Name: Malakaus Ralthavar Vorinclex
"Let's eat."Age: 25
Height: 5'10
Weight: 212lbs
Class: Berserker
Race: Demonkin
Weapons & Equipment:
Battle Axe - A steel bladed weapon with a three-foot long handle. Quite lengthy, but can be handled with one or both hands for flexibility or strength.
Iron-bound Shield - An oak-and-iron shield capable of withstanding heavy blows, a rain of arrows, and a light splash of magical artillery. It is a large shield capable of also being used to bash and smash into enemies.
Short Sword - Mainly a sidearm should Malakaus be depraved of his axe. Light and easy to handle in any situation, can be thrown akin to a dart should there be a need.
Iron Plate - Sculpted and shaped iron metal plates to provide the most protection without compromising too much flexibility. Malakaus made it himself, and his skills are most apparent in it's craftsmanship.
Hand Crossbow - A light and easy to handle crossbow. Its penetration power isn't as great as some variances, however it's true advantage is the "safety lock" built into it, allowing one to always have a bolt loaded into it without worrying about it going off on it's own. Great for sneak attacks and quick draws.
Rucksack - A hardy hide bag used to carry most of Malakaus's belongings. Comes with smaller pockets to hold smaller objects as well as straps to carry larger ones.
Smithing Tools - Basic smithing tools including a hammer, tongs, calipers, and a ten pound anvil. While not enough to forge anything larger than a dagger, it can be used to help maintain or repair most metal equipment on the go.
Cooking Tools - A field kit for cooking which includes a metal pan, pot, one bowl, one plate, a fork, spoon, knife, and cup, all which can be attached together through a hole in the handle and some string. It also comes with a collapsible three-legged stand, a cutting board, a metal skewer, and a thin mesh grill. Malakaus keeps a small box containing bags of spices and other herbs he may find useful for cooking.
Tent - A medium sized tent large enough to fit two people. It can be set up on a fairly flat area or hung from a sturdy branch or piton.
Bedroll - A rugged bedroll made of furs and hide. Large enough to comfortably fit one person.
Rope - Roughly 50 feet of rawhide rope.
Malakaus's Special Shovel - Malakaus's Special Shovel. To a regular observer, it's just a shovel. But one edge of the shovel is sharpen enough that it can also be used as a woodcutting axe, and hidden in the handle is a knife which can be used for skinning, carving, shaving, or butchering.
Charcoal - A dirty sack containing 2 pounds of charcoal, either to start a fire or deal with toxic gas in the air.
Rations - Malakaus keeps provisions he can use to feed himself or others. While most can be eaten as is, with some time and effort he can cook them and make them more palatable and nutrition.
Skills and Abilities:
Smithing - Despite his origins, Malakaus is a highly skilled smith. He has seen and replicated techniques from various craftsmen to create his own equipment, some which would catch a fortune in certain cities. He likes to work with metal the most, seeing it melted down in a forge or shaped into it's final form, though he can do a bit of tanning and woodcarving too, such as stitching together leather and making crossbows.
Cooking - Man's gotta eat. And while most demons might be fine feasting on cadaver or even cannibalism, Malakaus prefers a bit more class. Learning mainly through his time as a slave, he stole much of his expertise watching his masters cook and replicating those skills himself, then improving and working on his cooking on his own time once he managed to free himself. He enjoys grilling meat and baking.
Endurance - Malakaus was always made to burden heavy responsibilities and punished for whatever reason his masters felt like, so he knows the main of carrying a great weight on his shoulders as well as the lashes on his body and face. He wears armor to protect himself, but even without it his skin is as hard as stones, and his will like iron.
Combat - As a slave soldier Malakaus was made to fight, learning through success. He quickly found himself attached to using axes since they provided the right amount of strength to simplicity compared to most blades, but also picked up a shield too. Seemed easier than dodging his enemies who often outnumbered, out ranged, or out sped him. Another trait he picked up: sneak attacks. Because no matter how powerful your foe, an unseen blade is most dangerous. A decent shot with range weapons though certainly not a sniper. Prefers close range.
Bio: Malakaus was born a slave in Naveroth, a spawn in some experimental pit. He never knew who his family was and maybe it didn't matter; those in his litter were his family now. His earliest memory was of a wretched looking woman feeding him through some sickening looking bottle, which was bitter but nutritious. The first bitter taste of medicine. Since then Malakaus was shuffled around the home slowly growing wiser and more cunning with each passing year. By the time he was five years old, he had already given himself a name and learned how to read. When he was ten, he learned that the best place for him was to slave in the kitchen, where he didn't need to do any dangerous work and was kept clean so the food was delicious. It was also there that he learned how to cook, since it made the slop he and the other children were fed easier to eat.
When Malakaus was thirteen, he was sent to his first battle. He didn't know why he was fighting or against whom; they gave him a shirt like the rest of his kin and a club, and he had to go kill others who didn't look like him. It was kill or be killed and Malakaus wasn't one of the fallen. Here he quickly learned how to fight and more importantly, he needed better equipment. He looted armor and weapons, broken and battered as they were. He had a certain cunning that helped him not just survive but rise above the rest of his siblings; they were brave but foolish. Most died on the initial charge. But Malakaus cared enough about his own being that he could survive, and lead others to do the same. As long as they did what he did, most survived the fights. They still died, but not without great effort.
But fighting wasn't something Malakaus wanted to do forever, and he wanted to escape. His kin didn't understand; all they knew was the cold walls, closed doors, and bloodied battlegrounds they couldn't even name. So when he was sent to fight, he didn't return. He left behind his weapons and armor, stained with blood, as if he had been killed. In truth he was simply hiding among the corpses; when his kin left, Malakaus just stood up and ran away from the battlefield. Since then he lived on his own in the wilds, stealing and forging to get by. He tried to join others like him, but for some reason even most demonfolk didn't want anything to do with him. He blamed his greenskin.
But a bit of solitude wasn't going to put Malakaus down. He continued to learn, to improve, and to become stronger despite the odds. Even when others expected him or even demanded him to falter, he struggled on. He would loot battlefields for weapons and wealth, steal from homes to feed himself, and even killed innocents to get what he needed. Whatever it took to survive. But survival was just a minor step: he wanted to live. He wanted to become a legend. Malakaus didn't escape his masters just to live and die unknown in the woods. He wanted his name to be echoed throughout time. So, gathering what he could, he set off on an adventure.