What is good?
I've got about 2 years-ish of experience, and I'm eager to add to that. I like music, a lot. Folk punk is my shit, but I'll listen to anything. Like, my library goes from Days N' Daze to Claude Debussy to Lil Peep to Wu-Tang Clan to Bomb The Music Industry to Shakey Graves. When it comes to RP, I get around. You want some fluffy slice of life shit? Hit me with it. Gritty realistic military stories? Why not? High fantasy stories with elves and dragons and shit? Hell yeah. And don't even get me started on Shadowrun-esque cyberpunk. Mmm.
Also, I swear that my writing isn't as weird and scattered as my introductions.
I've got about 2 years-ish of experience, and I'm eager to add to that. I like music, a lot. Folk punk is my shit, but I'll listen to anything. Like, my library goes from Days N' Daze to Claude Debussy to Lil Peep to Wu-Tang Clan to Bomb The Music Industry to Shakey Graves. When it comes to RP, I get around. You want some fluffy slice of life shit? Hit me with it. Gritty realistic military stories? Why not? High fantasy stories with elves and dragons and shit? Hell yeah. And don't even get me started on Shadowrun-esque cyberpunk. Mmm.
Also, I swear that my writing isn't as weird and scattered as my introductions.