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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by The Harbinger of Ferocity>

Not him, but to be frank and spare you as much sarcasm as possible.

His definition of racism is broad because, he thinks race is a social construct and isn't biological.

YEESSSS I was waiting for this!

I knew your over-emotional contrarian ass, would eventually get you to start arguing race realism, and the delicious thing is, I know you're not even a racialist but you want to make it clear you disagree with me on everything so you are taking this stance, love it!

Give me your biological definition of race. Me and @catchamber are dying to hear you of all people flex your expertise on genetic grouping based on arbitrary folk races.

Since you can't seem to refute my point about traps or even find the post where I even compared them to transgender or even mentioned transgender. I can see why you want to retreat to this hill. Come on give me your biological race arguments.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity

Racism is a set of ideas, yes you can be absolutely racist without spitting on someone, try not to be so simplistic in your thinking. In the same way you can be a radical SJW without ever once screaming at a protest or a terrorist sympathiser without even opening your mouth. But you've made your position very very clear, I'm not sure what you want me to say? I know the definition of racism extends past just rude or violent actions, it's a thought process of discrimination. This is very basic stuff. Now if it doesn't bother you that some people advocate for a white ethno-state fine, I don't care. But don't expect me to nod along happily when you defend them. I have to draw the line somewhere.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Remember when I, or Odin (which for some reason you used to make your case.) Both stated politics rarely actually get discussed here and you whined about it and said both of us were overstating it.

We are ALL talking about politics right now, pay attention kid.

I was more whining about the fact that you two seem to complain about this thread being a spam thread shitshow for idiots, but refuse not to engage in said shitshow for idiots making you both hypocrites.

Also speaking of labeling why do you keep trying to say everyone is younger than you? I don't even get the angle of that, are you trying to assert maturity or something? Absolutely nobody here thinks you are emotionally mature, I remember you kept asserting Odin was a teenager even though he's either one year younger than you or the same age. Are you trying to tie maturity to chronological age? If so what does that say about those who are actually older than you?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

We are ALL talking about politics right now, pay attention kid.

I was more whining about the fact that you two seem to complain about this thread being a spam thread shitshow for idiots, but refuse not to engage in said shitshow for idiots making you both hypocrites.

What forum politics? <.< Also, you really suck, like just suck at being on moral high ground while getting dirty. Making a criticism on me prescribing age to maturity, saying I can't. While literally doing the same thing, just with nothing to back it up with.

No, for me. You were just whining, happened multiple times actually. When you bitched at Odin, bitching at you. I was the only one on here engaging in an actual opposing discussion for three pages, that you sourced as evidence. <.<

And why do you think I've stopped trying to be civil like the previous year and half, or so. I'm very much engaging in the shit-show. And you can lob "now you're no better" comments all ya want. But ask me this, how many people do I have shit-talking me on a daily basis, knowing full well I won't even pretend to care, and verbally kick their ass right back? ;D (Answer: Less, much less.)

Absolutely nobody here thinks you are emotionally mature.

Man even me? You can read minds? Also did I ever claim I was? If you knew me in the slightest, maybe you'd even know a reason. But you don't. But I'll throw a citation needed, up there. And wait for it to never be filled out.

Are you trying to tie maturity to chronological age? If so what does that say about those who are actually older than you?

Got me slick. And that's a very good question. I never cried about emoticons killing my family, even when I was a child. I never "hated" someone so very much, yet stalk them to a disturbing degree. (I'll add this bit, just to let you guess which part applies to you and others.) So maybe I was just kind of hoping that, maybe, teennagers are to blame for all problems ever.

Or maybe, it was my very subtle way to say you guys act like less mature/rational than forums where I was with nothing but teenagers.

YEESSSS I was waiting for this! I knew your over-emotional contrarian ass,

Let me be straight with you, for a moment. When I got out of a bed, checked the forums, saw two comments (by the same person. Like I didn't just go over that.) Saw your reaction to me stating the truth, and just seeing it was several paragraphs long and I verbally said aloud. "My god, I just don't care that much."

So even though all of yesterday, you could practically see the smug coming from my grin. Yet, was called mad least 2-3 times. Now I'm being called emotional. So, just giving you the sheer dejected apathy I'm using to respond to this as I eat my breakfast.

I think the only one emotional about this subject, is you. (Rubber and glue aside.) Being perfectly honest here.

Would eventually get you to start arguing race realism, and the delicious thing is, I know you're not even a racialist but you want to make it clear you disagree with me on everything so you are taking this stance, love it!

Give me your biological definition of race. Me and @catchamber are dying to hear you of all people flex your expertise on genetic grouping based on arbitrary folk races.

I'm not, and you're correct I'm not. You talked to me only a half dozen times about this, for hours on end. So you'd think you'd of all people be able to distinguish the difference.

Race realism, is not just knowing that there's racial differences in culture and environment and yes, even DNA. It's the idea that IQ tests, and the rest of those racial differences are static and cannot be changed with nurture. And putting so much relevance on race, just like identity politics. Does not lead to healthy or productive results. Racists use race for their activism. (Progressive, Alt-right. BLM, KKK.) I and many others use ideas. So no, not being contrarian.

Frankly, I shouldn't have answered these and let you stew in it. Because really I just can't care less about this...But I'm the guy who spend hours on the phone with my roommate, holding mock debates in middle school. (I wasn't born like this...I chose this path. <.< Oh, also another difference I have between progressive politics, I blame myself for things that I do.)

Since you can't seem to refute my point about traps or even find the post where I even compared them to transgender or even mentioned transgender. I can see why you want to retreat to this hill.

And what is a trap really? A guy who dresses up like a girl? By that logic your heroes Steven Crowder and Paul Joseph Watson became 'Gay Traps' when they put on wigs and dresses.

You're asexual right? I'm skeptical about you dictating the rules of sexual attraction to me.

You compared traps with cross dressers. Which everyone who knows it's a meme, isn't what it is. It's also bringing up the LGBTAAIP2(QRSTUV) in a discussion about Traps. (It's actually close to telling an agnostic that they can't talk about religion, or know which "religion of peace" throws gays off of buildings.)

In the same way you can be a radical SJW without ever once screaming at a protest. I have to draw the line somewhere.

Ya, don't say? *Yes it's out of context. Couldn't care less. It's hilarious, and that moment of being serious is done now.*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Dynamo Frokane

But don't expect me to nod along happily when you defend them. I have to draw the line somewhere.

Now that I can respect, that you take personal issue with them and have drawn your own line. I certainly do not expect you to nod along, that was never a concern or issue, rather that I would not be somehow lumped into them for simply stating they are not all one in the same. So long as we can recognize the issue wasn't advocacy versus accuracy; I might not agree with these organizations, but political and character assassination is even worse when they have debatably done very little. They were made guilty by association, which I take issue with for myself.

That laid out in full, I would disagree one really "is" what they say or think they are without practicing what they preach, even if only to themselves in their own mind, but I would dare say that isn't so much a political discussion anymore.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

And why do you think I've stopped trying to be civil like the previous year and half, or so. I'm very much engaging in the shit-show. And you can lob "now you're no better" comments all ya want. But ask me this, how many people do I have shit-talking me on a daily basis, knowing full well I won't even pretend to care, and verbally kick their ass right back? ;D (Answer: Less, much less.)

You compared traps with cross dressers. Which everyone who knows it's a meme, isn't what it is. It's also bringing up the LGBTAAIP2(QRSTUV) in a discussion about Traps. (It's actually close to telling an agnostic that they can't talk about religion, or know which "religion of peace" throws gays off of buildings.)

SEE you couldn't find the part where I mentioned 'transgender' because I never said it. Thanks for clarifying that you made that shit up.

And Traps literally are guys dressed up like girls (cross-dresser), how would you describe them?

I'm not, and you're correct I'm not. You talked to me only a half dozen times about this, for hours on end. So you'd think you'd of all people be able to distinguish the difference.

Well its not quite that simple, the reason why I had to talk to you about it so often and for so long is because you still were categorizing race with things like 'skull shapes' and reading me 'race denier' questions from a neo-nazi website to play devils advocate, so hopefully now you know better.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Dynamo Frokane

<Snipped quote>
Now that I can respect, that you take personal issue with them and have drawn your own line. I certainly do not expect you to nod along, that was never a concern or issue, rather that I would not be somehow lumped into them for simply stating they are not all one in the same. So long as we can recognize the issue wasn't advocacy versus accuracy; I might not agree with these organizations, but political and character assassination is even worse when they have debatably done very little. They were made guilty by association, which I take issue with for myself.

That laid out in full, I would disagree one really "is" what they say or think they are without practicing what they preach, even if only to themselves in their own mind, but I would dare say that isn't so much a political discussion anymore.

You've gotten me confused with someone else then, because I've been saying this from day 1, I even was the one who clarified the difference between a white nationalist and a white supremacist to sleeping silence. I understand extremist groups, gangs, and cults very very well and I always approach them with nuance.

Now you can search long and hard throughout my post history I have never once called you a racist, or Sleeping Silence a racist or even the guy with the 3 letter acronym who I'm choosing not to name a racist. I know what racism is, and I use the term very carefully.

But as far as James Allsup and Generation Identity both undeniably racist. Now I didn't say they were violent and I'm not even saying that they are necessarily going to achieve their goals. But they do have odius and somewhat problematic ideas and I will challenge them, in the same way i'd challenge any extremism.

No you can go on and on about how the media are masters of spin, and yes you are right to an extent, but I'm not the media, so when I choose to label someone a racist I'd rather not be compared to some media outlet I have nothing to do with ESPECIALLY when I have proof of my claims.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

@Dynamo Frokane I oddly see a lack on answer in your meme.

Yes, I'm sure you and your forum spread girl gossip like it goes out of style. But how much of it, effects me by having to witness it? :)

Also, when we go into "rules" or outside moral busybodies. It's simple psychology really, to spare you the details. People have already played their hands to me. I have zero rational reason to act how I did before, and seriously if you want to contend. Please show me posts from a year ago, remotely as aggressive as previous ones. I think I'd be waiting a millennia. It's not just from forum inactivity, for the lack of me dealing with twat-blasters, I assure you. (Don't worry, I'm speaking completely detached from this conversation. No naming calling here.)

And yes, for me it is that simple. The last time I was reasonable enough to humor you in explaining your case, I got toys thrown at my head. And clearly no lesson was learned, so I didn't even finish reading what you wrote. Feel free to do same.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Dynamo Frokane

I could quote some pages back where essentially you named me a sympathizer and or supporter of these groups, as has happened in the past when I have advocated for or against various ideals here, but we are both well aware that is going to make absolutely no difference in the end result. Said end result is that as it has been before and it is a matter of implied or actual application of guilt by association. It would very much be a different story if any of us, though note I speak only for myself as I do not follow others' posts frequently or to any extent, adhered to these beliefs, but the cornerstone of the argument still stands; you might elaborate here and now specifically what you mean and why you mean, but not too long ago that was a different story.

Granted I can understand your call to arms against what you perceive is racist, but for some of us that is becoming an increasingly sweeping argument, even here. Come to think of it, I do not know of a time where anyone said James Allsup wasn't probably or actually a racist, or that Generation Identity and its brother organizations probably do include racists, a number of whom unquestionably are radicals or do act on it, but there has been a strong undercurrent that simply because we are posing the contrary investigation on it stains our hands somehow as well. So far, given they haven't done anything notably harmful, that is a bit out of place; I certainly wouldn't be, and still haven't even had the moment of thought, to defend collectives as Stormfront or organizations as the Ku Klux Klan just as I would not Antifa, Black Lives Matter, or any Wahhabist Muslims as in the now obliterated Islamic State, as they have long since lost any guise of protection owing to their violence and discrimination. I do not believe in pursuing "thought crimes", to put it frankly, or "speech crimes" for that matter.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Meth Quokka This Was Nutter's Idea

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Friendly neighbourhood reminder that these discussions follow criticise the idea, not the person. Had a few reports about this thread, so if we simmer down and focus on the ideas we should be all good. Don't take this as "X did this", just view it as a chance to de-escalate and have a chilled discussion.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well it was fun while it lasted, guess all the self described bad asses will have to stop verbally kicking ass for a little while :D

Anyone else want to weigh in on the Trap discussion?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

A super important answer to the endless query. :)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Nazi Pug.

So people are putting up 'mirror' videos of the original in order to get past censorship it seems. Anyway this is one of those mirrors I could find. So he recently was convicted and found guilty. So the question is, how do you feel about the verdict and do you think this sets a dangerous precedent that can easily be abused?

Did he deserve the verdict? How worried are you about what this means for free speech? What thinkest thou o debaters of politics? How much does the context of the video[as a way to annoying his girlfriend] affect the actual video itself? Lots of stuff to potentially discuss here.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Anyone else...?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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Nazi Pug.

So people are putting up 'mirror' videos of the original in order to get past censorship it seems. Anyway this is one of those mirrors I could find. So he recently was convicted and found guilty. So the question is, how do you feel about the verdict and do you think this sets a dangerous precedent that can easily be abused?

Did he deserve the verdict? How worried are you about what this means for free speech? What thinkest thou o debaters of politics? How much does the context of the video[as a way to annoying his girlfriend] affect the actual video itself? Lots of stuff to potentially discuss here.

Abit of a idiot but nothing worth jail time.

People post stupid things all the time. Do stupid things. Jail is just eh, it's over kill. Did he harm anyone no, is it off colour, yeah. But that ain't worth custodial sentence.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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Anyone else...?

This conversation feels like a trap, so no thanks.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Penny
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Did he deserve the verdict? How worried are you about what this means for free speech? What thinkest thou o debaters of politics? How much does the context of the video[as a way to annoying his girlfriend] affect the actual video itself? Lots of stuff to potentially discuss here.

This will doubtless have a chilling effect on the speech of those who teach pugs to perform nazi salutes on video.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by IceHeart>

This will doubtless have a chilling effect on the speech of those who teach pugs to perform nazi salutes on video.

When your (literal, actual) freedom hinges on whether or not a judge finds you offensive, that oughta be chilling.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Penny
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I'll have to stop training my pet seal to chant Khmer Rouge slogans immediately!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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My friend just informed me that Trump plans to execute the death penalty for drug traffickers.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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