tell him you can't make any more gifts for him." She twitched her lips slightly, still thinking and looking to measure his response, "...And see what kind of reaction you get."

She ignored his comments about blazing guns and what he believed to be the finer points of Federal weapons crimes. Though his sulking comments after immediately prickled her attention. Of all the people she'd come to know in Sol, he was the only one around that really knew the reputation she carried over from Delta and with that she thought he would know better than to attempt appeals at sympathy from her. Somewhere deep in a past memory she could see the man she once knew sitting there defeated and near broken, again. She shot him a glare as soon as the words came out of his mouth that simply stated: Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get off your ass.

Paige sighed lightly as the memory faded and looked around to break up the awkward pause that followed. Spying a rustic little tea kettle hanging out and knowing he didn't drink tea she decided to change the subject altogether: "How did you wind up with that little girl anyway?" Her head was still buzzing slightly from the drink and she thought she might have to let Sio drive. "I just don't see it."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RoccanIronclad
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RoccanIronclad Blacksmith Of / Micelmeras

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Milo Ventri

Milo listened as Paige went on asking for the info, the phone number was on his phone anyway so he just pulled out his phone and pulled it up and slid the whole thing to Paige. He held the gun out in front of him, now cleaned up and looking better, there were nicks in the gun from where someone had tried to spin the gun like a cowboy from the movies and failed. He looked up at Paige, she was glaring at him again, always glaring, what does she want out of him, she never cared whether he felt bad about anything, she pushed Ana from him even when he was apologizing profusely. What was it she wanted? All Milo could think was to hell with her, and to hell with Jackie, and to hell with all of it, if this nightmare was his, then he planned to get himself out. Milo walked back to his shelf, and rummaged through some of his cabinets, he grabbed a few clinking pieces of metal and turned back to Paige and Sio.

"Alright then, your looking to shut him down, get my guns back, and be the big hero and get the credit for it?" Milo clicked the cylinder out of the pistol and started to place large rounds into it one at a time. "Jackie is gonna want a new pistol, I already told him I wouldn't build it, but he won't listen, it was the third time I had done so, he will come back to get a new one." When he finished loading the gun he clicked the cylinder back in and set the gun down. "If this is how it is gonna go, I may as well fight."

Milo wasn't sure what he wanted to say when Paige moved her topic back to Vika, after what just happened at the door he was starting to wonder about her himself. When he had met her she was fiery and striking, full of piss and vinegar, but that little outburst at the door, that wasn't how he had thought she would react, almost..like he had back in Delta, easily distraught, quick to just run and hide. He honestly thought that she would have pushed past him and sat it anyway, but she just walked away, like he had.

"We met at a Jazz night at swan song, she was berating some journalist or something and we just struck up a conversation. She was obviously a bit disabled, but she was not letting anything stop her from being who she wanted, I guess I kind was drawn to that." Milo looked up at her, Paige and Ana were the same way, the three of them were all bull headed and pretty uncompromising, at least until his accident, to be fair, having the gun in hand, and a scheme starting to take form to get what they all want, this is the first time he has felt like his old self. "I'm going to help you do this, it's my damn mess, I can't run this time."

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Marinalia (Romus) Olympus


Victoria Darya Romus

The Sports bar & Old Harbour, Old Harbour . Wensday Afternoon (Victoria) Afternoon (Marilania)

Marilania sat eating and talking a while before her buzzed away a few times in her bag, singing away quietly with https://youtu.be/Bg59q4puhmg muffled away on her hand bag signifying it was probbly someone more important than some spam text message. Pulling her bag over and checking her phone seeing a text from Victoria that meant she had a rather eventful evening. Seeing a earlier text that said she was off, she soon linked the two and relised a rough idea.

Sorry, I gotta go. Family issues.. Sister stuff.

Your tab is a flying away tonight!

Laughing slightly and putting down a wad of cash for the meal, drinks, and tip roughly inside the percentage your meant to give in America. Internally finding the idea silly, but it had to be done. Why could not the bill be the bill and not all this percentage, maths, tips and sales taxes. Pulling her bag over and throwing it onto her shoulder, before euickly texting back.

omw v, bb soon m x

Turning back to Joel and giving him a cheeky kiss on the cheek with a wink to Tommy knowing he would never let that go. Still laughing slightly from the jokes earlier, and stepping away from the bar and seeing the mist and out from the colder early evening.

Gotta go, see you two at race day if I Don,t before. I got propper race day passed and all.

Have fun boys... Joel, ya paying for drinks now!

Leaving with a wink and a smile she headed out into the night pulling her jacket tight and zipping up the fur lined flight jacket. Looking out in the car park she saw the wipers sticking up annoyingly. It had to be Joel.. Hers was the only one like it. Knowing lip stick on glass was a pain to clean, not damaging just annoying, she remembered she had a old one in her bag that was Ment to be chucked out. Writing on the driver side window a silly little message in a darker red, with a neat looping cursive hand.
Nice try hon, Marlin X.
Tossing the lip stick into a trash can and flipping down her wipers before heading out back home, heaters on high and rolling slowly put the tight car park behind the sports bar.

Pulling up at Old Harbour later on in thr evening and driving down past the boats before pulling into the car park below the building, swiping her key card at the barrier before locking and heading up to there apartment. Walking in and seeing g Victoria sat with a large glass of wine, a half empty bottle and a bunch of mostly finished fast food. The film on was a classic though.

Hey, Victoria, what happened.. I was with Joel, Tommy at thr sports bar, sorry I had to do a drop off some package.

That and marks daughter asking... What's wrong Vika?

Both sitting down, and grabbing a bottle from the fridge before joining her she headed over and grabbed one of the blankets for warmth. Sighing, it seemed they sisters could not have a quiet life, the wine glass on side filling up with corks at a fair pace recently.

This one's gonna a be a long story, wait.. Joel. OK. First me then you sis... No quiet week eh, oh.. That's a difficult one Mali.. Especially for you

Slightly rejected and curled under a blanket for warmth on a colder night she and Marilania talked it out, Joel, Milo, I and delivery, and more. Marilania had been asked earlier by someone to help someone's daughter, overhearing her formerly nationals level swim achievements. Not knowing her scars and injury that had forced her to quit. She had managed to delay them but it was of she could face seeing the professional pools and kit she so had missed. She was not getting on with a coach and needed help, but did not know how much she had lost, nor Mark. Placing a hand over a large scar subconsciously at thought.

A mugging gone wrong had ruined her career, and any chance at going beyond the national level. A large slightly raised scar ever present as a constant reminder of her lost chance.

Light shined put the tall windows of the Romus apartment overlooking the boats and river at Old Harbour, the thick brick walls kept some heat in but thr tall windows where not the best and always was abit cooler than the modern blocks.

Outside the city and rescue boat had vanished Victoria noticed taking a sneaky look out to the water. Seemed the pair on thr boat had headed home, it was rather cold out there... Maybe keeping each other warm.. Who knew.


Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 6 days ago

Joel Nicolosi

"I think she likes you," Tommy said crossing his arms and leaning back. They both watched her leave. Joel glanced back over his shoulder and shrugged returning to his Guiness.

"Well, if I was a woman, I'd like me too," He said putting down another empty glass.

"You just can't stand that a woman might actually be interested in you," Tommy said with a smirk, "You're really that spiteful?"

Joel reached over the bar and refilled his glass from the tap. He seemed to be mulling over Tommy's words. "Didn't you play before the concussion rule?"

"That's a low blow,"

Joel felt a small sense of victory in the concession. "I got enough on my mind without having to worry about some high maintenance woman getting up in my business," He said the words, but the first thought to come to mind was Lou's advice back at the shop when he decided to skip out on the winter party: That car not gonna take care of ya when ya get as old as me... Considering what he could do if they won, Joel thought he could prove him wrong.

"You need to live a little, brother," Tommy said.

"Now you sound like my mom,"

"What I'm saying is there's more to life than sitting in that shop for God knows how long at a time," Tommy said, "Race will be over before you know it, then what?"

"Then I'll count my money," Joel said. He was becoming annoyed.

Tommy knew when to let it go. He cleaned up the dishes and wiped down the counter. The two of them didn't speak. He knew Joel liked to fight as much as anyone and whatever social convention dictated he would always do the opposite. At the jazz night, he sat outside. The whole town turned out for the winter party and he stayed home. A beautiful woman gave him her phone number and went out of her way to flirt with him and he didn't call. Tommy shook his head and hung the picture before placing the model neatly underneath.

Joel worked on his Guiness and looked at the model, then at the picture. That was life. He told himself. He could remember the feeling and it nearly gave him goosebumps. The race and many others before it. He knew most people would never understand. Those few laps. Those amassed seconds of his life. That was living.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 6 days ago


Location: West Sol

Interaction: Milo @RoccanIronclad
& Paige @Pilatus

Siobhan wasn't a cop and it seemed like this was a tenuous situation at best. At the moment it seemed like a beginning of a mystery novel. She loves mystery novels but decided this was not the time nor the company, specifically Milo, to work her detective skills. Siobhan watched the interaction between Milo and Paige burning with curiosity but keeping a blank face pasted on. “So what's the plan?”

She looked at Paige then Milo. “Cause I'm sure that you'd need one from here on out. And you sound like you are going to need all the help you can get.”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 6 days ago

Paige Kennedy

Paige got an uneasy feeling as Milo got up and seemed to find his resolve again. She felt the same as when they'd pulled up outside, like there was a premonition she could feel, but not quite put her finger on. She wondered briefly if he could read it on her, even though it was only for an instant. He knew her that well. The jabs she'd planned to throw at him over his latest choice of girlfriend suddenly didn't feel worthwhile. She shook her head and refocused looking at him set the big handgun down. "Just try not to blow your foot off with that thing, John Wayne," Her accent slipped enough that she could hear herself and did her best to recover. "That pretend thug I pulled it off was pretty proud of it."

She motioned for Sio that it was time to go before she could make a mess of any more words. Thing and Wayne were not meant to sound so similar. Then pretend, pretty and proud all came out right behind. It had to be the liquor. She thought and tossed the keys to Sio. "Just call me if you think he's gonna show," She said turning back at the door, "My number's still the same."

Outside her sneakers crunched down on the gravel off the front step and she felt some odd sense of relief having left though her eyes narrowed quizically at her car as she walked to the passenger side next to Milo's truck. On the rear quarter was a definite scratch and it was deep. She knew it wasn't there before when she looked at the car back at the garage. On closer inspection, she could even see loose paint flakes around the area. What the holy fuck. She thought. The audacity of it put a look of awe on her face as she ran her finger over it feeling the pit of the cut. Psycho-bitch keyed my car. She looked back at Milo's front door, but decided to wait and took a picture of it with her phone. She had lifted one of his cards from the refrigerator and quickly put together a message.

They were about ten minutes away before she went ahead and sent it over with a sly grin:

Here's what your delicate English flower did to my car.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 6 days ago




The final race of the worldwide Formula GT season returns to the streets of Sol City.


Time skip is headed for Sunday afternoon. Much like the Winter Party, characters will find streets blocked and barricaded and traffic rerouted, detoured and backed up principally around Old Harbor and Central Point. The main staging area for the race teams is the parking lot of the Luna Sports Facility.

Please keep in mind this event covers the third day of a three-day race event for Sol: Friday Practice and Saturday Qualifying have already occurred so any posts that include prior scenes may have been affected.

After the race join one of many parties, galas and sponsored concerts on Sunday night, the city has come to life once more!

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mattchstick
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Mattchstick This little light of mine...

Member Seen 5 yrs ago




Breathing lightly, Kriss turned the corner, heading into the last segment of his morning jog. Up ahead, the front of the SCVRS peeked out past the storefronts and occasional tree, planted in boxes along the sidewalk he was currently using for his workout. The area was covered in a light haze made visible by the shafts of sunlight gleaming through it. It was colder than usual this morning, so much so that Kriss was actually wearing a light zip-up jacket, though he was wearing basketball shorts instead of pants. He blocked out the frigid temperatures against his skin with a steady stream of orchestral music playing through the iPod Nano held in his jacket's single breast pocket. He borrowed the building's computer occasionally to update his music album, but the device could also connect to radio broadcasts, which is what he was using today.

He slowed his breathing and pace as he approached the front door. The bays were closed, likely to keep the cold out, but he could see light through the side windows. He checked the parking lot. Ally's Jeep was here, but Snap's old coupe was noticably absent from its parking place. He frowned as he shoved the front door open and went to the check-in office to see if Snap had changed her check-in time.

He was greeted by the smiling face of Allison, who was occupying the desk chair. She looked professional in her button-up shirt and pressed pants, but Kriss had seen her slip her phone into her pocket just as he reached the window. Some people just didn't know how to keep themselves busy without one. He tugged his earbuds out and hung them around his neck.

"Hello," she said, putting on a deliberate frown and grabbing the check-in sheet and pen from the desk. "Your name?"

Kriss ignored her, looking past her poor impersonation of him to read the board. Snap was scheduled for 11. She wouldn't be in for another thirty minutes. Allison, on the other hand, wasn't due until 3.

"You are here early," he said, making eye contact.

"Your name is not on the board. Are you a visitor?"

"My name is on the board," he replied, pointing to it.

"You're supposed to say 'Nope! I'm an EMT. I work here,'" Allison muttered, still maintaining the fake frown.

"I'm not an EMT."

She scowled in disappointment and tossed the pen and pad back onto the desk. "Ugh, Kriss, you're no fun."

"This is your last day, correct?" Kriss asked, disregarding the joke he had deliberately avoided.

"I guess. Snap said I was going to be here for a week, but she might let me join."

"Is that why you are here early?"

She nodded, glancing at the board. "Yeah. I want to find out, so I don't come in at three and then have to go home, you know?"


"Of course you don't," she said, crossing her arms. "Unlike you, my parents are encouraging me to pursue medicine. Like, actively encouraging it. All the time. Our new apartment is like fifteen minutes away, but they wanted me to try sleeping over here for the experience or whatever."

"Maybe if you had slept at home, your parents would have woken you up on time," Kriss replied sharply. He didn't particularly appreciate having his parents brought into things, especially when it came to his future. He wouldn't have even taken up medicine if his father hadn't said he'd rather put Kriss through med school than join the military, which was Kriss's previous career choice. Thanks to his natural talent in medicine, his relationship with his parents had become more strained than before, since they assumed that his success was an indication that he could have performed better in school.

Allison looked away, her face turning a painful shade of red. Kriss took this as an indication that the conversation needed to end.

"I am going to get a shower."

She ignored him, hand hovering near the pocket that held her phone. Kriss walked by the office into the hallway that lead to the dorms, then paused to listen for the clicking of keys that indicated she was back on her phone. Silence. He waiting another few seconds to confirm his suspicion when Allison's head popped out of the door to aim a scowl in his direction.

"Yeah, nice try. The men's showers are down the hall. Keep walking, you'll find them eventually."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Online

Time skip is active


Warp jump confirmed. Current status.... Sunday,
Race day. Sol City. Jump coordinates confirmed. Sector centre Point / Old Harbour with navigation difficulties. Subject known as Joel ego detected from orbit. Classified as super leviathan class life form.

Giant spoon detected... Scanning...

Wine consumption in Old Harbour up 120%. Woman considered armed and dangerous to BMW. Egg pun levels... Eggavated.


All systems report normal
Post deployment systems active
Primary temporal reactor cooling down
Skip complete.

PS no BMW where harmed in the making of this RP.
The same cannot be said for the poor Bush during the Winter time Ball. Treebeard lodged a formal complaint.

Deploying tags (still are here, anyone's welcome to return, join in and take part in our excellent adventure. Just bring ideas and a picnic of you get hungry)

(fee! free to join us for out finale to chapter one or the best Slice of Life city there is!)

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 6 days ago

Paige Kennedy

Around 1am, Sunday morning...

They say if you have to ask the rates you probably can’t afford it and the downtown Ritz in Sol City was no exception to the rule. Paige’s black and white Converse tread lightly over some heinously expensive rug as she walked through the main lobby. The air smelled of sweet perfume and she could see her reflection in white marble columns that were polished to a mirror finish. Her partner, Xi, walked alongside. Neither one particularly dressed for the location. She could feel the cutting eyes of Sol’s rich and affluent guests looking down on her as they approached the check-in counter. The Maître D’ looked up from the desk and glanced at them both from over his glasses. “Is there something I can help you with?” He said in Oxford Dictionary perfect English, “I’m afraid there’s no public restroom.”

Paige and Xi both produced their Marshal Service star at the same time. “I’ll just be needing the key to this room,” She said retrieving a small slip of paper from her jacket pocket and sliding it across the desktop to him. She lived for moments like this. There was no end to the fun in sticking her thumb in the eye of these northwestern yankees and she allowed her accent to speak up a little more just to drive the knife, “And I’ll need you to keep quiet about it,” She continued, “Or we could start making everyone’s stay very unpleasant.”

To his credit, the man said nothing and remained stone-faced. With a few keyboard strokes, he produced a passkey and slid it back over to her, “Please do enjoy your time here with us.” He said.

“You pick up on that?” Xi said as they walked to a gold framed elevator.

“Yeah,” Paige replied, “He looked relieved.”

It was on the penthouse level, but not quite the highest floor. It appeared the persons paying daily for the posh studio-suite did have some sense of trying not to be conspicuous. It had taken some digging, but as she’d checked out all the high-end hotels after the infamous jazz night, only a handful of rooms remained rented continually and this particular room’s expenses far and away exceeded the others. When she’d spoken with some of the staff it appeared the guests routinely cleaned out the hotel’s most expensive stocks and then worked their way on down from there before trashing the room repeatedly. Everyone she spoke with was clearly exhausted of dealing with them and wondering how long they’d stay. A few indirect and flirty questions towards Lupe confirmed it. However, as she looked further, there were other forces at work that she intended to shed light upon before leaving.

The hallway was stark quiet and as they approached the room Xi removed the fire extinguisher from the wall. The door was in a small recess. Paige took her leather jacket off and tossed it to the side revealing only a black low-cut spaghetti-strap top over her jeans. She took her hair band out and fanned out her blonde locks in a very messy 80’s style before glancing over at Xi who nodded. She knocked firmly on the door and put her hand on her hip as he waited behind the edge of the wall.

There was a metallic clack then a second pop inside the thick hardwood door before the edge of the frame opened up. She could see a pair of eyes peering around from a distinctly heightened position before the door opened up the rest of the way revealing a very large skull capped biker with a body-builder’s physique and blonde hair. He towered over her in the open doorway.

“Ooops!” Paige said playfully, “I must have the wrong room, sorry…” She giggled, “I like your hair.”

“No, I think you have the right one babe,” The man said with a wide grin. His vest clearly read THOR with the 1% diamond directly below it. He reached out his arm and she deftly extended her hand for him to take seeing the drug-fueled lust in his eyes. She stepped back and to the right forcing him to move forward for the prize and reach further. Still smiling, she ducked her head as the fire extinguisher came around and Xi caught him squarely between the eyes.

Though they knew there were only two of them, what they hadn’t counted on was the sound generated from the impact of a five-pound fire extinguisher against Thor’s cranium. To Paige, it sounded something like a metal baseball bat striking the ball and she had a fleeting memory of church-league softball pass behind her eyes. The large man crumpled against the wall, but the sound alerted his equally large, though not nearly as fit brother who stampeded to shut the door as Paige was forced to move back when Thor toppled over like a redwood.

“Not exactly according to plan,” Xi said pulling his gun out.

“Hey, I was just supposed to draw them out,” Paige protested, “You fouled into the bleachers.” She took her gun out from behind her back and felt her pocket for the passkey. Her stomach tightened at the thought of going through the door now.

“Time for Plan B,” Xi muttered. He pounded on the door, “US Marshals, open the door!” He barked. There was only a long, still silence as they stood there guns drawn. Paige reached back to retrieve the key giving Xi a ready glance. As she started to drop it into the reader she winced thinking of the tone it would make as soon as the lock was disengaged. The possibility it could be the last sound they both ever heard if the Visagoth on the other side was standing there with a drum-magazine ready to unload on them as soon as the door opened with that happy, affirmative beep. The card hovered over the slot in her finger tips and she breathed in deeply, just before the knob turned.

The door opened slowly and the burly biker made a show of holding his free hand up in open view as Xi commanded him to get on the ground. Paige briefly glanced down at him strangely as she moved in. Why would he shut the door in their faces and then so willingly open it back up? The thought was quickly stored as she swept the room just to be sure they were clear. The hard bit was nearly over.

To say the least, the room was a disaster zone. She’d seen postgame frat houses at UF that looked tidy by comparison. Bottles of every variety littered the floor and tables. Some full, some empty, some tipped over. Cigarettes, needles and a buffet other illegal substances covered the bar. The smell was horrendous. Didn’t they clean the room daily? She thought. This is just from today... She carefully stepped over loose clothing and pushed aside a completely destroyed room service cart. There were paw prints leading away from a spilled pasta dish that circled around the room until an apparently small dog had ate its fill and took a nap. There was no sign of the dog, but it left its markers in the corners and against the furniture. Still walking slowly behind her pistol she looked over the main living area that was tucked down into a trendy lower level. The large flat screen was muted on some bizarre infomercial and outside on the balcony the hot tub bubbled away with more than a few foreign objects bobbing around in the stew.

Oddly enough one of the attached rooms appeared to be completely untouched. As she peered inside from the open doorway the sheets were still crisply folded over and as she looked further, the towels still hung sharply in the bathroom. She looked across the main room at Xi who was easing towards the second adjoining bedroom. The door was shut and she carefully stepped across to take up position on the opposite side. It was her turn to shout, “Marshal Service, open up!” There was no answer and the two of them looked at each other dejected. Here we go again. But the prize was on the other side and again, hopefully not waiting to ambush them. Considering what she knew about the target, she felt slightly more at ease, though only by a fraction. Xi reached for the handle, locked. “Hope your kicking leg is better than your batting average.” Paige teased with a whisper.

Xi shook his head and took a step back sizing up the doorway. He’d kicked open a few slum doors in Afghanistan, but the Ritz-Carlton was a new experience. He drew back and with one swift motion launched the door nearly off its hinges. They both came through guns ready, however they had no expectation of what it was that lay ahead.

Sprawled across the bed against a spread of rose pedals was Bob. Both hands handcuffed to the bedframe and only wearing a miniscule pair of silk underwear in the light of several dozen candles. There was some odd middle-eastern music playing softly in the background. Paige and Xi both looked at each other then back at Bob who simply stared blankly back at them. Paige couldn’t tell if he was terrified or relieved. Xi flipped on the light switch and checked the bathroom. There was no one else. He found the source of the music and turned it off. “God, I hate that shit, listened to enough of it over in the sandbox,” He said. “No wonder they hate us, it’s because their music sucks.” Paige smiled and tipped her head back towards the mangled doorway. Xi nodded and left the room.

“Well Bobby,” Paige said looking down at him. “Here we are.” There was most definitely a clear look of relief on his face, but he did not speak. Paige looked around for the handcuff keys and inside the nightstand found them alongside a small, snub-nosed revolver and a Bible placed by the Gideons. She looked at Bob sharply as she set it aside then took out the Bible. It was still crisp and new. Feeling its weight in her hand she doubted anyone had even picked it up since it was placed and she opened the cover to look at the date before setting it on the bed. She uncuffed Bob from the bed just as Xi came back through the door with a chair from the dining table. He closed the door behind him and sat the chair down firmly in front of Bob.

“Did you take care of Thor?” Paige asked. She recuffed Bob’s hands behind his back.

Xi nodded and clutched Bob on the shoulder spinning him around and planting him solidly in the chair. He was now looking back at Paige who sat quietly on the edge of the bed, again looking at the Bible. She looked back over at him studying the confusion that spread across his face. “I know you’re glad to see us and all Bob and we are gonna take you in,” She said, “But there is just one thing we need before you go.” She waited watching his face looking for that first reaction to her next words. Bob looked quizzical, but hopeful. Grabbing that girl's hair and forcing her to drink that cocktail of meds and alcohol back at the jazz night was turning out to be one of the best decisions he ever made. Now that the Marshals had found him before he could be shipped off to India, he would be rid of that crew of delinquents for good. Unsure what else they could want, he listened carefully as Paige spoke: “You need to tell us exactly what happened in Cabo San Lucas…”

Bob’s eyes widened and he visibly trembled as his face turned even more pale than his blotchy white skin. He shook his head in complete terror.

“We thought you might say that,” Paige again picked up the small pistol and checked the cylinder, “You know, finding you wasn’t all that hard,” She said, “But Xi and I are very good at our jobs, ‘finding people’ and all that,” She put the gun back down. “See, most everyone looking for you thinks you’re just a tag-along, you forced that poor girl to drink cough medicine and vodka and then you all took off on your helicopter for who knows where, but the more I looked into it the more I kept finding all manner of things that tied all of you to that little flophouse in Mexico.” She turned and looked at him darkly in the eyes, “So I’m gonna ask you again and give you the chance to save yourself before the rest of them sell you out to save their own skins.”

Bob, unable to keep her glance, looked down and shook his head.

Paige put one hand on her hip and looked down at him then took up the Bible from the bed. “Don’t worry, Bob there’s still hope.” She said using the Book to lift his chin up. There were tears running down his face. “Did you know my daddy was a preacher?” She said. Her tone was suddenly lighter, reverent even, “Did I ever tell you that?” She glanced up at Xi who shook his head with a smile. “Yep, sure is. He taught me a lot when I was a little girl: right and wrong, truth and consequence… All out of this Book.” With a peaceful smile, she opened it up and thumbed over the pages remembering lessons and passages from her childhood as they crossed over from front cover to back under her fingers. “Daddy always believed in the power of the Word,” She said right before her eyes narrowed into a maniacal piercing glare, “And so do I”

The Good Book came across Bob’s face with such force and ferocity that he was on the floor staring at a few of his teeth before he knew what happened. His whole world was spinning. One side of his head was suddenly numb and then pulsed in shock pain. Xi’s heavy hands quickly hefted him back in place before she hit him again on the other side of the head. Bob spit out another tooth as Xi again placed him upright facing Paige. She leaned in with the Bible on her side giving him the same raging fire in her glance, seeing the fear in his eyes- fear now directed at her. “Now are you gonna tell us what happened in Mexico," She growled, "Or am I gonna have to go chapter and verse?”

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Online

Marinalia (Romus) Olympus


Victoria Darya Romus

Old Harbour . Sunday early Morning, Race main stands, Pit lane, Lunch time.

Marilania yawned awake as the sun shined in her window reflecting off onw of the other buildings, forgetting to close the curtains the night before and rolling over to see phone blinking too early for a Sunday morning. Deciding the world had woken her up and wandering over slowly in a pre caffeinated state to shower and heading out after a few minutes bliss in hot water from the colder Northern weather, the buildings heating was yet to fully kick in, it was too early.

Wandering on out, Victoria was fast asleep and where she wanted to be. Thr apartments tall wooden storage was lit by morning sun and looking out below the race track was laid out, cars could not get out easily but the events had been dramatic and race day meant a good party in the evening. Thinking back on her week and making a tea as the TV ran the normal repeated broadcasts and news stories of the weekend, Sol city football, Deadalus, the Saturday qualifying results and a few other cute cats filling space. Grabbing a cup of tea, and sitting back she thought about her week.

Wednesday was a blur, though slightly annoying Joel did not seem to return the flirt, or much at all, how much more obvious could you be that you wanted to get to know someone. What was up with the guy, maybe find out at party, that or him and Tommy where more than business partners on the quiet.

Friday morning had been fairly nerve racking at first , helping out Marks daughter they had met at the University pool and she had to face her issues, was not her fault, starting slow and doing a few laps to see it might be a session or two but she had potential indeed. Admitting why she had to quit had been the hardest part when asked though felt like a load off her mind abit to face a old fear too. Feeling the better for it, Sarah had been kind and understanding much as she could offering her a chance to back out realising and apologising but if she could not compete, maybe at least she could help someone else to see their dreams.

After the morning in pool, she had the weekend off and headed over to watch to free practice lazily at Centre Point with a few folks from Deadalus, though team air still was team air. Saturday the formalities and family promises had kicked in joining them to watch Qualifying from the sponsors box near the finish line. With a mostly access pass she had decided to head down and watch from one of the lower emergency access points, the engine noise and wind racing by was exciting. She could see why Joel raced that suicidal fast machine somewhat, it was like.. But not quite flying.

Looking down at the race track below, a truck was clearing it and removing any debris before the main event that was scheduled today, track workers in bright orange gear where walking about with brooms before a story caused her to go lighter headed and dropped her tea with a smash. A news story played out on the TV, Bob. The man who drugged her was captured. She had won...?

"Last night the Suspect, now confirmed as Bob subject of a city wide man hunt was captured by US Marshals in the Sol Ritz. Wanted in connection with a assault and drugging of a woman last week. He is now in custody and awaiting formal changes before a judge in the next few weeks. "

Not expecting to be hit so by the news, Marilania just could not believe the report, crying from shock, relief and fear coming back of the events she just lay down on the sofa, processing the events.

Victoria woke up later and looked right under at her room, clothes scattered about abit and a unpacked suitcase thrown into the corner, her room was not overly personalised and somewhat basicly furnished. Comfortable, pleasant but not hers like home. Smiling pulling over her phone and seeing the pictures from Saturday getting a bunch of comments and good ones. It was silly but it did boost her confidence. After seeing Milo with Paige and some other woman it had taken a knock. Or was almost silly, but that was her, much as she gave a aggressive response to that journalist, the real Victoria was hidden under a few layers of armour long built up over the years.

After she had got back on wednesday, talking, discussing and a bottle of wine or more later that evening she had headed to bed, so many problems and issues had arisen that week, it was silly. She had come to Sol to escape issues and not gather more. Thursday, Friday had been quiet and mostly worked on the website she had to build getting the basics and forum coding in before looking at anything more advanced. You had to start from the ground up. She would net a few thousand dollars from the job, it would not be a easy one but that's why they asked for her help.

Saturday was exciting atleast, up on the stands they saw the cars flash by on the final straight of the course. It was also a great chance to catch up with her family, godfather and others who had arrived for the weekend and checked into one of the larger hotels, the central Sol was pricey and the upper floor suites where quite the bill but it was one weekend that they had decided to enjoy themselves. Getting to know a few people and others at the track she soon realized this was a larger race than expected, the big teams where ploughing real money into the race by the bucket load.

Pulling herself up, thinking on things, the race, Milo, her sister, Mark, the swimming, Paige, so much had gone on that week it was getting crazy. Least the Gala she could let her hair down and just enjoy free booze. Walking slowly across her room leaning against the bed for support in bed shorts and light top, throwing on a light jacket she headed out for bathroom, then living room unsteadily but determined to at least walk on her own power, in her own home. Seeing her sister curled up on the sofa and a broken mug and tea on the floor she rushed over fast as she could and sat next to her.

Marilania... What's up, what wrong?

Concerned and gently placing a ghostly pale hand on her sisters shoulder trying to nudge her abit, in shorts and light top she often looked dangerously thin but many were used to it who knew her. Marilania leaned up and turned over to see her sister, gesturing the repeat news played out listing bobs capture with a few blurry night shots they had gained from a local news site.

They.. Got him... I was fine before, then it all came back.
Damned bastad. He managed to hurt me when from behind a jail cell. Asshole.

I thought cops meant to contact...

Leaning over and thumbing her phone she saw a voicemail that morning from police she had missed.

Miss Marilania, R, Olympus. We are calling to inform you the suspect who attacked you, was captured and charged this morning by US Marshals working on behalf of Sol PD, our victim support line is open 24/7 should you need it, our dedicated officers are trained and experienced in supporting those affected by serious crimes.

We hope this gets to you before the media as a matter of trust.

Sol city PD, serious crimes victims unit....

Listening to the message Victoria looked sympathetic and kept her shoulder, concerned, especially given she was at the original event.

oh, you know the media... Vultures.

Your safe Mali. He in jail, they got him. We will have security, the Gala is our event. He can,t hurt us from a cell.

Let's make some more tea, you can spend some time with family, see if your feel up for party later. Sisters look after each other remember.

Trying to help, Victoria was unsure what to do and the two talked it out, bringing some tea over over cup at a time and sweeping the broken mug into a corner of the window quickly. It was a hour or two before they had to head out and meet the family so Victoria texted ahead and made sure they released the link so Marilania would have abit of support. Marilania eventually feeling more up to leaving after turning the news off to stop reminding her. At least something the race was that would distract her from that bit digging in back of her mind. She always did it, with work, with events or something, though never was the healthiest policy.

Feeling slightly better. The knot in her stomach beginning to untie and headed out to the stands to see the main race today, it had been a few hours greeted by Maria, her mother and almost like a older twin, the big supportive bear of a man Ivan. 6'6 of solid Russian muscle warmly greeting them. Rather protective of them, he had resolved to keep a eye on his goddaughters tonight. Arriving a little late and maybe a little too comfortable with Maria was Vesarian, concerned but not pushing it the family party headed out to the race tracks and strands to watch the race.

The walk through the city was slower, party busy, part Victoria whom Ivan decided to lend a hand nudging a space through the crowds, quite the contrast between them and nearly 2 feet of height and many times her bulk.

Marilania slightly on auto pilot but also distracting herself watching the two parents slightly carefully. Though they split up years ago things seemed to be changing somewhat to say the least. Maybe alcohol might change things later and they had some time alone. Both were not always good at hiding things, well to someone who knew them well.

Back at the race event, the test of family, people linked to the race and many race goers gathered in the stands, viewing areas and big screens set up in the city parks. The mayor breathed a sigh of relief reading the capture of Bob, the whole affairs had been a dangerous one. A known attacker of a woman lose in his city was not the image he wanted with the eyes of the world staring at Sol City.

Though he felt the marshals, ATF and more had invaded his space as such, there intervention was changing Sol for the better and this big capture would put the criminal elament on the run somewhat. The mayor had always been a people's mayor, sometimes a tad soft but always popular. The attack had shocked him, and was more than glad to see the heat was turning up on the troublesome trio.

Back at the city hall where the Olympus Heavy Engineering Gala was to be held several security staff were running though events. All the minor security events. The winter party. The jazz night, had put many events on edge and there was a shortage of security in the city. There crew had flown in them the UK and joined a Russian crew and locals in working at this one. Though a motley crew, the boss had informed them of the local suspects.

Photos printed out from Media of Bob, local gang colours and patches, as well as some images they acquired of the motley trio had been handed round.

The part as whole was ready, drink was piled up in side rooms, assignments handed out and great platters of snacks where in fridges or sat waiting for final assembly. The main Gala would not begin for hours but that did not mean that they would not be working. Olympus had insisted on high standards, and a sizeable bonus was available to everyone if the did it. And they all wanted a nice treat next weekend.

The Romus Olympus party soon had gathered at the main stands, other sponsors arrived and much introductions and hand shaking, it was not just a race, it was a business opportunity, a chance to make contacts and forge the beginnings of many a deal.

Beginning to feel less comfortable Marinalia excused herself, with a knowing nod and her mother covering for her with abit of a distraction pretending to spot a old friend, before a quiet word with Vesarian who passed it onto Maxamillion giving a worried glance but trusting his granddaughter. She needed space after all, and he had a nice Surprise for her later that should help her confidence.

Much as he had been busy, or her away, he was protective of his family. Much cost in extra security was added to Gala, personal security, event security and hiring of city hall. Nothing would be taken to chance even of he had a less friendly bill at the end of all this. Money was not everything.

Marinalia headed down and past the stands, taking a detour and flashing her all areas pass to the guard who waved her past with a smile, she was a more pleasant site than the dozens of busy, grubby and few hour sleep mechanics running around. Passing numerous teams and joking with a few women who seemed to be fawning over one of the rather handsome but obviously full of himself drivers, she meandered down the busy pit lane and cars, hundreds of people in team colours. Her badge ID was coded as part of a sponsors party, that let her past a few mechanics and others with little trouble.

Heading past a few she finally found the teams section of paddock, rigged up TV systems, the RV, and more all set up with the familiar slightly obnoxious but pumped up and energetic music.

Hey Tommy, umm.. Mind if I sit the race up down here. I kinda just... Wanted space... It's too busy up there...

Sighing slightly and explaining the news story, that she was the woman who Bob had attacked, it was not easy but maybe they might at least let her stay if she explained.

il.. Explain.. I was the woman at the Jazz night, ya know that story this morning.. It was me.

I just wanted some space... Too busy.. I won t be a bother..

Giving him a look of someone who could not be lieing, and trying to give a more cheerful and at least not be total downer.

hell. Team air will even wear team grounds colours.. Joel will relise... It seems silly but... Means something...

Accepting a coffee and dumping about 3-4 sugars in it from a passing cart of refreshments.

After this morning. Heck.. Got anything to make it Irish... Russian, whatever... About.


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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mattchstick
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Mattchstick This little light of mine...

Member Seen 5 yrs ago




"Good morning everyone. The annual Sol City Volunteer Rescue Squad meeting is called to order. I'd like to thank all of you for coming here so early, etc etc, you all know the drill," Kelly Snapdragon said, glasses perched on her nose. She was seated at the head of a large, rectangular table with the rest of the squad. The table wasn't large enough for everyone, so a few were seated against a wall or standing up to avoid falling asleep. Kriss was lucky enough to grab a table seat, but he was usually one of the first people to the meeting.

Most of the room mumbled a "good morning" in reply. The rest either grunted or nodded vaguely in Snap's direction.

"You've all been given a copy of the agenda, along with the minutes of the previous meeting," Snap said, flipping a page of a small packet of paper. The rest of the attendees followed suit, flipping their pages in unison with her.

"Motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting?"

A heavy, bearded man nearby silently raised his hand.

"All in favor?"

"Aye," the room said wearily.

"On to the financial report."

Kriss tried his best to stay focused on the large spreadsheet on the next page, but the columns and headings seemed to blur together the more Snap talked. Finances had never been his strong suit. He glanced around the room to see how the others were handling it. A majority of the squad was having just as much trouble focusing as he was. Getting on an ambulance and screaming down the highway to rescue someone trapped in a car is one thing at 8 AM. Sitting in a small cinderblock basement room listening to someone talk about a budget is a whole different story. Only a handful of early-morning people looked genuinely interested. Kriss caught sight of one of the female technicians looking at her smartphone under the table. She reminded him of Allison, who was not present. Her one-week term expired two days ago and he hadn't seen her since. Honestly he hadn't noticed much of a difference with her gone. Her helpfulness had, in his opinion, balanced out with her inexperience to create someone mediocre at best. He would be perfectly content with her working elsewhere.

"Alright everyone, last stretch. New business," Snap said, drawing him back to reality. She picked up a thin file and flipped it open, revealing a profile photograph of a certain redhead.

"This is Allison Hawthorne. She recently moved to Sol City and showed interest in joining the squad. I've contacted the CO of her previous squad and he said she is an excellent EMT. He faxed me her documentation stating she has passed all of the EMT-1 training. He says she has great people skills, she's a quick learner,..." Snap waved her hand in the air to indicate there were other things to say she couldn't remember. "Allison approached me a week ago and asked if she could join up. I told her I could let her work with us for a week and we could go from there. In my professional opinion, she should join the squad immediately."

Kriss's jaw dropped.

"She doesn't have any formal water rescue training, but I spoke to her and she's willing to take the first available course. She's also willing to put in a 12 today."

A few paramedics raised their eyebrows and nodded. The race had been hyped up all weekend and many were eager to hook up with friends, eat unhealthy food, and watch cars drive around in circles. People mumbled to themselves and each other. The consensus seemed to be in favor of a new pair of hands, especially today.

"I motion that Allison be brought on part time as an EMT-1 immediately. Second?"

The heavy bearded man raised his hand again.

"All in favor?"

"Aye!" the room chorused unanimously, with the exception of Kriss, who had grown more uncomfortable the more Snap talked. He wasn't about to let this pass without bringing up the trouble he had experienced with her. Unfortunately for him, Snap was not in the mood for discussing it. She had been in this meeting long enough and wasn't about to deal with Kriss's minor complaints. She had already debriefed Allison personally and the young lady had owned up to everything, apologizing profusely and promising to do a better job. Honestly was a rare quality and Snap was not about to let a few mishaps get in the way of bringing on a promising paramedic-to-be.

"All against?" she asked. Before Kriss could open his mouth, Snap locked eyes with him and gave him a particularly aggressive glare. He blanked out, losing his grip on the objections he had been preparing in his mind. The gap of silence was just enough for Snap to nod her head.

"Alright, approved. That's the end of new business. If anyone has anything else to say, now's your chance."

Dead silence. Some were already standing up to leave. Snap was still locked onto Kriss, blocking him from reformatting his objections to the vote and stalling the meeting for enough time to motion to adjourn.

The bearded man raised his hand for the last time.

"Meeting adjourned. Have a nice day, people."
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